2nd Term Important Patho Questions

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Ovarian tumors
Hydatidiform mole
Cystic lesions on diagnosis what type of epithelium lined by TRANSITIONAL EPITHELIAL
Extramammary Paget's disease Vulva
Premalignant conditions in vulva lichen sclerosis
Most common Tumor of vagina squamous cell carcinoma
A female of 12 years age developed tumor in vaginal about investigation mother's diethylstilbestrol which
type of malignant tumors clears cell adenocarcinoma (can be asked as drug as well)
Young females brought to gynaecologist polypoid lesions in vaginal Sarcoma botryides Cambium layer
Idiopathogenesis of Cervical Carcinoma
a)High risk HPV NAMES
b)Role of HPV in CA cervix write plus draw
A pt is diagnosed as a case of ca CERVIX cancer Starts from cervix and ends into uterus (any layer) stage 1
PT presented with abdominal pain on histological examination it is from smooth muscle of myometrium on
what base you Will classify it Bening or malignant
Cellular atypia
Mitotic count
Presence of absent of metastatis
What is the significance of dividing the tumor into 2 categories?
Extensive surgery type 2
For type 1 ofTAH total abdominal hysterectomy
Bilateral oophorectomy
Site of endometriosis viva
Cancer arising in background of endometriosis
Discuss 2 disease concept of endometrial hyperplasia ?
2 Types of endometrial hyperplasia with an without atypia .chances of malignancy in atypia are very high .
Types of Endometrial hyperplasia
Atypical hyperplasia:surgery
Typical: conservative treatment progesterone therapy

PT of 50 yrs age presented with abnormal utherine BLEEDING and a mass seen on USG what are the risk
factors related to this malignancy?
In cases of type 1 the surgical plan is limited which in other type Type 2 will involve lymph nodes removal
Site of endometriosis
Pathogenesis of endometriosis
Pathogenesis of endometrial carcinoma
Type 1 type 2 difference endometrial carcinoma
Differentiation between leiomyoma benign to malignant ?
Cellular atypia
No of Mitosis
OVARIAN tumors vi
Arising from epithelium , germ cell ,sex cord stromal
Most common source to ovary
Colorectal cancer most common source of metastatsis
Pathogenesis of Ovarian tumors
Gestational trophoblastic diseases
Hydatidiform mole
Pathogenesis of eclampsia, pre eclampsia
Meek syndrome fibroma ovary
Pseudo meek syndrome
A pt has presented with amenorrhea hirsutism
What tumor? leydig cell
Crystal like structure In cytoplasm
Virchow sign
Sister Mary Joseph nodules
Idiopathogenesis of eclampsia and preeclampsia
Cardinal features of preeclampsia
If along with above 3
Seizures develop eclampsia
Most imp trophoblastic tumor
Pathogenesis of hyadatiform mole partial or complete
Radiological appearence of HM" snow storms appearence”

Breast lump
A middle aged lady 45 pt with lump uppers outer Quadrant of rt breast
3 likely possibilities
1) Fibromadenoma
2) Fibrocystic disease
3) breast Carcinoma
how will your investigate to reach to final diagnosis?
Triple approach
Smooth surface, mobile no abnormality of skin regular surface well circumscribed
Irregular surface, hard, tenting of skin , nipple Inversion
USG , Mammography, sonomamography
FNAC hyperchromatic nulcei high NC RATIO , BIOPSY Needle core incisional excisional mastectomy
Genes involved BRCA 1 BRCA 2
Write down 10 risk factor for breast cancer?
Pathogenesis of breast carcinoma?
On what factors grading of breast carcinoma depends
Tubule Formation, nuclear pleomorphism, mitotic grade
Indian file pattern mcq
Invasive lobular carcinoma

Solitary Thyroid Nodule STN D/D what can be the possibility
Final diagnosis for this evaluation
Biochemical profile
Radiological profile
thyroid Scan
A pt 30 presented with STN what are possibilities WRITE NON NEOPLASTIC N NEOPLASTIC SEPERATE
benign follicular adenoma , HÜRTHLE cell adenoma
Malignant papillary, follicular, medullary, anaplastic
Non neoplastic
Pathogenesis of Grave OR Hashimoto thyroiditis
Histology Features of papillary thyroid carcinoma .
Diffuse thyrotoxic hyperplasia Grave
Thyroid Carcinomas for passing
Younger age group papillary thyroid
Imp from serum tumor markers point of view MEDULLARY CARCINOMA (calcitonin raised)
Carcincoembryonic antigen
WOF spread to bones Follicular
Few Carcinoma that spread through blood Follicular
WOF most lethal anaplastic
WOF common in elderly age group ANAPLASTIC
WOF gene abnormality seen in Follicular?
PT is diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma good prognostic papillary thyroid
4 Microscopic features of papillary thyroid carcinoma.
WOF Thyroid Carcinoma is associated with MEN medullary thyroid carcinoma
Most common cause of primary Hyperparathyroidism
Chemicals Frozen section There is a Nodule in thyroid then it was removed lead to sudden drop in parathy-
roid level ADENOMA
ADRENAL Addison disease/ conn/adrenogenital scenario What is provisional diagnosis?
Investigation of this PT?
Pathogenesis of Addison disease AUTOIMMUNE
Pheochromocytoma Chemical investigation to
1)Serums catecholamines
2)24hr URINARY VMA and metanephrines
Criteria for malignancy as far adrenal medulla is considered?
MEN syndrome type
DM mcqs

• Developmental disorder mcqs
• Scenario for degenerative disorder(key word dementia)+ D/D+gross microscopic histo-
logical appearance
• Tumours: 10 years male + SOL memebtance on CT post fossae lesion so D/D medul-
loblastoma pilicytic astrocytoma
• Hydrocephalus/ Cerebral edema mcq
• Arnold Chiari-
• a child developed hydrocephalus + 3rd 4th ventricle defect Dandy Walker malformation
• Cerebral edema types 2
• CSF raised pressure at which level herniation occurred that abused death- Tonsillar her-
• CNS Trauma: accident+ dizzy+ disoriented+GCS falling so extradural hemorrage
• most susceptible artey to.hemorrhage is middle meningial artery
• CVD: A young boy 20 years age suddenly collapsed and.died so onnpost martum exami-
nation, cuticle of willis dilation seen so most common artery is- communicating branch of
anterior cerebral artery+ always comes with excruciating pain
• wof will indicate early injury infarction- red neuron
• wof cells will be seen on later stage of infarction - jitter cells
• Most common site of berry aneurysm.is ant.communicating +2nd is middle meningeal
• Viral encephalitis- scenario with global nodule formation.
• Lyme disease is caused by which bacteria (Borellia burgdofelli)
• Cowdry type A intranuclear inclusions -occurs in HSV 1
• Most common parasite affecting brain toxoplasmosis
• What protein causes brain problems- prion causes transmissible spongiform encephalitis
• DEMYELIMATING DEGENERATIVE DISEASES: Multiple sclerosis morphology, clinical
picture, pathogenisis(Autoimmune)
• Name demyelinating disease
• Beta amyloid protein+ tau protein pathogenisis of Alzheimers
• Morphology of Alzheimers with types
• FTD Frontotemporal disease 2nd most common.degenerative disease
• Scenario of dementia 3 diagnosis Alzheimers+ FTD+ Picks
• Parkinson Scenrios with tremors defective gait, morphology gross and histologically,lewy
• classification of tumours
• Gliomas most common is astrocytoma type 4
• Radioligically exist as butterfly
• most important histological feature of glioblastoma-necrosis and 2nd most important is
necrovascular something
• Rosenthal fibers
• Histological feature of oligodendroglioma is fried egg feature
• ependyomoma rosettes
• Psamomma bodies in meningioma
• common sites from where metastasis to brain can occur

• MCQ blue sclera in osteogenisis imperfecta
• Congenital disorders in mcqs
• Osteogenisis imperfecta important clinical signs
• Diseases in defect in metabolic pathways(osteoporosis-flask shaped deformity
• Paget's diseases premalignant conditions for osteosarcoma
• Paget's diseases very important +histological appearance(jigsaw puzzle pattern
aka mosaic )
• Difference between rickets and osteomalacia is age
• Effect of hyperparathyoidism is bone resorting, so parathyroid adenocarcinoma
• Renal disease also causes hyperparathyroidism because increased calcium loss
• Brown tumour? Osteitis fibrosis cystica-cookie cutter appearance on histology
• Tuberculus osteomyelitis is the most common
• Pott's diseases important
• Tertiary syphilis causes bent shins
• CLASSIFICATION OF TUMOURS IN BOOK in it common location, type of bone,
age, and radiological
• which tumours are in which age group very important
• osteoid osteoma nidus and its sites
• osteogenic sarcoma sites(knees or end of long bones)
• 2 types of osteosarcoma primary and secondary/ intramedullary site is most im-
• Osteosarcoma codman's triangle
• treatment is excision for osteosarcoma
• chondroblastoma aka osteoblastoma is common in children
• Osteochondroma-boney trabacluae+fibrous cap histoligical features
• Chondroblastoma- in old age above 60
• Ewing sarcoma-small round blue cells but in CNS this appearance is medulloblas-
• Boney lesion in shaft of right tibia(sunburst/soap bubble) so GCT
• Metastasis to bone is because of follicular thyroid carcinoma and prostate carci-
• Gout mcq pseudogout is calcium crystals and in gout monosodium irate crystals
and crystal appearance/shape
Technique used to detect,diseases of soft tissue-genetics of diseases chromosomal
analysis is cytogenetics Name any 4 common soft tissue tumous with their cytogen-
tic abnormalities seen in them

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