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scripts: Business English

Useful English tenses

simple past / past simple 2nd form of the verb (do, did, done)
1) a finished action in the past (abgeschlossen). If there´s a time word, it will be exact:
yesterday, a month ago, in 1999, when I was a child etc.
in simple past, you can always ask the question "when".
example: When did you go to sleep? I went to sleep at 11pm.

past progressive / continuous was/were + verb + ing

1) a finished action in the past where the emphasis (Betonung) is on the duration of the action.
example: I was jogging in the park. (The speaker wants to emphasize that it took a long time to jog.)

2) a finished action in the past which took place between 2 time points
example: We were living in Paris from March to August.

3) when 2 past actions happened at the same time, the longer one will be in past progressive and
the shorter one in past simple.
example: When I was taking a shower, I lost my ring. / When I was talking on the phone, the phone

past perfect had + 3rd form of the verb (do, did, done)
1) when 2 past actions happened after each other chronologically, the 1st one will be in past
perfect and the 2nd one in past simple.
example: After I had finished work, I went home. / I drove to the office after I had left home.

present simple "he/she/it - das "S" muss mit!"

1) a regular action
example: She goes to work every day. / I drink 3 cups of coffee a day

2) a future timetable where we have no influence on (train, bus, films etc.)

example: The movie starts at 6pm. / The train leaves in 10 minutes.
(we cannot change the time the train leaves, the time the bus leaves, or when the film starts)

3) a true statement (ONLY when time is not involved)

example: She loves him. / I hate pizza. / They live in Cologne

present perfect progressive /continuous has / have + been + verb+ ing

1. an action which started in the past and is still going on
example: I've been studying here for 3 semesters. / I've been an English Lecturer for many years.

present perfect have / has + 3rd form of the verb (do, did, done)
1) a past action which took place sometime until now with no specific time point.
If there is a time word, it will not be exact: before, for, since, just, yet, never, ever, already etc.
The exact time point doesn't play a role and we can't answer the question "when".
example: I've done my homework. / She has worked here for many years

present progressive / continuous am / is / are + verb + ing

1) a current action
example: be quiet! We´re watching the film! / Look! He´s smoking in the office!

2) a temporary action (ausnahmsweise!)

example: Normally I work 8 hours a day but today I´m only working for 5 hours.

3) a future action which will happen 100%! (ein fester Plan)

example: I can't come to the party because I'm babysitting. / Tomorrow I'm flying to Paris

Note: verbs that have to do with feelings or thoughts usually don't get an "ing" after them:
example: I love you, I hate you, I feel great, I think we should go, I believe in you

will future will + verb

1. a spontaneous decision
example: Lidia: "I can't pick up the kids from school today". David: "OK, I´ll pick them up".

2. a promise
example: Tomorrow I'll give you your money back. (versprochen)

3. a list of future actions

example: First I'll show you my presentation, then we'll have coffee and at the end we'll talk.

going to future going to + verb

1. a future plan which is probable (wahrscheinlich) (51%-99%, but not 100%!)
example: I'm going to visit my parents tomorrow (my plan is to visit them but it could change.)

future perfect will have + 3rd form of verb (do, did, done)
1. a completed action in the future.
example: by 2040 I will have finished my studies. / In April next year she will have bought a house.

translate the following sentences to English, using the right tenses on pages 1 and 2.

1. David, hast du heute schon Kaffee getrunken? Nein, habe ich nicht.


2. Wann steht Ingrid morgens auf?


3. Mit wem triffst du dich heute Abend? Ich treffe mich mit zwei Kollegen.

4. Wir haben in Paris von 2011 bis 2014 gearbeitet.


5. Warum bleibt Alex zu Hause? Weil er krank ist.


6. Wohin geht Michael? Er geht ins Büro.


7. Hat er den Firmenwagen schon gekauft? Nein, er kauft ihn (Hinweis: wahrscheinlich)

8. Was habt ihr gestern Nachmittag gemacht? Wir haben (Hinweis: lange) für die Klausur gelernt.

9. Ich kann dich heute Abend nicht treffen, weil ich mich mit einer anderen Kollegin treffe.

10. Maria steht immer früh auf.


11. Ich habe hier zehn Jahre gearbeitet.


12. Ich arbeite hier seit zehn Jahren.


13. Magda mag ihren Chef.


14. Sebastian verpasst immer den Zug.


15. Was machst du heute Abend? Ich werde mein Buch lesen.

16. Ich kann morgen nicht zur Party gehen, weil ich meine Eltern besuche.

17. Ich weiß noch nicht. Ich sage es dir später.


18. Bevor ich nach Hause kam, habe ich eingekauft.


19. In einem Monat fliegt sie nach London.


20. Vorgestern hat Andrea einen interessanten Film gesehen.


21. Morgen fahre ich zum Flughafen. Mein Flug geht um 15 Uhr.

22. Es ist hier zu warm. Machst du das Fenster auf? (die Verben können/würden nicht benutzen)

23. (am Telefon) Wo bist du? Ich warte seit drei Stunden auf dich!

24. Ich habe bei Microsoft drei Jahre lang gearbeitet.


25. Ich arbeite bei Microsoft seit drei Jahren.


26. Hast du das Buch von Bill Gates gelesen? Das habe ich noch nicht gelesen.

27. Der Zug fährt morgen um 14 Uhr ab.


28. Hunde essen viel.


29. Hast du gehört? Microsoft sucht neue Mitarbeiter.


30. Was machst du am Wochenende? Ich besuche meine Eltern (Hinweis: ich habe es vor)

31. Ich vermisse meinen Freund, der in N.Y. lebt. Ich besuche ihn in zwei oder drei Jahren.

32. Wo warst du gestern Abend? Ich habe dich den ganzen Abend gesucht!

33. Hast du sie gestern getroffen? Nein, ich konnte nicht, weil ich mich mit Freunden getroffen

34. Vor fünf Jahren habe ich für eine andere Firma gearbeitet.

35. Wann hast du deine Eltern gesehen? Eigentlich habe ich sie seit langem nicht gesehen.

36. Seid ihr zum Konzert gegangen? Ja, aber wir sind zu spät gekommen.

37. Hat sie Gestern für den Test geübt? Das weiß ich nicht, sie hat mir gesagt, dass sie viel zu tun

38. Hast du meine Schlüssen genommen? Nein, ich habe sie nicht genommen.

39. Spielt Simon Tennis? Nein, aber er spielt Fußball.


40. Hast du als Kind Computerspiele gemocht? Ja...

41. Gestern Nachmittag bin ich im Park gejoggt. (Hinweis: die Dauer spielt hier keine Rolle.)

42. Gestern Nachmittag bin ich im Park gejoggt. (Hinweis: die Dauer spielt eine Rolle.)

43. Wann haben sie ihren Kollegen besucht? Sie haben ihn vorgestern besucht.

44. Warum spricht David nicht mit Angela? Ich habe keine Ahnung.

45. Wir haben gestern zwei Stunden für den Test gelernt.

46. Warum hast du die Email nicht weitergeleitet? Weil ich mit der Sitzung beschäftigt war.

47. Wo wirst du den Computer Kaufen? Im Internet.


48. Wen interviewen sie gerade? Sie interviewen Max Landmann


49. Während wir eine Sitzung hatten, hat das Telefon geklingelt.

50. Ich glaube ich gehe heute Abend nicht zur Firmenparty. I fühle mich nicht so gut.
51. Hast du heute schon Kaffee getrunken? Nein, ich habe keine Zeit gehabt.

52. Nachdem Sara in Heidelberg studiert hat, ist sie nach Köln gezogen.

53. Wo kaufe ich ein Geschenk für meine Mitarbeiterin?


54. Wo hast du deinen Laptop gekauft? Ich habe ihn im Computerladen gekauft.

55. War Thomas schon in Japan? Nein, aber er hat mir gesagt, dass er bald dorthin fliegt.

56. Wann hast du deinen Chef im Krankenhaus besucht? Ich habe ihn vor zwei Tagen besucht.

57. Warum arbeitet Sascha immer noch? Ich weiß es nicht. Ich frage ihn und sage dir Bescheid.

58. Wie lange habt ihr gestern Abend für die Klausur gelernt? Wir haben zwei Stunden gelernt.

59. Was hast du heute morgen gegessen? Ich habe nichts gegessen weil ich keine Zeit gehabt habe.

60. Warum kommst du nicht mit uns zum Mittagessen?

61. Wohin geht er? Er geht ins Büro von Lukas.

62. Was machst du am Wochenende? Ich besuche meine Eltern (100%)


63. Warum hast du das Büro nicht geputzt? Meine Chefin kommt in zehn Minuten!

64. Du hast dich sehr verändert, seitdem ich dich das letzte Mal gesehen habe!

65 Ich habe dich gestern zwei Mal angerufen, aber du warst nicht im Büro. Wo warst du?

66. Ich trinke drei Tassen Kaffee am Tag.


67. Es stimmt nicht, dass alle Mitarbeiter klug sind.


68. Wer holt denn Frau Moritz vom Flughafen ab, du oder ich?

69. Obwohl Sascha jeden Tag acht Stunden arbeitet, arbeitet er heute nur zwei Stunden.

70. Es ist sehr spät! Wie lange lernst du schon für die Klausur?
71. Ich ging zur Arbeit nachdem ich die Kinder zur Schule gefahren habe.

72. Unser Chef hat sich sein Bein gebrochen als er gestern Fußball spielte.

73 Ich mag kein italienisches Essen.


74 Unsere Chefin hat vier Jahre in Amsterdam gearbeitet.


75. Warum hast du die Büropflanzen nicht gegossen? Jetzt sind sie alle trocken.

76. Obwohl ich diesen Film schon gesehen habe, werde ich ihn nächste Woche wieder sehen.

77 Gehst du in die Cafeteria? Kaufst du mir bitte einen Kaffee? (ohne das Verb können oder

78. Diese Woche arbeite ich von Zuhause.


79. Warst du schon in Australien? Ja, vor zwei Jahren habe ich dort eine Freundin besucht.

80. Morgen gebe ich dir dein Geld zurück.

81. Wo bist du gewesen? Ich habe dich drei Stunden lang gesucht!

82 Übermorgen fliege ich nach Paris.


83 Mika trinkt Kaffee jeden Tag.


84 Was hast du gemacht nachdem du dem neuen Mitarbeiter die Stadt gezeigt hast?

85 Wirst du das Auto deines Freundes kaufen?


86. Während wir gelernt haben hat das Telefon geklingelt.

______________________________________________________ _________________________

past simple present perfect

2nd form of the verb (do, did, done) 3rd form of the verb (do, did, done)
finished actions: unfinished actions that started in the past and
continue UNTIL the present:

I learned Spanish last year. I've learned Spanish

(I don't learn it anymore) (sometime in the past until now)

She flew to Mexico in 2010. She has been to Mexico 3 times

(sometime in the past until now)

I lived in Paris in 1989. I´ve lived in Paris

(sometime in the past until now)

signal words: EXACT time words. signal words: NOT exact time words.
we can answer the question "when" we cannot answer the question "when".

yesterday, last week, a month ago, in 2017, when until now, yet, so far, since, for, ever, recently,
I was a child... lately, already, never...

Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Using the words in brackets, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

1. A: Did you like the documentary movie "The Corporation?"

B: I don't know. I (see, never) ____________________________ that movie.

2. Sam (arrive) ___________________ to the meeting in San Diego a week ago.

3. My best colleague and I (know) _____________________ each other for over fifteen years.

4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) ____________ ten very creative short stories in the last
year. One day, He'll be as famous as Hemingway.

5. (have, not) _______________________ this much fun at the office party since I (start)
_______________ working here.

6. Things (change) ___________________ a great deal at Coltech Inc. When we first (start)
________________ working here three years ago, the company (have, only) _______________ six
workers. Since then, we (expand) _________________ to include more than 2,000 full-time

7. During our vacation, I (tell) ________________ my son to stay on the main road in the forest,
but he (wander) __________________ off into the deep forest and (be) ___________ bitten by a

8. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) ___________________ the bus this morning. You (be)
___________ late to work too many times. You are fired!

9. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds miles from the coast, so he (see, never)
___________________ the ocean. He should come with us to Miami!

10. How sad! George (dream) _______________ of going to California before he died. But he
didn't make it. He (see, never) _______________________ the ocean.

11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) ____________ much easier and very comfortable.
In the 19th century, it (take) ________________ two or three months to cross North America by a
wagon with horses. The trip (be) ______________ very hard and often dangerous. Things (change)
_________________ a lot in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to
L.A. in a matter of hours.

12. Johnny, I can't believe how much you (change) ________________ since the last time I (see)
___________ you. You (grow) ________________ at least 20 centimeters!

13. This tree (be) ________________ planted by the people who (establish) _______________ our
city over four hundred years ago.

14. I (visit, never) _________________ Africa, but I (travel) __________________ to South

America several times. The last time I (go) ________________ to South America, I (visit)
______________ Brazil and Peru. I (spend) _________________ two weeks in the Amazon,
(travel) __________________ for a week near Machu Picchu and (fly) ____________ back home.

15. "___________________ (you, see) the new production facility yet?"

"No, I________________ (it, see, not) yet, but I want to see it soon."

16. "Last summer we ______________ (go) to Corsica on our vacation".

"Really? How ______________ (be) it?"
"Interesting, but the weather _________________ (be, not) that good.
_________________________ (you, be, ever) to Corsica?"
"Yes, I ____________________ (be) to Corsica four times."

17. "_____________________ (go, you) to the seminar in Berlin last week?"

"Yes, I ___________ (be) there the whole week. And you?"
"I ________________ (go, not). I couldn't find the time."

Present Simple vs Present Progressive (continuous)

Complete the sentences with the verb in present simple or present progressive.

1. "______________________ (Fred, do) the data entry while Susan is on holiday?"

"As far as I know, Harry __________________ (do) it."
"No way! Harry _________________ (know, not) how to enter the data in SAP!"
"All I know is that Fred __________________ (do, not) it. He is preoccupied with other things."

2. "Where ________________________ (you, buy, usually) the computers from?"

"Normally, _________________ from Telco around the corner."

Exercise on Future Perfect (an action which will have been completed at some time point in the future.)
Translate sentences 1 and 2. Fill in the gap in sentence 3.

1. Im Mai werde ich ein Haus gebaut haben.


2. "Du bist mit der Reparatur noch nicht fertig! Wir wollen in einer Stunde eine Radtour machen!"
"Keine Angst. Bis dahin werde ich das Fahrrad repariert haben."

"Don't worry.

3. By the end of the month, Mary ____________________ (take) one exam and only have two
more left to take.

Modal verbs (past tense): must have & should have (+ 3rd form of verb)
MUST HAVE: we believe /think /guess that the action happened in the past.
example: "I don't know where my wallet is. I must have left in the office."

SHOULD HAVE: something that didn't happen but we wished it had happened.
example: "I didn't pass the test. I should have learned much more!"

Choose between MUST HAVE and SHOULD HAVE to fill in the gaps.

1. Nobody answered the phone at the reception. The office ....................... closed early.

2. I ................... practiced for my exams. I think I'll fail!

3. I'm sorry I'm late. I ........................set the alarm for 6am instead of 7am.

4. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived to the meeting yet. He................ caught the wrong train.

5. I left my boss two messages but he hasn't called me back yet. He ................... been very busy.

6. You ....................... (consult) your parents before you decided to quit your job. now you're broke.

7. Someone ............ (steal) my laptop! I'm sure it was in the office before the break!

8. Your essay was full of mistakes. You.................. (proofread) it before you turned it in.

9. I waited at the conference room for an hour! You......................... (tell) the meeting was canceled!

10. Sarah looks pleased with herself. She ..................... (be) promoted.

Modal Verbs:
can - can't - can't have - could - could have - don't have - had better
might - must - must have - mustn't - need - ought - shouldn't - should

Exercise 1:
Complete the sentences with a modal verb from the box below.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1. You _______________ be exhausted after your long trip. Come in and have a drink-

2. John _______________ taken your car keys. He hasn't even left the house.

3. I won't go out this afternoon because the weather forecast is not very good, and I
_______________ get wet.

4. You _______________ to apply for the job yet. You can do it later this week.

5. I _______________ left my wallet in the car. I can't find it anywhere.

6. That _______________ be Jack. It's impossible. He said he was going to Spain.

7. You _______________ step into the headmaster's office without permission.

8. Tell your sister she _______________ stay the night here if she wants to.

9. You have already drunken a glass of wine. You _______________ not drive. Let me.

10. You _______________ see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre when you go to Paris.

11. I _______________ to take orders from you. You're not my boss!

12. When I was younger, I _______________ run very fast.

13. Your cold is getting worse and you have a runny nose. You _______________ to see the doctor.

14. My husband is preparing dinner. He's not a good cook so you _______________ expect
anything special.

15. Don't leave your window open at night. Someone _______________ climb in.

16. Brenda _______________ be over thirty. She graduated a year after me and I'm only 26.

17. You ______________ to come with me. I can manage on my own.

18. She _______________ got lost. Otherwise she'd be here by now.

19. You must be careful. You _______________ been killed crossing the street without looking.

20. I didn't _______________ to buy more groceries. We already had enough.


Exercise 2:
Complete the sentences with a modal verb.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1. That pizza was gigantic. I'm sure Mary _______________ eaten it all.

2. Nobody was able to tell the police who that man was, so he ___________ be someone from here.

3. Be careful when you walk across that old wooden bridge. It _______________ not be very safe.

4. I see you haven't finished your homework yet. It _______________ be very difficult, then.

5. You _______________ touch the oven. It's very hot and you _______________ hurt yourself.

6. They are putting the suspect into the police car. The police _______________ arrested him.

7. I don't know where he is. Take a look in the garage. He ________________ be there.

8. You _______________ do any more training today. You look so tired. Take a break!

9. I can't see very well but that _______________ be Claire over there. At least she looks like her.

10. Everyone scored over 95% in the first test, so it _______________ been so difficult.

11. You don't _______________ to drive me to the airport. I can take the bus.

12. You _______________ always wear suitable clothes when you go skiing.

13. Pupils ____________ go out between the various parts of the exam. It's against the school rules.

14. Danny _______________ swim when he was four. Now he's part of the town's swimming team.

15. You don't _______________ to buy any food. The fridge is full.

16. John _______________ taken a wrong turn somewhere. Otherwise he'd be here by now.

17. There are signs all over the area, so you _______________ have any trouble getting there.

18. This _______________ be the house they advertised in the newspaper. It's much too big.

19. Mike ______________ left the house. His cell phone is still here, and he never leaves without it.

20. Leaving the house today without an umbrella _______________ not be such a good idea. It
looks like it's going to rain in the afternoon.

Conditionals 1, 2, 3

Conditional 1
Function: When something is probably (wahrscheinlich) going to happen.
Structure of sentence: Simple Present + will future + verb infinitive
English: If the weather stays nice, I’ll play tennis.
Deutsch: Wenn das Wetter schön bleibt, spiele ich Tennis.

Conditional 2
Function: When something might happen. (vielleicht, hypothetisch, theoretisch)
Structure of sentence: Simple Past (2nd for of verb) + would + verb infinitive
English: If the weather were nice, I’d play tennis.
Deutsch: Wenn das Wetter schön wäre, würde ich Tennis spielen.

Conditional 3
Function: When something happened and is unchangeable (schon passiert→unveränderbar)
Structure of sentence: Past Perfect (had + 3rd form of verb) + would + Present Perfect (have / has +
3rd form of verb.)
English: If the weather had been nice, I would have played Tennis.
Deutsch: Wenn das Wetter schön gewesen wäre, hätte ich Tennis gespielt.

Exercises on Conditionals 1, 2, 3

Exercise 1:
Fill in the gaps with the right answer.
Next to each sentence, circle the correct conditional (1, 2 or 3)

1. If Brian _______________ smarter, he would ask for a raise. (conditional 1 2 3)

a. is
b. would have been
c. were
d. will be

2. They will stay longer in Paris after the conference, if they ____________ a cheap hotel. (1 2 3)
a. find
b. found
c. will find
d. would find

3. If I were you, I _______________ the house. (1 2 3)

a. will buy
b. have bought
c. would have bought
d. would buy

4. If he had invested his money wisely , he _______________ a rich man by now. (1 2 3)

a. would have been
b. would be
c. will be
d. is

5. They _______________ to Japan for the exhibition if they _______ more money . (1 2 3)
a. will fly / had
b. would fly / had
c. are flying / have
d. fly / will have

6. If prices _______________ , people _______________ more money. (1 2 3)

a. are lower/ will spend
b. are lower/ would spend
c. have been lower / would have spent
d. were lower / would have spent

7. If prices _______________, people _______________ more money (1 2 3)

a. are lower / would spend
b. have been lower / would have spent
c. were lower / would spend
d. were lower / will spend
8. If I _______________ , I _______________ pass the test. (1 2 3)
a. studied / would
b. had studied / would
c. study / would
d. will study / will

9. Your boss will not be happy if we _______________ our meeting again. (1 2 3)

a. will postpone
b. would postpone
c. are postponing
d. postpone

10. If the weather had been better, I _______________ to work by bike.(1 2 3)

a. could come
b. would have come
c. will come
d. are coming

11. My boss _______________ me if I work harder. (1 2 3)

a. would promote
b. would be promoting
c. promotes
d. will promote

12. If she had worked harder, she _______________ promoted. (1 2 3)

a. will have been
b. would be
c. would have been
d. will

Exercise 2:
Choose the correct answer
Next to each sentence, circle the correct conditional (1, 2 or 3)

1. If people were a little more tolerant, (conditional 1 2 3)

a. our world would have been a better place.
b. our world would be a better place.
c. our world will be a better place.

2. If my colleague had locked his car properly, (conditional 1 2 3)

a. his car would never have been stolen.
b. his car will not be stolen.
c. his car would not be stolen.

3. If the ozone layer peels off a little more, we (conditional 1 2 3)

a. had a much higher risk of attracting skin cancer.
b. would have a much higher risk of attracting cancer.
c. will have a much higher risk of attracting skin cancer.

4. The first thing I will do is drive to Spain, if (conditional 1 2 3)

a. would get my driving license.
b. I got my driving license.
c. I get my driving license.

5. If John hadn't responded in such an aggressive manner, he (conditional 1 2 3)

a. would never have been fired.
b. won't have been fired
c. would be fired

Exercise 3 :
Translate the following sentences to English
Next to each sentence, circle the correct conditional (1, 2 or 3)

1. Wenn ich mehr Geld hätte, würde ich mir eine große Wohnung kaufen. (conditional 1 2 3)


2. Wäre ich reicher, würde ich Dir ein Auto kaufen. (conditional 1 2 3)


3. Hätte ich es gewusst, hätte ich es ihr gesagt. (conditional 1 2 3)


4. Wenn du mir mein Geld nicht zurückgibst, gehe ich zur Polizei. (conditional 1 2 3)


5. Hätte ich Zeit, würde ich mit Dir Bier trinken gehen. (conditional 1 2 3)


6. Wenn das Wetter schön bleibt, gehe ich spazieren. (conditional 1 2 3)


7. Wenn das Wetter schön wäre, würde ich spazieren gehen. (conditional 1 2 3)


8. Wenn das Wetter schöne gewesen wäre, wäre ich spazieren gegangen. (conditional 1 2 3)


Business English Vocabulary Exercise

Use the following words/collocations/idioms from the business world and create sentences using
each one of them. You may use to translate the ones you don´t know.

1) to postpone / to put off


2) to lend money ≠ to borrow money


3) to merge with


4) to take over a company


5) to put through


6) to hesitate


7) to give (one's) regards (give regards)


8) to reminds vs. to remember


9) to reduce costs


10) to get together


11) on behalf of


12) fit for purpose


13) to make sense


14) an added advantage


15) to get a promotion


16) a payroll

17) out of stock


18) to satisfy someone's expectations


19) to wrap it up


20) to take the minutes


21) to reimburse / reimbursement


22) unanimous / unanimously


23) out of the question


24) to pull your weight


25) my hands are tied


26) to drop the ball


27) to see eye to eye


28) to contribute


29) to be ahead of schedule


Adjectives and Adverbs- Fill in the correct form - adjective or adverb.

1. Jack is very _______________ learner. (quick)

2. The language school is _______________ organized. (efficient)
3. I've got to go to the dentist. My tooth is aching _______________. (terrible)
4. Don't talk so _______________ . (loud)
5. Temperatures are going to be very _______________ today. (high)
6. If you want me to work _______________ , you'll have to pay me more. (hard)
7. We'll come back again because we had a _______________ time. (lovely)
8. The house is _______________ but Joan has decorated it _______________. (simple, beautiful)
9. You have been behaving very _______________ since you arrived. (foolish)
10. Rick is a _______________ cook. He can cook really _______________ . (good, good)
11. Sam is a _______________ worker and he _______________ ever takes a day off. (hard, hard)
12. Have the children behaved _______________today? (good)
13. I wish I could swim _______________ . (fast)
14. He closed the door _______________ . (angry)
15. Can't we discuss these problems _______________ ? (reasonable)
16. The food was _______________ but the service was _______________ . (wonderful, awful)
17. We've had some _______________ _______________ discussions _______________ .
(absolute, fascinating, late)
18. My sister has been in Spain for only a year but she speaks Spanish _______________ . (fluent)
19. David ran as _______________ as he could but he still arrived _______________ . (fast, late)
20. She _______________ a very _______________ paid job. (actual, good)
21. I _______________ fell asleep in the middle of the morning. (near)
22. My boss looked at me _______________ . (angry)
23. The animals in the zoo can wander around _______________ . (free)
24. Mary doesn't speak _______________ . I sometimes have problems understanding her. (clear)
25. "So I suppose we'll never meet again" he said _______________ . (sad)
26. She thinks very _______________ of her boss. (high)
27. I get paid _______________ . (month)
28. He looked _______________ at the man's signature. (careful)
29. It _______________ became hot and the sun shone _______________ from a
_______________ blue sky. (slow, clear, clear)
30. It isn't very _______________ that ghosts _______________ exist in his house. (like, actual)
Match the word to the correct definition:

flow chart how many sales have increased

figures numbers, information, data about sales

growth profit earned from sales (after expenses)

revenue a sequential outline of a (company) plan.

Target reorganization of a company or departments

within a company to maximize profit.

Turnover a huge growth in profits

forecast money raised from sales

restructuring amount a company hopes to sell or a specific

group a company is trying to sell to

bankrupt the amount of product people want to buy

boom prediction on amount that will be sold/made

demand when a company has not money- what they

spend is more than what they earn
Two friends are talking about their new jobs. Choose the best word from the vocabulary box to
complete the sentence.

salary overtime perks minimum wage commission bonus

pension a company car raise benefits union negotiating

Susan: My job pays for my health insurance. I can go to any doctor or hospital that I want.

James: Health insurance isn’t one of the _______________ my company offers. I get

_______________ to use for running errands so I don’t have to use my own.

Susan: It sounds like they have some _______________ that they offer to keep you happy.

James: We also get a _______________ at the end of the year if the company has earned a

certain amount of money.

Susan: I get a _______________ every ten months if the review of my work is positive.

That will help since right now I am only earning _______________ .

James: We get paid every month. So our _______________ is set from the beginning.

Susan: Do you get paid _______________ for extra hours that you work?

James: No. But I think our _______________ is _______________ for that right now.

They have been discussing it for a long time.

Susan: Our company has offered to pay us an additional _______________ for every ten

products we sell. That way we have a reason to try and sell more.

James: Our job descriptions sound very different. Good luck to you!

Susan: Good luck to you also!

An angry customer has called and would like to speak to your boss. Put the dialogue in the
correct order. Make sure that the order you choose makes sense.

C = caller
R = receptionist

C: Good morning, I have tried to call your office several times and no one has returned any of
my messages.

R: No problem sir. I hope that we may be of help.

C: No, I’d like to speak to the manager.

R: I’m sorry sir, our office has been very busy. Is there something I might be able to help you

C: No, I’ve already tried that. Is there someone else I could speak to please?

R: The manager isn’t available right now. I would be glad to give him a message if you’d like.

R: I can try to connect you to the supervisor sir, but I need to tell you he’s very busy and might
not be able to answer your call immediately.

C: I can wait on the phone while you try.

R: Yes, he is, but I’d be glad to give him the message myself, to see that he calls you back as
soon as he can.

C: Is he the only other person who can help me?

R2: I’m sorry sir, but he is not answering his phone. Would you like to leave him a message?

C: Thank you. I appreciate your help.

R1: Alright sir, please wait one moment, I shall try to put you through.

Curriculum Vitae (British English) / Résumé (American English)

Write each heading in the correct space. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are already given.

Achievements E-mail Experience Interests Personal Details

Profile Qualifications Referees Special Skills

Curriculum Vitae Maria Müller

1 Address Roonstrasse 12, 50823 Cologne, Germany

2 Telephone +49.515.2513
3 E-mail

4 ____________________

An Assistant Marketing Director in a medium-sized company, AirCologne plc, seeking a more

challenging position with more responsibility. Able to work on own initiative to tight deadlines.

5 ____________________
· Contributed to the development of a successful sales strategy
· Coordinated the work of sales, marketing and advertising personnel.
· Designed Excel spreadsheets for sales records.

6 ____________________
· Negotiating contracts with foreign and domestic airlines.
· Working as a part of a team
· Proficient user of MS Windows, MS Word, Quark Express

7 ____________________
2019-present Assistant Marketing Director AirCologne plc.
July-September 2016 work-placement/internship at British Airways (London office)

8 ____________________
2015-2017 MBA Brentford College (UK / Distance course)
2014-2015 BA in Economics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany

9 ____________________
Date of birth: 6 June 1997
Driving Licence: full, clean

10 ___________________
I sing in a choir and play basketball in an amateur team.

11 ____________________
Dr Vanja Martinovic Ms Celia Gutenberg
Professor of Economics Director MBA Programmes
Tel. + Tel. +44.889.363.6622
Email: Email:

Report Writing Structure

Report on:
(write the title of your topic here. e.g.- Report on communication issues at "Quanta")

Introduction: The aim of this report is to...

(e.g.- The aim of this report is to explain and deal with communication issues between staff and
management and suggest solutions.)

(give here only the OBJECTIVE information and NOT your opinion. If your topic has to do with a
problem, describe the problem here. If the topic has to do with a process, write it here.
This means you should ONLY include facts here.)

(The information given here must be SUBJECTIVE. give YOUR OPINION here- include solutions,
arguments, reasons, future actions that need to be considered or taken.)

(only ONE SENTENCE, WITHOUT any reasons or arguments.
e.g.- I recommend that....there is no "recommend to" in English.
Always write: "I recommend that.... should....)
example: I recommend that we should hire a consultant to solve the communication problems. )

Pay attention:
The above mentioned headings (Überschriften) MUST be included in your report, namely: Report
on , Introduction, Findings, Conclusion, Recommendation.

In some cases, depends on the topic, a recommendation is not needed.


Report Writing Rules

• No contractions (e.g.: he´s, I´m, can´t, don´t. Use: he is, I am, can not, cannot, do not)
• No colloquial language:
a lot of → many
things → goods / products
sort of / kind of → quite
something like that → etc. / and so forth
big → important
problem → issue
like → such as
but → however / nevertheless
really → highly
because → since / due to
can → could
will → would
the informations are important / the information is important (no "informations" in English!)
every day → daily
put off the meeting → postpone the meeting
make workers happy → retain staff satisfied
need → requite
again and again → repeatedly
buy → acquire / purchase

• A report is NOT A LETTER, therefore it should not be addressed to a specific person.

The language should be impersonal and reserved (zurückhaltend).
• Use the connectors which you can find on the next page.
• Write well-structured paragraphs that link the whole text. The rules are:
1) If a connector starts the sentence, the connector should start a NEW line.
2) A new idea should start a NEW paragraph (not just a new line!)

example for paragraph division (valid for emails and reports)

Report on: ........................................................

Introduction: The aim of this report is............................................................................


Findings: ........................................................................................................................



Conclusion: .......................................................................................................................




Recommendation: It is recommended that / I recommend that.................... should........


English connectors

regarding, concerning...with regard to... betreffend, bezüglich, hinsichtlich

In comparison with... im Vergleich zu / mit
However, allerdings / jedoch / dennoch
Firstly, erstens / erst einmal
Furthermore, Außerdem/ zusätzlich
In addition / Additionally, außerdem / darüber hinaus / zusätzlich
Moreover, außerdem
On the one hand..., on the other hand, ... einerseits... andererseits....
Despite..., / In spite of ..., trotz, trotzdem
Due to..., aufgrund / durch/ in folge / wegen
Although obwohl / obgleich
Even though auch wenn / obgleich
Consequently, .... folglich / dementsprechend
Otherwise ansonsten / sonst / anderenfalls
Therefore daher / deshalb / deswegen
Finally, schließlich / letztendlich / zuletzt
In conclusion abschließend / schließlich
Nevertheless, nichtsdestotrotz

report writing task 1

You are going to travel on business from Cologne to Osaka, Japan, with two other colleagues
from your company and were asked to choose the most suitable airline for the flights.
Write a report and give your recommendation.

Japan Airlines Lufthansa

1 movie during the flight non-stop movie channel
pay-as-you-go alcoholic drinks free alcoholic drinks
3 meals during the flight 2 meals during the flight
group-ticket discount air-miles program

report writing task 2

The chart shows the division of household tasks by gender in Great Britain.
Write a report about it.

report writing task 3

Many people claim that "home-office" will replace office-work completely in the future.
Write a report about it giving the facts, your opinion and recommendation.

E-mail writing
LEAST FORMAL (friends, colleagues you know personally, family members etc.)

Dear John, (, = AE) / Hi Sara, (, = AE)

We.... (first letter is ALWAYS capitalized in English, unlike German)


Bye, (, = AE) / See you / etc.

sender's name.

MORE FORMAL (ONLY in case you KNOW the surname of the recipient)

Dear Mr. (. = AE) Brühl, (, = AE)

Mrs. (we know she's married)
Miss (we know she's not married)
Ms. (we don't know if she's married or not)

Today I would like to .....


Yours sincerely, (, = AE)

Mark Molotovski (full name)
Assistant Director (role in the company)
MOST FORMAL (in case you DON'T know the surname of the recipient)

Dear Sir or Madam, (, = AE)

We would like to ......


Yours faithfully, (, = AE)

Lidia Marks
Purchasing Assistant

Useful email phrases

● Thank you for your Email dated 20 March 2022.

● I am sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
● Please accept my deepest apology
● I would like to offer you 10% discount on your next purchase
● If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
● I look forward to meeting you / seeing you / hearing from you soon

German English
„ “ " "
1,5% 1.5%
1.890 1,890

British English American English

colour, honour color, honor
centre, theatre center, theater
emphasise, apologise, realise, sympathise emphasize, apologize, realize, sympathize

informal email formal email

Hi Lena Dear Ms. Reich
Thanks for the mail from 14.5.2022 I am writing with reference to your email dated
14 May 2022
I'm sorry but I regret to inform you that...
We'll get them to you asap We will deliver them as soon as possible
sorry about the delay I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by this
feel free to ask me whatever you need to know please do not hesitate to contact me if you have
any further questions
...if you need more help ...if you need any further assistance
Here's our new brochure Please find attached our current brochure
Sorry I can't make the meeting I am afraid I will not be able to attend the

Formal and informal emails

conversational informal email:

Hi Richard

Thanks for showing me around your plant yesterday.

I really enjoyed the tour and the great dinner in the evening.
I'm afraid that I haven't had the chance to send you our general offer yet, but I'll do it asap.
By the way, will you need samples with it too?


• informal salutation "Hi" with the first name

• short form "thanks"
• contracted forms- I'm, I haven't
• abbreviations- asap
• informal close- Cheers
• signing off with first name

less conversational = more formal

Dear Ian, / Dear Mr. Lambert,

I am writing to thank you for your recent hospitality. It was a pleasure to meet you in person.

Unfortunately, I had left my mobile phone in your office before we went on the factory tour
and was wondering if you could send it to me.
I am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you and thank you very much in advance.

I would appreciate it if you could suggest a day and time for a telephone conference to discuss
further details regarding our project.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Tina Baum

• formal salutation "Dear..."

• formal vocabulary (hospitality, further)
• full forms of words (I am I'm, I would I'd)
• formal request ("if you could")
• standard phrases (e.g.- "I am writing to", "It was a pleasure to", "I look forward to + verb+ ing")
• a more formal close (e.g. Best regards, Sincerely, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully)

Email writing task 1

Choose the correct item to complete the email. Is this email in British or American English?

schedule I have pleasure We would be very grateful date and time

I am pleased to we are delighted further information take advantage of
we enclose full details look forward to we could arrange for

12 December 2022

Dear Ms Blue

As Head of our Customer Service Department ____________________ in enclosing our latest

catalogue, featuring our exciting new range of office equipment and furniture at the most
competitive prices currently on the market.

____________________ if you could let us know which of our products would be of particular
interest to you. Once we have this information, ____________________ an expert from our sales
staff to visit your company in order to carry out a detailed needs analysis and produce a unique
office solution for you, entirely free of charge.

Our expert would also give you _____________________ of our special offers. At Spica Office
Solutions we offer our regular customers more than just discounts.
For example, there is a two-month free trial period for all electrical equipment, including
photocopiers and much more.

If you would like to ____________________ a visit from our expert, please inform us of a suitable
____________________ .

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Ben Costello
Sales Manager

Write a reply to Mr Costello in which you

• thank him for the catalogue
• describe what kind of office equipment / furniture you are interested in
• accept his offer of a visit from an expert
• suggest a time for the visit

Email writing task 2

Complete the e-mail with the words and phrases in the box.
You will NOT need all of them. Is this email in British or American English?

are willing best wishes faithfully invited

inviting meet you seeing you sincerely
very much hope wanted would be delighted would like to

14 April 2022

To: J. Ferreira
From: Erman Bayar
Subject: Forthcoming IRTA Sales Conference

Dear Mr. Ferreira,

We ____________________ invite you to attend our international sales conference, which is being
held in Izmir this fall.

Your latest book on cross-cultural communication, Bridges to Success, has become a best-seller
through the region.

Therefore, we _________________ if you could deliver a 30-minute keynote address at this event.

The conference will be on Wednesday and Thursday, November 4-5, from 9AM till 3PM.

If you ____________________ to accept this invitation, could you please send us the abstract of
your speech at your earliest convenience and also let us know what your fee is.

You are also cordially ____________________ to the dinner which will be given in honor of the
presenters and of our prominent guests on Thursday evening.

We ____________________ that you can accept this invitation and look forward to

Yours ____________________ ,

Erman Bayar
General Manager at IRTA

Write Mr. Ferreira's reply to Erman Bayar. Include the following points:
• Thank Mr. Bayar for the invitation
• Explain briefly what your presentation is about and mention that the abstract is attached.
• Mention your fee.
• Explain why you cannot be there on the second day of the conference.

Email writing task 3

Write an email applying for a job.
Some ideas are given below, but adapt and change them as you wish.

Think of real-life job you might be interested in.

It doesn't matter if the position is not vacant at the moment.

1) reason for writing
2) your background and experience
3) the job itself, and why you would like to do it
4) refer to your CV / Résumé
5) final comments

Email writing task 4

Write to a business contact to arrange a meeting.
Prepare the situation using the questions below. The information can be real or imaginary.

1) What is your company's business? What products or services do you offer?

2) What is the meeting about? Why is it happening?
3) Who are you writing to? Why do they need to be at the meeting?
4) What day, time and place will you suggest?
5) Do you need to include a reference to how they will get to the meeting? (e.g.- pickup / tram etc.)

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