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Mapping potential areas for groundwater storage

in Wadi Aurnah Basin, western Arabian Peninsula, using remote

sensing and geographic information system techniques

Mashael Al Saud

Abstract Water shortage has become a problem in many became the only solution to cope with human demands for
arid regions where rainfall is low. Wadi Aurnah Basin, in water. The exploitation of groundwater involves mainly
Saudi Arabia (Arabian Peninsula), where the Holy Islamic pumping from the Wasia-Biyada and Wajid Sandstone
cities are located, was selected for study, since it Aquifers and from Umm Er Radhuma and Dammam
represents a water-scarce region. The potential for ground- Limestone Aquifers.
water storage was investigated. This was achieved using Recently, the frequency of torrential rainfall events has
remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) increased, as an aspect of climatic variability in the region,
techniques to cover the whole area (3,113km2). Satellite and thus has resulted in flash floods before utilization of
images with high spatial resolution were processed to rainwater. This, in turn, motivated decision makers to
recognize terrain elements controlling the subsurface rock follow integrated water resources management (IWRM)
behavior. Landsat 7 ETM+, ASTER and SRTM satellite approaches, and to construct a number of dams and earth
images were processed using ERDAS IMAGINE soft- ponds to harvest the flooded water. However, this classical
ware. The influencing factors on groundwater storage solution could not contribute substantially to water supply
were determined and digitally mapped as thematic layers. in the region; therefore, excessive pumping of ground-
This included rainfall, lithology, rock fractures, slope, water became dominant.
drainage and land cover/use. These factors were integrated The geomorphology of the Arabian Peninsula encom-
in the GIS system (ArcView). A map was produced, passes a number of mountain chains, wherefrom inter-
indicating potential areas for groundwater storage. The mittent streams, of several hundred kilometres length,
map shows that 12–15% of Wadi Aurnah Basin has exist to capture water and then debouches into the sea.
potential for groundwater storage, mainly in areas where Wadi Aurnah Basin, approximately 3,113 km2, is an
intensive fracture systems exist. example of such catchments and it was selected as a pilot
area in the present work (Fig. 1). It is located within the
Keywords Groundwater storage . Water supply . geographic coordinates: 39°12′00″ E; 40°18′00″ E and
ASTER . Geographic information systems . Saudi Arabia 21°01′30″ N; 21°35′30″ N, hence forming one of the
major five catchments in the central part of the Tihamah-
Hijaz (middle part of the Arabian Shield) region. Wadi
Introduction Aurnah is surrounded from the east by several mountains
of a chain ranging from 1,800 to 2,476 m above sea level
The Arabian Peninsula is among the most arid regions of (at Jabal Al-Adim). The basin contains the Holy Muslim
the world. It is a water-scarce area due to the low rainfall City of Makka Al Mukaramah (note, Makka Al Mukar-
rate, which ranges between 50 and 300 mm/year, and high amah is not located among the alignment of the cross-
temperature (average 35°C) and thus high evaporation. In section in Fig. 2, thus water demand is high, especially
the light of this, renewable water resources are often during the Hajj pilgrimage.
limited and the excessive exploiting of ‘fossil water’ The geology of the area is characterized by extensive
geologic structures, notably the fracture systems of differ-
Received: 22 April 2009 / Accepted: 5 March 2010 ent scales and mechanisms, which govern the geographic
Published online: 14 April 2010 distribution of the existing lithologies and play a role in
* Springer-Verlag 2010 increasing the porosity and permeability of rocks. Accord-
ing to Sahl (1987) and Moor and Al-Rehaili (1989), the
area is dominated by Late Precambrian and plutonic rocks,
M. Al Saud ()) in addition to Tertiary sedimentary rocks (e.g., carbonates,
King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology,
Space Research Institute, sandstone and gravel formations), which occupy fault-
P.O. Box 15413, Riyadh 11444, Saudi Arabia bounded troughs near the Red Sea coast, while, the
e-mail: Cenozoic lavas form extensive fields in the north. The

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9


Fig. 1 Location map of the Arabian Peninsula and the study area

Quaternary surficial deposits are spread on different parts tion such as test borings, fracture-trace analyses and
of the area, but mainly along the coastal plain. geophysical surveys (Fetter 1994).
The majority of aquiferous rock formations in the Most recently, new methods have been raised in explor-
region imply the existence of igneous and metamorphic ing groundwater, giving more attention to remote sensing
rock complexes with tremendous dykes and volcanic (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques.
intrusions, where fault systems also exist. This character- The use of these techniques has followed a spectrum of
izes the entire sequence of rocks in the region as aqui- approaches in spatial data analysis and manipulation in order
ferous formation with almost unidentified depth (Fig. 2). to map potential areas for groundwater storage. These
Several methods for groundwater exploration have techniques proved to be capable, since they have the
been followed but not all of them have given positive advantage of covering large areas, like the case study of
results, because of the erroneous selection of many Wadi Aurnah, within a short time and at least cost.
boreholes, which were often dug, unplanned, before The current study requires high-quality work to
studying the controlling geological factors. As a common produce a thematic map indicating potential areas for
method in groundwater exploitation, geologic maps are groundwater storage in Wadi Aurnah Basin. It aims, in a
often used and combined with the available well logs and broad sense, to produce a creditable and systematic
reports from existing wells; therefore, a field survey was method to be used in groundwater exploration in different
carried out to determine the suitable site for boreholes. regions of the Arabian Peninsula in order to locate new
More developed procedures followed in-depth investiga- areas with promising groundwater resources.

Fig. 2 Simplified cross-section along Wadi Aurnah Basin (Adapted from Moor and Al-Rehaili, 1989) (jabal means ‘mountain’)

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

The development of the remote sensing and GIS and gave reliable results. Therefore, Table 1 reveals different
techniques resulted in a miscellany of successful studies levels of satisfaction for the used methods, which were
on groundwater and related disciplines such as those supposed to be different from one region to another.
obtained by El-Baz (1992), Gustafsson (1994), Teeuw Satisfaction with these results was indicated by authors who
(1995, Savane et al. (1996), Sener et al. (2005) and Kumar depended either on field surveys or on data from drilled wells.
et al. (2007). However, the use of remote sensing and GIS Factors controlling groundwater storage are different in
techniques must be subjected to empirical procedures of space and time, and the majority of these factors are
analysis, including image processing and extraction of summarized in Table 2. It implies: (1) rainfall availability
terrain information, followed by spatial data manipulation, as a source of water; (2) rock type for which the lithologic
and both must be accompanied by field verification. character governs the flow and storage regime; (3) rock
fractures which enhance the permeability and porosity of
rocks and then permit surface water to infiltrate easily; (4)
Methods and tools slope is another influencing factor, and it controls water
flow energy, which plays a role in facilitating water flow;
The different applied methods to explore groundwater by (5) drainage characteristics also have a role in the
remote sensing and GIS show an obvious discrepancy in distribution of runoff and indicate an infiltration scheme
results, in spite of the similarity in the used techniques and and 6) land cover/use was also considered in this study,
tools (e.g., satellite images, software, etc.). This is attributed since it governs the behaviour of water flow on terrain
mainly to the diversity of the involved factors that control surface vertically and horizontally.
groundwater storage, as well as any contradictions in the If compared with the list of studies in Table 1, it is
interpretation of the extracted information that is identified obvious that the current study involves the largest number
from remote sensing. In addition, GIS allows for the of influencing factors on groundwater storage. In this
integration of different factors derived from different methods. respect, it should be taken into account that these factors
In the literature review that was carried out for this are geographically dependant and restricted to certain
study (Table 1), it was found that the involved factors in areas. For example, in areas with flat topography, slope
determining potential areas for groundwater storage were will not be accounted for in the determination of ground-
different, and this, in turn, affected the study conclusions. water-rich zones. While, if karst landforms exist, like in
For example, some studies relied only on lineaments (i.e., the case of the Mediterranean basin, these landforms must
observable fracture systems on satellite images) in ground- be involved as an influencing factor.
water determination (Teeuw 1995); others merged linea- The integration of these factors in a systematic method
ments and drainage intensity (Ahmed et al. 1984), whilst will result in a map showing potential zones for ground-
the geomorphology, geology, fractures and slope were water storage, with a number of categories. In this view,
featured in some of the other studies (Kumar et al. 2007). remote sensing can contribute to identification of all these
Nevertheless, not all applied studies proved to be a factors, but at different levels. For example, rock fractures
successful application, and many of these studies were not can be completely extracted from satellite images, while
justified in a field verification procedure to assure their drainage and lithology can be obtained from topographic
creditability. However, a number of studies were successful and geologic maps as well, but could be enhanced from

Table 1 A selection of studies that have used remote sensing for groundwater exploration
Authors Year Parameters Resultsa
Meisler 1963 Lineaments Unsatisfactory
Rauch and LaRiccia 1978 Lineaments Unsatisfactory
Taylor 1980 Lineaments and fracture traces Unsatisfactory
El-Shazly et al. 1983 Geomorphic features, land cover, vegetation and geologic units Assumptionb
Seelan 1983 Lithology, morphology, soil and land use Unsatisfactory
Salman 1983 Drainage characteristics Assumption
Ahmed et al. 1984 Lineaments and drainage intensity Assumption
El-Baz 1992 Topography, lineaments and drainage Satisfactory
Gustafsson 1994 Lineaments and vegetation Satisfactory
Teeuw 1995 Lineaments Satisfactory
Sander et al. 1996 Vegetation, drainage, lithology and lineaments Satisfactory
Savane et al. 1996 Lithology and lineaments Satisfactory
Edet et al. 1998 Lineaments and drainage Satisfactory
Robinson et al. 1999 Drainage and lineaments Assumption
Das 2000 Geology, geomorphology, soils, land cover/land use and lineaments Assumption
Bilal and Ammar 2002 Lineaments, drainage and lithology Satisfactory
Sener et al. 2005 Geology, lineaments, land use Satisfactory
Kumar et al. 2007 Geomorphology, geology, fractures, slope Satisfactory
Ganapuram et al. 2008 Morphology, geologic structures, drainage, slope, land cover/use Assumption
Satisfaction was indicated by authors depending on the verification of the obtained results
The method is proposed, but not confirmed

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

Table 2 Major influencing factors in groundwater storage exposed rocks are fundamentally comprised of six major
Influencing Influencing Controlling element Precambrian units and a basement complex of a yet older
factor element age, in addition to the local Tertiary deposits with limited
Rainfall Rainfall rate Water as a source areal extent. Holocene rocks encompass Quaternary deposits
Lithology Rock type Water permeability of surficial cover (alluvial deposits and sand dunes), as well
Rock fracture Fracture systems as reef limestone. The Precambrian units in the region, as the
Slope – Water flow energy major part of the rock succession, are interrupted by volcanic
Drainage Density Water permeability and flow
Land cover/use Imperviousness eruptions and composed mainly of igneous and metamor-
phic rocks. The most common rocks of the Precambrian
units in the region are gabbro, granite, granodiorite, gneiss,
satellite images. Moreover, not all these factors have the schist and ultramafic rocks (Fig. 2). From a hydrogeologic
same degree of influence on groundwater storage, and point of view, fracture systems, joints, and dykes represent
they act at different levels. Some of them may ultimately the principal hydrologic features among the existing rock
contribute to groundwater storage, but some others may succession, which in turn increase the porosity and perme-
act to a limited level. For example, rainfall is a principal ability of these rocks and facilitate water percolation (when/
factor, but the drainage behaviour is not. where it exists) to flow into deeper rock successions.
Further modification of these maps was performed
after taking account of remote sensing data. In
Rainfall particular, the use of ASTER (pixel size 15 m) and
The geographic distribution and intensity of rainfall in Wadi Landsat 7 ETM (pixel size 30 m) satellite images was
Aurnah Basin were analyzed applying the isohyet method. helpful in this regard; thus, boundaries of many rock
Rainfall data were acquired from the available records of the formations were corrected. The satellite images have
Organization of Forecast and SEnvironmental Protection different optical characteristics, mainly the spatial
Research (2006) and were combined with the rainfall map by resolution (pixel size), which indicates the clearness of
Awari (2005). The resulting map was classified into five observing terrain objects from space. They were
major classes (Fig. 3): >175, 150–175, 125–150, 100–125 processed using ERDAS IMAGINE software, which
and <100 mm/year. The map shows that the elevated areas has a number of digital and optical advantages. In this
receive much more water than the lowland area. For respect, each satellite image has a number of spectral
example, in the elevated areas, rainfall rate reaches bands. For example, a Landsat 7 ETM image has seven
300 mm on some mountain peaks, while it does not exceed bands representing different spectral ranges, while an
50 mm in the coastal region. ASTER image has 14 bands. ERDAS IMAGINE is
capable of arranging each of the three bands separately
in order to have the most suitable and distinguished
Lithology observation on the images. This arrangement is called
Lithology, as a major water-controlling factor, is represented “band combination”. With Landsat 7 ETM, the bands 7,
by the geographic distribution of different rock formations. 4 and 2 were selected in this study, since this gave clear
This was adopted from the available geological maps of textural and pattern attributes for the terrain surface,
1:50,000 scale (Moor and Al-Rehaili 1989; Sahl 1987). The and thus better discrimination of objects.

Fig. 3 Classification of rainfall in Wadi Aurnah Basin

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9


Fig. 4 Classified lithological units of Wadi Aurnah Basin

In addition, many other digital features in the ERDAS “lineaments”. Usually, a lineament is defined as any
IMAGINE software were used such as filtering and observable geomorphic linear feature that can be attributed
contrasting; thus visual tracing of many lithological units to geological structures, notably fractures or lithologic
and their boundaries was possible. Consequently, an contacts (O’Leary et al. 1976).
empirical classification of the lithologic formations was The detection of linear features in this study was
carried out; thereafter, a map with five classes was obtained mainly from Landsat 7 ETM and ASTER
produced to reveal rock formations of similar hydrologic images. ERDAS IMAGINE software was used for this
properties (Fig. 4, Table 3). In this classification, the major purpose, after applying atmospheric and radiometric
hydrologic elements were considered. The most important corrections, which often create distortion and noise in
one is the content of clay, which accounts for aquitard the images (Ghulam et al. 2004). The software used has
formations, and thus controls water infiltration and the advantage of “edge detection” (e.g., alignment of
decreases the permeability among rocks. Also, rock boundaries and faults). This advantage includes various
hardness was considered in the classification since hard digital and optical steps, notably, directional filtering,
rock is often brittle and easily results in fracturing contrasting and sharpness. In addition, single and multi-
systems, which in turn enhance rock permeability and band enhancement features were utilized.
porosity. The classified lithology map with five classes The application of thermal bands in lineament
was used as one of the GIS layers. detection is useful, because thermal bands in satellite
images are capable of detecting temperature differences
of the objects on terrain surfaces. Thus, in this study,
Rock fractures the thermal bands in both image types (ASTER and
Fractures increase permeability and secondary porosity Landsat) were used. The thermal band is located in
and, thus, enhance water vertical flow to recharge ground- band 6 in Landsat 7 ETM, with a pixel size of 120 m,
water. For this reason, fractures in rocks were considered and in bands 10–14 in ASTER images, with pixel size
as a major factor and then included in identifying potential of 90 m. Thermal interpretation enables detection of
areas for groundwater storage. Fracture systems can be wet horizons in rocks, which could differentiate fracture
successfully recognized by remote sensing. However, the systems in moist zones.
existing fracture systems are observed as linear features on Accordingly, the linear features detected from satellite
satellite images; hence, these features are identified as images all have different size and orientation. However,

Table 3 Major exposed rocks in Wadi Aurnah Basin according to their potentiality for groundwater storage
Major geologic group Major rock type Potentiality for groundwater storage
Holocene Quaternary alluvial and aeolian deposits Very low
Pre-Cambrian Schistose greywacke Low
Syn-to-late tectonic intrusions Diorite, gabbro Moderate
Late tectonic Diorite, norite, gabbro, pyroxene High
Precambrian Amphibole, schist Very high

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

their origin is still undefined at this stage. Nevertheless, mountainous terrain. However, this factor must be
not all detected linear features are geologically related. To included, since it plays a role in increasing water-flow
avoid this potential confusion, all linear objects that are velocity with a subsequent reduction in vertical percola-
not of geologic origin (e.g., roads, pipelines and terraces) tion, and thus affecting recharge processes. The greater the
appearing on digital topographic maps were overlapped slope, the more rapidly surface water will flow and less
on the lineament map. This enabled all non-geologic recharge will result.
linear features plotted in the lineament map to be Slope, as a factor in groundwater recharge, has a two-fold
eliminated and a lineament map, indicating geologic influence. In order to diagnose this influence, a comparative
lineaments, was produced (Fig. 5). All obtained studies analysis was made between mountainous areas and rela-
pointed out that the existing lineaments on the satellite tively flat terrain areas, taking accounted of the following:
images are often attributed to fracture systems (Hariri
1995; Degnan and Clark 2002 and Al Saud 2008), in – In mountainous regions, there is greater flow energy
which the higher density of lineaments indicates high and water is often diverted into channels (i.e., runoff),
permeability and porosity in rocks and vise versa. so the overland flow will be minimal. This in turn will
The resulting lineament map shows only the spatial minimize the degree of groundwater recharge (Doll et
distribution and dimensions of linear features; the density al. 2002) because water flow will be restricted to
(i.e., concentration) cannot be directly figured out. For this streams and it recharges groundwater just from inter-
purpose, a systematic method was followed to harmonize flow of stream water into groundwater. In relatively
the spatial distribution of lineaments in density zones. gently sloping terrains, the overland flow occurs over a
This was carried out following a number of steps similar larger spatial area and the recharge will be much
to those done in previous studies (Teeuw 1995, Edet et al. greater.
1998 and Sener et al. 2005) and lately by Al Saud (2008). – In flat areas, where flow is relatively slow, the lag time
The lineament density was expressed by classifying the for evaporation will increase and a portion of surface
area into specific frames (5 km × 5 km) and the number of water will be lost.
lineaments in each frame was counted. The resulted value – In mountainous regions, alluvial deposits are always
was plotted in the mid-point of each frame. Therefore, a rare, which is due to the sloping surface with
grid map with nodes and attribute values resulted. From accelerated erosion processes, whilst in flat terrains
the grid map, contour lines could be drawn to reflect thick sedimentation often occurs, which may retard the
lineaments density. The resulting lineament density map recharge rate to a certain extent.
was divided into five classes. Each class implies a range of
lineament density, which represents the number of linea- In this study, the generation of a slope map (Fig. 7) was
ments per unit area (25 km2). The five classes in this study obtained from a digital elevation model (DEM), which
were: >400, 400–300, 300–200, 200–100 and <100 gives a three-dimensional view of the terrain surface. The
lineaments/25 km2 (Fig. 6). DEM can be obtained using SRTM (Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission) satellite images with postings
of≤5 m. From the stereo pair, the nadir scene will be
Slope utilized to produce a <1-m-natural-colour satellite-image
In many studies related to groundwater flow and storage, mosaic. The digital stereo-pair model and DEM, in
the slope is often ignored; especially in areas with less combination with SRTM image, were used to provide a

Fig. 5 Lineaments map of Wadi Aurnah Basin as adopted from ASTER satellite images (Al Saud 2008)

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9


Fig. 6 Lineament density in Wadi Aurnah Basin

three-dimensional terrain visualization image. The proce- sometimes it is embedded with lineaments to propose
dure was done using Leica Photogrammetry Suite avail- potential areas for groundwater storage, e.g., in studies
able in ERDAS IMAGINE. From the obtained map, five performed by Edet et al. (1998) and Robinson et al. (1999).
slope classes were discriminated. The classification was According to the common geomorphologic concept, the
adapted from the SOTER (SOils and TERain) model denser the drainage system the lower the recharge rate. The
(European Commission 1995), where the maximum slope main approach to expressing drainage density involves
that influences terrain is 60%. Table 4 shows the slope identifying the number of drainage features (reaches) per
classification and the descriptions according to the unit area, which is also called “drainage frequency”.
SOTER model. For Wadi Aurnah Basin, drainage features were
extracted directly from topographic maps (1:50,000 scale)
(Fig. 8). Some additional features were added from the
Drainage ASTER images, notably the connections between tribu-
The rate of surface-water recharge into groundwater is taries (Al Saud 2007). The resulting drainage density map
governed also by the characteristics of the drainage system. yielded five drainage classes by following the same
Therefore, drainage is often involved in similar studies, and approach used in representing the lineament density

Fig. 7 Slope classification in Wadi Aurnah Basin

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

Table 4 Classification of slope, adapted from the SOTER model decrease water infiltration and, thus, prevents efficient
Slope (%) Description Potentiality for recharge of groundwater. This is also the case for human
groundwater storage settlements where constructions and buildings create a
<2 Flat Very high seal, and do not allow water to infiltrate. Bare rocks often
2–8 Undulating High enhance water movement through the exposed fissures
8–15 Rolling Moderate and joints to deeper rocks, and thus are often considered
15–30 Moderately steep Low as a significant component in the groundwater recharge
>30 Steep Very low
process. Also, the vegetation cover plays a role in this
respect; the higher the vegetation cover, the higher the
evapotranspiration rate, which implies less chance for
map. Therefore, each class represents a range number of infiltration to the subsurface layers (Darwich et al. 2003).
drainage segments (i.e., reaches) per unit area of 25 km2. For Wadi Aurnah Basin, ASTER images of the year 2006
These classes were: <50, 50–100, 100–150, 150–200, were processed, and a non-supervised classification
>200 drainage reaches/25 km2 (Fig. 9), with >200 approach was applied using the ERDAS IMAGINE soft-
representing the lowest potential for groundwater storage. ware. The basin, consequently, was divided into five classes
A comparative analysis was carried out, on selected according to potentiality for groundwater storage: bare rock,
parts of Wadi Aurnah, between the orientation of the sparse vegetation, dense vegetation, soil deposits, and
drainage system and lineaments behaviour, in order to human settlements, where bare rock has a very high
ensure any relationship between both. This was achieved potentiality and very low potentiality was attributed to
through building Azimuth diagrams for lineaments and human settlements. Hence, a map was produced to show
drainage (Fig. 10). The resulting information showed that the geographic distribution of the obtained classes, which
several drainages are structurally controlled in the basin, was used later as a separate thematic GIS layer (Fig. 11).
notably those of primary coursers.

Data manipulation results

Land cover/use
The Earth’s surface encompasses different aspects of The obtained five-classes for each factor discussed in the
objects and a miscellany of land uses which, in turn, previous sections were described according to their
influence the behaviour of water flow on terrain surfaces, governance in relation to groundwater storage. The
and the recharge process as well. Therefore, the existing concept of data manipulation implies integrating all
objects and human activities also govern the recharge factors as layers in the GIS system after converting the
process of water from the land surface to deeper rock existing data into electronic (digital) form. This enables
strata. A variety of elements represents this factor (i.e., application of the systematic procedures and takes
land cover/use), but the major known ones are: soil advantage of the GIS system. Thereafter, a unique map
deposits, bare rock, human settlements, and dense and will result with a number of polygons indicating special
sparse vegetation cover (Su 2000). From a hydrologic characteristics for groundwater storage (e.g., high, mod-
point of view, soil deposits with high clay content will erate, etc.). However, not all these factors have the same

Fig. 8 Drainage system map of Wadi Aurnah Basin

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9


Fig. 9 Drainage reach density in Wadi Aurnah Basin

effect on groundwater storage. For example, the rock groundwater storage (Edet et al. 1998; Robinson et al.
fracture factor is much more effective than the drainage 1999; Das 2000 and Shaban et al. 2006)
density factor, while the rainfall factor is more effective
than all other factors. Also, some factors work negatively Based on the preceding, and giving the major influence on
and positively in groundwater storage, like the slope groundwater storage the highest score and minor influence
factor, which has two different kinds of influence on the lowest score, the integrated factors in this study were
groundwater recharge, thus it was given the least level of given the following weights, Wf (Fig. 12, Table 5): rainfall
effect. For this reason, each factor was given a specific (30%), rock fractures/lineaments (25%), lithology (20%),
weight of effect on groundwater storage. land cover/use (10%), drainage (10%) and slope (5%).
The given weights in this study were determined In addition to the proposed weighting, rates (Rf) were
according to: also given for each of the five classes among each factor.
The rates (ranges of groundwater potentiality within each
1. The experienced judgment of the hydrogeologist based weight) ranged from I, for very high potential for
on field surveys and in-situ investigations groundwater storage, to V, for very low potential (Table 5).
2. The field observations adopted by a miscellany of obtained Considering 100% as a maximum value for each rate, the
studies using remote sensing and GIS in assessing rate classes were categorized as 100–80, 80–60, 60–40,

Fig. 10 Azimuth frequency diagrams for a lineaments (Al Saud, 2008) and b drainage systems (Al Saud, 2009), showing that the drainage
system is structurally controlled

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9


Fig. 11 Classified land cover/use map of Wadi Aurnah Basin

40–20 and 20–0%. Therefore, the average rating for each different factors. It is obvious from Table 5 that class I in
class was 90, 70, 50, 30 and 10% for classes from I to V, the rainfall factor (i.e., E=27) occupies the most effective
respectively (Table 5). In other words, very high rates will influence on groundwater storage potentiality. In contrast, the
be attributed to 90%, and high rates to 70% and so on. least influence is found in class V in the slope factor (E=0.5).
In order to calculate the degree of effectiveness (E) of Figure 12 shows a model chart representing the
each factor from its weight and rate, the weight was integration of groundwater storage potentiality factors,
multiplied by the rate (Wf × Rf). For example, the weight which was followed in this study. This chart reflects the
of class IV in the rainfall factor (30%) multiplied by the overlapping layers and their weight of influence.
factor weight (30) yields a degree of effectiveness equal to: ESRI’s ArcView software was utilized to manipulate
the influencing factors (with their own weights and rates)
E ¼ W f  Rf ¼ 30=100  30 ¼ 9 through superimposing different layers together in the GIS
system. Consequently, the resulting areas of groundwater
While for the drainage factor, for example, the degree storage potentiality were represented by a map with a
of effectiveness in class I will be: 10/100 × 90=9. This in number of polygons (spatial classes) indicating potential-
turn means that class IV in the rainfall factor has the same ity for groundwater storage (Fig. 13). The five major
effect on groundwater storage as class I in the drainage classes, representing potential areas for groundwater
factor. storage, were again coded from very low to very high
Following this procedure of data manipulation enabled potentiality. This is attributed as: <20% (very low), 20–40
evaluation of the effectiveness of each factor on groundwater (low), 40–60 (moderate), 60–80 (high) and >80% (very
storage, as it provided a comparative analysis between high) for the possibility of groundwater storage.

Fig. 12 Schematic representation of the manipulated factors in the GIS system

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

Table 5 The classification of the influencing factors on the potentiality for groundwater storage
Potentiality for groundwater storage
High Low

Class/factora I II III IV V
Wf 30
Rf 90 70 50 30 10
E 27 21 15 9 3
Wf 20
Rf 90 70 50 30 10
E 18 14 10 6 2
Wf 25
Rf 90 90 90 90 90
E 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
Wf 5
Rf 90 70 50 30 10
E 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5
Wf 10
Rf 90 70 50 30 10
E 9 7 5 3 1
Land cover/use
Wf 10
Rf 90 70 50 30 10
E 9 7 5 3 1
Wf weight (%), Rf rate (%); E degree of effectiveness on groundwater storage potentiality

The resulting map shows that between 12 and 15% of Data validation
Wadi Aurnah Basin occupies areas with high to very high
potential for groundwater storage. Also, the map shows Figure 13 shows a map representing zones with different
that the promising localities for groundwater storage are potential for groundwater storage in Wadi Aurnah Basin.
mostly located in areas where rainfall is relatively high The map resulted from the integration of different
and rock fractures are dominant, which are often situated components, which were extracted from satellite images,
in the elevated regions in the east of the basin (Fig. 13). thematic maps and field surveys. Yet the reliability of

Fig. 13 Map showing potential zones for groundwater storage in Wadi Aurnah Basin

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

results must be investigated in order to assure correct Girard 1999). The table shows the number of coinciding
application of the followed method. For this purpose, a values between those measured in the field and those from
validation approach is needed. This can be achieved by the applied method; the sum of the coinciding values was
comparing the productivity of groundwater in dug wells 4 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 11 = 31). This sum was compared to the
with respect to the zones determined in this study. The total number of measures (i.e., data from wells) as
basis of this validation implies the existence of successful follows:
wells (i.e., with high water yield) in zones described as
high or very high potentiality in the resulting map. 31=56  100 ¼ 55%
For the validation, a field survey has been carried out
on dug wells in the study area. The number of wells in the Therefore, there is a coincidence of about 55% between
study area is relatively low, and many wells are privately data from water wells and those resulting from the applied
owned. These wells are located mainly in/near the urban method. However, the objective of the study is to
areas, which are situated between Makka Al Mukaramah, determine zones with optimal groundwater productivity,
Sahel Aaraft and Ain Nakhleih (Fig. 14), whilst most of which is viewed from a positive sense; thus, one is
the rest of the region has dispersed population settlements, concerned with high (and very high) productivity of water
and thus very few wells were found. and where such areas can be located. Thus, another
Fifty–six water wells were recognized in the dense correlation matrix was applied, similar to the previous
region of Wadi Aurnah, which can be utilized for the one, but with categories of high and very high merged
comparative analysis. The coordinates and yield of all together since they both show the optimum output
recognized wells are reported (Table 6). Among these (Table 8).
wells, a number of failed wells are listed, while the most
productive well does not exceed 30 L/s. Well productivity 36=56  100 ¼ 64%
was classified into five classes. Also, these classes were
given a descriptive nomenclature to be compared with the The result shows a coincidence of about 64%, which is
potential zones for groundwater storage that resulted in the close to two-thirds of the maximum application reliability.
final GIS–derived map (Fig. 13). Hence, the productivity Thus, considering only the positive elements (i.e., high
in wells was categorized as: very high (>20 L/sec), high and very high possibility) can increase the reliability, but
(20–15 L/s), moderate (15–10 L/s), low (10–5 L/s) and this method needs to identify the major features of
very low (< 5 L/s; Table 6). groundwater potentiality, which is almost always in the
Accordingly, a comparative analysis was applied dense fractured terrain, as seen in this research. In
between the classes of productivity in wells and the addition, the resulting reliability may be increased if wells
classes describing different potential zones for ground- are categorized according to their location in similar
water storage in the final GIS-derived map (Table 7). This aquiferous rock units, but the lack of hydrogeological
followed the correlation matrix method, which is a useful records in this study area compelled the authors to ignore
tool for results confirmation (Congalton 1991; Girard and this factor.

Fig. 14 Location of dug wells and their productivity in Wadi Aurnah Basin

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

Table 6 Water productivity in wells and their location in Wadi Aurnah Basin (well locations shown in Fig 14)
Well number Coordinates Potentiality related to Well discharge(L/s) Descriptive discharge
Longitude Latitude GIS-derived class
1 39°46′21″ 21°31′03″ L 1.7 VL
2 39°48′36″ 21°29′39″ L 0.5 VL
3 39°49′59″ 21°30′18″ H 16.4 H
4 39°50′48″ 21°26′15″ H 17.6 H
5 39°52′12″ 21°29′42″ L 18.6 H
6 39°52′59″ 21°30′18″ L 4.5 L
7 39°53′45″ 21°27′00″ H 17.5 H
8 39°53′57″ 21°29′39″ H 18.3 H
9 39°53′03″ 21°29′00″ H 15.2 H
10 39°55′15″ 21°32′18″ H 16.2 H
11 39°55′57″ 21°31′42″ M Failed well VL
12 39°56′42″ 21°27′42″ L Failed well VL
13 39°57′27″ 21°29′39″ L Failed well VL
14 39°58′12″ 21°32′21″ L 17.6 H
15 39°58′09″ 21°33′06″ M 11.4 M
16 39°59′36″ 21°31′42″ L Failed well VL
17 39°58′57″ 21°31′03″ VH 22.5 VH
18 39°58′15″ 21°28′18″ VH 3.4 L
19 39°57′27″ 21°29′39″ VH 22.4 VH
20 39°37′27″ 21°29′39″ VH 21.5 VH
21 40°02′36″ 21°31′42″ H Failed well VL
22 39°58′15″ 21°28′18″ L 4.7 L
23 39°57′30″ 21°26′18″ VH 21.8 VH
24 39°56′42″ 21°27′42″ VH 21.3 VH
25 39°56′05″ 21°28′24″ M 21.5 VH
26 39°54′33″ 21°27′36″ VL 3.6 VL
27 39°53′48″ 21°27′42″ VL Failed well VL
28 39°53′45″ 21°27′00″ VL Failed well VL
29 39°52′18″ 21°26′57″ L 11.3 M
30 39°51′36″ 21°25′42″ VL Failed well VL
31 39°56′48″ 21°26′12″ L 4.6 L
32 39°57′30″ 21°26′18″ H 22.2 VH
33 39°56′45″ 21°24′54″ L 5.7 L
34 39°50′48″ 21°26′15″ L Failed well VL
35 39°50′48″ 21°26′15″ L 11.9 M
36 39°50′03″ 21°27′03″ L 17.5 H
37 39°49′18″ 21°27′03″ L 12.4 M
38 39°47′54″ 21°26′18″ L 16.8 H
39 39°47′54″ 21°26′18″ L 24.2 VH
40 39°47′09″ 21°24′57″ H 27.6 VH
41 39°46′24″ 21°23′00″ M 19.5 H
42 39°45′39″ 21°26′18″ M 10.5 M
43 39°44′54″ 21°27′07″ L 9.5 L
44 39°46′24″ 21°23′00″ M 12.5 M
45 39°47′09″ 21°24′57″ H 13.6 M
46 39°45′36″ 21°25′01″ L 2.5 L
47 39°46′27″ 21°24′12″ VH 28.6 VH
48 39°45′45″ 21°23′39″ VH 20.0 H
49 39°46′24″ 21°23′05″ VH 19.5 H
50 39°47′12″ 21°21′36″ H 18.5 H
51 39°45′42″ 21°22′21″ VH 23.7 VH
52 39°44′59″ 21°24′24″ VH 16.5 H
53 39°44′57″ 21°22′21″ VH 25.0 VH
54 39°44′09″ 21°22′21″ VH 27.6 VH
55 40°03′21″ 21°35′04″ VH 23.3 VH
56 40°04′48″ 21°34′22″ VH 21.4 VH
VH very high, H high, M moderate, L low, VL very low

Conclusions for groundwater storage. In this respect, remote sensing

and GIS techniques have recently attracted the attention of
Exploring groundwater has become a matter of concern, many researchers.
especially in areas with scarce water resources. However, This study presents a method to integrate the physical
the conventional methods that are applied for groundwater and anthropogenic factors governing groundwater storage,
exploration are still lacking in creditable concepts of and thus to reveal the resulting information in map format,
analysis and they often failed to identify promising areas showing spatial data for areas with different potential for

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

Table 7 Correlation matrix for the results from the applied method and field survey
Potentiality class from the applied method
Well productivity class from field survey VL L M H VH Total
VL 4a 0 0 0 0 4a
L 6 6a 3 4 1 20a
M 1 0 3a 1 1 6a
H 1 0 1 7a 2 11a
VH 0 1 0 3 11a 15a
Total 12a 7a 7a 15a 15a 56a
Indicates the coincidence of values resulting from the applied method and those verified from drilled water wells.
VH very high, H high, M moderate, L low, VL very low

groundwater storage. It is a new method applied, focusing evaluating their effects on the hydrogeology of the area of
on Wadi Aurnah Basin in the Arabian Peninsula. concern.
The advantages of the proposed method and the related The resulting map shows that 12–15% of Wadi Aurnah
systematic tools involve the identification of several Basin is suitable for groundwater storage and this is
terrain characteristics (influencing factors), with a special mainly concentrated in the eastern, mountainous region of
emphasis on: the area (Fig. 13). About 60–65% of the area is
characterized by low and very low potentiality for
1. Fracture systems, which are tedious to be mapped in a groundwater storage, which means that the largest part
rugged terrain with intensive rock deformations, like of the study area is poor in terms of groundwater storage
the area of concern and the probability of wells failing is high.
2. Lithological boundaries, which can be well delineated, As a matter of fact, water wells in Wadi Aurnah Basin
and rock units (within the same geologic formation), are usually dug in or near areas with dense human
which can be traced depending on the hydrogeologic settlement, and most often near the Holy City of Makka
properties of these units Al Mukaramah, regardless of the low potentiality of these
3. Slope ranges and drainage networks, for which catego- areas for groundwater storage. Results from statistical data
rization can be obtained with higher precision than by on wells dug in Wadi Aurnah Basin, show an acceptable
conventional methods (also less time consuming) creditability of the method used. A coincidence of 55%
4. Land cover/use, which is an important factor in was found when considering each category separately, and
surface runoff behaviour and groundwater recharge, ~64% when merging the high and very high classes (high
and which can be mapped and categorized into and very high being the required output). The results of
different classes the applied method can be improved by calibrating the
factors used according to the identified water productivity.
Some of these factors were used in previous studies, Moreover, the errors can be minimized if reliable data
but not all of them were used together. In addition, the about wells are collected, notably from privately owned
developed application is different in terms of data wells, as well as by considering the hydrogeologic units
integration. In the light of this, all factors that influence from which water is pumped.
the groundwater flow/storage regime should be included The method described is an empirical method using
in the exploration method for groundwater. Excluding any remote sensing and GIS in groundwater exploration, and
of them may create erroneous results, even though these succeeds in proposing potential sites to dig water wells. It
factors may differ significantly from one region to can be used in vast and remote areas such as many parts of
another. In order to have an equitable contribution of the Arabian Peninsula. It can also be applied in terrain
these factors, each factor was rated in terms of its with rugged topography, as in the case of the eastern,
influence on groundwater storage. This was done by mountainous part of Wadi Aurnah Basin.

Table 8 Correlation matrix for the results from the applied method and field survey, considering high and very high classes in the same
Potentiality class from the applied method
Well productivity class from field survey VL L M H+VH Total
VL 4a 0 0 0 4
L 6 6a 3 5 20
M 1 0 3a 2 6
H+VH 1 1 1 23a 26
Total 12 7 7 30 56a
Indicates the coincidence of values resulting from the applied method and those verified from drilled water wells.
VH very high, H high, M moderate, L low, VL very low

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 1481–1495 DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0598-9

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