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Name: Jian Josh B.


Section: BAB 1-B

NSTP Activity

List at least 5 pressing environmental problems in your locality. From the list identify by your locality,
especially by your local government unit. Include some of their best environmental practices.
Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the listed solution. Suggest some ways to improve on the
less efficient and effective solution of the local government unit.

1. Deforestation and land degradation: Harvesting trees for timber and agricultural purposes
can lead to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and destruction of local ecosystems.
Reforestation Program: Implementation of reforestation and afforestation projects to combat
deforestation and promote sustainable land use.
2. Water pollution: Pollution of water bodies (rivers, lakes, groundwater) due to industrial
effluents, agricultural effluents, and improper wastewater treatment.
Wastewater Treatment: Investing in wastewater treatment facilities to reduce water
pollution and protect local water resources.
3. Air Pollution: Emissions from vehicles, factories, and other sources leading to poor air quality
and associated health issues.
Emission Controls and Public Transportation: To reduce indoor pollution, the Iloilo City
Environment Office started an awareness-raising campaign called the Social Marketing
Information and Education Campaign. The Philippines Department of Environment and Natural
Resources and Clean Air Asia helped launch this program to reduce pollution. Promoting public
transportation and enforcing emission standards to reduce air pollution.
4. Waste Management: Improper disposal of solid waste, leading to littering and pollution of
land and water bodies.
Waste Recycling Programs: Establishing recycling centers and promoting waste separation
at source to reduce the volume of waste sent to landfills.
5. Loss of Biodiversity: Urbanization and agricultural expansion often lead to the destruction of
natural habitats, resulting in a loss of biodiversity.
Protected Areas and Conservation: Designating and conserving natural reserves and
protected areas to safeguard biodiversity.

Evaluation of Efficiency and Effectiveness:

The effectiveness of these solutions depends on various factors, including the level of local
government commitment, available resources, and community engagement. Some may be more
successful than others:

Reforestation programs and protected areas are generally effective in addressing deforestation
and biodiversity loss but require long-term commitment and monitoring.
Wastewater treatment can significantly reduce water pollution if properly implemented, but
maintenance and capacity can be issues.
Public transportation and emission controls can improve air quality but may face resistance from
citizens and businesses.
Waste recycling programs are efficient if well-executed, but awareness and participation can be
Ways to Improve Less Efficient Solutions:

Community Engagement: Involve local communities in planning and implementation to gain

support and ensure the success of environmental initiatives.

Education and Awareness: Increase public awareness about the importance of environmental
protection and sustainable practices through educational campaigns.

Regulatory Enforcement: Strictly enforce environmental regulations, such as emission standards

and waste disposal guidelines, to ensure compliance.

Capacity Building: Invest in the training and development of local government personnel to
manage and maintain infrastructure effectively.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish clear metrics and regular monitoring systems to assess the
impact of environmental initiatives and make necessary adjustments.

Remember that the effectiveness of environmental solutions can vary depending on local conditions
and the commitment of the local government and community. Tailoring solutions to the specific
needs and challenges of your locality in Molo is crucial for success.

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