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KY TRI TTVEN SINH VAO LOP 10 THPT CHUYEN ‘SECTION ONE: CONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE TEST PART ONE: LISTENING COMPREHENSION {You wll hear an interview with a woman called Marta Stanston, who runs a mobile restaurant that she sets uy different re 7 answer the questions by choosing the appropriate letter A, B,C, or D. You wil hear the = (5 pt 1. What did Marta disike about her fist ob? ‘A Itwas really badly paid, B, The boss dirt listen to her. . She had no ideas of new dishes. D, She found the staff unfendly. 2. Atfirst what dd Marta find most surprising about mobile restaurants? ‘A. They ate only advertised online. 8. Customers can order their meals anywhere. C. Food never gets thrown away. D. Menus can be easily changed. ‘ ‘3 For Marta, the best thing about mobile restaurants was ‘A knowing she would have customers. being able fo work outdoors . C. finding that waiters weren't needed —_. preparing all ingredients at home 4, Marta had diffcutty serving food on a beach because of____ - ‘A the noise Bithesun —C. therain D. the wind 5. Marta ties to avoid serving mealsin her home because. ‘A she doesn't ave enough fumiture _B,the neighbours have complained . there isa lack of space D. itprovides mobile feeling 11. You will hear part of a talk about dolls, Listen to the talk and write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER you hear for each answer in the spaces given. You will hear tlie recording TWICE. (10 pts) DOLLS . 6. The fst known dols were found in graves in_ Egypt 7. The eatiest dois in the museum date from the century. 8. Early European dois were dressed lke their 9. Dols from the 47th century were made of ____wood, and they were painted in great detail 410.17th-century dls today may cost as much as___pounds each. 411. Collectors look for examples in perfect condition, with thein____cothes. “¥2.18th-century dos had soft bodies and hair.” 13. If you can take off the dol’s hair, you may see the maker's name 14, Before the 20th century all dolls were adults, not babies. 15. From the 1930s, dolls were made of PART TWO: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR |. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences. (10 pts) 4. Many ofthe heroes in our history have been (MEMORY) in the names of streets, 2. The women employed inthe mines were (DOMINANCE) young and unmarried. 3, His grandmother’ good looks and youthul energy (LE). her 60 years. 4, Many experts argue that students lear belt when thoy ao in classos out of choice rather than (COMPEL) =. 5. ve been given some financal advice thats (CONTRADICT) ___and confusing, 6. Hundreds of EVACUATE) _from the war zone have arrived inthe cy, andthe authries are trying to rd homes for them. 7. They have been waling for the doctor's (DIAGNOSE) since yesterday's examination. 8. Itis(ADVISE)__to travel othe areas affected by radioactive pollution, 8. She stood there completely (EXPRESS) so | had no idea what she was thinking about... - 10. Jack got into a lot of trouble for (PERSIST) breaking school res. I; Fill each blank wth asultable preposition or verb particle to complete each ofthe fllowing sentences, (10 pts) ‘1. When making decisions, people end to weigh thei options Carefully, which is sensible as long as you don't lose sight what's important. 5 You shoud check al your fles ___the screen, thenback them all__ontoa storage device. 3. Asking Bat f6 pay _meals ise geting blood. of a Sona. 4 They have been stugging to rebuild the system, 5. The eldest son of the Queen wil succeed 8. The journalist reported thatthe city was the brink T.Lould tel tis face thathe was angry something, 8. She is very knowledgeable History, but she's ignorant Maths. 9. Rosy sil faled to catch, to what the teacher was explaining about. was quite her ability. 10. Ateenage git sat ___a ran chewing gum and staring vacany space. IIL The following passage contains 10 mistakes, Iden ‘numbered boxes. (0) has been don 0. Line 1: the-> a ity the mistakes and write the corrections in the corresponding eas an example. (10 pts) UNE DOLPHINS HAVE THEIR OWN NAMES. Euan studying the species of dlpin called botienose dolphins has made an interesting discovery. Each of the dolphins in the group the scents stucied has ther own name, consisting ofa secs of Iutistes. As many animals can copy and leam complicated sequences of sounds, few species are | Capable of associating particular sounds to specifi individuals or things. Dolphing use sounds when + they communicate for a variety of reasons, include leading other dolphins to places where food is, available and showing how friendly or aggressively they are feeling, : Dolphins mainly use their names, known as “sighature whistle, when they are traveling, olot the others in ther group know where are they. And when a group of dolphins comes across another group while Cut at sea, they appear to use them lke a means of greeting each other, exchanging infomation before {the groups jin. The whistles also used when mothers and their young get separsted. PART THREE: READING COMPREHENSION Read the following passage and fl each ofthe numbered blanks with ONE sutable word. (5 pts) WHAT COMES FIRST ON HOLIDAY: PHONE OR FAMILY? Passport, money, kets; these areal esental tems to pack when youre off ona fay holiday. Amie phone, (1) ‘is a dflerent mater, especially if everyone at work has the number, Theoretically it (2) tobe possible for ‘stessed-out managers o have a phone-ree fortnight without interupins. in realy, go to any Mediterranean beach hotel where ish fam stay, and youl be contonted bythe pant sigh of husbands and fathers wandering around he pel (3) mobile phones clamped to their ears, saying things (4) __: "I inthe third drawer down, nex tothe pends or" ‘thought that contract went ofiast Wednesday" To the sensitive observer, (5)____ isa agi contrast beeen the beaut ofthe suroundngs, vith he family ll enjoying themselves together, and a large number of work issues under discussion. To (8) matters worse, these poor fathers probably end up paying forthe call that's come between them and quality time with the fay ‘Some, its true, do ty fo resist the pull ofthe phono, carying it around with them but leaving it (7) ___off unl they get back {o the hotel. The trouble is, they spend the whole day wondering (8). might have called, and then the whale evening in 4 (9) _ of frustration because everyone has now lft the office and they cant get back to them for (10). sixteen hours. PART FOUR: WRITING |. Finish the second sentence In such a way that Its meaning Is similar to that of the original one. (10 pts) 1. am sure it wasnt the manager you saw yestorday bocauso he had gone abroad, => ican! 1s expected thal he would stand for elaction, he didnt, => Contrary 10... z Calecing cobs ‘autographs gives tha cilden alt of ploasuro, “> Tho citron dave 1 What caused the old man to change his mind about the Inhoitor? > What was the 5, We wil stand by you whenever youre In voubl. > should... 6, "I received $200,000 in bribes," he admitted, > Ho tostfod to Mr. Smith's the most dedicated teacher | have ever met 8, People say thatthe bus driver was talking on the phone atthe time ofthe crash. 8. The peculation was only brought to light after the accounts had been checked, 10.1 promise that | wont tell anybody what you've told me. {Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning s similar to that ofthe original one, using the ‘word given in brackets, Do not change this word in any way. You must use NO MORE THAN SIX words, (5 pls). °, ‘1. Her daughter is determined to become a brain surgeon. (HEART) “ > Her daughter has wenn bOcoming a brain Surgeon, 2.[sitpossible to walk rom the hotel to the city center? (WITHIN) Is the cly center. «the hotel : 3.1 dont mind what you wear so long as i's appropriate forthe occasion. (CONSEQUENCE) >I vninse What YOU Wear 80 long as i's appropriate forthe occasion. 4, The new salesman tried to full every requirement his director had. (TUNE) > The new salesman tried to dance. ‘5. Given that he has no experience, will Frank be able to do this job? (AFFECT) SW FLANKS wns ability to do tis job? ‘SECTION TWO: SELECTE! (SE TEST PART ONE: PHONOLOGY Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined partis pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. (2.5 pts) 4.8. extinguish | C. explicit D. expansive B blessed, . ugged D. panicked B. cadet C. canon 7 B. doubtul B. expertise Mark letter A,B,C, or Dto indicate the word whose main stress position is placed differently from that ofthe others in ‘each group. (2.5 pts) 6A architectural B. enthusiasm . anonymity D. simultaneous 7A inhabitable B. unprofitable CC. unacceptable D. immeasurable 8.8. downpour Badownsize . downfall . downwind 9A. enzepreneur B. ambassador . indebtedness D. psychiatrist 10. deceit B. aesthetic C. extemal D. inventory PART TWO: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 5 Matk letter A,B,C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to complete each ofthe following sentences. (10 pts) 1. induding imate, mineral content, and surface water, welands may be mossy assy, or wooded. "A Many factors depending on B, Depending on many factors C. On many factors depending D. Factors depending on many 2 so incredibles that these insects successfully migrate to places they have never seen. | KWhat makes the monarch buterfies' migration + B. That makes the monarch butts’ migration . The migration ofthe monarch buttrfiess__D. The migration of te monarch buttrfies, which is 13.1 detest. but | often have to wat forthe dentist for hours to have my teeth checked. Alo keep waiting B. being Kept to wait C, being kept waling + Do to be kept waiting 14. Tolet them see the clear change in the case, the presenter pu them in he _ A situation B. piture C. interpretation D. plan 16. lf ony people in our parens' generation ___the schoo facts that we have today. Ahad had Ba had . have had D.have 416. Liam and Emma want to book a table for dinner in a famous restaurant inthe town, Liam: ‘Well never get a table in there at such short notice." ‘ACThe more the merrier, B. Want abet? . For better for worse, D.lts on niet ‘7. Socnovels a year, you say? He's certanly a. wer. Aceffecive B.futful . prolif D.tertle 18. The new speed restrictions onthe highway are sald tobe a debated Issue. ALheaviy B. profoundly Choy D. doeply 19, Increased trafic incites these days widening the roads. A necessitates B. exemplifies C. facilitates. D. indicates 20. Tis research important ____its took into some atenative sources of renewable energy Ahence B. therefore C. in that + Dounless 21, Frankly speaking, the teary theyve been working onjust doesnt. ‘A see reason B. hold water . share the burden D. face the music 22. The Parkers are going to move to a(n) house in Hem, e pslead. ‘A solid brick elegant Roman-style B. brick sold elegant Roman-style C. Roman-siyle elegant brick solid D. elegant solid Roman-style brick 23.A group of soldiers was stationed near Ganges ver, na smal erm ener vilj setae B. the the €.0-0 D.the-0 . aap can the fat before my pier comes round, but she aways finds atleastone__of dst an says it ity . spe Cs D. blade 25. Nothing went wrong when the students came back to schol after Covd¢9 pandemic, __? A didnt they B.didit C.cidttit did they 25.___as a masterpiece, a wok of at must ranscend the ideas of the prod in which twas created A Torank B, Ranking ©. Tobe ranked . Being ranked 27. Nebraska as floods in some years, ; ‘A others in drought |B. droughls are others _C. in others drought D. wtile other droughts 28, He didnt realize they had been talking at cross Uni he was asked an ielevant question ° ‘A purposes B. aims . intentions D. beliefs 28, People being overweight. the risk of having heat diseases. ; Ann B. bear C. gain D. make 530. People though thatthe use of robots would ___boring low-paid factory obs. ‘A break out in B. do away with C. put downto D.fitup for ‘PART THREE: READING COMPREHENSION iy Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questiofis from 34 to 40. (10 pts) Every day, millions of shoppers hit the slores in fl force - both online and on foot- searching excitedly forthe perec gts, Last year, Americans spent over $20 blion atretal stores inthe month of December alone. Aside rom purchasing hoiday git, = ‘most people regulary buy presents fr other occasions thoughout the year, including weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, sraduaions, and baby showers, This frequent experience of gif-ing can engender ambivalent felngs in git ers. Many relish the opportunity to buy presents because gift-giving offers. a powerful means fo build stonger bonds with one's osest Peers. Atthe same time, many dread the thought of buy gifts; they wor that their purchases wil disappoint, rather than ‘delight, the intended recipients. ‘Aathropcogists describe gi-iving asa postive socal process, serving Various poltical religious, and psychological funcons Economists, however, offer a less favourable view. According to Waldfogel (1993), git-gving represents an objecive waste of ‘sources. People buy its that recipients would nat choose to buy on their own, ora east not spend as much money to purchase (a phenomenon referred to as “the deadweight oss of Cistmas". Ths ‘deadweight oss" suggests that git-gvers ‘are not very good at predicting wha gifs others will appreciate. Thatnitself isnot surprising o social psychologists. Research «+ has found that people often struggle to take account of othets' perspectives, ther insights are subject to egocentism, socal projection, and multiple attibution errors. What is surprising i that gi-gvers have considerable experience acting as both gi iver and gt-recipents, but nevertheless, tend to overspend each ime they set out o purchase a meaningful gi. In the present research, we propose a unique psychological explanation fortis overspending problem, i. that gi-giers ‘equate how much they spend with how much recipients will appreciate the gift (the more expensive the git, the stronger the gift: ‘recipient's feelings of appreciation), Although a link between gift price and feelings of appreciation might seem intultva to gift- ivers, such an assumption may be unfounded. Indeod, wo sugges thal if-reciplonts wil bo less likely lo baso thoi flings of ‘appreciation on the magnitude of a gif than givers assumna, ‘Wy do gi-givers assume that gift price Is dose Inked to gt-rociplons'fealings of apprectalion? Perhaps givers belive that bigger (that is, more expensive) gts convey slrongor signals of thoughtfulness and considerallon, According to Camorer (1968) and others, gift-giving represents a symbolic ritual, wheroby gift-givers altompt to signal thelr positivo attitudes toward the inlended recipients and ther willingness lo invest resources ina futur relalonshi, In ths senso. gftqivors may bo motNated to spend more money on a giftn order to send a stronger signa to thelr nlondod racilons. As fr gtrecllens, thoy may not construe smaller or larger gis s representing smallor or largor signals of thought{ulnass and considratlon, 31. Whats the main idea discussed inthe 8 Passage? A Gifted ar idl acknovedged a consideatyexpeencedin git-ging, 8, Giang may hav corn cavbacs songs is postive ques ; Gifts can serve as implicit signals of thoughttness and consideration. D. Gft-giving, despite its uneconomical downside, culvates a positive social process. 32. In paragraph 4, the word "construe" most probably means ‘A understand B. stata respond D.take 3, The word many" inline 6 paragraph refers to A.iftgivers B. peers C. presents D.gitrecepients 34. The author most kely uses the examples of gi-giving occasions in paragraph t to highlight the ‘Atelry wi wich pope sop foots pes “ 8B. recent increase the amount of money spent on gifts C. anxiety giftshopping causes for consumers . numberof special ccasionsinvohving gif-giving 35. In paragraph 1, the word “ambivalent” most nearly means Aunvealstic B, supportive C. apprehensive D.conficted 136. In paragraph 3, the author Indicates that the assumption made by gift-givers may be. ‘A insincere fundamental C.justiied Drincorect 37. In paragraph 4, the author refers tothe works by Camerer and others in order to ‘introduce an argument B. oferan altematve _C. support an explanation D. question a motive ‘38. The Social psychologists mentioned in paragraph 2 would likely describe the "deadweight loss” phenomenon 2s ‘A.questonable B, disturbing C. predictable . unprecedented 39, The author indicates that people value gift-giving because they fee I ‘A functions as a frm of sel-expression B. can serve to strengthen a relationship Cis an inexpensive way to show appreciation q 1. requires the gif-ecipients to share the same opinion . 40. Which of the folowing best characterizes the tone ofthe author? A informative B. pessimistic C. disapproving D.ironic * Read the following passage and mark eter A, B,C, or Dto indicate the correct word or phrase to complete each ofthe ‘numbered blanks from 4f to 50. (5 pts) ~ ‘TEENAGE AIRLINE BOSS Marin Halstead isa young entrepreneur, best known for having managed to launch his own afne atthe age of eighteen arin stared hs fst business (41) ____. making fight simulators fr use in pot training, while he was stl afiteen year-old ‘hooey, anda seventeen he le school (42) __as al. twas whist onthe couse that Matin eased that (#3) just being apo, hed keto run anaifne business, and so he ($4) ‘up with the idea for AlphaOne Kiways. in the idea. Matin (43) planned to fy between Oxford and Cambridge, and there was considerate publ (46). But when abigvestr (47) out tthe lst minute, Marin was lf wih no opfon but think agin. But he was not tobe (48) In November 2005 he relaunched the company, this time planning fights from the Isle __oftMan lo BGnburgh The fst gh departed on November 7, caying invited guess and median an ara Martin had eased {fom another company. (49) the ane suspended operations in January 2006, AphaOne Airways had caried some fet fare paying passengers on te route and Martin had fulfil his dream. twas perhaps his naively and yout that atlowed hm to lgnre the problems and bares that someone older may have seen as ick wal (0) _ in he way of achievement, . AAA. venture Befort C. task D. event 42. Alain B.leam C. study D. prepare 43. A. instead Burather C. preference D- alternative 44, A. dreamt B. thought Chit D. came 45. largely B. principally inl D. primary . 46, A-attenion B, support attraction D-Intorost > 47.Acaled B.chacked C. pulled Diol 48. A. caught out B. sont back . turnad down Diputolt 49.4 Sinca B. Desplta . Athough D. Whother 50. A. blocking B,slanding C. stopping D. Impoding hea Sefelning bassage and mark lotter A, B,C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from . (Sp A survey i study, general in the form of anintenew ora questionnaire, which prov r , which provides information conceming how people punk and ac. Inthe United States, the best-known surveys ae the Gal ol andthe Haris pol Ac ‘anyone vio watts be ‘news during presidental campaigns knows, these pol have become an important pat of poteal lf tte Unted Stee Hath Americans are fair wth the many "person on he street ntnews on cal television news shows Whe such bles abe highly entertaining, they are not necessary an accra indicat of pubic opinion, Fit they rect he cas chen he People who appear at cei lcaon. Thus, such samples can De biased in avr of arate me- Ma hopers, or factry worker, depending on which area the newspeole select. Secon, eesionnlonions tea, A 1actaugoing people who are wing to appear on ar, while hey fighten avay thers who may lel ninated bya camera, ‘survey must be based ona precise, representative sampling tis fo genuinely reflect a brood range ofthe population. : the interview and the questionaire. Each of these forms of survey research has its i ina high response rate because most people find it more dificult tum down a personal {Raves for an lene than fo throw away a writen questonnie. in aditon, an inenewer can go beyond wen questons ‘more consistent 51. What does the passage mainly iscuss? . ‘A. The history of surveys in North America 8. The importance of pals in American politcal ite C. Problems associated with interpreting surveys. The principles of conducting surveys ce 52. According fo the passage, one advantage of ve interviews over questonnates is thal ve interviews __ ‘A are easier to interpret B. can produce more information C. costless . minimize the influence ofthe researcher ‘53. The word “they in paragraph 2 refers to ‘A\North Americans shows . opinions . interviews 54, The word "elicit" in paragraph 3 is dosest in meaning to__. ‘A take out B. nie out va _ Cleave out D. bring out ‘58. According to paragraph 3, which ofthe following is most important for an effective survey? ‘A.A sociologist who is able to interpret the results B. An interviewer's ability to measure respondents feelings C. Carefully worded questions . Ahigh numberof respondents LB. Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word iven. Fe had to clear the spare room before I could ‘tart decorating, CLEARED Only when_____start decorating. ~ 2, Buying a plane ticket at the last minute isn’t often possible, TO Rarely____aplane ticket at the last minute. 3. He dida’task her anything about her study. QUESTION Not ___ about her study. 4, Einstein proved that energy and mass are basically the same thing. What ____ energy and mass are basically the same thing. 5. You can do jogging any time whatever the weather is like. You___ or shine. ~ L.C.. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentefice, using the word given. 6. Mary was born in a small village very far away from the city. NOWHERE 7. Jimmy played truant this morning, so his father has punished him severely. BOOK 8 The construction workers recklessly disregarded the safety at work. SHOWED. 9 Coming to class late is inexcusable, EXCUSE, 10. They have known each other since they were at infant school. INFANTS

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