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文法 II-Unit 11

文法二 Lesson 11 假設語氣

重點一 現在或未來可能發生的假設

If + S + V 現在式…., (1) S + will/can/may…+ V


1. If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to keep me informed.

2. If the meeting is canceled tomorrow, we will go shopping.

3. If Mary , tell her I will call her back as soon as I return.

(A) called (B) will call (C) is going to call (D) calls

重點二 與現在事實相反,或覺得不可能發生的假設
與現在事實相反的假設: 用過去式表達所說不是事實,或覺得不可能發生。

If + S + were/Vpt ….,S + 過去式助動詞 (could, should, would, might…) + V

1. If I were superman, I could save the world. (假設法)

 I am not superman, so I can’t save the world. (直說法)

2. If I had wings, I could fly in the sky. (假設法)

 I wings, so I fly in the sky. (直說法)

3. If I had enough money, I could pay you. (假設法)

 I enough money, so I pay you. (直說法)

4. I don’t have a pen, but if I , I would lend it to you.

(A) have (B) do (C) did (D) does

本講義為菁英國際語言教育中心文法講師 Jumbo 編著,版權及使用權為菁英國際語言教育中心及 Jumbo

文法 II-Unit 11

重點三 與過去事實相反的假設


If + S +過去完成(had + Vpp)…, S +過去助動詞(could, would, should…) + have + Vpp

1. If he had studied hard last year, he would have passed the exam. (假設法)
 He didn’t study hard last year, so he didn’t pass the exam. (直說法)

2. He would have studied abroad if he had had enough money. (假設法)

 He enough money, so he abroad. (直說法)

3. If I you yesterday, I would have told you the truth.

(A) saw (B) have seen (C) had saw (D) had seen

4. If they had left home earlier, they the heavy traffic.

(A) would avoid (B) would have avoided (C) would had avoided (D) avoided

重點四 與過去事情相反的假設,但影響到現在

If +S + had + Vpp….,S + would/might/should/could + V…. now(or today)

1. 如果去年我中了彩券,現在我就有錢了。

If I had won the lottery ticket last year, I would be rich now.

If I had won the lottery ticket last year, I would have been rich then.

2. If I breakfast several hours ago, I hungry now.

(A) had eaten, am not (B) had eaten, would not be
(C) ate, will not be (D) had eaten, would not have been

本講義為菁英國際語言教育中心文法講師 Jumbo 編著,版權及使用權為菁英國際語言教育中心及 Jumbo

文法 II-Unit 11

重點五 未來完全不可能發生的假設
與未來事實相反的假設: (不可能發生 0%)

If + S + were to + V….,S + would/could/should/might + V

1. If the sun were to rise in the west, I would change my mind.

 I change my mind.

2. If the sky were to fall down, I would believe you.

 I believe you.

重點六 未來發生機率很低的假設,萬一~~
could (or can)
might (or may)
If + S + should + V….,S + should (or shall) +V
would (or will

1. 萬一明天下雨,我就不去登山了。

 If it should rain tomorrow, I will/would not go hiking.

2. 萬一我們的產品未能滿足您的需求,請跟我連絡。

 If our products should fail to meet your demand, please contact me.

重點七 假設句的倒裝
were… Were
If + S + had + Vpp Had + S +….
should + V Should

(去掉 if, 把 be V 或助動詞移到句首)

1. If I were a professor, I would teach more knowledge to students.

 Were I a professor, I would teach more knowledge to students.

本講義為菁英國際語言教育中心文法講師 Jumbo 編著,版權及使用權為菁英國際語言教育中心及 Jumbo

文法 II-Unit 11

2. If I had won the lottery last year, I would have been rich.
 the lottery last year, I would have been rich.

3. he your good friend, he would help you.

(A) Does (B) Had (C) If (D) Were

4. meet her, please tell her to come to see me.

(A) Did you (B) Should you (C) If (D) Had you

重點八 as if 與 as though 的用法: 好像~,彷彿~

as if 與 as though 的用法: 好像~~

were/Vpt  表現在非事實
S + V…+ as if/as though + S + had + Vpp  表過去非事實
過去式助動詞 + V  表未來不可能

1. She talks to him as if he were a child.  In fact, he a child.

2. The man acted as though he had earned a lot of money.

 If fact, he earn a lot of money.

3. She speaks as if she wouldn’t come back.  In fact, she will come back.

1. He acted as if he .
(A) never met her (B) has never met her (C) didn’t meet her (D) had never met her

2. She looks as if she more help.

(A) needs (B) need (C) needed (D) to need

重點九 wish (但願…) 的假設句型

wish (但願…) 的假設句型:

were/Vpt 表現在不可能實現的願望
S + wish + (that) + S + had + Vpp  表過去不可能實現的願望
would/could + V 表未來不可能實現的願望

1. I wish I were superman.

2. I wish I hadn’t told her the secret.  In fact, I the secret.

本講義為菁英國際語言教育中心文法講師 Jumbo 編著,版權及使用權為菁英國際語言教育中心及 Jumbo

文法 II-Unit 11

3. I wish I would be able to buy a Ferrari.  In fact, I will.


wish (v.) 給予祝福: We wish you a Merry Christmas.

1. wish 表不可能實現之願望,所以要用假設法。
I wish I were a bird.

2. hope 表可能實現之願望,後面接直說法。
I hope that I can pass the transfer examination.

1. I didn’t go to the party, but I wish I there.

(A) was (B) were (C) had been (D) went

2. In floods, life is difficult. I wish it so hard.

(A) wasn’t (B) isn’t (C) weren’t (D) doesn’t be

3. 但願莎士比亞還活著。
(A) I wish Shakespeare were still alive. (B) I hope Shakespeare is still alive.
(C) I wish Shakespeare is still alive. (D) I hope Shakespeare were still alive.

本講義為菁英國際語言教育中心文法講師 Jumbo 編著,版權及使用權為菁英國際語言教育中心及 Jumbo


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