Quiz Week 1

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Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.

Use ‘an’, ‘a’ or ‘the’ appropriately in the sentences given below.

1. Sheldon is _________ honest man.

2. King Arthur was _________ just king.

3. _________ lion let go of ________ mouse.

4. I have fixed _______ appointment with _______ doctor.

5. Will you take _________ picture of us?

6. I broke ________ vase my brother brought.

7. My mother has ________ polka-dotted umbrella.

8. The team organised ________ friendly match with ________ Presidents of both
_________ countries.

9. We had ________ mulberry tree in the garden.

10. ________ Eiffel Tower lights up at night.

11. _______ huge building turned to dust due to _______ earthquake.

12. _______ famous band Beatles is coming to Texas tomorrow.

13. Charles Babbage is considered as _______ father of computers.

14. _______ famous poem ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ is written by ______ Romantic poet
John Keats.

15. _______ Pacific Ocean is one of _______ five oceans of _______ world.

16. ________ painter drew _______ life-sized portrait of Mrs Mary Poppins.

17. My son is ________ apple of my eye.

18. ________ history professor who taught us is retiring today.

19. ________ oranges I brought were very sour.

20. Sharon will take ________ train from _______ next stop.

Exercise 2

Identify and underline the articles.

Read the passage given below, and identify and underline the articles used in it.

One day, a dog which was very hungry was crossing the street. Suddenly he saw a

shop selling meat. Since the dog hadn’t eaten for a few days, he could not control his

hunger. When the shopkeeper wasn’t looking, the dog took a piece of meat and ran

away. The dog ran till it came near a clear stream to enjoy his food. As he was about

to eat the meat, he saw his own reflection in the water. He didn’t understand that it

was his own reflection in the clear water; he thought there was another dog with a

piece of meat. So, without thinking twice, he opened his mouth to bark at the other

dog; as soon as he did that, his piece of meat fell into the stream.

E xe r c ise 3

a , a n, the, no article

1. Are these _______ shoes you want?

2. _______ Spain has m any beautiful beaches.

3. I haven't seen her for _______ long time.

4. You need _______ aspirin.

5. _______ last bus has already left.

6. You can't keep _____ ant as a pet.

7. ______ fruits and vegetables provide vitamins. _____ sugar is

bad for you.

8. The man was in ______ hurry.

9. We are looking for ______ apartment.

E xe r c ise 4

Fill in the blank with the appropriate article, a, an, or the, or leave the space blank if
no article is needed.

1. I want ______ apple from that basket.

2. Miss Lin speaks ______ Chinese.

3. I borrowed ______ pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.

4. One of the students said, "______ professor is late today."

5. Eli likes to play ______ volleyball.

6. I bought ______ umbrella to go out in the rain.

7. Please give me _____ cake that is on the counter.

8. I lived on _____ Main Street when I first came to town.

9. Albany is the capital of ______ New York State.

10. My husband's family speaks _____ Polish.

11. _____ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

12. Our neighbours have _______ cat and _______ dog.

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