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Principles of dietary modification and overview of routine and therapeutic diets

Dietary Modifications - Fried foods and highly seasoned foods are not
1. Dietary modifications are changes made during allowed.
food preparation, processing, and consumption to - A transition diet between the liquid and the
increase the bioavailability of micronutrients— regular diet.
and reduce micronutrient deficiencies—in food at - Usually prescribed in cases of intestinal
the commercial or individual/household level disorder and infection, and during
(Beck and Heath 2013). convalescence.
Classifications of Modified Diets The Liquid Diets
Consistency 1. Clear Liquid Diet
1. Clear liquid 2. Full Liquid Diet
2. Full liquid Full Liquid Diet
3. Soft Contains all foods that are liquid at room temperature
4. Mechanical Soft diet or could be liquefied at body temperature (e.g. can melt
5. Light diet in the mouth and stomach).
6. Pureed diet Provides more complete nutritional regimen than clear
7. Bland diet liquid diet and can be nutritionally adequate by proper
Nutrient Content planning.
1. High fiber Foods allowed: Milk beverages, plain sherbets, and ice
2. Low protein creams, plain puddings, soft custard plain gelatin,
3. NA restricted strained fruit juices, coffee or tea with cream, and
4. Low fat sugar, bland creamed soups, malt and chocolate.
5. Low fiber Indication for use:
Quantity 1. For patients who cannot tolerate solid foods.
1. Obesity 2. May be used post-operatively as transition
2. Vomiting between the clear liquid diet to solid foods.
3. Diarrhea 3. Esophageal disorders
4. Diabetes 4. Surgery of the face, neck area, and dental.
Special Method Of Feeding Clear Liquid Diet
1. Enteral (tube feeding) ✓ Consists of liquid without residue or fiber.
2. Parenteral (intravenous fluid) ✓ Intended to supply fluid and energy in a form
Routine Hospital Diets that require minimal digestion.
✓ Sometimes referred to as “house” diet, constitute to ✓ The primary purpose of the diet is to relieve
the majority of the diet orders in a general hospital. thirst and help maintain water balance.
These are: ✓ It is nutritionally inadequate supplying only
2. The Regular Diet 600-900 kcal/day.
3. The Soft Diet ✓ Clear liquid diet must not be used more than 2
4. Liquid Diets days.
✓ All liquid diets must be giving in small,
The Regular Diet frequent feedings.
- Also called “general”, “house diet”, “full ✓ Plain tea, black coffee, fat free broth, ginger-
hospital diet”. ale, plain gelatin, and glucose solution are the
- It is a normal diet planned to provide the usual liquids given.
recommended daily allowances for the Indication for use:
essential nutrients and to meet the caloric 1. Before and after surgery.
needs of a bedridden or an ambulatory patient 2. To minimize stimulation of gastrointestinal
whose general condition does not require tract.
general modification or dietary restrictions. 3. Must not be used without supplementation for
The Soft Diet a prolonged period of time.
- A regular diet with modifications in Variations of the Routine Hospital Diets
consistency and texture. 1. The light diet 6. Vegetarian diets
- Designed for patients who are psychologically 2. The mechanical soft diet 7.Diet as tolerated
and physically unable to tolerate general diet. 3. The cold liquid diet
- Low in fiber and connective tissues. 4. Tube feedings
- Bland in flavor. 5. Dysphagia diets
Principles of dietary modification and overview of routine and therapeutic diets
Light Diet from a neurological, mechanical, structural, or
✓ A transition between the soft and regular diet. behavioral disorder or condition.
✓ Consists of foods that are easily digested and ✓ The purpose of the nutrition care is to provide
readily emptied in the stomach. energy, nutrients, and fluids in a consistency
✓ Indicated for elder ones who cannot tolerate tolerated by the individual and adjusted
rich and heavy foods. according to their changing needs.
✓ Given in 3 small meals with between meal NOTE: To provide sufficient nutrients to maintain or
feedings. achieve a normal nutrition status, nutritional management
✓ Foods not allowed: fatty foods, rich pastries, may involve:
concentrated desserts, and fibrous fruits and 1. Alteration in food texture
vegetables. 2. Alteration in fluid viscosity/consistency
The Mechanical Soft Diet 3. Incorporation of high-protein, high energy
✓ Also called “dental soft diet” or “mechanically recommendations as necessary
altered diet”. 4. Use of alternative feeding routes (enteral or
✓ Used for patients with difficulty in chewing parenteral) either on a temporary or permanent
due to poor dental condition, lack of teeth, or basis to replace or supplement oral intake.
presence of sores and lesions in the mouth, and Stage 1: Pureed Diet
for those who are too ill to eat the regular diet. ✓ This diet consists of thick, smooth, homogenous,
✓ Foods should be well-cooked, easy to chew semi-liquid textures.
and if necessary, chopped ground or minced. ✓ Appropriate for persons with impaired lip and
✓ Foods are best served moist or with gravy and tongue control, delayed swallow reflex
sauce. triggering, oral hypersensitivity, reduced
✓ All beverages are allowed, although patients pharyngeal peristalsis and/or cricopharyngeal
with lesions in the mouth may not be able to dysfunction.
take tart fruit juices. The general diet description is as follows:
1. Thick, homogenous textures are emphasized
2. Should be “spoon-thick” or “pudding-like”
3. No coarse textures, nuts, raw
4. Liquids or crushed medications may be
mixed with pureed fruits.
5. Liquids and water are thickened as needed
with a thickening agent.
Stage 2: Ground/Minced Diet
✓ This diet is designed for patients who can tolerate
a minimum amount of easily chewed foods and is
appropriate for persons with moderately impaired
oral preparatory stage abilities, edentulous oral
cavity, and decreased pharyngeal peristalsis.
Cold Liquid Diet The general diet prescription of the diet is as follows:
✓ No coarse texture, nuts, raw fruits (except very
✓ Sometimes referred to as the T&A diet (after
ripe/mashed bananas) or vegetables.
tonsillectomy and adenectomy), and consists
✓ Pureed or slurried bread, if necessary.
of cold smooth liquids.
✓ Liquid or crushed medication may still be
✓ Designed to minimize pain in the oral cavity
and avoid bleeding in the affected area.
✓ Liquids and water are thickened as needed to
Tube Feeding
recommended consistency with a thickening
✓ Requires consistency that can pass through a agent.
polyvinyl tube. Stage 3: Soft/Easy to chew diet
✓ There are may proprietary foods that are
✓ Is based of mechanical diet and consists of soft
suitable for tube feedings.
foods prepared without blenderizing or pureeing.
Dysphagia Diet ✓ Designed for patients who may have difficulty in
Dysphagia – defined as a difficulty in swallowing and chewing and swallowing certain foods.
as a symptom of a disease or dysfunction that results
Principles of dietary modification and overview of routine and therapeutic diets
The general description of the diet is as follows: ✓ Foods allowed: Plain and strained soups, lean and
1. Textures are soft with no tough skin. tender beef, liver, chicken (no skin), fish, well
2. No nuts or dry, crispy, raw, or stringy foods. cooked strained vegetables and fruits.
3. Meats should be minced or cut in small pieces. ✓ Food not allowed: milk and milk drinks, raw
4. Liquid or crushed medication may still be eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc.
required. Bland Diet
5. Liquid and water are thickened as needed to ✓ For gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis,
recommended consistency. ulcerative colitis, in some cardiac cases in order
Vegetarian Diet to provide rest to the heart.
This diet is designed to utilize a combination of vegetable ✓ Non-irritating foods.
protein providing a similar quantity or quality of protein ✓ Foods allowed: those which are mild in flavor,
as animal protein. The main classifications are: non-stimulating, and no coarse fiber.
1. Vegan diet ✓ Foods not allowed: Black pepper, chili powder,
2. Ovo-vegetarian strong coffee and alcohol.
3. Lacto-ovo vegetarian High Calorie
4. Semi-vegetarian ✓ For underweight, PEM, fevers, infections, burns,
5. Pesco-vegetarian pregnancy, and lactation.
Vegan Diet ✓ Foods included: all foods in the normal diet with
✓ Also called the “total vegetarian” or strict increased amount of fats and sugars.
vegetarian diet. ✓ Foods avoided: excessive amounts of bulky low
✓ Foods allowed are strictly of plant origin devoid calorie foods.
of any animal product. Low Calorie
Lacto-vegetarian Diet ✓ Obesity and those cases where excess weight is a
✓ In this diet, milk and milk products are allowed in complicating factors as CVD, DM, renal disease,
addition to food items of plant origin. HPN, gout, etc.
Ovo-vegetarian Diet ✓ Reduced amount of total energy.
✓ In this regimen, eggs and eggs products are ✓ Foods allowed: sufficient bulk, low in calories for
allowed besides items of plant origin. a satisfied feeling.
Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Diet ✓ Foods not allowed: High fat foods, High CHO
✓ Eggs, milk, and their products are both allowed in foods.
addition to food items from plants. High Carbohydrate Diet
Semi-vegetarian Diet ✓ For renal and liver disturbances, toxemia of
✓ Fruits, grain, legumes, nuts and seeds, vegetables, pregnancy, addison’s disease, preparation for
milk and milk products, eggs, chicken and fish are surgery, etc.
included in the diet. All animal meats are ✓ CHO in the diet is increased by 50% and above
excluded. the normal.
Pesco-vegetarian Diet ✓ Foods included: foods that are rich with
✓ In this diet, fish and fish products are added to the carbohydrates.
list of items of plant origin, all animal meats are Low Carbohydrate Diet
excluded. ✓ Hyperinsulinism, dumping syndrome, obesity,
Diet As Tolerated (DAT) epilepsy, celiac disease.
✓ When the physician writes the diet order D.A.T., ✓ CHO in the diet are reduced by 50%; proteins and
immediate nutritional screening and interview fats are increased.
with patient is necessary. ✓ Foods included: foods high in protein; adequate
✓ May range from full liquid diet to regular diet. to high fats.
✓ Should be temporary measure lasting no more High Protein Diet
one day until a more specific diet is ordered based ✓ For growth, pregnancy, lactation, PEM, burns,
on results of examinations. surgery, fever, etc.
Therapeutic Diet ✓ Protein increased by 50-100% above the normal
Minimum Residue Diet allowance.
For diseases and conditions involving the bowel like ✓ Foods included: protein-rich foods with emphasis
dysentery, diarrheas, pre and post-colostomy, ileostomy, on the High Biologic Value proteins such as milk,
and bowel resection. eggs, meats.
Principles of dietary modification and overview of routine and therapeutic diets
Low Protein Diet Acid-Ash Diet
✓ Acute glomerulonephritis, uremia, hepatic coma, ✓ For kidney stones, calcium and magnesium
chronic glomerulonephritis. phosphates, carbonates, and oxalates.
✓ Protein restricted to 50% below normal ✓ Acid ash foods are: meat, fish, poultry, eggs,
allowance about 20-30 grams/day. whole grain cereals, prunes, corn, and lentils.
✓ Adequate carbohydrates and fats to spare the ✓ Neutral foods: butter, sugars, oils and fats.
protein. ✓ Avoided: milk, fruits, and vegetables.
Protein-Free/Zero Diet Alkaline-Ash Diet
✓ For hepatic coma, acute anuria. ✓ Kidney stones-uric acid and cystine calculi.
✓ Use only as an emergency measure. ✓ Alkaline-ash foods are emphasized, acid-ash
Purine Restricted Diet foods are limited to those necessary. Neutral
✓ For gout and uric acid calculi. foods are used as desired.
✓ A diet in which uric acid and its precursors, ✓ Alkaline-ash foods are: Large amounts of fruits,
specifically, sources of purines such as glandular vegetables, and meat.
meats, dried legumes, lentils, meat extracts are ✓ Avoided: acid-ash foods.
limited. BRAT Diet
✓ The diet is high in carbohydrates and fats. ✓ For diarrhea.
Phenylalanine Restricted Diet ✓ Consists of Banana, Rice, Apple, Tea. Crackers
✓ For phenylketonuria. may be used instead of rice.
✓ A diet in which the intake of the amino acid ✓ Foods avoided: all others.
phenylalanine is limited to the prescribed level Hypoallergenic Diet
governed by patient intolerances usually 250-500 ✓ For food allergies.
mg phenylalanine/day. ✓ Should be individualized based on an individuals
✓ Foods avoided: Protein Foods specific food allergies.
Gluten Restricted/ Gliadin Free Diet Summary
✓ For celiac disease, non-tropical sprue, dermatitis, ✓ Routine Diets are: Regular Diet, Soft Diet, and
herpetiformis. Liquid Diet.
✓ A diet that is free of toxic gluten. ✓ Therapeutic Diets are: Full liquid diet, clear
✓ Foods limited: wheat, rye, oats and barley, protein liquid diet, cold liquid diet, tube feedings, low
and their derivatives. residue diet, bland diet, low fiber diet, high fiber
Low Fat Diet diet, high calorie, low calorie, etc.
✓ Malabsorption with steatorrhea, acute attacks of
pancreatitis and cholecystitis, in type 1
hyperlipidemia, celiac disease.
✓ Fat diet allows from 10-15% of TER as fat
calories or 20-30 grams fat/day.
✓ Foods allowed: skimmed milk, egg, lean meat,
cereals, fruits, vegetables, and sugars.
✓ Avoided: Fatty foods.
Sodium-restricted Diet
✓ Provides adequate diet with prescribed level of
sodium according to individual needs.
✓ Foods allowed: low sodium content foods.
✓ Foods avoided: canned, cured processed foods,
salt, patis, vetsin, and toyo.
Potassium-restricted Diet
✓ For renal failure, hyperkalemia, Addison’s
disease, oliguria, and anuria.
✓ Potassium in the diet is reduced to 1.0-1.5
✓ Foods allowed: cereals, bread, sugars, fats,
protein foods in prescribed amount.
✓ Avoided: Milk, cream, eggs, meat, fish, and

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