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School rules
 1. It's important to create a clear set of household rules, so children know what's
allowed and what type of behavior is off-limits.
 Main idea 1: Rules That Promote Morality
 Supporting idea: It's essential that you also model these rules >> Your children will
learn more from what you do, rather than what you say.
 Example: These types of rules may include things like: "Apologize when you're
sorry." "Don't hurt others." "Tell the truth." "Treat others fairly."
 Main idea 2: Rules That Develop Healthy Habits
 Supporting idea:
 Example:
 For example: "Brush your teeth after breakfast." "Put your dirty clothes in the
 When kids know that they are supposed to hang their coat up when they come home
from school or that they’re supposed to do homework right after dinner, it can reduce
a lot of arguing as long as there are clear consequences for misbehavior.
2. What type of punishment is appropriate for a child? Punishments that might include delayed
privileges, parental control, and temporary withdrawal of their favorite items might be effective.
Making them bear the consequences of their actions might teach them to control their actions.

3. 1.) Let passengers exit first.

This is generally considered common knowledge, but some people seem to forget or
discard this cardinal rule. In order to make space for boarding passengers, exiting riders
need to get off first—give them room. Stand to the side while waiting to hop on and
don’t try to force your way on while others are leaving.

2.) Give up your seat if necessary.

If you get on the bus and see it’s pretty empty you can sit in priority seating areas but be
mindful if someone who really needs it boards. Even if you’re not in a designated priority
space, it’s common courtesy to give up your seat for someone who needs it more than
you—pregnant women, children, the elderly, or injured/disabled passengers.

3.) Only take up the space you need.

Don’t sit down in one seat and put your bag in the one next to you if the bus or train is
crowded or starts filling up. Keep your feet and belongings out of the aisles and be
careful not to block any doors either. If you’re standing, take off your backpack and put it
at your feet so you don’t take up unnecessary space or accidentally hit someone with it.
Leave room on the pole you’re holding as well so others can have a safe place to stand.

4.) Be prepared to board.

Have your fare, ticket, or pass ready to go as soon as the bus pulls up. Don’t hold up
the line fumbling around searching for it in your backpack—step to the side and let
others pass if you’re struggling to find what you need. Streamline the boarding process
by forming an orderly line as well.

5.) Keep your business to yourself.

Nobody wants to hear you telling your mother about your last trip to the
gastroenterologist while they’re heading to work in the morning. Keep conversations
with fellow passengers quiet, inoffensive, and short if it’s with a stranger. The same
goes for phone calls. Also, don’t presume to take up someone else’s time—a lot of
people use the commute to and from work to decompress and mentally prepare for the

6.) Respect transit staff.

This rule applies for bus drivers and all those working in the public transportation
service. A friendly greeting and a thank you before you exit is kind and courteous, just
make sure you leave it at that. Long conversations can take up too much time and
energy for workers and hold up the route for others.

7.) Respect the property.

Using public transportation is a privilege; be responsible when you ride. Don’t litter,
smoke, eat or drink, and of course, don’t vandalize anything. Clean up after yourself if
you do make a mess and take care to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze—
and sanitize anything you’ve touched.

8.) Stand on the right, pass on the left on the escalator.

It’s just like following the rules of the road. Keep all steps of the public transit process
orderly and efficient. Stand on the right side while riding the escalator so others walking
up or down have space to pass you.

9.) Pay your fare.

Individuals who don’t ride the bus or metro legally are essentially stealing from those
who do. Don’t try to swindle yourself a free ride by hopping the turnstile or rushing onto
the bus with a crowd—pay your way like everybody else. If the morality of it doesn’t
bother you, at least consider the hefty fine you’ll receive if you’re caught riding without a

10.) Keep your electronics quiet.

Blasting your music on speaker or so loud everyone can hear it through your
headphones is rude and obnoxious. Respect other riders by using headphones for your
phone, laptop, tablet, etc. and then ensuring the volume is appropriate. Don’t have
conversations on speaker phone or FaceTime and be considerate enough to put your
phone on vibrate or silent, so as not to disturb others.

1. An inconvenient fixed work schedule or shift can lead to attrition or recruitment problems as some
workers prefer having flexible work hours. The rigid work schedule can be restricting to some
employees, especially during emergencies or other circumstances, affecting their motivation and
2. Sustained overtime work by salaried employees may result in burnout: Continuous or lengthy
overtime can lead to employee burnout, which has a negative effect on their well-being, productivity,
and job satisfaction. Burnout can lead to increased absenteeism, lower motivation, and even long-
term health problems.
3. Wearing a uniform can help employees identify with the company and feel valuable. It could also be
simply due to the need to protect employees own clothes from being damaged while working, for
example while working on a production line in a factory.
Work uniforms promote a sense of team spirit and a sense of belonging. This, in turn, can improve
worker productivity. Employee benefit. Employer provided uniforms save employees money, and when
provided as part of a Rental Program, eliminate employee laundering time and expense.
PART 2.10

1. Science is involved in cooking, eating, breathing, driving, playing, etc. The fabric
we wear, the brush and paste we use, the shampoo, the talcum powder, the oil we
apply, everything is the consequence of advancement of science. Life is
unimaginable without all this, as it has become a necessity.
2. Taking a break from the screen will help you bring balance to your digital and
real-world lives. Soaking up real-time instead of screen time will ease anxiety,
increase happiness, reduce multitasking, reduce those technology cravings, and
allow you to connect more with the people in your life.
3. Just over a hundred years ago, people had no idea how we inherit and pass on traits or
how a single cell could grow into an organism. They didn't know that atoms themselves
had structure - the word itself means indivisible. They didn't know that matter has very
strange properties that defy common sense
4. 5. In 2018, one of the biggest scientific advancements actually happens to be one of the most
recent. In 2010, we’ve been able to discover our first potential Earth-like habitable planet due to
NASA’s Kepler mission, among many other exo-planets also discovered.
5. Discoveries like this only push us forward, justifying that we will be making even more scientific
advancements in the future.
6. Forbes has a great article that has an extensive list of amazing scientific advancements that have
impacted humans in the last 100 years as well, check it out!
6.International scientific collaboration also has economic benefits for all involved: when scientists from
different countries work together on projects like this one, they can share ideas and resources that help
them each advance their own research agendas and make valuable contributions to society as a whole.

1. Well as I said, I have a particular liking for science. Learning about science can
help satisfy my curiosity about nature, which is very appealing. I don’t know
why I give Physics priority over the others. I just feel more fascinated to learn
it. It’s laid the foundation for almost every invention and discovery of humankind.
However, I strongly believe that it shouldn’t be mandatory for all people to study
science unless they are genuinely interested in it. We just do what we find fun
and get better at what we do
2. For many people, the idea of solving an endless stream of equations or running experiments that
very often require a high degree of patience, observation, and being indoors simply are not
appealing, especially when doing so would come with little gratitude, a life of isolation, and a stigma
of being socially awkward.

1. There are many reasons why people enjoy partying. For some, it's a chance to socialize with
friends and meet new people. Others enjoy the music and dancing, while some simply like the
atmosphere and the opportunity to let loose and have fun. Celebrating special occasions, such as
birthdays or holidays, is also a common reason to party. Additionally, parties can provide a break
from the stresses of daily life and serve as a form of relaxation and enjoyment.
2. There are many reasons why some people may not enjoy going to parties. Some people may be
introverted and prefer more intimate or quiet settings, while others may have social anxiety or
feel uncomfortable in large crowds. Additionally, some people may not enjoy certain aspects of
parties, such as loud music or alcohol consumption. It's important to respect people's
preferences and not pressure them into attending events they don't enjoy.
3. If music can imitate or conjure up deeply emotional memories and moments in private, it indeed has
the power to set the tone for an exciting night with friends. This is why music is so important at
events and parties – music sets the mood, brings people together, energizes guests, and creates
4. Just call the police. If you tell them yourself they will know from then on that you're their
5. Don't get directly involved. The kind of people who play music loud enough to disrupt your life
are already demonstrating they don't care what you think.

1. Both life and people can have an impact on each other. Life can present challenges and
opportunities that can shape a person's perspective and behavior. On the other hand, people can
also shape their own lives and the lives of those around them through their actions and
decisions. It's a complex dynamic, and different individuals will likely have different experiences
and perspectives on how life shapes them.
2. Some of this analytical work is generating fresh insights about what
impels employees to quit. In general, people leave their jobs because they
don't like their boss, don't see opportunities for promotion or growth, or
are offered a better gig (and often higher pay); these reasons have held
steady for years.
3. Keep an open mind and always remain positive about changes in your life. Reframe your stress or
fear by thinking about using these transitions to your advantage or as an opportunity to learn new
skills. You may find that a new situation or crisis is a positive change rather than a negative one

 1. Application analyst.
 Cyber security analyst.
 Data analyst.
 Data scientist.
 Database administrator.
 Information systems manager.
 IT consultant.
 IT technical support officer

3. That’s a tricky one, isn’t it? All sources are biased, including individual opinions. What I do is to
check several sources, if possible. If it’s political, I check conservative and liberal media outlets
and newspapers.
4. Google, of course. I am a scientific sort of psychologist, so I am a skeptic and if some ‘fact’ or
opinion seems off color, I research and even then might withhold judgment until future facts
might come out.
5. Everything is questionable even in science. I accept that I am alive and 2 + 2 = 4 and that sort of
thing, but everything else is tentative
6. 2. The internet is a communications tool. Many people say the internet is the greatest invention
since the printing press. Before the internet people read books. Books, words on paper,
published ideas, were the basis of mass communications for many centuries prior to 20th century
Do you "trust" every book that you read? Or do you look for books written by people you
have learned to trust? You place your trust in people. Good relationships are built on
developing the trust of people in your life, not the tools they use.

The internet is a collection of wires, silicon, and copper, it has no soul, it has no mind of its
own. The internet doesn't take sides, it gives birth to both good and evil. The internet has
the potential to be used as a powerful tool for positive change. The internet can be used as
a tool for spreading negative themes.


1. Main idea 1: The tone of a phone conversation is more conversational while email
tends to be more formal and structured. >> IELTS TUTOR Paraphrase
từ"email"(Diễn đạt"thư điện tử"tiếng anh)
 Supporting idea:
 Phone is a more immediate form of communication that allows for a back-and-forth
 Email is a written communication that can be saved and referenced later.
 Example: As a salesperson, when selling a product, calling potential customers to
address their concerns in a conversational tone can help build rapport, while following
up with an email in a more formal and structured tone can provide clear benefits and
address any specific questions asked during the conversation.
 Main idea 2: When communicating over the phone, there is less room for
misinterpretation or misunderstandings, as people can ask for clarification in real-
time. With email, it's important to be clear and concise to avoid any confusion.
 Supporting idea:
 Example: As a project manager, you may need to communicate important project
details to your team, and while a meeting could be difficult to schedule and not
everyone may be available, sending an email with clear and concise bullet points and
highlighted key points can effectively convey the information.
 IELTS TUTOR gợi ý main idea khác:
 Emails can be saved and referenced later, making them a useful tool for keeping track
of information. Phone conversations, on the other hand, are more ephemeral and rely
on people's memory of what was discussed.

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