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Республики Беларусь



Вариант 1
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
If someone asks you what the best way of travelling from London to Paris is, you could suggest flying, taking
the ferry or going through the Channel Tunnel. The 'Chunnel', as it is known, opened in 1994, and more than 200
million people (Al) ... it. Since 2000, pets have also been able to travel. So how did one of the wonders of modern
engineering come about? The first plan to connect mainland Britain with France via a tunnel (A2) ... in 1802 by
a French engineer. He wanted horse-drawn carriages to carry people through. Napoleon III later considered
a tunnel, but thought it was too expensive. He was right — the modern ‘Chunnel’ creators overspent by 80 per
cent. The tunnels (two for trains and one for maintenance) (A3) ... six years to build and are 50.5 km long.
High-speed trains (A4) ... since 2007. It (A5) ... 35 minutes to travel the length of the Channel Tunnel. On a cheerier
note, around 12 million roses (A6) ... through the tunnel every year for Valentine’s Day.
Al. 1) had used 2) were used 3) were using 4) are used 5) have used
A2. 1) has presented 2) presented 3) was presented 4) was presenting 5) had presented
A3. 1) were taken 2) took 3) take 4) have been taking 5) are taking
A4. 1) ran 4) have been running
2) are run 5) had run
3) are running
A5. 1) was taking 2) has been taking 3) is taken 4) will be taken 5) takes
A6. 1) deliver 2) have delivered 3) are delivering 4) are delivered 5) will deliver
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
As a child, Zack had eaten a wide variety of food and it wasn’t until he started secondary school that
he became addicted (A7)... pizza. American school meals have often been criticised for the large amount of fast
food present (A8) ... the menu. At Zack's school, pizza was the star dish and he couldn’t get enough of it.
Furthermore, there was only one thing he wanted to spend his pocket money on: slices of pizza. Naturally,
Zack's family were worried about their son’s diet was low (A9) ... vitamins. So was Zack. In a desperate attempt
to break his addiction, he agreed to appear on a TV programme. Its aim was to encourage food addicts to beat
their addictions with the help of a psychologist and nutritionist. It wasn't easy, but Zack finally demonstrated that
he had given (A10)... eating pizza. Zack met the challenge and, according to the programme makers, he has
never eaten pizza again.
A7. 1) with 2) for 3) to 4) in 5) on
A8. 1) at 2) on 3) in 4) to 5) with
A9. 1) in 2) at 3) with 4) for 5) by
A10. 1) in 2) off 3) on 4) out 5) up
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
(All) Have you ever thought of visiting... city which combines stunning beauty and a long history? York, the
attractive, historical, walled city in North Yorkshire in England, can be ... excellent choice.
(A12) The Romans built York in AD 71. It has many remarkable sights to see, all of which reflect its importance
in history. If you stroll down to the city centre, Jorvik Viking Centre, situated in one of the oldest Viking Age cities,
can offer you an amazing journey through Viking Age as soon as you step aboard a time car. In ... actual fact,
it takes you through a bustling market, dark, smokey houses and a busy wharf. They have all been recreated
in ... accurate detail so that you can experience in sight, sound and smell what it was like to live and work
in the Vikings’ city of Yorvik.
(A13) As for a walk through York’s historic city centre with its narrow medieval streets and modern shops,
it’ll definitely be a memorable experience. You can see there how successfully the old and the modern worlds can
co-exist. All in ... all, York, which still keeps its traditional style and cultural heritage down the centuries, is ... city
to remember.
AH. 1) a, an 2) 3) —, the 4) —, an 5) the, —
A12. 1) an, the 2) —, an 3) an, an 4) the, — 5) - -
A13. 1) an, a 2) the, the 3) —, a 4) 5) the, a

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. We are well used to the influence (1) of changing trends in fashion and beauty (2) and, although not
everyone wishes to follow them (3), it is undeniable (4) that a large number of people does (5).
A15. Salt, which qualities (1) have been known since prehistoric times (2), is used in almost every dish in the
world (3) and is admired by f4) millions of people (5).
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What is the secret of long life? Reducing calorie intake by 30 per cent is thought to lead to a longer lifespan,
but for many, this can mean (A16) ... a starvation-like diet. However, scientists are now developing a drug which
they believe can switch on a particular gene that has the same effect without the pain. A recent (A17) ... of
centenarians (долгожители) found, though, that many in the over-100 age group had led unhealthy lifestyles
for a long period of their lives. For these people a long life is the (A18) ... of a longevity gene and scientists have
been working on a drug that can imitate this gene. Or is it all down to the mind? Some scientists believe that
if we ‘think’ younger our bodies will follow. Research has shown that by (A19) ... people imagine they are twenty
years younger, many of the (A20) ... of ageing actually go into reverse.
A16. 1) going 2) leading 3) making 4) following 5) keeping
A17. 1) finding 2) search 3) study 4) proof 5) research
A18. 1) cause 2) luck 3) reason 4) aim 5) result
A19. 1) making 2) getting 3) forcing 4) causing 5) allowing
A20. 1) looks 2) notices 3) views 4) signs 5) symbols
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Woman: Did you notice that Mark shaved off his beard over the summer?
Man: Notice? I didn’t even recognise him.
What does the man mean?
1) He hadn’t noticed any change in Mark.
2) Mark looks different without a beard.
3) He thinks Mark looked better with the beard.
4) He hasn’t seen Mark yet.
5) He would never recognise Mark with his beard.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Do you mind if I switch off the light?
1) I’m afraid I don’t. 4) Not in the least.
2) I’ll make up my mind. 5) My pleasure.
3) Never mind.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. Can you tell me the way to the market square? A. Sure, it’s over there.
2. Sorry to keep you waiting. B. That’s all right.
3. Could you pass me the paper? C. Here you are.
4. Please remind me to post the letters. D. Not at all.
E. I will.
1) 1A 2D ЗЕ 4C 2) 1C 2B 3E 4D 3) 1C 2D ЗА 4B 4) 1A 2B ЗС 4E 5) IB 2E 3C 4D
A24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. Great. Let’s do that.
B. OK, how about we ask people for some photos of themselves with Maria, and maybe ask them to include
a personal message too?
C. You know Maria’s moving to another city next month, don't you? Some of us were thinking about buying
her a present.
D. Yes, OK. That would be a really nice present. I’ll start contacting Maria’s friends. And maybe you can check
out ideas online.
E. Like a leaving present? That’s a good idea. We should get her something that reminds her of all her
friends here. But I’ve no idea what.
F. And we could collect them all and put them together to make a scrapbook.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. In 2004, Pen Hadow became the first person to trek to the North Pole alone. That meant swimming
through unimaginably cold waters, fighting frostbite and risking encounters with polar bears. Just eight months
later, he made a similar trip to the South Pole. Now he is back in the Arctic again, preparing for an expedition
he says is somewhat of a different kind. This time there is far more at stake. Pen and two colleagues will set out
on a three-month, 1,000-kilometre trek to the North Pole, taking detailed measurements of the thickness
and density of the ice. Nobody has ever done this before, and he knows the results will be of vital importance
to the scientific community. This will be the truest picture yet of what global warming is doing to the ice that
covers the polar region.
§ 2. Pen and his wife live in the country with their two children. 'They were one and five when I last went,
and I made a mistake in the way I said goodbye. I thought it would be a good idea to say to my son, "You're the
man of the house now, look after your mum and your sister." He absolutely took it to heart, asking his mum how
she was all the time, but the strain eventually became too much. While it was well intentioned, it was an unfair
thing to do.’ For similar reasons he is planning to have very little contact with them while in the Arctic. 'If you call
them, you remind them how far away you are.’
§ 3. He is spending these last days before departure preparing his kit. ‘Out on the ice, one is virtually incapable
of mending things,' he says. With him will be Ann Daniels, one of the world’s leading polar explorers, and the
expedition photographer, Martin Hartley. They will be supported by a crew of six, flying in supplies. Being part of
a team is actually more stressful to someone with his mentality, says Pen, and something else is on his mind too.
‘I’m going to be 47 on Thursday. I've done far less training than I’m comfortable with.’ Why? ‘Organisational things
always seem more urgent. So I’m almost fearful of what I’m going to ask of myself.’
§ 4. Pen believes his mission reconnects exploration with the search for knowledge that drove previous
generations into the unknown. 'Making it to the North Pole was ultimately a personal ambition,’ he admits,
'and of limited value to anyone beyond the polar adventuring community. This time, scientists will profit from
the data, and we're creating a platform in which to engage as many people as possible in what’s happening in the
Arctic Ocean.’
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии ~ содержанием приведенного выше
А25. In paragraph 1, what do we learn about Pen Hadow’s opinion of the new expedition?
1) He thinks it may be harder than his previous journeys.
2) He is aware of the huge significance of its aims.
3) He is looking forward to the scientific work it will involve.
A26. When talking about leaving his children for long periods, Pen mentions feeling
1) guilty that he once added to the pressure caused by his absence.
2) sad that he is missing so much of their growing up.
3) sorry that he can’t telephone more often.
A27. What is worrying Pen about the new expedition?
1) whether the equipment will work properly in icy conditions
2) whether he will be mentally prepared
3) whether he will still be fit enough to take part
A28. When he compares the new expedition to his previous ones, Pen feels
1) pleased that more people will benefit from it.
2) doubtful about its long-term usefulness.
3) relieved that the general public will be more supportive.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. eventually (§ 2)
1) suddenly 2) finally 3) occasionally
АЗО. value (§ 4)
1) waste 2) expense 3) significance

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1—Вб) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
Are you tired of lying on the beach all day and baking in the sun? Are you keen on saving our planet and
meeting like-minded people? If so, then one of our eco-tourism packages is the perfect (Bl) ... (SOLVE) for
your upcoming holidays. The waiting lists are long, so make sure your arrangements are made well in advance.
Some eco-holidays are dedicated to protecting (B2) ... (DANGER) species and helping them to reproduce.
There are many ways to experience (B3) ... (FORGET) vacations. What about caring for whales and then
windsurfing in your free time? Or why not be part of a group that (B4) ... (REGULAR) patrols the grounds of
a Kenyan nature reserve? Whatever your choice, our organisation will ensure that you don't experience
any major (B5) ... (CONVENIENCE). Combine your passion for nature and travel, and do something to support
our world! With us, it's not just a holiday; it’s a chance to take a (B6)... (RESPONSE) holiday.
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В1б) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. The best thing about the job it is that you get to spend the whole summer outside, doing exciting
B8. activities like kayaking and climbing. What could be most better than that? I feel certain you will
B9. agree that this is would be an enjoyable way to spend the summer holidays. On the other hand, it
BIO. can be quite stressful because you’re dealing with kids the whole time, and they can be such difficult.
Bll. Clearly, when working with young children can be challenging from time to time. They don't give
B12. you much time off, either. Staff who are expected to work upwards of fifty hours per week. So, there's
B13. virtually no downtime when you can just chill in the sunshine. Despite of these disadvantages, I would
B14. still recommend this job to you. You’d be far perfect for it, given that you're so active and sporty, and
B15. you’d be a big hit with the kids. Let me to know if you want any contact names — I'm sure I could find
B16. some email addresses for you. Please don’t hesitate yourself to contact me if you require further help.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. Using someone (другого) personal information and pretending to be them is a form of identity theft.
B18. Does Sally (похожа) after her grandfather in her talent for design?

Вариант 2
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
It might be said that some of the most important advances of the 21st century have been the iPhone, the
iPod, YouTube and Skype. Today, they are a part of everyday life. The iPod and Apple’s music store, iTunes,
(Al)... in 2001. The iPod’s modern design and large storage capacity made it very popular. And because of iTunes,
digital music (A2) ... normal. Skype has transformed the way people communicate across borders. Skype made it
possible to call family or friends abroad — and even video chat — for free over WiFi. YouTube (A3) ... in 2005
and is now the world’s most popular video-sharing website. Millions of hours (A4) ... each month watching music
videos, films, and even cat videos! Apple’s iPhone was the first user-friendly smartphone with a large touchscreen.
It came out in 2007 and (A5) ... over the mobile phone market, and a new industry was created — app development.
The 21st century is still young. Who knows how our lives (A6) ... by other inventions in the next few years!
Al. 1) develop 4) had developed
2) were developing 5) were developed
3) have been developing
A2. 1) will become 2) was becoming 3) had become 4) has become 5) was become
A3. 1) had founded 4) has been founding
2) was founded 5) was founding
3) founded
A4. 1) are spent 2) will spend 3) are spending 4) spend 5] have spent
A5. 1) has been taking 2) was taken 3) took 4) is taking 5) had taken
A6. 1) improve 4) had improved
2) have improved 5) will be improved
3) are improving
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
More and more young sports people are realising that their hopes of sporting success on the international
stage of the Olympics are not just a dream. With the right opportunities there will be no limit (A7) ... their
achievements. While many have the ability and dedication to succeed, sometimes the lack of access (A8) ... training
facilities has limited their progress in their chosen field. The Athletes Academy's aim is to provide talented
sportspeople (A9) ... free cutting-edge facilities in a number of key cities. Without appropriate support, it is
unlikely that they will ever enjoy success (A10) ... the very top. Hopefully, in the future, several of the Academy’s
students will be able to stand on the podium holding a gold medal.
A7. 1) to 2) by 3) with 4) at 5) in
A8. 1) of 2) to 3) for 4) at 5) in
A9. 1) at 2) on 3) to 4) with 5) for
A10. 1) in 2) for 3) at 4) with 5) to
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
(АН) 1 had an interesting experience on board a plane from my country last summer. I was on my way
to England with my family for ... week’s holiday. When we got into the cabin, I noticed a girl with beautiful
blonde hair and felt I had seen her somewhere before. My seat turned out to be right next to hers, and I was
waiting for ... good moment to break the ice and ask where I’d seen her before.
(A12) I take ... pride in being very polite, so I didn’t want to just start talking to her! I didn’t want to bother
her because she was watching a movie on her laptop while more passengers boarded ... plane. When the
announcement came that we had to turn off our electronic devices before take-off, I took advantage of the
situation, and asked about what she was watching.
(A13) We started talking, and she told me that she was English and was returning home from a visit to my
city. Now, ... year on, we are great friends and communicate regularly. It’s always great to come into ... contact
with people from different countries — wherever you are!
AH. 1) a, a 2) the, the 3) a,— 4) 5) —, a
A12. 1) the, a 2) —, a 3) the, — 4) —, the 5) a,—
A13. 1) a, the 2) the, a 3) the, the 4) - 5) a,—

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. The number of emojis are considerable (1) which means (2) we spend ages trying to find (3) the right
one Ill — just typing the word would be quicker (5).
A15. There’s no need fl) to say that endangered species f2), what f3) are rarely seen outside the zoo (4),
provide a great attraction (5).

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Audio books are recordings of books read aloud. In recent years, their sales have (A16) ... rapidly, with many
more books becoming available through streaming services. In fact, many titles often appear online at the same
time as the printed books are published. There are various reasons for their (A17) ... popularity. Firstly, it is
possible to listen to an audio book while relaxing or doing household tasks like washing and cleaning, when
travelling to school or work, and doing exercise or sport while you are on your (A18) .... Many people, of course,
would like to read more, but simply do not have enough time; here, too, audio books can (A19) ... a huge
difference. Whenever somebody has a few moments to (A20) ... , they can switch on their relevant device and
settle down to listen to the next chapter of their favourite book.
A16. 1) raised 2) driven 3) added 4) risen 5) reached
A17. 1) improving 2) growing 3) deepening 4) raising 5) going
A18. 1) single 2) lonely 3) private 4) alone 5) own
A19. 1) do 2) lead 3) cause 4) make 5) get
A20. 1) spare 2) keep 3) save 4) hold 5) waste
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Man: Why did you come to the meeting late? I left a message with your roommate about the time change.
Woman: She has a very short memory, and it really gets on my nerves.
What does the woman mean?
1) The man shouldn’t have invited her roommate to the meeting.
2) Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.
3) Her roommate is unreliable about delivering messages.
4) The woman hadn’t told her roommate about the time change.
5) Her roommate is too nervous.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
ГП give you a ring when things get easier.
1) I certainly won’t. 4) I’m afraid so.
2) It depends. 5) That’ll be fine.
3) Not really.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. Ready to go? А. 1’11 do my best.
2. I don’t think I’ll come to the party tonight. B. It’s my pleasure.
3. Take it easy. C. Not yet.
4. Thanks, I appreciate your time. D. All right, suit yourself.
E. No, none at all.
1) IE 2A 3C 4D 2) ID 2A ЗЕ 4B 3) IE 2B 3D 4C 4) 1C 2D ЗА 4B 5) 1C 2B 3E 4D
A24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. That sounds like a good plan.
B. Do you want to do something this afternoon?
C. There’s nothing worth buying in the mall though, is there? It’s not like it has any decent shops.
D. Actually, there's the skate park next to the mall. We could go there. Pop in for a drink at the mall first —
there’s a good cafe there which might not be too busy. Then go skating.
E. OK, so what shall we do?
F. I was thinking about going to the shopping mall. It’ll be completely packed, though. You know how
that can really stress you out.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. Whether they’re cheering in the stadium or yelling at the referee from the sofa, sports fans exist all over
the world. The long-term attachment to a particular sport or team appears to develop around the age of eight
or nine, and the sport or team a person decides to follow is largely influenced by their social circle rather than
their personal participation in a sport. Research into the psychology of sports fans has revealed some common
principles that apply to the behaviour of most fans.
§ 2. Have you ever heard a sports fan boasting, 'We’re top of the league at the moment'? They choose to use
the pronoun 'we' to report their team’s performance. Fans’ use of 'we’ to talk about their favourite team
demonstrates the strong sense of identity fans feel with their club. When their team is doing well, they enjoy
experiencing the victory as if they had played a part in the success themselves.
§ 3. The opposite of this often happens after a team suffers a defeat. Fans in this case may refer to the team
as 'they' in order to distance themselves from their team’s disappointing match result. They will be unlikely
to wear any clothing that identifies them as a supporter after losing to a rival team. However, this is not the case
with fiercely loyal or 'true' fans. They will carry on wearing their team scarf even when their team performs
badly and will say with genuine sadness, ‘They beat us three nil.'
§ 4. Psychologists have also studied the way in which fans change while watching their chosen sport. Someone
who is usually shy and quiet can be seen shouting, screaming and jumping while watching their favourite
team play. The effect of being in a crowd of spectators enjoying the same activity allows people to become less
self-conscious and more confident. For many, a live sporting event is the only place they feel comfortable showing
their feelings openly in public. It can be a great way to relieve stress and improve personal well-being.
§ 5. Finally, most interesting is the way in which sports fans swear by their superstitions or lucky charms.
Wearing a certain item of clothing or carrying a ‘lucky’ object is common practice for many. People who may not
be superstitious in any other aspect of their life will claim that wearing a certain item of ‘lucky’ clothing will make
their team play better. Of course in reality it doesn’t matter whether you have your lucky coin, but superstitions
are taken very seriously by sports fans and 1 for one would not like to try and persuade them otherwise!
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. In paragraph 1, what does the writer say about children?
1) A child experiences important developments at the age of eight or nine.
2) Playing a sport is seldom the main factor in choosing a team to support.
3) Children are too easily influenced by friends and family.
A26. In paragraph 3, what does the writer say about true fans?
1) They are more willing to show their real feelings than less loyal fans.
2) Their mood is more affected by the success and failures of their team.
3) They are unlikely to change the way they report their team’s results.
A27. In paragraph 4, what do we learn about fans’ behaviour while watching sport?
1) It can change their personality for the worse.
2) It's a good indication of their stress and general well-being.
3) It demonstrates an untypical ability to express emotions.
A28. What is the writer’s attitude towards fans' superstitions or rituals?
1) He recognises the benefits of fans having their own personal superstitions or rituals.
2) He is doubtful of their positive effect but would be reluctant to share his opinion with a fan.
3) He makes fun of the way some people let superstitions influence their decisions in life.'
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. distance (§ 3)
1) separate 2) distract 3) prevent
АЗО. claim (§ 5)
1) promise 2) state 3) pretend

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1—Вб) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
The Corinthia Hotel in London is one of the most (Bl) ... (IMPRESS) hotels I have ever stayed at. First of all,
its prime location, in the heart of London, (B2) ... (ABLE) visitors to explore London on foot and to visit the many
(B3) ... (ATTRACT) of the metropolis. The rooms are beautifully furnished and very comfortable. The most
luxurious accommodation of all is the penthouse suite, which has a spectacular view of central London and its
surroundings. Guests also have a (B4) ... (VARY) of restaurants and bars to choose from. The friendly atmosphere
and the service ensured that my stay was (B5) ... (ENJOY) and I would (B6) ... (DEFINITE) go back there again.
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В1 б) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. Have you ever heard of Shinsegae? And do you know what does the word means? Well, Shinsegae
B8. is the world's largest department store and there is located in South Korea. The word means ‘New
B9. World’. In this enormous twelve-floor building where you can find everything from shops, travel
BIO. agencies and beauty salons to ice rinks and cinemas. If you are keen on these clothing which
Bll. is in fashion, there are much plenty of shops to choose from. If you can afford something really
B12. expensive, you should visit one other of the designer shops such as Louis Vuitton and Prada.
B13. Those of you who are unable to spend a fortune and are looking for a few bargain can visit
B14. the shops which are stock more affordable items of clothing for you to try on. Many people visit
B15. Shinsegae, but it never feels overcrowded so it won’t take you else ages to get to the till (касса)
B16. to pay. And you can always pay in every instalments if you don’t have enough money on you.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. I hope that you all enjoy each (друга) company.
B18. Ben doesn’t want to (рисковать) such a risk.

Вариант 3
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Chip is a voluntary blood donor. For him, it’s a chance to express his thankfulness for his own good health,
and it’s an opportunity to help people in his community. It started when Chip (Al) ... up for his company's annual
blood drive. He (A2) ... at how quick and easy the donation was. He also recalls a great sense of contentment and
pride at being able to help others. He always (A3) ... that giving blood was important, but he didn’t expect how
great it (A4) ... him feel. "Every time I give," he says, "I get this incredible sense of satisfaction because 1 know
that I (AS)... someone in the most important way that I can. You never know who might be alive today because
of your blood." Chip admits that sometimes he gets curious about who he's helped. But in the end, he says that
he has to be content with just knowing that he has done something good. Chip encourages everyone who can
to donate. He (A6) ... them tc know the joy that comes from helping someone in need.
Al. 1) has signed 2) signed 3) signs 4) is signing 5) is signed
A2. 1) surprised 2) has surprised 3) was surprising 4) had surprised 5) was surprised
A3. 1) knew 2) is known 3) knows 4) was known 5) is knowing
A4. 1) makes 4) has been making
2) was made 5) would make
3) will make
AS. 1) am helped 4) will be helped
2) had helped 5) was helped
3) am helping
A6. 1) had wanted 4) wants
2) is wanted 5) was wanting
3) will be wanted

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

I think that we, as teenage shoppers, are naturally very' sensitive to price. We're always hunting for bargains
and many of us plan our shopping and do not just pop into shops and buy on impulse. Funnily enough, many
of my friends say their parents have a lot of influence both on how much they spend on clothes and on what
they buy, even if they have earned the money themselves from a part-time job. (A7) ... short, despite what many
older people might think, we worry about our parents’ attitude (A8) ... the clothes we purchase. The shops in my
area operate in a highly competitive environment, so they have to make sure they cater (A9) ... young people's
tastes by having a wide range of fashion clothes in stock (A10) ... any one time.
A7. 1) For 2) With 3) By 4) At 5) In
A8. 1) with 2) at 3) from 4) to 5) by
A9. 1) in 2) with 3) for 4) at 5) -
A10. 1) for 2) at 3) in 4) to 5) from

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

(All) One summer's day, my family decided to visit a waterfall in... countryside near our town. As we walked
across the fields towards the waterfall, we could see it in ... distance.
(A12) It was quite ... long way, but we got there after about an hour. We sat down near the pool at... bottom
of the waterfall to enjoy the picnic that we had taken with us.
(A13) Then, all of... sudden, some black clouds appeared in the sky, and some large drops of rain fell on us.
We quickly started to collect our things together. Soon the rain began to fall heavily. Carrying our bags, we ran
as fast as we could, and when we reached the town, we went into the first cafe we saw. In spite of our wet clothes,
we soon felt better after ... delicious drink of hot chocolate!
All. 1) a, the 2) a, — 3) the, a 4) —, the 5) the, the
A12. 1) the, a 2) the, the 3) a, a 4) a, the 5) —,the
A13. 1) — the 2) a, a 3) the, a 4) the, — 5) - -

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. As (1) the skies around the world's airports (2) get more and more crowded (3), the number of potentially
dangerous incidents (4) are increasing (5).
A15. The skater performed two triple jumps (1) one after the other (2), what (3) made the audience hold their
breath (4) in admiration (5).
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
If you are learning English and you want to get practical (A16) ... of the language, you should think about
getting a job in an English-speaking country. There are several companies which will organise everything for you.
They normally give you a brochure to look through so you can decide what job you want to do. When you’re
doing this, it’s important to pay (A17) ... to where the job is. Make sure you go somewhere interesting as you’ll
be there for some time. Once you’ve (A18) ... your decision of where you want to go, you should make some
preparations. Start by working out what you need to take with you. You’ll need smart clothes for an office job, but
if you’ll be doing physical work, take something more suitable. It’s (A19) ... sense, really, but lots of people don’t
think of these things beforehand. Another thing you should think about is money. You’ll need enough money
to (A20) ... with any unexpected difficulties.
A16. 1) instruction 2) level 3) experience 4) education 5) possibility
A17. 1) attention 2) effort 3) focus 4) concentration 5) fare
A18. 1) held 2) made 3) done 4) performed 5) set
A19. 1) typical 2) usual 3) ordinary 4) normal 5) common
A20. 1) face 2) approach 3) survive 4) cope 5) avoid
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Woman: Can everyone in the class meet in the library on Friday?
Man: Everyone but Lisa.
What does the man mean?
1) Nearly all of the students can meet.
2) The meeting time must be changed.
3) Only Lisa will be at the library.
4) Lisa dropped the class on Friday.
5) Lisa is not allowed to go to the library.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Do you think our team will win on Sunday?
1) I’m afraid so. 4) I doubt it.
2) That’s all right. 5) Nothing at all.
3) I'd rather not.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. Can I make myself a sandwich? A. Oh, it’s my pleasure.
2. Morning. Any messages? B. Quite a few, actually.
3. Thanks a lot, you've been really helpful. C. Sure. Help yourself.
4. Good news. You’ve got the job. D. Really? Oh, that’s wonderful!
E. Yes, of course. What time?
1) 1A 2E ЗС 4B 2) IB 2A 3D 4E 3) 1C 2B ЗА 4D 4) 1C 2A 3D 4B 5) IB 2E 3D 4C
А24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. Yes, it was. I think my favourite part was the history of computers exhibition. I never knew about early
B. I’m really pleased we got the chance to go to the Science Museum. It was fascinating.
C. Do you think that explains why there weren’t so many people there?
D. It was a shame that we couldn’t see the rocket.
E. Yes, probably. It wasn't what I was expecting because from what I’d read, it’s normally really crowded
at the weekend.
F. Yes, but at least they told you that it was being repaired before we’d paid the entrance fee.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. I'm on ту feet, team scarf raised above my head, yelling at the TV as our top scorer touches down in
the closing seconds of the game. I look around at my grandpa, dad and uncle and tears sting my eyes. Three
generations of the same family united in their love for their team. I was raised on a diet of live and TV games.
But if a team or sport isn’t in your family DNA, how do you know who to support?
§ 2. The most obvious route to becoming a sports fan is geographical. If there's a team or player who
competes for your hometown, it creates an almost automatic sympathy. You share the same space and the same
history. Local sportspeople are a source of civic pride and provoke fierce loyalty in their fans, even when the
sporting performance is less than perfect.
§ 3. Another reason is style. A person can be simply so impressed by an individual sportsperson that they
adopt the sport. Usain Bolt powering along the track has made athletics fans of us all. Dream teams can also have
the same effect. Now you don’t need to be from the city of Barcelona to back Barca football club. They have
developed into a brand that stands for style and success, with huge international appeal.
§ 4. Some say that sport should be about a gut feeling (внутреннее чувство) that you will support players
through thick and thin. For any 'true’ supporter, the worst kind of fans are those who shout their support loudest
when times are good, but are nowhere to be seen when the bad times hit. And they really annoy the fans who
remain loyal through the inevitable highs and lows of sporting life.
§ 5. If team-switching makes you a fake fan, so does peer pressure. No one should support a team or player
because they are told to. Of course, if you spend time with a crazy fan of any sport, the enthusiasm starts
to influence you. So you may find yourself developing a genuine interest and benefiting from that person’s
knowledge. But to be told you have to offer your support is unacceptable.
§ 6. So what about my own case? Do I consider myself a ‘true’ fan? Of course. Hasn’t there been pressure from
my family to do what they do? Well, I don’t see it that way. I don't have to devote myself to their team or to sport
at all. I enjoy the tight connection that being in a fan family offers me. The support we show our team is an
extension of the support we show for each other. It’s a kind of inheritance, as much as having my dad’s nose,
or being good at music like, my mom. Who wouldn't want to stand for that?
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. What does the writer say about being a fan of a local team or player?
1) The sportspeople don't have to play brilliantly to get huge support from the fans.
2) It’s cheaper to get to matches if you live in the same geographical area as your team.
3) If you can't get to a stadium to see a game, it's easy to follow it on the news.
A26. According to the writer, what might make a person become a sports fan?
1) being influenced by a particular brand of sports clothes
2) developing an interest in a sport you have never tried before
3) witnessing outstanding sporting performance by a team or player
A27. In paragraph 5, the writer suggests that you can't be a true fan if you
1) don’t listen to others who have more knowledge than you.
2) haven't made the choice of team voluntarily.
3) don’t have friends who are as enthusiastic as you.
A28. In paragraph 6, how does the writer summarise the importance of family and sport?
1) Being fans of the same team brings the family closer together.
2) Having to devote time to sport is just part of family life.
3) Having the same interests as older generations which is quite natural.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. provoke (§ 2)
1) stimulate 2) prevent 3) insist
АЗО. inevitable (§ 4)
1) unnecessary 2) unavoidable 3) unnatural

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1—Вб) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
In Мау 2014, for the first time in history, people waited in anticipation for a meteor shower, or even a storm
of shooting stars. This (Bl) ... (REMARK) occurrence was to take place on 23rd and 24th May and the press
(B2) ... (PATIENTLY) awaited both the shower and the (B3) ... (REACT) of the people who were most
(B4) ... (LIKE) to view it in many parts of the world. Everybody hoped for a cloudless sky and a clear atmosphere
in order to witness up to 1,000 shooting stars per hour. (B5) ... (OBSERVE) held their breath and kept their
fingers crossed. They weren't disappointed. They were rewarded by the appearance of a spectacular meteor
shower which was (B6) ... (VISION) in many parts of the northern hemisphere.
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В16) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. Bones dating them back sixty-five million years may explain what happened to the dinosaurs. Among
B8. the objects at London's Natural History Museum, it’s far easy to walk straight past what experts believe
B9. to be their most precious exhibit. Its name is archaeopteryx and it is a kind of theropod which similar
BIO. in appearance to a modern-day bird. But neither the creature couldn’t have made use of its feathers
Bll. to aid flight. Instead, they kept the animal warm and attracted mates. So, quite later generations appear
B12. to have eventually taken to the skies. Every dinosaurs may seem like one of the most successful
B13. species to ever walk this planet, but their descendants, birds, are either plentiful and thriving. The
B14. archaeopteryx bones have shed many light on the links between the two species. Some experts have
B15. even been come up with the theory that some meat-eating birds are, in fact, modern-day dinosaurs.
B16. There are parallels between the two species, which are in the process of its being discovered every day.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. I can’t think of anyone (еще) career that has been so brilliant.
B18. Why not try to (быть похожим) after your parents who are honest and hard-working people?

Вариант 4
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Surely blogging or vlogging must be one of the easiest ways of finding fame and fortune? All you need
is a computer and a hobby to talk about, don’t you? Well, although it (Al) ... simple, being a success in the
blogosphere is actually a lot more difficult than it seems. Kate Ross (A2) ... brands on how to work with bloggers
and vloggers. Kate says you need to provide your readers or viewers with interesting content. Seventeen-year-old
Rosie Bea, who has'a YouTube fashion channel, says her blog only (A3) ... attracting the attention of advertisers
after she (A4) ... in months and months of unpaid work and built up a big fan base. At the time Rosie (A5) ... her
vlog work with her law studies, and she advises vloggers in the same position to make sure that they plan
carefully so that they have time to do both things properly. The people who are successful (A6) ... well because
they are hard-working and passionate about what they do. The press is only interested in them once they are
in the public eye, but they have achieved their celebrity status through hours and hours of hard work.
Al. 1) was looked 4) has been looking
2) had looked 5) looks
3) is looked
A2. 1) is advised 4) will be advised
2) had advised 5) was advised
3) has been advising
A3. 1) started 2) is started 3) was started 4) will start 5) will be started
A4. 1) was put 2) had put 3) has been putting 4) has put 5) is putting
A5. 1) was also combined 4) has also combined
2) is also combined 5) was also combining
3) had also combined
A6. 1) will be done 2) were done 3) done 4) have done 5) are done
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. .
I work as a motorbike stunt rider — that is, I do tricks on my motorbike at shows. I have a degree
(A7) ... mechanical engineering; this helps me to look at the physics that lies behind each stunt. In addition
(A8) ... being responsible for design changes to the motorbike, I have to work out every stunt I do. People
often think that my work is very dangerous, but, apart (A9) ... some minor mechanical problem happening
occasionally during a stunt, nothing ever goes wrong. Luckily, I’ve never found myself (A10) ... any kind of
danger because I’m very experienced.
A7. 1) with 2) to 3) in 4) of 5) for
A8. 1) at 2) on 3) with 4) to 5) for
A9. 1) from 2) with 3) for 4) to 5) of
A10. 1) with 2) for 3) to 4) in 5) at
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
(All) If you take ... interest in the environment and are keen to learn more about how you can make a real
difference, the Young Green Group is for you. We are a club which meets in towns and cities around the country
and is open to anyone between the ages of 11 and 16, who wants to get involved in raising... awareness of‘green’
(A12) We know you've heard it all before: turn taps off when you’re cleaning your teeth; take ... bus instead
of asking for a lift; recycle, recycle, recycle! That is why this group offers something a little different at our weekly
meetings. On ... whole, you’ll learn about the direct impact our lifestyles have on our wildlife and environment
through a series of fun yet challenging activities.
(A13) We’ll also put you in ... touch with other young people around ... globe so that you can find out what’s
happening where they live. You may even be able to visit them!
AH. 1) an, — 2) —, the 3) the, an 4) an, an 5)
A12. 1) —, the 2) the, a 3) 4) a, — 5) the, the
A13. 1) a, the 2) —, the 3) a, a 4) the, the 5) —, a

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. Some people know from an early age (1) what they want to do in life (2), but a surprising number of
people (3) leaves school f4), or even university without a very good idea (5).
Al5. The deepest known cave fl) in the world (2) is Voronya Cave in the Central Asian country of Georgia,
what (3) is so inaccessible and inhospitable that very little (4) is known about it (5).
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Every year, over 150 mental athletes from around the world come together for three days to take (A16) ... in
the World Memory Championships. The ten different disciplines which (A17) ... up the competition are not
designed to test an individual’s knowledge on a particular subject. Instead, contestants are (A18) ... with
previously unseen information, which they have to memorise over a set period of time and then recall accurately
against the clock. Top competitors are (A19) ... of memorising the exact order of over 1,400 playing cards from
twenty-seven complete packs in just one hour. Organisers of the event insist that competitors were not born
with a particularly good memory. It is a skill they have (A20)... by learning the techniques and putting in endless
hours of practice. It takes a considerable amount of dedication, but in theory, anyone could become a memory
A16. 1) place 2) part 3) position 4) post 5) interest
A17. 1) include 2) do 3) contain 4) consist 5) make
A18. 1) shown 2) presented 3) offered 4) displayed 5) given
A19. 1) possible 2) efficient 3) skilled 4) capable 5) competent
A20. 1) grown 2) progressed 3) risen 4) contributed 5) developed
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Man: We got a thank-you note from Nancy today. She said she’d already worn the scarf we sent.
Woman: That's great. I wasn't sure if she’d wear red.
What had the woman been concerned about?
1) Nancy wouldn’t send a thank-you note.
2) Nancy hadn’t received the scarf.
3) Nancy would send the scarf back.
4) Nancy doesn’t wear scarves.
5) Nancy wouldn't like the gift.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Is my music bothering you?
1) No at all. 4) Not at all — I’m quite enjoying it.
2) I'm afraid not. 5) It's your pleasure.
3) No, thanks all the same.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. You're coming to my party, aren't you? A. Oh, dear. Just a minute.
2. Can I use your bike? B. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
3. Come on, we're late. C. Neither, thank you.
4. Would you mind closing the door? D. Sure, go ahead.
E. No, of course not.
1) IE 2B ЗА 4C 2) ID 2E ЗС 4A 3) IB 2D ЗА 4E 4) IE 2B 3C 4D 5) ID 2A ЗВ 4C
A24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. Well, except the colour, I'm not particularly impressed.
B. Yes, that’s true. But I suppose they didn’t want it to be too expensive.
C. What do you think about the new university football kit? I like the way the men’s and women’s versions
are so similar, and I love the orange they chose. I think it's cool!
D. Yes, you're probably right, but I wouldn’t have minded paying just a bit more for something better.
E. Well for one thing, the material. There are so many better ones that weigh next to nothing, and still keep
the wind out. Why couldn’t we have had something like that?
E Really? What’s wrong with it?
1) C F D А В E 2) A В D F С E 3JCAFEBD 4) А В C F E D 5] E D F В C A

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. Doug Allan films wild animals in cold places. He trained as a marine biologist and commercial diver.
Diving was his first passion, where he learned about survival in cold places. His big break came when a TV crew
turned up in Antarctica, where Allan was working, to film a wildlife documentary. T ended up taking the crew to
different places, and I realised that being a wildlife cameraman ticked all the boxes: travel, adventure, underwater.’
§ 2. He is now a top cameraman and has worked on many major TV wildlife series. '1 came along at a good
time. When I started, hardly anyone had been to the Antarctic. You had elephant people, chimpanzee people.
1 just became the cold man. It was like all these amazing sequences were just waiting to be captured on film.’
The camera and communications technology was very basic when he started 35 years ago. ‘It is certainly easier
to film today. If you shot something then, you had to remember it. Today, with digital technology, you can shoot
a lot and look at it immediately. You used to have to think what shots you needed next. You shot less. Film was
very expensive.'
§ 3. 'My value is field experience in cold conditions. I have a feel for it. I have spent so much time on sea ice
it now feels like crossing the street. I do get cold toes but the poles are healthy places. There are no diseases
or mosquitoes.'
§ 4. Allan recently got permission to film sequences for a major TV series in Kong Karls Land, a group
of islands in the Arctic Ocean. It is a world of polar bears and is strictly off limits to all but the most fearless
or foolish. After watching polar bear dens in the snow slopes for 23 days, Allan had seen just one mother bear
and her cub. By day 24, though, he says, he was living in bear world, at bear speed, with bear senses.
§ 5. 'We find a new hole and wait. We hop, stretch and run to stay warm. Five hours of watching and then
with no warning at all I catch a glimpse so brief that I almost miss it. But the camera’s locked on the hole on full
zoom and my eye's very’ quickly on the viewfinder. Nothing for a couple of seconds and then an unmistakable
black nose. In less than a minute she has her front legs out and is resting on the snow in front of the hole. I’ve
just taken a close-up, thinking this can't get much better ... when she sets off on a long slide down the slope. Then
two cubs appear at the den entrance. Clearly it's their first view of the world ... It’s show time on the slopes and
we have front-row seats.'
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. What do we learn about Allan in paragraph 1?
1) He had to train as a diver in order to become a wildlife cameraman.
2) Becoming a cameraman suited the interests he already had.
3) He was given the chance to work as a cameraman by a TV crew he met.
A26. What does Allan say about the first documentaries he worked on?
1) Most of what he filmed was new to viewers.
2) They were shorter than those he makes nowadays.
3) He would have liked to have been able to choose where he worked.
A27. Why does Allan compare spending time on sea ice to crossing the street?
1) It is an ordinary occurrence for him.
2) He has learnt to treat it in the same way.
3) It requires skills that can be used in winter conditions anywhere.
A28. What feeling does Allan describe in paragraph 5?
1) panic when he nearly fails to film a fantastic sequence
2) delight at being able to move around after waiting quietly for ages
3) amazement at being lucky enough to capture some great shots
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. basic (§ 2)
1) important 2) simple 3) advanced
АЗО. value (§3)
1) advantage 2) profit 3) purpose

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1—Вб) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
Bullying has always existed in our society. It (Bl) ... (BASE) involves using power or influence to force
someone to do something. However, the (B2) ... (RELATIVE) new phenomenon of cyberbullying is perhaps worse
than the one we are used to encountering in schools. The simplest (B3) ... (DEFINE) of cyberbullying would be
'the use of information technology to harm or frighten a person in a repeated and (B4) ... (FRIENDLY) manner'.
This may take the form of spreading rumours, posting gossip, photos or other materials about a person on the
Internet without their approval, which humiliates them and causes a great deal of distress. The cyberbully’s
aim is to (B5) ... (THREAT) their victim's reputation. However, there have been some attempts to put an end
to cyberbullying, such as Stop Cyberbullying Day, an annual event whose aim is to (B6) ... (COURAGE) positive
action to fight against bullying. On this day, cybervictims are reassured that they are not alone and with the help
and support of others they will never feel nervous about going online again.
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В16) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. Skiing is a fantastic sport. You feel as though who you are on top of the world with the blue sky
B8. above you and the white slopes that below. Nevertheless, when you go skiing, it is good to
B9. bear in its mind a few safety tips so as not to get hurt. First of all, make sure you always keep
BIO. your phone with you. You might be need it in order to call for help. Secondly, due to the fact
Bll. that weather conditions can change suddenly in the mountains, you rather should also have
B12. either a snack and water with you at all times. Skiing can be dangerous, but that doesn’t seem to
B13. stop people. Consequently, dozens of people are injured or even may killed every year. If you’re
B14. a beginner, don’t act such as if you’ve been skiing for years and go down the black slopes. Skiing
B15. can be a little like driving it a car. You have to learn to share the road or, in this case, the trail!
B16. It means watching out for each others to avoid collisions, so keep your eye on the other skiers.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. We need to be each (друга) best friends.
B18. We can’t afford to (рисковать) the risks like that.

Вариант 5
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Thai Ngoc, a Vietnamese farmer born in 1942, claims that he (Al) ... for more than 45 years! 'My
insomnia (бессонница) started in 1973 after 1 got a fever. I have tried sleeping pills and Vietnamese traditional
medicine but nothing helps, not even to get me to sleep for a few minutes,’ said Ngoc. But amazingly, despite
17,000 sleepless nights since then, he has never once been asleep. 'Fortunately, the insomnia doesn’t seem to have
had a negative impact on my health. I (A2) ... healthy and can farm normally like other men.’ Like any farmer on
his mountainous village, Ngoc (A3) ... a busy life with pigs, hens and his cottage business of making rice wine.
His neighbour Vu said that when the villagers (A4) ... sugar cane, several people asked Ngoc to be their ‘alarm
clock’ and to wake them up early in the morning to go to work as he was up anyway. In 2010 he (A5) ... as the
only Vietnamese who was selected by foreign magazines as an extraordinary man. Ngoc has refused to be taken
abroad for testing and treatment for free. 'Thanks to sleeplessness I can do many things for my family. If I leave
my home for 18 months, who (A6)... care of my wife', Ngoc said.
Al. 1) hasn’t slept 2) isn’t sleeping 3) wasn’t sleeping 4) hadn’t slept 5) isn’t slept
A2. 1) had still felt 2) was still felt 3) still feel 4) was still feeling 5) am still felt
A3. 1) is led 2) was led 3) led 4) had led 5) is leading
A4. 1) had planted 2) were planted 3) have planted 4) were planting 5) are planted
A5. 1) recognised 2) was recognising 3) has recognised 4) was recognised 5) is recognising
A6. 1) is taken 4) has been taking
2) will take 5) took
3) will be taken

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

The RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) was formed in 1824 by a group of men
with an interest in animal welfare. The main reason (A7) ... its creation was concern over the condition of
working animals like horses, who were often in distress. The society's attempts in protecting these animals were
successful and led to a new law being introduced in 1835. The RSPCA has always opposed the hunting of animals
(A8)... fun, and with some success. For instance, in 2004, fox hunting became illegal in the UK. Current campaigns
include a demand for a new law to prohibit keeping monkeys as pets. An increase in pet ownership means that
domestic animals now account for a lot of the society’s work. The society employs approximately 340 inspectors
who, (A9) ... first glance, resemble police officers because of their uniforms. These inspectors investigate about
140,000 complaints a year (A10) ... average.
A7. 1) with 2) in 3) to 4) for 5) at
A8. 1) for 2) on 3) with 4) at 5) of
A9. 1) from 2) at 3) of 4) to 5) in
A10. 1) to 2) for 3) on 4) in 5) by

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

(All) Views of what represents appropriate clothing have changed significantly over time, often reflecting
changing values in ... society. For example, in many western societies, it used to be unacceptable for women
to wear trousers in ... public.
(A12) If you look back at photos of any European city up to ... 1950s, it is clear that few men felt comfortable
going outdoors without a hat. Of course, trouser-wearing women and hatless men are now ... common sight
in this region.
(A13) In ... end, clothing habits have always been linked to what any particular culture decides is acceptable
at... time. This may apply to how long shorts or skirts should be, what parts of the body can be exposed and
indeed whether ripped jeans are acceptable at all.
All. 1) a, the 2) —, the 3) the, a 4) a, a 5) - -
A12. 1) —, the 2) the, the 3) —, a 4) the, a 5) -
A13. 1) an, the 2) the, a 3) an, a 4) the, the 5) —, the

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. There is fl) a number of mistakes in the calculations (2) they have done in order to find out (3) how much
it will cost them (4) to build a house f5).
Al5. They’re going to pull down the house fl) which walls (2) have been damaged by the flood (3) and then
they will ask for a credit f4) to put up new walls f5).
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
In many countries, children who are under sixteen are not allowed to work until they leave school. This is
because governments worry that they will be unable to (A16) ... with their school work. In the UK, however,
children can have a part-time job. When I was a teenager I had various part-time jobs. My parents wanted me to
earn my own money. They couldn't (A17) ... to buy all the things I wanted, but if I had a part-time job, I could
buy them myself. They also believed it was good to get practical (A18) ... of working. My first job was delivering
newspapers. There was a lot to learn. First, I had to work out the best route around the houses. There was also
a list of houses to remember and which newspapers they wanted. I had to pay (A19) ... because the customers
would get annoyed if they got the wrong newspaper. I had to get up early every morning, which was making me
tired at school. I realised I had to (A20) ... up my job. The money was useful, but it was more important to finish
my higher education so I could go to university.
A16. 1) cope 2) face 3) approach 4) survive 5) perform
A17. 1) spare 2) allow 3) spend 4) waste 5) afford
A18. 1) effort 2) level 3) experience 4) profits 5) exercise
A19. 1) respect 2) concentration 3) focus 4) effort 5) attention
A20 1) get 2) keep 3) make 4) give 5) put
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Man-. Неу, Judy, will you let me know when ten minutes have passed? I’m putting the spaghetti in now.
Woman: Sure. There's nothing worse than soggy, overcooked spaghetti.
What does the woman mean?
1) Ten minutes is a long time for spaghetti to cook.
2) She doesn’t want to have spaghetti for dinner.
3) She’ll tell the man when the time is up.
4) The man should start cooking the spaghetti in ten minutes.
5) She won’t eat spaghetti.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Reading habit is dying out.
1) It certainly does. 4) I'd rather not.
2) Don’t remember it. 5) I suppose so.
3) All right.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. It’s a great pleasure to meet you. A. No idea.
2. Hey! Is everything OK? B. Not really. Life is tough.
3. I feel incredibly well today! C. Good for you!
4. Do you know the time we’rehaving a meeting tomorrow? D. I can’t believe it! Don't mention it!
E. Same with me.
1) ID 2E ЗВ 4A 2) IE 2B ЗС 4A 3) 1C 2A 3E 4D 4) IE 2D ЗА 4C 5) 1C 2B 3D 4E
A24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. I nearly bought one last week — but in the end I didn’t really think the salesman I spoke to knew enough.
B. In our local bike shop? They’re usually very helpful in there.
C. I could do.
D. Yes. I think he was new. Anyway, maybe I need to do some more research online.
E. If you look on the Internet, sometimes there's too much information. What about talking to my brother
who’s a professional cyclist? He'd give you some useful ideas without trying to persuade you to buy
a particular product like they do in shops.
F. So have you bought a bicycle yet?

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. Не is not much bigger than his racket and struggles to see over the net, but that has not reduced the
amount of excitement about Marc Kemp, a five-year-old tennis player from Texas. He even has his own website,
and there cannot be many boys his age who have an official biography that stretches to more than 1,000 words.
At an age when most boys just want to have fun and may not even have started school, Marc is already famous.
But his plan now seems to be to concentrate on tennis, and to cut down on the endless media promotion.
§ 2. An offer from a special tennis academy in France has meant Marc’s entire family have now relocated there
to support him. His father is a confident man. ‘If I’m going to make a prediction, I’d say he could become world
number one,’ he has said. Critics have responded that he is either crazy or deliberately exaggerating his son’s
prospects. T suppose if I were in their shoes, I’d have made a snap judgement too, but I get really annoyed when
people don’t have the full facts. It would also be nice if they actually bothered to come to the court and see what
he is capable of.’
§ 3. Top tennis coach Martina Voronova has watched Marc and, although she is impressed, adds a note of
caution. 'I think it’s notoriously tricky to make accurate predictions about a child’s future at this stage. There are
some kids who don’t build up either the muscles or the skill until they are 16 or so, and it is only then that you
can make a realistic decision about whether they should turn professional. Marc looks as if he is having fun
practising on the court, and there’s no evidence he’s being pushed to do this against his will, but we don't know
how he’s going to develop either physically or mentally.’
§ 4. Ex-tennis prodigy Andrea McDonald, who left the sport before she was 20, says, 'He’s obviously incredibly
dedicated. 1 was not dissimilar in that respect. But more impressive is the fact that Marc goes through all the
repetitive exercises with a big smile on his face. He always seems ready for more, whereas I can remember feeling
miserable because of all the pressure. I was painfully aware of not having much freedom. Sometimes I just
wanted to switch off and forget tennis for a while.’ Marc’s father insists that he won’t be disappointed if Marc
eventually decides tennis isn’t for him. ‘I just want him to stay healthy and to enjoy his life. Our love is not tied
to wins and losses. We are just doing our best to make sure that he stays grounded and down to earth.’
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. What is unusual about Marc Kemp compared to other talented children?
1) He has actively tried to become well-known.
2) He has started full-time education at a young age.
3) He has a greater level of physical development.
A26. Why does Marc’s father express irritation with his critics?
1) They know very little about tennis.
2) They put too much pressure on his family.
3) They judge Marc without having seen him in action.
A27. Why is Martina Voronova unconvinced that Marc will continue to do well?
1) She has noticed that he lacks mental strength to win.
2) She is aware that he may develop in unexpected ways.
3) She feels he is being forced to practise too much.
A28. Andrea McDonald says that compared to Marc, she was
1) unable to match his level of dedication.
2) given a lot of freedom to decide her schedule.
3) less positive about the hard work she had to do.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. eventually (§ 4)
1) finally 2) occasionally 3) luckily
A30. down to earth (§ 4)
1) indifferent 2) realistic 3) romantic

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1—В6) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
NBC (Nothing Beats Commitment) Camps is an intensive basketball skill and character development camp,
with locations around the world. The camps are high energy, fun, and (Bl)... (LIKE) any other camp experience.
The camps aren't only for advanced players. The course is also beneficial for newcomers to the sport. It provides
superior (B2) ... (INSTRUCT) for athletes and (B3) ... (COURAGE) individuals to train physically, mentally and
spiritually to maximise their potential abilities. The camps are just as much about personal development as they
are about 'improving your game’. Harrison Cole, a student on the programme, said, "I’ve learned many lessons,
but most (B4) ... (IMPORTANT), I've learned that a team player needs to be honest and (B5) ... (RESPECT) to
others.” The (B6)... (TRAIN) are experienced sportsmen who teach athletes to compete not only physically, but
with their hearts and minds. The camps are a fantastic opportunity for the kids to develop as people and athletes.
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В16) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. Are you looking for luxury in natural surroundings? Would you very like to travel by plane to
B8. a faraway place? If so, then we have the perfect holiday for you at one of the most loveliest
B9. resorts in South Africa. The Thonga Beach Lodge it is located on the coast within the vast
BIO. iSimangaliso Wetland Park which in South Africa. Part of it — Thonga — is the place to discover
Bll. one other of Africa’s last unspoilt wilderness beaches. Accommodation consists of luxury huts,
B12. some of which have every spectacular views of the Indian Ocean. Visitors who come here
B13. to relax can enjoy them long walks along the beach. For those who prefer something more
B14. adventurous, there are much plenty of activities to choose from. If you enjoy walking, you can
B15. go on long treks, fish or go canoeing and scuba-diving. Last but not at least, whether you choose
B16. both full-board or half-board, the food is delicious! For more information, ask your travel agent.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. We have managed to change nobody (еще) opinion.
B18. Your daughter doesn’t (похожа) after you at all.

Вариант 6
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
■ For more than 40 years, Save the Whales (Al)... to educate people about how they can protect the ocean and
the animals that live in it. It (A2) ... in 1977, by a mother and daughter who (A3) ... their time by handing out
information about saving whales. Save the Whales worked with other groups to stop the US Navy from exploding
bombs in the Pacific Ocean. This has saved more than 10,000 marine animals, which include whales, dolphins and
seals. It also supports a rescue boat, which (A4) ... whales, dolphins, seals and birds that are trapped in fishing
nets. Save the Whales is best known for its educational programmes. Scientists who (AS) ... the habitat and lives
of marine animals teach these programmes. They teach students how they can take action to save whales and sea
life. In 2015, Save the Whales (A6) ... the "Best of Seaside Awards for Environmental, Conservation and Ecological
Organisations" for the fourth year in a row.
Al. 1) works 4) had worked
2) has been working 5) will work
3) is working
A2. 1) founded 2) was founding 3) was founded 4) has founded 5) had founded
A3. 1) are volunteered 4) volunteered
2) have volunteered 5) will volunteer
3) were volunteered
A4. 1) saves 2) is saved 3) had been saving 4) was saving 5) will save
A5. 1) are studied 2) had studied 3) were studying 4) will be studied 5) have studied
A6. 1) was awarding 2) has awarded 3) awarded 4) was awarded 5) awards
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Dear Principal Winters,
1 am writing in response (A7) ... your notice on the school website inviting students to volunteer for the
project to create a school vegetable garden. I believe I have the necessary skills for this role. For the last two
months, I have been volunteering at the weekends in a local conservation centre that does work in education. As
a volunteer, I have been involved (A8) ... a wide range of activities. My tasks have included showing visitors
around, as well as answering questions about the project. (A9) ... the whole, I have found working with a team
of volunteers interesting and informative. (A10)... this reason, I believe 1 would be an excellent candidate for this
role. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Smith
A7. 1) with 2) at 3) to 4) in 5) -
A8. 1) to 2) for 3) by 4) at 5) in
A9. 1) To 2) With 3) For 4) From 5) On
A10. 1) With 2) By' 3) For 4) To 5) From
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
(All) The oral exam is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge, your presentation skills,
as well as your ability to communicate. They can also be good practice for job interviews! The main thing to keep
in ... mind is undoubtedly ... purpose of the interview. In other words, it is the candidate’s opportunity to show
the examiner what he or she can do.
(A12) Therefore, my advice is to avoid making the examiner spend too much time trying to squeeze words
out of you. As ... matter of fact, you mustn’t forget that it takes two to have ... conversation.
(A13) In my opinion, a candidate will prove to be using the right approach as long as he or she tries to lead
the conversation from time to time. The examiner is not there to trick you or to make you say the wrong thing;
in fact, he will try to put nervous candidates at... ease so as to make them confident and fluent. So relax and enjoy
the conversation as a pleasant experience, because as ... result what you say will sound more natural and interesting.
All. 1) a, the 2) the, a 3) a, a 4) —, the 5)
A12. 1) a, a 2) the, — 3) —, a 4) 5) the, the
A13. 1) an, the 2) 3) an, a 4) the, the 5) —, a

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. A number of recent videos fl) on YouTube f2) showing unlikely animal friends (3) has started f4) a debate
about animal friendships (5).
A15. The car, which handbrake (1) wasn't very reliable (2), began to slide backwards (3) and in the end f4) this
led to a minor accident (5),
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Silver has been used for centuries to make jewellery and other objects that often reflect the owner's status.
In some civilisations it was (A16) ... more precious than gold. In today’s Olympic Games, a silver medal is (A17) ...
to a competitor who finishes second, although this has not always been the (A18) .... In 1896 in the first modern
Games, the winners took silver, not gold. Silver is rarely found in pure form and is usually combined with other
metals. In the 19th century, thousands of people went to North America in the (A19)... of making a fortune from
the silver discovered there. The medical use of chemicals based on silver has only recently gone out of fashion.
In the past it had several different uses, including keeping water pure and treating burns or cuts. This was because
silver (A20) ... the growth of bacteria.
A16. 1) suggested 2) considered 3) believed 4) estimated 5) reported
A17. 1) rewarded 2) provided 3) awarded 4) delivered 5) held
A18. 1) matter 2) argument 3) state 4) case 5) way
A19. 1) wish 2) desire 3) plan 4) search 5) hope
A20. 1) prevents 2) avoids 3) denies 4) finishes 5) refuses
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Woman: Look at this traffic. By the time we get to the museum, we’ll only have an hour to look around
before it closes.
Man: You may be right, but since we can’t do anything about it, we may as well try to relax.
What does the man mean?
1) The museum might be closed before they arrive.
2) They should find a different way to get to the museum.
3) He won’t be able to go with the woman.
4) It isn’t worth getting upset about the delay.
5) There’s nothing to do in the museum.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Would you prefer to take the train or to fly this time?
1) Not in the least. 4) By all means.
2) Neither is fine. 5) With pleasure.
3) Here you are.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. Let's make it seven o’clock. A. Never mind!
2. Would you like meat or fish? В. I don’t mind. Either.
3. Can 1 sit here? C. Any time available for you.
4. When can I call on you? D. Sorry, I can't.
E. I’m afraid it's already taken.
1) IB 2E 3D 4A 2) ID 2E ЗС 4B 3) 1C 2B 3D 4A 4) IB 2D ЗА 4C 5) ID 2B ЗЕ 4C
А24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. That sounds achievable within the word limit. Do you have any access to native French speakers to collect
the data? Remember you’re doing original research. Relying on relevant literature isn’t sufficient for this
B. Ah ... I have, haven't I?
C. Yes, I was thinking about doing something on social greetings — what people say in different situations,
D. I’ve got some French friends, actually. I’m thinking of recording them speaking.
E. So, you’ve chosen a topic for your French project?
F. Will that work, given that you need to compare both informal and formal settings? Have you overlooked
1) А В E F C D 2JECADFB 3) A E F D С В 4) D E F В A C 5] E A D В F C

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. As the plane landed in Saint Lucia, I had no idea of the enormous size of the challenge 1 had taken on.
Having worked solidly for three months prior to my flight in order to raise funds, I thought I might now get the
chance to take it easy for a bit. There was sun, palm trees and clear blue water. It seemed as far away from hard
work as 1 could imagine. This thought couldn’t have been further from the truth.
§ 2.1 had been selected as one of twenty-one trainees to participate in a three-month transatlantic voyage
from the Caribbean to the UK. Although a few were in their twenties, at only eighteen years of age and full
of excitement, I was fairly typical of the kind of trainee aboard the forty-metre sail training ship. The first thing
the permanent crew had to do was to demonstrate how we were going to successfully get the ship back to
the UK. Those who had sailing experience had a lot to learn. Those who hadn’t, like myself, were few in number
and had an even greater challenge!
§ 3. There was no time to lose. We were immediately sent up the masts (мачты) to take down the sails, which
meant anyone with a fear of heights had to get over it pretty quickly. Twenty-five metres might not seem that
high in the calm seas off the local beaches, but it would prove to be very different in the middle of the Atlantic,
when we would have to cope with gale (штормовой) force winds as well. Next was taking orders from the chef.
Peeling potatoes for thirty is not the most stimulating job, but it is one of the most vital. Anyone who works
outdoors knows how much a good meal is appreciated. Initially we must have been a hindrance rather than
a help, but day by day we learned to overcome obstacles like homesickness and tiredness, and became an efficient,
supportive unit.
§ 4. Having been at sea without setting foot on dry land for a fortnight, it came as a massive blow that we
would be unable to stop at Flores, an island in the middle of the Atlantic, because of a violent storm. We wouldn't
get to the neighbouring island until the following day.
§ 5. After three months at sea, 1 felt a mixture of emotions as my family rushed to greet me at Southampton.
It truly had been a character-building experience and I wasn’t ready to give up my deck shoes. Twenty years
later, I learned that the boat, named Astrid, was no more. She sank off the coast of Ireland in rough seas, but her
memory will live on in the hundreds of teenagers who had the chance to be part of her adventure.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. According to the text, the writer expected the trip to be
1) more relaxing than the previous three months.
2) a great deal of hard work.
3) shorter than it actually was.
A26. Unlike the majority of trainees, the writer
1) was in her late teens.
2) didn't have a sailing background.
3) knew very little about this type of sailing.
A27. While they were in the Caribbean, the trainees
1) had plenty of time to learn new skills.
2) got annoyed with the permanent crew.
3) increased their mental strength.
A28. When the boat came into Southampton, the writer
1) thought the training had ended too soon.
2) only felt sadness.
3) felt a great sense of relief to be home.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. get over (§ 3)
1) give up 2) climb up 3) overcome
A30. a hindrance (§ 3)
1) an entertainment
2) a complication
3) a shock

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1— Вб) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
Ocean exploration is about making (Bl) ... (DISCOVER), searching for things that are unusual and
(B2) ... (EXPECT). The problem is that deep-sea exploration is (B3) ... (EXTREME) costly. Some ocean surveys
run into the millions of dollars, with the money being spent on state-of-the-art ships, (B4) ... (SCIENCE)
equipment and trained crews. It’s true that without all of this, it can be virtually impossible to draw any
significant conclusions. At the same time, for many people, it’s hard to (B5) ... (JUST) spending so much
money, when billions of people are living in (B6) ... (POOR). I'm afraid we might have to solve our problems
on dry land before we can commit to more funding for marine research.
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В16) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. Have you ever considered it living in a loft converted in the centre of London? If this sounds
B8. appealing, look no any further than Canary Wharf. It’s a residential area with a variety of
B9. accommodation to suit all tastes. There are many fully-furnished lofts for both sale or to rent in
BIO. a modern development located in the heart of the city. Most of the lofts which overlook the River
Bll. Thames and they either have an impressive view of the London skyline. The flats are bright
B12. and very well spacious. Loft living usually comes with the added benefit of plentiful natural
B13. light, whatever the season. One can find them comfortable sofas, rugs, modern lighting and
B14. state-of-the-art kitchen and bathroom fittings. The quite larger lofts also have a private balcony,
B15. such perfect for a morning, afternoon or evening of relaxation or a party with friends. Loft apartments
B16. are an attractive home style for those who much want to live and work in the same space.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. We meet in each (друга) offices when we need to discuss important issues.
B18. Peter says he’s willing to (рискнуть) the risk.

Вариант 7
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
I volunteer for a netball organisation — netball's a bit like basketball but usually played by women. Actually
I (Al) ... it — it (A2) ... as a sport at school, but I chose football, instead. I rarely bother to turn the TV on for
sports matches, as 1 prefer to be out at the weekends and being a volunteer is a great way to do that. 1 thought
it (A3) ... interesting to know what netball is. I do various jobs when I (A4) ... . Matches usually take place
on Saturdays, so I arrive early to help check that the court is free of stones or rubbish. Then I (A5) ... drinks
and snacks for the players before collecting tickets when spectators start to arrive. The matches are great fun and
1 always go home feeling amazed, I’d persuade other people to be a volunteer. It’s probably more interesting
if you like the sport involved, but it doesn’t matter because you (A6) .. . a lot about yourself and other people,
and make great friends.
Al. 1) am never done 4) will never be done
2) was never done 5) have never done
3) am never doing
A2. 1) was offered 2) has offered 3) was offering 4) offered 5) had offered
A3. 1) has been 2) is being 3) had been 4) would be 5) will be
A4. 1) am volunteered 4) volunteered
2) have volunteered 5) had volunteered
3) am volunteering
A5. 1) am prepared 2) prepare 3) have prepared 4) was preparing 5) was prepared
A6. 1) are learned 2) had learned 3) will be learned 4) will learn 5) were learning
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Most people agree that the lack of exercise in teenagers’ lives is a serious problem. But what are the
causes (A7) ... this problem and what can we do to address (A8) ... them? I strongly believe that today's
teenagers spend too much time playing on electronic gadgets. They hardly ever do outdoor activities and this
is why many of them do not get enough exercise. What is more, many teenagers are overweight and this makes
them less willing to do exercise. In order to tackle (A9) ... this problem, many different measures are necessary.
(A10) ... my opinion, it is unrealistic to limit the amount of time teenagers spend on gadgets. What I propose
instead is that we make sure school canteens only serve healthy food. Furthermore, 1 would strongly recommend
that we give all teenagers free membership of their local sports facilities. Lack of exercise can cause long-term
health problems, so it is vital that we act now
A7. 1) of 2) in 3) to 4} at 5) on
A8. 1) to 2) for 3) at 4) with 5) -
A9. 1) for 2) at 3) with 4) in 5) -
A10. 1) From 2) In 3) To 4) At 5) By
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
(All) As ... matter of fact, it’s becoming more common to receive not only fake emails, but fake text
messages, too. Recently, I received an email which resulted in me feeling very stressed for ... short while, until
I realised it was most likely a fake. Worryingly, it started off with a simple sentence, saying ‘We know your
password’ and then showing one of the passwords that I used to use.
(A12) 1 stared at it with ... great suspicion. Somehow, someone — or some computer programme — had got
hold of it. It was one that I hadn’t used for years, so I knew that my identity wasn’t really at... risk. •
(A13) But it was still a very strange feeling to see my actual password there. Not long ago, I also received
a text message saying that a parcel had arrived for me, and I had to pay some money so I could arrange for it
to be delivered. Of course, I didn’t respond to ... message. In short, scammers are finding new and better ways
to trick us. In ... particular, we need to watch out for anything strange that asks us for money, or comes from
someone we have never heard of before.
All. 1) a, a 2) a,— 3) —, a 4) the, the 5) the, —
A12. 1) a, the 2) —, the 3) the, the 4) the, a 5) - -
A13. 1) a, — 2) the, the 3) a, a 4) the, — 5) the, a

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. A growing number of people (1) prefers to run a business (2) out of their own home (3) rather than (4)
become an employee in someone else's business (5).
A15. Australia is an island continent (1) which climate (2) ranges from tropical rainforests (3) to deserts (4)
and mountains covered with snow (5).

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Collecting selfies with famous people is an increasingly popular hobby. For many it is the perfect way to
remember meeting somebody in (A16) ... , while for others posting the images of well-known individuals
on social media is a good way to show off. Successful selfie hunters say that the best (A17) ... to obtain photos
is to be polite, and to respect people’s privacy. People do not like to be interrupted when, for example, they are
out for dinner with their family, and big stars are no (A18) ... . It is far better to (A19) ... the rich and famous
as they are about to get into their car to go home, or when they are in the lobby of their hotel. It is also worth
remembering that the chances of success may (A20) ... on how the individual is feeling at that time. Sporting
heroes, for instance, are far less likely to be in the mood for posing if they have just been knocked out of
an important match.
A16. 1) face 2) eye 3] open 4) person 5) real
A17. 1) route 2) way 3) road 4) direction 5) path
A18. 1) difference 2) distinction 3) exception 4) permission 5) prevention
A19. 1) introduce 2] enter 3) appeal 4) approach 5) access
A20. 1) succeed 2) manage 3) follow 4) depend 5) deal
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Man: I’m thinking of getting a new printer.
Woman: I’d invest in a laser printer. The print quality is much better.
What does the woman mean?
1) She'd also like to get a printer.
2) She needs a printer more than the man does.
3) The man should buy a high-quality printer.
4) The man should invest in a printing company.
5) A laser printer is not a good thing to invest in.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Your twins are keen on sport, aren’t they?
1) Just the opposite in fact. 4) None of them.
2) All of them. 5) Neither does.
3) Nothing at all.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. I can pay by credit card then. A. I can’t but agree.
2. I'm not ready to go. B. What a pity!
3. Their offer is too good to refuse. C. That’s OK.
4. I’m having a great time here. D. I’d rather not.
E. I’m so glad.
1) 1A 2C 3B 4D 2) IB 2E 3D 4C 3) 1A 2D ЗВ 4E 4) 1C 2A 3D 4B 5) 1C 2B ЗА 4E
A24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. 1 suppose you're right. After all, there are worse things in life than spam, aren’t there?
B. I suppose not. But sometimes I get so angry that I write back with something rude.
C. Me too. I hate those emails, trying to sell me something or trying to trick me. It drives me crazy.
D. I know. But I try not to get angry — there’s no point in getting worked up, is there?
E. I seem to be getting more and more spam in my inbox these days.
F. Oh that’s the worst thing you can do! Then they know that your email address really exists. You need
to calm down and just hit the delete button.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. Glancing down at the screen, I see that yet again my face is all over social media. This time eating
a sandwich. In fact, wolfing down a sandwich as I’m starving after a football match. It’s at that moment when
I’m hot, sweaty and with mayonnaise all round my mouth that my mum takes a picture and posts it. Comments
flood in about how I look, how greedy I must be, and even how I’m showing off. Me showing off? I wasn’t ready
for the picture, didn’t ask for it and the last thing I wanted was for it to go online. But my mum went ahead
§ 2. To be fair to her, we had in fact just won the match, so she wanted to spread the news of our success.
Capturing some post-match action was in her mind just a bit of fun. And me with food round my mouth just
reminded her of how cute I was as a little kid. A picture of a five-year-old enjoying food is one thing, but when
you’re fifteen, it’s not a great look. 1 know I should be happy that she felt proud of me, but I just wish she would
pick her moments with the camera.
§ 3. And it seems I’m not the only one. More and more young people are expressing anxiety at the amount
their parents share about them online. There’s even a word for it — ‘sharenting’ — the constant posting
by parents of content related to their children. And even for someone born into the so-called digital age, I was
amazed by the facts and figures. The average child will have had a digital identity created by the age of six
months, many from the day they are born. A study found that typical parents will have done 1,500 picture shares
by the time their child is five.
§ 4. This is what gets me about the whole sharenting question. In a world where adults are telling us to
respect others and think before we act, how does that fit with them taking pictures of their kids' every move?
One of my friends has her social media accounts monitored 24/7 by her parents, but her family posts images of
her online without a second thought. Of course, we all need to stay safe online, but we also want some control
and privacy.
§ 5. It might seem strange to talk about privacy in relation to global communication, but for some teenagers
the Internet is their personal space, the one opportunity to be themselves away from the boundaries of school
and home life. If I’m not happy about a picture or other content related to me, I should have my say on whether
it gets uploaded or not. If family life is about respecting each other, then on behalf of teenagers, parents please,
no posts without permission.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. In paragraph 1, we learn that the writer has just
1) eaten a sandwich after a football match.
2) come across an image of himself.
3) taken and uploaded a picture online.
A26. What does the writer want his mother to do?
1) Think before taking a picture.
2) Be more proud of him and his success.
3) Have as much fun as he does at matches.
A27. The writer is surprised by the amount of ‘sharenting’
1) because it makes young people feel anxious.
2) although parents don’t start until their child is five.
3) although he’s been brought up with technology.
A28. In paragraph 4, the writer suggests that
1) rules set for children are not always followed by parents.
2) parents need to monitor their children more closely online.
3) online safety is more important than control and privacy.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. look (§ 2)
1) stare 2) opinion 3) appearance
АЗО. identity (§ 3)
1) possibility 2) similarity 3) image

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1—Вб) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
Beyonce is one of the five most (Bl) ... (ICON) artists of this century. Beyonce started her singing career as
a member of the band Destiny’s Child in the late 1990s. Despite the success of the band, in 2001 the members
decided to go solo. Today Beyonce is still one of the most popular (B2) ... (PERFORM) in the world, which is
an amazing achievement in the ever-changing entertainment industry. She is in high demand and the paparazzi
are always invading her privacy in their attempts to catch a glimpse of her in her daily life. Of course, the photos
they take of her appear (B3) ... (REGULAR) in popular publications. During her career, Beyonce has received
a large number of (B4) ... (NOMINATE) for awards and she has actually won seventeen Grammys. Beyonce uses
her fame as a platform to help others. She has inspired a (B5) ... (COUNT) number of people to get involved
with charity work. She is a huge force for good, both onstage through her music, and behind the scenes, and
(B6) ... (COURAGE) humanitarianism in many forms.

Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В16) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.

В7. Should we try to bring back extinct species? The idea of its bringing back extinct species sounds
B8. like science fiction, but some every scientists now believe it could be a real possibility. Of
B9. course no one who intends to create twenty-first century dinosaurs, but some conservationists
BIO. very want to persuade scientists to use modern understanding of genes to clone species that have
Bll. recently died out. Critics point out that such many people might object to spending money on extinct
B12. animals, when it could be better targeted at saving the many more that are currently endangered either.
B13. They also have point out that bringing back extinct species would mean protecting their habitats,
B14. otherwise we would risk giving them a second chance at life only to be let them die out again.
B15. Other scientists believe it could in theory be as possible to see extinct animals roaming the Earth.
B16. However we feel about this, we can’t go on allowing more animals to disappear them forever.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. Му roommate and I always borrow each (друга) jackets because we’re the same size.
B18. Who do you (похож) after in your family?

Вариант 8
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Downloading songs and albums is now the most common way of buying music. However, this was not always
the case and it is mainly in the last ten years that this change (Al) .... With the recent advances in technology,
it is perhaps not a surprise that more and more people (A2) ... music rather than buying CDs, but the speed of
this change has surprised many people. It all started in 2001 when the American technology company Apple (A3) ...
the iPod, a digital audio player. However, Apple’s influence on how people buy music really began with the launch
of iTunes, a media player that (A4) ... people to download and play music from their computers. iTunes (AS) ...
in 2003 and by the end of 2004 it (A6) ... 200 million downloads. Many companies that sold CDs did’not predict
this change and went out of business. This has led to many high street music stores closing down and becoming
just a part of history.
Al. 1) was happened 2) happened 3) is happened 4) has happened 5) is happening
A2. 1) are downloaded 4) were downloaded
2) had downloaded 5) are downloading
3) were downloading
A3. 1) was launched 4) has launched
2) launched 5) launches
3) has been launching
A4. 1) is allowed 2) had allowed 3) will be allowed 4) allows 5) was allowed
A5. 1) launched 2) had launched 3) was launched 4) was launching 5) has launched
A6. 1) had sold 2) sold 3) was selling 4) was sold 5) has sold

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

UK companies are complaining that more and more school leavers that apply (A7) ... them for jobs lack the
basics in education. 'I need security guards who can write short reports,’ said Tina Hutton, personnel manager
at Failsafe Security. ‘When some of them try to spell, they come up (A8) ... words that not even a computer
spellchecker would recognise!’ Young people today rely (A9) ... word processor programmes that autocorrect and
cannot even do simple arithmetic without a calculator to help them. Many teachers blame this dependency on
modern technology (A10) ... falling standards among school leavers. As a result, many firms are putting potential
interviewees through a series of tests before they even talk to them.
A7. 1) for 2) with 3) at 4) to 5) -
A8. 1) on 2) at 3) with 4) for 5) in
A9. 1) on 2) by 3) at 4) to 5) for
A10. 1) to 2) with 3) from 4) by 5) for

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

(All) Being the oldest of three children had some disadvantages when I was growing up. I always had
to seem like 1 was being the responsible older child. My parents wouldn’t let me get away with things like leaving
my room in ... mess, or staying out late. That meant I missed out on some things that my friends were doing, like
going to parties at... weekend, or going to festivals.
(A12) I had to babysit my sisters while my parents went out. When I went to university, 1 was leading the
way in my family. It was hard in ... way, because I didn't have any role models in my family to follow, and I didn’t
have anyone to ask for ... advice.
(A13) In my first year there, I spent a lot of time making new friends and having ... fun. But I had to work
extra hard to catch up on all... work I'd missed. But it seemed 1 was like a role model to my two younger sisters.
They felt like they had to follow in my footsteps, and go to university, too.
All. 1) a, the 2) the, the 3) —, the 4) a, — 5) —, a
A12. 1) —, the 2) a, an 3) 4) —, an 5) a,—
A13. 1) a, the 2) the, — 3) —, a 4) —, the 5) a,—

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. The number of fitness and health clubs (1) and gyms are becoming (2) even more widespread (3), catering
to both men and women of all ages (4) and from all backgrounds (5].
A15. My country imports a lot of fruit and vegetables fl) from abroad f2) what means f3) you can buy most
things f4) all year round f5).

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Knowing what to expect from your destination will make all aspects of planning an adventure trip easier,
as well as helping you to (A16) ... the most of the experience. Research will help you pick the best places to go
but you’ll also learn what you need to pack, what health and safety precautions to take, and what cultural issues
you should be (A17) ... of. Climate and seasonal pricing are important factors in your decision about when to go.
Especially for adventure travel, bad weather or weather you’re not (A18) ... for can ruin the trip. While you
can’t predict the accurate weather in advance, you can learn about climate estimations ahead of time when
(A19) ... your destination research. Seasonal popularity and pricing should also be (A20) ... if you intend to keep
away from peak-season crowds and prices.
A16. 1) do 2) supply 3) prompt 4) make 5) take
A17. 1) aware 2) familiar 3) prepared 4) knowledgeable 5) competent
A18. 1) involved 2) expected 3) planned 4) regarded 5) prepared
A19. 1) making 2) carrying 3) doing 4) holding 5) keeping
A20. 1) thought 2) registered 3) supposed 4) considered 5) kept
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Man: That has to be one of the worst lectures Professor Fowles has ever given.
Woman: It certainly wasn’t up to his usual standards.
What do the speakers say about Professor Fowles?
1) He's the worst lecturer they've ever heard.
2) He will never achieve the highest standards.
3) His article was the worst they’ve ever read.
4) He gave one of his standard lectures.
5) His lectures are generally better.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Could you show me where the florist’s is?
1) Here you are. 4) It’s up to you.
2) Help yourself. 5) Go ahead.
3) It’s really no bother.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Ё) является лишней.
1. Hi, it’s Paul, isn't it? A. Not really, no.
2. Don't we get any discounts? B. But you’re already getting a good deal.
3. Is this project not open for discussion? C. That’s right. How did you know?
4. How about lunch next week? D. Neither.
E. OK, great! Г11 be looking forward to.
1) 1A 2C 3B 4D 2) ID 2A ЗЕ 4C 3) 1A 2B 3D 4C 4) 1C 2E ЗА 4B 5) 1C 2B ЗА 4E
A24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. How do you think you did?
B. I really don’t think I could manage any more training than we’re already doing. It’s the effort we put in
during the training that counts, I reckon.
C. That was a tough training session, wasn’t it?
D. I’m not sure I did. I doubt I’ll be selected this time. We should train a bit longer every day. That would
do us good, I think.
E. I don't know if I’ll be in Saturday’s competition, but I think I did pretty well today, to be honest.
F. Yes, I’m glad it’s over! It’s always worse when they’re picking people for competitions, the coaches push
us to the limit.
ljCFAEDB 2JBAFECD 3) В E D A F C 4) E C A F В D 5) С В D E A F

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. At the home of the Oscars on Hollywood Boulevard, 500 sets of golden cutlery had been laid out. The
well-groomed guests and a smart group of reporters had flown into Los Angeles. Now they were taking their seats
in the theatre. In the wings the Hollywood stars who were acting as presenters for the evening awaited their cue.
And there in the front row sat a little-known man who spends much of his time staring into puddles.
§ 2. Not just puddles, actually. Some of the pools he likes to examine, far away in the Arctic, resemble drill
holes, just a centimetre across. Some days he flies drones over them. Other times, he bends over them himself,
gathering their contents into test tubes.
§ 3. On this November evening, the man, Joseph Cook, arrived at the theatre with his family. Before the
ceremony began, his father stepped up to the stage to take a picture of Cook, his wife and his mother. Cook had
never known them to fuss so much about their outfits. They were not the only ones. Searching for their seats
in the rows behind the Cooks were mathematicians in tuxedos and biologists in cocktail dresses. They were here
to witness the science world’s closest approximation of the Academy Awards.
§ 4. Every two years, the Rolex Awards for Enterprise honour scientists and explorers who have ambitious
plans to register unknown corners of our planet or develop life-enhancing technology. Launched 40 years ago,
this latest ceremony would welcome five new ‘laureates’ — who would each receive 100,000 Swiss francs towards
their projects — and another five young laureates, who would be given 50,000 Swiss francs. This being a Rolex
affair, just before the ceremony the engraved watches the laureates also received were put on, and they were
entertained to a luxury dinner.
§ 5. Why had Cook been singled out as one of this year’s winners? The answer lay on the vast expanse of the
Greenland ice sheet. You will probably imagine a vast piece of ice, all of the brilliant white of a snowstorm in
a Hollywood movie. In fact, the ice is rich in colour. 'There are colours there that I’ve seen nowhere else,' says
Cook. ‘You see these wonderful neon blues, deep purples and pastel shades everywhere.’ Cook knows these
colours are important for more than their beauty. They also hold scientific secrets, and Cook, as one of only
around 200 glacial (about ice) microbiologists in the world, is trying to discover them. His research focuses
on how, as the ice darkens, it melts more quickly and the effect this has on the harm already caused by global
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. According to paragraph 1, why were Hollywood stars there on that November evening?
1) They had been invited to join the audience to watch a ceremony.
2) They had been asked to carry out a specific role.
3) They had been asked to attend a special dinner.
A26. How did Cook’s wife and mother feel on that November evening?
1) confused about the seating arrangements
2) concerned about the impression they would make
3) overcome with emotion due to their relative’s achievements
A27. In paragraph 4, what does the writer tell us about the Rolex Awards?
1) The ceremony was initially held over half a century ago.
2) Winners are presented with more than one type of prize.
3) Attendees are treated to a simple meal before the ceremony.
A28. What does Cook say about the landscape in Greenland?
1) It is hazardous.
2) It is primarily one colour white.
3) It is unique in nature.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. fuss (§ 3)
1) worry 2) wonder 3) complain
АЗО. ambitious (§ 4)
1) modest 2) challenging 3) simple

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (ВТ—Вб) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
The paparazzi are (Bl) ... (PHOTOGRAPH) who take pictures of athletes, actors and other celebrities as they
go about their daily life, and for this reason they are often widely (B2) ... (CRITIC). We also hear about how
the lives of celebrities are (B3) ... (DANGER) when the paparazzi pursue them, and we tend to sympathise with
the celebrities. Of course, we shouldn’t forget that both the paparazzi and the celebrities can benefit from this
(B4) ... (RELATE). The paparazzi make money by selling the photos to publishers, and the celebrities become
richer and more (B5) ... (FAME). The question remains, however: can the paparazzi always (B6) ... (JUST) their
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В16) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. There are many definitions of friendship and many people have attempted to describe this is bond
B8. between two or much more people. However, there is one quotation which accurately expresses
B9. how I feel about friends of mine. According to once Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca, ‘one of the
BIO. most beautiful qualities of its true friendship is understanding and being understood’, and this is
Bll. what I need when I find myself in every difficult situations. A real friend is someone who gives us
B12. the freedom to be ourselves. Whether we’re feeling such happy and we want to share our joy with
B13. a friend of ours, or whether we’re depressed and need someone other to confide in, a real friend will
B14. be there for us. Although family members who are undoubtedly the most important people in our
B15. lives, it is our friends so that we usually turn to for advice. Therefore, whether we want to have a friend
B16. to stick up for us or we need a shoulder to cry on either, true friends will always be there to help us.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. I took someone (другого) coat by mistake.
B18. Tom may (рисковать) the risk of getting himself into trouble.

Вариант 9
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Lewis Hamilton became a professional driver about four years before he passed his driving test! At thirteen
years of age, the Formula One team McLaren (Al) ... him to their Youth programme. Since then, he (A2) ...
a world-famous racing driver as well as a multi-millionaire. He has driven in Formula One races all over the world
and he’s stood on the winners' podium dozens of times. Lewis lives and also drives in the fast lane, but he knows
how to relax, too. One of his passions is music: ‘I like rock, funk, hip-hop, R and B, soul and jazz, but basically
I (A3) ... up on reggae. I (A4) ... to Bob Marley ever since I was a child,' he says. He doesn't only listen; he has
been playing the guitar for many years. He always (A5)... his guitar with him when he travels. He enjoys spending
money, too — in a big way. In 2011, he spent $111,000 on a solid gold guitar which (A6) ... to the pop star Prince
(the money went to charity).
Al. 1) was signed 2) has signed 3) was signing 4) signed 5) signs
A2. 1) was become 2) has become 3) had become 4) is becoming 5) becomes
A3. 1) was bringing 2) have brought 3) was brought 4) bring 5) brought
A4. 1) had listened 4) have been listening
2) was listening 5) listen
3) was listened
A5. 1) is taken 4) has been taking
2) is taking 5) was taken
3) takes
A6. 1) has belonged 4) will be belonged
2) had belonged 5) belongs
3) was belonged
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Popcorn is typical (А7) ... what’s available at cinemas, but why be limited (A8) ... just that? You might
be surprised at what movie-goers munch (жевать'). The Japanese, for instance, go for tiny dried crabs covered
in salt or sugar when watching the action on screen. In a Cambodian cinema you might be offered insect snacks,
(A9) ... particular roasted ants covered in chocolate. China's favourite snack is called ‘umeboshi’ — dried
and salted plums. According to the locals, they help prevent (A10) ... ageing, so in theory you could leave the
cinema looking younger than when you arrived!
A7. 1) to 2) at 3) in 4) from 5) of
A8. 1) with 2) for. 3) of 4) from 5) to
A9. 1) for 2) in 3) on 4) by 5) at
A10. 1) from 2) to 3) of 4) by 5) -

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

(All) It was my sister-in-law Tara’s birthday, and my brother was keen to organise a surprise party for her.
I tried to discourage him, on the grounds that most people actually prefer to know about these things
in ... advance, but he refused to change his mind. So 1 was given the task of keeping Tara busy in town, while
friends and family members prepared food and decorated ... house.
(A12) I thought it would be pretty straightforward, but Tara is a police officer and knows when people are
telling ... lies. After three hours of listening to excuse after ... excuse about why we should visit yet another shoe
shop, she finally asked me: ‘What’s going on?’
(A13) To my huge relief, 1 was forced to tell... truth. Once we'd had a good laugh, we thoroughly enjoyed ... rest
of the day, and I think she was secretly relieved not to have a party sprung on her out of the blue.
All. 1) — the 2) the, the 3) an, — 4) the, — 5) —, a
A12. 1) the, an 2) the, — 3) the, the 4) —, an 5)
A13. 1) a, — 2) the, a 3) —, the 4) the, the 5)

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. A large number of young teenagers (1) prefers to be (2) in the background (3) rather than be (4) the focus
of attention (5).
A15. In the central part fl) of northern Africa (2), what (3) is mostly desert, you can find the Tuareg people (4),
who call themselves f51 Tmohag', meaning 'free people'.
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
The future of the daily newspaper is in (A16) .... More and more of us are turning away from the traditional
daily newspaper and (A17) ... online or to TV news for the headlines and main stories instead. Does this mean
that newspapers will (A18) ... become a thing of the past? Newspapers may well survive in some form in the
future despite the convenience of the Internet, their main rival. Many people read newspapers not simply for
getting the information about current events but as part of a traditional (A19) .... For them, catching up with the
main stories electronically from news websites or TV news broadcasts will never be a real substitute for turning
the pages of a paper on the train or at the table. However, the main competition for newspapers (A20) ... from
their own online versions. Some of newspaper corporations have been charging for access to these for some time,
convinced that this is the only way forward.
А16. 1) problem 2) risk 3) danger 4) threat 5) worry
А17. 1) becoming 2) going 3) having 4) passing 5) entering
А18. 1) early 2) next 3) lately 4) shortly 5) recently
А19. 1) adventure 2) deed 3) experiment 4) work 5) routine
A20. 1) gets 2) takes 3) gives 4) comes 5) becomes
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Man-. What have they decided to call the stadium?
Woman: No one’s come up with anything yet.
What does the woman say about the stadium?
1) She doesn’t know anything about it.
2) There was nobody at the stadium.
3) They decided to postpone building it.
4) A good name hasn’t been found for it.
5) It hasn’t been designed yet.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Which one do you want?
1) Either is fine with me. 4) At least some.
2) I’m afraid not. 5) Not really.
3) That's it.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. Come on, try once more! A. Good for you.
2. I've passed my chemistry exam. B. No doubt, I will.
3. Why don’t we get together some day? C. No, none at all.
4. I like the way you look today. D. Sounds great.
E. Thanks. Nice of you to say that.
1) ID 2E ЗВ 4A 2) IB 2C ЗЕ 4A 3) IB 2A 3D 4E 4) IE 2B 3D 4C 5) ID 2B ЗА 4C
A24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. You really felt like the snow was pressing up right against the outside of the hotel, even though you
never actually saw it. It was like the storm itself was a character.
B. Have you seen that film about those people stuck in a hotel in a snowstorm?
C. That’s right. You wouldn't think they’d want to do a low-budget little film like that.
D. Yes, it did have an incredible cast, though, didn't it? It was amazing that they managed to get all those
stars together in one film.
E. Yes, I’ve seen lots of thrillers before, but that one was really original for some reason.
F. Yeah, I know. I mean, I guessed what the ending was going to be. It was pretty obvious. But I really liked
how it made the storm seem really threatening.
1) 2) С В A F E D 3JADEBCF 4) A F В E D C 5) В E F A D C

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. I recently visited a hotel in France which has no visible human staff. It runs with apparently no human
contact. Most of the services are provided by robots and machines. The concept is to provide an environmentally
friendly hotel where staff and running costs kept to a minimum.
§ 2. So I lost no time in booking myself a room at one of these hotels and going to see it for myself. And sure
enough, there at the reception desk was a machine. 'I’d like to check in please,’ I shouted, wondering if the
machine would respond to my voice, and feeling thrilled that I was about to have my first ever conversation with
a check-in machine. Nothing. But then I noticed a written message in the machine's screen. 'Please insert your
credit card and key in your booking reference, then follow the instructions.’ No conversation. How disappointing.
§ 3. Staying at the hotel costs from €35 (more if you want a bigger room). That's a bargain for Paris, where
a stay in a more conventional hotel can easily cost two or three times that much. The hotel is located near to the
amusement park, Disneyland Paris.
§ 4. Back in the hotel, as well as machines to check in, there are vending machines to serve drinks and snacks
and vacuum cleaners that work without a human, using sensors to navigate around the rooms. The laundry has
robots which do all the washing unaided. Another innovation is the use of face recognition instead of keys to
get into your room. A photograph of the guest’s face is taken at the reception desk by the check-in machines.
With 60 rooms in the building, there is a lot of coming and going. Guests are actively encouraged to stop and
get a coffee from one of the machines in the guest lounge with other guests, so there is at least some social
interaction. One area where humans are absolutely essential for the hotel is security. There are scanners and
CCTV cameras everywhere, and the footage from these is watched by human security guards, no matter whether
or not the hotel is full. It is their job to make sure that the guests are safe — and that no one causes any damage
to hotel property.
§ 5. Critics say that businesses like this automated hotel will mean that more and more roles can be
performed by robots and machines. But there are many who argue that robots can make our lives easier. But this
can only happen if guests are prepared to put their trust in machines and don’t mind the lack of personal contact.
Only then will this type of hotel be a success. Time will tell if this is the case.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. The aim of this hotel is to be very
1) efficient. 2) friendly. 3) profitable.
A26. What aspect of the writer’s experience at reception was ‘disappointing’?
1) the appearance of the reception
2) the time she wasted checking in
3) the lack of verbal interaction with the machine
A27. What does the writer say about the price of the rooms in the hotel?
1) The hotel is good value.
2) Other hotels provide better accommodation.
3) It is not always clear how much a room will cost.
A28. What is the writer's main point in paragraph 4?
1) Humans make mistakes that robots and machines do not make.
2) There are limits to what robots and machines can do.
3) All the robots and machines at the hotel are using sensors.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. unaided (§ 4)
1) by themselves 2) by hand 3) helplessly
A30. essential (§ 4)
1) crucial 2) needless 3) optional

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1—Вб) слов образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
If there's anything we can say for sure about the world’s oceans, it's that we have a very limited understanding.
Some estimates suggest that as much as 95 per cent of the world ocean and 99 per cent of the ocean floor are
still (Bl) ... (EXPLORE). For me, our lack of knowledge is simply down to scale. With more than 70 per cent of
the Earth covered in water, at depths of up to ten kilometres, it’s not surprising that we haven’t researched much
of it. And (B2) ... (SCIENCE) are still discovering new types of marine life. Nevertheless, large-scale underwater
exploration will depend on the development of new technology. Technological advances, such as robots and
(B3) ... (POWER) satellites could (B4) ... (REVOLUTION) the way we explore the oceans. They would be able
to uncover far more of the oceans’ secrets than has been possible until now. 1 am (B5) ... (DEFINITE) intrigued
to find out what (B6) ... (DISCOVER) will be made in the future.
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В1б) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. Many of you who have heard of the RSPCA and the work it does. RSPCA stands for the
B8. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals whose main aim it is to promote animal
B9. welfare. It was founded in 1824 and aims to ensure them that pets, farm animals and wild
BIO. animals are not harmed in any more way. It tries to encourage people not to ignore animal
Bll. suffering, and to help fight all forms of cruelty neither. What can you do to help? Many people
B12. believe that you need to dedicate a so huge amount of time to do volunteer work, but this is
B13. not the case. Without going into too much detail, there is many volunteer work for everyone,
B14. however much or little free time you have. For example, if you are a far patient person and you
B15. don’t lose your temper such easily, this kind of work would be perfect for you. You can be sure
B16. that both the animals and their owners will be very grateful for any help what you can give them.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. It was somebody (другого) idea, not mine.
B18. In looks, my sister doesn't (похожа) after our mum, she’s much more similar to our dad.

i i
|Дг. ■ < Т_ F -b‘ n! аж
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
I can’t believe there are only two weeks until the big day! I (Al) ... for this race for the last six months, but
I still (A2) ... ready. If I had known it took so long to get fit, I would have started training far earlier! The injuries
I’ve had haven't helped, though. Actually, last Monday, I had another setback. My friend Andy and I (A3) ... in the
park when I tripped over a rock and twisted my ankle. It’s not serious, but my doctor warned me not to make it
worse, so I haven’t run on it since then. Hopefully, it will have healed by next Tuesday when I train with the school
athletics team. What else? Oh, I (A4) ... to register for the half-marathon instead of the full marathon. I considered
doing the full marathon — but over the last few days I have been told by a lot of people that it’s not suitable
for teenagers. I just hope that I (A5) ... fit enough to finish the race! I (A6) ... more and more nervous every
day — but I know it’s OK if I walk some of the distance. Wish me luck everyone!
Al. 1] was training 4) train
2) am trained 5) will be trained
3) have been training
A2. 1) am not felt 4) don't feel
2) haven’t felt 5) won't be felt
3) wasn’t felt
A3. 1) were jogged 4) jog
2) have been jogging 5) were jogging
3) had jogged
A4. 1) have decided 4) was decided
2) was deciding 5) decide
3) have been deciding
A5. 1) will be 2) have been 3) am being 4) was 5) had been
A6. 11 was becoming 21 have become 3) will become 4) am becoming 5) became
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Being part of the top college tennis team means I have to stay in great shape, so however hard I’m studying,
not a day goes by without some form of exercise, although I might only actually hit a ball (A7) ... practice three
times a week. Swimming and long-distance running suit me better than arranging extra matches, allowing me to
build up my strength. Our fitness trainer keeps an eye (A8)... general food intake and comes up with really smart
suggestions about what to eat when. Not all the guys listen to him though, which shows little respect for what
he’s contributing (A9) ... the team effort. That’s poor. Then again, 1 tend to ignore advice (A10) ... sleep patterns,
while the others are pretty good at observing the early nights rule, so I maybe shouldn’t criticise them.
A7. 1) at 2) in 3) with 4) of 5) by
A8. 1) with 2) to 3) for 4) at 5) on
A9. 1) to 2) with 3) in 4) by 5) -
A10. 1) with 2) at 3) to 4) on 5) from
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
(All) If you’ve never heard of e-volunteering, also known as virtual volunteering, you might be a bit behind
the times. The traditional idea of volunteering is ... common knowledge, for example, cleaning up around the
neighbourhood and lending... helping hand to those in need — both very important tasks. E-volunteering, though,
takes volunteering to the next level. It involves working for charities through the Internet in your spare time.
(A12) These activities can take shape in ... number of ways. You can write and edit for non-profit
organisations or do ... research for them, provide legal support, translate documents — any kind of online job
in which you know the ropes.
(A13) ... difference is that you do it free of... charge. It’s great for people who want to volunteer but don’t
have time or the opportunity to do it in the old-fashioned way.
All. 1) a, the 2) a,— 3) the, a 4) —, the 5) —, a
A12. 1) a, — 2) the, the 3) a, a 4) the, a 5)
A13. 1) A, the 2) The, a 3) A, a 4) The, — 5)

Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А14. Educationists have noticed that a large number (1) of social network users (2) comes from young
generation (3) and especially belong (4) to student community (5).
A15. Do you know that fl) karaoke, which popularity (2) has spread throughout the world (3) in recent
years f4), originated in Japan f5)?

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Every summer we load up the car with our tent, cooking equipment and sleeping bags and drive off
in (A16) ... of adventure. At home or abroad, camping is our preferred way of (A17) ... the summer holidays,
away from the crowds of the city, sleeping under canvas and surrounded by nature. It's the perfect way to relax
and unwind. Of course, camping does not (A18) ... to everyone; many would rather sit by a hotel pool all day
or sunbathe on a beach. But for a little more comfort, there are always the more expensive five-star campsites,
which have (A19) ... of amenities (удобства) such as swimming pools, restaurants, bars, and even wooden cabins
if you don’t want to sleep in a tent. Make (AZO) ... you book in advance though, as these are very popular,
particularly with families.
A16. 1) seek 2) look 3) search 4) aim 5) time
A17. 1) spending 2) getting 3) joining 4) staying 5) keeping
A18. 1) agree 2) attract 3) please 4) suit 5) appeal
A19. 1) number 2) full 3) lot 4) plenty 5) quantity
AZO. 1) plain 2) clear 3) safe 4) right 5) sure
A21. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
Woman: I must admit that since I started exercising, I've been feeling less tired.
Man: What did I tell you!
What does the man mean?
1) He doesn't remember exactly what he said.
2) He told the woman to try to get more sleep.
3) He knew the woman would benefit from his advice.
4) He didn’t expect the woman to listen to him.
5) He forgot what he had said.
A22. Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
Do you know anything about fixing cars?
1) Sometimes. 4) Here you are.
2) I'm afraid so. 5) No, nothing at all.
3) Neither.
A23. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е.
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1. Could you take a message forhim please? A. It goes without saying.
2. How's the school going? В. I take your word for it.
3. Don’t worry, it will work out. C. Thanks, I hope so too.
4. Nobody could do it better than you! D. It’s more than I can take.
E. Pretty good, thank you.
1) IB 2C ЗЕ 4A 2) ID 2B ЗС 4A 3) ID 2A ЗЕ 4C 4) 1A 2E ЗС 4B 5) 1A 2B ЗС 4E
A24. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных
вариантов ответа.
A. Yeah, there’re lots of good things on. Do you know Billy Ryan the folk singer and guitar player? Well, I’ve
got tickets for that. Aren’t you going to see the rock band Buzz?
B. I’d rather get tickets for something else instead. 1’11 see what's available.
C. Are you planning to go to any of the concerts at the music festival next month?
D. There's a jazz band playing on the last day too. We could try that.
E. I saw them recently — they’re pretty good actually! Do you fancy seeing something together?
F. That’s right.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему (А25—АЗО).
§ 1. Anna has set the alarm for tomorrow morning and is preparing for school as usual. No need to pack her
bag tonight though because this time tomorrow Anna will be having her first of four virtual school days planned
for this school year.
§ 2. Anna’s day will begin as usual as she joins her younger siblings for breakfast, then she’ll retreat to her
room where she’ll log on, check her timetable and get going on the day’s lessons. Maybe she’ll start with maths.
Who knows? For one day, the choice will be hers. What is more, she’ll be able to enjoy this new-found sense of
freedom from the comfort of her own home — knowing that school will remain open for teachers to be on hand
for online support.
§ 3. Is this paving the way for full-time cyber school? Not at all! This pilot scheme starts at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
It will only offer students a small number of planned virtual study days during the academic year. The idea is
becoming a hot topic amongst teachers and students following the success of a trial at a neighbouring school.
A bout of extremely bad weather resulted in some schools closing for several days, or 'snow days’ as they are
known. Poor attendance on snow days means that teachers often have to adapt the syllabus, so that students can
catch up on missed lessons — all very stressful when exams loom. When one neighbouring school offered its
students the chance to study at home the results were surprising, with a 90 % online attendance.
§ 4. The results caught the attention of other head teachers on the look-out for suggestions on how to motivate
teachers and students alike and improve grades. They believe that a few days of virtual school is going to offer
an exciting change to the usual routine. More progressive teachers, keen to make the most of this scheme, insist,
the online collaboration between students and teachers is preparing them for the future. By the time they get
to university, they’ll have been collaborating online for a few years. It’s a win-win situation.
§ 5. However, not everyone is sold on the idea. Some teachers worry that the scheme is likely to put them
under increasing pressure to plan even more than they already do. They’ll also have the added responsibility
of being on call for feedback at any time during the school day.
§ 6. For the time being, Anna’s glad she’s going to have more control over her time and be her own boss for
the day. Will she miss being in class with her friends? 'Yeah, kind of, but we’ll be doing stuff online together
so I think it'll be OK.'
Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с содержанием приведенного выше
А25. What are the advantages of the free choice of lessons for Anna?
1) Without the teachers present, she can study anything.
2) She can decide for herself which subjects she does when.
3) The right choice leaves her free to do other things.
A26. The results of a one-day trial of cyber school
1) were unexpectedly good.
2) paved the way for full-time virtual school.
3) showed that teachers found it stressful.
A27. Why did the head teachers like the idea of virtual school days?
1) Students would work better from home.
2) It would make students and teachers want to achieve more.
3) Everybody would get more holiday time.
A28. Why do virtual school days cause concern for some teachers?
1) They don’t think the idea helps students get better grades.
2) They don’t want to have an increased workload.
3) They aren’t sure students really benefit from them.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А29. poor (§ 3)
1) needy 2) unfortunate 3) bad
A30. is sold on (§ 5)
1) earns 2) loses 3) approves

Часть В
Прочитайте текст. От приведенных в скобках (В1—Вб) слое образуйте ОДНОКОРЕННЫЕ слова таким
образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните
пропуски полученными словами. Помните, что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
When asked what the role of an understudy (дублер) is, the answer sounds simple: an understudy is
a potential (Bl) ... (REPLACE) for the lead in a play or musical if the lead is unable to perform for some reason.
On most occasions, therefore, an understudy is not very appreciative of his or her role. However, an understudy may
go from being an (B2) ... (IMPORTANT) member of the cast to the most significant person in the performance.
Understudies (B3) ... (GENERAL) find out they have to perform when an (B4) ... (ANNOUNCE) is made by the
director that the lead has pulled out. This last-minute appearance is an opportunity for an understudy to show
their (B5)... (ART) talent and live up to the (B6) ... (EXPECT) of the director.
Прочитайте текст. Из каждой строки (В7—В1б) выпишите ОДНО лишнее слово.
В7. This house is a must if you work in the town centre and who don’t like to commute to work
B8. by car every day. It is being situated at one of the dead ends which back onto Dunlow
B9. Park. This terraced house which has two spacious bedrooms, a medium-sized living room,
BIO. either a bathroom and a large kitchen. There is a small yet beautiful communal garden. If you
Bll. don’t mind sharing it with neighbours, it is a so perfect place to relax. The owners are moving
B12. abroad, so that they are keen to sell it as soon as possible. The asking price is very reasonable
B13. because some else areas of the house do need renovating. However, provided you can afford
B14. to spend these a little money modernising it, it will prove to be a wonderful investment. We
B15. expect this to be a quick sale, so if you are interested, do not hesitate yourself to contact us.
B16. We will arrange to show you the property. This is can be through an enquiry form on a website.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В17. The students marked each (друга) papers.
B18. Sarah was too scared to (рисковать) big risks.

1 2 3 4 5
Al 5 5 2 5 1 ;
А2 3 4 5 3 3
АЗ ’ 2 2 1 1 5
А4 4 1 5 2 4
А5 5 3 3 5 4
А6 4 5 4 4 2
А7 3 1 5 3 4
А8 2 2 4 4 1
А9 .1 4 3 1
А10 5 3 2 4 3
All 1 1 5 1 5 :
А12 5 4 4 5 4
А13 3 5 2 2 4
А14 5 1 5 4 1
А15 1 3 3 3 2 ?
А16 4 4 3 2 1
А17 3 2 1 5 5/;.'
А18 5 5 2 2 3
А19 1 4 5 4 5
А20 4 1 4 5 4
А21 2 3 1 5 3
А22 4 5 4 4 5
А23 4 4 3 3 2
А24 2 5 4 3 5
А25 2 2 1 2 1
А26 1 3 3 1 3
А27 3 3 2 1 2
А28 1 2 1 3 3
А29 2 1 1 2 1
АЗО 3 2 2 1 2



6 7 8 9 10
Al 2 5 4 4 3
А2 3 1 5 2 4
АЗ 4 4 2 3 5
А4 1 3 4 4 1
А5 5 2 3 3 1
А6 4 4 1 2 4
А7 3 1 4 . 5 2
А8 5 5 3 5 5
А9 5 5 1 2 1
А10 3 2 5 5 4
All 4 1 1 1 5
A12 1 5 5 5 1
A13 5 4 4 4 ■ 4
A14 4 2 2 2 3
A15 1 2 3 3 2
A16 2 4 4 3 3
A17 3 2 1 2 1
A18 4 3 5 4 5
A19 5 4 3 5 4
A20 1 4 4 4 5
A21 4 3 5 4 3
A22 2 1 3 1 5
A23 5 5 3 4
A24 2 5 1 5 2
A25 1 2 2 1 2
A26 2 1 2 3 1
A27 3 3 2 1 2
A28 1 1 3 2 2
A29 3 3 1 1 3
АЗО 2 3 2 1 3


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