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spy : THERMODYNAMICS — > dystem- The port of He univerce seleetee] for theumodynam'e study Eo known as syetem, ne eg Boiling water én beatkegr oftrcxoundings ~ The romania 4 at of ta universe crnound that cysteny uspich &s hot pe be cated sonsundings & vexything elee arround He cystem fs called sonneurolinys . ? Types of System:- 7) Open System — f system which wan Loecbange matter as well os woth the surroundings is called an open system. Lge Evaporation of water from ahtaken Represepts a open system, i) Closed system - A gystem which m exchange energy, hut not matter itth si tis & called clowl fatm, Og. Consider botliny ef water ina clabed motodtte va scat Vii) Tootared Syctem— of gystem which can yorther exci @ matter non wi tha tunrmundings TS catled an golated cystem, | £9.- taker some waren in an Ensblated vassof R put a cmot | péece of Soolfem metal tn it, | . “dn exothermic Taaekon take plae peithon duydnogen 1) (natter ot heat (Livrgy) ic transjorenl to le sunrmurotings. a ©) Macroscopic system - o. system which constit of 0 Sumber oF atoms , Eons on molenuler te Called macnocwple ysleem,, | ~The macro copfe proportta anc Tenperaroe, Presrune, Consentreson n: | densi, eda 4 7 elomageniia Salen dsyetem te, sat ta be Koniegerens 70H A une forum Hutoughout + A homogenus eystem eonsict of one phase. vi) Heterogenus Cqctemt- 4 euctom fe saiel to be he } ite 12 nob endporm Hewugrur. 2 beter oie oF Ree mone phase, which au separatid them’ each otier by oledinite boundary Ranrface ° Macreoccopér Propentios:. he properties ascociated with bulk, of the smatter thats with the maxteoscopce cyctem ane called machescopic Prwpertier. $4 to of Q To D Extensive preperves- Jilst prnporsties depanel expen th-amount of te Substance on cube 7: ~ Massy vokume » Free energy ere. {) Dodensive properties ypese Properties ane independent of the amount of He Substance ore eubstances pen tn re System. | J.” Pressure, tempenatupe, olenst. 3 Visewerty , uxfene | tenaion, Tepreactive surface, Bleaes pe pee ay > state variables: Those mactoscopt Preessuut, volume 4 -rempencrtere, % tate of eysteme yre conelttion its macreoceopte preoperties hove. he State of te & Op existance of a System when definite valuw, i fe calles stem + Whan & proless occunos «The binet and Hue Lose State cow cautesl tnivtal state and ginal ofate raspectrely > Thexmedynanc Process —) icothormal process ~ dy btexmal preocege Te Adpinecl as thu one 7h Whith He tempor cutie. Temata, (vite during Rack step thertue prose, eed adiabatic process . An aoltabatte process fg olofrned or Hue one in which no heat enters ore Loaves Fhe system auré Step of-tha procest. (ey 44 W") Deeboancte Process — dn tsobanite cypher fe depined cz te one In which the prussune of the_sy stem remains cencrene dunting eoeh step of thr procers, ces Wi) Le chore proces: dn zsockonic process ts depinecl as Hie Bnd’ th Whiche rhe volume of the Syctem memaint conthant dunia lack erop ef the process Ww ie processes p process is said #0 be clic proces Fy Sqstem ethten complexing & sorter of Changes patum to THe orcigival | orate. | @ Pork Sequence of steps startin ~The path of the ~ Thorne am 2 ® Rowensibla process Reverceble Process Dt occas af a verry Siow Lpeed and fnvowes a coriee of equilibatm state. &) he opposing force anatie arcing rece COU, une game. wi) Work shat ie maximum. y) Jr can not be realized! fr nesesa) actuk preactee and is ondy +hoonotical. ' v) ft occesrer én Engtnite nember SF steps, inbinkte rember time Fe Mequtnasl por tH completion, > Bo under; “The well thak tepanates ene ¢ Ke known os boundary , > Tntarnal Enorgy-(U):- 9 fe total grom “tu bnitt al efecte fo -+ty pina state ofte Sgisrom fs called the path. clée preocess ts Called pa og path of the system. © Preneverst’ process cle. 4) St takes place rapidly & dees not rn coutas ob eqpullibrie State, i) The opposing force and the dnivtog forte dipper cutdely, Wi) Work orralneet is : fess Hiwun the work obtained in w repordibie process, iv) Most ofthe preore, oceurtng 1A Neatune anol Looorerey are WULeversPhig | V) St oloed not involve m Steps and etek i ileum 7 ystem trem Hresunroundtng, #Y Stored fo a Syetem ender a Given ect of conckivons fe couled 4 fntennat MMe bre Entretnel gle energy (0). | 9) $r-reunet by vertue Ob-TH poston, Wd %s co ctare penetton. BJrfo an omtenctve prioperty, fh) Absolute value of chteerneal 4 ot Acyetem fs an tnhorvat prosent to thesysten Cn not be determing, becarue Tris not Possible 10 lerexmine threnact valucof constitunte uonrgies » change fn taroxmal energy (Av) onal dufiniccind can vel mecserea cnepereneentally’, A ai) Chang in intemal pnengy Tn feaeton 7s Up aU ee Au is megertre whan Up < Up ython the raaetion fs calla exoHounic ton dn raaetion is *preoceed WHE evekutton of hawk AD AU fe -rve When Up> Ue. Reautton tr sauld to be endo Hreminc Aol reaction proceed with absonplen oF -hso4, ©) Internal Energy can be rueacurecl by Bumb chalont mater, Note - ~ : », x = Heatis absorbed by Therytem , 4 ts tve, and gq is ~ve ib heat y evolved. — Work fo done by Mesystam fs-ve, whereas Worl It clone On the sysrem fs +e Phat] W AV (by te system) and $e = Paine tHe — Heat 4 Work are Path fun sy Reachant a~/io/iq > Enthalpht H)2 Itsthe heat content of-ticystem at contiant pum » Meth tt ,H = UtPV Whore Ue Paternal en PV = Progeny value = Yom Thos, entialpy tg cleptrad ay te. sum of *nternal Lnompy oul presrune. = volume CPV). enouy-of the sustem. 1) $+8 absolute value can nok be cleteendned.. ») St tS an oxtenstve prepouty Zi) 4 fs a stoke funeston. {”) Son a system, In arithalpy AM) = tp- He ) AH deginite and can be measerced crabpeinatdetly. vi) Fore a reastion , AH = prea — H reactant, * Rolateonenip between AH & AUS. Consider system which, undergo a change prem entkal state to jchal state, For inittal grate, by = U, +PY, You final state, Ho< Up tPVe s Fhe change. enthalpy, AHe Ir OR An = Ua +PV2)-U, +Pv,) = (Ue- 4) + (Pyy-m) = AU + Peva~v) Wo gasenus runstenes b pent) Py, = n,RT PV, =,RT OR PV, —PY, = ng RT -h, RE > P(va-M) = RT CMa 94) > Pav= RTs ofa ERi|- 0 Ca rppane Abe Te. ob mpler of gaseous preadu et - no. of roles ofy qusenus reba the value of PAV on equation ©, weyt , Ane Av + A RAT| — @ ane aso-t; Roastant 4 products, pole meters td AV=0 wi Aus AV + PAV > AH = AUtO » [aes , case-2 [hen moe of moles ov queens : ae & vo, p neces of gasees proaat Ze mene “fan Ny-n, =o oF At=0 » (Bee au] He Piest_ tow of thecmodymanis $= Law oh wnseuntion of trary) T Sfads Law eas fenst staked by mayer 4 Helmbolers + = The Low low be state as z Ne ar deakehax be crunted ron dantreoyd by any phys feat ox Mombeal change. St may choy. from one “forum to anotiue 1) The all fous of Mnergysin an Rscleabea) system ic constant. iid) hon ona form, Of erargy divappears , exactly wher-ore ta cana amon OF exergy appears in Soma ethan form. Tv) Jha Jum tokal of MAM’ anal onorg Dnvuliinivoue & tenant Though thse are Baten coniatine leat dy Other cwered the 7Ote! : moss ‘and oneryy of on 2sclated Sysrom Homabe une a # Dordatton: arutdler asysrom hairtn OG eee ve pee tr absorp energy ~ ! tia torecaal ong of in seer fr tls Pusing edifts tines ee stem Uns The mest-t a \y 40 VY, arumnnad qanes Vokteme changes bramme Ip ie haus, 42 teneastag Brunel ensepy p OR 4= (0 C since, work dnd, by He @ ysrem f) —v) 4 CP | Cstette function) | Case-ts Fon Zsochorde process AV=0 + pAv=W=O0 wo oe [4u=4] That-ts the amound-of beat absorbed ab constant volume ~ The work alone py tie system, (WER! For adtaboHe proven , 40 es JA0 = WI fc. Flo enemas in thternal -enenay = the work done by the System, CA8e32 Jon teothamal process, renperntun te constant. AvV=od zt. Feat absorbed by ve seyyerom = work done by te SY ¢ tery Castat? Fon cyclic preoeess, Au=o =] or g==t Ce Heas abronpe} by the Syctem = work dene by eS, Gxerchee <7 we @e-t Jn a process For souk of heat fe been bes and 344 Touleoe Wore Fe inept jet vatiad an Chong? in interanal eeuy for Ue oto SLEE The ranchlon "eyanbindde (ON, N igen ett at ae ee eet "Py a bomb ~caloress Cia bo ag Mata SOE Catala ty i N HatNagy + 3 : | Ong) > New 1 One Fe | nygen (0,) imater and the alyad fu Yiven yt s pivett = eS 1 Zparmohunranntecs 4u= tw = 401 40-394) = 301-344 = Bots ea SSS Ans~- 85) Géven AU= —442. 4 kT/mo). now that AH = AU +A°RT we k ; A's Q— Cit %) Sto “3S = -\y a _ Ate 4U -Ilget ; 3.314 ean a % “Saen 784 = F'4B. ag kTAmoie

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