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Pototan, Iloilo

Black Tea, Green Tea, and Ginger Tea as Wood Stain

As Proposal Paper Presented

to the Faculty at Junior High School Department
Pototan National Comprehensive High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Subject of Research II
Introduction to Research

Canuto Kian Dave P.

Tupas April Tiffany G.
Esgana Shyril Ann F.2-
Dador Star P.
Quinto Johnallen A.
Cordero Christalyn Dominique C.

November 2021
Pototan, Iloilo


This chapter is divided into eight (8) parts: (1) the Background of the Study, (2) the Conceptual Framework,
(3) the Paradigm of the Study, (4) the Statement of the Problem, (5) the Hypothesis, (6) the Significance of
the Study,(7) the Definition of Terms, and (8) the Scope and Limitations of the Study.

Background of the study

Black tea is fully oxidized tea made from Camellia sinensis plant, Just
like with green tea, there are hundreds of thousands of black tea types in
the world Black teas are usually categorized by country and specific
production area. It’s highly popular in both Eastern and Western countries
(Kelli Miller,2020).

Ginger tea has a long history in various parts of Asia, where it has
been used for both medicinal and culinary purposes. Some historians
believe ginger tea was created as early as the Tang dynasty in seventh
century China, when ginger was added to tea as a flavor enhancer
(Sarah Garone, 2022).

Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. Its dried leaves
and leaf buds are used to make several different teas, including black and
oolong teas (WebMD LLC 2005).
Wood Stains are a collection of liquid or gel products designed to color and
protect wood. They come in a wide variety of types, but all include some sort of
coloring agent mixed, suspended or dissolved in a solvent or “carrier” substance.
This carrier can be oil, water, alcohol or polyurethane (Robert Maxwell, 2022).

Black Tea, Ginger Tea, and Green Tea is not yet studied in wood stain.
Researchers wanted to study this topic to help furniture workers and also
pototanon to give awareness that these teas are used as wood stain.
Conceptual framework

Black Tea reacts with the tannins in the wood to even out the tone
of the wood, reduce blotchiness and gives the wood a uniform color.
[Blog, LLC, 2022]

Ginger Tea gives just a slight richness to wood and brings out the
existing wood grain. It’s a great alternative if you want to highlight the
existing wood and not cover it up with a thick stain. [Blog, LLC, 2022]

Green Tea is non-toxic (and therefore mouth-friendly) not flammable

unlike many wood stains that are highly flammable. [Blog, LLC, 2022]

Wood Stain is a type of paint used to color wood and consists of

colorants dissolved and or suspended in a 'vehicle' or solvent. Wood stain
can be used to either darken or lighten the wood and can also add
protection from moisture. [Woodworking Clarity]
Paradigm of the study

Independent Variable Dependent Variables

General level of
acceptability in terms

Wood Stain made of The independent variable of

this study: (a.) wood stain
1 Teabag-Green tea made using; 1 Teabag-Black
tea, Kettle or preferred way to
Kettle or preferred way to
boil water, 130*3 ml water,
boil water 3pcs mug or jar, 1pc paint
130*3 ml water brush, 24 by 24 wood, (b.)
wood stain made using; 1
3 pcs mug or jar Teabag-Ginger tea,Kettle or
preferred way to boil water,
1pc paint brush
130*3 ml water, 3pcs mug or
24 by 24 wood jar, 1pc paint brush, 24 by 24
wood, (c.) wood stain made
using; 1 Teabag-Green tea,
Kettle or preferred way to boil
water, 130*3 ml water, 3pcs
mug or jar, 1pc paint brush, 24
by 24 wood. The dependent
variable of this study is the
general level of acceptability in
terms of; appearance, aroma,
and texture.
Statement of the Problem

1. What is the level of general acceptability of black tea in terms of:

a. Appearance?
b. Aroma?
c. Texture?

2. What is the level of general acceptability of Ginger tea in terms of:

a. Appearance?
b. Aroma?
c. Texture?

3. What is the level of general acceptability of Green tea in terms of:

a. Appearance?
b. Aroma?
c. Texture?

4. Is there a significant difference in the level of general acceptability of black tea,

ginger tea, and green tea as wood stain in terms of:
a. Appearance?
b. Aroma?
c. Texture?

There is no significant difference in the general level of acceptability of

Wood Stain made of Black Tea, Ginger Tea and Green Tea as an
alternative in terms of;

a. Appearance
b. Aroma
c. Texture

Significance of the Study

Furniture Workers. This study can give them an idea or knowledge to use
these teas as wood stain to their materials.

Household. This study can help households to avoid fire and its

Pototanons. This study can help Pototanons to avoid fire and its

Tea Vendors. This study can help them improve and boost their business.

Future Researchers. This study will contribute to the knowledge about

the wood stain and their benefits to people.
Definition of Terms

For clarity and understanding of the study, the following terms were given their
conceptual and operational definitions:

Black tea is made from the leaves of a bush called Camellia sinensis. It has
caffeine as well as other stimulants and antioxidants (Kelli Miller,2020).

In this study, Black tea is used as wood stain and it helps the wood to change its
appearance and presentable

Green Tea, also known as unoxidized tea, is made solely from the leaves of the
camellia sinensis plant. The leaves are plucked, slightly withered, then immediately
cooked to preserve the green quality and prevent oxidization (Art of Tea, 2022).

In this study, Green Tea is used as wood stain and it helps the wood to change its
appearance and presentable

Ginger Tea is a combination of ginger root and boiling water. It has been used in
Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries and is known for its potential health
benefits like quelling nausea and reducing inflammation (Sarah Garone, 2022).

In this study, Ginger tea is used as wood stain and it helps the wood to change its
appearance and presentable.
Scope and Limitation

This study focuses only on measuring the differences in the

general acceptability of Black tea, Ginger tea, Green tea as wood
stain in terms of appearance, texture, and aroma. These types of
teas can be bought throughout the local markets in the
Philippines and locality, making it more abundant and convenient
for the study.

Furthermore, this study only focuses on the procedures and the

differences in the general acceptability of Black tea, Ginger tea,
Green tea and its ingredients in making as wood stain.

Hence, the study will only be conducted in the Municipality of

Pototan, Province of Iloilo since the town is known to have Black
tea, Ginger tea, and Green tea. The researchers will only gather
these teas, process and convert as wood stain.

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