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Additive MIL: Intrinsic Interpretability for Pathology

Syed Ashar Javed Dinkar Juyal

PathAI Inc PathAI Inc

Harshith Padigela Amaro Taylor-Weiner

arXiv:2206.01794v1 [cs.CV] 3 Jun 2022

PathAI Inc PathAI Inc

Limin Yu Aaditya Prakash

PathAI Inc PathAI Inc

Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) has been widely applied in pathology towards
solving critical problems such as automating cancer diagnosis and grading, predict-
ing patient prognosis, and therapy response. Deploying these models in a clinical
setting requires careful inspection of these black boxes during development and
deployment to identify failures and maintain physician trust. In this work, we
propose a simple formulation of MIL models, which enables interpretability while
maintaining similar predictive performance. Our Additive MIL models enable
spatial credit assignment such that the contribution of each region in the image can
be exactly computed and visualized. We show that our spatial credit assignment
coincides with regions used by pathologists during diagnosis and improves upon
classical attention heatmaps from attention MIL models. We show that any existing
MIL model can be made additive with a simple change in function composition.
We also show how these models can debug model failures, identify spurious fea-
tures, and highlight class-wise regions of interest, enabling their use in high-stakes
environments such as clinical decision-making.

1 Introduction
Histopathology is the study and diagnosis of disease by microscopic inspection of tissue. Histologic
examination of tissue samples plays a key role in both clinical diagnosis and drug development. It is
regarded as medicine’s ground truth for various diseases and is important in evaluating disease severity,
measuring treatment effects, and biomarker scoring [37]. A differentiating feature of digitized tissue
slides or whole slide images (WSI) is their extremely large size, often billions of pixels per image. In
addition to being large, WSIs are extremely information dense, with each image containing thousands
of cells and detailed tissue regions that make manual analysis of these images challenging. This
information richness makes pathology an excellent application for machine learning, and indeed
there has been tremendous progress in recent years in applying machine learning to pathology data
[38, 8, 18, 41, 11, 6, 13, 12].
The most important applications of ML in digital pathology involve predicting patient’s clinical
characteristics from a WSI image. Models need to be able to make predictions about the entire slide
involving all the patient tissue available; we refer to these predictions as "slide-level". To overcome
the challenges presented by the size of these images, previous methods have used smaller hand

Preprint. Under review.

engineered representations, built from biological primitives in tissue such as cellular composition
and structures [11]. Another common way to overcome the challenges presented by the size of
WSI s is to break the slide into thousands of small patches, train a model with these patches to
predict the slide-label, and then use a secondary model to learn an aggregation function from patch
representations to slide-level label [8]. Both methods are not trained in an end-to-end manner and
suffer from sub-optimal performance. The second method also suffers from an incorrect assumption
that each patch from a slide has the same label as the overall slide [16].
Multiple Instance Learning [28] is a weakly supervised learning technique which attempts to learn a
mapping from a set of instances (called a bag) to a single label associated with the whole bag. MIL
can be applied to pathology by treating patches from slides as instances which form a bag and a
slide-level label is associated with each bag to learn a bag predictor. This circumvents the need to
collect patch-level labels and allows end-to-end training from a WSI. The MIL assumption that at least
one patch among the set of patches is associated with the target label works well for many biological
problems. For example, the MIL assumption holds for the task of cancer diagnosis; a sufficiently large
bag of instances or patches from a cancerous slide will contain at least one cancerous patch whereas a
benign slide will never contain a cancerous patch. In recent years, attention based pooling of patches
has been shown to be successful for MIL problems [16]. Using neural networks with attention MIL
has become the standard for end-to-end pathology models as it provides a powerful, yet efficient
gradient based method to learn a slide-to-label mapping. In addition to superior performance, these
models encode some level of spatial interpretability within the model through visualization of highly
attended regions.
The sensitive nature of the medical imaging domain requires deployed machine learning models to be
interpretable for multiple reasons. First, it is critical that models do not learn spurious shortcuts over
true signal [10, 32] and can be debugged if such failure modes exist. Interpretability and explainability
methods have been shown to help identify some of these data and model deficiencies [14, 25, 3, 35].
Secondly, for algorithms in medical decision-making, accountability and rigorous validation precedes
adoption [24, 17]. Interpretable models can be easier to validate and thus build trust. Specifically,
users can verify that model predictions are generated using biologically concordant features that are
supported by scientific evidence and are similar to the those identified by human experts. Thirdly,
use-cases involving a human expert such as decision-support require the algorithm to give a visual
cue which highlights the regions to be examined more carefully. In these applications, a predicted
score is insufficient and needs to be complemented with a highlighted visual region associated with
the model’s prediction [7].
For ML models in pathology, spatial credit assignment can be defined as attributing model predictions
to specific spatial regions in the slide. Various post-hoc interpretability techniques like gradient based
methods [30] and Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanation (LIME) [39] have been used to this
end. However, gradient based methods which try to construct model-dependent saliency maps are
often insensitive to the model or the data [19, 1, 4]. This makes these post-hoc methods unreliable for
spatial attribution as they provide poor localization and do not reflect the model’s predictions [14].
Model-agnostic methods like Shapley values or LIME involve intractable computations for large
image data and thus need approximations like locally fitting explanations to model predictions, which
can lead to incorrect attribution [29]. Applying Attention MIL [16] in weakly supervised problems
in pathology leads to learning of the attention scores for each patch. These scores can be used as a
proxy for patch importance, thus helping in spatial credit assignment. This way of interpreting MIL
models has been used commonly in the literature to create spatial heatmaps, image overlays that
indicate credit assignment, for free without applying any post-hoc technique [42, 25, 22, 33, 21]. The
attention values that scale patch feature representations have a non-linear relationship to the final
prediction, making their visual interpretation inexact and incomplete. We discuss these issues in
detail in the next section.
To resolve these issues, we propose a simple formulation of MIL which induces intrinsically inter-
pretable heatmaps. We refer to this model as Additive MIL. It allows for exact decomposition of a
model prediction in terms of spatial regions of the input. These models are inspired by Generalized
Additive Models (GAMs) [15] and Neural Additive Models (NAMs) [2], but instead of being applied
to arbitrary features, they are grounded as patch instances in the MIL formulation which allows exact
credit assignment for each patch in a bag. Specifically, we achieve this by constraining the space
of predictor functions (the classification or regression head at the final layer) in the MIL setup to be
additive in terms of instances. Therefore, the exact contribution of each patch or instance in a bag can

be traced back from the final predictions. We show that these additive scores reflect the true marginal
contribution of each patch to a prediction and can be visualized as a heatmap on a slide for various
applications like model debugging, validating model performance, and identifying spurious features.
We also show that these benefits are achieved without any loss of predictive performance even though
the predictor function is now fixed to be additive. This is critical as the accuracy-interpretability
trade-off has been an active area of research and has deep implications for applications in medical
imaging. Trading off performance for interpretability might make sense for improving validation and
in turn adoption of ML tools, however it raises ethical questions about deploying sub-optimal models
[31, 23, 9]. Furthermore, since our work is orthogonal to previous advancements in MIL modeling,
we show that previous methods can be made additive by a simple switching of function composition
at the last layer of the model, making it applicable to all MIL models where instance-level credit
assignment is important.

2 MIL Models & Interpretability

2.1 Interpretability in Attention MIL

An attention MIL model [16] can be seen as a 3-part model consisting of a featurizer (f ) , typically
a deep CNN, an attention module (m) which induces a soft attention over the N patches and is
used to scale each patch feature, and a predictor (p) which takes the attended patch representations,
aggregates them using a permutation invariant function like sum pooling over the N patches, and
then outputs a prediction. This MIL model g(x) is given as:
g(x) = (p ◦ m ◦ f )(x) (1)
mi (x) = αi f (xi ) where αi = sof tmaxi (ψm (x)) (2)
p(x) = ψp ( mi (x)) (3)
where ψm and ψp are MLPs with non-linear activation functions.
The attention scores αi learned by the model can be treated as patch importance scores and have been
used previously to interpret MIL models [42, 25, 33, 21]. However, there are four issues in doing
spatial attribution using these attention scores. For example, consider the task of classifying a slide
into benign, suspicious or malignant:
(a) Since the attention weights are used to scale the patch features used for the prediction task, a
high attention weight only means that the patch might be needed for the prediction downstream.
Therefore, a high attention score for a patch can be a necessary but not sufficient condition for
attributing a prediction to that patch. Similarly, patches with low attention can be important for the
downstream prediction since the attention scores are related non-linearly to the final classification
or regression layer. For example, in a malignant slide, non-tumor regions might get highlighted by
the attention scores since they need to be represented at the final classification layer to provide
discriminative signal. However, this does not imply malignant prediction should be attributed to
non-malignant regions, nor that these regions would be useful to guide a human expert.
(b) The patch’s contribution to the final prediction can be either positive (excitatory) or negative
(inhibitory), however attention scores do not distinguish between the two. A patch might be
providing strong negative evidence for a class but will be highlighted in the same way as a positive
patch. For example, benign mimics of cancer are regions which visually look like cancer, but are
normal benign tissue [36]. These regions are useful for the model to provide negative evidence for
the presence of cancer and thus might have high attention scores. While attending to these regions
may be useful to the model, they may complicate human interpretation of resulting heatmaps.
(c) Attention scores do not provide any information about the class-wise importance of a patch, but
only that a patch was weighted by a certain magnitude for generating the prediction. In the case
of multiclass classification, this becomes problematic as a high attention scores on a patch can
mean that it might be useful for any of the multiple classes. Different regions in the slide might
be contributing to different classes which are indistinguishable in an attention heatmap. For
example, if a patch has high attention weight for benign-suspicious-malignant classification, it
can be interpreted as being important for any one or more of the classes. This makes the attention
scores ineffective for verifying the role of individual patches for a slide-level prediction.

(d) Using attention scores to assess patch contribution ignores patch interactions at the classification
stage. For example, two different tumor patches might have moderate attention scores, but when
taken together in the final classification layer, they might jointly provide strong and sufficient
information for the slide being malignant. Thus, computing marginal patch contributions for a bag
needs to be done at the classification layer and not the attention layer since attention scores do not
capture patch interactions and thus can under or over estimate contributions to the final prediction.

These difficulties in interpreting attention MIL heatmaps motivate the formulation of a traceable
predictor function, where model predictions can be exactly specified in terms of patch contributions
(both positive and negative) for each class.



Whole Patches Pretrained Patch Attention Attention Weighted Patch-wise Class Slide-level
Attention MIL predictions
Slide in a Bag CNN Embeddings Scores Patch Embeddings Contributions

Figure 1: Additive MIL Model

2.2 Additive MIL Models

We first define the desiderata for a visual interpretability method for MIL models:

1. The method should be intrinsic to the model and not be a post-hoc method. This prevents
incorrect assumptions about the model and does not require post-hoc modeling which is often an
approximation. It also prevents many pitfalls of traditional saliency methods [19, 1].
2. Attribution in the MIL setup should be in terms of instances only. For pathology, this means that
the prediction should be attributed to individual patches. This constraint enables expression of
bag predictions in terms of marginal instance contributions.
3. Should reflect model’s sensitivity and invariances by reliably mirroring its functioning [20].
4. Should distinguish between excitatory and inhibitory patch contributions. Should also provide
per-class contributions for classification problems.

To enable the desired instance-level credit assignment in MIL, we re-frame the final predictor to be
an additive function of individual instances. This translates to a simple switching of the function
composition in Equation 3:
pAdditive (x) = ψp (mi (x)) (4)

Making this change results in the final predictor only being able to implement patch-additive functions
on top of arbitrarily complex patch representations. This provides both complexity of the learned
representations as well as a traceable patch contribution for a given prediction which solves the
spatial credit assignment problem. ψp (mi (x)) is the class-wise contribution for patch i in the bag. At
inference, ψ produces a RC×N matrix for a classification problem where C is the number of classes
and N is the number of patches in a bag. Thus, we get a class-wise score for each patch, which
when summed gives the final logits for the prediction problem. These scores can be visualized by
constructing a heatmap from the visual representation of patch-wise contributions for each class. The
sign of the patch contribution decides whether the patch is excitatory or inhibitory towards each class
since positive values add to the final logit while negative values bring down the final class logit. In
the next section, we prove that the instance contribution obtained from an Additive MIL model is
exactly equivalent to the actual marginal contribution of that patch to a model’s prediction.

2.3 Proof of equivalence between Additive MIL and Shapley Values

We highlight the spatial credit assignment properties of an Additive MIL model by proving its
equivalence to Shapley values. Shapley value [34] is a game theoretic concept used for calculating
the optimal marginal contribution of each player in a n-player coalition game with a given total
payoff. In machine learning, it’s used to interpret models predictions by decomposing them in terms
of their marginal feature contributions. For most practical models, the computational complexity
grows exponentially, thus requiring approximations [26].
The Additive MIL model, g is defined for a MIL problem with instances xi as input:
g(x) = ψp (αi f (xi )) (5)

where αi is the attention weight for the ith instance, f is the function encoding each instance into a
feature representation, and ψp is predictor function which maps instance representation to the model
output (e.g. logits for classification models).
Theorem 1: The marginal instance contribution from an Additive MIL model, g(xi ) is proportional
to the Shapley value of that instance, φi .

X |S!|(|F | − |S| − 1|!)

g(xi ) ∝ φi (V, x) = VS∪i (xS∪i ) − VS (xS ) (6)
|F !|
S⊆F \i

Consequence: Additive MIL scores ensure optimal credit assignment across instances of an MIL bag.
Thus each bag-level prediction in MIL can be exactly decomposed into marginal instance contributions
given by Additive MIL scores and provide model interpretability.
Proof: The interpretation for the value function VS is taken from [26] where it’s defined as the
expected value of the model given a specific input set x∗S .
VS (xS ) = E[g(x)|xS = x∗S ] (7)
Since the conditional expectation is for the case where only the set S is known, rewriting the equation
in the form of integrals and breaking it down by set S and its complement S̄ gives:
VS (xS ) = g(x)p(xS̄ |xS = x∗S )dxS̄ (8)
Z hX X i
= ( g(x∗j )) + ( g(xj )) p(xS̄ |xS = x∗S )dxS̄ (9)
j∈S j∈S̄
= g(x∗j ) p(xS̄ |xS = x∗S )dxS̄ + ( g(xj ) p(xS̄ |xS = x∗S )dxS̄ (10)
j∈S j∈S̄
= g(x∗j ) p(xS̄ |xS = x∗S )dxS̄ + E[g(xj )] (11)
j∈S j∈S̄
= g(x∗j ) + E[g(xj )] (12)
j∈S j∈S̄

Equation 9 uses the model definition from equation 5 to express the function g into its linearly additive
components over all instances which are either in set S or in S̄. Similarly, we can write the value
function when the ith index is included in S by removing it from set S̄ and adding it to S:
VS∪i (xS∪i ) = VS (xS ) + g(x∗i ) − E[g(xi )] (13)
VS∪i (xS∪i ) − VS (xS ) = g(x∗i ) − E[g(xi )] (14)
Since the second term here is the expected value of the model output, we can put this back in equation
6 to get an equivalence between the Shapley value and the instance contribution from an Additive
MIL model.

φi (V, x) ∝ g(xi )

2.4 Features of Additive MIL Models

Exact marginal patch contribution towards a prediction. Additive MIL models provide exact
patch contribution scores which are additively related to the prediction. This additive coupling of the
model and the interpretability method makes the spatial scores precisely mirror the invariances and
the sensitivities of the model, thus making them intrinsically interpretable.
Class-wise contributions. Additive MIL models allow decomposing the patch contributions and
attributing them to individual classes in a classification problem. This allows us to not just assign the
prediction to a region, but to also see which class it contributes to specifically. This is helpful in cases
where signal for multiple classes exist within the same slide.
Distinction between excitatory and inhibitory contributions. Additive MIL models allow for both
positive and negative contributions from a patch. This can help distinguish between areas which are
important because they provide evidence for the prediction and those which provide evidence against.

3 Experiments & Results

3.1 Experimental Setup & Datasets

We perform various experiments to show the benefits of using Additive MIL models for interpretability
in pathology problems. Concretely, we show the following results:

• Additive MIL models provide intrinsic spatial interpretability without any loss of predictive
performance as compared to more expressive, non-additive models.
• Any pooling-based MIL model can be made additive by reformulating the predictor function and
leads to predictive results similar to the original model.
• Additive MIL heatmaps yield better alignment with region-annotations from an expert pathologist
than Attention MIL heatmaps.
• Additive MIL heatmaps provide more granular information like class-wise spatial assignment and
excitatory & inhibitory patches which is missing in attention heatmaps. This can be useful for
applications like model debugging.

We consider 3 different datasets and 2 different predictions for our experiments. The first problem is
the prediction of cancer subtypes in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) & renal cell carcinoma
(RCC), both of which use the TCGA dataset [40]. The second problem is the detection of metastasis
in breast cancer using the Camelyon16 dataset [5]. TCGA RCC contains 966 whole slide images
(WSIs) with three histologic subtypes - KICH (chromophobe RCC), KIRC (clear cell RCC) and KIRP
(papillary RCC). TCGA NSCLC has 1002 WSIs, with 538 slides belonging to subtype LUAD (Lung
Adenocarcinoma) and 464 to LUSC (Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma). Camelyon16 contains 267
WSI s for training and 129 for testing with a total of 159 malignant slides and 237 benign slides.

3.2 Implementation Details

Both TCGA datasets were split into 60/15/25 (train/val/test) as done previously [33] while ensuring no
data leakage at a case level. For Camelyon16, we use the original splits provided with the dataset. For
training the models, a bag size of 48-1600 patches and batch size of 16-64 was experimented with and
the best one chosen using cross-validation. The patches were sampled from non-background regions
for all datasets at a resolution of 1 microns per pixel without any overlap between adjacent patches.
An ImageNet pre-trained Shufflenet [27] was used as the feature extractor and the entire model was
trained end-to-end with ADAM optimizer and a learning rate of 1e-4. For inference, multiple bag
predictions were aggregated using a majority vote to get the final slide-level prediction. AUROC (area
under the receiver operating curve) scores were generated using the proportion of bags predicting the
majority label as the class assignment probability. For TCGA-RCC, we compute macro average of
1-vs-rest AUROC across the 3 classes. The attention scores were obtained by directly taking the raw
outputs for each patch from the attention module. For additive patch contributions, the patch-wise
class contributions were taken and converted to a bounded patch contribution value using a sigmoid
function. Both the attention and additive patch-wise scores were used for generating a heatmap as an
overlay on the slide with Attention MIL heatmaps having a single value per patch and Additive MIL

Accuracy AUC Accuracy AUC Accuracy AUC
Attention MIL [ ABMIL ] [16] 0.7734 0.7504 0.8826 0.9465 0.8780 0.9778
Attention MIL + Additive 0.8295 0.8460 0.8860 0.9414 0.9146 0.9829
TransMIL [33] 0.8047 0.7748 0.8785 0.9318 0.9146 0.9826
TransMIL + Additive 0.8047 0.8440 0.8947 0.9339 0.9106 0.9862

Table 1: Comparison of predictive performance on Camelyon16, TCGA NSCLC & RCC datasets.

heatmaps having C values per patch where C is the number of classes. All training and inference
runs were done on Quadro RTX 8000, and it takes 3 to 4 hours to train the model with four GPUs.

3.3 Experimental Results

3.3.1 Predictive Performance of Additive MIL Models & Applicability to Previous Methods
We compare Additive MIL models with existing techniques in terms of predictive performance on
3 different datasets. We implement the standard Attention MIL model (ABMIL) and a transformer
based MIL model, TransMIL which is the state-of-the-art on these three datasets (for comparison
of TransMIL with other methods, refer [33]). Table 1 shows how Additive MIL models achieve
comparable or superior performance to the standard Attention MIL model. In the case of improved
performance, we hypothesize that the additive constraint regularizes the model and limits overfitting
in comparison to previous approaches. This is particularly relevant to pathology datasets that often
have less than one thousand slides. The results in the table also demonstrate how previous techniques
like TransMIL can be made additive by switching the function composition of the classifier layer
as done in Equation 3 and 4. This property is general, thus any high performing MIL method can
be converted to an Additive MIL model. Implementing the additive formulation gives nearly all
the benefits of modeling complexity from previous methods, while enabling spatial interpretability
without any loss of predictive performance.

3.3.2 Region-level Alignment of Additive Heatmaps with Expert Pathologist

Here we compare heatmaps obtained through Additive MIL models with attention heatmaps and
evaluate both against region-level annotations from an expert pathologist. We use the Camelyon16
dataset where the goal is to classify the slide as benign or malignant. Since the cancer foci are very
localized and often occupy less than 1% of the slide, the task of generating localized cancer heatmaps
in a weakly supervised setup is very challenging. We obtained exhaustive segmentation annotations
for cancer regions from a board-certified pathologist on the Camleyon16 test set. We trained an
Additive MIL model and generated both the traditional attention heatmaps using the patch-level
attention scores and Additive MIL heatmaps using the patch contributions. We compare the patch
level precision-recall curves at different thresholds of the heatmap. Note that this comparison controls
for model performance as both heatmaps are generated from the same model. Figure 2 shows this
comparison. At low thresholds, nearly all patches are highlighted and we see a high recall and low
precision for both methods. As we increase this threshold we see higher precision and lower recall.
The Additive MIL heatmaps (AUPRC 0.42) highlighted cancer regions more precisely and sensitively
than traditional attention heatmaps (AUPRC 0.36), which detect more false-positives (Figure 2). If we
choose the best operating point of both the curves, we find that the best F1 score for the attention
heatmap is 0.43 as compared to 0.47 from the Additive heatmap. These experiments demonstrate the
superior performance of Additive MIL heatmaps in localizing areas of interest.

3.3.3 Faithful Representation of Patch-level Contributions to Slide-level Predictions

Attention heatmaps are often used to signal regions of interest in a slide, however as argued in
Section 2.1, it is not straightforward to draw conclusion regarding the importance and contribution of
‘attended’ areas towards the model prediction. Additive MIL guarantees that each patch’s contribution
is linear and thus faithfully represents its marginal contribution toward the slide-level prediction. This
property is shown in figure 3, where the linear relationship of Additive MIL (top row) is clear. In

Recall WSI from Camelyon16 Zoomed-in Area Additive MIL Heatmap Attention MIL Heatmap

Figure 2: Comparison of Additive & Attention MIL heatmaps at detecting annotated cancer regions in Came-
lyon16. Attention MIL heatmaps have lower precision & detect false-positives as highlighted in the yellow

.,&+ .,53 .,5&






.,&+ .,53 .,5&



Figure 3: Figure shows the alignment between the slide-level predicted logits & patch contributions from the
Additive & the Attention models on TCGA RCC. Top-row: Y-axis shows the sum of patch contribution in a
bag for Additive. Bottom-row: Y-axis shows the median score from top-10% patches in a bag for Attention.
The columns represent the slide-level logits for each class. The colors represent the ground-truth. Additive
contributions are linear while Attention is not.

contrast, when considering the attention scores of the most attended patches (taken as top 10% of
patches), there is no relationship with the final predictions (shown in the bottom row).

3.3.4 Qualitative Assessment of Multi-Class & Excitatory-Inhibitory Heatmaps

We highlight the benefits of having class-wise excitatory-inhibitory contributions for each spatial
region in a slide. Figure 4 shows zoomed-in regions of two slides from TCGA RCC & NSCLC. In these
examples, the attention heatmaps do highlight tissue regions predictive of the cancer subtype but
don’t provide information about the association of patches to classes. In contrast, the Additive MIL
heatmaps show precisely how each patch contributes to each class, and in turn the final prediction.
Figure 5 shows the information about excitatory & inhibitory patches for different classes. The
Additive MIL heatmaps for each class are visualized by the same colorbar where red denotes excitatory
patches & blue denotes inhibitory ones. The RCC WSI is labeled as KIRC, but the selected region
contains two subtypes, namely KIRC & small regions of KIRP, as evident from the raw slide. The
Additive MIL heatmaps accurately show bottom right region being excitatory for KIRC, but inhibitory
for the other two whereas the top left region is only excitatory for KIRP and inhibitory for two
other two. All patches are correctly inhibitory for KICH. Such granularity in heatmaps is helpful
in understanding how the model arrives at a prediction and can prove to be useful for practitioners
building the models as well as physicians using them.

RCC WSI Region Attention MIL Heatmap Additive MIL Heatmap NSCLC WSI Region Attention MIL Heatmap Additive MIL Heatmap

Figure 4: Even in cases where attention heatmap identifies the same region as an Additive MIL heatmap, the
ability of the latter to show granular class-wise patch contributions can lead to better interpretation. The left
3 column (RCC) shows the Additive MIL heatmaps: KIRC regions in cyan and KIRP in green. The right 3
columns show Adenocarcinoma regions in yellow and Squamous cell carcinoma in blue. Attention heatmaps are
incapable of visualizing such class-level information.

Additive MIL Heatmap Additive MIL Heatmap Additive MIL Heatmap

RCC WSI Region

Figure 5: Additive MIL heatmaps provide excitatory and inhibitory patch contributions for each class which can
be analyzed to understand how each region is voting for or against each class. Red denotes excitatory while
blue denotes inhibitory contributions for each class. In the same RCC slide, regions containing morphological
signal for multiple subtypes can be seen and corroborated using the excitatory-inhibitory patches from different
regions, thus helping in model evaluation.

3.3.5 Model Debugging Using Additive MIL Heatmaps

The ability of Additive MIL models to perfectly reflect model predictions at a patch-level can be
useful in model debugging. Here, we show examples of the cases where Additive MIL heatmaps
identify reasons for model failures during our experiments. Figure 6 shows two such cases. These
heatmaps not only provide interpretability to MIL models, but can also aid in validating specific
hypothesis during model debugging.

3.3.6 Limitations
Since the interpretation of Additive MIL models is based on model predictions that are reformulated
to be interpretable, the interpretability method is inherently coupled with the model. This is desirable
since the heatmaps now exactly track model predictions, but this coupling also potentially limits the
flexibility of models and heatmaps. For example, since the patch contributions are tied to the model,

RCC WSI Region Attention MIL Heatmap Additive MIL Heatmap Camelyon16 WSI Region Attention MIL Heatmap Additive MIL Heatmap

Figure 6: Left 3 columns show the case of model mispredicting a KIRP slide as KICH. Attention heatmaps show
a region of adrenal gland on the left being attended. Additive MIL heatmaps are able to exactly show how adrenal
glands being rare, are being confused for KICH regions even though the model correctly identifies the KIRP
regions on the right side. The right 3 columns show a case from Camelyon16 where the model is mispredicting
a benign slide as malignant. The attention heatmap offers no information, however, Additive MIL heatmap
highlights areas of germinal center as the source of this false positive prediction (in red). This pattern for false
positive prediction is found in multiple slides & can enable us to go from interpretation to debugging.

one can only generate heatmaps with patches at the same resolution as the model training. Another
limitation is the reduction of model expressivity introduced by the additive constraint. In this study,
we did not find a practical example of this limitation, however, it may exist in other datasets.

4 Conclusion & Broader Impact

We propose a simple reformulation of the popular Attention MIL setup for pathology that makes
models intrinsically interpretable through an additive function. Our approach enables exact spatial
credit assignment where the final prediction of the model can be attributed to individual contributions
of each patch in a pathology slide. These models provide spatial interpretability without any loss
of predictive performance and can be used for various applications like model debugging and
highlighting regions-of-interest in a decision-support setting. This high fidelity interpretability will
be critical in building trust for these models when deployed in medical decision-making.

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Here we provide additional heatmaps from TCGA and Camelyon16 datasets which compare attention
and Additive MIL heatmaps on pathology whole-slide images. We also show results for an expert
evaluation of the heatmaps’ utility towards a clinical-grade tool.

A Heatmaps from TCGA-RCC Dataset

Figure 7 shows three cases of Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). The MIL models are trained to predict
the sub-type present in the slide, namely clear cell carcinoma (KIRC), papillary cell carcinoma (KIRP),
& chromophobe (KICH). In case (a), attention heatmap is shown to attend to regions predictive of
both KIRC and KIRP whereas Additive MIL heatmap correctly identifies the presence of individual
sub-types within the same slide. Similarly in (b), the slide shown is labeled as KIRC, however
it contains areas with papillary structure as highlighted by the Additive MIL heatmap. Note that
attention heatmap does not highlight these regions. In case (c), the slide is labeled as KICH and the
model correctly predicts it. The attention heatmap highlights relevant KICH regions in pink. However,
it misses showing patches contributing to the other two classes spuriously which are visible in the
Additive MIL heatmap.

B Heatmaps from Camelyon16 Dataset

Figure 8 shows three cases of metastatic breast cancer from the Camelyon dataset. Case (a) shows a
malignant slide where the model gives the correct prediction. Attention heatmap highlights certain
regions for this prediction, but it’s not clear whether the patch provides excitatory or inhibitory
contribution for the malignant class. In contrast, Additive MIL heatmap shows that the patches in blue
are inhibitory towards the predicted class. This highlights the a key limitation of attention heatmaps
which show patch importance but not their predictive value towards or against a class. Case (b) is
a Benign slide which is mis-predicted as Malignant. The attention heatmap does not highlight any
regions, however the Additive MIL heatmap correctly identifies and localizes the false positive failure
mode of the model. This makes Additive MIL models suitable for granular model debugging. Case
(c) is a malignant slide correctly predicted by the model. The attention heatmap only localizes a
single cancer focus on the left side of the slide even though the whole piece of tissue is malignant.
Additive MIL heatmap correctly identifies other cancer foci as well.

C Heatmaps from TCGA-NSCLC Dataset

Figure 9 shows three cases of Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC). The MIL models are
trained to predict the sub-type present in the slide, namely Adenocarinoma & Squamous Cell
Carcinoma. Additive MIL heatmap in (a) shows the model picking up regions predictive of both
sub-types even though the model correctly predicts the slide to be Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This
information is absent from attention heatmap. Note that in this case, the attention heatmap shows
high importance for regions from both sub-types. In case (b) however, the most attended patches only
correspond to Adenocarcinoma shown in yellow even though regions predictive of both sub-types
exist. This ambiguous behavior of attention heatmap complicates interpretation. In (b), which is
an Adenocarcinoma slide, Additive MIL heatmap shows the model being uncertain about the two
classes and localizes that uncertainty to a specific region even though the final prediction is correct.
In (c), we again see attention heatmap highlighting patches corresponding to both sub-types without
distinguishing between them, while the Additive MIL heatmap clearly delineates the regions predictive
of the two classes.

D Expert Evaluation of Additive Heatmaps & Applicability in Decision

Support Tool
We conducted an expert evaluation of the heatmaps to assess their usefulness for highlighting regions
of interest in Camelyon16 and TCGA - RCC slides using both Additive MIL and attention heatmaps.
For Camelyon16, we selected a random sample of 50 slides from the test set with a 1:4 distribution of

Dataset Attention Heatmap Additive MIL Heatmap
TCGA-RCC 6/39 33/39
Camelyon16 1/50 49/50

Table 2: Expert evaluation of Additive and attention heatmaps for highlighting regions of interest in TCGA - RCC
cancer sub-typing and Camelyon16 cancer identification task. The scores indicate the proportion of slides where
a board-certified pathologist prefers a particular heatmap.

benign-to-malignant class. For TCGA - RCC, we randomly selected 39 slides with equal representation
from all 3 classes. A board-certified pathologist was asked to evaluate the heatmaps based on the
following question:
"Which heatmap out of the two would you prefer to use in an AI+human decision-support setup for
highlighting regions of interest before you give your diagnosis?"
The results from the study are tabulated in Table 2. The scores for each heatmap are calculated by
counting the number of times an expert pathologist would prefer one heatmap over the other. It clearly
shows that Additive MIL heatmaps are almost always preferred over attention heatmaps. The main
reason for this preference for TCGA - RCC was - "The Additive MIL heatmaps highlight patches for
individual classes which can serve as visual reminder for pathologists to consider other differential
diagnosis. "For Camelyon16, the pathologist feedback was - "Between Additive and Attention MIL,
the former is preferred because the latter has more false positives and false negatives in all slides
except one".

Figure 7: Comparison of Additive MIL and attention heatmaps. Cyan patches denote KIRC, lime green patches
denote KIRP, and pink patches denonte KICH. Attention heatmaps are shown in green. Additive MIL heatmaps
highlight regions different from attention heatmaps and offer more granularity in interpretation. See section A
for details about the shown cases.

Figure 8: Comparison of Additive MIL and attention heatmaps. Red patches denote the class MALIGNANT and
blue patches denote the class BENIGN. Attention heatmaps are shown in green. Attention heatmaps do not
distinguish between excitatory & inhibitory patch contributions and often do not highlight false positive patches
which are critical for model debugging. See section B for details about the shown cases.
Figure 9: Comparison of Additive MIL and attention heatmaps. Yellow patches denote Adenocarcinoma and blue
patches denote Squamous cell carcinoma. Attention heatmaps are shown in green. They lack class-dependent
patch attribution and often differ in their patch contribution values as compared to Additive MIL heatmaps. See
section C for details about the shown cases.


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