Terrestrial Plants

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February 22, 2023


At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
A. identify the specialized structures of terrestrial plants
B. name plants that may grow in a particular environment
C. recognize the plants that grows in hot, dry, and cold areas

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Terrestrial Plants
B. Materials: Worksheets, Pictures
C. References: Science for Activity Learning K to 12 Curriculum 2nd edition
D. Value Focus: Appreciating the god’s given gifts

III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
 Ask the class about the previous lesson
 What they have learned in the previous lesson

2. Motivation
 The teacher will present a picture about terrestrial plants.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
 The teacher will present a picture of plants to the class, then let the student identify the specialized
structure of terrestrial plants.

2. Discussion
 Plants grow on land are called Terrestrial plants. Some plants grow in desert while others grow in
moist environments. Terrestrial plants have different structures that enable them to live in such
Hot and Dry areas
Cactus- has a widespread root system to absorb as much water as it can. It can grow in dry soil
with small amount of water. It also adapted to lives in very dry environment including the Desert.
Coconut tree- grows in sandy soil with regular rainfall and lots of sunlight.
They are usually found near beaches.

Cold area

Pine trees- are well adapted to grow in cold places. It has needlelike


Fern- are well adapted to live in the rainforest.

Trees in rainforest are tall and dense that sunlight is almost blocked off.

Grasses- have fibrous root system that absorbs water over a large area.
Their roots allow grasses to survive dry conditions.

C. Post Activities
1. Generalization
 What do you call a place where a plants lives, grow, and survived?
 What plants are well adapted in the rainforest?
 Where does the cactus adapted to live?

2. Application

Identify what is being described in each sentence. Choose the correct

answer from the box.

1. 1. These plants are tall and dense that sunlight is almost blocked off.
2. 2. What plant are well adapted to grow in cold places, and it has needlelike
leaves. ____________
3. 3. These plants live in very dry environment including the Desert.
4. 4. These plants are well adapted to live in the rainforest. _________________
5. 5. These plants have fibrous root system that absorbs water over a large area.

Pine trees Cactus

Grasses Tree
IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment

Draw 1 example of plants that grow in the following habitat. Label your

Dessert Grassland

 Rainforest  Cold area

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