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Lecture 1 & 2

Sourcing And Logistics Management ✓ ×*

Supply chain management definition

Importance of supply chain management

Key supply chain components

1. Supplier

2. Manufacturer /producers

3. Distributors and wholesalers

4. Retailers

5. Customers/ end users

6. Transportation

7. Warehousing and storage

8. Inventory management

9. Information system and technology

10. Logistics and distribution

11. Supply chain finance

12. Risk management

13. Sustainability and compliance

14. Supply chain professionals

Supply chain vs logistics

 supply chain management (SCM)

 Logistics

Supply chain planning SCP

Supply chain process

1. Planning

 Demand planning

 Supply planning

 Production planning

Element and activities of supply chain planning

1. Demand planning

2. Supply planning / source and sourcing

3. Production planning

4. Inventory planning

5. Distribution planning

6. Network design mapping

7. Collaborative planning integration

8. sales and operation planning

9. risk management /resilience

10. Technology and software digital transformation

2-Sourcing in SCM

 Definition

Sourcing key operations

1. Supplier identification

2. Supplier evaluation and selection

3. Negotiation and contracting

4. Supplier relationship management

5. Key assessment and mitigation

6. Performance monitoring

7. Supplier development

8. Cost management

9. Review and optimization


 Production

 Quality control

 Process optimization
Maintenance and repair

Lean manufacturing and continuous improvement

Capacity planning

Environmental and sustainability practices

Logistic management

Logistics key management


We are house management

Reverse logistics

Information system and technology

Risk management

Cost optimization

Sustainability and green logistics

Return feedback
Score model

Nike supply chain stream

Lecture 3

Sourcing And Logistics Management

role in supply chain management

trends and challenges in sourcing and logistics



sourcing strategies

make versus buy decision

make decision

by decision

factors to consider

cost analysis

4 competencies


capacity and scalability

make and buy decision real world example

make decision example Tesla

buy decision example apple

benefits of make and buy decision

make decision benefit

my decision benefits.


make decision challenges by decision challenges

by decision challenges

single sourcing versus multiple sourcing

single sourcing

Multiple sources

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