PBA MWA SSWC Wavier Lien

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Waiver of the Contractor's Lien for use with the:

Principal Building Agreement Edition used:

Minor Works Agreement Edition used:

Small & Simple Works Contract Edition used:


The contractor waives in favour of the employer any lien or right of retention that is or may be held in respect
of the works to be executed on the site

This waiver shall only come into effect on provision by the employer of a security for payment in fulfilment of
obligations in terms of the identified agreement

This done and signed at Date

Name of Signatory Capacity

For and on behalf of the contractor who by signature Signature of Witness

hereto warrants such authorisation
Street Address
Postal Address
E-mail Mobile
Fax Telephone
© Copyright reserved: JBCC® PBA, MWA or SSWC Waiver of Lien - Jan 2021

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