Script Palestine

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Historic Palestine is located in the Middle East, in a region bordering Lebanon, Syria,
Jordan, Egypt, and the Mediterranean Sea. Muslims, Christians, and Jews had lived
alongside one another for centuries under the rule of the Ottoman (Turkish) empire. There
were growing calls for Palestinian independence during the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries from a population which in 1914 was 84% Muslim, 11% Christian, and 6%

During the First World War, Britain pledged to support the “complete and final
liberation” of the Arab peoples under Ottoman rule, in exchange for their participation in
the war and revolt against the Ottomans. In fact, Britain and France had secretly agreed to
divide the Ottoman territories of the Middle East between themselves. The Sykes-Picot
Agreement of 1916, one of the major secret agreements during the war, secured British
control of Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, and the Trucial states of the Arab Gulf; while France
received Syria, Lebanon, and Turkish Cilicia.

Then, in 1917, during the partitioning of the Ottoman empire, British foreign secretary
Arthur Balfour promised to help facilitate the creation of a national home for the Jewish
people in Palestine. Britain occupied Palestine in 1917 and remained until 1948.

In 1947, Britain approached the newly founded and then Western-dominated UN to

determine Palestine’s future. Despite the Jewish people only making up a third of the
population, the UN recommended creating a Jewish state on 56% of the land. The
Palestinians refused to accept the partition of their homeland, yet in 1948 Israel was
established unilaterally. By 1949, Palestinians refer to it as “Al Nakba”, which literally
translates as “The Catastrophe” had resulted in the ethnic cleansing of two-thirds of the
Palestinian population, with Israel ruling over 78% of the land. It refers to the mass
exodus of at least 750,000 Arabs from Palestine. Though most believe this event began in
1948, in fact, Al Nakba began decades earlier.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees remained in refugee camps,

waiting to return home.
While the Zionist movement sought first and foremost to remove Palestinians from their
land, it also tried to erase Palestinian heritage and culture. The overall objective was
nothing short of an attempt to wipe Palestine off the world map.
The Palestinian Nakba did not end in 1948. The ethnic cleansing of historic Palestine is
still happening, and so too is Palestinian resistance.

Palestinians are continually under attack from the Israeli occupying forces and are
increasingly harassed by settlers, who attack farmers and steal their land. Collective
punishments, such as prolonged curfews and house demolitions are frequently imposed.
According to the Health Ministry, some 4,000 children and 2,000 women have been killed
in Israeli attacks since October 7.

What is happening in Gaza fits the definition of genocide!

What can we do to help our Palestinian brother and sister?

Keep posting and talking through your social media. Make your stance clear. Your voice
is important so the world wouldn’t sleep on this.
Make dua. Donate. And doing anything you can. If we move in numbers Allah helps is
always near
May Allah grant our beloved saheeds the highest level in Jannah
We as a human,
We as an Indonesian
We as a student
always stand with Palestine. FREE Palestine.

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