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11/22/23, 3:25 PM Respiratory System Grade 5 Study Guide


Respiratory System Grade 5 Study Guide
31 Questions

1. EXHALE!!!
My lungs are __________________ air.

A letting out B taking in

2. What is the main function of the respiratory system?

to remove oxygen from the body and deliver to break down food and absorb nutrients
carbon dioxide

to provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide to bring oxygen to the body
from the body

3. What are the main organs of gas exchange in the respiratory system?

A bronchi B lungs

C trachea D diapragm

4. What is the dome-shaped diaphragm?

It is under the lungs and keeps them from falling sheet muscle seperating the chest cavity from the
down to your stomach. stomach.

Where gas exchange happens Air passes through the diaphragm on the way to
the lungs.

5. When you breathe, your lungs take in ___ and remove ___.

A oxygen/carbon dioxide B carbon dioxide/waste

C air/oxygen D waste/air 1/7
11/22/23, 3:25 PM Respiratory System Grade 5 Study Guide

6. What is the function of the bronchi?

A Transport air from nose to lungs B Transport air from alveoli to blood

Transport air from lungs to alveoli The entrance way to transport air from trachea to

7. A disorder of the lungs called ____ causes the bronchi to become restricted (get
smaller) so air can't get to the lungs.

A cold B asthma

C influenza D bronchitis

8. The two main branches from the trachea (one to each lung)

A alveoli B capillaries

C bronchioles D bronchi

9. The air sacs that are covered with capillaries where gas exchange takes place

A lungs B alveoli

C bronchi D oxygen 2/7
11/22/23, 3:25 PM Respiratory System Grade 5 Study Guide

10. Within the lungs, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs between the
___ and the capillaries.

A alveoli B trachea

C diaphragm D bronchi

11. Name the organ label # 6. Called the windpipe

A trachea B bronchi

C lungs D alveoli

12. What is also known as the voicebox?

A alveoli B larynx

C trachea D bronchi

13. Name the structure labeled 8

A alveoli B lungs

C diaphragm D trachea

14. Flap of skin that covers the opening to the windpipe during swallowing

A Stomach B Epiglottis

C Pancreas D Trachea

15. Inhale!!!!
Your lungs are ___________ air

A letting out B taking in 3/7
11/22/23, 3:25 PM Respiratory System Grade 5 Study Guide

16. The steps to INHALING are...

chest cavity sinks, shrinking chest cavity causes Lungs expel air, chest cavity shrinks, lungs shrink
the lungs to shrink, lungs are forced to take out air

Chest cavity expands, the lungs expand, lungs

take in air to fill up space

17. The steps to exhaling are....

diaphragm muscles relax and chest cavity shrinks, lungs are forced to expel air for smaller space,
A lungs shrink, lungs are forced to expel air for B diaphragm muscles relax and chest cavity shrinks,
smaller space lungs shrink

diaphragm muscles relax and chest cavity shrinks,

lungs expel air, then lungs shrink

18. What do the capillaries do?

They are tiny blood vessels that go through the vital organs that enable the body to obtain oxygen
alveoli walls. They have red blood cells that pick and expel carbon dioxide.
up oxygen and release the waste product, carbon

C pathway for food from mouth to stomach.

19. What is 4?

A esophagus B diaphragm

C esophagus D lungs

20. What do the lungs do?

A entrance ways to the left and right lung B separate the chest from the stomach

allow the body to get oxygen and expel carbon


21. What is the esophagus?

A a pathway to the lungs B a pathway for food from mouth to stomach.

C a pathway to the small intenstine 4/7
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22. Characteristics of asthma

A surgery B abnormal tumors in the lungs, 2nd hand smoke

difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest smoking, lung cancer


23. Causes of asthma

A infections B runny nose

C mold, dust, cold air, upset emotions D radon, smoking

24. Treatments for asthma

A radiation B inhaler

C sleep D chemothearpy

25. What is the definition of asthma

A bronchioles are closing and swelling up B cells divide

C enlarged lungs

26. The fine hairs in our noise and early passage ways that "sweep" dust and foreign particles out of the air.

A mucus B respiration

C cilia D chronic bronchitis

27. Why are the lungs most important for living?

A It separates muscles B Its a big organ

It is the way we get oxygen and release carbon it lets us talk


28. Why are the nose and mouth important for living?

Without the nose and mouth we couldn't talk Without the nose and mouth we could not take in
A B oxygen and release carbon dioxide. We wouldn't
be able to inhale and exhale.

C Without the nose and mouth we couldn't eat

29. The epiglottis is important for living because....?

It makes sure we do not choke and that no food It is small

gets in the "windpipe"

C It helps us live 5/7
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30. Why is the trachea important for living?

A It's a tube B It delivers oxygen to our bloodstream

C It connects things

31. Why is the diaphragm important for living?

It controls our breathing inhaling and exhaling so It goes up and down

it's important for living and being able to breath

C It's tiny and thin 6/7
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Answer Key

1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b

5. a 6. d 7. b 8. d

9. b 10. a 11. a 12. b

13. c 14. b 15. b 16. c

17. a 18. a 19. d 20. c

21. b 22. c 23. c 24. b

25. a 26. c 27. c 28. b

29. a 30. b 31. a 7/7

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