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Temperature management in the intensive care

unit: a practical survey from China

Lingyang Meng, Chaofan Wang, Xinyan Liu, Yang Bi, Kehan Zhu, Yanru Yue,
Chunting Wang & Xuan Song

To cite this article: Lingyang Meng, Chaofan Wang, Xinyan Liu, Yang Bi, Kehan Zhu, Yanru
Yue, Chunting Wang & Xuan Song (2023) Temperature management in the intensive
care unit: a practical survey from China, Libyan Journal of Medicine, 18:1, 2275416, DOI:

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2023, VOL. 18, 2275416


Temperature management in the intensive care unit: a practical survey from

Lingyang Menga*, Chaofan Wangb*, Xinyan Liuc*, Yang Bib, Kehan Zhub, Yanru Yueb, Chunting Wangd
and Xuan Songd,e
Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Shanghai Institute of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China; bIntensive Care Medicine, Shandong First Medical University, Jinan,
Shandong, China; cIntensive Care Unit, Dong E Hospital, Liaocheng, Shandong, China; dIntensive Care Unit, Shandong Provincial
Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University, Jinan, Shandong, China; eShandong Institute of Endocrine and Metabolic
Diseases, Jinan Key Laboratory of Translational Medicine on Metabolic Diseases, Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Hospital of
Shandong First Medical University, Jinan, Shandong, China


Introduction: Temperature management is an important aspect of the treatment of critically Received 26 July 2023
ill patients, but there are differences in the measurement and management of temperature in Accepted 22 October 2023
different Intensive Care Units (ICUs). The objective of this study was to understand the current
situation of temperature measurement and management in ICUs in China, and to provide
Body temperature; critical
a basis for standardized temperature management in ICUs. care; fever; management;
Methods: A 20-question survey was used to gather information on temperature manage­ survey
ment strategies from ICUs across China. Data such as method and frequency of temperature
measurement, management goals, cooling measures, and temperature management recom­
mendations were collected.
Results: A total of 425 questionnaires from unique ICUs were included in the study, with
responses collected from all provinces and autonomous regions in China. Mercury thermo­
meters were the most widely used measurement tool (82.39%) and the axilla was the most
common measurement site (96.47%). There was considerable variability in the frequency of
temperature measurement, the temperature at which intervention should begin, intervention
duration, and temperature management goals. While there was no clearly preferred drug-
based cooling method, the most widely used equipment-based cooling method was the ice
blanket machine (93.18%). The most frequent recommendations for promoting temperature
management were continuous monitoring and targeted management.
Conclusion: Our investigation revealed a high level of variability in the methods of tempera­
ture measurement and management among ICUs in China. Since fever is a common clinical
symptom in critically ill patients and can lead to prolonged ICU stays, we propose that
standardized guidelines are urgently needed for the management of body temperature (BT)
in these patients.

1. Introduction usually not considered, resulting in uncertainties in

accuracy and reliability [9,10].
Body temperature (BT) is an important vital sign used
BT measurement methods commonly used in ICU
to evaluate critically ill patients [1]. The normal tem­
include axillary temperature, oral temperature, ear
perature of the human body is between 36.0 and
temperature, rectal temperature, and bladder tem­
37.5°C [2]. Fever is usually defined as core BT > 38°C,
perature [11]. Pulmonary artery temperature measure­
while hypothermia is defined as core BT < 36°C [3].
Disrupted BT is common in critically ill patients and ment is the core BT measured by pulmonary artery
predicts adverse outcomes [4–6], with elevated BT catheter, which is the gold standard for BT measure­
detected in approximately 50% of intensive care unit ment; however, this measurement is difficult to obtain
(ICU) adult patients [7], including those with acute routinely in ICUs [12]. Due to the critical condition of
neurological disease, noninfectious fever, and fever ICU patients, conventional oral or anal temperature
during ICU stay [5]. In an observational study of monitoring methods are often not suitable [11].
24,204 adult ICU patients, BT ≥ 39.5°C was associated Likewise, axillary temperature monitoring is not suita­
with increased mortality (20% vs 12%) [8]. However, in ble for patients who are emetic or unable to coop­
some studies, temperature measurement methods are erate [13]. Three observational studies conducted in

CONTACT Xuan Song Intensive Care Unit, Shandong Provincial Hospital affiliated to Shandong First Medical
University, 9677 Jingshi Road, Shandong 250014, China
Lingyang Meng, Chaofan Wang and Xinyan Liu have equally contributed as first authors.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (,
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article
has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

ICUs in Australia and New Zealand confirmed the 2. Methods

widespread use of various non-invasive methods
We designed a 20-question online questionnaire
[14–16], and a survey showed different attitudes of
(Questionnaire Star) that was administered nation­
doctors and nurses towards temperature manage­ wide from August to September 2022 (Appendix;
ment in ICUs [17]. However, even small alterations in Figure 1). Survey participants included all provinces
BT can lead to changes in inflammation and immune and autonomous regions in China (Figure 2). The
function, both of which may affect the prognoses of survey was deemed exempt by the Institutional
patients [18]. Therefore, possessing a method to accu­ Ethics Review Board of Shandong Provincial
rately obtain the real BT is of great significance for Hospital. Patients and the public were not involved
assessing disease, establishing early diagnoses, guid­ in the development of this survey. All methods were
ing treatment, and judging the prognoses of ICU carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines
patients. and regulations. The survey included basic informa­
Temperature management is important in critically ill tion about the ICUs, methods and frequency of tem­
patients, and several large trials have been conducted to perature measurement, goals of temperature
clarify temperature targets, management strategies, and management, cooling measures, and recommenda­
timing. Although patient temperatures are well docu­ tions for temperature management. The survey was
mented in the ICU [19], it is often unclear when and administered to comprehensive ICUs (ie; who provide
how to intervene when a patient’s temperature rises. care across a wide range of diagnoses) and specia­
Young et al. [20] showed that across all critically ill lized ICUs (ie; provide diagnosis-specific care) at all
patients, active treatment of fever did not improve the levels of hospitals nationwide. We defined ‘ICU’ as
survival rate. In the treatment of ICU patients with fever, a unit capable of providing invasive mechanical ven­
reduced intervention and active intervention had similar tilation and organ function support, such as the use
prognoses. ‘Target body temperature management’ of vasoactive drugs and renal replacement therapy.
(TTM) has become a measure to intervene in each Each ICU was also required to have an independent
patient’s individual specific temperature, as the level of management system as a primary clinical unit in
target BT may vary from case to case, to prevent fever, a hospital.
maintain normal BT, or lower the central BT [21]. However, To ensure the integrity of the returned questionnaire,
indications for TTM are still based on varying levels of answers to all questions in the questionnaire were
evidence, some of which are contradictory [18]. Especially required; otherwise, the submission could not be com­
in ischemia anoxic encephalopathy in patients with pleted. Duplicate submissions from the same ICU were
severe head injury, to reduce the brain metabolism, excluded. All participants completed the questionnaire
reduce tissue inflammation, and prevent neuronal apop­ online through their mobile phone or computer browser.
tosis, hypothermia treatment is recommended [22]. To ensure the authenticity of the data, survey respon­
However, controlling temperature to achieve low tem­ dents for each site were the quality control manager of
perature treatment goals and duration remains contro­ the ICU, the full-time attending doctor, or the ICU doctor.
versial, various medical institutions there exist great All submitted data were reviewed and submitted by the
differences in the working process [23]. hospital director.
To understand the current situation of temperature Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22 (IBM,
measurement and management in ICUs in China and to Armonk, NY). Descriptive and summary statistics were
standardize the management of ICU temperature, we performed for all variables. Enumeration data were
conducted a nationwide questionnaire survey to explore described including count, rate, constituent ratio, and
the methods of temperature measurement, the goals of mean. Categorical data were analyzed by chi-square test
temperature management, and the strategies of tem­ or Fisher exact test. When the P-value was less than 0.05,
perature management in ICU patients. the difference was statistically significant.

Figure 1. Flowchart of survey administration, quality control, and data analysis. ICU: intensive care unit.

by rectal temperature (28%) and bladder temperature

(11.53%). (Figure 3B). A percentage of 10.12% of ICUs
took BT measurements every hour, 10.59% took them
every two hours, 59.76% took them every four hours,
7.06% took them at intervals longer than four hours,
and 12.47% of ICUs used continuous temperature
monitoring; all used temperature probes. Among the
respondents, 65.53% thought rectal temperature best
reflected the actual BT of patients.

3.2. Objectives of temperature management

About half of ICUs adopted TTM (225, 52.94%), among
which 19.56% expected temperature control to be
Figure 2. The distribution of survey participants throughout exerted for BT between 36.0–36.5°C, 35.56% stated
China. that temperatures should be controlled if they are
below 37°C, 29.78% placed the cutoff at 37.5°C,
3. Results 11.56% placed the cutoff at 38°C, and 3.56% placed
the cutoff at 38.5°C.
A total of 559 questionnaires were collected, of which Only 1/4 of ICUs used preventive cooling (108,
32 were excluded due to obvious answer errors 25.41%), including 54.63% which have adopted preven­
including out of range values, inconsistent responses, tive cooling measures for BT > 38°C, 35.19% for BT >
or nonsensical responses. Another 102 questionnaires 37.5°C, 9.26% for BT > 37.0°C, and 0.93% for BT > 36.5°C.
were excluded due to having respondents from dupli­
cate ICUs, leaving a total of 425 valid questionnaires
to be included in the study. This study included 237
3.3. Cooling measures adopted in each ICU
ICUs from Class III Grade A hospitals (55.76%), 77 ICUs
from class III grade B hospitals (18.12%), 104 ICUs Among 425 ICUs, 417 (98.12%) ICUs were treated with
from class II grade A hospitals (24.47%), and 7 ICUs physical cooling, 374 (88.0%) ICUs were treated with drug
from class II grade B hospitals (1.65%). cooling, 374 (88.0%) icus were treated with equipment
cooling, and 329 (77.41%) ICUs were treated with all three
cooling methods. The most used physical cooling mea­
sures include ice packs (96.24%), cooling blankets
3.1. Methods of temperature measurement in
(69.88%), and lukewarm baths (46.35%). The most used
each ICU
cooling drug dosage forms included oral (57.18%), intra­
Mercury thermometers were the most widely used muscular (66.12%), intravenous (47.06%), suppository
tool for measuring BT (82.39%), followed by electronic (64.0%), and 3.5% ICU would choose antifebrile patch,
temperature guns (46.12%) and temperature probes enema and other methods. The most frequent antipyretic
equipped with monitors or ice-blanket machines drugs were compound aminobarbital injection (55.06%),
(40%) (Figure 3A). The most common site for BT mea­ ibuprofen (51.06%), indomethacin suppository (45.41%),
surement was axilla temperature (96.47%), followed and glucocorticoids (39.76%) (Figure 4).

Figure 3. Body temperature (abbreviated ‘temp’) measurement instruments and sites. (A) Instruments used to obtain body
temperature measurements in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Other refers to cooling blanket probe, electronic thermometer.
(B) Preferred sites of body temperature measurement in ICU patients. Other refers to forehead temperature, nasopharyngeal

60% 55.06%
50% 45.41%
40.94% 39.76%
20% 12.47%
10% 5.65% 5.18% 4.71%







Compound aminobarbital

Lysine Acetylsalicylate

Figure 4. Antipyretic drugs used for the cooling of intensive care unit (ICU) patients.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Ice blanket machine 93.18%

thermoregulator 21.65%

Intravascular heat
exchange cooling…
Blood purification
equipment 64.94%

Other 1.41%

Not use equipment 3.76%

Figure 5. Cooling equipment used for intensive care unit (ICU) patients with elevated body temperatures.

Ice blanket machines were the most used cooling 3.5. Recommendations to promote temperature
equipment (93.18%), followed by blood purification management in ICU
equipment (64.94%). Only 4.24% of ICUs were
A total of 106 respondents made recommendations
equipped with intravascular heat exchange cooling
for improved temperature management in ICUs. We
equipment, and 3.76% of ICUs did not use cooling
statistically analyzed the recommendations proposed
equipment (Figure 5). A percentage of 49.88% of ICUs
and found that the most frequent key phrases used
would administer cooling measures for one hour,
were ‘continuous temperature monitoring’ (29 times),
34.59% of ICUs for 2 hours, and 10.35% for 4 hours,
‘targeted temperature management’ (22 times), and
after which further cooling treatment would be con­
‘development of guidelines and norms related to tem­
sidered if BT had not dropped significantly.
perature management’ (19 times) (Figure 6).

3.4. Temperature control range under special 4. Discussion

This study involved the distribution of a large-scale survey
For patients who required mild hypothermia after on temperature management in ICUs in China. Through
cardiopulmonary resuscitation or nerve injury, the survey, we found that there are substantial differ­
37.88% of ICUs reported controlling the BT between ences in the methods of temperature measurement and
32–34°C, 48.24% reported controlling the BT between in the strategies of mild hypothermia treatment in var­
34–36°C, and 12.0% reported controlling the BT ious ICUs. We recommend urgent establishment of rele­
between 35–37°C. For the duration of mild hypother­ vant guidelines and norms to unify and standardize
mia, 20.71% of ICUs preferred ≤24 h, 27.06% of ICUs temperature management in ICUs.
preferred ≤48 h, 39.06% of ICUs preferred ≤72 h, and This survey found that mercury thermometers
13.18% of ICUs preferred >72 h. remained the most widely used BT measurement

Figure 6. Frequency of key phrases used in respondent recommendations to promote temperature management.

tool, followed by electronic BT guns, and probes affected by ambient temperature. Although we live
equipped with monitors or ice blanket machines. in an era of cutting-edge medical technology, no
The most common sites for measuring BT were the standard technology has been developed to measure
axilla, followed by the rectum and bladder. However, BT. Therefore, at the present stage, regardless of
a subset of the most severely ill patients may be which method is adopted, the same measurement
experiencing shock or tissue malperfusion. The axillary method and site should be repeated to understand
and forehead temperatures measured by mercury the trend of continuous change.
thermometers or electronic BT guns can only reflect Fever is a common clinical symptom in ICU, which
skin temperature rather than accurately reflecting can lead to prolonged ICU stay. High temperature (ie;
core temperature. Moreover, measurements may be >38°C) and persistent fever (ie; fever that lasts for an
affected by ambient temperature, sweating, and eva­ extended period, typically beyond a week) are asso­
poration, and it is not uncommon patients with ele­ ciated with increased risk of death [29]. Although
vated core temperatures to show normal skin a patient’s temperature is well documented during
temperature [24,25]. Therefore, this method of tem­ an ICU stay, it is often unclear when and how to
perature measurement is not suitable for use in the intervene when a patient’s temperature rises. To alle­
ICU environment. Clinically, rectal temperature is rela­ viate disease, improve clinical symptoms, and try to
tively common, but the rectal probe must be intro­ obtain a better clinical prognosis, clinicians usually
duced to a depth of 15 cm to accurately reflect core apply some cooling measures, including drug cooling
BT. For conscious patients, insertion of the rectal and physical cooling. Drug cooling aims to control BT
probe will cause considerable pain and discomfort; by inhibiting the release of endogenous heat source
for unconscious patients, due to temporary paralysis (e.g. Interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor). Physical
of the autonomic nervous system, their rectal wall will cooling reduces the BT by accelerating heat dissipa­
expand and thin, causing poor correlation between tion [30,31]. It was found that most ICUs preferred
rectal temperature and core temperature, and the physical cooling, including ice packs, cooling blankets,
reading can be significantly delayed [26]. The bladder and warm water baths. It was generally believed that
temperature is very close to the core temperature and physical cooling was preferable to drug cooling [31].
is becoming more and more commonly used in ICUs Firstly, adverse reactions of antipyretic drugs, espe­
[27]. Indwelling catheters with temperature sensing cially the use of non-steroidal drugs and glucocorti­
can continuously measure BT. Normal urine volume coids, were considered [32,33]. Second, fever that has
has a good correlation with the core BT, but this nothing to do with a physiological temperature-
temperature measurement method is inaccurate if increasing mechanism is less responsive to drug cool­
the urine volume decreases due to decreased cardiac ing [34]. Third, although drug cooling achieves the
output, acute kidney injury and other factors [11]. purpose of reducing BT by inhibiting the release of
The accuracy of temperature measurements endogenous substances promoting heat production,
depends on the location and method of measurement it also interferes with the inflammatory response of
[19]. The tympanic membrane, nasopharynx, esopha­ the body to a certain extent [35]. There is evidence
gus, and pulmonary artery are considered to be the that temperature in ICU patients can be controlled
most responsive sites of core BT [26,28], but they with medications [32] and physical cooling devices
cannot be widely implemented in clinical practice [36]; however, it is not clear whether these measures
due to invasiveness and complex operation. Ideally, contribute to the development of hypothermia.
temperature measurements should be simple, nonin­ TTM can be used to prevent fever and maintain nor­
vasive, and harmless, reflecting core temperature as mal BT. This survey found that over half of ICUs used TTM,
accurately as possible without being significantly and 85% of these ICUs kept their TTM below 37.5°C. The

goal of temperature control in patients without nerve significant difference in the neurological outcome of
damage is still unclear. A 2019 meta-analysis of individual patients with a target temperature ≤ 34°C or > 34°C at
patient data showed that in ICU patients, more aggres­ six months. There was no significant difference between
sive temperature management did not improve survival pediatric in-hospital CA patients treated with the target
compared with passive temperature management stra­ temperature of 33.0°C and 36.8°C [41–43]. These debates
tegies [20]. In the study, survival was similar across treat­ about the optimal target temperature suggest that the
ment subgroups, regardless of whether they were most effective outcomes of mild hypothermia should be
grouped according to age, disease severity, or receiving achieved because of clinical bundle therapy strategies,
specific organ support [20]. In addition, a phase II study of rather than simply cooling.
active temperature reduction to normal in sedated and There are no definitive clinical data on the optimal
mechanically ventilated sepsis patients found that active duration of maintaining the target temperature to answer
temperature management reduced the early mortality of this question. From the perspective of the brain protective
such patients compared with conventional treatment mechanism of mild hypothermia, it seems that the longer
[36]. Young et al. [33] conducted a random evaluation the target temperature is maintained, the greater the
of active control of temperature and ordinary tempera­ benefit will be [13]. However, this is not the case. Clinical
ture management test. This multicenter randomized clin­ studies have found that mild hypothermia lasting for 48 h
ical trial involving ICU patients with fever without acute does not significantly improve the neurological prognosis
brain injury showed that mean BT was reduced by of patients at six months compared with 24 h, but the
approximately 0.5°C in the active temperature control incidence of adverse events is higher and the length of
group compared with the ordinary temperature manage­ ICU stay is longer [44]. Although blood flow velocity of
ment group [33]. middle cerebral artery and oxygen saturation of jugular
Our current investigation found significant inconsis­ sinus were significantly increased at 72 h after mild
tencies across units in the management of BT, including hypothermia compared with the start of treatment, side
target BT and duration of mild hypothermia, for patients effects of mild hypothermia also increased [23]. Currently,
requiring mild hypothermia after cardiopulmonary resus­ in the United States and European guidelines, the target
citation or neurological injury. Mild hypothermia therapy temperature for mild hypothermia after cardiopulmonary
is a treatment method that reduces the BT or local brain resuscitation is 32–36°C, and the recommended mainte­
temperature of patients by artificial physical methods, nance time is at least 24 h [29,30]. However, for patients
thereby reducing cerebral oxygen consumption and pro­ with craniocerebral injury, short-term (24-48 h) mild
moting the recovery of brain function [37]. It is suitable for hypothermia therapy is difficult to achieve significantly
such purposes as brain protection during cardiopulmon­ better clinical effects. Mild hypothermia therapy lasting
ary bypass in cardiac surgery, craniocerebral injury related longer than 48 h can reduce the mortality of patients with
to decreased cerebral perfusion pressure, and ischemic traumatic craniocerebral injury. It is suggested that such
hypoxic encephalopathy after cardiopulmonary resuscita­ patients should maintain mild hypothermia treatment for
tion. According to the target temperature setting, mild at least 3–5 days.
hypothermia can be divided into four classes: mild (34.5– This study has several limitations. It may suffer from
36.5°C), moderate (32–34.5°C), severe (28–32°C) and sampling bias due to its voluntary participation, poten­
extreme mild (<28°C) [35]. Although an increasing num­ tially limiting its representativeness. The reliance on self-
ber of studies have confirmed that adult out-of-hospital reported data introduces response bias, and the cross-
cardiac arrest (CA) patients treated with mild hypothermia sectional design provides only a static view of practices.
have better neurological outcomes and lower mortality, Moreover, it lacks clinical outcome assessment and does
the optimal target temperature is still a range rather than not explore reasons behind practice variations or resource
a specific value [21,37,38]. According to the guidelines influences. The study’s findings could become outdated,
issued by the European Resuscitation Committee in and it does not consider language, cultural factors, or
2015, the recommended target temperature for mild publication bias. These limitations underscore the need
hypothermia in patients with CA is 32–36°C [21,25]. It is for caution when generalizing the results and suggest
not clear whether patients in different CA subgroups can room for more comprehensive research on this topic.
benefit from lower temperature (32–34°C) or higher tem­ In conclusion, we found that there are great differ­
perature (36°C) [39]. The American Heart Association ences in the methods of temperature measurement,
guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation published temperature management, especially the strategies of
in the same year also indicated that CA patients with mild hypothermia treatment among ICUs in China. At
different characteristics may be suitable for different tar­ the same time, some problems in ICU temperature
get temperatures [40]. In a recently published clinical management were exposed, such as whether drug-
randomized controlled study, there was no significant based or physical cooling is preferable, the appropriate
difference in the neurological outcome of patients treated threshold for cooling, and the ideal target temperature
with different target temperatures (32°C, 33°C, and 34°C) of cooling. The goal and duration of mild hypothermia
at 90 days after return of spontaneous circulation, and no after cardiopulmonary resuscitation and in patients with

craniocerebral injury are still in need of further research, References

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Questionnaire of ICU temperature management survey
I. Basic information
1. The name of the hospital where you work:
2. Hospital level
A. LevelIII Grade A
B. LevelIII Grade B
C. Level II Grade A
D.LevelII Grade B
3. ICU style?
A. SurgicalICU
B. InternalICU
C. GeneralICU
D. EmergencyICU
H. Other
4. ICU beds number:

II. Current status of temperature management in ICU

5. What equipment does your department currently use to measure temperature for patients? (Multiple options
A. Mercurythermometer
B. Electronictemperature gun
C. Monitorbody temperature probe
D. Catheter temperature probe
E. Other
6. What method of temperature measurement is currently applied in your department? (Multiple options available)
A. Axillary
B. Oral
C. Ear
D. Bladder
E. Rectal
F. Other
7. Which method do you think is best at detecting actual temperature?
A. Axillary
B. Oral
C. Ear
D. Bladder
E. Rectal
F. Other
8. How often is temperature measured in your department?
A. Continuousmonitoring
B. Eachhour
C. Every2 hours
D. Every4 hours
E. Over4 hours
9. Whether targeted temperature management is applied in your department ?
A. Yes
B. No
10. What is the target temperature ?
A. 36.0°C—36.5°C
B. <37.0°C
C. <37.5°C
D. <38.0°C
E. <38.5°C
11. Whether preventive cooling applied in your department?
A. Yes
B. No
12. What is the temperature above which preventive cooling measures should be taken?
A. >36.5°C
B. >37.0°C
C. >37.5°C
D. >38.0°C

13. What cooling methods are applied in your department? (Multiple options available)
A. Physical
B. Medicine
B. Equipment
14. What physical cooling methods are commonly used in your department? (Multiple options available)
A. Icebag
B. Warmwater wiping
C. Alcoholwiping
D. Reducedcover on patients
E. Reduceroom temperature
15. What types of antipyretic drugs are commonly used in your department? (Multiple options available)
A. Oral
B. Injection
C. Suppository
16. What are the commonly used antipyretic drugs in your department? (Multiple options available)
A. Ibuprofen
B. Acetaminophen
C. Aspirin-DL-lysine
D. Aspirin
E. Indomethacin
F. Nimesulide
G. Diclofenac
H. Compoundaminobarbital injection
I. Hormone
J. Other
17. What cooling devices are commonly used in your department? (Multiple options available)
A. Iceblanket machine
B. Iceblanket machine
C. Intravascular heat exchange cooling
18. How long after the cooling methods are taken, if the temperature does not decrease significantly, further cooling
measures will be taken?
A. 1hour
B. 2 hours
C. 4 hours
D. >4 hours
19. What is the range of temperature control for patients who require mild hypothermia after CPR or nerve
A. 32°C—34°C
B. 34°C—36°C
C. 35°C—37°C
D. Other
20. What are your recommendations for better temperature management in the ICU?

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