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Copleston High School

Science Transfer Project


Attack in Ipswich Hotel
By Pry lug Eyes

Suspicious attack of guest - foul play suspected

A thirty five year old health severe gash on his head. Footprints
inspector was found seriously leading away from the body were
injured in an Ipswich hotel last found to have traces of an
night. unidentified white powder. The
victim's shirt had massive blotches
Investigations into the cause of the of ink stains on the collar leading
attack and a search for leads into down to his shoulder. His eyes
those responsible is under way. were extremely blood-shot and his
face was sticky, suggesting he had
Victim discovered been sprayed with a liquid to blind
The victim was found at 8.00pm last him.
night and was identified as David
Grubstalker, a Health Inspector The N ovote! has been shut
from Kesgrave, Nr Ipswich. He temporarily until further notice
was staying in the hotel while while the investigation continues.
carrying out a routine inspection on Both staff and guests who were in
the hotel's kitchens and catering the hotel have been retained for
facilities. questioning until a suspect and a
valid motive have been established.
The victim's body was found
sprawled out across the bathroom The owners of the Novotel have
floor in the inspector's room and refused to comment today for legal
some leads in the case have already reasons.
come to light that may link to the
attacker. Police have asked anybody with
information that may help in their
Evidence enquiries to ring this special phone
No visible weapons were found at number:
the scene but the victim did have a 0800555255
Ipswich Police

Accident Report Sheet - Details of Crime Scene

An attack was reported to our Ipswich headquarters on Friday 23 May 2022. The
victim, a 35 year old white male was found on the floor of Room 37 of the Novote I,
Greyfriars Road, Ipswich.

The body was discovered at 20.00 hours by a hotel chambermaid, Jennifer Dustier
and was identified as Mr David Grubstalker, a health inspector.

The attack is thought to have happened between 19.00 and 20.00 hours on the
date above.

There were no visible weapons at the scene although the victim did have a severe
gash on his head. The gash measured 4cm in length and was very deep. The body
was lying in a pool of blood when found and ink stains were observed on the collar
of the victim's shirt, leading to his shoulder.

Footprints leading away from the body were observed and appeared to have traces
of an unidentified white powder. Samples of the powder have been sent to
forensics in Martlesham for analysis.

The body was sprawled across the hotel room floor and does not appear to have
been moved.

All hotel staff and guests have been questioned and rooms searched. The
evidence obtained to date has led us to 5 suspects, descriptions of which are
included in this report. A list of suspects is given below:

Thomas D'onut H otel Baker and Chef

Helena Tripod Photographer
Jonathan Hotelier H otel Manager
Jennifer Dustier Hotel Chamber Maid
Gareth James Trainee Hotel Chef

All suspects were found to have white powder on their shoes and samples have
been taken and analysed along with that found at the crime scene.
Ipswich Police
Subject Sheet 1

Subject: Victim
Name: David Grubstalker
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 80kg (12 stone)
Build: Heavy
Hair: Light Brown
Blood Group: A
Clothing: Brown trousers and Yellow shirt
Occupation: Health Inspector
Equipment: None
Ipswich Police
Subject Sheet 2

Subject: Suspect Number 1

Name: Thomas D'onut
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 90kg (13 stone)
Build: Heavy
Hair: Black
Blood Group: AB
Clothing: Chef trousers (Black and white checks), White chef's tunic and
White chef's hat.
Occupation: Hotel Head Chef
Equipment: Kitchen Utensils, Fountain Pen (for writing shopping lists)
"I was working the graveyard shift the night of the murder and everything was really
hectic. We had a wedding on Saturday with 300 guests expected. As a result, my
kitchen staff and I were busy all night getting the food ready for the big day. Our
team started between 6 and 7 in the evening and didn't leave the hotel until 7 o'clock
the next morning (Saturday). I was told the attack happened between the times of 7
and 8, by which time my team and I were well underway with preparations for the
Ipswich Police
Subject Sheet 3

Subject: Suspect Number 2

Name: Helena Tripod
Sex: Female
Age: 31
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 65kg (10 stone)
Build: Medium
Hair: Blonde
Blood Group: A
Clothing: Navy suit (jacket and trousers), White shirt, Gold earrings (large
Occupation: Photographer
Equipment: Photographic equipment (camera, tripod, light screen, film), Video
camera, Fountain pen for taking notes.
"I was staying in the hotel as I had a job in the hotel the next day. I am a
photographer and was due to take the photographs for the Carrington-Smythe
wedding on Saturday. I live in Cambridge so decided to get to the hotel the night
before so there would be plenty of time to get everything ready. I got to the hotel
around half seven on the Friday evening and unpacked once I got to my room. I had a
long day ahead of me on Saturday so went to bed early after dinner."
Ipswich Police
Subject Sheet 4

Subject: Suspect Number 3

Name: Jonathan Hotelier
Sex: Male
Age: 43
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 75kg (11 stone)
Build: Medium
Hair: Dark brown
Blood Group: AB
Clothing: Dark grey suit, White shirt and Grey/black striped tie with
Novotel logo.
Occupation: Hotel Manager
Equipment: General office equipment, fountain pen.
"I had started work at 12 midday and was due to finish at nine o'clock. It was a long
and hectic day as most Fridays are because guests are usually arriving throughout the
day to spend the weekend in Ipswich. Ipswich were playing at home and it was an
important game so the number of guests was higher than usual. On top of this the
Carrington-Smythe wedding was taking place on Saturday so my staff and I were
busy making sure everything was ready for the guests when they arrived. Due to the
hectic day I ended my shift at ten o'clock before handing over to my duty manager. I
was tired so was eager to rush home to my wife and kids and left as soon as I
Ipswich Police
Subject Sheet 5

Subject: Suspect Number 4

Name: Jennifer Dustier
Sex: Female
Age: 55
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 55kg (9 stone)
Build: Small
Hair: Grey
Blood Group: A
Clothing: Blue skirt with flowered pattern, White blouse, Pink tabard with
grey trim.
Occupation: Hotel Chamber Maid
Equipment: Mop, Bucket, Cloths, Trolley and Cleaning chemicals (Ajax, Shake
N Vac, Bleach and Toilet Cleaner)
"My shift that day was 12 noon until 4 but Mr Hotelier asked me to stay on until 8
o'clock because it was busy and loads needed to be done in preparation for the
wedding. I didn't really want to stay on but said yes because the extra money comes
in handy when you have 9 children to feed. To be honest this wasn't unusual for
Friday as they are usually busy especially when Ipswich are playing at home. I had
spent all day cleaning the bedrooms on my corridor (Corridor No.5) and was about to
finish to go home when I thought I would have a check over each of the rooms to
ensure I hadn't missed anything. As I went back up the hallway I noticed one of the
doors was ajar which was odd, as I was sure I had locked all the doors. I went over a
little nervous and called out "is anyone out there?" I pushed the door and it was
then, I saw the body lying there. I screamed from the fright before ringing down to
the reception to ask for help."
Ipswich Police
Subject Sheet 6

Subject: Suspect Number 5

Name: Gareth James
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 80kg (12 stone)
Build: Heavy
Hair: Light brown
Blood Group: B
Clothing: Chef trousers (Black and green checks), White chef's tunic and
Small white chef's hat.
//"', Occupation: Trai nee Chef
Equipment: None
"I was on the overnight shift and started work at 2.30 due to finish at 2 o'clock the
next day. There was a wedding party on the next day (Saturday) and we had to do
the food and catering for the reception. It was a really big job because there was
over 300 guests expected and it would be really busy the next day. As soon as I got
to work my boss Mr D'onut was already stressed out and the kitchen work was well on
its way with the preparations. I don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life, it was
busy. I had a break for about half an hour around 7.30 in the evening but as soon as
I got back it was "go, go, go" again until I finished my shift."
Ipswich Police Forensic Department


This is the evidence we will need to gather:

We will need this equipment:

This is how we will secure the crime scene:

This is how the investigation will proceed:

To ensure the evidence is admissible in court we will:

Only Change Keep the Same

Investigator's Running Record Of Evidence

First Impressions
From the evidence I have seen so for I think ...................................................................
Is the
attacker. My reasons for this are ..................................

Test 1 - Particle Analysis Test 2 - Solubility Test 3 - Flame Test

Results from the powder ResuIts from the powder Results from the powder
found on the victim found on the victim fOUl1don the victim

Powders Results Powders Results Powders Results

(Tick or Cross) (Tick or Cross) (Tick or Cross)
Which suspects can you Which suspects can you Which suspects can you
eliminate? eliminate? eliminate?

Why? Why? Why?

Who is the murderer?

Test 1: Attack Under The Lens

Examine each of the samples collected, draw what you can see through
the lens and describe the particles. Which of the powders match X?


Evidence Found At The Scene

Powder A
From Suspect:

Powder B
From Suspect:
Powder C
From Suspect:

Powder D
From Suspect:

Powder E
From Suspect:

Compare each powder to X - can any powders be eliminated?

Powder Similar to X? (Tick or Cross)

Test 2: Solubility Test
You now need to carry out a solubility test to see which of the powders
match powder X.
Test powder X first then compare all of the other powders to your

I Results for Powder X

Is powder X soluble or insoluble?
Powders Solubility In Which powders match
Wuter Alcohol X? (Tick or Cross)


• Which powders were soluble?

• Which powders were insoluble?

• Which powders matched Powder X?

• Which powders can you eliminate?

Test 3: Flame Testing
The final forensic test is the flame test. Note what colour each
powder goes when placed into a Bunsen burner flame.

Results for Powder X:

Powders Colour in Flame Which powders match

X? (Tick or Cross)

• Explain in your own words (use a diagram if it helps) how you carried out a
flame test.

• Safety in the laboratory is very important. What precautions did you take
when conducting this test?

• What conclusions can you draw from the results?

Ipswich Police
Martlesham Forensics Department

Powder Identification

Date: _ Time: _

Powder Suspect Soluble Insoluble~ Flame Test


T. D'onut

H. Tripod

J. Hotelier

J. Dustier

G. James

Forensic Scientist Attending:

Signature: .

Signature: .
Evidence Sheet

The suspect who committed the crime was:

The supporting evidence is as follows:

The following suspects did not commit this crime because .

Ipswich Dailv News

Super Sleuth Solves Hotel ■vsterv

.---- Photo of an experiment which

helped solve the crime.


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