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Admissions 2024-25: B.Des Application Form No.: 446136

Name of Applicant Registered Mobile Number
Saima +91 8373929288
Place of Birth Parent's Mobile Number
Delhi +919818845310
Name of Father Parent's Email |D
Salim shavas Siddiqui
Name of Mother Date of Birth
Test Center
Shilpi Siddiqui 30-Aug-2006 New Delhi
Birth City/State
Registered Email ID Delhi/Delhi

Citizenship Applying in Category
India General
6c mukund apartments civil lines Delhi 6c mukund apartments civil lines Delhi
6c mukund apartment civil lines Delhi 6c mukund apartment civil lines Delhi
Delhi -110054 Delhi-110054
Delhi-ndia Delhi-India

Board Stream School Status
Year of
Passing Marking Scheme %/Grade/GPA
CENTRAL BOARD OF Science St Thomas Sr Sec girls Appearing 2024

Payment Mode Ref. Number Amount in INR
Debit/Credit Card Payment Date
14820731 3000 14-0ct-2023
Annual income of the family Blood Group
more than 12 lacs A+

Why have you chosen NID's Bachelor of Design Programme?

When I was young.l spent a lot of time sketching. Iwas interested in both the arts and sciences.Over passion for this subiect
grew.The design process and the ability to turn ideas into tangible objects seemed magical and inspired me to study design. After
researching extensively.l discovered that NID is a comprehensive institution &leading institution for design.The curriculum at this
institution is vast and offers specialized courses and the atmosphere is conducive to creative ideas
provide me with a wide range of experiences and perspectives from my peers which will aid me in as and I believe
broadening my that
me will
become an exceptional designer with superior skills. I am eager to learn from the faculty here, as their expertise will enhance my skills
and provide valuable inspiration and insights thatIcan apply in my future career as a designer.

How do you think this course will help your academic plans and/or career ambition?
My academic path will be shaped by the BDES degree at Nid, which will help me achieve my product design professional goals, Il have
the knowledge and abilities I need from this course to comprehend the ccomplete process of starting from scratch. Iwill obtain a
thorough understanding of the productsd designo n conceptualization to prototvpe to fnal production. I want to improve my
problem-solving skills, aesthetic sence eof numerous design tools and processes through my academic pursuits.These
skills are important for racademic achievement, but they are also necessary for a successful job in product design. My academic
aspirations and professional objectives will be bridged by this degree, allowing me to contribute to the innovation and growth of
innovative products that have the potential to siqnificantly change the world. The design course will equip me to play a vital role in the
development of items that have a positive influence on society, whether they are innovative tech products, consumer goods, or
sustainable solutions.

Please write a brief statement about yourself including details of your interests, hobbies, etc.
lam an individual that thrives on an array of interests,with sketching being a prominent one. Skateboarding has taught me to embrace
lifes obstacles with a feeling of adventure, thus you may often find me doing it.Its how I embrace the creativity and freedom that it
affords. Sketching is a treasured passion of mine because it enables me to visually portray the stories of my thoughts and emotions.
Additionally. Iget the most delight out of repairing things,playing with their workings, and putting them back together. Natural
surroundings have always made me feel the most peaceful since they provide as a constant source of inspiration and a reminder of the
beauty of simplicity. Reqular yoga is not merely for health, it challenges both my body and my mind as I strive toward improving
myself.Music has always been a part of my life. It serves as the musical backdrop to my lifes adventure

Icertify that I have read and understood the information given in "National Institute of
Design Admissions Handbook 2024-25". I certify that the information provided in this
online application form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I declare
that I have read and understood the conditions of eligibility for the programme / discipline
for whichl seek admission. In the event of any information provided by me found incorrect,
or misleading, or incomplete, my application shall be liable to cancellation by the Institute Applicant Signature
at any time and I shall not be entitled to any refund of the fee paid by me to the Institute. Printed on: 2-Dec-2023

This document is digitally generated and submitted on Saturday, October 14, 2023 21:34 from
Submitting online application form successfully does not guarantee that you meet the eligibility criteria.
You are advised to view your uploaded documents. If you wish to replace the uploaded documents, the same can be
done during the Window to Edit Application Form' between Tuesday, 1600 hrs. 05 December to Thursday, 1600 hrs.
07 December 2023.

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