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World University of Bangladesh

Case Study
Course Title: Marketing Services
Course Code: MKT-1102

Submitted to
Ujjal Yaman Chowdhury
Assistant Professor
World University of Bangladesh

Submitted by
Name: Md. Delwar Hossain Ratul
Roll: 4223
Batch: 65/A
Date of Submission: 03/27/23
Question 1: Do you think the conversation is good for a service firm? Explain with logic.

I think the conversation is not ethical for a service firm. Communicating on the telephone can be
more difficult than speaking in person because many of the non-verbal cues are missing. When
dealing with guests and other outsiders, it is particularly important to create a good first
impression of the business.
In the case the service provider from Pizza delight was very well behaved but she went through a
lot of personal data of the customer. Which may irritate any customer. A service firm should only
focus on providing the service properly in order to gain customer satisfaction.
On the other hand, the customer’s behavior was rude and irrelevant. The customer also used
verbal abusion. Which was not ethical at all. Both the parties need to be conscious about making
a first good impression.

Question 2: Rewrite the conversation where you think necessary.

Operator: "Thank you for calling Pizza Delight.Linda speaking, how may I help you?"

Customer: "Good evening, can I order..."

Operator: "Sir, before taking your order, could I please have the number of your multi-purpose
smart card?"

Customer: "Hold on.... it's.... um... CA-4555 9831."

Operator: "Thank you! Can I please confirm you're Mr Thompson calling from 10940 Wilford

Customer: Yes I am but how did you know?

Operator: "Sir, we are connected to the Integrated Customer Intimacy System."

Customer: "I would like to order a large seafood pizza."

Operator: "Okay sir but will that be good for your health?"

Customer: "Umm….maybe not, i have high cholesterol level. Can you recommend something?”

Operator: "Try our Low Fat Soybean Yoghurt Pizza. You might like it.

Customer: "OK, then get me three large ones then. How much will that be?"

Operator: "Sir that will be $54.90 in total.”

Customer: "Can I pay by credit card?"

Operator: "Yes you can if there is no issue with the credit card."

Customer: "let me see. Ohh I have some overdue issue with the card, I guess I’ll have to pay
cash then. How long is it gonna take?"

Operator: "About 45 minutes Sir, Is it okay for you to wait?"

Customer: "Well thats a lot of time but you were really well behaved, so i can wait."

Operator: "Is there anything else you need. Sir?"

Customer:” No thats all I want”

Operator: “ Thanks for ordering from Pizza Delight, have a goo day sir.”

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