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Department of Management Sciences, National University of Modern


Assignment #02
Submitted by:
Shahraz Mushadi
Roll NO: 31466
Subject: LOB
Submitted to: Sir Saeed
Class: MBA (3.5)4th Evening
Date: 30-04-2020
 What is motivation?
 What is Maslow theory of motivation?
 How motivated employees behave positively? Describe
with examples.
What is motivation?
“The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and
persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.”
“Motivation is Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in
people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and
to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal.”
Motivation is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a
desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal-directed behaviors. It
can be considered as a driving force; a psychological one that compels or
reinforces an action toward a desired goal.
It is the driven force which will initiate the employee to work up to their efficient
level. It is generally assumed that well motivated employees will perform better
than that of other employees. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to
accomplish the goals.
Maslow theory of motivation?
Psychologist Abraham Maslow first developed his famous theory of individual
development and motivation in the 1940’s. He suggested that human beings have
a hierarchy of needs. That is, that all humans act in a way which will address basic
needs, before moving on to satisfy other, so-called higher level needs.

Maslow represented this theory as a hierarchical triangle. This shows how basic
needs must be met before one can “climb” the hierarchy, to address more
complex needs.
For example, first one must meet the basic, physiological need for food, water
and warmth. After that the focus would be on the need to be safe, then the need
to belong to social groups, and so on up the hierarchy.
The important thing to recognize is Maslow’s contention that one’s sense of well-
being. i.e. the ‘feel-good factor’ increases as the higher level needs are met.
The Maslow motivation theory is typically represented by 5 steps:
1. Physiological needs – such as hunger, thirst and sleep
2. Safety needs – such as security, protection from danger and freedom from
3. Social needs – sometimes also referred to as love needs such as friendship,
giving and receiving love, engaging in social activities and group

4. Esteem needs – these include both self-respect and the esteem of others.
For example, the desire for self-confidence and achievement, and
recognition and appreciation.
5. Self-actualization – This is about the desire to develop and realize your full
potential. To become everything, you can be.
According to Maslow, as each need becomes substantially satisfied, the next one
becomes dominant. So if you want to motivate someone, you need to understand
what level of the hierarchy that person is currently on and focus on satisfying
needs at or above that level.

How motivated employees behave positively? Describe with

To run a successful business, your employees must feel valued. One of the most
effective ways of accomplishing this goal is motivating employees through various
types of incentives. In some cases, incentives might be monetary such as bonuses
or gifts for exceeding performance standards. A supervisor in a corporate setting
with hundreds of employees may only have the window of a morning meeting to
motivate employees to perform their best.
In a small business, you have more opportunities to motivate your staff. However,
it’s important that you understand the pros and cons of employee motivational
techniques so that you can avoid setting the wrong precedent.

Employee Performance
The activity of performance of doing something fruitfully by knowledge as famous
from simply possessing it. A performance Comprises an event in which normally
one group of people the performer or Performers act in a particular way for
another group of people.
Productivity is that which people can produce with the smallest amount effort,
Productivity is a ratio to calculate how well an organization or individual, industry,
country converts input belongings, labor, materials, machines etc. into goods and

Improved Job Performance

Motivated employees are much more likely to perform at a higher standard than
employees who feel unmotivated to do their best.
For example, if you run a business predicated on sales and you offer a commission
to your sales personnel, they will typically try harder to make more sales. This is
also true if you thank an employee for providing good customer service because
that praise will likely drive the employee to maintain that standard.
Your motivational incentives will not only improve job performance, but they will
also improve production. When employees are focused on achieving milestones
and providing outstanding service, they are not wasting time, calling in sick or
clocking out before it’s time to leave the workplace.

Working Environment
Stresses, influences, and competitive, situation, civilizing, demographic,
profitable, usual, political, regulatory, and environmental factors that affect the
survival, operations, and development of an organization.
An individual’s motivation is influenced by biological, intellectual, social &
emotional factors. Motivation is a multi-faceted; we cannot easily define to
motivation, intrinsic driving force that can also be influenced by external factors.
Every person has activities, events, people, and goals in his or her life that he or
she finds motivating. By using intrinsic satisfaction & extrinsic factor organization
can inspire employee motivation at work. Fulfilling the employee's needs and
expectations from work and the workplace factors that enable employee
motivation - or not. These variables make motivating employees challenging.

Sometime employers fail to understand the importance of motivation in

accomplishing their mission and vision. Even when they understand the
significance of motivation, they lack the skill and knowledge to provide a work
environment that fosters employee motivation.

Be a respectful, honest, and supportive

This may seem like a no-brainer, but bad management is one of the top reasons
employees run for the hills. Things like respect, honesty, support, and clear
communication are the foundations here. But there’s a lot more you can do to be
a great leader and mentor. If you’re new to this whole management thing, it’s
worth reading some books on the subject — effective management, like any other
skill, takes knowledge and practice. As a starting point, check out Amazon’s best-
sellers on management, or check out the employee management section of
Square’s blog. The long and short of it: if you’re a good person to work for, your
employees will be more loyal.

Motivation promotes self-discipline. The idea of discipline generally carries a
negative connotation. Subordinates obey a superior and maintain orderly
behavior for fear of punishment. But motivation raises discipline to a positive

The self-discipline of an individual costs less and accomplishes much more than
the discipline imposed by the boss from above. Committed workers discipline
themselves. They feel that by doing so they further their own interest.

Employee satisfaction:
Whether employees are happy and satisfied and pleasing their desires & need sat
work. Many measures claim that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee
motivation, employee goal. Achievement and positive employee confidence in the
workplace. Employee satisfaction,
while normally a positive in your organization, can also be a disappointment if
ordinary employees continue because they are satisfied with your work

There is an element of dynamism in motivation. When the rank and file workers
and managers are properly motivated, a kinetic energy is generated which
produces a tremendous impact not merely on the productivity and profits of an
organization but also on its industrial relations, public image, stability and future
The content theories of motivation attempt to determine what it is that motivates
people at work. The content theorists identify the needs or drives that people have
and how these needs or drives energies behavior. They are concerned with the
goals that people strive to attain in order to be satisfied and perform well.
Job satisfaction
Motivation also promotes job satisfaction. When an employee’s needs are
satisfied, he is on the whole happy. His job satisfaction is of more direct concern. It
is the key to other important consequences.
Managers in general are satisfied with jobs which are challenging in character
and involve some creative thinking.
For example, if you motivate your employee by clearly stating that success in his
position means detailing every car in the lot every other day, and you reward him
when he does it, he understands what is expected.

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