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ICN was founded in 1899 with just four members of national nursing associations. Serves over
130 NNAs. Located in Geneva Switzerland
 Formulate a Code of Ethics
 Represent nurses worldwide
 To advocate for health for all
 To advance the nursing profession

 Ethel Gordon Fenwick proposed the foundation of the International Council of Nurses (ICN)
and Lavinia Dock-Secretary
 At the ICN Congress in 1912, Fenwick proposed The Florence Nightingale International
Foundation (FNIF)

 Established May 12, 1955
 The Nurses Association of Belize became a member of the International Council of Nurses
(ICN) in 2001 and CNO in 1957
 Ms. Ivy Bennett -British Honduras (Belize) & Matron Adams
 Consists of 7 district Nurses Association

 The main purpose of NAB is to promote and improve the socio-economic conditions of
 Collaborate with other healthcare organizations
 Initiate and influence legislation, governmental programs, national, and international health
 Promote research in nursing to distribute research findings and encourage the use of new
knowledge as a basis for nursing practice
 Types of membership
 Full, associate, honorary, and associate membership
 The Caribbean Nurses Organization is a non-government, non-profit, non-partisan,
self-governing Nurse’s Association. It is the oldest regional nurse’s professional organization. It
was established in May 1957 in Antigua
 It was initiated by Miss Mavis Harney, however, there were fourteen nurses from nine
different territories.
 Ms. D. Sowerby – Antigua (Association Secretary)
 To protect the public by promoting safe nursing practice.
 To prevent harm by identifying potential sources and addressing them before they can
negatively impact the public.
 To improve the health of people in the Caribbean.
 To promote the improvement of nursing care.
 To advance the educational, economic, and professional welfare of nurses.
 Maintain and encourage a high standard of professional service.

Region I
 Bahamas
 Belize
 Bermuda
 Cayman Islands
 Jamaica
 Turks & Caicos
 The Nurses and Midwives Council of Belize was formally established in 1963
 Located Corner of Princess Margaret Drive and St. Joseph Street in Belize City

 To protect the public, in particular by supervision and improving nursing education,
conducting examinations for nurses, and keeping a Register of all nurses and midwives
currently registered.
 The legislation of the Council consists of 13 members: Chief Nurse-Chair
 60 hours of continued education along with a renewal fee is required.
 The council meets every 4 months for the purpose of transacting such business as may
come before the Council.

 Conceptualize in 1959
 Founded in December 1972
 In 1975 recommended that nursing education should be in the mainstream of tertiary
 In 1993, RENR was introduced
 Headquarters of the Caribbean Community (located in Turkeyen, Bridgetown Guyana


 Engage in efforts to secure the updating of nursing legislation, from time to time, in order to
keep abreast of developments in nursing and health care.
 Promote the utilization of an epidemiological approach in the identification of health
problems of national and regional significance and make recommendations on policies and
programs for the solution of health problems so identified.
 Collaborate with other regional bodies in identifying health problems in the Region and in
the development, and implementation evaluation of programs and projects which represent
priority areas in the regional health policy.

Theories ( Review PowerPoint on theory & the 3 nursing theories)

 Definition of terms
 Criteria of a theory
 Types of theory-Micro, Middle, and Grand (Nursing Theorist for the last two)
 Nursing Theorists- Henderson, Peplau, Leininger, & Nightingale
 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
 Must understand the three theories well; when they were developed and the elements of

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