Instructions Dde

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Document Development Exposition: Instructions

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

When I first started planning this document, I had no idea what to do my instructions about but
luckily, I thought about braiding hair. It was kind of difficult to find good and clear pictures that help
demonstrate the braiding process, but I was able to find a website the provided step-by-step pictures
of French braiding. I had to think to myself what level of detail I wanted in my instructions. I planned
to do between five to seven steps as a whole. I finally decided on seven steps to help be more

First Draft (for peer editing)

While completing my first draft of the instructions I didn’t really have a lot of color because I was
solely focused on completing all the steps and trying to find where the pictures fit the best. I faced a
few challenges when trying to make the instructions with the format of the font and the test boxes. I
also had a lot of white space present in the first version. Some feedback I received was to add more
pictures to some of the more complicated steps, which I did, and I think it helped tremendously and
it looked better.

Second Draft (for your packet)

After revising the document after peer editing, I added a border around the pages to help tie in the
colors I decided to use. I learned that having a neat, clean document helps the audience read
through it and understand it better. I thought the disclaimer at the top of the page was necessary for
this document but I can see how it was too harsh for this style of presenting.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

What I changed for the portfolio is I got rid of the disclaimer and just put an overview of the
instructions at the top, it made the document look less messy. I also changed the pictures because I
had one picture that kind of stood out because it was from another website, so I just got rid of it to
make it look more unified. I was also able to condense the document from three to just two pages
and I changed the formatting of the tips.

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