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Character Sketch of Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a highly intelligent, compassionate, and mature young girl. When her father moved the
family to Holland in search of a better place to live, she was four years old. Although Anne had numerous
friends, she didn't have a single one she could confide in. She needed a true friend with whom she could
share her inner feelings and open up her heart. As a result, she made Kitty, her diary, her friend and gave
way to all of her emotions by writing in it. Her arithmetic teacher frequently punished her because she
was very talkative. She was so funny. She could create a humorous defense for every issue. She
persuaded her teacher with her arguments, and in the end, he accepted the joke and stopped punishing
her. She was intelligent and innovative in her arguments.

Character Sketch of Mr. Keesing

Mr. Keesing was a Maths teacher at Anne's school. By nature, he was very strict. He would not tolerate
anybody chatting in his class. He continues to be irritated with Anne, who was undoubtedly a chatterbox.
He used to punish her by assigning additional schoolwork. But Anne would fill her allotted assignment
with such humorous material that not only the class but even Mr. Keesing felt quite happy. He failed to
stop Anne's habit of talking constantly in class. One day he asked Anne to write an essay on a Chatterbox
with the intention to make mockery of her. She wrote the essay in the form of a story in verse with
convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. Thankfully, Mr. Keesing understood the humour.
Subsequently, he gave her more assignments to stop her habit of talking in the class.. However, Anne
wrote each assignment in various innovative and intelligent ways. Her poem on the three ducklings who
were bitten to death by the father for they quacked a lot, finally stopped Mr Keesing from pointing out
her talkative habit.

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