Ngo Lohith

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*A Community Service/ Internship report submitted to Bengaluru City

University in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the

degree of
Bachelor of Commerce

Bengaluru City Universityby


Student Register Number:C1953640

Under the Guidance of

Faculty with Designation


(Affiliated to Bengaluru City University, Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka) Machohalli Gate,
Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru-560 091.

Ph: 080-28535287.

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02.COMMUNITY SERVICE…………………………………………………
05.MY CONTRIBUTION TO NGOS ……………………………………….pg.no18
06.MY LEARNING EXPERIENCES…………………………………………

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I take this as an opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all who have

been significantcontributors to this Community Service.

I convey my gratitude to all the staff members of various departments of Vidya

Sanskaar Instituteof Science Commerce and Management Organisation and
Assistant Prof/ Associate Prof/Prof MOHAN KUMAR.BM who has guided us
in the Company/Organisation.

I express my deepest sense of gratitude to Prof. SATISH M BEJJIHALLY,

Principal Vidya Sanskaar Institute of Science, Commerce and Management
for constant support.

I am thankful to Associate Prof. Mohan Kumar BM Head, Department of

Commerce, Vidya Sanskaar Institute of Science, Commerce and
Management, for support, guidance and encouragement.

I am grateful to Mr. MOHANKUMAR.BM, Lecturer in Commerce,

Department of Commerce, Vidya Sanskaar Institute of Science,
Commerce and Management, for sparing his valuable time and guiding
in the successful completion of the report.

Place: Bengaluru
Date: Signature byStudent

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Title of Document: COMMUNITY


The title of my project work is Community Service Initiative. The main

purpose of my project was to serve the people in the lower section of
our society for the betterment of the community. So I to render this
service went to a NGO named URUGOLU OLD AGE HOME TRUST,
where they serve both the old age people as well as the orphan
children. I went there for 15 days to serve them and there I learnt
about them a lot such as their daily activities. There were twenty
five(25) old aged people.

In the trust I did the painting of the benches and beds of the children
and old aged persons, also I played various games with the children
and made the children read and write, also I spoke with the old aged
persons and they told us about their stories and background. They had
pain in their story but the administration of the trust told us that they
have been to trying to solve their grievances by counselling them to
bring a smile on their face. All the children and old aged persons
were so happy and also I was happy to serve them, I learnt a lot
about them and it was such a nice opportunity to spend a time with
them and serve for them.

Then after serving them for almost fifteen days the last day of my
service to them arrived so on the last day we took some chocolates
and cakes for them. They were so much happy and all of us enjoyed
each and every moment serving them. We also donated some N-95
masks and money to the trust on the last day of our operation in the
trust. It is so much encouraging that a NGO is working so hard to make
their lives beautiful and we must also strive to serve them whenever
we get the time to do such activities.

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Community service is unpaid work performed by a person or group of

people for the benefit and betterment of their community without
any form of compensation. Community service can be distinct from
volunteering, since it is not always performed on a voluntary basis
and may be compulsory per situation. Although personal benefits
may be realized, it may be performed for a variety of reasons
including citizenship requirements, a substitution of criminal justice
sanctions, requirements of a school or class, and requisites for the
receipt of certain benefits.


➢ Community service helps connect to the community.
➢ It benefits your career prospects.
➢ Community service raises social awareness.
➢ Community service establishes contacts and friendships.
➢ Community service helps to improve your skills.

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A non-governmental organization, non-government organization, or simply
an NGO, is an organization that is, generally, formed independent from
government. They are typically non-profit entities, and many of them are
active in humanitarianism or the social sciences; they can also include clubs
and associations that provide services to their members and others. Surveys
indicate that NGOs have a high degree of public trust, which can make them
a useful proxy for the concerns of society and stakeholders. However, NGOs
can also be lobby groups for corporations, such as the World Economic
The term as it is used today was first introduced in Article 71 of the newly-
formed United Nation's Charter in 1945. While there is no fixed or formal
definition for what NGOs are, they are generally defined as non-profit
entities that are independent of governmental influence— although they
may receive government funding. According to the UN Department of Global
Communications, an NGO is "a not-for profit, voluntary citizen’s group that is
organized on a local, national or international level to address issues in
support of the public good. “With that being said, the term NGO is used
inconsistently, and is sometimes used synonymously with civil society
organization (CSO), which is any association founded by citizens. In some
countries, NGOs are known as non-profit organizations, and political parties
and trade unions are sometimes considered NGOs as well.

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NGOs are classified by (1) orientation—the type of activities an NGO
undertakes, such as activities involving human rights, consumer protection,
environmentalism, health, or development; and (2) level of operation, which
indicates the scale at which an organization works: local, regional, national,
or international. Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in 2008. India is estimated
to have had about 2 million NGOs in 2009 (approximately one per 600
Indians), many more than the number of the country's primary schools and
health centres.

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The number of NGO’s in different states of India:

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Purpose the NGO’s registered for (%) :
Figure 6

✓ These are the NGO’s verified on the ground by CSO (Central

Statistics Organisation).
✓ It only includes those registered under Indian Societies Act and
similar state laws.

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Number of NGO’s in urban and rural areas of India:

✓ Data was collected in 2009.

✓ Source: Central Statistics Organisation, 2012.

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Certificate of Originality issued by the institution

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Certificate from the external agency (Sukanksha Charitable Trust) :

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URUGOLU OLD AGE HOME was established on jan 2013 by P.GEORGE.This trust is
located at #57, Dasanpura hobli,kadabagere post ,vaddarahalli ,Bengaluru-562
URUGOLU OLD AGE HOME trust was initiated in July 2013 and ia a registered
trust.initially some of the board directors were involved in activities such as
rescue of children from difficult family situation, domestic violence and alcohol
abuse. In the later stages they found out both children and old aged persons who
are vulnerable to such conflicting family situations and are looking for a
emotionally secured place. A permanent place was thought out to create a
conductive atmosphere for children to learn and play with full scale nutritional
security, hence the trust was registered to fulfil its vision.
The area of operation of this NGO is social service trust for rural/urban
development, health welfare of women, child, senior citizens in our society.
Some of the key activities of the trust are old age home, child care centre,
health, education, mental retarded persons units, counselling centre, and other
related activities.
Some of the key achievements of Sukanksha charitable trust are it has helped
neglected senior citizens and poor women’s, disabled and orphan, alcohol abuse
victims, persons below poverty line who drop their children, for their sustainable
and holistic development. This NGO takes care of such people and children by
food, shelter, education and such other facilities to them in order to improve
the conditions of the people of weaker sections in the society.

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This organisation shelter rescues such people either from the streets with the
assistance of the Police department or even in some cases the hospital
authorities also approach them in order to provide shelter and food to such
retarded people. Smt.Yashodha also told us that also in some of the cases the
immediate relatives of old aged people also approach them for the sake of
shelter. Most of the aged persons in the NGO are ejected out of both the joint as
well as nuclear families and are suffering from schizophrenic/psychological
disorders due to their deprivation from family and they always have a sense of
belongingness to their house, family, and relatives.
Each of the aged person we found here has their own story of deprivation and a
tenacious journey of a hard terrain. The staff at NGO told us that they use their
counselling skills to understand their stories and also some aged persons have
healed due to this counselling sessions.
It is the vision and aim of this NGO to equip the child care centre with the basic
learning amenities and resources to evolve it into a creative space for joyful
learning. Sukanksha charitable trust is recognized by government, but they only
run on the donations from the people who help them for the betterment of the
society. Today there are nearly 50 members at Sukanksha nele but the
management told us that the numbers of donors have remained the same. So
even we request that it is our primary duty to take care of the people of lower
sections in our society and we should also help such NGO’s so that we always
make this society a better place for the mankind to survive.

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3.REGISTRATION NUMBER: SOR/RJR/S-177/2013-2014 with
government of Karnataka,india

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News article

Bengaluru: While the nation was celebrating its 72 Independence Day, an 88-year-
old woman, who was stranded on the city streets because of rains, was struggling to
reach home. However, a Good Samaritan, Franky Cecil, found the elderly woman
sitting at the bus shelter on Hesaraghatta Road and informed Deccan Chronicle late
on Wednesday evening. In a rare example of public-police coordination, the police
from three jurisdictions of Soladevanahalli, Bagalgunte and Vidyaranyapura were
informed.Acting swiftly, the police reached the spot and rescued the frail woman.
But, the challenge remained as she couldn’t remember her house address and also
could not give details about herself. She was shifted to a nearby old age home and
was brought to the Vidyaranyapura police station on Thursday morning.Inspector
Ramamurthy B. told Deccan Chronicle, “She doesn’t remember anything. She has
been in the city for the last three months and has been wandering about. A woman
offered her help and gave her shelter. But she walked away from that house abruptly
on Wednesday and that was when she was found and we were informed.”He said,
“We ensured that she was comfortable and fed her. A team of specialists was called
and representatives from URUGOLU OLD AGE HOME also visited the station. After
talking to her and counselling her, we came to know that she does not have anyone
to look after her. We have sent her back to the charitable trust.”Nagamma from
URUGOLU OLD AGE HOME said, “As soon as we received a call from Vidyaranyapura
police on Thursday morning, we rushed to the spot and spoke to theelderly woman.
She could not recall much. We fed her and took her to our trust on Magadi Road.
After coming here, she soon mingled with others and she seems happy.”

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My contributions to the NGO :

The main purpose of my project was to serve the people in the lower
section of our society for the betterment of the community. So I to
render this service went to a NGO named URUGOLU OLD AGE HOME,
where they serve both the old age people as well as the orphan
children. I went there for 15 days to serve them and there I learnt
about them a lot such as their daily activities. There were twenty
five(25) OLD PEOPLE in the trust.
In the trust we clean the floor and beds of old people we played
games with old people and also we spoke with the old aged people
they told there stories and backgroud They had pain in their story but
the administration of the trust told us that they have been to trying
to solve their grievances by counselling them to bring a smile on their
face. All the children and old aged persons were so happy and also I
was happy to serve them, I learnt a lot about them and it was such a
nice opportunity to spend a time with them and serve for them.

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We helped the trust members by serveing food to old people which
made me happy.

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My learning experiences :

The people that we found in the NGO were very much friendly and
supportive, they helped us a lot during our operation in the URUGOLU
OLD AGE HOME. The management of the trust were so much hard
working and they were trying to make the lives of the old aged people
and orphan children better, so that they don’t suffer for the rest of
their life.

After serving them for almost fifteen days the last day of my service
to them arrived so on the last day we tooksome vegetables and
coconuts for them. They were so much happy and all of us enjoyed
each and every momentm serving them.We also donated some N-95
masks and money to the trust on the last day of ouroperation in the
trust. It is so much encouraging that a NGO is working so hard to
make their lives beautiful and we must also strive to serve them
whenever we get the time to do such activities.

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She is staying in ashrama since one year five months.
She more happier than staying in her home which is in Nagarbhavi.
She is extremely satisfied by our service provided to the ashrama.

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Name:saraja bai
She stay in ashrama for two years .
She satisfy by our service and blessed us.
She told about her past days and she got emotional.

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He is staying in ashrama for 4yrs .
He is very much satisfied in ashrama he loves ashrama food and

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Community service is unpaid work performed by a person or group

of people for the benefit and betterment of the community without
any form of compensation. It is not at all necessary that community
service has to be performed voluntarily but it can also be
mandatory/compulsory in some situations such as requirements by
a institution or university.

It is a very good step by the Bengaluru City University that it has

included community service project in our curriculum. It has helped
us to understand that there are various sections of people and how
they strive to survive in the society. During this community service
we also understood that what are the difficulties and challenges that
they face for the survival in the society.

The people that we found in the NGO were very much friendly and
supportive, they helped us a lot during our operation in the
URUGOLU OLD AGE HOME. The management of the trust were so
much hard working and they were trying to make the lives of the old
aged people and orphan children better, so that they don’t suffer for
the rest of their life.

They told us that if these orphan children are not taught and brought up
properly then they will do all the evil things in the society and will either
do robbery or smuggling. During our operation on the Ngo we learnt a lot
of things and also are very much thankful to the university and our
college that we got such an opportunity to do this project and activity

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I got all the information/facts related to the project or initiative from the
✓ Our mentor Assistant professor MOHAN KUMAR.BM

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