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Strategies to solve weak acid solutions:

1. Identify your substance (weak or strong acids)

2. If it is a weak acid → ICE Box
3. Write the equilibrium constant Ka in terms of x (X = [H+])
4. Solve for x the “easy” way, that is, by assuming that [HA]0 – x about
equals [HA]0.
5. Use the 5% rule to verify whether the approximation is valid.
5% rule:
6. Calculate [H+] and pH.
Calculate the pH of 1 M HF solution

By comparing Ka for HF with Kw for H2O, we see that hydrofluoric

acid, although weak, is still a much stronger acid than water. Thus
we will assume that hydrofluoric acid will be the dominant source
of H+. We will ignore the tiny contribution by water.

Therefore, it is the dissociation of HF that will

determine the equilibrium concentration of H+and
hence the pH.
HF will dissociate only slightly, and x is expected to be
small. This will allow us to simplify the calculation. If x
is very small compared to 1.00, the term in the
denominator can be approximated as follows:

X= 2.7 ×10-2 M
Consider a 0.80 M aqueous solution of the weak acid HCN (Ka =
6.2 × 10–10).

What are the major species in solution?

HCN(aq) + H2O(l) ⇄ H3O+(aq) + CN–(aq)
Ka = 6.2 × 10-10

H2O(l) + H2O(l) ⇄ H3O+(aq) + OH–(aq)

Kw = 1.0 × 10-14

▪ Which reaction controls the pH? Explain.

Consider a 0.80 M aqueous solution of the weak
acid HCN (Ka = 6.2 × 10–10).

-Calculate the pH
Percent Dissociation (Ionization)

Effect of dilution on percent ionization
Find the % ionization and compare
A solution of 8.00 M formic acid (HCHO2) is 0.47%
ionized in water.

Calculate the Ka value for formic acid.

Ka = 1.8 × 10–4
Calculate the pH of an 8.00 M solution of formic acid.
The value of Ka for a 4.00 M formic acid solution
should be:

higher than lower than the same as

the value of Ka of an 8.00 M formic acid solution.

The percent ionization of a 4.00 M formic acid solution
should be:

higher than lower than the same as

the percent ionization of an 8.00 M formic acid solution.

The pH of a 4.00 M formic acid solution should be:

higher than lower than the same as

the pH of an 8.00 M formic acid solution.

Calculate the percent ionization of a 4.00 M
formic acid solution in water.

% Ionization = 0.67%
Calculate the pH of a 4.00 M solution of formic acid.

pH = 1.57

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