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Dear teachers and friends, I am .................

from Hieu Giang Junior High

School. Today, I would like to express my opinion about the role of technology
in our daily lives.
Over the years, technology has revolutionized our world and daily life.
Technology has appeared in all areas of life, from education to health, art,
entertainment, economy,… Technology makes everything smarter, and more
First, technology makes social connections more convenient. As long as the
smart device connects to wifi, we can easily text, call, video call, online
meeting, … without having to travel as far as before.
Second, technology helps to absorb people’s knowledge more diversely, more
and faster. Just sitting at home, you can also learn anything online that interests
you. A lot of knowledge has been shared on the internet.
Next, for huge amounts of information data, the development of digital
technology will make it possible for everything to be easily stored in many
devices, such as laptops, mobile phones, and computers. desktop or tablet. The
data stored online will be accessed quickly and easily through any device that
can connect to the internet.
Another area where technology plays a role is entertainment. Today, we have
many forms of entertainment such as playing games, listening to music,
watching movies, and reading newspapers online, which is extremely
convenient. In the economic field, thanks to technology, many new business
forms have appeared such as online sales, online teaching, financial services,
and advertising, …
Besides the positive aspects, we cannot deny the negative effects that
technology brings to people. Sometimes because we are so engrossed in
electronic devices, we do not pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. This leads to
the formation of bad habits, causing several serious diseases. In addition, the
application of artificial intelligence and machinery in production also increases
the risk of unemployment. Many low-skilled workers do not have enough
expertise to meet job requirements, leading to being fired and unemployed.
You can see technology plays an extremely important role in our lives. We
should know how to apply technology to make life more convenient.
What we just pointed out is just one of the very small aspects that technology
impacts on daily life. I hope all of us will be alert enough to perceive and apply
technology appropriately in life.

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