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PSP ageeneet st ts ptr A Ne ey 4 a Semi Gonducfore_* A Semicond uote molariok he an eleefrical conduchvidty Value Falling | befveen thot of Conducor, Such % | medofie, Copper, and ar insulodore Such | Sa PAyve seniomdufor. 4. AP fare, semiconduetore is an ‘nfoinsics Semicondugor. doped with bono ove indium. 2.The wasonify of comiew in p-fyfe, Semi- Conductors ome holes, 19. Ehedlrons ane, inonify Comes in a p-tue, Semicondubr- 4. In a P- Fyfe Semiconducore. ther hole, demidy io much gredst than the electron, deri. 15. “The acceptor ensiay\ fevel. of the P-Aipe e close, to She, Nolence- bond and usa From Condudon band @ A Semiconduclore Phot ho, been. doped with. an aceepfor is called p-type, semiconduclor: re" Stonds for Posifive,. (/ _—e- ~ Acceptor. imPuniid . x t ee crestor 0 hole a S L- ee Si ( 8 \ i Se — a. P dape ‘sembendueen IN fupe Semiconductor 4. A Semiconductor. Shot hor been doped. with a don is cobled — an n-type, Seme iconduefor, “2” Shonds for neaolive,. ip A tte Semiconduchin. ig on infringe Semtconduefore. doped uit Phosphorus, onsenta, 4 Holes one, rminonih | Semiconduclert- _ | on andimone| a ave impuait. | —— 13. Te majorifed of — Charge Commies wt tee Semiconduyerts Me electnons - 2, comioy, in a 1 Ae ST Th the n-fyre of SemcondvefIe fhe elerbron densify 8 Much grater Jhon he ‘Mole densi, &. The dann energy level of n-fye is chose, dy fhe Conduction band and ausee From fhe Nolen, Desde _— @ Donor |mpuif: confines free. elecoreng, [Par junkie; A PA Gnd 8 ilerface on @ boundony, befluseert uso p- Semiconductor. materi. FaPer, namely the dype ond fhe n-fuper, inswe & gemiconducl “he, Pn junction 18 cneofed bY She method of doting. The P-Site O% fhe Positive Side ‘of the Semiconduchr. hos Je Nos OL O1H of on oe ence of holes and fhe TS eletnons. Usbiaed Par Juschon ft dindon ge of tan pes — diffusion and dwift- “there 13 a difference in She —Concervnafion of holes and efector of She furs sites of 9 dunehion The Wnofes | From the 9 ade diffiae fo the Side, fond fe, electoons Bm fhe Site diffine, fy the P-3te. Thre ore fee biasing, Condition fn She Pn dundtion © Zeno bios ® Fonwond diar Reve bios — Operation of P-N=P “Transisfore” NES ~eis New | The holes of fhe — p negion Cemifler) ane “iepfed | by the Positive Permindl — of bakene| The sunction is ig forwond — bios » This consfifurles ‘pobenfol bounier of She emitter | Tedused ot | the emilee cunnentr “the Usitth of the bare Tegon js Voy fin ond i is Sigler doped too fo fiver peoeent of the, with. he Free decom, of comfcer fre be emf ond hence, orl | holes — ecombine, fre No meglon. This @ ‘Tg. Which of Compse, iS Vora, Stnolh- - bi ‘Temairing, holes CQst fo QB) ome ove Giek oss fhe bae and entre Ae Colledon — saxon. Operation of NPV Thansisfore. ————————— | ENE ames VEE E| |<. os [|e | > Leo | oe Vole, | 2 Ehecfnen Te | 1 | i fe _ = iE | 24 ie | \iee : J _ Nee |e dedoon ja the. emir Tegion. ig sHppled | Bion the Negofives festminol of the dodleon4 lo Be emitter —yunckion- Since, the Polerthol [Dome at the dunehon jg Tedueed due ty eee and the boxer region ig Ver hin ona lig, doted, electrom> grog tie Pfave bose region. Nunber of hole» is in} Sal a eT EE ESE a @ Semiconductor device thot orenbioll, ads o> (One. Use Suite for cument-. Tt oblavs ‘cwnent fo flows eaiild, it one Aimeefion bat severbt — estricfs — cuoment from flouira, Hin Lher — oppesife, diveefion. - HE ig ofSo known 8 recht, | | fof +t aac Anode, Cas bot Anode. é Diode Shackne, Diode. Symbol, “he orgs tel dole is a pn ducHon Fomed bg Pte Semicundudle% ang le pe Semicondufo ond A Sfoee, Charge, | ger is Formed «= of doth «= Sheu OF tha, bilediee ond a sale bulk lech tela ig buikt. When there is to oreled ® Volloge, the diffion. cuomen- Camed bh the, difference, in Cowie —Concerbration on bole Saep of the function ig enn dy He, die cumenk —Coued by Hhe gelf- bait dedi, fell ond ig in on ebehio equilibiun Sf When fheove is a fosuoend |Notbge bios ertennally, fhe exfeinak. eed, [tela and fre Shel built clechier Field, | inhixt och ofhet, whieh tneremes the, Affair Cumenk oP Comides ond fous a. | Foausond cumer: When Hime ig a severe Volfae, bias entermnafly fhe, extornol eledzie, fol bona the sele- bit elechie. f\eld ane, Luthor Strengthen d and Tevense, Sohne, p Cument To independent of the evoue, Dio Nobose, value is fommed within. 0 I Cerv oven. jevewe, Volfoge, Tonge. When ther looped neveve — vologe, i igh yo | | | corbin extent dhe elechie, field Styenath ,F fhe Stare chong, four of Phe. ‘pen duneten Teaches a mhea Values a “Comive mublplicalion Pnacess, Occur, a forge Numbsde of dednor ~hole for, one, Genered ond lonye, evene, breatdoun Cument? is aenovaled . ts es 3 ow No ume aa # 4 lous

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