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Name: Jian Josh B.

Estrella Date:
Section: HUMSS 12 - B

#A Culture where we belong

What do you love most in your culture?
The thing I love most about Filipino culture is the importance of family and huge amounts of
hospitability. We always emphasized the love for our family and the respect we must show to our
elders. The family is considered the foundation of social life for most Filipinos. The nuclear family is
the central family unit, but relationships are often close between members of the extended family.
Indeed, people can be encouraged to have relationships with aunts and uncles as strong as those with
their parents. Close family relationships often extend beyond genetic or lineage connections to
incorporate distant relatives, close neighbors, or friends. For example, it is common to hear people
refer to distant relatives or non-relatives with family terms such as "tita" (aunt), "tito" (uncle), "lola" It
makes us closer and our bond stronger compared to other cultures. In our culture we must always put
our family first and Filipino families are basically the embodiment of “Blood is thicker than water”
because no matter how big the disagreement, fights, problem, etc. We would always have each other’s
backs. Not to mention our number one trait of being hospitable to other people even though we just
met them, we’re always happy to lend a hand to a friend, acquaintance, or person in need. And it
doesn’t just stop with fellow Filipinos. Regardless of your age, gender, race, and sexual orientation.
Filipinos are more than happy to give you a great welcoming party when you visit their home.
Additionally, Filipino families are often willing to share not just meals, but entire homes. In fact,
Filipinos usually greet visitors with the phrase "Feel at Home!" For your comfort during your stay. It
is a joy and an honor for the Philippines for Filipinos to welcome foreigners as visitors and develop
genuine relationships and friendships with them. And that’s what I love most about our culture!

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