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There are two types of Transmission Line performance analysis

1. Transient Analysis
2. Steady State Analysis

Transient Analysis is related to study of energy propagation through a

Transmission Line from sending end to receiving end.

In Steady State Analysis we assume that voltage and currents are established at
both ends and the load draws power from the Transmission Line.
There are three types of losses in Transmission Line,

1. Ohmic Losses
2. Corona Loss
3. Loss due to leakage current
Regulation represents the variation in the output voltage of Transmission Line as
the load is varied from No-Load to Full Load.

The variation of load voltage should be minimum and hence it is always

desirable that regulation should be as low as possible.
The following points should be considered while computing regulation,
• Only magnitude of voltage should be considered
• Voltage Regulation is computed at specified pf
• During No-Load and Full Load calculations, sending end voltage should be
Transmission Lines are classified on the basis of comparison of physical length
and wavelength of the signals being transmitted on the line.
Short Transmission Line
• We ignore the charge stored on the line and hence ignore the shunt

• Leakage Current is also ignored from Transmission Line through the tower
into ground.
Medium Transmission Line
• We consider the charge stored on the transmission line but ignore the
leakage current through the Transmission Line.
Receiving end C model
Sending end C model
Nominal T-model
Nominal pi-model
Long Transmission Line
• In Long Transmission Line, parameters cannot be lumped and we use
distributed parameters

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