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2.6.14 C.

AOAC Official Method 967.01 Heat aliquot of test solution (100 mL and 50 mL, respectively, for
Iron in Fertilizers solutions containing <0.5 and 0.5–4.0% Fe) to bp. Add few drops
Titrimetric Method diphenylamine sulfonate solution; then SnCl2 solution dropwise un-
First Action 1967 til violet color is discharged and 2 drops excess. (Usually 1–6 drops
Final Action 1969 are required. Larger amount may be used with test solutions contain-
A. Reagents ing large amount of Fe.) If reduction does not occur, discard and pro-
ceed as follows with second aliquot:
(a) Diphenylamine solution.—Dissolve 1 g in 100 mL H2SO4.
Add few granules Zn, boil few min, and either filter off excess Zn,
(b) Diphenylamine sulfonate solution.—Dissolve 0.5 g in H2O in
washing with hot H2O, or let Zn dissolve. Heat to bp and finish re-
100 mL volumetric flask and dilute to volume.
duction with SnCl2 and diphenylamine sulfonate indicator as before.
(c) Potassium dichromate standard solutions.—0.01667M and
Add 10 mL HCl (1 + 1). Adjust volume to 75–110 mL with H2O.
0.001667M. Prepare 0.01667M K2Cr2O7 as in 949.13C (see
Cool rapidly in cold H2O. Add 10 mL saturated HgCl2 solution, swirl
A.1.0.9). Prepare 0.001667M solution by diluting 100 mL
gently, add 5 mL H3PO4, and titrate immediately. (Small amount of
0.01667M solution to 1 L.
HgCl must precipitate to ensure complete reduction.)
(d) Mercuric chloride saturated solution.—Shake HgCl2 with
H2O and let settle. D. Titration
(e) Stannous chloride solution.—Dissolve 20 g SnCl2⋅2H2O in Add 1 drop diphenylamine indicator by pipet (no more; excess
20 mL HCl, warming gently. Add 20 mL H2O and dilute to 100 mL will interfere with end point if amount of Fe is small). Titrate with
with HCl (1 + 1). Keep warm until clear; then add few granules Sn. 0.005M K2Cr2O7 solution. Since end point may be difficult to see
Dispense from dropping bottle. with very small amount Fe, approach end point slowly, allowing few
B. Preparation of Test Solution s for color to develop. Titrate to permanent blue (sometimes green
with very small amount Fe). For solutions containing >4% Fe, use
(a) Suitable for all fertilizers.—Treat 1 g test portion as in 0.05M K2Cr2O7 for titration. 1 mL 0.01667M K2Cr2O7 = 0.00558 g
957.02B(e) (see 2.3.01), using 15 mL HClO4. Hold ≥1 h at ca 170°C Fe; 1 mL 0.001667M = 0.000558 g Fe.
to remove HNO3 completely. Dilute to 200 mL.
(b) Suitable for soluble salts and oxides.—Dissolve 1 g test por- Reference: JAOAC 50, 397(1967).
tion in 10 mL HCl, warming gently. Dilute to 200 mL. CAS-7439-89-6 (iron)


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