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Operating Instructions

EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Water Treatment for Hemodialysis
Reverse Osmosis System

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Item no: 30/52949_en_NA
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Indications for use

The Aquaboss® EcoRO I, EcoRO I HT, EcoRO Dia II and EcoRO Dia II HT are complete water treatment systems
centered around reverse osmosis units of varying output which include recommended pretreatment components
such as carbon filtration, backwash filters, softeners, and temperature blending valves and recommended post
Part 1

treatment such as final filtration intended for hemodialysis applications.

The Aquaboss® water treatment systems are to be used at dialysis clinics or hospitals.
The Aquaboss® EcoRO I, EcoRO I HT, EcoRO Dia II and EcoRO Dia II HT are intended to remove organic and
inorganic substances and microbial contaminants from water. The treated water will then be used to prepare and
dilute dialysate concentrate to form dialysate and/or rinse dialyzers for multiple uses and/or to prepare dilute
solutions for reprocessing procedures in multiple-use dialyzers.
The water treatment systems are designed to meet current AAMI/ISO and Federal (U.S.) standards.
The Aquaboss® water treatment systems come in the following configurations:
(1) EcoRO I: Single-Pass / Single staged; Chemical Disinfection –
Catalogue 1106073 – 1109093 – 1106108 – 1106128 – 1106143 – 1106183 – 1106213 – 1106248 –
numbers: 1106283 – 1106363
Description: Single staged reverse osmosis with permeate capacity of 700 l/h to 3600 l/. Chemical
disinfection possible.
Pretreatment of potable water with components such as carbon filtration, backwash filters,
softeners, and temperature blending valves.
Post-treatment: Ringmain with optional final filtration for distribution of permeate to point of use.

(2) EcoRO II Twin-Pass / Double Staged Chemical Disinfection

Catalogue 1107073 – 1107094 – 1107108 – 1107128 – 1107143 – 1107184 – 1107214 – 1107249 –
numbers: 1107283 – 1107363
Description: Dual/ Double staged reverse osmosis with permeate capacity of 700 l/h to 3600 l/;
Chemical Disinfection possible.
Pretreatment of potable water with components such as carbon filtration, backwash filters,
softeners, and temperature blending valves.
Post-treatment: Ringmain with optional final filtration for distribution of permeate to point of use.

(3) EcoRO I HT Single-Pass / Single Staged Heat Disinfection

Catalogue 1106072 – 1106092 – 1106107 – 1106127 – 1106142 – 1106182 – 1106212 – 1106247 –
numbers: 1106282 – 1106362
Description: Single staged reverse osmosis with permeate capacity of 700 l/h to 3600 l/.
Chemical disinfection possible
Hot water sanitization with Aquaboss® HotRinse SMART 10/ 20/30/40/60.
Pretreatment of potable water with components such as carbon filtration, backwash filters,
softeners, and temperature blending valves.
Post-treatment: Ringmain with optional final filtration for distribution of permeate to point of use.

(4) EcoRO II HT Twin-Pass / Double Staged Chemical Disinfection

Catalogue 1107072 – 1107093 – 1107107 – 1107142 – 1107183 – 1107213 – 1107248 – 1107282 –
numbers: 1107362
Description: Dual/ Double staged reverse osmosis with permeate capacity of 700 l/h to 3600 l/.
Chemical disinfection possible
Hot water sanitization with Aquaboss® HotRinse SMART 10/ 20/30/40/60.
Pretreatment of potable water with components such as carbon filtration, backwash filters,
softeners, and temperature blending valves.
Post-treatment: Ringmain with optional final filtration for distribution of permeate to point of use.

IMPORTANT When used as a Medical Device, Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order
of a Physician.

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Dear Customers,
Congratulations on purchasing an Aquaboss® EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) water treatment system from L/a/u/e/r Membran
Wassertechnik GmbH (LMW).
In these operating instructions, 'RO' is used as the abbreviation for the reverse osmosis system.

Part 1
If you have problems with this system which you are unable to solve by consulting these operating instructions,
please contact either LMW directly, your service technician or an authorized LMW partner and explain the trouble
you are having as accurately as possible.
These operating instructions must always be kept on the site where the water treatment system is installed.
These operating instructions include basic directives which are to be observed before commissioning the system
and when carrying out maintenance and servicing measures. Therefore, it must be read by the skilled personnel /
operator responsible before commissioning and/or maintenance work.
The operator of the equipment is under obligation to adhere to the operation processes and intervals for mainte-
nance and technical safety checks described in the operating instructions.
Where aspects of the operating instructions are not observed, LMW cannot guarantee the safe operation of the
These operating instructions are an integral part of the supplied system and are to be handed over to the new owner
if the system is resold.
LMW reserves the right to alter sections of these operating instructions or technical data without prior notice.
If you have any questions regarding this manual or would like to make comments or suggestions for improvement,
please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

L/a/u/e/r Membran Wassertechnik GmbH

Industriegebiet Speichermatt
D-79599 Wittlingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7621 / 9270 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)7621 / 9270 – 92

Your personal service department

can be reached at all hours by phone under:

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Suggestions for improvement

When you are working with these operating instructions, you may have an idea that could contribute to improving the
contents. Please do not keep this idea to yourself; let us have your suggestions. This will make it possible for us to
incorporate your suggestions in subsequent editions.
Part 1

• Yes, I would like to make a suggestion!

My address is: ......................................................................

Name: ......................................................................

Address: ......................................................................


Tel.: .....................................................................

Fax ......................................................................

• The item and revision numbers of the operating instructions to hand are as follows:

Item no.: ...................................................................... Rev.: ...................................

• My suggestion for improvement concerns the page(s):

• My suggestion:

If necessary, continue on extra pages. You can also enclose pages copied from these operating instructions with
your suggestions entered on them.

Please send your suggestions to:

L/a/u/e/r Membran Wassertechnik GmbH
Industriegebiet Speichermatt
D-79599 Wittlingen
Fax: +49 (0)7621 / 9270 – 92

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Notes on operating instructions

The operating instructions contain information regarding the safe use of the system.
Before a medical device can be used, the operator must be convinced of the functionality and the proper state of the
medical device; furthermore, he must heed the operating instructions as well as other safety-related information and

Part 1
notes regarding operation provided with the operating instructions.
These are binding instructions issued by the manufacturer under his rights to publish such directives. As far as the
accident prevention regulations are concerned the operator is committed to observe such regulations.
National and local regulations for environmental protection must also be observed as well as the operating instruc-
tions to hand.
The operator is to be instructed on the following points and committed to observe them:
• The operator is committed to only operate the system in perfect working order.
• The operator must be instructed as to the risks, reactions and necessary protective measures that must be
taken when handling the materials being used and be trained to react properly in the event of danger and
provide first aid.
• The operator is to be instructed on the permissible operating data (e.g. setting data for safety and monitoring
• The operator is to be instructed on system servicing, maintenance and elimination or irregularities in operation.
• The operator is to be instructed on safe procedures using the products.
• Using instructions and tests, the operator must provide for cleanness and orderliness where the product is used.
• The operator must fulfill his obligation to regulate who is responsible for commissioning, operating, maintaining
and servicing the system to ensure that such work is carried out by all the persons involved without any
misunderstandings as to who is competent where safety aspects are concerned.
• The medical device may only be set up, operated and used by personnel that have participated in the required
training or that have knowledge of and experience with the product.
• The operator is obliged to inform his superior/the operator immediately as to any changes on the system that
affect safety and to observe all the safety instructions.

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Used signs and symbols

Part 1

WARNING This symbol is to be found on specific parts of the system and indicates that the valid
operating instructions must be observed.
This symbol is to be found in all the safety instructions where there is a risk of injury or
damage to health.
These instructions are to be carefully observed and the appropriate care taken! At the
same time the valid legislation as well as the generally valid safety and accident prevention
regulations must be observed.

IMPORTANT This symbol indicates more specific procedures which must be followed to ensure that
regulations and working sequences are correctly adhered to and to avoid damage to the

NOTICE This symbol indicates advice or details given for more economical use of the system and
also draws attention to a more simple working step.

→ This indicates a cross-reference to a chapter within these operating instructions.

Heed the operating instructions

Caution, hot surface

Electrical symbols

Protective ground terminal

Ground connection

Three-phase alternating current with neutral conductor


OFF (power supply, disconnect from mains connection)

ON (power supply, connect to mains connection)

Dangerous electrical current

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

General Warnings, Important, Notice

WARNING Before you start using this system, you must read and understand this manual in its entirety.
These operating instructions describes in considerable detail all of the steps and proce-
dures required to safely operate this system.

Part 1
WARNING It is unsafe to operate this system without a basic understanding of water treatment and
a thorough understanding of the contents of this operating instruction.

WARNING The selection of water treatment equipment for dialysis is the responsibility of the dialysis
physician. Product water must be tested periodically according to the AAMI/ISO 13959:2009

WARNING Improper operation of this device could result in a low or no-flow alarm on the hemodialysis

WARNING Never operate the water treatment system on microbiologically unsafe water supplies,
deionized water, or RO water. Use of another water supply other than properly treated
municipal water supplies may result in biological contamination of the entire RO flow path
or improper reading on water quality monitor.

WARNING Misuse or improper operation of this device will void any warranty.

WARNING Circumventing warnings and safety features of the device as well as misuse or improper
operation of this system could result in serious injury, death, or other serious reactions to
a patient undergoing hemodialysis treatment.

WARNING Misuse, unintended use or handling of chemical disinfectants and chemical cleaning solu-
tions could result in serious unjury or even death. You must comply with the information
contained in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) see also part 1 for the chemical being
used and follow the procedural steps in these operating instructions.

WARNING While a water treatment system may produce water of sufficient quality to meet the require-
ments of AAMI/ISO 23500:2009 standard, distribution of the water may degrade its quality to
the point where it no longer meets the requirements of the standard if the distribution sys-
tems is not maintained appropriately.

WARNING The maintenance of the equipment following its installation is the responsibility of the
dialysis physician. Product water should be tested periodically.

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

WARNING In the event of an alarm or error, the medical director should immediately be notified. It is
then the medical director‘s responsibilty to direct whether or not to discontinue the treat-
ment immediately, or if it is acceptable to finish the current treatment. After the treatment
has been discontinued or completed, the trouble-shooting in → part 1, page 15-1 (ff) of these
Part 1

operating instructions should be read and followed thorougly to determine the problem.
The problem must be corrected before any future treatments can begin.

WARNING Product water is proportionally related to feed water quality. Feed water must be monitored,
since changes in product water may exceed acceptable limits if feed water deteriorates
significantly, the operator is responsible for monitoring.

WARNING If after installation and subsequent use, any component of the water treatment system is
changed or replaced, the operator should conduct appropriate tests to assure the revised
system meets the initial design criteria.

WARNING It is the responsibility of the Dialsysis Physician to ensure that the system is operated,
monitored, and maintained in such a manner so as to satisfy all applicable standards for
which the water may be used.

WARNING It is not recommended that the RO unit operate on an emergency eletrical supply or any
unstable power supply that may over-voltage or under-voltage the water treatment system.
Protection against electrical surges is recommanded.

WARNING The raw water quality must be in accordance to National Primary Drinking Water, Standards
of the United States Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) (US) or Canadian Federal and
Provincial guidlines governing drinking water (Canada). Raw water must not contain more
than 0.1 ppm Iron or 0.1 ppm Manganese.

NOTICE Your Aquaboss® EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) water treatment system from L/a/u/e/r Membran
Wassertechnik GmbH (LMW) is a computer-aided design, custom built, and of the highest
quality. With proper operation, maintenance and care, this device should give you years of
reliable service.

NOTICE Incoming tap water contaminants, temperature, pH, pressure and flowrates have a direct
impact on the quality and quantity of the water treatment system output.
You must be aware of changing tap water conditions. This can be easily accomplished
with good, two-way communications with your municipal drinking water supplier and with
routine testing of the tap water provided to you.

NOTICE We, at LMW, highly recommanded the use of this very infomative and self-teaching publica-
tion in your training progamms.

NOTICE LMW recommends that a chloramine test be run on the system before each treatment.
The acceptable levels are shown in → part 1, page 2-1 (ff) of this operating instructions.

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

NOTICE These operating instructions covers the 208 VAC/60 HZ model of the Aquaboss®
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) water treatment system. Always confirm voltages and power supplies
before operating the unit.

Part 1
NOTICE Product water used to prepare dialysate, concentrates from powder at a dialysis facility, or
to reprocess dialysers for multiple use, should contain a total viable microbial count less
than 100 CFU/ml and an endotoxin concentration less than 0,250 EU/ml. The action level for
the total viable microbial count in the product water shall be < 50 CFU/ml and the action level
for the endotoxin concentration shall be < 0,125 EU/ml. If these action levels are observed in
the product water, corrective measures, such as disinfection and retesting, shall be taken
promptly to reduce the levels into an acceptable range.

NOTICE After a downtime of more than 72 hours, it is recommended that disinfection be executed
before the next treatment.

NOTICE If total viable microbial counts in Aquaboss® EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) are monitored on
a monthly base disinfection must be carried out whenever the action limit for total viable
microbial counts is exceeded but latest after 3 months (after citric acid cleaning). If the RO
system is monitored less frequently, preventive disinfection on a monthly base is recom-
mended. However, when system has not been in use for more than 72 h (system off) we
recommend disinfection. Extra disinfection is always necessary when hydraulic parts have
been opened and/or changed.

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

These operating instructions comprise two parts:

Part 1 – Operating Instructions

Here you will find the essential instructions for the normal operation of the system.
Part 1

1. Safety
2. Area of application and intended use
3. EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) accessory list
4. Use in combination with other equipment
5. Technical description
6. Functions
7. Description of components
8. Starting / Shutting down
9. Turning the system on
10. Dialysis mode
11. Standby mode
12. Disinfection / Cleaning
13. Hot disinfection
14. Menu selection
15. Faults / Causes / Correction
16. Emergency operation modes

Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions

Here you will find the essential instructions for commissioning the system, maintenance and
technical safety system checks.
1. Handover declaration for the operating instructions
2. Transport and setup
3. Work prior to commissioning
4. Commissioning
5. Commissioning log
6. System key data
7. Technical data
8. Maintenance and operating logs
9. Spare and wear parts list EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
10. Draft letter for municipal water suppliers

Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 1 – Operating Instructions

Part 1 • Contents
Notes on operating instructions ..........................................................................5
Used signs and symbols ......................................................................................6
General .............................................................................................................................. 6
Electrical symbols .............................................................................................................. 6

General Warnings, Important, Notice ..................................................................7

Overview Part 1 – Operating Instructions ........................................................................ 10
Overview Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions ............................................... 10

1. Safety ..................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 General safety ................................................................................................ 1-1

1.2 Functional safety............................................................................................ 1-2

1.2.1 Pre-treatment .................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2.2 Operational safety .......................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.3 Safety during repair, servicing and maintenance ....................................... 1-4
1.2.4 Risks due to non-observance of safety instructions.................................. 1-4

1.3 Microbiological safety.................................................................................... 1-5

1.4 Residual risks ................................................................................................. 1-6

2. Area of application and intended use................................. 2-1

2.1 Operational features ...................................................................................... 2-2

2.2 Essential Performance................................................................................... 2-2

2.3 Application regulations ................................................................................. 2-2

2.4 Water quality requirements ........................................................................... 2-3

2.5 Contraindications and side effects............................................................... 2-4

2.5.1 Side effects ..................................................................................................... 2-4

3. EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) accessory list ....................................... 3-1

4. Use in combination with other equipment ......................... 4-1

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

5. Technical description........................................................... 5-1

Part 1 • Contents

5.1 How it works ................................................................................................... 5-1

5.2 Constructional features ................................................................................. 5-2

5.2.1 Aquaboss® impulse back washing (option) ................................................ 5-2
5.2.2 Aquaboss® membrane module with no dead space................................... 5-3
5.2.3 Single pipe construction ............................................................................... 5-3
5.2.4 Minimum dead space piping in stainless steel ........................................... 5-3
5.2.5 Hot water sanitization (option)...................................................................... 5-3

6. Functions............................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Process diagram ............................................................................................ 6-1
6.1.1 EcoRO Dia I..................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.2 EcoRO Dia I (HT)............................................................................................. 6-2
6.1.3 EcoRO Dia II.................................................................................................... 6-3
6.1.4 EcoRO Dia II (HT)............................................................................................ 6-4

6.2 Functions ........................................................................................................ 6-5

6.2.1 Water supply................................................................................................... 6-5
6.2.2 Supply tank ..................................................................................................... 6-5
6.2.3 Single stage reverse osmosis system EcoRO Dia I (HT)............................ 6-5
6.2.4 Dual-stage reverse osmosis system EcoRO Dia II (HT) ............................. 6-6
6.2.5 Impulse back washing (IRS), 1st stage ........................................................ 6-6
6.2.6 Impulse back washing (IRS), 2nd stage ....................................................... 6-6
6.2.7 System production pressure......................................................................... 6-6
6.2.8 Loop pressure ................................................................................................ 6-7
6.2.9 Membrane pressure vessel in the loop ........................................................ 6-7
6.2.10 Prevention of excess pressure in the loop .................................................. 6-7
6.2.11 Temperature-dependent discharge .............................................................. 6-7
6.2.12 Standby mode................................................................................................. 6-8
6.2.13 Shutdown rinsing ........................................................................................... 6-8
6.2.14 Leak messages............................................................................................... 6-8
6.2.15 Impulse shear force rinsing (ISS) (optional)................................................ 6-8
6.2.16 Hot-water cleaning EcoRO Dia I HT and EcoRO Dia II HT .......................... 6-9

7. Description of components ................................................. 7-1

7.1 Pipeline / Switch cabinet ............................................................................... 7-1

7.2 Signal lamps ................................................................................................... 7-2

7.3 Display and keyboard .................................................................................... 7-3

7.3.1 Main display with function keys ................................................................... 7-3
7.3.2 Conductivity display ...................................................................................... 7-4

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8. Starting / Shutting down ...................................................... 8-1

Part 1 • Contents
8.1 Machine start-up............................................................................................. 8-1

8.2 Interruption in production ............................................................................. 8-1

8.3 Machine start-up after shutdown due to a fault .......................................... 8-1

8.4 Putting the machine out of operation........................................................... 8-2

8.5 Return and disposal....................................................................................... 8-2

8.6 Technical memo for PRESERVATION with sodium metabisulphite.......... 8-3

8.6.1 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)............................................................... 8-5

9. Turning the system on ......................................................... 9-1

10. Dialysis mode...................................................................... 10-1

11. Standby mode ..................................................................... 11-1

12. Disinfection / Cleaning ....................................................... 12-1

12.1 General points .............................................................................................. 12-1

12.2 Disinfection................................................................................................... 12-2

12.2.1 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)............................................................. 12-4

12.3 Cleaning ........................................................................................................ 12-9

12.3.1 Technical memos for CLEANING Aquaboss®
reverse osmosis systems ........................................................................... 12-9
12.3.2 Citric Acid Anhydrous (MSDS).................................................................. 12-10
12.3.3 Sodium Hydroxide, 30% (MSDS).............................................................. 12-17
12.3.4 Cleaning (C) working steps ....................................................................... 12-23

13. Hot disinfection................................................................... 13-1

13.1 Hot disinfection of the loop......................................................................... 13-1

13.2 Hot disinfection of the loop and reverse osmosis .................................... 13-1

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

14. Menu selection.................................................................... 14-1

Part 1 • Contents

14.1 Specifications, menu item 1 ........................................................................ 14-1

14.2 Parameters for dialysis mode, menu item 2 .............................................. 14-2

14.3 Auto on off menu item 3 .............................................................................. 14-4

14.4 Parameters for standby mode, menu item 4.............................................. 14-5

14.5 Disinfection data, menu item 5 ................................................................... 14-6

14.6 Cleaning data, menu item 6......................................................................... 14-6

14.7 RO start options, menu item 7 .................................................................... 14-7

14.8 Passwords, menu item 8 ............................................................................. 14-8

14.9 Date time, menu item 9 ................................................................................ 14-8

14.10 System type, menu item 10 ......................................................................... 14-8

14.11 Operating hours meter, menu item 11........................................................ 14-9

14.12 Hot RO, menu item 12 ................................................................................ 14-10

14.13 Service mode, menu item 13 ..................................................................... 14-12

14.14 Fault history, menu item 15....................................................................... 14-13

15. Faults / Causes / Correction .............................................. 15-1

15.1 Fault messages ............................................................................................ 15-1
15.1.1 Types of faults .............................................................................................. 15-1

15.2 Causes of faults and their correction......................................................... 15-2

15.2.1 Fault messages ............................................................................................ 15-2
15.2.2 Failure of automatic fuse............................................................................. 15-2
15.2.3 Fault code ..................................................................................................... 15-3
15.2.4 Other faults ................................................................................................. 15-13
15.2.5 Fault messages on the conductivity display ........................................... 15-13

16. Emergency operation modes ............................................ 16-1

16.1 Production of permeate in emergency mode ............................................ 16-1
16.1.1 Emergency mode via RO I ........................................................................... 16-1
16.1.2 Emergency mode via RO II .......................................................................... 16-1

16.2 Emergency mode with soft water ............................................................... 16-2

16.3 Emergency operation when the control system fails ............................... 16-3

16.4 Detailed view of the emergency valves

(using the example of a 2-step system) ..................................................... 16-3

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

1. Safety

Part 1 • Chapter 1
1.1 General safety
The Aquaboss® reverse osmosis system is built to state-of-art engineering standards and is safe
in operation.

WARNING Before you start using this system, you must read and understand this manual in its entirety.
These operating instructions describes in considerable detail all of the steps and proce-
dures required to safely operate this system.

Improper or irregular use can put the operating personnel at risk. Therefore, the following is applicable:
• Read and carefully observe these operating instructions, especially the safety instructions.
• Keep these operating instructions within easy reach of the RO.
• Commissioning, operation and maintenance is only to be carried out by authorized, trained and
LMW-instructed skilled workers. Electrical work is to be carried out only by authorized, trained and
instructed electricians.
• Without exception, all local safety and accident prevention regulations are applicable for operating the
system. These regulations must be observed and maintained at all times.
• Please observe instruction and warning signs.
• Consult a doctor immediately in the case of injuries, accidents or inflammation of the skin.
• The system must be disinfected after standing still for a longer period (> 72 h), but at least once every
year (see → part 1, chapter 12).

WARNING It is unsafe to operate this system without a basic understanding of water treatment and
a thorough understanding of the contents of this operating instruction.

NOTICE We, at LMW, highly recommanded the use of this very infomative and self-teaching
publication in your training progamms.

IMPORTANT At the point of connection potable water a backflow prevention (Pressure Principle Backflow
Assembly (PPBA) or vacuum breaker o.e) must be installed.

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

1.2 Functional safety

Part 1 • Chapter 1

1.2.1 Pre-treatment
The system must be connected to an upstream pre-treatment stage.
The instructions of use are given with a separate document.
Depending on the raw water (drinking water) conditions the pre-treatment includes essentially:
• Back flow prevention (PPBA) or vacuum breaker
• Temperature mixing valve if raw water temperature exceeds range of 6–30°C or 42.8…86°F.
• Booster pump if raw water pressure is lower than 3 bar (43,5 psi) → required operating pressure
3–6 bar (43,5 to 87 psi)
• Sediment filter if SDI15 (silt density index) exceeds 5 → see part 1, chapter 2.4 “Water quality
• De-Ironer if Iron content exceeds 0.1 mg/l → see part 1, chapter 2.4 “Water quality requirements”
• Softener if hardness is determined → see part 1, chapter 2.4 “Water quality requirements”
Main features:
– Only use twin alternator systems to keep dialysis operation independedly to regenerating
process of softener à 24h operation possible
– Diligent monitoring of hardness daily or prior RO operation (manually or automatically with
Aquaboss Softcontrol II)

CAUTION Variable feed water characteristics (e.g. iron…) may affect the capacity of the softener resin.
It is necessary to monitor the carbon filter effluent daily/prior RO operation.

• Activated Carbon tanks to eliminate chlorine and chloramines

Main features:
– two tanks in series with sampling point in between
– EBCT of min. 10 minutes
– Use only new activated carbon with iodine number > 900
– Label tanks with “Only for pre-treatment of water prior R:O!

WARNING Do NOT use regenerated carbon!

CAUTION Exhausted or contaminated carbon should be discarded and replaced with new beds.

CAUTION Variable feed water characteristics (e.g. pH, deposits…) may affect the adsorption capacity
of the carbon granulates. It is necessary to monitor the carbon filter effluent daily/prior
RO operation.

• Pre-Filter 5µm

Part 1 • Page 1-2 Safety Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

1.2.2 Operational safety

Part 1 • Chapter 1
WARNING Maintenance of that equipment following its installation is the responsibility of the dialysis

WARNING The selection of water treatment equipment for dialysis is the responsibility of the dialysis
physician. Product water should be tested periodically according to the national standards
AAMI/ANSI/ISO 23500:2011 Guidance for the prepartion and quality management of fluids for
haemodialysis and related therapies.

IMPORTANT The system pipelines are under pressure!

Opening screws or valves can lead to injury!

• Insufficient water quality in the intake can cause an inferior and impermissible product quality (see the
requirement → part 1, chapter 2).
• Changing process parameters (e.g. pressure, temperature) may effect water quality.
• If the system comes to a sudden standstill, the operator must not immediately change to another mode
of operation. The system may have been brought to a standstill so that manual adjustment can be
made. Switching the system on again without warning could lead to severe injuries.
• Avoid any contact with the product to be processed if it is a health hazard. First-aid treatment is to be
given in-house in the case of contact with the product.
• A daily report is to be drawn up on the conductivity values etc. in accordance with the medical device
log → part 2, chapter 8.
• If the permeate output is reduced by more than 20%, it is recommended that the number of connected
consumers be reduced by the same amount so that the functioning of the individual connected devices
is not affected.

WARNING Safety equipment is not to be modified, removed, bypassed or bridged.

• It is forbidden to run the pump dry!

WARNING Improper operation of this device could result in a low or no-flow alarm on the hemodialysis

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

1.2.3 Safety during repair, servicing and maintenance

When the switch cabinet is open:
Part 1 • Chapter 1

WARNING High voltage

• The RO must be switched off by the main switch (1) and disconnected from the power supply before
starting maintenance and repairs!
• When working on pumps and pressurized pipelines, these must be depressurized first to prevent
• Immediately renew any damaged or removed instruction and warning signs or safety labels.
• All dismantled safety equipment is to be properly refitted after repair work has finished.
• Operator conversions or modifications to the system can impair safety for persons and the system;
as a result such modifications and changes are forbidden.
• If the RO has a permanent connection, the system must be disconnected completely from the mains
using the upstream separator. (Supply cable, connection terminals and network filter to prevent
electromagnetic influence are located before the RO's main switch (1). (See IEC 61010-1/6.11.3)

IMPORTANT Only original spare parts, accessories and consumables from LMW are to be used
→ Spare part list TM080.
LMW does not accept liability for damage caused by the use of other spare parts,
accessories and consumables.

1.2.4 Risks due to non-observance of safety instructions

Not observing the safety notes can endanger the operator and/or the patient. Non-observance can lead to
the following risks (among others):
• Failure of important system functions
• Failure of prescribed methods of maintenance and disinfection
• Danger to persons through electrical and mechanical means

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

1.3 Microbiological safety

Part 1 • Chapter 1
When used properly, the RO produces water to dilute haemodialysis concentrates.
The permeate quality is influenced by:
• The raw water quality
=> observing the national guidelines is required
• The pre-treatment (hardness, chlorine, heavy metals* …)
• The loop (size, material)
• Cleaning and disinfection cycles
After commissioning, the system is handed over in perfect working order (inc. microbiological test)

The operator is responsible for heeding the legal specifications (AAMI/ANSI/ISO 23500:2009
Guidance for the prepartion and quality management of fluids for hemodialysis and related
therapies and AAMI / ANSI / ISO 13959:2009 Water for hemodialysis and related therapies),
including the microbiological quality.

WARNING Never operate the water treatment system on microbiologically unsafe water supplies,
deionized water, or RO water. Use of another water supply other than properly treated
municipal water supplies may result in biological contamination of the entire RO flow path or
improper reading on water quality monitor.

NOTICE LMW recommends that a chloramine test be run on the system before each treatment.
The acceptable levels are shown in → part 1, page 2-1 (ff) of this operating instructions.

NOTICE Product water used to prepare dialysate, concentrates from powder at a dialysis facility, or
to reprocess dialysers for multiple use, should contain a total viable microbial count less
than 100 CFU/ml and an endotoxin concentration less than 0,250 EU/ml. The action level for
the total viable microbial count in the product water shall be < 50 CFU/ml and the action level
for the endotoxin concentration shall be < 0,125 EU/ml. If these action levels are observed in
the product water, corrective measures, such as disinfection and retesting, shall be taken
promptly to reduce the levels into an acceptable range.

It is recommended that the permeate be tested for its microbiological quality at least every six
months (see → part 1, chapter 2 Bacteriology, pyrogenics).
If the total germ count exceeds 50 CFU/ml, disinfection is recommended within 7 days (action limit).
A continuously high germ load can lead to the development of biofilms. Biofilms can usually be
eliminated only by a combination of mechanical and chemical cleaning.
Exceeding the limit set out by the legal specifications (see → part 1, chapter 2) requires immediate
cleaning and disinfection (alarm limit).

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

1.4 Residual risks

Part 1 • Chapter 1

WARNING Residual risks remain despite the measures taken to avoid such risks.

Residual risks are potential hazards which are not apparent, e.g.:
• Risks which can result from the product or rinsing medium, such as allergies, inflammation of the skin
or burns.
• Risks arising as a result of control system irregularities.
• Danger caused by improper behaviour of the operator.

1. Electric shock
The osmosis system EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is operated with an electrical voltage of 208V (AC). Improper
opening of the switch cabinet or damage to the electrical cables can cause electrocution (risk of fatal
Any work on the system that requires the switch cabinet to be opened or contact with the connection
cables may only be carried out when the system has been switched off (main switch to “0”) and dis-
connected from the power supply!
If the RO has a permanent connection, the system must be disconnected completely from the mains
using the upstream separator.
(Supply cable, connection terminals and network filter to prevent electromagnetic influence can be
located before the RO's main switch (1) (see IEC 61010-1/6.11.3)).
2. Noise
A noise level of less than 80 dB (A) is measured up to a distance of 0.5 m from the system.
However, the noise level can increase in a location in which several sources of noise are positioned, thus
requiring hearing protection. Therefore it is recommended that an additional noise level measurement be
carried out if there are several devices in one room, and all the groups of personnel (cleaning personnel,
operators etc.) should be informed about individual measures for hearing protection.

IMPORTANT There is a risk of the entire water treatment system becoming contaminated if the system is
at a standstill for a longer period of time.
This is also applicable for the connected pipelines if these are not automatically rinsed.

IMPORTANT After a period of standstill (> 72 h), carrying out disinfection or hot-water cleaning (option)
is recommended.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

2. Area of application and intended use

Part 1 • Chapter 2
The operator is responsible for the intended use of the system.

WARNING Misuse or improper operation of this device will void any warranty.

The operational safety of the equipment supplied can only be maintained when the machine is used
as intended.
The values given in the technical data → part 2, chapter 7, must be observed. Limit values must never
be exceeded.

NOTICE EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is a device that is intended for use with a hemodialysis system and that
is intended to remove organic and inorganic substances and microbial contaminants from
water used to dilute dialysate concentrate to form dialysate. This device may include a water
softener, sediment filter, and carbon filter.a

a. It is the task of the responsible dialysis physician to select suitable water preparation systems for dialysis.
When it is used for its specific purpose, the system produces “water for diluting hemodialysis concentrate” in accordance with the
stipulations laid down in the CSA-Z23500-12/AAMI/ANSI/ISO 23500:2011.
The reverse osmosis system is used for the production of permeate to dilute hemodialysis concentrates.

IMPORTANT The quality of the feed water upstream of the pretreatment must comply with the require-
ments of EPA “National Primary Drinking Water Regulation” (2009) of drinking water. For
LMW-specific deviations from or supplements to the guideline, see → part 1, chapter 2.

The amount of free chlorine must not exceed 0.0 ppm, the amount of iron (Fe) must not exceed 0.1 ppm.
The hourly performance (in litres) of the system is between 700 and 3600 l/h (3–10 gph), depending on the
system/type. The temperature of the incoming water must not drop below 6°C / 42.8°F. The device has
been designed for continuous operation.
In support of intended use, the manufacturer prescribes an annual technical safety check (STK) by
authorized skilled personnel (→ part 2, chapter 8).
The permeate is not suitable as drinking water.

NOTICE During intended use, the minimum salt retention is 90%, based on the raw water

NOTICE The devices of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) series are electrical medical devices that are subject
to special precautionary measures in terms of EMC; they must be installed and put into
operation according to the instructions in → part 2, chapter 7.14 “EMC guidelines”.
Portable and mobile high-frequency communication equipment can influence electrical
medical devices.
The devices of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) series may not be used if they are located immediately
next to or stacked on top of other devices. However, if this is required, the devices must be
observed to check for intended use in this arrangement.a

a. 1. AAMI/ANSI/ISO 23500:2011 Guidance for the preparation and quality management of fluids for hemodialysis
and related therapies
2. CSA-Z23500-12 Guidance for the preparation and quality management of fluids for hemodialysis and related therapies
3. AAMI/ANSI/ISO 13959:2009 Water for hemodialysis and related therapies

WARNING Misuse or improper operation of this system could result in serious injury, death, or other
serious reactions to a patient undergoing hemodialysis treatment.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

2.1 Operational features

Part 1 • Chapter 2

• Emergency mode with soft water possible

• Modular construction: the system performance can be changed merely by replacing/supplementing
the pumps and membranes
• One-stage emergency mode for the first reverse osmosis stage or the second osmosis membrane
• Standby mode: when it is not in permeate mode, the system regularly switches to a rinsing mode
to prevent microbiological growth
• Impulse shear force rinsing of the loop (high flow speed) during night-time mode to prevent the
formation of biofilms
• Impulse back washing: a regular rinsing mode removes deposits on the membranes.
• Hot water sanitation: In combination with a hot-water cleaning system (Aquaboss® HotRinse
SMART 10-50), the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) version can be sanitised with hot water up to 85°C / 185°F.

2.2 Essential Performance

• Production of pure water (permeate with a low salt concentration) to dilute haemodialysis concentrates.

2.3 Application regulations

• No products or media are to be processed which, under the influence of pressure and temperature,
tend to cause uncontrolled reactions such as higher viscosity, higher temperature, hardening, frothing
or the generation of gas which could cause the system limit values to be exceeded even for only
a short time.
• The raw water must be treated in a correctly designed pretreatment stage.
• A pretreatment stage can only be carried out subject to previous water analysis or the details
provided by the municipal water suppliers. The values of the incoming raw water must be checked
and recorded once a year. (See → part 1, chapter 2 ff).
• The system operator is to apply for a water analysis once every year.
• The municipal water suppliers (water board) must be consulted regarding the water quality/chlorination.
A corresponding sample letter can be found in → part 2, chapter 10.
• The local regulations for connecting the concentrate to the waste water drainage system must be
observed (this also applies to draining disinfectant into the waste water system).
• Supply and waste water systems must be properly installed according local and national regulations.
Local regulations for drinking water and waste water installations must be observed where necessary.
• Under certain conditions of use, the system can be used for other application purposes; these must be
agreed in advance with the manufacturer, however.

IMPORTANT The chemical and microbial water parameters for the permeate are to be checked every year
against ANSI, CSA and ISO.

• Intended use also includes observance of the commissioning, operating and maintenance instructions
provided by the manufacturer, which are an integral part of these instructions.
• The system may only be transported, installed, used and repaired by skilled workers.
• Commissioning, operation and maintenance is only to be carried out by authorized, trained skilled
workers. Electrical work is to be carried out only by authorized, trained and instructed electricians.
• Any other use of the system is considered as non-intended use. The manufacturer shall not be liable
for any damage resulting from this.

WARNING Misuse, imintended use or handling of chemical disinfectants and chemical cleaning solu-
tions could result in serious unjury or even death. You must comply with the information
contained in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) see also part 1 for the chemical being
used and follow the procedural steps in these operating instructions.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

2.4 Water quality requirements

Part 1 • Chapter 2
In order to avoid endangering the health of patients, the water quality must satisfy the appropriate guideline,
depending on the application. Water shall not contain substances greater than those listed in the table:

Definition of Drinking Water Feed water to Water for haemodialysis/ permeate

water quality (water for human Reverse Osmosis (Water for diluting concentrated
consumption) Aquaboss® (Eco)RO Dia haemodialysis solutions)
Directive EPA Nat. Primary EPA Process ISO 13959:2009 AAMI ANSI ISO 13959:2009
Drinking Water Reg. specific limits and and
(2009) ISO 23500:2011 AAMI ANSI ISO 23500:23500
Chemical/ Physical Values [ppm]
Sodium (Na) 200 70 70
Potassium (K) 8 8
Calcium (Ca) Total hardness: 2 2
Magnesium (Mg) < 0.056 ppm CaCO3 4 4
< 5.6 mmol/l
Boron (B) 1
Barium (Ba) 2 2 0.1 0.1
Beryllium (Be) 0.004 0.0004 0.0004
Ammonium (NH4) 0.5
Aluminum (Al) 0.05 to 0.2 <0.01 0.01 0.01
- Copper (Cu) 1.0 2 0.1 0.1
- Arsenic (As) 0.01 0.01 0.005 0.005
- Lead (Pb) 0.015 0.01 0.005 0.005
- Silver (Ag) 0.1 -.- 0.005 0.005
- Chromium (Cr) 0.1 0.05 0.014 0.014
- Selenium (Se) 0.05 0.01 0.09 0.09
- Antimony (Sb) 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.006
- Mercury (Hg) 0.002 0.001 0.000 2 0.000 2
- Nickel (Ni) -.- 0.02 -.- -.-
- Tin (Sn) -.- -.- -.- -.-
- Iron (Fe) 0.3 < 0.1 -.- -.-
- Cadmium(Cd) 0.005 0.005 0.001 0.001
- Zinc (Zn) 5.0 -.- 0.1 0.1
- Manganese (Mn) 0.05 < 0.01 -.- -.-
- Uranium (U) 0.03 -.- -.- -.-
- Thallium (Ti) 0.02 -.- 0.002 0.002
or total heavy metals 0.1
Cyanide (CN) 0.2 0.2 - 0.02
Chlorine 4 total chlorine: 0.0 0.1 0.1
Cloramines 4
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) 0.08
Chloride (Cl) 250 250
Fluoride (F) 2 1.5 0.2 0.2
Sulphate (SO4) 250 500 100 100
Nitrate (NO3) 2 (as N) 2 (as N)
Nitrite (as Nitrogen) 1 0.5
Polycyclic aromatic 0.0001
Benzene 0.005
Bromate 0.01 0.01
Tetrachloroethene and 0.005
Trihalogenmethane 0.08
Vinyl chloride 0.002
Silicic acid (SiO2) < 10
pH value 6.5–8.5 6.5–9.5
Temperature 6–30°C
El. Conductivity/ TDS TDS: 500 EC: < 1000 μS/cm at
20 °C/ 68°F
TDS: 500 ppm
Silt density index SDI(15) <5

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Definition of Drinking Water Feed water to Water for haemodialysis/ permeate

water quality (water for human Reverse Osmosis (Water for diluting concentrated
Part 1 • Chapter 2

consumption) Aquaboss® (Eco)RO Dia haemodialysis solutions)

Directive EPA Nat. Primary EPA Process ISO 13959:2009 AAMI ANSI ISO 13959:2009
Drinking Water Reg. specific limits and and
(2009) ISO 23500:2011 AAMI ANSI ISO 23500:23500
Microbiological Values
Total viable count HPC: < 500 < 100 (22°C) < 100 < 100
[CFU/ml] < 20 (36° C) (17-23°C; 7d) (17-23°C; 7d)
Enterococci 0 CFU/100ml 0 CFU/100ml
E.-Coli/ coliform bacteria 0 CFU/100ml 0 CFU/100ml
Endotoxins [EU/ml] -.- -.- <0. 25 <0. 25

CAUTION Do not operate without pre-treatment described in → part 2, chapter 3.1.1.

Sampling is correct if it takes place under normal operating conditions (“dialysis operation”) and after an
operating time of at least 10 minutes.

WARNING While a water treatment system may produce water of sufficient quality to meet the require-
ments of the applicable standard, distribution of the water may degrade its quality to the
point where it no longer meets the requirements of the standard if the distribution system
is not maintained appropriately.

WARNING Careful periodic monitoring of bacterial levels must be maintained!

2.5 Contraindications and side effects

Do not use the reverse osmosis system if the chemical or microbiological quality of the raw water is unsafe.
Do not use the reverse osmosis system if the raw water does not satisfy the requirements of guideline
CSA-Z23500-12/AAMI/ANSI/ISO 23500:2011.
Do not use the reverse osmosis system if the freedom from disinfectant cannot be proved at all tapping
points after chemical disinfection before dialysis.

2.5.1 Side effects

Even if the reverse osmosis system is used properly, low amounts of aluminum and nitrate pass through
the reverse osmosis membrane. Anemia, neurological problems, cerebral diseases and changes in bone
structure have been observed in association with increased aluminum values in the permeate. Nausea
and vomiting as well as hemolysis have been observed in association with increased nitrate amounts.
Particularly in the case of increased nitrate or aluminum values in the raw water, make sure that the
permeate satisfies the valid limit values for water to dilute concentrated hemodialysis solutions according
to CSA-Z23500-12/AAMI/ANSI/ISO 23500:2011.

NOTICE Your Aquaboss® EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) water treatment system from L/a/u/e/r Membran
Wassertechnik GmbH (LMW) is a computer-aided design, custom built, and of the highest
quality. With proper operation, maintenance and care, this device should give you years of
reliable service.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

3. EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) accessory list

Part 1 • Chapter 3
Pos. Item no.: Designation Description
1 3037754 Sterile filter 20", 0.2 µm, Sterile hot polysulphone membrane filter, pre-rinsed with
absolute ultra-pure water:
Together with an Aquaboss® dialysis water treatment
system, the Aquaboss® Hot Rinse SMART hot-water
disinfection system and the Aquaboss® sterile hot
polysulphone membrane filter, a constant dialysis water
quality of < 0.1 CFU/ml is guaranteed.
2 2000011 Water monitor 1" Autarchic device inc. sensor and ball valve
Thanks to the de-energized open design, a power supply is not
required during operation. As a result, the valve tappet is not
heated up, which in turn prevents calcification due to heat input
and malfunctioning in the case of a leakage. Periodic automatic
rinsing prevents jamming. The solenoid valve is integrated in
the Aquaboss® pre-treatment stage if this option has been
3 2000305 Aquaboss®-Control II Remote control for reverse osmosis concentrate supply and
hot-water disinfection system (display only) in one device.
4 2001000 Aquaboss® Vision Visualization system on the screen, including
• Graphic online representation of the flow diagram with the
corresponding current mode of operation.
• Overview of all system data and set parameters
• Input of all system data via a graphic operator interface.
Program settings can be saved and read in using HD or
• System history in order to guarantee the latest possible
preventative replacement of wear parts “just in time before
expected failure”
• Continuous recording of operating data
• Archiving of all operation and fault messages in plain text
• Fault history
• Graphic trend curves as historic documentation and for
simplified fault analysis
• Online graphs for online faulty analysis
• Operating instructions for the medical device, including
search function for fast location
• Internet and network-capable (LAN) using TCP/IP
• For network connection: fault notification via e-mail function
and transmittance of daily performance logs via SMTP
5 1057020 Aquaboss® Vision Required supplementary and upgrade components of
(conversion kit) Aquaboss® systems for connecting to process visualization
6 2001015 Software licence EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) + PV licence

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Pos. Item no.: Designation Description

Part 1 • Chapter 3

7 2100100 Kit for impulse shear force Kit for equipping Aquaboss®-EcoRO Dia systems for the
rinsing Y30 impulse-based increase in flow speeds in the primary and sec-
ondary loops to prevent the formation of biofilms, consisting of:
• V4A solenoid valve
• V4A pipe branch for integrating the system
• Cable with plug for connecting the solenoid valve and the
control cabinet
• Program update
8 1350002 Hard water monitor The Aquaboss® hard water monitor is a fully automatic, contin-
Aquaboss® Softcontrol II uously working, autarchic measuring system for detecting
hardness breakdowns. The Aquaboss® Softcontrol does not
use chemicals. Since its chemical composition is not altered,
the water used can be added to the downstream reverse
osmosis system without losses.
• Ion-specific hard water monitoring using the membrane
detection principle of monovalent and bivalent ions
• Autarchic operating mode without chemicals
9 3036480 Surge tank PWD 0-50 Surge tank for constant pressure conditions in the loop
10 51763 Insulation of pressure Ø 207, L=1.000mm
11 2050410 HotRinse SMART
USA / Canada
12 2050420 HotRinse SMART
USA / Canada
13 2050430 HotRinse SMART
USA / Canada
14 2050440 HotRinse SMART
USA / Canada
15 2050450 HotRinse SMART
USA / Canada

NOTICE If cables, transformers or accessories other than those listed above are used, this may have
a negative influence on jamming and noise immunity.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

4. Use in combination with other equipment

Part 1 • Chapter 4
The operator combines the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) with further medical devices such as loops, media supply
units or dialysis machines.
The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) and further medical devices can be put into circulation independently of one
another. No combination of medical devices will be put into circulation by the manufacturer as a variation.
The manufacturer, Lauer Membran Wassertechnik GmbH, stipulates the following reverse osmosis system
requirements for combination with other equipment:
• When used in combination with permeate loops, these must be implemented in accordance with
AAMI/ISO 23500:2009.
• When used in combination with media supply units (Medical Product Class I), the tapping points for
permeate must be implemented in accordance with ISO 23500:2009.
• Furthermore, the dialysis machine must comply with standard IEC 60601-2-16 (Special requirements
for the safety of haemodialysis, haemodiafiltrations and haemofiltration units) or the first issue of
standard IEC 60601-2-16.

IMPORTANT At the point of connection potable water a backflow prevention must be installed!

NOTICE The operator must ensure that the devices function and are in the proper condition before
using the combination of devices.

NOTICE It must be ensured that additional equipment that is connected to the analogue and digital
interfaces of the device satisfies the appropriate IEC specifications (e.g. IEC 60950 for data
processing devices, IEC 61010-1 for measuring/control/laboratory devices and IEC 60601-1
for electro-medical devices). Furthermore, all configuration must satisfy the valid version of
IEC 60601-1-1. The person who connects additional equipment to the signal input or output
sections is a system configurator and is therefore responsible for ensuring that the valid
version of system standard IEC 60601-1-1 is observed. If you have any questions, please
contact your local dealer of the Technical Services department.

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Part 1 • Chapter 4

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

5. Technical description

Part 1 • Chapter 5
The Aquaboss® EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) provides the operator with a geared to consumption reverse osmosis
system. A 4-line LCD plain text display allows all operating parameters to be called up and monitored at
any time.
A special flushing and disinfection program developed for compact systems with the integrated
Aquaboss® impulse back washing system ensures maximum dialysis water hygiene.
An innovative logical control system makes high water yield possible even under unfavourable raw water
conditions. In this respect, the raw water consumption depends solely on the purest water requirement of
the end operator.
A menu-guided plain text display enables the operator to monitor all production parameters and system
functions including the disinfection mode in an individual and reproducible way.
Special advantages
• Operator-friendly operation thanks to the menu-guided control system with plain text display
• Low water consumption including rinsing water for Aquaboss® softener and standstill rinsing
• Shut-down and standstill rinsing with leakage monitoring during standby mode
• Membrane blockage protection using Aquaboss® impulse back washing
• Optional impulse shear force rinsing
• Durable stainless steel design
• Mains separation / unhindered input in accordance with national safety standards
• Option: Hot sanitation of the 1st and 2nd membrane stage (only for EcoRO Dia I/II (HT))

5.1 How it works

The treatment of water (for requirement see → part 2, chapter 7) by a reverse osmosis system results
in purified water (permeate) which is characterized by very low values for the chemicals within the water.
The separation rate of the undesired chemical contents is over 95%!
The permeate quality for water for diluting haemodialysis concentrates is defined Standard
AAMI/ANSI/ISO 23500:2011 (see → part 1, chapter 2).
The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) works on the reverse osmosis principle. Reverse osmosis describes a process
involving a pressure-operated cross-filtration system. The water flows under high pressure (up to max.
22 bar / 319 psi) tangentially over a semi-permeable membrane. As is the case with normal filtration, the
system is cleaned by allowing one component (water) of the mixture to be separated to pass through the
membrane with almost no hindrance, while the other components (dissolved and undissolved water con-
tents) are held back to a greater or lesser extent and leave the filtration unit in the concentrate flow. This is
a purely physical separation process in the molecular range which does not change the components being
separated either chemically, biologically or thermally.
A polyamide membrane (nonporous polymer membrane) is used. The material transport through such
a membrane type can be described in high accordance with experimental results on the basis of the
solution diffusion model. This model views the polymer membrane as a real fluid in which the permeands
dissolve and are diffusively transported along the gradient of their propelling force.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

5.2 Constructional features

Part 1 • Chapter 5

5.2.1 Aquaboss® impulse back washing (option)

During normal operating mode of the reverse osmosis system, deposits can accumulate on the membrane
(see → figure 5-1 “Permeate mode / Dialysis operation”) depending on the quality of the supply water.
Depending on their origin, they can cause long-term damage to the membrane, thus reducing the
permeate quality.

Figure 5-1: Permeate mode / Dialysis operation

In order to increase the lifetime of the membrane, patented impulse back washing (IRS) is carried out at
regular intervals in the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT).
Here, reversing the flow direction loosens the deposits and rinses them out via the concentrate flow
(see → figure 5-2 “Impulse back washing”).
Impulse back washing provides a constant permeate quality and a high production efficiency.


Raw water (RW)

Average concentration Concentrate


Figure 5-2: Impulse back washing

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

5.2.2 Aquaboss® membrane module with no dead space

Part 1 • Chapter 5
Raw water (RW) Permeate


Figure 5-3: Membrane module with no dead space

Thanks to the new design of the membrane module (patented), it is ensured that the dead space between
the outside of the membrane and the inside of the pressure pipe is continually flushed. All the connections
for raw water, concentrate and permeate are located on the top of the module.

5.2.3 Single pipe construction

The single pipe construction ensures the membrane a long service life. The membrane pipe is made of
stainless steel (316L).

5.2.4 Minimum dead space piping in stainless steel

A minimum of dead space throughout the entire system has been provided. Moreover, the risk of biofilm
growth on the pipe walls is restricted to a considerable extent by the high flow rate with the resulting shear

5.2.5 Hot water sanitization (option)

• The types EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) include Hot-Water-Treatmentsystems HotRinse SMART 10-50 – and its
connected loop-system.
During Standby operation the RO can be treated with hot water up to 85°C / 185°F.
This mode substitutes or exceeds the chemical disinfection in order to enhance microbiological quality of
the permeate.

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Part 1 • Chapter 5

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6. Functions

Part 1 • Chapter 6
6.1 Process diagram
6.1.1 EcoRO Dia I

Figure 6-1: Process diagram EcoRO Dia I

VF: Pre-filter TISHAH1: Temperature feed water ROII PH2: Sample valve loop return
SF: Sterile-filter PH3: Sample valve softened water
LSHAL1: Level switch low; pump protection PI 1-6: Manometer
LSHL2: Level switch PSAH1: Pressure too high loop K1: Butterfly valve emergency operation
PISAL4: Pressure too low loop return K4: Butterfly valve emptying tank
M1: Pump 1 K5: Butterfly valve
M2: Pump 2 CISAHH1: Conductivity permeate K6: Butterfly valve to loop
CIS1: Conductivity raw water K7: Butterfly valve from loop
Y2: Solenoid valve concentrate ROI MM1.1-1.2: Membrane module
Y3: Solenoid valve pressure generation (IRS) FISCAL1: Flow meter permeate to loop VL: Storage tank
Y4: Solenoid valve permeate ROI FISCAL2: Flow meter permeate loop return
Y5: Solenoid valve permeate to loop FISCAL3: Flow meter concentrate to drain Option:
Y6: Solenoid valve rinsing ROI (IRS)
Y9: Solenoid valve concentrate to drain ÜV2: Overflow valve
Y10: Solenoid valve feed ÜV1: Overflow valve loop Y30: Solenoid valve share force rinsing
RSV: Check valve PH1: Sample valve
NV4: Adjusting valve concentrate ROI DG: Surge tank P12-4: With analog signal to PV

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6.1.2 EcoRO Dia I (HT)

Part 1 • Chapter 6

Figure 6-2: Process diagram EcoRO Dia I (HT)

VF: Prefilter TISHAH1: temperature feed water ROI PH2: sample valve loop return
SF: Sterilefilter TISAH2: temperture concentrate ROI (HT) PH3: sample valve softened water
LSHAL1: Level switch low; pump protection
LSHL2: Level switch PI 1-6: Manometer K1: butterfly valve emergency operation
PSAH1: pressure too high loop K4: butterfly valve emptying tank
M1: Pump 1 PISAL4: pressure too low loop return K5: butterfly valve
M2: Pump 2 K6: butterfly valve to loop
CISAHH1: conductivity permeat K7: butterfly valve from loop
Y2: Solenoid valve concentrate ROI CIS1: conductivity raw water MM1.1-1.2: Membrane module
Y3: Solenoid valve pressure generation (IRS) FISCAL1: flow meter permeate to loop VL: storage tank
Y4: Solenoid valve permeat ROI FISCAL2: flow meter permeate loop return
Y5: Solenoid valve permeate to loop FISCAL3: flow meter concentrate to drain Option:
Y6: Solenoid valve rinsing RO I (IRS) UV2: overflow valve
Y9: Solenoid valve concentrate to drain UV1: overflow valve loop Y30: solenoid valve share force rinsing
Y10: Solenoid valve feed RSV: check valve PH1: sample valve
NV4: adjusting valve concentrate RO I DG: surge tank PI2-4: with analog signal to PV

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6.1.3 EcoRO Dia II

Part 1 • Chapter 6
Figure 6-3: Process diagram EcoRO Dia II

VF: Pre-filter NV2: Adjusting valve concentrate ÜV1: Overflow valve loop
SF: Sterile-filter circulation ROII RSV: Check valve
LSHAL1: Level switch low; pump protection NV3: Adjusting valve concentrate ROII DG: Surge tank
LSHL2: Level switch NV4: Adjusting valve concentrate ROI
M1: Pump 1 PH2: Sample valve loop return
M2: Pump 2 TISHAH1: Temperature feed water ROII PH3: Sample valve softened water
M3: Pump 3
PI 1-6: Manometer K1: Butterfly valve emergency operation
Y2: Solenoid valve concentrate ROI PSAH1: Pressure too high loop K3: Butterfly valve emergency operation
Y3: Solenoid valve pressure generation PSAL2: Pressure too low before ROII K4: Butterfly valve emptying tank
(IRS) PSAH3: Pressure switch infront Y5 K5: Butterfly valve
Y4: Solenoid valve permeate ROI PISAL4: Pressure concentrate of ROII K6: Butterfly valve to loop
Y5: Solenoid valve permeate to loop PSAL4: Pressure too low loop return K7: Butterfly valve from loop
Y6: Solenoid valve rinsing ROI (IRS) CISAHH1: Conductivity permeate MM1.1-2.2: Membrane module
Y7: Solenoid valve rinsing ROII (IRS) CIS1: Conductivity raw water VL: Storage tank
Y8: Solenoid valve concentrate ROII
Y9: Solenoid valve concentrate FISCAL1: Flow meter permeate to loop Option:
to drain FISCAL2: Flow meter permeate loop return ÜV2: Overflow valve
Y10: Solenoid valve feed FISCAL3: Flow meter concentrate to drain Y30: Solenoid valve share force rinsing
FI4: Flow meter concentrate ROI to tank

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6.1.4 EcoRO Dia II (HT)

Part 1 • Chapter 6

Figure 6-4: Process diagram EcoRO Dia II (HT)

Legend EcoRO Dia II (HT)

VF: Prefilter NV2: adjusting valve concentrate UV1: overflow valve loop
SF: Sterilefilter circulation RO II RSV: check valve
LSHAL1: Level switch low; pump protection NV3: adjusting valve concentrate RO II DG: surge tank
LSHL2: Level switch NV4: adjusting valve concentrate RO I PH2: sample valve loop return
M1: Pump 1 PH3: sample valve softened water
M2: Pump 2 TISHAH1: temperature feed water ROI K1: butterfly valve emergency operation
M3: Pump 3 TISAH2: temperature concentrate ROII (HT) K3: butterfly valve emergency operation
Y2: solenoid valve concentrate ROI PI 1-6: Manometer K4: butterfly valve emptying tank
Y3: solenoid valve pressure PSAH1: pressure too high loop K5: butterfly valve
generation (IRS) PSAL2: pressure too low before ROII K6: butterfly valve to loop
Y4: solenoid valve permeat ROI PSAH3: pressure too high before Y5 K7: butterfly valve from loop
Y5: solenoid valve permeate to loop PSAL4: pressure too low loop return MM1.1-2.2: Membrane module
Y5.1: solenoid valve emergency CIS 1: conductivity raw water VL: storage tank
operation CISAHH1: conductivity permeat
Y6: solenoid valve rinsing RO I (IRS) FISCAL1: flow meter permeate to loop Option:
Y7: solenoid valve rinsing RO II (IRS) FISCAL2: flow meter permeate loop return Y30: solenoid valve share force rinsing
Y8: solenoid valve concentrate RO II FISCAL3: flow meter concentrate to drain PH1: sample valve
Y9: solenoid valve concentrate to drain FI4: flow meter concentrate ROI to tank PI2-4: with analog signal to PV
Y10: solenoid valve feed UV 2: overflow valve permeate

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6.2 Functions

Part 1 • Chapter 6
NOTICE Technical overview: see → part 2, chapter 7.13.2 “Operating modes”.

6.2.1 Water supply

Feed water is made available through a pretreatment installation with the appropriate capacity. It includes
softener, activated carbon filter and pre-filter systems, → see part 2, chapter 3.1.1.
To protect the reverse osmosis system, mechanical contamination that is still present is removed by
means of a filter element (VF) on the RO rack.

6.2.2 Supply tank

The pre-treated water enters the supply tank (VL) through feed valve Y10. The water level is recorded and
controlled using level switch LSHL2.
The built-in centrifugal pumps are safeguarded against lack of water by level switch LSHAL1 (pump pro-
tection). If the level drops below the lower switchpoint, the pumps switch off.

IMPORTANT Due to operational safety, the positions and switchpoints of the level switches LSHAL1 and
LSHL2 may not be changed.

The following are connected to the supply tank:

• Internal circulation via Y2
• Soft water intake via Y10
• Loop return via UV1
• Soft control (optional)
• Overflow
• Bypass valve Y30 to the overflow valve for the loop return (optional)
• Ventilation and venting filter (tank respiration)

6.2.3 Single stage reverse osmosis system EcoRO Dia I (HT)

The raw water flows over a 5 µm pre-filter and enters the free intake to the supply tank VL via the
solenoid Y10.
From there, it is delivered by means of pumps M1 and M2 to the membrane modules MM1.1 and MM1.2
by passing through a reverse osmosis membrane. The “feed flow” is divided into the concentrate flow and,
following passage of the membrane barrier, the permeate flow.
The concentrate flow leaves the membrane module through the needle valve NV4 which restricts the
volume of water discharged and ensures a constant production pressure. The concentrate pressure can
be read off on manometer PI2.
The concentrate flow regulated in this way is either re-circulated through solenoid valve Y2 back into the
supply tank or is conducted to the drain outlet through solenoid Y9. The cycle rate of Y2/Y9 and thus the
regulation of the concentrate amount to be discharged depends on the amount of permeate removed and
the set yield factor WCF. The amount of concentrate to be discharged is calculated from the upstream
FISCAL1 and return (FISCAL2) of the loop and recorded using FISCAL3.
The permeate flows through the opened solenoid Y5 and past PSAH1 and CISAHH1, whereby the para-
meters permeate pressure and quality are monitored. The amount of permeate is recorded by flowmeter
FISCAL1 before it enters the loop. In larger systems, part of the permeate amount produced flows back
into the supply tank through the overflow valve UV2 if the amount removed is too low in order to keep the
loop pressure constant.

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The permeate enters the loop, which can be blocked by ball cock K6, via a hose bridge. The water flows
through the surge tank DG and is guided to the individual tapping points. Ball cock K7 can be used to block
Part 1 • Chapter 6

the end of the loop. An additional hose bridge is used to reconnect the loop to the reverse osmosis system.
The permeate flowing back from the loop passes sampling cock PH2, pressure sensor PSAL4, water
meter FISCAL2 and the overflow valve UV1 during its return to the reverse Osmosis system. The loop
pressure set at UV1 can be read off on manometer P16.

6.2.4 Dual-stage reverse osmosis system EcoRO Dia II (HT)

The permeate generated in the 1st membrane stage (→ chapter 6.2.3) flows at an increased pressure to
the 2nd membrane module via pump M3. In this further reverse osmosis membrane, the “feed flow” is
divided into the concentrate flow and, following passage of the membrane barrier, the permeate flow.
The concentrate flow leaves the membrane module and passes through the needle valves NV2 and NV4
which restrict the volume of water discharged and ensures a constant production pressure. The pressure
set by the needle valves can be read off on manometer P14. The regulated concentrate flow is guided
back both via the solenoid valve Y8 into the supply tank and upstream of pump M3.
The permeate is carried further into the connected loop in the same manner as for the fittings listed in
→ part 1, chapter 6.2.3 “Single stage reverse osmosis system EcoRO Dia I (HT)”.

6.2.5 Impulse back washing (IRS), 1st stage

Impulse back washing (IRS) of the first membrane stage of the EcoRO Dia I HT and EcoRO Dia II HT
can be used to clean the membrane and provide preventative protection from biofilm formation (see
→ part 1, chapter 5.2.1). By closing solenoid valves Y5 (permeate exit), Y2 (internal circulation), Y9
(concentrate drain) and Y6 (swell valve) with the M2 pump running, pressure can be built up, and is sub-
sequently relieved by opening the solenoid Y6. For this, solenoid valve Y4 closes and Y3 opens to reverse
the flow direction. During swelling, solenoid valve Y6 is opened and the water flow is guided upstream of
pump M2 so that the membrane can be flooded by a higher overflow for a defined period. This procedure
will be termed “impulse back washing” in this document.

6.2.6 Impulse back washing (IRS), 2nd stage

Impulse back washing (IRS) can also be used for mechanical cleaning of the 2nd membrane stage.
Here, pump M2 transports feed water to the closed solenoid valves Y7, Y5 and Y8 to build up pressure.
By opening Y7 and Y8 and transporting additional water via M2 to M3, water flows at an increased speed
over the second stage membrane for a short time.
The increased concentrate flow speed removes the deposits on the membrane to a large extent and thus
maintains permeate capacity long term. During this flushing procedure, permeate valve Y5 remains closed.

6.2.7 System production pressure

The amount of permeate increases proportionally with production pressure PI2 and PI4.
The capacity of the pumps is selected in such a way that sufficient amounts and pressure reserves are
available. The needle valves NV2, NV3 and NV4 are used to set the pressures of the two RO stages.
Only personnel authorized by the manufacturer are permitted to make such adjustments.

IMPORTANT Maintain the production pressure! Production pressure that is increased too much may lead
to inadequate membrane flooding and thus to membrane damage.

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6.2.8 Loop pressure

The following factors determine the pressure ratios in a loop:

Part 1 • Chapter 6
• The maximum consumption (number of dialysis stations and other consumers)
• The minimum flow speed required (to avoid contamination)
• The minimum supply pressure at the last tapping point
• The pipe geometry (pipe cross-section etc.)
The overflow valve UV1 at the end of the loop must be set according to customer requirements. Without
permeate discharge and maximum performance, the setting pressure via UV1 should be 2.0–3.5 bar.
The flow speed in the primary loop should reach 0.5 m/s (with full discharge).

6.2.9 Membrane pressure vessel in the loop

The required constant pressure and an adequate supply of permeate is ensured by installing a membrane
pressure vessel. In turn, the size of the vessel and the necessary membrane air pressure depend on the
factors listed under → part 1, chapter 6.2.7 “System production pressure”.
LMW recommends a daily check of the Hydrowatch on the installed membrane pressure vessel (DG).
If the red indicator is visible in the viewing glass, please contact your Lauer Membran Wassertechnik
GmbH service technician immediately.

IMPORTANT The Hydrowatch must be checked before and after each chemical disinfection. If the red
indicator is visible, the loop must not be disinfected.

6.2.10 Prevention of excess pressure in the loop

An increase in pressure after reverse osmosis may well be possible if a butterfly valve is blocking the loop.
The pressure switch PSAH1 prevents the pressure increasing above the set value. After the system is
switched off, the corresponding message appears on the display → part 1, chapter 14. A faulty expansion
membrane on the surge tank also leads to an increase in pressure when the system is switched on, and
thus to the system being switched off via pressure switch PSAH1 (factory setting: switch-off pressure =
6 bar / switch-on pressure = 4 bar).

6.2.11 Temperature-dependent discharge Discharge through menu temperature discharge dialysis or standby mode (analogue valve)
When an adjustable start temperature has been reached in the permeate (factory setting: start 35°C / stop
33°C), the system discharges the concentrate via Y9 depending on LSHL2 until the temperature drops to
below the stop value. Discharge via alarm evaluation (digital signal)

When the limit temperature set on the temperature limit value controller has been reached, the system
discharges the concentrate via Y9 depending on LSHL2 until the temperature drops below the limit value.
The message “Alarm 21, temperature too high” appears on the display. System stop via error evaluation (digital signal)

When the set limit temperature is exceeded for more than 3 minutes (alarm 21), the system switches off
(consumer protection).

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6.2.12 Standby mode

Standby mode is used to prevent the development of biofilms / contamination by interrupting standstill
Part 1 • Chapter 6

times in periods in which no permeate is required.

The system is switched on automatically at the set times to flush out the loop and the modules.
For this, the operating mode selection switch is turned to position 2.

IMPORTANT Dialysis is not possible during “standby mode”. Switching to dialysis mode is possible at
any time.

6.2.13 Shutdown rinsing

A shutdown rinsing mode is carried out when changing over from dialysis to standby mode.
First, impulse back washing is carried out. With the system running, water intake via Y10 is shut down until
the liquid level has dropped to level LSHL1. During this time, concentrate is discharged via Y9 (“EMPTY-
ING TANK”). After the supply tank VL has emptied, permeate out of the loop runs back into the VL via UV1
and the relaxed surge tank DG.
After the time set in menu item 4 has expired, the VL is filled with soft water via Y10 up to the level switch
LSHL2. See → part 1, chapter 14.4 “Parameters for standby mode, menu item 4”, input permeate feeding

6.2.14 Leak messages

To prevent major leaks during “standby mode”, the system inc. the loop is checked for water loss.
If water is removed between flowmeters FISCAL1 (loop feed) and FISCAL2 (loop return) after the surge
tank DG has been filled (adjustable delay time), the control unit shuts the RO down with the error message
Error 17 “Leakage alarm”.
If the filling level in the supply tank drops to below LSHAL1 during standby mode, this means that water is
being lost in the loop or in the system, and the system shuts down with error message “Error 17, leakage

6.2.15 Impulse shear force rinsing (ISS) (optional)

The impulse shear force rinsing operation (ISS) flushes out the primary and secondary loops at maximum
flow speed and impulse-type flow.
The loop pressure set at overflow valve UV1 in dialysis mode reduces permeate production and, as
a result, the theoretical possible maximum flow speed in the loop. By installing bypass valve Y30 parallel
to the overflow valve, it is possible to produce the maximum amount of permeate as a result of the low
counter-pressure with solenoid valve Y30 open. The resulting high flow speed acts as shear force on the
pipeline wall.
In addition, the flow speeds are varied by the cyclic closing and opening of the valve Y30, which prevents
biofilm growth. Furthermore, faster ventilation of the loop is made possible as well as filling or flushing out
with disinfectant at each tapping point in the loop.
This mode of operation runs within disinfection, cleaning and during standby rinsing.
As a result, there is no noise nuisance caused by media flow.

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6.2.16 Hot-water cleaning EcoRO Dia I HT and EcoRO Dia II HT

The hot water sanitizabel ROs are installed with hot water installation HotRinse SMART 10-50. During

Part 1 • Chapter 6
standby mode they can be heated up to 85°C / 185°F in order to optimize the microbiolocical quality of the
permeate as an alternative or supplement to chemical disinfection.

NOTICE LMW recommends a minimum of 20 minutes hot cleaning (Permeate Hot Disinfection/PHD)
at 80°C.
Lower temperatures require longer heating phases to kill off most vegetative bacteria,
yeasts, fungi and viruses (reference: ISO 15883-1:2006 “Cleaning disinfection devices […]”.

There is no detrimental effect on the quality of the permeate during hot-water sanitation. There is no need
to check for freedom of disinfectant.

Hot RO I / Hot RO I+II

Activating the operation mode Hot RO I (at EcoRO Dia I HT) or Hot RO I+II (at EcoRO Dia II HT), hot water
is guided to the 1st (and 2nd) membrane stages. The temperature monitoring is carried out at TISHAH1
and TISAH2. Dialysis mode is only possible after the cooling phase has been completed.

IMPORTANT Dialysis mode is not possible during hot cleaning of the RO.

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7. Description of components

Part 1 • Chapter 7
7.1 Pipeline / Switch cabinet



Figure 7-1: Aquaboss® EcoRO Dia II HT front view

1. Main switch
2. Operating mode selection switch (position 1,0,2)
3. Display – 4 lines with 20 characters each
4. Display-guided key control
5. Butterfly valve K1 emergency mode, via 2nd stage, normal setting closed
6. Butterfly valve K3 emergency mode, via 1st stage, normal setting closed
7. Conductivity display (backlit)
8. “Dialysis mode” lamp
9. “Standby mode” lamp
10. “Rinsing” lamp
11. “Emergency mode” lamp
12. “fault” lamp

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7.2 Signal lamps

Part 1 • Chapter 7

• “Dialysis mode” lamp lights up

The system is in dialysis mode
• “Standby mode” lamp lights up
The system is in standby mode
• “Rinsing” lamp lights up
When IRS 1 is active
• “Emergency mode” lamp lights up
The control unit has failed. The system continues to product the full amount, however, since the
power supply has not failed. In this switching state, rinsing no longer occurs. Please contact the LMW
service department.
• “Alarm” lamp lights up
As soon as the fault lamp lights up, the type of fault appears on the display. Each fault is displayed
with a comment. Please locate the cause according to the process diagram → part 1, chapter 6.
Additional fault causes with comments are described in the text. During emergency mode
→ part 1, chapter 15, switch butterfly valves K1 and K3 according to the operating mode.

NOTICE If there is a power failure, operation is interrupted. This means shutdown occurs without
rinsing. Once power has been restored, the system starts with the operating mode it was
in when it switched off.

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7.3 Display and keyboard

Part 1 • Chapter 7
7.3.1 Main display with function keys
The parameters and operating states are shown on a 4-line LCD display.
To the right of the display are 2 LEDs which show either proper functioning (green) or an error/alarm (red).
Operator guidance by the display and the four keys provided is a simple and fast way of viewing and
changing the operating parameters (the values relevant to operation can only be changed by persons
authorized to do so by the manufacturer).
LMW advises proceeding with the help of the operating instructions when using the system for the first
time and when operators are not familiar with the system.

6 5 7

Figure 7-2: Display with function keys

1. LCD display, 4 lines

2. LED red, error/alarm
3. LED green, operation
4. Enter key (F4)
5. Setting keys (F2, F3)
6. Menu key, ESC (F1)
7. 'Heed the operating instructions' symbol

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7.3.2 Conductivity display

The conductivity display (→ part 1, chapter 7.1 “Pipeline / Switch cabinet”, pos. 7) is used to monitor the
Part 1 • Chapter 7

permeate quality. It shows the current conductivity of the produced permeate in the loop intake.
If the set limiting values are exceeded, a message is sent to the RO control unit.


1. Measurement unit
2. Temperature
3. Operating mode
4. Measured value
5. ▲ key Increase numerical value / Forward selection
6. ▼ key Decrease numerical value / Forward selection
7. <PGM> key Change level / Forward selection / Confirm selection
8. <EXIT> key Cancel entry / Exit level Measuring mode (normal display)

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 7
55,4 °F mg/l

1. Binary output (relay): displayed if K1 is active

2. Binary output (relay): displayed if K2 is active
3. Binary input: displayed if active
4. Keypad: displayed if locked
5. Instrument status:
ALARM (flashing): Broken sensor or over range, etc.
AL R1: Controller monitoring alarm from controller channel 1
AL R2: Controller monitoring alarm from controller channel 2
CALIB: Calibration mode active CALIB (flashing): Calibration timer elapsed
6. Output mode
MAN.: Manual mode and/or simulation mode active
HOLD: Hold mode active
7. Top display: Measured value calculated from the standard signal at the input example:
TDS → 3 mg/l = 3 ppm
Conductivity → 5,5 µS/cm
(Measured value and unit of the variable set by parameter “Top display”)
8. Bottom display: Temperature of the sample medium in °C or °F
(Measured value and unit of the variable set by parameter “Bottom display”)
9. Operating mode MEASURING: Standard measuring mode is active

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NOTICE To return to Measuring mode (MEASURING):

Part 1 • Chapter 7
• Press the <EXIT> key or wait for a “timeout”

NOTICE Further information of the program and details to electrical connections and calibration are
given in a separate manual of
“Transmitter/controller for conductivity,
TDS, resistance, temperature and standard signals”
Type 202552.

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8. Starting / Shutting down

Part 1 • Chapter 8
When the device is open:

WARNING High voltage

• Commissioning, operation and maintenance is only to be carried out by authorized, trained and
LMW-instructed skilled workers. Electrical work is to be carried out only after completely disconnecting
the system from the power supply and only by authorized, trained and instructed electricians.
• Read and carefully observe these operating instructions, especially the safety instructions → part 1,
chapter 1 ff. before starting up, operating and servicing the system.
• When putting into operation, check to make sure all water connections have been made properly
→ part 2, chapter 3 and that all connections are leakproof.

8.1 Machine start-up

Open the water feed (upstream of the system) and switch the system to ON at the main switch.
1. Switch operating mode selection switch to 1 (dialysis mode).
2. The control unit switches the pumps on and the system starts to produce permeate.

8.2 Interruption in production

The system can be left filled with water for a short time e.g. overnight, if it is not to be operated in the
standby mode.

NOTICE However, there is an increased risk of contamination in the system and loop in this case.

IMPORTANT After the RO has been at a standstill for > 72 hours, carrying out disinfection is recom-

The system should be switched on some time before the first dialysis to rinse out the system and loop.

8.3 Machine start-up after shutdown due to a fault

If the system is at a standstill due to a fault, the cause will be shown on the display. The cause of the fault
must be eliminated if possible → part 1, chapter 15.
The control system may need to be reset, depending on the problem. This is done by switching the main
switch off and on again or by pressing the reset key on the display.

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8.4 Putting the machine out of operation

Part 1 • Chapter 8

If the system is to be shut down for a longer period, it is recommended that the system be treated with

WARNING Please note → part 1, chapter 8.6 “Technical memo for PRESERVATION with sodium
metabisulphite” on preserving the system.

After a longer period of standstill, the system is put into operation again as described under → part 2,
chapter 3 “Work prior to commissioning”.

8.5 Return and disposal

Electrical medical devices are subject to the Guideline for used electric and electronic appli-
ances 2002/96 dated January 27, 2003, and have to be disposed of in an environmentally
friendly manner.
The medical device contains a battery. Used batteries should be recycled. The battery is
located on the CPU (PCB with display) in the switch cabinet door and can be lifted off the
PCB using a screwdriver.
Carry out the following steps:
1. Switch the main switch to “0”
2. Screw off the EMC cover
3. Replace the battery



Battery (1 pc. / item no. 40410)

Figure 8-1: Battery removal

In accordance with legislative regulations, Lauer Membran Wassertechnik GmbH offers to take back
systems it supplies and dispose of these as stipulated by legislation.

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8.6 Technical memo for PRESERVATION with sodium metabisulphite

Part 1 • Chapter 8
Protection against contamination and stabilization of reverse osmosis membranes
• Before preservation, rinse the membranes with good-quality water free of chlorine (dissolved solid
matter < 5.0 g/l). Use 120 litres of water for each 8-inch membrane.

Table 8-1: Filling volumes of preservative / antifreeze

Number of Sodium meta- MgCl Glycerin 86% Glycerin 86% Glycerin 86% Total volume of
modules bisulphite [gr] [gr] for -5°C [litres] for -9°C [litres] for -17°C [litres] liquid for RO [litres]

1 450 30 9.0 12.8 18.0 90

2 550 35 11.0 15.7 22.0 110

3 650 40 13.0 18.5 26.0 130

4 750 45 15.0 21.5 30.0 150

5 850 50 17.0 24.5 34.0 170

6 950 55 19.0 27.5 38.0 190

Preservation with sodium metabisulphite

• If biofouling of the membrane is not to be expected and if the membrane is to be protected for storage,
a solution with 0.5 wt./vol.% sodium metabisulphite can be used.
9.5% wt./vol.% glycerin must be added to guarantee frost protection down to -5°C / 23°F.
• It is helpful to produce a basic solution with sodium metabisulphite in a 20-fold concentration and to fill
the supply tank with this basic solution.
• 200–350 mg/l magnesium chloride (in the form of MgCl2) must be added to maintain membrane
stability if this solution is to be stored for longer than one month.
• Let the preservative solution circulate through the membrane. Recirculate the solution through the
mixing tank for one hour. The temperature must not exceed 35°C / 95°F.
• It is helpful here, too, to produce a basic solution with MgCl2 in a 20-fold concentration and to fill the
supply tank with this basic solution.
Emptying the supply tank
• Empty the mixing tank down the waste drain when the protective treatment has been completed.

NOTICE If the system is exposed to a temperature of 0°C / 32°F (during transport etc.), it must be
emptied completely (especially the membrane), as otherwise excess pressure due to water
anomaly could cause the pipelines and membrane to be destroyed.

• Only leave the preservative solution in the membrane after completing the steps above if the
membrane will not be subject to frost.
• To flush out the preservative solution (element 8040), a maximum permeate production and
a concentrate flow of at least 60 l/min (35–45 min) is required.
• Flushing can be terminated when the conductivity in the permeate (display) is 2–10 µS/cm /
1–5 ppm NaCl (depending on yield and raw water constitution).

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NOTICE During preservation, the system must be clearly marked with the following information:
Part 1 • Chapter 8

• Type of preservative
• Preservation date
• Contact to responsible doctor and operating personnel.

NOTICE After preservation, disinfection must be carried out according to → part 1, chapter 12 before
normal start-up.

NOTICE Preservation is recorded in a separate log provided for this purpose, as well as in the
medical device log (→ part 2, chapter 8).

NOTICE Sodium metabisulfite is sensible to oxygen! Without any air-contact the shelf life is
6 months. It is recommended to check the concentration of preservation agent monthly
and to renew its concentration if needed.

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8.6.1 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Part 1 • Chapter 8

Material Safety Data Sheet

Conforms to 93/112/EC and ISO 11014-1
Responsible Name Pierce Administration
Section 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product name Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
Product No. 0017878
Supplier In USA:In Europe: Manufacturer Pierce Biotechnology
Pierce Perbio Science P.O. Box 117
P.O. Box 117
Industriezone III Rockford, IL 61105
Rockford, IL 61105
Industrielaan 27 USA
USA 9320 Erembodegem-Aalst 815.968.0747 or
815.968.0747 or
Belgium 1.800.874.3723
Tel:+32 53 83 44 04
Fax:+32 53 83 76 38
In Case of Emergency CALL CHEMTREC: Print Date 11/11/2002
800.424.9300 Validation Date
202.483.7616 MSDS# 1275

Intended Use Refer to the instruction booklet for proper and intended use. Otherwise, contact supplier for specific applications.
Chemical name Magnesium dichloride hexahydrate

Section 2. Composition, Information on Ingredients

Substance/Preparation : Substance

Ingredient Name CAS No. % EC Number Symbol R-Phrases

1) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate 7791-18-6 98-100 Not available. Xi R36/37/38

Section 3. Hazards Identification

United States Review the most current and approved institutional guideline, protocol, standard operating procedure(s) and MSDS(s)
for the proper handling of institutional materials/equipment associated with the use of this product.
Emergency Overview WARNING!
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Keep container closed. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash
thoroughly after handling.

Routes of Entry Absorbed through skin. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Potential Acute Health Effects Hazardous in case of inhalation (lung irritant). Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, permeator), of eye contact
(irritant), of ingestion, .
Carcinogenic Effects Data CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.
Overexposure /Signs/Symptoms Not available.


Classification R36/37/38
Physical/chemical hazards Not applicable.
Human health hazards Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
Environmental hazards Not applicable.

See Toxicological Information (section 11)

Continued on Next Page

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Section 4. First Aid Measures

Notice to Reader Get immediate medical attention.

Effects and symptoms
Inhalation Hazardous in case of inhalation (lung irritant).
Ingestion Slightly hazardous in case of ingestion.
Skin Contact Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, permeator). Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling,
reddening, or, occasionally, blistering.
Eye Contact Slightly hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant).
Aggravating conditions Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.

First-Aid Measures
Inhalation If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical
Ingestion Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.
Skin Contact In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Remove
contaminated clothing and shoes. Cold water may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before
reuse. Get medical attention.
Eye Contact Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention.
Notes to Physician Not available.
Protection of first-aiders Not available.

Section 5. Fire Fighting Measures

Flammability of the Product Non-flammable.

Flash Points Not applicable.

Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Not applicable.


Fire Fighting Media Not applicable.

and Instructions
Protective Clothing (Fire) Not applicable.

Special Remarks on Fire Hazards Store under nitrogen. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes.

Hazardous thermal (de)composition Not applicable.


Section 6. Accidental Release Measures

Personal precautions Safety glasses. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves.

Environmental Precautions and Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal. Finish cleaning by spreading
Clean-up Methods water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate through the sanitary system.
Small Spill and Leak Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority

Section 7. Handling and Storage

Handling Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mists. Keep container closed. Use with
adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Storage Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Intended Use Refer to the instruction booklet for proper and intended use. Otherwise, contact supplier for specific applications.
Packaging materials

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Part 1 • Chapter 8
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
Suitable / Not suitable Use original container.

Section 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their
respective threshold limit value.

Exposure Limit Values

Ingredient Name Occupational Exposure Limits
United States
1) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate Not available.

1) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate Not available.

1) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate Not available.

1) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate Not available.

1) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate Not available.

1) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate Not available.

1) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate Not available.

Personal Protection
Eyes Splash goggles.
Body Lab coat.
Hands Gloves.
Respiratory Respirator is not needed under normal and intended conditions of use, if exposures are kept below established limits.
Protective Clothing

Section 9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical State and Liquid. Odor Not available.


Molecular Weight 203.33 g/mole Taste Not available.

Molecular Formula MgCl2.6H2O Color Clear

pH (1% Soln/Water) 7 [Neutral.]

Boiling/Condensation Point 117.78°C (244°F)
Specific Gravity 1.59 (Water = 1)
Dispersion Properties See solubility in water, methanol.

Solubility Easily soluble in cold water, hot water, methanol.

Insoluble in diethyl ether, n-octanol.

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Part 1 • Chapter 8

Section 10. Stability and Reactivity

Stability and Reactivity The product is stable.
Conditions to avoid Not available.
Materials to avoid Reactive with oxidizing agents, moisture.

Hazardous Decomposition Not applicable.


Section 11. Toxicological Information

Toxicity to Animals Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 2800 mg/kg [Rat.].

Chronic Effects on Humans Causes damage to the following organs: kidneys, the nervous system, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, upper
respiratory tract, skin, eyes.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans Hazardous in case of inhalation (lung irritant).
Slightly hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, .
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Not available.
Effects on Humans
Special Remarks on Other Toxic Material is irritating to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract.
Effects on Humans

Section 12. Ecological Information

Mobility Not available.

Persistence/degradability Not available.
Bioaccumulative potential Not available.
Ecotoxicity Not available.
Germany water class VCI WGK: No products were found.

Section 13. Disposal Considerations

Waste Information Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.
Waste Stream Not available.

Consult your local or regional authorities.

Section 14. Transport Information

Contact the supplier for all information regarding the proper transportation method for this material.

Section 15. Regulatory Information

Label Requirements

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Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

(Europe) R36/37/38- Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.

S26- In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.


HCS Classification Irritating substance.

U.S. Federal Regulations TSCA: No products were found.

SARA 302/304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances: No products were found.
SARA 302/304 emergency planning and notification: No products were found.
SARA 302/304/311/312 hazardous chemicals: No products were found.
SARA 311/312 MSDS distribution - chemical inventory - hazard identification: No products were found.
SARA 313 toxic chemical notification and release reporting: No products were found.
Clean Water Act (CWA) 307: No products were found.
Clean Water Act (CWA) 311: No products were found.
Clean air act (CAA) 112 accidental release prevention: No products were found.
Clean air act (CAA) 112 regulated flammable substances: No products were found.
Clean air act (CAA) 112 regulated toxic substances: No products were found.

WHMIS (Canada) Not controlled under WHMIS (Canada).

No products were found.

International Regulations

EINECS Not available.

DSCL (EEC) R36/37/38- Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.

International Lists Australia (NICNAS): Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

Germany water class: Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

Philippines (RA6969): Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

State Regulations No products were found.
California prop. 65: No products were found.

Section 16. Other Information

Hazardous Material Health * 1 National Fire Protection

Information System Association (U.S.A.) Fire Hazard
(U.S.A.) Fire Hazard 0 0
Reactivity 0
Health 1 0 Reactivity

Specific Hazard
Personal Protection g

References -Hawley, G.G.. The Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 11e ed., New York N.Y., Van Nostrand Reinold, 1987.
-SAX, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Indutrial Materials. Toronto, Van Nostrand Reinold, 6e ed. 1984.
-The Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data, Edition II.
History of Document Changes Any information changes since last document version are marked with a triangle symbol.

Continued on Next Page

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Full text of R-Phrases Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.

referenced under headings 2 and 3:

Intended Use Refer to the instruction booklet for proper and intended use. Otherwise, contact supplier for specific applications.

Validated by Pierce Administration on 11/4/2002. Verified by Pierce Administration. Date of Previous Issue No Previous
Printed 11/11/2002. Version 0.01
Notice to Reader
To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the above named supplier nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any
liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.
Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution.
Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist.

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Safety Data Sheet
Part 1 • Chapter 8

according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31

Printing date 14.04.2009 Revision: 05.09.2005

1 Identification of substance
- Product details
- Trade name Glyzerin 86,5% HP pflanzlich
- Article number: H1000124910200
- Application of the substance / the preparation Intermediate
- Manufacturer/Supplier:
Julius Hoesch GmbH & CO KG
Birkesdorfer Straße 5
52353 Düren - Hoven Tel. 02421/807-0

- Informing department: Product safety department
- Emergency information:
Poison Control Center, Mainz
Tel. 00 49 / 61 31 / 19 240

2 Hazards identification
- Hazard designation: void
- Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment
According to data we have to hand this product is no hazardous material according to the spirit of EC directives or
the German decree regarding hazardous materials in the latest valid version.

3 Composition/information on ingredients
- Chemical characterization
- Description: Glycerin, pflanzlich 86,5 %
- Dangerous components: Void
- Additional information EINECS 200-289-5

4 First aid measures

- General advice: In case of unconsciousness bring patient into stable side position for transport.
- After inhalation Supply fresh air; consult doctor in case of symptoms.
- After skin contact Wash with water.
- After eye contact Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. If symptoms persist, consult doctor.
- After swallowing Do not induce vomiting. Drink water in small gulps. Seek medical advice if symptoms persist.

5 Fire fighting measures

- Suitable extinguishing agents
CO2, extinguishing powder or water jet. Fight larger fires with water jet or alcohol-resistant foam.
- For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishing agents Water with a full water jet.
- Special hazards caused by the material, its products of combustion or flue gases:
Formation of toxic gases is possible during heating or in case of fire (carbon monoxide, acrolein).

* 6 In case of accidental release

- Person-related safety precautions: Wear protective clothing.
- Measures for environmental protection: Dilute with much water.
(Contd. on page 2)

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Safety Data Sheet

Part 1 • Chapter 8
according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31
Printing date 14.04.2009 Revision: 05.09.2005

Trade name Glyzerin 86,5% HP pflanzlich

(Contd. of page 1)
- Measures for cleaning/collecting:
Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomite, acid binders, universal binders, sawdust).

7 Handling and storage

- Handling
- Information for safe handling: The usual good standards of industrial hygiene should be maintained.
- Information about protection against explosions and fires: No special measures required.
- Storage Keep containers tightly closed. Store in cool, dry conditions.
- Requirements to be met by storerooms and containers: Store in cool location.
- Further information about storage conditions: Store in cool, dry conditions in well sealed containers.

* 8 Exposure controls and personal protection

- Components with critical values that require monitoring at the workplace:
56-81-5 glycerol (50-100%)
WEL () Long-term value: 10 mg/m³
- Additional information: The lists that were valid during the compilation were used as basis.
- Personal protective equipment
- Breathing equipment: Not required.
- Protection of hands: Protective gloves and protective skin cream.
- Material of gloves
Butyl rubber, BR
Nitrile rubber, NBR
The selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality and
varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.
- Penetration time of glove material
The exact break through time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has to be
The determined penetration times according to EN 374 part III are not performed under practical conditions.
Therefore a maximum wearing time, which corresponds to 50% of the penetration time, is recommended.
- Eye protection: Safety glasses recommended during refilling.

9 Physical and chemical properties:

- General Information
Form: Fluid
Colour: Colourless
Smell: Odourless
- Change in condition
Melting point/Melting range: ca. -10°C
Boiling point/Boiling range: ca. 130°C
- Flash point: 160°C
- Ignition temperature:
- Decomposition temperature: ab 130°C
(Contd. on page 3)

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Part 1 • Chapter 8

according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31

Printing date 14.04.2009 Revision: 05.09.2005

Trade name Glyzerin 86,5% HP pflanzlich

(Contd. of page 2)

- Critical values for explosion:

Lower: 0.9 Vol % (Reinkomp.)
- Density at 20°C 1.23 g/cm3
- Solubility in / Miscibility with
Water: Fully miscible
- Viscosity:
dynamic at 20°C: 136 mPas

10 Stability and reactivity

- Thermal decomposition / conditions to be avoided: To avoid thermal decomposition do not overheat.
- Materials to be avoided: oxidising agents, sulfuric acid, nitric acid
- Dangerous reactions Violent reaction with oxidizing agents

11 Toxicological information
- Acute toxicity:
- LD/LC50 values that are relevant for classification:
56-81-5 glycerol
Oral LD50 12600 mg/kg (rat)
- Primary irritant effect:
- on the skin: No irritant effect.
- on the eye: No irritant effect.
- Sensitization: No sensitizing effect known.
- Additional toxicological information:
The product is not subject to classification according to the calculation method of the General EC Classification
Guidelines for Preparations as issued in the latest version.
When used and handled according to specifications, the product does not have any harmful effects according to our
experience and the information we have to hand.

* 12 Ecological information:
- General notes:
Do not allow to enter drainage system, surface or ground water.
Water hazard class 1 (Self-assessment): slightly hazardous for water.

13 Disposal considerations
- Product:
The following advice is related to new material and not to any processed products.In case of a mixture with other
products other disposal methods may become necessary. If in doubt seek advice from product supplier or from local
- Waste disposal key number:
Since 01/01/99 the waste code numbers have not only been product-related but are also essentially application-
related. The valid waste code number of the application can be obtained from the European waste catalogue.
(Contd. on page 4)

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Safety Data Sheet

Part 1 • Chapter 8
according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31
Printing date 14.04.2009 Revision: 05.09.2005

Trade name Glyzerin 86,5% HP pflanzlich

(Contd. of page 3)

- Uncleaned packagings:
- Recommendation:
Rented packaging: After optimal emptying, close immediately and return to the supplier without cleaning. Care
should be taken that no other materials get into the packaging.
Other containers: After complete emptying and cleaning, send to be reconditioned or recycled.
- Recommended cleaning agent: Water, if necessary with cleaning agent.

14 Transport regulations:
- Land transport ADR/RID and GGVS/GGVE (cross-border/domestic)
- ADR/RID-GGVS/E Class: -

15 Regulations:
- Designation according to EC guidelines:
The product is not subject to identification regulations under EC Directives and the Ordinance on Hazardous
Materials (GefStoffV).
Observe the normal safety regulations when handling chemicals
- National regulations
- Technical instructions (air):
Class Share in %
NK 50-100
- Water hazard class:
Water hazard class 1 (self assessment according to German VwVwS (Regulations for water-hazardous substances):
slightly hazardous for water.

16 Other information:
These data are based on our present knowledge. However, they shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific
product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.
- Relevant R-phrases Void
- Department issuing data specification sheet: see item 1: Informing departement

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Part 1 • Chapter 8

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

9. Turning the system on

Part 1 • Chapter 9
Operating status and phase
wd ss:mm
EcoRO Dia II

To supply the system with power, insert the mains plug and turn the
main switch to ON.

Switch the operating mode switch to 0 = System off.

wd ss:mm
System off After an initial test of the control unit, the display will show the current operating
mode “System off”.

Operating mode switch, switch position 0:

Switch position 0 means the system is off, all fault messages are reset.

Operating mode switch, switch position 1:

Switch position 1 means dialysis mode.
The remote control input and menu 3 auto on/off are not taken into

Operating mode switch, switch position 2:

Switch position 2 means standby mode.
The remote control and menu 3 auto on/off can be used to switch
between standby mode and dialysis mode, emergency mode RO I,
emergency mode RO II.

Fault message
wd hh:mm
Alarm (wd. hh:mm:ss = weekday, day, month, year / hour, minute).
Menu Reset If a fault is determined in this mode of operation, the fault message
(“Alarm” or “Error”) is given in plain text.
Depending on the fault type, it can be acknowledged by pressing the >Reset<

NOTICE After the power supply has been interrupted, the system always switches to the mode of
operation that was last active.

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10. Dialysis mode

Part 1 • Chapter 10
Dialysis mode supplies the connected dialysis machines with permeate. (Among other things, the dialysis
machine dilutes haemodialysis concentrate to provide ready-to-use dialysate.)

NOTICE Disinfection is not permitted during dialysis.

Dialysis mode
wd ss:mm
Dialysis mode Dialysis mode begins when the operating mode switch is switched to
1 = System ON.
Menu Stdby
It is also possible to activate dialysis mode by switching the operating
mode switch to 2. In this case, dialysis mode can be activated using the
on/off function on the remote control and display key “Dial”.
The green function lamp “Dialysis” is lit.
Software option Standby only appears when dialysis mode is
activated in switch position 2.

During dialysis mode the rejection rate (RJ) is shown in percent.

wd ss:mm
Dialysis mode
It is calculated with the following equation:
RJ: XX,X % Feedwater TDS – Permeate TDS
Menu Stdby % Rejection (RJ) = *100
Feedwater TDS

Conductivity feedwater – Conductivity permeate
% Rejection (RJ) = *100
Conductivity feedwater

Fault message
wd hh:mm
Alarm 09 If a fault is determined in this mode of operation, a fault message
Text appears. The system may be switched off, depending on the type
of fault.

Impulse back washing (IRS)

During dialysis mode, impulse back washing of the 1st and 2nd stages is carried out according to the
operating times entered → part 1, chapter 14.2, “Parameters for dialysis mode”.
These modes of operation are not indicated on the display and do not affect permeate supply.

Temperature discharge
During temperature discharge, the concentrate is routed via Y9 into the drain system in order to lower the
water temperature in the system. The operator can use menu item 2 to activate or deactivate this mode
of operation (see → part 1, chapter 14.2). If temperature discharging is not activated and the fixed limit
temperature of 35°C has been reached, the system rinses for 3 minutes to drain. During this time the
system has to coole down, otherwise it stopps with a fault message.

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NOTICE RO performance depends on

Part 1 • Chapter 10

• Water temperature
• System pressure
• Quality of the raw water
• Pre-treatment
Changing these parameters changes the product quality.

IMPORTANT Product water quality depends on the quality of the feed water.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

11. Standby mode

Part 1 • Chapter 11
Standby mode is started by switching the operating mode selection switch to position 2 or, if it is already on
2, by using a remote control or the auto on/off function to switch the system to standby mode.

NOTICE Dialysis is not possible during “standby mode”.

You can switch to dialysis mode at any time by pressing the “Dial” key (F4) or turning the
operating mode selection switch to “1”.

When standby mode is activated, shut-off rinsing is carried out first. With activated IRS (menu 2), this
begins with impulse back washing of the 1st stage.
As a result, the risk of bacteria growth in the loop and on the membrane is minimized.

Operating phase shut-off rinsing / concentrate discharge

wd hh:mm
Standby mode The tank is emptied after shut-off rinsing.
Shut-off rinsing
Menu D/C Dial

The tank is filled in 2 steps.

wd hh:mm
Standby mode This is followed by a first intermediate rinsing.
Filling tank 1
Menu D/C Dial

Shut-off rinsing takes place within the following sequence of sub-proc-

wd hh:mm
Standby mode
esses: Shut-off rinsing – emptying tank – filling tank 1 – filling tank 2 –
Filling tank 2 intermediate rinsing.
Menu D/C Dial

Break operating phase

wd hh:mm
Standby mode After completion of the shut-off rinsing, a night pause is taken between
Break the intermediate rinsing operations.
Menu D/C Dial

Intermediate rinsing (flushing) operating phase

wd hh:mm
Standby mode The repeated intermediate rinsing operations are similar to dialysis
Intermediate flush mode. Permeate is produced and circulated through the loop. Perme-
Menu D/C Dial
ate tapping is not allowed, however.

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Standby mode temperature discharge

During temperature discharge in standby mode, the concentrate is routed via Y9 into the drain system in
Part 1 • Chapter 11

order to transmit the water temperature in the system. The operator can use menu item 4 to activate or
deactivate this mode of operation (see → part 1, chapter 14). If temperature discharging is not activated
and the fixed limit temperature of 35°C / 95°F has been reached, the system switches to the standby
At regular time intervals, the system checks the current water temperature in the standby intermediate
rinsing mode of operation. If the temperature drops below the limit value, the system continues standby
intermediate rinsing. The system switches back to the standby break if the value is above the limit.
During temperature discharge a potential water loss can not be noticed at the RO.

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12. Disinfection / Cleaning

Part 1 • Chapter 12
Disinfection of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is carried out
• After commissioning and flushing of the preservative
• As a preventative measure
• When the microbiological action, warning or alarm limits are attained or exceeded
• After opening the system for maintenance or repair work or other constructional intervention
With EcoRO Dia HT systems disinfection can be carried out either thermical or chemical. Both disinfection
procedures are equal regarding their effectiveness. However, thermal disinfection does not require a test
for remaining residual disinfectant before system is brought back into operation.

12.1 General points

WARNING The system may only be disinfected or cleaned during the dialysis-free period.
Acute risk of poisoning!
• The permeate must be disconnected from the dialysis machines before the disinfection
process is started.
• It must not be possible to carry out dialysis!

At the point of connection to potable water a backflow prevention (e.g. PPBA) must be installed!
The system must be disconnected completely from the mains supply line before disinfecting or cleaning
pretreatment. It is absolutely essential to disconnect the RO during disinfection or cleaning.

WARNING The RO must be disinfected if the germ count is found to be higher than normal
(action limit: 50 CFU/ml).

IMPORTANT After the RO has been at a standstill for > 72 hours, carrying out disinfection
is recommended.

WARNING An LMW reverse osmosis system may only be disinfected or cleaned by LMW-authorized
and trained personnel.

IMPORTANT Before disinfection or cleaning:

• The Hydrowatch on the membrane surge tank (DG) must be checked before each
disinfection or cleaning process. If the red indicator is visible, the loop must not be
• To increase the effectiveness of the disinfection process, it must be ensured that the
membrane modules are free of organic and chemical contamination. The membrane
modules must be cleaned beforehand with a commercial membrane cleaner to
remove hardness salts or iron deposits on the membrane.
• Chemical disinfectants must comply with FDA requirements (Chemical disinfectants
and antiseptics: test procedure for bactericide basic action).

IMPORTANT Hydraulic connection to municipal water supply must comply with local regulations!

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IMPORTANT LMW strongly recommends membrane cleaning prior to disinfection.

Part 1 • Chapter 12

Sealing product on membrane surfaces can irreversibly damage the membrane.

The following disinfectant (combination treatment) has been approved for the disinfection of
Aquaboss® reverse osmosis systems:
• Minncare Cold Sterilant (Minntech BV)
• Puristeril 340 (Fresenius Medical Care)

NOTICE Disinfection (or cleaning) is recorded in the respective log provided and in the medical
device log (→ part 2, chapter 8).

WARNING Dialysis is not permitted during disinfection or cleaning.

WARNING The warning instructions of the disinfectant or cleaning agent manufacturers must be
observed when these products are being used, and personal protective equipment must
be worn.

WARNING Acute risk of poisoning if disinfectants or cleaning agents are taken or administered.

12.2 Disinfection
Disinfection working steps
1. Rinse the RO system by starting standby mode.
2. Fill the supply tank with permeate.
3. Determine the system/loop volume to be disinfected (→ part 1, chapter 12, table 12-1 “Disinfectant
application concentration”).
4. Program sequence: See → “Program steps”.
5. The commercial preparation is to be provided as an approx. 2% solution for reliable water bacteria dis-
In this respect, a basic solution is used in the supply tank, where the concentration of the disinfectant
must not exceed 8% (otherwise the membrane would be damaged!). Consult LMW in the case of
proven contamination by fungi/yeast or spores.

IMPORTANT Make sure the contents are well mixed in the supply tank, because layers can form on the
bottom of the tank due to the different specific densities of the disinfectant and permeate.

6. The contents of the supply tank must be circulated until the concentration is the same in the loop
supply and return flow. (Aid: conductivity)

IMPORTANT Contamination in the water treatment system can lead to an unspecified disinfectant
reaction to occur which can greatly reduce the concentration of the effective disinfectant.
In certain cases, the amount of disinfectant needed can differ greatly from the calculated

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7. Following disinfection (DI), the reverse osmosis system and loop are flushed with permeate.

Part 1 • Chapter 12
The following tests are available for specifically testing for disinfectant residue:
– H2O2 (peroxide test – Merck item no. 10011) or
– Peroxyacetic acid (peroxyacetic acid test – Merck item no. 110084)
All permeate tapping points must be checked separately to make sure there is no disinfectant left in
the system. This check must be repeated to ensure there is no disinfectant left in the system after the
disinfected and rinsed RO has stood still for 30 minutes.

IMPORTANT The colouring of the test strips merely indicates that the disinfectant concentration is above
the limit to be determined by the test strip. It is not possible to determine the concentration
of a substance this way. The reaction time (with final concentration of disinfectant) is at least
15 minutes. The reaction time of the disinfectant in its diluted form on membranes must not
exceed 30 minutes and must be immediately followed by rinsing.

IMPORTANT Only use LMW-approved disinfectants.

Table 12-1: Disinfectant application concentration

LMW approved germicides Conc. pH

Minncare Cold Sterilant 1% 3.5
Minncare Cold Sterilant 3% 2.5

Minncare Cold Sterilant is delivered as a concentrate that has to be diluted with water to a 1% or
3% solution.
To calculate the consumption of Minncare Cold Sterilant you have to add the volumes EcoRo Dia II HT
to the volume of the loop (including the surge tank).
Volume of EcoRo Dia I/II (with 2 membranes): 94l
+ Volume of loop (100m with diameter = 20mm): 31l
+ Volume of surge tank 25l
Total 150l
Divided by 100 = 1.5l
You have to fill 1.5l Minncare Cold Sterilant in order to get a 1% solution in the overall system.
You have to fill 1.5l x 3 = 4.5l Minncare Cold Sterilant in order to get a 3% solution in the
overall system.
Volume of EcoRo Dia II HT mainly depends on the number of membranes.
Number of membranes Volume (l)
2 94
4 118
5 130
6 142
8 154

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12.2.1 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Part 1 • Chapter 12




14605 28TH AVENUE NORTH (612) 553-3300 (800) 328-3340
(703) 527-3887 (800) 424-9300

NFPA Hazard Ratings

Health: (Blue) 2 Flammability: (Red) 0

Reactivity: (Yellow) 1 Special Hazards: Corrosive

Catalog Number: 78325-100, 78325-400, 78325-300,
EPA Reg. Number: 52252-4
Trade Name: Minncare® Cold Sterilant



HYDROGEN 7722-84-1 22.0% 1 PPM 1 PPM

PERACETIC ACID 79-21-0 4.5% N/E N/E
ACETIC ACID 64-19-7 --- 10 PPM 10 PPM
WATER 7732-18-5 --- N/E N/E



50095-001/E GCO# 8038


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Part 1 • Chapter 12


Boiling Point (°C @ 760 mmHg): N/A

Melting Point (°C): N/A
Vapor Pressure (mmHg): N/A
Vapor Density (AIR=1): N/A
Specific Gravity (H2O=1): 1.13
Evaporation Rate: N/A
Solubility In Water: Complete
pH as concentrate: 1.3
Appearance and Odor: Clear, Colorless Liquid, Pungent Odor


Flash Point: N/A

Flammable Limits: N/A
Extinguishing Media: Water, Foam, CO2, Dry Chemicals
Fire Fighting Procedures: Wear self-contained breathing appratus
and full protective equipment. Dilute with
large volume of water.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: N/D


Symptoms of Exposure: Can cause burns to eyes, as evidenced by a temporary whitening

of the skin. Irritation to eyes skin, and mucous membranes.

Carcinogenicity: Not listed as a cancer causing agent.


EYES AND SKIN - Flush eyes with excess water at least 15 minutes. If burn or irritation has
occurred, see physician immediately. If clothing is contaminated, remove clothing, wash skin
and wash clothing before reusing.

INGESTION - If swallowed, drink large amounts of water. Do not attempt to induce vomiting.


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Part 1 • Chapter 12



Stability: Product is stable

Conditions to Avoid: Hot storage (>75°F).

Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.

Materials to Avoid: Heavy metals including iron, copper, copper alloys, brass,
and aluminum, salts, flammable organics, alkalis caustics
chlorine and formaldehyde.

Hazardous Decomposition: Oxygen and heat. Do not mix with chlorinated products
as this could liberate toxic corrosive chlorine gas.


Spill Response: Wash down area thoroughly with water, mop thoroughly.
Do not use absorbent to soak up spill.

Waste Disposal: To be performed in compliance with all current local,

state and federal regulations. Do not contaminate water,
food, or feed. Waste resulting from the use of this
product may be disposed of on site by diluting in a
sanitary sewer or at an approved waste disposal facility.

Handling and Storing: Keep container closed, but vented, when not in use.
Store in a cool, dry area (below 75°F).
Do not transfer product from original container and once
product has been removed, do not return to original


Respiratory Protection: If air contamination is above permitted levels, use

suitable respiratory protection. Use local exhaust.

Protective Covering: Protective gloves, either rubber or plastic, should be worn to

prevent skin contact. Glasses, goggles or face shield should be
worn at all times.

Rubber apron and rubber boots should be worn when

handling product, or coming in contact with carton, containers or

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

WARNING After disinfection, the dialysis personnel must check that there is no disinfectant in the

Part 1 • Chapter 12
system at each dialysis station before commencing dialysis.

WARNING At the point of connection to potable water a backflow prevention (e.g. PPBA) must be
The system must be disconnected completely from the mains supply line before disinfection
of the softener. It is absolutely essential to disconnect the RO during disinfection.

Program steps

NOTICE If total viable microbial counts in Aquaboss® EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) are monitored on
a monthly base disinfection must be carried out whenever the action limit for total viable
microbial counts is exceeded but latest after 3 months (after citric acid cleaning). If the RO
system is monitored less frequently, preventive disinfection on a monthly base is recom-
mended. However, when system has not been in use for more than 72 h (system off) we
recommend disinfection. Extra disinfection is always necessary when hydraulic parts have
been opened and/or changed.

The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) has a menu-guided disinfection program. The operator is guided step by step
through the program. Function and safety-related actions to be carried out by the operator are only
triggered after manual confirmation.
The disinfection times are set as described under → part 1, chapter 14.5 “Disinfection data, menu item 5”.

Disinfection of the device is triggered by pressing the function key D/C

wd ss:mm
Standby mode
in standby mode. After this, select either “Disinfection” or “Cleaning”.
Menu D/C Dial

After disinfection (DI) has been selected, this must be confirmed by

Disinfection (DI)
C) Cleaning
pressing the >5s < key. Then the supply tank is emptied and filled
D) Disinfection again.
Esc C D

Disinfection (DI)
Filling tank
please wait ...

any disinfectant

Filling with disinfectant

Disinfection (DI)
Fill in disinfectant After the disinfectant (see → part 1, chapter 12, table 12-1 “Disinfectant
application concentration” for type and amount) has been filled into the
supply tank, the next program step is initiated by pressing the > < key.

Recirculation mode
Disinfection (DI)
Recirculation mode In recirculation mode, the disinfectant is guided through all the pipe
DI xxµS xxx min branches by triggering the valves (and pumps).
During recirculation mode, the current conductivity is displayed in
µS/cm and the remaining time in minutes.

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Reaction mode
Part 1 • Chapter 12

Disinfection DI
Reaction time Following recirculation mode, the system automatically switches to
Time left ### min reaction mode.

Disinfection DI
Open valve PH2 When the reaction time has elapsed, the display calls for sampling cock
PH2 to be opened and the system to be switched to flushing operation
<< with key > <.

Flushing mode
Disinfection (DI)
Flushing mode Flushing is carried out in two alternating phases:
Time left ### min
<< 1. Flushing of the disinfectant with simultaneous emptying of the
supply tank
2. Filling of the supply tank while the system is at a standstill
If conductivity control is activated in disinfection operation (see
menu 5.5), the current conductivity at the end of the flushing process
is compared with the permeate quality before the start of disinfection.
If the current conductivity deviates by more than 25% or 2 µS/cm,
flushing is automatically repeated. If the deviation is < 25% or 2 µS/cm,
the request for the manual test “Check for residual disinfectant done?”
is displayed.

System request for checking for residual disinfectant

any disinfectant 15 minutes before the flushing operation is completed, a request is
left? made for a check on residual disinfectant. After the test for residual
<< disinfectant has been carried out on all sampling and permeate
tapping stations, the next step is initiated by pressing the >5s < key
(for 5 seconds).
any disinfectant

Repeating the flushing process

Disinfection (DI)
back to the If residual disinfectant is discovered, the flushing process including the
Flushing mode test for residual disinfectant is repeated by pressing the >yes< key.
yes no
This process must be repeated as often as necessary until the system
and the connected pipeline system are free of disinfectant.
As soon as this is the case, the >no< key is pressed to end the
disinfection process.

End of disinfection
Disinfection (DI)
Close valve PH2 After disinfection (DI) and subsequent shutdown rinsing, the system
returns to standby mode.
= end of DI

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12.3 Cleaning

Part 1 • Chapter 12
IMPORTANT Only use LMW approved cleaners!

12.3.1 Technical memos for CLEANING Aquaboss® reverse osmosis systems

Citric acid cleaning of 8" modules to remove metal hydroxides and calcium carbonate.
• Prior to the cleaning process: Rinse the system with permeate. 120 litres of permeate are required
for the complete rinsing of an 8" module.
• Put a 2% citric acid solution in the supply tank. The quantities of citric acid required can be found
in the following table. To prevent the pH value on the membrane from dropping below pH 2.0, we
recommend adding sodium hydroxide to the solution in the supply tank. (The addition of sodium
hydroxide does not influence the effectiveness of the citric acid since the calcium of the CaCO3 forces
the sodium out of the Ca citrate so that it enters the solution.) The recommended pH value for citric
acid cleaning is pH 4.0–4.2.

Table 12-2: Amounts of descaling agents required

Number of 8" modules Citric acid in kg Added NaOH ml (29%)

(8040) min. technical grade

1 0.8 400

Increasing the citric acid concentration by more than 2% does not increase the effectiveness of the rinsing
• Cleaning is carried out with the permeate valve closed and internal recirculation completely open.
• System pressure must not exceed 6 bar during rinsing with citric acid.
• Iron which has been deposited on the membrane is also released during citric acid rinsing. When the
citric acid solution becomes saturated with iron, it turns a reddish brown colour in the supply tank and
has to be replaced.
• After the acid rinsing has been completed, the system must be rinsed with water. For this, at least
150 litres of water per 8" element (or at least 1 hour of rinsing time) are required. Rinsing may only
take place at low pressure (6 bar / 87 psi).

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

12.3.2 Citric Acid Anhydrous (MSDS)

Part 1 • Chapter 12

Citric Acid Anhydrous

Material Safety Data Sheet

Preparation Date 22-Apr-2009 Revision Date 22-Apr-2009 Revision

Number 0


Product Name: Citric Acid Anhydrous Contact Manufacturer:

Tri-Chem Industries, Inc.
Product Code: 020410, 020420, 020440 PO Box 2056
Coppell, TX 75019
Synonyms: Telephone Number: 972-745-6875
Acido 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic. Aciletten. Acido beta-
Hydroxytricarballylic. Citrate. Citretten. Citronensaeure. NSC 30279. Emergency Telephone Number:
Acido 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic. E 330. Chemtrec 1-800-424-9300

Use of the Substance / Preparation:

Food additive


Emergency Overview
Irritating to eyes, Irritating to skin, Corrosive to metals (as aqueous solution).

Appearance White Colorless Physical State Solid Powder Odor Odorless

Potential Health Effects

Principle Routes of Exposure Eye contact, Skin contact, Inhalation, Ingestion.

Acute Effects
Eyes Contact with eyes may cause irritation.
Skin Avoid contact with skin. Prolonged skin contact may cause skin irritation.
Inhalation May cause irritation of respiratory tract.
Ingestion Ingestion may cause irritation to mucous membranes.

Chronic Effects Avoid repeated exposure.

Aggravated Medical Conditions No information available..
Potential Environmental Effects See Section 12 for additional ecological information.
Toxicological information See Section 11 for additional toxicological information.

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Revision Date 22-Apr-2009 020410, 020420, 020440 - Citric Acid Anhydrous


Chemical Family Acids

The following component(s) in this product are considered hazardous under applicable OSHA (USA), WHMIS (Canada), and/or
NOM-002-SCT-2003 (Mexico) regulations
Chemical Name CAS-No Weight % North American Hazard
Citric acid 77-92-9 99-100 yes


General Advice If symptoms persist, call a physician. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.

Eye Contact Immediately flush with plenty of water. After initial flushing, remove any contact lenses and
continue flushing for at least 15 minutes. Keep eyes wide open while rinsing. If symptoms
persist, call a physician.

Skin Contact Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water removing all contaminated clothes and

Inhalation Move to fresh air.

Ingestion Clean mouth with water and afterwards drink plenty of water.

Notes to Physician Treat symptomatically.

Protection of First-aiders Use personal protective equipment.


Flammable Properties Fine dust dispersed in air may ignite.

Suitable Extinguishing Media Dry chemical. Carbon dioxide (CO2 ). Water spray. Foam. Use
extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local
circumstances and the surrounding environment.

Unsuitable Extinguishing Media No information available.

Hazardous Combustion Products Carbon monoxide (CO), Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) , Thermal
decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and
Explosion Data
Sensitivity to mechanical impact No
Sensitivity to static discharge No

Specific Hazards Arising from the Chemical None known

Protective Equipment and Precautions for Firefighters

As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
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Part 1 • Chapter 12

Revision Date 22-Apr-2009 020410, 020420, 020440 - Citric Acid Anhydrous


Health 1 Stability and Reactivity 0

Flammability 1 Physical hazard -


Personal Precautions Use personal protective equipment.

Environmental Precautions Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Prevent product from entering drains.

Methods for Clean-up Pick up and transfer to properly labelled containers. Avoid dust formation. Keep in suitable,
closed containers for disposal.


Handling Wear personal protective equipment. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Handle in
accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Do not breathe vapours/dust.
Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation. Avoid dust formation in
confined areas. Fine dust dispersed in air may ignite.

Storage Keep containers tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated place. Keep in properly labelled


Exposure Limits
This product is not known to contain any hazardous materials with occupational exposure limits established by the region specific
regulatory bodies.

Engineering Measures Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas.

Personal Protective Equipment

Eye/face Protection Tightly fitting safety goggles.
Skin and Body Protection Long sleeved clothing, Boots, Impervious gloves.
Respiratory Protection Breathing apparatus with filter.

General Hygiene Considerations When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Regular cleaning of equipment, work area and

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
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Part 1 • Chapter 12
Revision Date 22-Apr-2009 020410, 020420, 020440 - Citric Acid Anhydrous


Appearance White Colorless Physical State Solid Powder

Odor Odorless Odor Threshold No information available

Flash Point 345°C / 653°F Autoignition Temperature 1010°C / 1850°F

Boiling point No information available Melting/Freezing Point 153°C / 307°F
Flammability Limits in Air No information available Explosion Limits No information available

pH 2.1 Vapor Pressure No information available

Water Solubility Soluble Specific Gravity No information available
Evaporation Rate No information available Vapor Density No information available
Density 1.665


Chemical Stability Stable under normal conditions.

Conditions to Avoid Incompatible products.

Incompatible Materials Amines. Heavy metals. Strong oxidizing agents. Strong bases.

Hazardous Decomposition Products No information available.

Possibility of Hazardous Reactions Hazardous polymerization does not occur.


Acute Toxicity

Product Information
LD50 Oral: 3000(rat) mg/kg
LD50 Dermal: No information available
LC50 Inhalation: No information available

Toxicology data for the components

Chemical Name Weight % LD50 Oral LD50 Dermal LC50 Inhalation
Citric acid 99-100 3000 mg/kg Rat

Chronic Effects
There are no known carcinogenic chemicals in this product.

OSHA: (Occupational Safety & Health Administration)

Not Listed
ACGIH: (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)
Not Listed
NTP: (National Toxicity Program)
Not Listed
Mexico: (Official Mexican Norm NOM-010-STPS-1999)
Not Listed
IARC: (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
Not Listed

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Part 1 • Chapter 12

Revision Date 22-Apr-2009 020410, 020420, 020440 - Citric Acid Anhydrous

Subchronic No information available. Irritation No information available.

Corrosivity Corrosive to metals (as aqueous solution). Sensitization No information available.
Neurological No information available. Mutagenic Effects No information available.
Reproductive No information available. Developmental No information available.
Effects Effects
Teratogenicity No information available. Target Organ No information available.


Environmental properties.
Chemical Name Acute Fish Toxicity Daphnia (Water flea) Fresh Water Algae
Citric acid 96 Hr LC50 Lepomis macrochirus: 72 Hr EC50 Daphnia magna: 120
1516 mg/L [static] mg/L

Chemical Name Weight % log Pow

Citric acid 99-100 -1.72

Persistence/Degradability Readily biodegradable.

Bioaccumulation/ Accumulation No information available.
Mobility Soluble.


Waste Disposal Methods Hazardous waste. Dispose of in compliance with the laws and regulations pertaining to this
product in your jurisdiction.

Contaminated Packaging Empty containers should be taken for local recycling, recovery or waste disposal.


Domestic transport regulations (USA)

DOT Not regulated

Domestic transport regulations (Canada)

TDG Not regulated

Domestic transport regulations (Mexico)

MEX Not regulated

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 1 • Chapter 12
Revision Date 22-Apr-2009 020410, 020420, 020440 - Citric Acid Anhydrous

International transport regulations

ICAO Not regulated

IATA Not regulated

IMDG/IMO Not regulated


International Inventories
The components of this product are reported in the following inventories:
Citric acid Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
201-069-1 2-1318 KE-20831

TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act, Section 8(b) Inventory (USA). DSL - Domestic Substance List (Canada). NDSL - Non
Domestic Substances List (Canada). EINECS - European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EU). ELINCS -
European List of Notified Chemical Substances (EU). AICS - Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (Australia). ENCS -
Existing and New Chemical Substances (Japan). CHINA - Chinese Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (China). PICCS -
Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances (Philippines). KECL - Korean Existing and Evaluated Chemical Substances (Korea).
NZLoC - New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals (New Zealand)

Federal Regulations
Ozone Depleting Substances:
No Class I or Class II material is known to be used in the manufacture of, or contained, in this product.

SARA 313
Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product is not known to contain any
chemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Act or regulations contained in 40 CFR 372.

SARA 311/312 Hazardous Categorization

Acute Health Hazard Yes
Chronic Health Hazard No
Fire Hazard No
Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard No
Reactive Hazard No

Clean Air Act, Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) (see 40 CFR 61)
This product is not known to contain any HAPs.

State Regulations
California Proposition 65
Proposition 65 chemicals are not expected to be found in this product above those naturally present in their agricultural source.
Proposition 65 exempts naturally occurring listed chemicals from an obligation to label.

State Right-to-Know
No known components subject to "Right-To-Know" legislation in the following States:
Chemical Name Weight % Illinois Massachusetts New Jersey Pennsylvania Rhode Island
Citric acid 99-100 No No No No No

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
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Part 1 • Chapter 12

Revision Date 22-Apr-2009 020410, 020420, 020440 - Citric Acid Anhydrous

WHMIS Product Classification
Class E: Corrosive Material.

WHMIS Ingredient Disclosure List IDL

Component Information
Chemical Name Weight % WHMIS IDL Threshold limits
Citric acid 99-100 Listed 1%

(NPRI) Canadian National Pollutant Release Inventory

No known component is listed on NPRI.

This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the SDS
contains all the information required by the CPR.

Mexico - Grade Slight risk, Grade 1


Prepared By Specialty Food Ingredients

Preparation Date 22-Apr-2009

Revision Date 22-Apr-2009

Revision Summary Implementation into software system.

The information provided on this (M)SDS is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its
publication. The information given is designed only as a guide for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation,
disposal and release and is not to be considered as a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the
specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other material or in any
process, unless specified in the text.

End of (M)SDS

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

12.3.3 Sodium Hydroxide, 30% (MSDS)

Part 1 • Chapter 12
Material Safety Data Sheet
Sodium Hydroxide, 30%

1. Product and company identification

Product name : Sodium Hydroxide, 30%
Product code : 1.43321
Supplier : EMD Chemicals Inc.
480 S. Democrat Rd.
Gibbstown, NJ 08027
856-423-6300 Technical Service
Monday-Friday: 8:00 -5:00 PM
Synonym : None.
Material uses : Other non-specified industry: Analytical reagent.
Validation date : 1/28/2010.
In case of emergency : 800-424-9300 CHEMTREC (USA)
613-996-6666 CANUTEC (Canada)
24 Hours/Day: 7 Days/Week

2. Hazards identification
Emergency overview : DANGER!
Do not breathe vapor or mist. Do not ingest. Do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing.
Use only with adequate ventilation. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready
for use. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Physical state : Liquid.
OSHA/HCS status : This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
(29 CFR 1910.1200).
Routes of entry : Dermal contact. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.
Inhalation : Toxic by inhalation. Severely corrosive to the respiratory system.
Ingestion : Very toxic if swallowed. May cause burns to mouth, throat and stomach.
Skin : Severely corrosive to the skin. Causes severe burns.
Eyes : Severely corrosive to the eyes. Causes severe burns.
Potential chronic health effects
Carcinogenicity :No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Mutagenicity :No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Teratogenicity :No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Developmental effects :No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Fertility effects :No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Target organs :Contains material which may cause damage to the following organs: lungs, upper
respiratory tract, skin, eyes.
Medical conditions : Pre-existing disorders involving any target organs mentioned in this MSDS as being at
aggravated by over- risk may be aggravated by over-exposure to this product.
See toxicological information (section 11)

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Part 1 • Chapter 12

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3. Composition/information on ingredients
Name CAS number % by weight
Water 7732-18-5 70
Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 30

4. First aid measures

Eye contact : Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water
for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical
attention immediately.
Skin contact : In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes
while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Clean
shoes thoroughly before reuse. Get medical attention immediately.
Inhalation : Move exposed person to fresh air. If not breathing, if breathing is irregular or if
respiratory arrest occurs, provide artificial respiration or oxygen by trained personnel.
Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention
Ingestion : Call medical doctor or poison control center immediately. Wash out mouth with water.
Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give
anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.

5. Fire-fighting measures
Flammability of the product : In a fire or if heated, a pressure increase will occur and the container may burst.
Extinguishing media : Use an extinguishing agent suitable for the surrounding fire.
Not suitable : None known.
Special exposure hazards : Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident if
there is a fire. No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable
Hazardous thermal : Decomposition products may include the following materials:
decomposition products metal oxide/oxides
Special protective : Fire-fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment and self-contained breathing
equipment for fire-fighters apparatus (SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure mode.

6. Accidental release measures

Personal precautions : No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training.
Evacuate surrounding areas. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from
entering. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Do not breathe vapor or mist.
Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is
inadequate. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see section 8).
Environmental precautions : Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains
and sewers. Inform the relevant authorities if the product has caused environmental
pollution (sewers, waterways, soil or air).
Methods for cleaning up
Spill : Stop leak if without risk. Move containers from spill area. Approach release from
upwind. Prevent entry into sewers, water courses, basements or confined areas.
Contain and collect spillage with non-combustible, absorbent material e.g. sand, earth,
vermiculite or diatomaceous earth and place in container for disposal according to local
regulations (see section 13). Dispose of via a licensed waste disposal contractor.
Contaminated absorbent material may pose the same hazard as the spilled product.
Note: see section 1 for emergency contact information and section 13 for waste
disposal. Dilute with water and mop up if water-soluble or absorb with an inert dry
material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container.

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 1 • Chapter 12
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7. Handling and storage

Handling : Do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing. Do not breathe vapor or mist. Do not ingest.
Use only with adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is
inadequate. Keep in the original container or an approved alternative made from a
compatible material, kept tightly closed when not in use. Empty containers retain
product residue and can be hazardous. Do not reuse container.
Storage : Store in accordance with local regulations. Store in original container, protected from
direct sunlight. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. Containers
that have been opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection

Ingredient Exposure limits
Sodium Hydroxide ACGIH (United States).
CEIL: 2 mg/m³
OSHA (United States).
CEIL: 2 mg/m³
ACGIH TLV (United States, 1/2008).
C: 2 mg/m³
OSHA PEL 1989 (United States, 3/1989).
CEIL: 2 mg/m³
NIOSH REL (United States, 6/2008).
CEIL: 2 mg/m³
OSHA PEL (United States, 11/2006).
TWA: 2 mg/m³ 8 hour(s).

Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Engineering measures : Use only with adequate ventilation. Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation or
other engineering controls to keep worker exposure to airborne contaminants below any
recommended or statutory limits.
Hygiene measures : Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, before
eating, smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period. Appropriate
techniques should be used to remove potentially contaminated clothing. Wash
contaminated clothing before reusing. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers
are close to the workstation location.
Personal protection
Respiratory : Use a properly fitted, air-purifying or air-fed respirator complying with an approved
standard if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Respirator selection must be
based on known or anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the safe
working limits of the selected respirator.
Hands : Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be
worn at all times when handling chemical products if a risk assessment indicates this is
necessary. Recommended: nitrile rubber
Eyes : Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used when a risk
assessment indicates this is necessary to avoid exposure to liquid splashes, mists or
dusts. Recommended: splash goggles
Skin : Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task being
performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before handling
this product.
Recommended: safety apron
Environmental exposure : Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure they
controls comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. In some cases,
fume scrubbers, filters or engineering modifications to the process equipment will be
necessary to reduce emissions to acceptable levels.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 1 • Chapter 12

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9. Physical and chemical properties

Physical state : Liquid.
Color : Colorless.
Odor : Odorless.
pH : Not available.
Boiling/condensation point : Not available.
Melting/freezing point : Not available.
Relative density : Not available.
Vapor pressure : Not available.
Vapor density : Not available.
Odor threshold : Not available.
Evaporation rate : Not available.
Solubility : Soluble in the following materials: water

10 . Stability and reactivity

Chemical stability : The product is stable.
Possibility of hazardous : Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not occur.
Hazardous polymerization : Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous polymerization will not occur.
Conditions to avoid : No specific data.
Materials to avoid : Reactive or incompatible with the following materials: organic materials, metals, acids
and moisture.
Hazardous decomposition : Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous decomposition products should
products not be produced.
Conditions of reactivity :
Explosive in the presence of the following materials or conditions: metals.

11 . Toxicological information
Acute toxicity
Product/ingredient name Test Route Species Result
Sodium Hydroxide LDLo Oral Rabbit 500 mg/kg
No known significant effects or critical hazards.
No known significant effects or critical hazards.
No known significant effects or critical hazards.

12 . Ecological information
Aquatic ecotoxicity
Product/ingredient name Result Species Exposure
Sodium Hydroxide Acute EC50 40.38 to Daphnia - Water flea - 48 hours
47.13 mg/L Fresh water Ceriodaphnia dubia -
Neonate - <24 hours
Acute LC50 33000 to Crustaceans - Common 48 hours
100000 ug/L Marine water shrimp, sand shrimp -
Crangon crangon - Adult
Acute LC50 125000 ug/L Fish - Western mosquitofish 96 hours
Fresh water - Gambusia affinis - Adult
Environmental effects : No known significant effects or critical hazards.

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Part 1 • Chapter 12
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13 . Disposal considerations
The information presented only applies to the material as supplied. The identification based on characteristic(s) or listing
may not apply if the material has been used or otherwise contaminated. It is the responsibility of the waste generator to
determine the toxicity and physical properties of the material generated to determine the proper waste identification and
disposal methods in compliance with applicable regulations. Disposal should be in accordance with applicable regional,
national and local laws and regulations.

14 . Transport information
Regulatory UN number Proper shipping Classes PG* Label Additional
information name information
DOT Classification UN1824 SODIUM 8 II -


PG* : Packing group

15 . Regulatory information
United States
HCS Classification : Highly toxic material
Corrosive material
Target organ effects
U.S. Federal regulations : United States inventory (TSCA 8b): All components are listed or exempted.
TSCA (Toxic Substance Control Act): This product is listed on the TSCA Inventory.
SARA 302/304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances: No products were found.
SARA 302/304 emergency planning and notification: No products were found.
SARA 302/304/311/312 hazardous chemicals: Sodium Hydroxide
SARA 311/312 MSDS distribution - chemical inventory - hazard identification:
Sodium Hydroxide: Immediate (acute) health hazard
Clean Water Act (CWA) 307: No products were found.
Clean Water Act (CWA) 311: Sodium Hydroxide
Clean Air Act (CAA) 112 accidental release prevention: No products were found.
Clean Air Act (CAA) 112 regulated flammable substances: No products were found.
Clean Air Act (CAA) 112 regulated toxic substances: No products were found.
DEA List I Chemicals : Not listed
(Precursor Chemicals)
DEA List II Chemicals : Not listed
(Essential Chemicals)
Connecticut Carcinogen : None of the components are listed.
Connecticut Hazardous : None of the components are listed.
Material Survey
Florida substances : None of the components are listed.
Illinois Chemical Safety Act : None of the components are listed.
Illinois Toxic Substances : None of the components are listed.
Disclosure to Employee Act
Louisiana Spill : None of the components are listed.
Louisiana Reporting : None of the components are listed.
Massachusetts Spill : None of the components are listed.
Massachusetts Substances : The following components are listed: Sodium Hydroxide
Minnesota Hazardous : None of the components are listed.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
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Part 1 • Chapter 12

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15 . Regulatory information
Michigan Critical Material : None of the components are listed.
New Jersey Toxic : None of the components are listed.
Catastrophe Prevention Act
New Jersey Spill : None of the components are listed.
New Jersey Hazardous : The following components are listed: Water; Sodium Hydroxide
New York Toxic Chemical : None of the components are listed.
Release Reporting
New York Acutely : The following components are listed: Sodium hydroxide
Hazardous Substances
Pennsylvania RTK : The following components are listed: Sodium Hydroxide
Hazardous Substances
Rhode Island Hazardous : None of the components are listed.
WHMIS (Canada) : Class D-1B: Material causing immediate and serious toxic effects (Toxic).
Class E: Corrosive material
Canadian lists : CEPA Toxic substances: None of the components are listed.
Canadian ARET: None of the components are listed.
Canadian NPRI: None of the components are listed.
Alberta Designated Substances: None of the components are listed.
Ontario Designated Substances: None of the components are listed.
Quebec Designated Substances: None of the components are listed.
CEPA DSL / CEPA NDSL : All components are listed or exempted.
This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the
MSDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations.
EU regulations
Risk phrases : This product is not classified according to EU legislation.
International regulations
International lists : Australia inventory (AICS): All components are listed or exempted.
China inventory (IECSC): Not determined.
Japan inventory (ENCS): All components are listed or exempted.
Japan inventory (ISHL): Not determined.
Korea inventory (KECI): All components are listed or exempted.
New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals (NZIoC): Not determined.
Philippines inventory (PICCS): All components are listed or exempted.

16 . Other information
National Fire Protection :
Association (U.S.A.)

0 Flammability
Health 3 0 Instability

Notice to reader
The statements contained herein are based upon technical data that EMD Chemicals Inc. believes to be reliable,
are offered for information purposes only and as a guide to the appropriate precautionary and emergency handling
of the material by a properly trained person having the necessary technical skills. Users should consider these
data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of
suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use, storage and disposal of these
materials and the safety and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. EMD

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Part 1 • Chapter 12
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16 . Other information

12.3.4 Cleaning (C) working steps

The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) has a menu-guided cleaning program. The operator is guided step by step
through the program. Function and safety-related actions to be carried out by the operator are only
triggered after manual confirmation.
The cleaning times are set as described in → part 1, chapter 14.6 “Cleaning data, menu item 6”.

Cleaning is triggered by pressing the function key D/C in standby mode.

Disinfection (DI)
After this, select either “Disinfection” or “Cleaning”.
C) Cleaning
D) Disinfection After cleaning (C) has been selected, this must be confirmed by pressing
Esc C D
the -> 5s key. Then the supply tank is emptied and filled again.

Cleaning must be started again by pressing the >5s->> key for

Cleaning (C)
5 seconds.
Cleaning (C)
Esc 5s ->

After cleaning has been selected, the supply tank is emptied and filled
Cleaning (C)
Filling tank
please wait ...

Filling the cleaning agent

Cleaning (C)
Fill in cleaner After the cleaning agent has been filled into the supply tank, the next
<< program step is initiated by pressing the “->” key.

Recirculation mode
Cleaning (C)
Recirculation mode In recirculation mode, the cleaning agent is guided through all the pipe
Time left ### min branches by triggering the valves (and pumps).
During recirculation mode, the remaining time in minutes is displayed.

Reaction mode
Cleaning (C)
Reaction time The purpose of reaction mode is to loosen the contamination. It automat-
Time left ### min. ically follows recirculation mode according to time-related specifications
which can be programmed as detailed in → part 1, chapter 14.5. The
remaining time of reaction mode is displayed in minutes.
Please heed the concentration and reaction time specified by the
manufacturer of the cleaning agent!

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Part 1 • Chapter 12

Cleaning (C)
Open valve PH2 When the reaction time has elapsed, the display calls for sampling cock
PH2 to be opened and the system to be switched to flushing operation.

Flushing mode
Cleaning (C)
Flushing mode Flushing is carried out in two alternating phases:
Time left ### min
<< 1. Flushing of the cleaning agent with simultaneous emptying of the
supply tank
2. Filling of the supply tank while the system is at a standstill

System request for checking for residual cleaning agent

any cleaner 15 minutes before the flushing operation is completed, a request is
left? made for a check on residual cleaning agent.
After the test for residual cleaning agent has been carried out on all
sampling and permeate tapping stations, the next step is confirmed by
pressing the -> 5s key (for 5 seconds).
any cleaner

Repeat flushing operation

Cleaning (C)
back to the If residual cleaning agent is discovered, the flushing process must be
Flushing mode repeated by pressing the >yes< key in the following window. This
Yes No process can be repeated as often as necessary until the system and
the connected pipeline system are free of cleaning agent.
If no more cleaning agent can be found at any sampling or tapping valve,
Cleaning (C) the cleaning process is concluded by pressing the >no< key.
Close valve PH2
= end of cleaning

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

13. Hot disinfection

Part 1 • Chapter 13
Hot-water disinfection is a chemical-free supplement to tried-and-trusted methods of disinfection which
optimises the microbiological quality of the permeate. Hot cleaning is carried out in standby operation.

NOTICE Hot disinfection is not possible in the “off” operating state.

NOTICE Effectiveness of the system in killing bacteria can only be achieved at temperatures
> 80°C and a contact time of min. 20 minutes.

13.1 Hot disinfection of the loop

An additional external hot disinfection system (e.g. Aquaboss® HotRinse SMART) makes it possible to
sanitise the loop with hot water.
Since permeate from reverse osmosis can be supplied in this operating state and no dialysis operation is
permitted, the activated hot cleaning is indicated in the display of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT).

IMPORTANT Only use heat resistant materials for the fluid pathway to be disinfected with hot water.

13.2 Hot disinfection of the loop and reverse osmosis

Regular hot disinfection can be triggered automatically through the weekly program ( see Menu 12,
Automatic operation) or started manually ( see Menu 12, Manual operation).
The basic requirement for implementation is always standby operation of the reverse osmosis system and
release through the external hot disinfection system.


Active hot cleaning is indicated in the display. A distinction is made

wd ss:mm
Hot rinse
between the operating phases “heat up”, “hold temperature” and “cool
enabled down”.
Menu Dial
In addition, the current operating temperature(s) are indicated on the
reverse osmosis system (TISAH1, TISAH2).
( see process diagram 6-5)

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

1. Operating displays for Hot RO I

Part 1 • Chapter 13

“Heat up” operating phase

wd ss:mm
HotRO I Heating The temperature measurements at the sensors TISAH1and TISAH2
Menu Cool Dial are indicated alternately.

“Hold temperature” operating phase

wd ss:mm
HotRO I Hold temp.
Menu Cool Dial

“Cooling” operating phase

wd ss:mm
HotRO I Cooling
Menu Dial

2. Operating displays for Hot RO I + II

“Heat up” operating phase

wd ss:mm
HotRO I/II heating The temperature measurements of the sensors TISAH 1 and TISAH2
TISAH2 XXX°F are indicated alternately.
Menu Cool Dial

“Hold temperature” operating phase

wd ss:mm
HotRO I/II hold temp
Menu Cool Dial

“Cooling” operating phase

wd ss:mm
Cooling HotROI/II
Menu Dial

Dialysis operation is only possible once the complete system has reached the pre-programmed cooling
temperature ( see Menu 12).

NOTICE The cooling down phase after hot sanitation can take up to 3 hours.

Part 1 • Page 13-2 Hot disinfection Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

14. Menu selection

Part 1 • Chapter 14
When >Menu< is selected, the key data shown are listed.
1 Specifications
2 Prm dialysis mode Certain program items have a separate method for display and input.
3 Auto on/off This is shown by selecting the respective menu sub-item as follows>
4 Prm Standby mode
5 DI data
A) Display and
6 Cleaning data B) Entry
7 RO start options When >Display< is selected, the set key data of the sub-menu can be
8 Passwords
9 Date/time
10 Choose system When >Entry< is selected, you will requested to enter an access code.
11 Op. hours meter Permitted codes are:
12 HotRO
13 Service mode Password 1 (default setting = 2232)
14 Reserve Password 2 (xxxx customer-specific)
15 Fault history
The parameters of the respective sub-menu can be changed here.
<< OK The code is set digit by digit by using function keys >+< and >–< and is
confirmed by pressing >Enter<.
Parameters that are related to the system's functional safety and parame-
ters used by technical service personnel for checking system functions are
password-protected and may only be changed by authorized personnel.

14.1 Specifications, menu item 1

The most important process parameters can be viewed in this menu item.
Cond. permeate
Water temperature The corresponding information is shown on the display by selecting
Operating press. RO the respective parameter using the arrow keys > < and > < and then
Flow rate confirming selection by pressing the OK function key.
Ov. Quant. of water Selecting the menu item
Ov. Quant. of water << Switches to the previous menu
Current flow
CD raw water !Changed data are transferred!
<< OK
Cursor up/ Change values
Cursor down/ Change values
OK Activate selection

Cond permeate:
Displays the conductivity of the permeate in the feed pipe to the loop.
The conductivity is temperature compensated acc. ASTM D 1125-95
Water temperature:
Displays the temperature in the feed pipe to the supply tank (TISAH1)
and – with the HotRO option – in the concentrate (TISAH2)
Operating pressure RO:
(Option with Aquaboss® Vision)
System pressure indication:
PI2 (concentrate, 1st stage): in bar / psi
PI3 (permeate, 1st stage): in bar / psi
PI4 (concentrate, 2nd stage): in bar / psi
Flow rate:
Volume flows
FISCAL 1 permeate feed in loop [l/h]
FISCAL 2 permeate return [l/h]
FISCAL 3 concentrate in channel [l/h]

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

WCF (water conversion factor = water yield of permeate per water feed) [%]
Part 1 • Chapter 14

Ov.Quant.of water;
Consumption [l/h]
Concentrate [l/h]
CD raw water CIS1 in µS/cm
Total water amount: Total volume flow
Ov. Quant. of water
FISCAL1:######.##qm FISCAL 1 permeate feed [qm]
FISCAL2:######.##qm FISCAL 2 permeate return [qm]
FISCAL3:######.##qm FISCAL 3 concentrate [qm]

Total water amount Y9: Concentrate discharge to drain [cbm]

Current flow: Current concentrate discharge in channel via (Y9) [l/h]

14.2 Parameters for dialysis mode, menu item 2

The RO device data parameters are set locally during commissioning.
The standard values (default settings) of the device data to be set are shown here in each sample display
and are adapted locally to the operating conditions and logged during commissioning. If these settings are
changed, it is useful to record the values with the date of change.

IMPORTANT Entering incorrect values can endanger the proper functioning of the control system.

Selecting the menu item

2 Prm dialysis mode
A) Display << Switches to the previous menu
B) Entry
<< Enter !Changed data are transferred!
Cursor up/ Change values
Cursor down/ Change values
OK Activate selection

When the key >Prm dialysis mode< is pressed, the key data shown
Interval RO II
Pressure build-up RO II are listed
Flush time RO II The functions and ranges are explained below
Interval RO I
Pressure build-up RO I Type-specific parameters are only displayed for the respective system
Flush time RO I model.
Impulse rinse
Limit temperature Example:
Economy mode RO Interval RO II => only for EcoRO Dia II
Water hardness
In c.o. hard water al
Overrun dialysis
Temp. discharge
Open Y9 when fault
Cond. alarm by
Maintenance interval
Change prefilter
MB samples
Timer reset
Cell/cond. raw water
<< Enter

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Parameter Function Range Default setting

Part 1 • Chapter 14
Interval RO II: Time interval for impulse back washing of RO II 0…180 min 60 min

Pressure build-up RO II: Duration of pressure build-up 0…15 sec 5 sec

Flush time RO II: Duration of flush 0…15 sec 5

Interval RO I: Time interval for impulse back washing of RO I 0…180 min 15 min

Pressure build-up RO I: Duration of pressure build-up 0…15 sec 5 sec

Flush time RO I: Duration of flush 0…15 sec 5

Impulse back washing: Activate/deactivate impulse back washing 1 (on) / 0 (off) 1

Limit temperature: Limit temperature for feed; forced discharge is initiated if 15…38°C 38°C

Yield (WCF): Concentrate discharge results from the preset yield (quotient 50…90 % 75% (EcoRO
of permeate volume flow and soft water consumption); Dia II (HT))
depending on the water quality, the yield can be set high with- 60% (EcoRO
out a reduction in permeate quality or membrane functionality Dia I (HT))

Economy mode RO: Switch on/off pumps M2, M3 depending on the current 0…5000 l/h M4 off 650 l/
water consumption M3 off 450 l/h
M2 off 250 lh

Water hardness: Limit value of the ext. hard water alarm 0…26 °dH 26 °dH
1 °dH (German hardness degree)
= 1.78 °f (French hardness degree)
= 1.253 °e (English hardness degree)
= 1.042 gpg CaCO3
= 17.8 ppm CaCO3

In case of hard water If a hard water alarm occurs, the concentrate is discharged 0…180 sec 60 sec
alarm: after an adjustable time (see the note → page 14-5).

Delay: The hard water alarm is recorded with a delay time of x sec 0…180 sec 60 sec

Overrun dialysis Independent of real-time programming in automatic mode 0…180 min 0 min
dialysis can continue to run for an adjustable time. Run-on
time ajustable in menu 2.15
Switch position 1 – no reaction
Switch position 2 – if the RO is switched from dialysis mode to
standby mode by means of the remote control input DI27 or
the display key Stby, it runs on for the time set in menu 2.25.
Settings in menu 3 auto on/off are not taken into account
Setting menu 2.15 – Run-on time dialysis = 30 minutes
Setting menu 3 auto on/off = Start 07:00, End 16:00
• System in dialysis mode
• At 15:45 the remote control input DI27 is pressed to switch
from dialysis mode to standby mode
• System only switches to standby mode at 16:15

Temp. discharge When a limit temperature is reached in the permeate, the 1(yes)/ 0(no) 1
dialysis: permeate can be discharged in the loop return in order to
lower the temperature by adding fresh soft water

START 20 to 35°C / 95°F 35°C / 95°F

STOP 20 to 35°C / 95°F 33°C / 91.4°F

Open Y9 when fault; If an error/alarm occurs, the concentrate is discharged via Y9. Open: Open: 10 sec
The duration of opening (open) and closing (closed) of valve 0…30 sec Closed: 10 sec
Y9 can be selected. Closed:
0…30 sec

Conductivity alarm: Limit value for alarm 9 message (conductivity too high) 5…60 µS/cm 30 µS/cm
3…30 ppm 15 ppm

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Parameter Function Range Default setting

Part 1 • Chapter 14

Maintenance interval: Time interval for the reminder to carry out 6, 12, 24 months 12 months
system maintenance

Change pre-filter: Time interval for the reminder to change the pre-filter 0…8 weeks 8 weeks

MB sampling Time interval for the reminder to carry out microbiological 1…12 months 1 month
sampling (germ sample)

Timer reset After maintenance work, a filter change or a germ sample,

the date for the next action to be carried out is updated
• Maintenance interval
• Change pre-filter
• MB sampling

Cell/cond. raw water 0,05…0,50 1/cm adjustment

NOTICE With hard water alarm, the discharge is automatically coupled to the degree of hardness.

Hardness degree °dH ppm CaCO3 WCF

0–5 0–89 60 % 1 °dH (German hardness degree)
= 1.78 °f (French hardness degree)
6–10 90–178 50 %
= 1.253 °e (English hardness degree)
11–15 179–267 40 % = 1.042 gpg CaCO3
= 17.8 ppm CaCO3
16–20 268–356 30 %
21–25 357–440 25 %
>25 >440 20 %

14.3 Auto on off menu item 3

When the main switch is set to 1, dialysis mode is carried out conti-
Auto on/off nuously until the operator manually switches the system to off (switch
Monday (1)
Tuesday (1)
position 0) or to standy mode (switch position 2).
Wednesday (1) Two dialysis operating modes per day can be programmed in this
Thursday (1)
Friday (1)
program menu, these are then initiated automatically.
Saturday (1) By selecting the weekdays, the programmed times can be viewed or
Sunday (1)
Clear all values?
changed (depending on the pre-selection >Display< or >Entry<).
The pre-set program times can be reset by selecting >Clear all values<.
<< OK

1 or 2 dialysis modes can be entered for each day which determine the
Weekday (1) start and end of dialysis mode through real-time entries (hh:mm).
Start: xx h xx min
Stop: xx h xx min
<< OK

Weekday (2)
Start: xx h xx min
Stop: xx h xx min
<< OK

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

14.4 Parameters for standby mode, menu item 4

Part 1 • Chapter 14
(Requires main switch to be in position 2)

The process data for night-time mode (standby) can be viewed or

4 Prm Standby mode changed in the sub-menu standby mode parameters
A) Display
B) Entry
Selecting the menu item

<< Switches to the previous menu

Standby interval
Duration standby !Changed data are transferred!
Temp. disch.standby
Pump M3 standby Cursor up/ Change values
Impulse rinse
Collect. alarm ZLT
Cursor down/ Change values
Leakage monitoring OK Activate selection
Delay filling tank
ISS enabled
Operating time ISS
Reaction time MV Y30 The set parameters can be reset by selecting >Default setting<.
PSAL4 enabled?
Pump M3 Hot Rinse
Factory settings?
<< OK

Parameter Function Range Default setting

Interval stby: Standby rinsing interval: 0…360 min 90 min

Time interval for flushing in standby mode

Duration stby Duration of standby rinsing: 0…30 min 10 min

Duration of rinsing in standby mode

Temperature Temperature discharge standby rinsing operation: 1/0 1

discharge Activation (1 = yes) / Deactivation (0 = no)
of the temperature discharge during standby rinsing
Temperature range for start / stop 20…35°C / 95°F Start 35°C / 95°F
Stop 33°C / 91.4°F

Pump M3 only (Eco)RO Dia II: 1/0 0

Switch on pump M3 during standby rinsing:
1 = yes / 0 = no

Impulse rinse Switch impulse back washing on/off 1/0 0

1 = yes / 0 = no

Collect. alarm ZLT Suppress collect. alarm (ZLT) during standby? 1/0 0
1 = yes / 0 = no

Leak monitoring Delay time of the leakage monitor 0…30 min 5 min

Tank filling delay Delay time for tank filling 0…30 min 5 min

ISS enabled? Impulse shear force rinsing (ISS) of the loop activated? 1/0 0
1 = yes / 0 = no

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Parameter Function Range Default setting

Part 1 • Chapter 14

ISS operating time Duration of impulse shear force rinsing (ISS) 0…300 sec 300 sec

Reaction time Reaction time of the solenoid valve (MV) Y30 for 0…30 sec opening: 3 sec
MV Y30 opening and closing closing: 5 sec

PSAL4 enabled? PSAL4 (pressure switch on loop return line) enabled? 1/0 1
1 = yes / 0 = no

Pump M3 Switch on pump M3 for hot rinse? 1/0 0

for hot rinse 1 = yes / 0 = no

14.5 Disinfection data, menu item 5

(Requires main switch to be in position 2)

The parameters for the menu-guided control of disinfection are

Recirculation time specified in the sub-menu disinfection data.
Reaction time
Switch on pump M3?
Cancel DI?
Cond. control?
Default setting

<< OK

Parameter Function Range Default setting

Recirculation time Duration of circulation operation / agitation after the 0…120 min 10 min
disinfectant has been added

Reaction time Standstill time for reaction of the disinfectant 0…120 min 20 min

Activate M3 only EcoRO Dia II: 1/0 0

Possibility of activating pump M3 for disinfection:
1 = yes / 0 = no

Cancel disinfection? Possibility of using “<<” to cancel disinfection? 1/0 1

1 = yes / 0 = no

Conductivity check? Is the conductivity control also enabled? 1/0 1

1 = yes / 0 = no

14.6 Cleaning data, menu item 6

(Requires main switch to be in position 2)

The parameters for the menu-guided control of cleaning are specified in

Recirculation time the sub-menu cleaning data.
Reaction time
Switch on pump M3?
RCancel DI?
Factory settings?
<< OK

Part 1 • Page 14-6 Menu selection Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Parameter Function Range Default setting

Part 1 • Chapter 14
Recirculation time Duration of circulation operation / agitation after the 0…120 min 10 min
cleaning agent has been added

Reaction time Standstill time for reaction of the cleaning agent 0…120 min 20 min

Activate M3 only (Eco)RO Dia II: 1/0 0

Possibility of activating
pump M3 for cleaning:
1 = yes / 0 = no

Cancel cleaning Possibility of using “<<” to cancel cleaning? 1/0 1

1 = yes / 0 = no

14.7 RO start options, menu item 7

As a rule, RO operation is protected in terms of personal protection

LSHAL1 start and functional safety (e.g. pump protection, temperature protection).
Leakage monitoring
Max. perm. consumpt.
However, certain variables that also serve as a requirement for starting
Monitoring delay osmosis can be freely selected by the operator.
End of monitoring
Silicate factor
Spec. shut-off rinse
Factory settings?
<< OK

Parameter Function Range Default setting

LSHAL1 start System start when level of LSHAL1 1/0 1

(lower level switch in the tank) has been exceeded?
1 = yes = permitted
0 = no = start only when LS2 (upper level switch)
has been reached

Leak monitoring Autostart with leak monitor 1/0 0

1 = yes / 0 = no

Max. permeate con- The system stops automatically when maximum 0…5000 l/gpm 0 l/gpm
sumption permeate consumption is reached

Monitoring delay The leakage monitor is time-delayed 0…60 min 0 min

End of monitoring End of leakage monitoring: autostart after x min 0…60 min 0 min

Silicate factor Selection of silicate factor of the feed water 0/1/2/3 1

0 = off
1 = silicate < 7.5 mg/l
2 = silicate 7.5–15 mg/l
3 = silicate > 15 mg/l

Special shutdown Shutdown rinsing before changeover: 1/0 0

rinsing Dialysis mode to standby mode
1 = yes -> 3x emptying + filling of the tank
0 = no -> 1x emptying + filling of the tank

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

14.8 Passwords, menu item 8

Part 1 • Chapter 14

In addition to the factory-set password “2232” (password 1) for

Enter password 1 changing the set process parameters, it is possible to save and change
Delete password 1
Enter password 2
a operator-specific password.
Delete password 2
<< OK

14.9 Date time, menu item 9

The date and time can be changed and updated in menu item 9. The
Date arrow keys can be used to change the numerical values. When a date
or time is complete, use the “<<” key to exit the menu. The entries are
<< OK stored!

NOTICE Standard and daylight saving times are not automatically recognized or updated!

14.10 System type, menu item 10

Depending on the pipes and electronic components fitted, this is a

2 Prm dialysis mode
A) Display EcoRO Dia I: Single stage reverse osmosis system with
B) Entry
<< ENTER impulse back washing.

EcoRO Dia I HT: Single stage reverse osmosis system with

impulse back washing and membranes for
EcoRO Dia II HT hot cleaning.

EcoRO Dia II: Double-stage reverse osmosis system with

<< OK impulse back washing system.

EcoRO Dia II HT: Double-stage reverse osmosis system with

10 Choose system impulse back washing and membranes for
A) Display hot cleaning.
B) Entry
<< ENTER The correct setting has already been made at the factory, it is only
changed on site only if the equipment is changed!

Type of system
Software version
Software language

Type of system
EcoRO Dia II

<< + -

Part 1 • Page 14-8 Menu selection Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Current software version

Part 1 • Chapter 14
Software version
V ##.##


Select the “Language” menu item to select the language of the control
Software language system. There are 3 different languages to choose from.
Language: ##
German Dutch French
<< + - OK
German English French
German Italian Spanish
German Swedish Norwegian

Select “EU” in the “Unit” box to display the measurable parameters:

Unit: US Conductivity Pressure Temperature Flow
Display CD: ppm in EU µS/cm bar °C l/h m³
<< + - OK
in US ppm psi °F gpm gal

14.11 Operating hours meter, menu item 11

The most important operating hours can be viewed in the operating

Operating hours meter hours meter menu item (depending on the type which is set).
Pump M1 ####### h
Pump M2 ####### h Pump M1 Upstream of 1st osmosis membrane stage
Pump M3 ####### h
System ####### h Pump M2 Upstream of 1st osmosis membrane stage
MV Y2 ####### h Pump M3 Upstream of 2nd osmosis membrane stage
MV Y3 ####### h
MV Y4 ####### h System Reverse osmosis system
MV Y5 ####### h
MV Y6 ####### h
MV Y2 Concentrate return, 1st stage
MV Y7 ####### h MV Y3 Impulse back washing, 1st stage
MV Y8 ####### h
MV Y9 ####### h MV Y4 Soft water feed upstream of the 1st stage
MV Y10 ####### h
MV Y30 ####### h MV Y5 Permeate feed in loop
MV Y5.1 ####### h
MV Y5.1.1 ####### h MV Y6 Rinsing 1st stage
MV Y90 ####### h
<< OK
MV Y7 Rinsing 2nd stage
MV Y8 Concentrate return, 2nd stage
MV Y9 Concentrate discharge in channel
MV Y10 Soft water feed in tank
MV Y30 Impulse shear force rinsing (ISS) reserve
MV Y5.1.1 Loop return reserve
MV Y5.1 Permeate valve for emergency mode of the first
stage (only for Hot II RO option)
MV Y90 Hot water feed upstream of the second stage
(only for Hot II RO option)

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

14.12 Hot RO, menu item 12

Part 1 • Chapter 14

The operating parameters for hot cleaning of the reverse osmosis

12 Hot RO system (Hot RO) can be viewed or changed in menu 12.
A) Display
B) Entry
<< Enter

NOTICE Hot cleaning of the reverse osmosis system can only be carried out if the following criteria
are also met:
1 EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) in standby (No dialysis mode!)
2 Aquaboss Hot Rinse installation enabled
3 Release of HotRO through automatic or manual mode (at HotRinse installation)

NOTICE For technical reasons, the maximum temperature of the reverse osmosis system during hot
sanitation cannot exceed the hot cleaning (hot rinse) temperature.

Representation of sub-menu 12:

Manual mode HotRO I: Hot cleaning of single stage osmosis
Autom. operation
Heating cycles RO HotRO I+II: Hot cleaning of the 1st and 2nd osmosis stage
<< Enter (at EcoRO Dia II HT)
Manual mode: Selection of hot cleaning outside the automatic
programs available
HotRO I Automatic mode: Weekly hot cleaning program
Manual mode Heating cycles RO: Successfully completed hot cycles are registered
Autom. operation by a counter
Heating cycles RO
<< Enter

Manual mode
Autom. operation
Heating cycles RO
<< Enter

HotRO I + II:
Heating: XXX°F Hot cleaning of the whole reverse osmosis (1st and 2nd osmosis stage)
Cool down: XXX°F is defined through target temperatures during heating and cool-down.
<< + - OK
Value range: Heating: 50…85°C / 122…185°F
Cool-down: 35…40°C / 95…104°F

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

HotRO I:

Part 1 • Chapter 14
Heating: XXX°F Hot cleaning of reverse osmosis is definied through target temperatures
Cool down: XXX°F during heating and cool down.
<< + - OK
Value range: Heating: 50…85°C / 122…185°F
Cool down: 35…40°C / 95…104°F

Heating: XXX°F Hot cleaning of reverse osmosis is definied through target temperatures
Cool down: XXX°F during heating and cool down.
<< + - OK
Value range: Heating: 50…85°C / 122…185°F
Cool down: 35…40°C / 95…104°F

Manual mode:
(1=yes/0=no): 0
XXX XX X HotRO I or HotRO I+II can be activated through manual mode. In this
Duration:: XX min case, automatic mode is overwritten for this day.
<< + - OK
Exception: If the period between manual mode and automatic mode is
so long that complete hot cleaning took place, automatic mode is still
Value range: 20…90 min

Automatic operation:
Saturday The duration of hot cleaning can be defined for each day of the week.
Clear all values
<< OK

Hot RO I + II XX min
<< OK Value range: 20…90 min

Clear all values? The command “Clear all values” can be used to clear all the
<< OK programmed data of the weekly program.

Heating cycles:
Heating cycles RO
Hot RO I + II XXX Only fully completed hot-cleaning cycles that are not interrupted
<< OK prematurely are registered by the counter.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

14.13 Service mode, menu item 13

Part 1 • Chapter 14

Digital inputs and outputs can be imported or set in service mode.

13 Service mode This is used to check the functional ability of the components.
Digital inputs
Digital outputs
<< OK

Digital inputs Function (“1”, if …)

Dialysis mode Selection switch to (position 1) or “2” + “program start, dialysis”
Standby mode Selection switch to 2 + program step standby mode (stby)
Ctrl volt. cond.+SL External conductivity measuring instrument
Ctrl volt. RO I
Ctrl volt. RO II
Pump M1 Pump OK
Pump M2 Pump OK
Pump M3 Pump OK
Temperature OK Temperature sensor is working, measuring within the permitted range
Cond. perm. OK Conductivity measurement is working, value within the permitted range
LSHAL1 Lower level switch, tank
LSHL 2 Upper level switch, tank
PSAH 1 Pressure switch for excess pressure in the loop
PSAL 2 Pressure switch upstream of ROII (pump protection)
PSAH 3 Pressure switch for osmosis counterpressure
PSAL 4 Switch for minimum pressure in the loop
FISCAL 1 Loop feed throughflow
FISCAL 2 Loop return throughflow
FISCAL 3 Concentrate discharge throughflow
Hard water alarm
Remote ctrl on/off
Rem. ctrl alarm ack.
HWD1 External hot installation enabled
HWD2 External hot installation active, signal to RO permeate production
Hot RO Menu 12 Hot RO cleared
Water monitor

Digital outputs Function

Dialysis signal External contact to central management system or similar
Standby signal External contact to central management system/hot cleaning system or similar
Rinsing signal Rinsing signal lamp on
Emergency mode signal Alarm signal lamp on
Alarm signal Alarm signal lamp on

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Voltage RO II

Part 1 • Chapter 14
Pump M1 Start pump
Pump M2 Start pump
Pump M3 Start pump
MV Y2 Concentrate return, 1st stage
MV Y3 Impulse back washing, 1st stage
MV Y4 Soft water feed upstream of the 1st stage
MV Y5 Permeate feed in loop
MV Y6 Rinsing 1st stage
MV Y7 Rinsing 2nd stage
MV Y8 Concentrate return, 2nd stage
MV Y9 Concentrate discharge in channel
MV Y10 Soft water feed in tank
MV Y30 Impulse shear force rinsing
MV Y5.1 (EcoRO Dia II HT) Emergency mode RO I, dialysis mode RO I with simultaneous HotRO II
MV Y5.1.1 Loop return
MV Y90 (EcoRO Dia II HT) HotRO II
LED Y5.1.1 Visual display of Y5.1.1 on blind circuit diagram HotRinse Eco
Disinfection Alarm bridge of the conductivity device during disinfection, cleaning or
hot cleaning
Release HR Release for external hot cleaning system
Dis. relay Disinfection or cleaning or hot cleaning enabled
Dialysis relay Dialysis enabled
Hard water ctrl relay Hard water monitor enabled
Collect. alarm relay Collective alarm on

14.14 Fault history, menu item 15

The latest alarms or fault messages can be viewed by selecting the

15 Fault history “Fault history” sub-menu.
<< OK

The fault code (XXX), the date and time the fault occurred and its
Fault Date Time acknowledgement are registered.
XXX #.#.#
Ack. #.#.#

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 1 • Chapter 14

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

15. Faults / Causes / Correction

Part 1 • Chapter 15
15.1 Fault messages

WARNING In the event of a alarm or error, the medical director should immediately be notified. It is then
the medical director‘s responsibilty to direct whether or not to discontinue the treatment
immediately, or if it is acceptable to finish the current treatment. After the treatment has
been discontinued or completed, the trouble-shooting in → part 1, page 16-1 of these
operating instructions should be read and followed thorougly to determine the problem.
The problem must be corrected before any future treatments can begin.

When a fault is determined in the system, the following appears in the

wd dd:mm:yy hh:mm
Fault ID
Fault message
Menu (reset)

15.1.1 Types of faults

A distinction is made between the fault types ALARM and ERROR. ALARM
A deviation from normal operation has been established. The effects could impair system operation.
The control system is not switched off automatically.
Signaling an alarm:
• The display shows the fault message as a fault code.
• The red signal lamp is active, the red LED “Error” and the green LED “Run” flash alternately.
• The alarm relay passes a message to the higher-order system, which can be a central management
system or the RO remote control available as an optional accessory.
The alarm is reset automatically when the cause has been eliminated. ERROR
A fault has been established. The effects could lead to system damage. The system is switched off
Signaling an error:
• The display shows the fault message as a fault code.
• The red signal lamp is active, the red LED “Error” flashes.
• The alarm relay passes a message to the higher-order system
Depending on which error has occurred, it may be possible to continue running the system in an emer-
gency operating mode. The system can thus continue to produce permeate, even if the error cannot be
eliminated immedately. Instructions for the emergency operating mode are given in the help text for the
respective error messages.

NOTICE An existing alarm or error message is indicated by flashing. If several faults exist, the follow-
ing message flashes after the previous one has been acknowledged. When all messages
have been acknowledged, the first message is displayed. The other messages (if several
exist) can be queried using the arrow keys and .

NOTICE LMW recommends that the alarm output (fault message) and warning information output
(disinfection operation) be connected to a central alarm. This can be the LMW remote con-
trol system, for example.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

15.2 Causes of faults and their correction

Part 1 • Chapter 15

15.2.1 Fault messages

Fault history
The occurance and the acknowledgement of alarms or errors is described in the section error history
(menu item 15).
If the main switch is switched off during an alarm/error, only the occurrence of the alarm/error can be
stored and not the error acknowledgement.
50 alarms or errors can be stored. The 51st error overwrites the first error.

Acknowledgement of errors
All alarms/errors are acknowledged by switching the selection switch to position 0.
Certain alarms/errors specified in → chapter 15.1 “Fault messages” can be acknowledged using one of the
reset keys shown on the display or with the help of the remote control “Reset”.
Self acknowledged fault messages start on their own during the last operating phase as soon as the failure
is no longer present.

15.2.2 Failure of automatic fuse

EcoRO Dia I (HT)

Operating phase Fault description Message in display Reaction of the system

Dialysis mode Failure of automatic fuse RO I Error 23: Ctrl volt. RO I System OFF
Standby mode Failure of automatic fuse RO I Error 23: Ctrl volt. RO I System OFF

(Eco)RO Dia II (HT):

Operating phase Fault description Message in display Reaction of the system

Dialysis mode Failure of automatic fuse RO I Error 23: Ctrl volt. Initiate RO I System off, Emergency
alternating with description mode RO II
emergency mode RO II
Failure of automatic fuse RO II Error 25: Ctrl volt. Initiate RO II System off, Emergency
alternating with description mode RO I
emergency mode RO I
Standby mode Failure of automatic fuse RO I Error 23: Ctrl volt. RO I System OFF
Failure of automatic fuse RO II Error 25: Ctrl volt. RO II System OFF

Leak monitoring
• Leak monitoring is only active in standby mode.
• Leak monitoring via level switch LSHAL1 and through the flow meters FISCAL1 and FISCAL2.
• In order to avoid fluctuations during start of intermediate rinsing, the monitoring can be delayed by the
time defined in the menu 4.7 “Delay in leak monitoring”.
• The leak monitoring is only performed by the level switch LSHAL1 during the heat cleaning operating
phase HWD1.

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Software version 1.04
Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

15.2.3 Fault code

Part 1 • Chapter 15
Alarm/Error Cause / Condition Characteristics
wd. ss:mm Internal RAM and CPU test DI: for error: --
Error 01 Delay: No
CPU Self acknowledging: No
Reset+Rem contr. ackn: No

Initiating operating phase System OFF

wd. ss:mm In case of a watchdog the system goes to reset DI: for error: --
Error 02 Delay: No
Watchdog LT/ext.sup. Self acknowledging: No
Reset+Rem contr. ackn: No

Initiating operating phase System OFF

wd. ss:mm EEPROM defect DI: for error: --

Error 03 or Delay: No
EEPROM Data transmission to EEPROM interrupted Self acknowledging: No
Reset+Rem contr. ackn: No

Initiating operating phase System OFF

wd. ss:mm Real time clock defect DI: for error: --
Alarm 04 or Delay: No
RTC Data transmission to real time clock interrupted Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem contr. ackn: No

Initiating operating phase System continues to run, no automatic operation possible

wd. ss:mm Motor protection switch PKZM “16Q2” pump M1 DI: for error: DI 8 = 0
Alarm 05 failed Delay: No
Failure pump M1 Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

EcoRO Dia I (HT)
Dialysis mode: RO continues to run with M2, after
- After switchover by means of remote control, change from system off to dialysis mode
- Or switchover by means of operating modes switch from 0 to 1, change from system off
to dialysis mode
- Or switching off and on again by means of main switch and operating modes switch to 1,
start dialysis mode again
Standby mode: RO continues to run with M2
Disinfection: RO continues to run with M2
Cleaning: RO continues to run with M2
(Eco)RO Dia II (HT)
Dialysis mode: Initiate emergency mode RO II
Standard RO: Message switchover K1 and press F2
RO with HotRO: Message switchover K1 and press F2
Emergency mode RO I: No function
After switchover by means of remote control, change from emergency mode RO II to
Emergency mode RO II:
system off
After switchover by means of operating modes switch from 0 to 1, change from system
off to emergency mode RO II
Switching off and on again by means of main switch and operating modes switch to 1,
start emergency mode RO II
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: RO continues to run with the other pumps
Cleaning: RO continues to run with the other pumps
HotRO: Pump off, if Hot Rinse Alarm then standby mode break

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 1 • Chapter 15

wd. ss:mm Motor protection switch PKZM “16Q3” pump M2 DI: for error: DI 9 = 0
Alarm 06 failed Delay: No
Failure pump M2 Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

EcoRO Dia I (HT)
Dialysis mode: RO continues to run with M1, after
- After switchover by means of remote control, change from system off to dialysis mode
- Or switchover by means of operating modes switch from 0 to 1, change from system off
to dialysis mode
- Or switching off and on again by means of main switch and operating modes switch to 1,
start dialysis mode again
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: RO continues to run with M1
Cleaning: RO continues to run with M1
(Eco)RO Dia II (HT)
Dialysis mode: Initiate emergency mode RO II
Standard RO: Message switchover K1 and press F2
RO with HotRO: Message switchover K1 and press F2
Emergency mode RO I: No function
After switchover by means of remote control, change from emergency mode RO II to
Emergency mode RO II:
system off
After switchover by means of operating modes switch from 0 to 1, change from system
off to emergency mode RO II
Switching off and on again by means of main switch and operating modes switch to 1,
start emergency mode RO II
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: RO continues to run with the other pumps
Cleaning: RO continues to run with the other pumps
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II If Hot Rinse system: Alarm then standby mode break

wd. ss:mm Motor protection switch PKZM “16Q5” pump M3 DI: for error: DI 9 = 0
Alarm 07 failed Delay: No
Failure pump M3 Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: Initiate emergency mode RO I
Standard RO: Message switchover K3 and press F1
RO with HotRO: Message press F1 (MV Y5.1) is switched on automatically
After switchover by means of remote control, change from system off to emergency
Emergency mode RO I:
mode RO I
Switchover by means of operating modes switch from 0 to 1, change from system off
to emergency mode RO I
Switching off and on again by means of main switch and operating modes switch to 1,
start emergency mode RO I
Emergency mode RO II: System off with fault message Alarm 07 Fault pump M3
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II Hot cleaning is canceled with fault message Alarm 07

wd. ss:mm Conductivity alarm value reached Analog 4…20mA signal from
Alarm 09 Setting: Menu 2.18. Jumo LF-Messg
Cond. too high Only active after 120 sec dialysis mode Delay: 5 sec
Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr.. Ackn: --.
Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action
Dialysis mode: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Emergency mode RO I: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Emergency mode RO II: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Standby mode: No function
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 1 • Chapter 15
wd. ss:mm Conductivity greater than limit value (Jumo). DI: for error: DI 7 = 0
Error 09 (only active after 120 sec dialysis mode) Delay: 5 sec
Cond. too high Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: No function
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

wd. ss:mm Level below float switch LSHAL1 DI: for error: DI 12 = 0
Error 10 Delay: 40 sec
Storage tank empty Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: Error 17: Leakage alarm
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System OFF

wd. ss:mm No signal when pumps on. DI: for error: DI 17
Alarm 11 Not active if tank is empty Delay: 60 sec
FISCAL1 defective Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Emergency mode RO I: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Emergency mode RO II: System continues to run
System continues to run, no flow measurement is possible = when supply tank is empty,
Standby mode:
Error 17 leakage alarm appears
Disinfection: System continues to run
Cleaning: System continues to run
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II Alarm 11 not active, system continues to run

wd. ss:mm No signal when pumps on. DI: for error: DI 18
Alarm 12 Delay: 10 min
FISCAL2 defective Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Emergency mode RO I: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Emergency mode RO II: System continues to run
System continues to run, no flow measurement is possible when supply tank is empty,
Standby mode:
Error 17 leakage alarm appears
Disinfection: System continues to run
Cleaning: System continues to run
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II Alarm 12 not active, system continues to run

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 1 • Chapter 15

wd. ss:mm When Y9 is triggered, the signal must come from DI: for error: DI 19
Alarm 13 FISCAL 3 Delay: 9 sec
FISCAL3 defective Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Emergency mode RO I: System continues to run, discharge according to dialysis mode parameters, menu 2.17
Emergency mode RO II: System continues to run
Standby mode: System continues to run
Disinfection: System continues to run
Cleaning: System continues to run
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System continues to run

wd. ss:mm Pressure switch PSAH 1 has been triggered DI: for error: DI 14 = 0
Alarm 14 Delay: No PSAH1 Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System OFF

wd. ss:mm Level has dropped below minimum pressure DI: for error: DI 15 = 1
Alarm 15 at pressure switch PSAL2.; Delay: 15 sec
PSAL2 prim.pres ROII only active if M3 on Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: RO continues to run with M1 + M2, pump M3 off, after self-acknowledging M3 on again
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: See Alarm/Error 20
Standby mode: RO continues to run with M1 + M2, pump M3 off, after self-acknowledging M3 on again
Disinfection: RO continues to run with M1 + M2, pump M3 off, after self-acknowledging M3 on again
Cleaning: RO continues to run with M1 + M2, pump M3 off, after self-acknowledging M3 on again
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

wd. ss:mm Level has dropped below minimum pressure DI: for error: DI 15 = 1
Error 15 at pressure switch PSAL2 three times within Delay: 5 sec
PSAL2 prim.pres ROII one minute.; Self acknowledging: --
only active if M3 on Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: See Alarm/Error 20
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 1 • Chapter 15
wd. ss:mm Limit value at pressure switch PSAH3 exceeded DI: for error: DI 16 = 0
Error 16 Delay: 3 sec
PSAH3 press. ROII Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System OFF

The level has dropped below LSHAL1 during DI: for error: DI 12 = 0
wd. ss:mm
standby mode, break or intermediate rinsing. Delay: No
Error 17 or Self acknowledging: --
Leakage alarm a difference FISCAL 1 => FISCAL 2 is determined Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --
Menu during intermediate rinsing

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: No function
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

wd. ss:mm All motor protection switches on pumps have DI: for error: DI 8/9/10/11 = 0
Error 18 failed Delay: No
Pumps failed Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System OFF

wd. ss:mm No pulses from FISCAL1 + FISCAL2 DI: for error: DI 17 + 18 = 0
Error 19 Delay: 60 sec
No perm. available Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 1 • Chapter 15

wd. ss:mm Level has dropped below minimum pressure at DI: for error: DI 15 = 1
Alarm 20 pressure switch PSAL2.; Delay: 5 sec
Water press. too low error only in emergency mode II and if M3 on Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: See Alarm 15
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: Pump M3 off, M3 switched on again after self-acknowledging
Standby mode: See Alarm 15
Disinfection: See Alarm 15
Cleaning: See Alarm 15
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

Level has dropped below minimum pressure at DI: for error: DI 15 = 1

wd. ss:mm
pressure switch PSAL2 three times within one Delay: 5 sec
Error 20 minute; Self acknowledging: --
Water press. too low Error only in emergency mode and if M3 on Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: No function
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: No function
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

Set temperature limit from menu 2.9 is DI: for error: DI 6 = 0

wd. ss:mm
reached/exceeded; Delay: No
Alarm 21 (active after 120 sec dialysis mode in standby Self acknowledging: yes
Temperature too high mode or during D/R) Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: only rem.

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: Temperature discharge acc. to menu 2.16
Emergency mode RO I: Temperature discharge acc. to menu 2.16
Emergency mode RO II: Temperature discharge acc. to menu 2.16
Standby mode: Temperature discharge acc. to menu 4.4
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

wd. ss:mm set temperature limit from menu 2.9 is DI: for error: DI 6 = 0
Error 21 reached/exceeded or limit switch 40°C reached Delay: No
Temperature too high and T limit is not below despite water discharge; Self acknowledging: yes
(active after 120 sec dialysis mode in standby Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset
mode or during D/R)
Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action
Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 1 • Chapter 15
Hard water alarm by external monitoring; DI: for error: DI 26 = 1
wd. ss:mm
Only active after the first 2 minutes of dialysis Delay: acc. to menu 2.14
Alarm 22 mode. Self acknowledging: yes
Hard water alarm Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --
Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action
System continues to run according to dialysis mode parameters from menu 2.13 and
Dialysis mode:
menu 2.14
System continues to run according to dialysis mode parameters from menu 2.13 and
Emergency mode RO I:
menu 2.14
Emergency mode RO II: Only alarm message
Standby mode: Only alarm message
Disinfection: Only alarm message
Cleaning: Only alarm message
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II Only alarm message

wd. ss:mm Automatic fuse has failed DI: for error: DI 4 = 0
Error 23 Delay: No
Self acknowledging: yes
Control voltage ROI Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System off => must be made possible using emergency mode RO II key
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System OFF

wd. ss:mm Automatic fuse has failed DI: for error: DI 3 = 0
Error 24 Delay: No
Ctrl. volt. displays Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II Hot RO I/ Hot RO I+II

wd. ss:mm Automatic fuse has failed DI: for error: DI 5 = 0
Error 25 Delay: No
Control volt. ROII Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System off => must be made possible using emergency mode RO I key
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System OFF

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 1 • Chapter 15

If Y9 is not triggered despite pulses from DI: for error: DI 19

wd. ss:mm
FISCAL 3 Delay: 5 sec
Alarm 26 Self acknowledging: yes
SV Y9 leaks Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System continues to run
Emergency mode RO I: System continues to run
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: System continues to run
Disinfection: System continues to run
Cleaning: System continues to run
Hot RO I/ Hot RO I+II System continues to run

The calculated amount of concentrate (WCF) DI: for error: --

wd. ss:mm
cannot be discharged through Y9/FISCAL3. Delay: 5 min
Alarm 27 Self acknowledging: --
NV 4 conc. not OK (no alarm 27 if concentrate > 2500 l/h) Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes
Menu Reset

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: No function
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II No function

wd. ss:mm No signal at analogue input CH 5 temperature DI: for error: --
Error 28 Delay: 10 sec
Temp. meas. not OK Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System OFF

Level has dropped below limit value at pressure DI: for error: DI 20 = 1
wd. ss:mm
switch PSAL4. Alarm will only be analysed when Delay: 5 sec
Alarm 29 pump M1 = on Self acknowledging: yes
PSAL4 low press ring Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System continues to run
Emergency mode RO I: System continues to run
Emergency mode RO II: System continues to run
1. If via menu 4.13 PSAL 4 is active = 0 => no alarm message on the display
2. If via menu 4.13 PSAL4 is active = 1 and ISS active ( if DI20 = 0 then Y30 close
Standby mode:
3. If menu 4.13 PSAL4 active = 1 and ISS operating time M4.11 expired ( Alarm message
on display and system continues to run
Disinfection: System continues to run
Cleaning: System continues to run
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II System continues to run

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Part 1 • Chapter 15
wd. ss:mm Illogical switch state of the float switches LSHAL1 DI: for error: DI = 12 = 0
Alarm 30 (reports tank empty) + LSHL2 (reports tank full) DI = 13 = 1
Level detection VT Delay: 5 sec.
Self acknowledging: yes
Menu Reset
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: yes

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: System off, when level LSHAL1 is not reached, Error 17 leakage alarm
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
Hot RO I/ Hot RO I+II System OFF

wd. ss:mm Wire break sensor or temperature  0°C DI: for error: NTC
Error 31 If Error 31 is active Delay: No
TISAH2 defect (must be active for all HT versions) Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: No function
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: No function
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
Hot RO I/ Hot RO I+II Cancel HotRO and change to cool-down phase

wd. ss:mm TISAH1: Temperature > 95°C DI: for error: CH5
Error 32 Delay: No
TISAH1 temp. too high Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: No function
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: No function
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II Cancel HotRO and change to cool-down phase

wd. ss:mm TISAH2: Temperature > 95°C DI: for error:
Error 33 Delay: No
TISAH2 temp. too high Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: No function
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: No function
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II Cancel HotRO and change to cool-down phase

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Part 1 • Chapter 15

wd. ss:mm Max. heat-up time for RO I+II and/or RO II of DI: for error: --
Error 34 300 minutes has been exceeded Delay: No
Max heating time Self acknowledging: --
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: No function
Emergency mode RO I: No function
Emergency mode RO II: No function
Standby mode: No function
Disinfection: No function
Cleaning: No function
HotRO I/ HotRO I+II Cancel HotRO and change to cool-down phase

wd. ss:mm Alarm from external water monitor DI: for error: DI 22 = 0
Alarm 35 Delay: 10 sec
Aqua Control Self acknowledging: yes
Reset+Rem. contr. ackn: --

Operating phase Initiating operating phase/action

Dialysis mode: System OFF
Emergency mode RO I: System OFF
Emergency mode RO II: System OFF
Standby mode: System OFF
Disinfection: System OFF
Cleaning: System OFF
System off, after self-acknowledging proceed to HotRO I+II for cool down
(HotRinse SMART after water monitor alarm in Emergency Stop)
System off, after self-acknowledging proceed to HotRO I for cool down
HotRO I:
(HotRinse SMART after water monitor alarm in Emergency Stop)

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

15.2.4 Other faults

Part 1 • Chapter 15
Fault Cause Effect/correction
Supply (recipient) tank • Water supply • Check on water supply and pre-treatment
empty • Y 10
Pump is making noises • Level in supply tank too low • Switch off pump
• As soon as the pump runs at • Fill supply tank to level LS2
a level below LSAH1, air can be • Switch pump on again
suctioned in. This air causes
banging and vibration noises.
Pump is not operating • Motor protection switch defective • Check motor protection
• Pump defective • Check pump
• Butterfly valve K 5 closed • Inform Service if the fault cannot be found
Pressure too high in the • Shut-off valves closed • Open any closed shut-off valves
loop • Overflow valve defective or closed • Check overflow valve
• Loop pressure higher than the • Check the loop pressure at manometers PI5
pressure set on pressure switch and PI6. As a rule, pressure PI5 (start of
PSAH 1 loop) is higher than PI6. Check pressure
switch PSAH1
Pressure too low in the • Discharge too high • Check permeate quantity produced
loop • Permeate production too low • Check loop for leaks

= Effect, = Correction

15.2.5 Fault messages on the conductivity display

Fault Cause Effect/correction

F 024 Temperature sensor fault • Controller goes to “HOLD”
• Thermometer connection
F 010 Level above or below alarm tolerance • Check actual value
• Check control parameters
F 022 / F 023 Above/below measuring range • Controller goes to “HOLD”
Check electrode, cable, plug

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 1 • Chapter 15

Part 1 • Page 15-14 Faults / Causes / Correction Rev. 4.00 December 2014
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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

16. Emergency operation modes

Part 1 • Chapter 16
In the event of system malfunctions, such as partial failures e.g. of a pump of the RO stages or control
system, there are different emergency operation possibilities available. In replacement operation mode
“Emergency mode I/II” water transport continues using one RO stage.
Heed the warning notes.
If a replacement operation mode has to be switched on, LMW Service must be contacted.

WARNING Emergency mode is only permitted if the physician responsible agrees!

16.1 Production of permeate in emergency mode

If a pump or a complete RO stage fails, the system can be switched to the other RO stage to permit further
The “fault” lamp lights up, the display provides information about the relevant working steps.

16.1.1 Emergency mode via RO I

During emergency mode RO I, permeate production takes place in the

wd ss:mm
Alarm 07
connected loop using the 1st RO stage.
Switch K3 + press F1
• Open the butterfly valve K3 (K1 closed)
• Start with the F1 key “RO I”

With Hot RO (only when using system EcoRO Dia II HT)

wd ss:mm
Alarm 07 • Start with the F1 key “RO I”
Press RO I
Consumption-dependent concentrate discharge and impulse back
washing continue to take place.

Emergency mode display

wd ss:mm
Emergency mode

16.1.2 Emergency mode via RO II

During emergency mode RO II, water transport takes place in the

wd ss:mm
Alarm 06
connected loop using the 2nd RO stage.
Switch K1 + press F2
• Open the butterfly valve K1 (K3 or Y5.1 closed)
• Start the system with key F2 “RO II”
• With the help of LWM Service personnel, increase the concentrate
discharge at NV3 to the highest display value, but make sure that
a sufficient quantity of permeate is produced
Constant concentrate discharge takes place through NV3.

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Emergency mode display

Part 1 • Chapter 16

wd ss:mm
Emergency mode

16.2 Emergency mode with soft water

Soft water can be fed into the loop if all the pumps and the control system fail.

WARNING The emergency operation of a dialysis machine with soft water is only permitted in agree-
ment with and written approval by the physician carrying out the treatment!

NOTICE LMW advises carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the soft water quality with regard to
chemical and microbiological limit values if soft water is used for emergency operation.

WARNING Disinfection of the dialysis machine in soft water emergency operation is only permitted
after complete separation (pipeline separation) between the dialysis machine and the soft
water supply.

1. Switch the system off at the main switch

2. Place the sterile filter insert in the pre-filter (note intake water pressure)
3. Open valves K1/K3 (K1 lever setting: horizontal = closed, vertical = opened) by pulling the flap lever
to the outside and moving 90° upwards.
4. Switch on the hard water monitor by hand (if available)
During soft water emergency operation, LMW recommends closing the flap on the loop return to avoid
premature depletion of the softener.

WARNING During soft water operation, no active control of conductivity takes place through the RO.
For this reason, water hardness must be checked regularly according to legal regulations.

IMPORTANT If the water intake pressure is greater than the loop pressure set at UV1, the water passes
through to the supply tank through this overflow valve:
• Danger of supply tank overflowing, even without dialysis machines and consumers
• The softener will become depleted prematurely.
In this case, LMW recommends installing a shutoff valve at the end of the loop and clos-
ing this during soft water emergency operation. Consumption them corresponds to water
requirements for dialysis.

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

16.3 Emergency operation when the control system fails

Part 1 • Chapter 16
Automatically switches the system to emergency mode when the control system fails. All pumps and
solenoid valves on. Y10 is controlled via LSAL2. Conductivity and pressure monitoring are active.

16.4 Detailed view of the emergency valves (using the example of a 2-step
butterfly valve
butterfly valve

Figure 16-1: Emergency operation butterfly valves K1/K3 (in this case in normal position:
K1 and K3 closed)

If there is a Hot RO II function available, butterfly valve K3 is replaced by solenoid valve Y5.1. The valve
is opened during
• emergency mode through RO I, according to regulation (→ part 1, chapter 16.1.1 “Emergency mode
via RO I”)
• Manual soft water operation by turning the small grey lever on the valve directly (→ part 1,
chapter 16.1 “Production of permeate in emergency mode”).

Valve Y5 Valve Y5.1

butterfly valve

Manual operation of the

solenoid valve (only during
emergency operation with
soft water)

Figure 16-2: Emergency operation fittings K1/Y5.1

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

In emergency mode via RO I, the valve Y5.1 is opened through the control system (→ part 1, chapter 16.1
“Production of permeate in emergency mode”).
Part 1 • Chapter 16

During emergency mode with soft water, the fittings K1 and Y5.1 are opened manually (by manual turning)
(→ part 1, chapter 16.2 “Emergency mode with soft water”).

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Part 1 – Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions

Part 2 • Contents
1. Handover declaration for the operating instructions........ 1-1
1.1 Aquaboss® – Reverse osmosis system ....................................................... 1-1

1.2 Customer's address ....................................................................................... 1-1

1.3 Confirmation of handover of operating instructions .................................. 1-1

1.4 System handover date ................................................................................... 1-2

1.5 Maintenance and servicing personnel ......................................................... 1-2

1.6 The system was handed over to the customer by ...................................... 1-2

2. Transport and setup ............................................................. 2-1

2.1 Transport ........................................................................................................ 2-1

2.2 Scope of delivery ........................................................................................... 2-1

2.3 Transport packaging...................................................................................... 2-1

2.4 Requirements at the place of installation .................................................... 2-1

2.5 Setup plan ....................................................................................................... 2-2

3. Work prior to commissioning.............................................. 3-1

3.1 On-site connections to media supply .......................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Pre-treatment stage, hydraulic connection ................................................. 3-1
3.1.2 Waste water connection ................................................................................ 3-2
3.1.3 Electrical connection ..................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.4 Permanent system connection ..................................................................... 3-3

3.2 System setup and installation....................................................................... 3-4

3.2.1 Connection to the pretreatment stage, water connection.......................... 3-5
3.2.2 Installation of waste water connection ........................................................ 3-5
3.2.3 Installation of the electrical connection....................................................... 3-5

4. Commissioning..................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Language selection........................................................................................ 4-1

4.2 Flushing out the preservative ....................................................................... 4-1

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5. Commissioning log .............................................................. 5-1

Part 2 • Contents

5.1 System parameters ........................................................................................ 5-1

5.2 Commissioning log ........................................................................................ 5-2

6. System key data.................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Manufacturer's address ................................................................................. 6-1

6.2 Copyright ........................................................................................................ 6-1

6.3 Type plate ....................................................................................................... 6-1

7. Technical data....................................................................... 7-1

7.1 Specifications ................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.1 EcoRO Dia I..................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 EcoRO Dia II.................................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.3 EcoRO Dia I HT ............................................................................................... 7-3
7.1.4 EcoRO Dia II HT .............................................................................................. 7-4

7.2 Design data ..................................................................................................... 7-4

7.3 Raw water requirements................................................................................ 7-5

7.4 Loop requirements......................................................................................... 7-6

7.5 RO modules .................................................................................................... 7-6

7.6 Measuring technology ................................................................................... 7-6

7.7 Set values (at factory) .................................................................................... 7-6

7.8 Membrane pressure pipe............................................................................... 7-7

7.9 Circuit diagram ............................................................................................... 7-7

7.10 Control ............................................................................................................ 7-7

7.11 Command equipment..................................................................................... 7-7

7.11.1 LCD display .................................................................................................... 7-7
7.11.2 LED display..................................................................................................... 7-7
7.11.3 Operation ........................................................................................................ 7-8
7.11.4 Data retention ................................................................................................. 7-8
7.11.5 Watchdog ........................................................................................................ 7-8

7.12 Input and output signals................................................................................ 7-8

7.12.1 Digital inputs................................................................................................... 7-8
7.12.2 Digital outputs, control valves .................................................................... 7-10
7.12.3 Analog inputs ............................................................................................... 7-10

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7.13 Overview of operating phases .................................................................... 7-11

7.13.1 Valve designation......................................................................................... 7-11

Part 2 • Contents
7.13.2 Operating modes.......................................................................................... 7-11

7.14 EMC guidelines............................................................................................. 7-14

8. Maintenance and operating logs......................................... 8-1

8.1 Specific checks for your system .................................................................. 8-2

8.2 Medical device log and maintenance / technical safety check log............ 8-3

8.3 Medical device log EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)......................................................... 8-4

8.4 DISINFECTION LOG (reference to document E07FB02)............................. 8-6

8.5 CLEANING LOG (reference to document E07FB18) ................................... 8-7

8.6 Maintenance and technical safety check log EcoRO Dia I/II (HT).............. 8-8

8.7 Maintenance plan and technical safety check EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)............ 8-9

9. Spare and wear parts list EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) .................... 9-1

10. Draft letter for municipal water suppliers......................... 10-1

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Part 2 • Contents

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

1. Handover declaration for the operating instructions

Part 2 • Chapter 1
1.1 Aquaboss® – Reverse osmosis system
(Eco)RO Dia system ................................................................................................

Serial number ...........................................................................................................

Year of construction ................................................................................................

1.2 Customer's address

Company ...................................................................................................................

Street .........................................................................................................................

Postal code, city..........................................................................................................

1.3 Confirmation of handover of operating instructions

The system listed under item 1.1 has been purchased by us. When the system was handed over to us,
we were given the operating instructions for:

System number ........................................................................................................

in the languages

...................................................................................................................... Number

...................................................................................................................... Number

Company stamp

Customer name, block letters


Date ........................................................ Signature.............................................

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1.4 System handover date

Part 2 • Chapter 1


1.5 Maintenance and servicing personnel

The following persons have been named by the customer and have been instructed and trained on the
system by LMW and made aware of the following points:
protective equipment, dangerous areas, inadmissible operation, set-up, operation, maintenance and


Name (customer personnel) Signature


Name (customer personnel) Signature


Name (customer personnel) Signature

⌧ LMW commissioning log

Customer-specific commissioning log

Company stamp/Customer's signature

1.6 The system was handed over to the customer by

Name, block letters


Date ................................................... Signature ...................................................

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

2. Transport and setup

Part 2 • Chapter 2
2.1 Transport

IMPORTANT Only have experienced transport specialists carry out transportation.

The system is delivered in a wooden crate.

• Check the shipment for transport damage and completeness.
• In case of any transport damage, keep the packaging and inform the shipping agent and manufacturer

NOTICE Dead weight > 200 kg

Suitable aids (such as a forklift truck) must be used for all types of transport.
The system must be protected from tipping over and from non-intended use.

2.2 Scope of delivery

The system is packed and delivered with the following components:
• Completely assembled system
• These operating instructions
• Circuit diagram
• Instructions for operation, maintenance, dangerous areas

2.3 Transport packaging

Transport packaging EcoRO Dia II HT 700 – 3600

Height up to 1970 mm
Width up to 950 mm
Length up to 2000 mm
Weight inc. transport packaging up to 1000 kg

2.4 Requirements at the place of installation

• Horizontal industrial floor with a permissible load of at least 1500 kg/m2
• No shaking or vibrations
• 0.5 m free space on all sides of the system for maintenance work (with opened switch cabinet doors;
machine directives for escape route)
• Acid-resistant floor covering
• IP54: protect the switch cabinet from direct water jets and high levels of dust
• The system is suitable for operation in roofed and weather-protected locations (e.g. closed rooms)

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2.5 Setup plan

Part 2 • Chapter 2

Figure 2-1: EcoRO Dia II HT

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

3. Work prior to commissioning

Part 2 • Chapter 3
IMPORTANT Before commissioning, the following work must be carried out by the customer / a service
• Setup and alignment of the system
• Connection to the pre-treatment stage
• Installation of the water connection
• Installation of the electrical connection
• Commissioning
• Fill in commissioning log

3.1 On-site connections to media supply

Connections to the media supply and pretreatment stage are not supplied with the reverse osmosis

3.1.1 Pre-treatment stage, hydraulic connection

The system must be connected to an upstream pretreatment stage.
This is supplied by LMW (see the separate operating instructions for pre-treatment) or by an
LMW authorized distributor.
• Hydraulical connection:
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) 700 /900/ 1050/ 1400/ 1800/ 2100/ 2400: 1”- connection
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) 2800/ 3600: 1.5 “-connection
• Back flow prevention (PPBA) or vacuum breaker
• Temperature mixing valve if raw water temperature exceeds range of 6–30°C or 42.8…86°F.
• Booster pump if raw water pressure is lower than 3 bar (43,5 psi) → required operating pressure
3–6 bar (43,5 to 87 psi)
• Sediment filter if SDI15 (silt density index) exceeds 5 → see part 1, chapter 2.4 “Water quality
• De-Ironer if Iron content exceeds 0.1 mg/l → see part 1, chapter 2.4 “Water quality requirements”
• Softener if hardness is determined → see part 1, chapter 2.4 “Water quality requirements”

CAUTION Only use twin alternator systems!

• Activated Carbon tanks (two tanks in serias) with EBCT of min. 10 minutes.

WARNING Do NOT use regenerated carbon!

Label tanks with “Only for pre-treatment of water prior R:O!

• Pre-Filter 5µm

Optional there may be following possibilities installed:

• Return rinsing pre-filter with 130 μm filter unit with manometer after pipe disconnector
• Water meter after pipe disconnector
• Leakage or system shutoff valve DN 20 after pipe disconnector
• Hard water detection (Aquaboss® Soft Control II) with Softener

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

WARNING A softener may only be used with a pipe disconnector of the type EA1 or with a free intake.
Part 2 • Chapter 3

Before the softening plant is disinfected, it must be disconnected completely from the mains
and the RO.

IMPORTANT The raw water pressure must not exceed 6 bar. Heed connection values in the technical data
→ part 2, chapter 7

NOTICE Note the additional information about raw water requirements (→ part 2, chapter 7).

IMPORTANT The quality of the feed water upstream of the water softening plant must comply with the
requirements of CSA Z364.2.2-0.3 or AAMI / ISO 23500:2009 concerning the quality of water
for human usage.

The following water connections must also be made available for the reverse osmosis system:
• Loop feed
• Loop return
• The connections are to be made by means of a 19 x 27 fabric hose or hot-water-resistant reinforced
hose and a threaded hose connector for flexible connection.
The quality of the raw water upstream of the softening plant (ion exchanger) has to comply with the
requirements for the quality of drinking water (→ part 1, chapter 2, ff.).

3.1.2 Waste water connection

The following waste water connections must also be made available for the reverse osmosis system:
• Drain with siphon DN50
• When installing the drain, take care that the waste water connection to the drain is implemented as
a free intake in accordance with national guidelines.
• The concentrate hose must be routed into the drain and secured over a free-drop path of at least twice
its inner diameter.
• Floor drain DN70 (5000 l/h water throughput) at the lowest point in the room or in a closed floor trough
connected with water monitor
• For additional information about setup layout see the setup plan
• The waste water connections for the softening plant and the osmosis system should be able to be
routed through the floor drain (odour trap)

IMPORTANT When hot cleaning is installed, the waste water connection must be temperature-resistant
up to 95°C.

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

3.1.3 Electrical connection

• The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) requires pre-fuses, ground fault protector (FI∆N 30mA) and an external power

Part 2 • Chapter 3
switch according the following performance data’s

Device type Voltage Capacity Current

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 700 3~N PE 208V 11.54 kVA 31 A

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 900 3~N PE 208V 11.54 kVA 31 A

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 1050 3~N PE 208V 14.92 kVA 41 A

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 1400 3~N PE 208V 13.19 kVA 36 A

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 1800 3~N PE 208V 14.92 kVA 41 A

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 2100 3~N PE 208V 16.58 kVA 45 A

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 2450 3~N PE 208V 16.58 kVA 45 A

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 2800 3~N PE 208V 16.58 kVA 45 A

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 3600 3~N PE 208V 16.58 kVA 45 A

• Observe backup fuse requirements on-site in accordance with regulations.

• 4x shock-/waterproof socket outlet (115V) protected by ground fault protector FI∆N 30mA.
• Alarm cable 7x AWG18 (1.0mm²) (option)
• Remote control cable 7x AWG18 (1.0mm²) (option)
• Ethernet port RJ45 for Aquaboss Vision

WARNING It is not recommended that the R.O. unit operate on an emergency eletrical supply or any
unstable power supply that may over-voltage or under-voltage the water treatment system.
Protection against electrical surges is recommanded.

NOTICE These operating instructions covers the 208 VAC/60 HZ model of the Aquaboss® EcoRO
Dia I/II (HT) water treatment system. Always confirm voltages and power supplies before
operating the unit.

3.1.4 Permanent system connection

• Overcurrent protection devices must be installed in the building installation
Circuit breaker
Ground fault protector => 30 mA / 4-pole
• Device or power switch 63 A

NOTICE The separator must meet the requirements in accordance with IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60947-3.
• The switch must not interrupt the earthing conductor.
• The function of the switch as separator of the RO from the mains must be be marked
by a label.
• The switch must be near the device and be easily accessible for the operator.

NOTICE When a permanent mains cable is attached, it has to meet the requirements according to
DIN EN 61010-1/6.10.2.

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) Installation summary

Part 2 • Chapter 3

Building installation
Heed nationals regulations and those of
local network operators for on-site installation.

L1 L2 L3 N PE

Device type Voltage Capacity Current

EcoRO Dia II (HT) 700 3~N PE 208V 11.54 kVA 31 A
-F EcoRO Dia II (HT) 900 3~N PE 208V 11.54 kVA 31 A
EcoRO Dia II (HT) 1050 3~N PE 208V 14.92 kVA 41 A
EcoRO Dia II (HT) 1400 3~N PE 208V 13.19 kVA 36 A
EcoRO Dia II (HT) 1800 3~N PE 208V 14.92 kVA 41 A
1 3 5 N EcoRO Dia II (HT) 2100 3~N PE 208V 16.58 kVA 45 A
EcoRO Di a II (HT) 2450 3~N PE 208V 16.58 kVA 45 A
Ground fault protector
30mA/4-pole -F EcoRO Di a II (HT) 2800 3~N PE 208V 16.58 kVA 45 A
EcoRO Di a II (HT) 3600 3~N PE 208V 16.58 kVA 45 A
2 4 6 N

Reverse osmosis room EcoRO Dia II HT

External power switch

2 4 6 N PE
T1 T2 T3 N PE

1 3 5 N PE
The power switch must not interrupt
L1 L2 L3 N PE
the earthing conductor!

The switch must be near the device and

be easily accessible for the operator.

The seperator must meet the

requirements in accordance
with IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60947-2.
The funktion of the switch as seperator
of the RO from the mains must be marked
by a label.

Wiring diagram for the

connection cable look
at circuit diagram
87 243 xx page 15.

3.2 System setup and installation

The system is set up on a flat surface near the power and water connections provided. Make sure that the
connections and control elements are easily accessible (electrical supply cable: 5 m).

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

3.2.1 Connection to the pretreatment stage, water connection

The water supply of the system is connected by a hose connection DN 20 to the pretreatment stage.

Part 2 • Chapter 3
• For additional information about setup layout see the setup plan

WARNING A softener may only be used with a pipe disconnector of the type EA1 or with a free intake.
• Before the softening plant is disinfected, it must be disconnected completely from the
• It is absolutely essential to disconnect the RO during disinfection.

3.2.2 Installation of waste water connection

Connection of the system via rigid or flexible piping to the waste water DIN 50 – note free draining
(see above).

3.2.3 Installation of the electrical connection

IMPORTANT The system is to be switched on for the first time only by trained, skilled workers.

• Check whether the local operating voltage, frequency and fuse protection matches the data given on
the type plate and the technical data → part 2, chapter 6 and → part 2, chapter 7. The system must
not be connected if deviations are found.
• The command devices to control the system are mounted in a control box on the front of the system.
• The command devices and relays have already been wired to a terminal strip inside the control box in
accordance with the circuit diagram.
• Depending on the customer's equipment, LMW or authorized personnel can connect
– a hard water monitor
– a remote control
– a concentrate mixing system and/or
– an alarm signal facility
to the system in accordance with the circuit diagram. It must be ensured that all signals which are con-
nected to the system from external facilities are provided as potential-free contacts in the appropriate
supplementary equipment.
The following command/display elements are mounted in the control box:
• Main switch
• Operating mode selection switch
• Display with keyboard
• Conductivity display
• Operating mode lamps
The following command/display elements are mounted in the building installation:
• Main switch / circuit interrupter
• Circuit breaker
• Ground fault protector

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Part 2 • Chapter 3

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4. Commissioning

Part 2 • Chapter 4
WARNING The system may only be commissioned by trained and skilled personnel or by a trained
representative authorized by LMW.
Incorrect commissioning of the system can lead to damage to the system and personal
The customer/operating personnel are instructed fully on the use of the system when it
is commissioned.

4.1 Language selection

First of all, the display language set must be checked and changed if necessary. The menu guide and
display messages can be provided in English, German, and Spanish.
• To do this, switch the system on using the main switch and select the language and the unit in
sub-menu 10 software language.

4.2 Flushing out the preservative

As a rule, the system is supplied with preserved membranes. This is why the preservative must be flushed
out before the system is connected to the loop. Care must be taken that the open permeate line is long
enough to reach the waste water connection or an appropriate floor drain.
• The water supply is opened and the system switched on at the main switch. Then the operating mode
selection switch is used to switch the system to dialysis or night-time operating mode.
• Select the dialysis operating mode to flush out the preservative. The supply tank starts to fill up.
Once the level is above the lower level switch LSHAL1, the control unit switches the pumps on one by
one and the system starts (temporary) permeate production (in this case to flush out the system).

IMPORTANT Bleed all the pumps and the modules in the pressure pipes.

If no pressure (< 5 bar) should build up after some time (30 seconds), the pump may not be rotating in the
correct direction (check direction of arrow on the pump). In this case, the system must be switched off at
the main switch, disconnected from the power supply before two external conductors of the power supply
are exchanged.
After being switched on again, the pump will build up the required operating pressure. If the system is
running in dialysis mode (→ part 1, chapter 8.1 “Machine start-up”), the conductivity display (conductivity
instrument) indicates whether the preservative has been flushed out or not. When conductivity has
attained its normal value (2–10 µS/cm), the system is switched off using the selection switch and
connected to the loop.
After the system has been flushed out, the pipe must be rinsed for some time (aerated).
Then disinfection must be carried out (→ part 1, chapter 12).

NOTICE After preservation, disinfection must be carried out before start-up (→ part 1, chapter 12).

WARNING After disinfection it must be ensured that there is no disinfectant left in the device and loop.

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Part 2 • Chapter 4

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5. Commissioning log

Part 2 • Chapter 5
After the system has been commissioned, the following commissioning log is to be completed and signed
by the persons involved.

WARNING At the time when the system is handed over, the pretreatment unit and the reverse osmosis
system are to be connected to the municipal drinking water network in accordance with
legislation and local regulations.

WARNING If the plant and equipment are moved to another location, the operator is obliged to install
the entire system in compliance with the legal and local regulations applicable at the new

5.1 System parameters

The set system parameters are to be found in the commissioning log.
Changing process parameters (e.g. pressure, temperature, ....) may effect product water quality!

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
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5.2 Commissioning log

Part 2 • Chapter 5

Referenced documents: ORDER NUMBER ____________________

Operating instructions rev./language ______________
Handover declaration for the operating instructions (Part II – Chap. 1)
Testing equipment/testing equipment number:
Secutest SIII_________________________________ Conductivity/temp. measurement:____________

CUSTOMER _________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________

SYSTEM DESIGNATION_______________________ SERIAL NUMBER (S/N) _________________

SOFTWARE ________________________________ S/N PUMP M1 ________________________

S/N LT __________________________________ S/N PUMP M2 ________________________
S/N CPU __________________________________ S/N PUMP M3 ________________________

S/N MEMBRANE MM1 ___________________ S/N MEMBRANE MM5 ___________________

S/N MEMBRANE MM2 ___________________ S/N MEMBRANE MM6 ___________________
S/N MEMBRANE MM3 ___________________ S/N MEMBRANE MM7 ___________________
S/N MEMBRANE MM4 ___________________ S/N MEMBRANE MM8 ___________________


ALL ACCESSORIES PRESENT (HotRinse SMART, Type, Serial Number):
Check for correct power supply as indicated on the type plate (V / Hz / kVA)
Check for correct pretreatment (HotRinse SMART, Type, Serial Number)
Devices / serial number ______________________________________________________________________
Loop manufacturer / dimension / length / material __________________________________________________
1. Connection EcoRO Dia II HT to loop (water supply, DN 20/ DN25)
Check for leaks (30 min at _____________ bar)
Water hardness in RO feed (setpoint: < 1°dH); < 1.78°f; <17.8 ppm CaCO3) ___________________
Free chlorine in the RO feed (setpoint: <0.1 mg/l) _______________ mg/l
2. Connection / installation of accessory parts (water monitors, warning lights, insulation, …)
HotRinse SMART _______________________________________________________________________
3. Electrical connection of switch cabinet
4. Check for electrical safety

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Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Protective conductor resistance acc. to DIN EN 61010-1 Measured value Limit value
Measurement between connection cable and housing RSL < 0.1 Ohm

Part 2 • Chapter 5
Measurement between connection cable and mounting plate RSL < 0.1 Ohm
Measurement between connection cable and doors / front plate RSL < 0.1 Ohm
Insulation check RISO MOhm < 0.5 MOhm
Leakage current IGA.NC mA < 0.5 mA
IGA.SF mA < 3.5 mA
All checks passed
Secutest SIII printout attached

Function check
(manual measurements only with permitted testing equipment!)

Motor protection switch

Pump type specifica- Setpoint value Type Set

tion see motor type plate Motor protection switch switchpoint




LSHAL1 dry running / pump protection LSHL2 Tank full

Fuse error messages Temperature cut-out
Emergency operation without control system Service program inputs (displays correct)
Service program outputs (manual setting of outputs possible)
Potential-free outputs
Disinfection mode Dialysis mode Standby mode
Collective alarm _______________ ______________

Test of mechanical components

Check valves functioning
K1 replacement mode functioning
K3 replacement mode functioning
K4 tank drain functioning
K5 upstream pump functioning
Flap setting for autom. dialysis mode (not emergency mode!) correct

Permeate mode

Conductivity of raw water µS/cm Temperature of raw water °C

(manual test) (manual test)

Conductivity of concentrate RO1 µS/cm Temperature of concentrate RO1 °C

(manual test) (manual test)

Conductivity of permeate µS/cm Temperature of permeate °C

(manual test) (manual test)

Conductivity of permeate (CISAHH1) µS/cm Temperature of permeate °C

(setpoint difference from manual test (CISAHH1)
± 0.5 µS/cm) (setpoint difference from manual
test ± 0.5 µS/cm)

Permeate output l/h Calculated salt retention %

(setpoint: see system type) LF permeate / LF raw water
(setpoint: >95%

Concentrate pressure PI2 bar Concentrate pressure PI4 bar

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 2 • Chapter 5

Permeate conductivity prealarm µS/cm Permeate conductivity limit value µS/cm

(max. 60 µS/cm)

UV1 bar UV2 (option) bar

(setpoint: 3.0 ± 0.5 bar (setpoint: 5.0 ± 0.5 bar)
with HotRinse: 2.0 ± 0.5 bar)

PSAH1 bar PSAL2 bar

(setpoint for system off: 6 ± 0.5 bar (setpoint: 1 ± 0.5 bar)
setpoint for system on: 4 ± 0.5 bar)) only EcoRO Dia II HT

PSAH3 only EcoRO Dia II bar PSAL4 bar

(setpoint: 19 ± 0.5 bar) (setpoint: 1 ± 0.5 bar)

Temperature discharge °C %
at temperature module (TISAH1)
(setpoint: 35 ± 0.5 °C))

Alarm values and function OK (= setpoints fulfilled)0

Emergency operation modes

RO1 with M1 and M2)

Permeate conductivity (CISAHH1) µS/cm Permeate temperature (CISAHH1) °C

Permeate output l/h Concentrate pressure PI2 bar

RO1 with M1
Permeate conductivity (CISAHH1) µS/cm Permeate temperature (CISAHH1) °C

Permeate output l/h Concentrate pressure PI2 bar

RO2 with M3
Permeate conductivity (CISAHH1) µS/cm Permeate temperature (CISAHH1) °C

Permeate output l/h Concentrate pressure PT4 bar

5. Training of responsible personnel/customer (see handover declaration)

Programming phases
Using the operating instructions
6. Set language for the operator interface
German (DE) English (EN) Spanish (ES)
Programming carried out according to customer's wishes:
Repairs made:

Travel time __________________ Working time _____________________________________

Date __________________ Date _____________________________________

Signature of Lauer techn. ______________________ Signature of customer_____________________________________

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

6. System key data

Part 2 • Chapter 6
6.1 Manufacturer's address
L/a/u/e/r Membran Wassertechnik GmbH
Industriegebiet Speichermatt
D-79599 Wittlingen
Tel.: +49 (7621) 92 70 – 0
Fax: +49 (7621) 92 70 – 92

6.2 Copyright
© Fa. L/a/u/e/r Membran Wassertechnik 2011
ISO 9001 and EN 13485 certified
CE mark CE 0123
Made in Germany (EU)

6.3 Type plate

The type plate is on the left-hand side of the switch cabinet.

EcoRO Dia II 900 HT

Serien-Nr. Herstellungsdatum
Serial No. 200222 Date of production 2012/10
Aufnahmeleistung Umgebungstemp.
Power consumption 13,12 KVA Ambient temp. +5 - +40 Min-Max

Frequenz Max.
Frequency nominal 60 Hz 25 bar

Voltage nominal 120/208 3P4W+G V

D-79599 Wittlingen
Industriegebiet Speichermatt
Tel.: +49 (7621) 92 70 – 0
Fax: +49 (7621) 92 70 – 92

Figure 6-1: Example of a type plate

When ordering spare parts, please provide the following information:

• System type
• Serial number (SN)
• Designation and item number
• Required quantity

IMPORTANT Only original spare parts, accessories and consumables from LMW are to be used
(→ part 2, chapter 9 ff, and → part 1, chapter 3).
LMW does not accept liability for damage caused by the use of other spare parts,
accessories and consumables.

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 2 • Chapter 6

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7. Technical data

Part 2 • Chapter 7
7.1 Specifications
7.1.1 EcoRO Dia I

System type l/h 700 900 1050 1250 1400 1800 2100 2450 2800 3600
Sales Number 1106073 1109093 1106108 1106128 1106143 1106183 1106213 1106248 1106283 1106363
Number of dialysis stations # 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 100–120
Membrane configuration I / II 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4
Membrane-type RO I G20 G20F G20F G20 G20 G20F G20 G20 G20F G20F
(Art.No) (35765) (41752) (41752) (35765) (35765) (41752) (35765) (49765) (41752) (41752)
Approx. pump pressure @ PI 2 bar 17.0 15.5 17.8 13.7 15.3 15.5 17.5 16.4 15.4 15.0
Permeate output RO II*, *** l/h 700 900 1050 1250 1400 1800 2100 2500 2800 3600
Rejection rate Single charged Ions > 95%, Double charged Ions > 98 %
ÜV2 No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5–11 5–11 5–11 5–8 5–11 5–11 5–8 5–11 5–11 5–15
M1 3kW 3kW 3kW 2,2kW 3kW 3kW 2.2 kW 3kW 3kW 4kW
Grundfos CRN (52183) (52183) (52183) (52182) (52183) (52183) (52182) (52183) (52183) (52185)
(Art.No) 5–8 5–8 5–11 5–8 5–8 5–8 5–15 5–11 5–8 5–8
M2 2,2kW 2,2kW 3kW 2,2kW 2,2kW 2,2kW 4 kW 3kW 2,2kW 2,2kW
(52182) (52182) (52183) (52182) (52182) (52182) (52185) (52183) (52182) (52182)
Total Amps 20.7 20.7 23.6 17.7 20.7 20.7 23.9 23.6 20.7 23.9
Electrical supply V/Hz 120/208V 3P4W+G / 60Hz
Power full-load M1+M2 KVA 7.81 7.81 8.87 6.75 7.81 7.81 8.96 8.87 7.81 8.96
Power part-load M1 KVA 4.63 4.63 4.63 3.56 4.63 4.63 5.78 4.63 4.63 5.78
Max. overall power intake KW 5.2 5.2 6.0 4.4 5.2 5.2 6.2 6.0 5.2 6.2
IP class IP 54 (Pumps: 55)
Collective alarm OUT Potential free change over contact
External IN Make contact, potential free
Drain DN 25
Width mm 1000 1000 1000 1280 1280 1280 1280 1300 1300 1860
Depth mm 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 960
Height mm 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1815
Weight kg 515 515 540 575 575 685 700 775 915 1050

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7.1.2 EcoRO Dia II

Part 2 • Chapter 7

System type l/h 700 900 1050 1250 1400 1800 2100 2450 2800 3600
Sales Number 1107073 1107094 1107108 1107128 1107143 1107184 1107214 1107249 1107283 1107363
# of calculated dialysis stations # 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 100–120
Membrane configuration I / II 1+1 1+1 1+1 2+1 2+2 2+2 2+2 3+2 3+3 4+4
Membrane-type RO RO I G20 G20F G20F G20 G20F G20F G20F G20F G20F G20
(Art.No) (35765) (41752) (41752) (35765) (41752) (41752) (41752) (41752) (41752) (35765)
Membrane-type RO RO II G20 G20 G20F G20F G20 G20 G20 G20F G20 G20
(Art.No) (35765) (35765) (41752) (41752) (35765) (35765) (35765) (41752) (35765) (35765)
Approx. pump pressure @ PI 2 bar 18.3 15.4 19.0 15.1 14.0 15.8 17.2 15.6 15.4 16.8
Approx. pump pressure @ PI 4 bar 13.8 15.5 13.6 16.6 12.5 14.9 17.0 15.0 16.0 12.4
Permeate output RO II*, *** l/h 700 900 1050 1250 1400 1800 2100 2500 2800 3600
Rejection rate Single charged Ions > 95%, Double charged Ions > 98 %
ÜV2 No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–8 5–11 5–15 5–11 5–11 5–15
M1 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 2,2kW 3kW 4kW 3kW 3kW 4kW
(52183) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52182) (52183) (52185) (52183) (52183) (52185)
5–11 5–8 5–11 5–8 5–8 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11
Grundfos CRN
M2 3kW 2,2kW 3kW 2,2kW 2,2kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW
(52183) (52182) (52183) (52182) (52182) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52183)
3–17 3–17 5–15 3–23 3–17 3–23 3–23 3–23 3–23 5–15
M3 2,2 kW 2,2 kW 4kW 3kW 2,2 kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 4kW
(52180) (52180) (52185) (52181) (52180) (52181) (52181) (52181) (52181) (52185)
Total Amps
Electrical supply V/Hz 3~NPE 208V / 60Hz
Power full-load M1+M2+M3 KVA 12.06 11.0 14.27 12.06 9.94 13.12 14.27 13.12 13.12 15.43
Power part-load M1+M2 KVA 8.87 7.81 8.87 7.81 6.75 8.87 10.03 8.87 8.87 10.03
Power part-load M1 KVA 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 3.56 4.63 5.78 4.63 4.63 5.78
Max. overall power intake KW 8.2 7.4 10 8.2 6.6 9 10 9 9 11
IP class IP 54 (Pumps 55)
Collective alarm OUT Potential free change over contact
External IN Make contact, potential free
Drain DN 25
Width mm 1570 1570 1570 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1905 1570
Depth mm 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 1055 925
Height mm 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Weight kg 515 515 540 575 575 685 700 775 915 515

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7.1.3 EcoRO Dia I HT

Part 2 • Chapter 7
System type l/h 700 900 1050 1250 1400 1800 2100 2450 2800 3600
Sales Number 1106072 1106092 1106107 1106127 1106142 1106182 1106212 1106247 1106282 1106362
Number of dialysis stations # 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 100–120
Membrane configuration I / II 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4
Membrane-type RO I G20TS G20FTS G20FTS G20TS G20TS G20FTS G20FTS G20TS G20FTS G20FTS
(Art.No) (49772) (49773) (49773) (49772) (49772) (49773) (49773) (49772) (49773) (49773)
Approx. pump pressure @ PI 2 bar 17.5 18.0 19.5 14.0 15.4 17.7 18.5 17.7 17.0 16.4
Permeate output RO II*, *** l/h 700 900 1050 1250 1400 1800 2100 2500 2800 3600
Rejection rate Single charged Ions > 95%, Double charged Ions > 98 %
ÜV2: ref. HRS No No No No No No No No No No
5–11 5–11 5–15 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–15 5–11 5–11 5–15
M1 3kW 3kW 4kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 4kW 3kW 3kW 4kW
Grundfos CRN (52183) (52183) (52185) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52185) (52183) (52183) (52185)
(Art.No) 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–8 5–8 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11
M2 3kW 3kW 3kW 2,2kW 2,2kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW
(52183) (52183) (52183) (52182) (52182) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52183)
Total Amps 23.6 23.6 26.8 20.7 20.7 23.6 26.8 23.6 23.6 26.8
Electrical supply V/Hz 120/208V 3P4W+G / 60Hz
Power full-load M1+M2 KVA 8.87 8.87 10.03 7.81 7.81 8.87 10.03 8.87 8.87 10.03
Power part-load M1 KVA 4.63 4.63 5.78 4.63 4.63 4.63 5.78 4.63 4.63 5.78
Max. overall power intake KW 6,0 6,0 7,0 5,2 5,2 6,2 7,0 6,0 6,0 7,0
IP class IP 54 (Pumps 55)
Collective alarm OUT Potential free change over contact
External IN Make contact, potential free
Drain DN 25
Width mm 1000 1000 1000 1280 1280 1280 1280 1300 1300 1860
Depth mm 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 960
Height mm 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1815
Weight kg 515 515 540 575 575 685 700 775 915 1050

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7.1.4 EcoRO Dia II HT

Part 2 • Chapter 7

System type l/h 700 900 1050 1400 1800 2100 2450 2800 3600
Sales Number 1107072 1107093 1107107 1107142 1107183 1107213 1107248 1107282 1107362
# of calculated dialysis stations # 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 100–120
Membrane configuration I / II 1+1 1+1 1+1 2+2 2+2 2+2 3+2 3+3 4+4
Membrane-type RO RO I G20FTS G20FTS G20FTS G20FTS G20FTS G20FTS G20FTS G20FTS G20FTS
(Art.No) (49773) (49773) (49773) (49773) (49773) (49773) (49773) (49773) (49773)
Membrane-type RO RO II G20TS G20FTS G20FTS G20TS G20FTS G20FTS G20FTS G20TS G20FTS
(Art.No) (49772) (49773) (49773) (49772) (49773) (49773) (49773) (49772) (49773)
Approx. pump pressure @ PI 2 bar 17.3 19.2 19.0 16.5 19.2 21.0 18.1 19.6 19.3
Approx. pump pressure @ PI 4 bar 14.8 16.1 18.2 14.0 15.1 16.4 19.2 16.5 14.0
Permeate output RO II*, *** l/h 700 900 1050 1400 1800 2100 2500 2800 3600
Rejection rate Single charged Ions > 95%, Double charged Ions > 98 %
ÜV2: ref. HRS No No No No No No No No No
5–11 5–11 5–15 5–11 5–11 5–15 5–15 5–15 5–15
M1 3kW 3kW 4kW 3kW 3kW 4kW 4kW 4kW 4kW
(52183) (52183) (52185) (52183) (52183) (52185) (52185) (52185) (52185)
5–8 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–11 5–15
Grundfos CRN
M2 2,2kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 4kW
(52182) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52183) (52185)
3–17 3–23 3–23 3–23 3–23 3–23 5–22 3–23 5–22
M3 2,2 kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 5,5kW 3kW 5,5kW
(52180) (52181) (52181) (52181) (52181) (52181) (52163) (52181) (52163)
Total Amps
Electrical supply V/Hz 120/208V 3P4W+G / 60Hz
Power full -load M1+M2+M3 KVA 11.0 13.12 14.27 13.12 13.12 14.27 17.44 14.27 18.59
Power part-load M1+M2 KVA 7.8 8.87 10.03 8.87 8.87 10.03 10.03 10.03 11.18
Power part-load M1 KVA 4.63 4.63 5.78 4.63 4.63 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78
Max. overall power intake KW 7.4 9 10 9 9 10 12.5 10 13.5
IP class IP 54 (Pumps 55)
Collective alarm OUT Potential free change over contact
External IN Make contact, potential free
Drain DN 25
Width mm 1570 1570 1570 1890 1890 1890 1890 1905 2665
Depth mm 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 1080 960
Height mm 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Weight kg 515 515 540 575 685 700 775 915 1050

Configurations and data are subject to change without notice

* 6°C Raw water temperature, 500 ppm salinity, 3,5 bar loop pressure
*** Membrane 3 years, flux decline 3 years: 10%; Pr pressure RO II = 2bar; Pre pressure ring main = 2bar;
Temp. RW = 6°C; WCF RO 1 = 78%; WCF RO 2 = 85% OVERALL WCF = 75%
n.d. Not defined

7.2 Design data

Design data
Permeate output see Specifications 7.1
Electrical connection → part 2, chapter 3.1.3 “Electrical connection”
Permeate concentrate ratio 25 % for hard water operation 50 % for soft water operation

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Design data

Part 2 • Chapter 7
Ambient temperature 5–40°C / 41…104°F
Internal temperature of housing 5–70°C / 32…158°F
Relative air humidity (control) max 75 % rel. hum., non-condensing
Water contact material Stainless steel 316L, EPDM, PP, PS, PVDF, PA

7.3 Raw water requirements

Aquaboss® reverse osmosis system have been designed in such a way that they can usually be operated
with feed water quality of “drinking water” quality (according to EPA “National Primary Drinking Water
Regulation” (2009)) (→ part 1, chapter 2.1).
The service lifetime of the reverse osmosis membranes used and the permeate quality of the product flow
of the reverse osmosis system depend directly on the concentration of the individual water contents and
can be optimized through suitable pretreatment methods.
The critical parameters are highlighted in → part 1, chapter 2.1, in the column “Feed water for reverse
osmosis” in these operating instructions (bold print).

NOTICE Additional information on life expectancy of carbon filters, softener resin, pre-filtration,
reverse osmosis membranes that are relative to the user's typical feed water is available
upon request.

WARNING Product water is proportionally related to feed water quality. Feed water must be monitored,
since changes in product water may exceed acceptable limits if feed water deteriorates
significantly, the operator is responsible for monitoring.

Raw water requirements

Water intake (raw water) At least double the pure water capacity (when using a pretreatment
system, the minimum water consumption for this system must be added)
Dynamic pressure, minimum (removal) 1.5 bar / 21.75 psi
Static pressure, maximum 6.0 bar / 87 psi
pH range 9.5 ≥ pH ≥ 5.0
Free chlorine (permanent load) max. 0.0 ppm
Iron < 0.1 ppm
Fine filter 5 µm
Silt Density Index (SDI) ≤ 5 (for (Eco)RO version), ≤ 3 for RO version
Raw water setting value (TDS as NaCl) 500 ppm
Temperature range 6–30°C / 42.8…86°F

NOTICE Incoming tap water contaminants, temperature, pH, pressure and flowrates have a direct
impact on the quality and quantity of the water treatment system output.
You must be aware of changing tap water conditions. This can be easily accomplished
with good, two-way communications with your municipal drinking water supplier and with
routine testing of the tap water provided to you.

WARNING The raw water quality must be in accordance to National Primary Drinking Water or
Standards of the United States Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) (US). Raw water
must not contain more than 0.1 ppm Iron or 0.1 ppm Manganese.

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Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7.4 Loop requirements

Part 2 • Chapter 7

Loop requirements
Flow speed, min. 1 m/s (at maximum consumption)
Pressure at the loop end, min. 2.5 bar / 36.2 psi (at maximum consumption)
Material material stable to 90°C continuous flow; Lauer recommends:
stainless steel 316L, electro-polished with Ra < 0,8µm
Pressure resistance min. 10 bar / 145 psi
Construction of tapping points Minimum dead space acc. to 6-d rule (GMP)

7.5 RO modules
RO modules
Membrane modules ø 8" modules
Nominal rating (15.5 bar / 6°C) see type plate
Pump M1 – M2 – M3 pump type High-pressure centrifugal pumps
Operating voltage 3 x 208 – 230V AC 60Hz
Speed 2850 rpm
Operating pressure 12–22 bar / 174–319 psi max.

7.6 Measuring technology

Instrumentation Measuring type Measuring range Measuring precision
TISHAH1 Temperature Pt100 0–100°C 0.5%
CISAHH1 Conductivity, cell const. 0.01 0–100 µS/cm < 1%
(temp.comp. with Pt100)
acc. ASTM D 1125-95 (2009)
CIS 1 Conductivity raw water 50–2000 µS/cm < 2.5%
cell const. 0,15
PSAH1 Pressure switch 1–10 bar / 14.5–145 psi < 1% max. value
PSAL4, PSAL2 Pressure switch PSAL4 1–10 bar / 14.5–145 psi 5–10%
PSAH3 PSAL2 1–10 bar / 14.5–145 psi
PSAH3 1–20 bar / 14.5–290 psi
FISCAL 1-3 Throughflow counter 3–100 l/min 1.5%
TISAH2 Temperature NTC RO II 0–100°C 1%
TISHAH1 Temperature PT 100 -50–200 Class B

7.7 Set values (at factory)

Set values (at factory)
Pressure overflow valve UV 1 3.5 bar / 50.7 psi
Pressure overflow valve UV 2 (option) 5.0 bar / 72 psi
Pressure PSAH1 6.0 bar / 87 psi: OFF / 4 bar / 58 psi: ON
Pressure PSAL2 0.25 bar / 7.25 psi
Pressure PSAH3 19.0 bar / 275 psi
Pressure PSAL4 0.25 bar / 7.25 psi
(WCF) 75 %

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Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

NOTICE Keep pressure at UV1 stabil at all times!

Part 2 • Chapter 7
7.8 Membrane pressure pipe
Membrane pressure pipe MM 8040
Pressure max. 25 bar / 362.6 psi
Material 1.4404
Intake pump Weld-on tapered connector NW 25 top R ¼"
Permeate drain Weld-on tapered connector NW 15 top
Concentrate drain Weld-on tapered connector NW 25 on the side

7.9 Circuit diagram

Circuit diagram
Electrical circuit diagram no. EcoRO Dia II HT 87243xx

7.10 Control
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature 0…+40°C / 32…104°F
Internal temperature of housing 0…+60°C / 32…140°F
Relative humidity: acc. to DIN 40040, 15–75%, non-condensing

7.11 Command equipment

The control system consists of an operating unit (with CPU) and a power pack. The power element can be
supplemented by an external data and address bus. The operating unit and the power pack are connected
by means of a flat ribbon cable. With the exception of RS232, external connections are made with plug
block terminals via the power pack.

7.11.1 LCD display

LCD display
Character height 4.75 mm
Number of characters per line 20
Number of lines 4
Background illumination: blue

7.11.2 LED display

LED display
System under voltage LED “Run” lights up green
Alarm LED “Error” (red) and LED “Run” (green) flash alternately
Error LED “Error” (red) flashes

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Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7.11.3 Operation
Operation is by means of 4 short-stroke keys (display-guided).
Part 2 • Chapter 7

7.11.4 Data retention

Data retention
Setting and program data Stored by EEPROM
Guaranteed data retention 10 years
Min. guaranteed storage cycles 100,000
Real-time clock Buffered by lithium battery

7.11.5 Watchdog
Watchdog CPU:
The correct program sequence is monitored by an integrated watchdog (micro-controller).
When the CPU watchdog is triggered, the system is reset and an internal system test is carried out.
(Max. reset time = 2 sec.)
Watchdog power pack:
Data transfer is monitored by a watchdog in the power pack. If the power pack watchdog is not addressed
in good time, operation is interrupted immediately and a system fault is signaled (max. reset time = 1 sec.)

7.12 Input and output signals

7.12.1 Digital inputs
Number: max. 32 (see connection diagram for power pack plus)
Voltage 24 V DC, low safety voltage
Line current: 1.0 to 2.0 mA DC

Digital inputs 1–32

DI Assignment DI Assignment
1 Dialysis on 17 FISCAL1
2 Standby operation on 18 FISCAL2
3 Control voltage Jumo LF + signal lamps 19 FISCAL3
4 Control voltage RO1 20 PSAL4
5 Control voltage RO2 21 Hot RO
6 Water temperature OK 22 Water monitor
7 Permeate conductivity alarm 23
8 PKZM pump M1 24
9 PKZM pump M2 25 CMS On
10 PKZM pump M3 26 Hard water alarm
11 Reserve 27 Remote control on/off
12 LSHAL1 28 Remote control alarm ack.
13 LSHL2 29 HWD1
14 PSAH1 30 HWD2
15 PSAL2 31
16 PSAH3 32

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Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)


Part 2 • Chapter 7
DI 01 Dialysis on Signal from switch to switch cabinet doors position 1
puts system into dialysis mode
DI 02 Standby operation on Puts system in standby mode, swichting to dialysis mode possible
(automatic mode)
DI 03 Control voltage Jumo LF Puts system in standby operation, switching to dialysis operation possible
signal lamps (automatic mode)
DI 04 Control voltage RO1 Signal from fuse auxiliary switch
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 05 Control voltage RO2 Signal from fuse auxiliary switch
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 06 Water temperature OK Signal from limit value relay
DI 07 Permeate conductivity alarm Signal from external conductivity measurement (Jumo)
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 08 PKZM pump M1 Signal from motor protection switch M1
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 09 PKZM pump M2 Signal from motor protection switch M2
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 10 PKZM pump M3 Signal from motor protection switch M3
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 11 Reserve
DI 12 LSHAL1 Signal from flow switch: tank empty
Pump start-up control
DI 13 LSHL2 Signal from flow switch: tank full
Control of solenoid valve Y10
DI 14 PSAH1 Overpressure, loop
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 15 PSAL2 Pre-pressure RO II
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 16 PSAH3 Overpressure, system
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 17 FISCAL1 Signal from water meter for loop feed
DI 18 FISCAL2 Signal from water meter for loop return
DI 19 FISCAL3 Signal from water meter for drain Y9
DI 20 PSAL4 Loop pressure
Alarm/error is triggered if there is a malfunction. See FaultMessages
DI 21 HotRO Release menu 12 HotRO
DI 22 Water monitor Signal from external water monitor, Alarm/Error is triggered if there is
a malfunction. See fault messages.
DI 23
DI 24
DI 25 CMS On
DI 26 Hard water alarm
DI 27 Remote control on/off When the switch is set to 2, switching is possible between dialysis or
standby modes
DI 28 Remote control alarm ack. Possibility of remote acknowledgement
DI 29 HWD1 If signal from Hot Rinse, RO for 2 minutes, dialysis mode during standby-mode
DI 30 HWD2 As long as signal from Hot Rinse, RO dialysis mode during standby-mode
DI 31
DI 32

Rev. 4.00 December 2014 Technical data Part 2 • Page 7-9

Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7.12.2 Digital outputs, control valves

Part 2 • Chapter 7

Number: max. 32 (see connection diagram for power pack plus)

Voltage: 24 V DC, low safety voltage
Load: 390mA at 24 V DC, 150 mA at 9 V DC (current drop) or
4A activation current (max. 1 sec.)
max. 3A/output port (8 outputs)
Internal fuse: Short-circuit-proof, temperature protection
Simultaneity: max. 4 valves

Digital outputs 1–32

DI Assignment DO Assignment
1 Dialysis signal lamp 17 Y10
2 Standby mode signal lamp 18 Y30
3 Rinsing signal lamp 19 Y5.1.1
4 Emergency mode signal lamp 20 LED Y5.1.1
5 21 Hot Rinse release
6 Bridging, RO2 voltage 22 Disinfection
7 Contactor, pump M3 23 Y5.1
8 Reserve 24 Y0
9 Y2 25
10 Y3 26
11 Y4 27
12 Y5 28
13 Y6 29
14 Y7 30
15 Y8 31
16 Y9 32

Relay outputs:
Relay 40V/8A:
K1101 (changeover) = >contactor pump M1
K1102 (changeover) = >contactor pump M2
Relay -40V/2A:
K1106 (make contact) = >disinfection potential-free
K1103 (make contact) = >dialysis potential-free
K1104 (make contact) = >hard water monitor on/off potential-free
K1105 (changeover) = >collective alarm potential-free

7.12.3 Analog inputs

Analog input module (4…20 mA)
CH1 Pressure PI2 signal from pressure sensor
CH2 Pressure PI3 signal from pressure sensor
CH3 Pressure PI4 signal from pressure sensor
CH4 Permeate conductivity Signal from JUMO conductivity measuring instrument
CH5 Temperature TISAH1 Signal from Martens limit value switch
Interface RS232
Serial interface for data traffic with host computer (PC, mainframe etc.). Connection via standard interface
5V-V24 or 5V current loop.

Part 2 • Page 7-10 Technical data Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Analog inputs conductivity recording

Part 2 • Chapter 7
Number: 4, with additional board extendable to 6

Triggering: 9 VAC, 5 kHz rectangular

Voltage potential: Low safety voltage

Resolution: 8 bit

Internal fuse: Short-circuit and limited external voltage protection

Cell constant: 0.15

Adjustment: 0.10 ... 0.20 (can be adjusted individually)

Remark: Temperature compensation as function of analog temperature input

Compensation value = non-linear acc. to EN 27888

Temp. range 0 - 40°C

Correction by means of cell constant:

Measured conductivity µS x cell constant set = Display readout in µS/com 15

7.13 Overview of operating phases

7.13.1 Valve designation

Table 7-1: Valve designation, abbreviations

Abbr. Valve designation

Y2 Concentrate return RO I

Y3 Impulse back washing RO I

Y4 Normal operation RO I

Y5 Permeate

Y5.1.1 HRS Loop return flow (only when HotRinse is installed)

Y6 Impulse back washing RO I

Y7 Impulse back washing RO II

Y8 Concentrate return RO II

Y9 Concentrate discharge

Y10 Tank feed

Y30 Impulse shear force rinsing

Y5.1 Emergency mode RO I (with Hot RO II version)

7.13.2 Operating modes

Rev. 4.00 December 2014 Technical data Part 2 • Page 7-11

Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Line Mode Phase

M1 M2 M3 Y5.1.1* TISAH1
Y2* Y9* Y10* Y3 Y4* Y5* Y6 Y7 Y8* Y90 Y5.1
(-2 sec) (-7 sec) (-12 sec) Y6.1.1* Y30 (4…20mA)
Part 2 • Chapter 7

1 System off Standby 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Dialysis Empty tank 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
3 Dialysis Fill tank 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active
4 Dialysis Operation 1 1/ 0 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
5 Dialysis IRS 1 pressure build-up 0 0 LS2 1/0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
6 Dialysis IRS 1 flush 0 0 LS2 1/0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
7 Dialysis IRS 2 pressure build-up 0 0 LS2 1/0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
8 Dialysis IRS 2 flush 0 0 LS2 1/0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 active
9 Dialysis Concentrate discharge # 1 1/ 0 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
10 Dialysis Temperature discharge 1/ 0 1/ 0 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
11 Dialysis Emergency mode RO I 1 1/ 0 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 active
12 Dialysis Emergency mode RO I 1 1/ 0 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 active
Concentrate discharge #
13 Dialysis Emergency mode RO II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 active

14 Standby Shutdown rinsing – empty 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 active

15 Standby Fill 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
16 Standby Fill 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
17 Standby Standby rinsing 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 according to 0 1 0 0 1 according to active
menu 4.5 menu 4.10/11/12
18 Standby IRS 1 pressure build-up 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
19 Standby IRS 1 flush 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
20 Standby Temperature rinsing according to menu 4.4 1/0 1/0 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 1 0 according to 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
menu 4.5

21 Standby Pause 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active

22 Standby deactivated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active
23 Disinfection Empty tank 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
24 Disinfection Add disinfectant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active
25 Disinfection Fill tank LS2 1/0 0 active
26 Disinfection Circulation operation 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 according to 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
menu 5.4
27 Disinfection IRS 1 pressure build-up 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
28 Disinfection IRS 1 flush 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
29 Disinfection IRS 2 pressure build-up 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
30 Disinfection IRS 2 flush 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 active
31 Disinfection Reaction operation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active
32 Disinfection Flushing mode, fill tank 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active
33 Disinfection Flushing mode, empty tank 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 according to 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
menu 5.4

34 Disinfection Flushing mode, IRS1 flush 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active

35 Disinfection Flushing mode, IRS2 flush 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 active
36 Cleaning Empty tank 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
37 Cleaning Add cleaning agent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active
38 Cleaning Fill tank 0 active
39 Cleaning Circulation operation 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
40 Cleaning IRS 1 pressure build-up 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
41 Cleaning IRS 1 flush 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
42 Cleaning IRS 2 pressure build-up 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active
43 Cleaning IRS 2 flush 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 active
44 Cleaning Reaction operation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active
45 Cleaning Flushing mode, fill tank 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active
46 Cleaning Flushing mode, empty tank 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 according to 0 1 0 0 1 0 active
menu 5.4

47 Cleaning Flushing mode, IRS1 flush 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 active

48 Cleaning Flushing mode, IRS2 flush 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 active
49 Hot RO II Hot RO II heat up 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 #3 0 0 0 inactive

50 Hot RO II Hot RO II: duration of hold temperature 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 #3 0 0 0 inactive

51 Hot RO II Active cool-down RO II 1 1/0 LS2 1/0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 #14 0 #15 0 0 inactive

52 Hot RO II Active cool-down RO II 1 1/0 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 #15 0 0 0 #14 0 #15 0 0 inactive
+HWD2-signal = 1 #15
53 Hot RO II Active cool-down RO II 1 1/0 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 #15 0 0 0 #14 0 #15 #10 0 inactive
+dialysis mode #15

54 Hot RO I+II Hot RO I+II: heat up 1 0 0 1 0 #4 1 1 #4 #4 #4 #4 0 0 #2 #4 active

55 Hot RO I+II Hot RO I+II: Duration of hold temperature 1 0 0 1 0 #4 1 1 #4 #4 #4 #4 0 0 #2 #4 active

56 Hot RO I+II Active cool-down RO I+II 1 #11 LS2 1/0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 #14 0 0 0 0 active

57 Hot RO I+II Active cool-down RO I+II 1 #11 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 #14 0 0 0 0 active
+ HWD2-signal = 1
58 Hot RO I+II Active cool-down RO I+II 1 #11 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 #14 0 0 #10 0 active
+dialysis mode

59 Hot RO I Hot RO I: heat up 1 0 0 1 0 #16 1 1 #16 0 0 0 0 0 #2 #16 active

60 Hot RO I Hot RO I: hold temperature 1 0 0 1 0 #16 1 1 #16 0 0 0 0 0 #2 #16 active

61 Hot RO I Hot RO I: cool-down 1 #11 LS2 1/0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active

62 Hot RO I Hot RO I: cool-down + HWD2-signal = 1 1 #11 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active

63 Hot RO I Hot RO I: cool-down + dialysis mode 1 #11 LS2 1/0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 #10 0 active

Part 2 • Page 7-12 Technical data Rev. 4.00 December 2014

Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Hard water Standby Lamp Rinsing Emergency Alarm

TISAH2 Disinfect Dialysis Alarm*
monitor mode dialysis Standby lamp mode lamp lamp Condition / Remarks
(NTC) K1106 K1103 K1105

Part 2 • Chapter 7
K1104 D02 D01 D03 D04* D05*
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
inactive 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Until level drops below LS1
inactive 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 See 6.10.7 Pos. 7.1 LS1 or LS2 exceeded
inactive 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Conductivity evaluation and NTC delayed 2 min. Acc. to chap. 6.10.2 for pressure build-up line 5 or 7
inactive 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 See 6.10.2 menu 2.6 after elapsing of pressure to flush (line 6)
inactive 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 See 6.10.2 menu 2.7 after elapsing of flush back to operation (line 4)
inactive 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 See 6.10.2 menu 2.3 after elapsing of pressure to flush (line 8)
inactive 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 See 6.10.2 menu 2.4 after elapsing of flush back to operation (line 4)
inactive 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Until WCF ACTUAL = WCF SETPOINT
inactive 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 According to menu 2.16
inactive 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Motor prot. switch 3 and/or 4 failed, conductivity evaluation and NTC delayed 2 min. No IRS in emergency mode
inactive 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Every minute until WCF ACTUAL = WCF SETPOINT

inactive 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Motor protection switch 1 and/or 2 failed. Conductivity evaluation and NTC delayed by 2 min.
No IRS in emergency mode.
inactive 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Until level drops below LS1. Continue at line 15
inactive 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Fill up to LS1, wait according to menu 4.9, then continue at line 16
inactive 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Fill up to LS2, then continue at line 17
inactive 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 M3 on when 6.10.4 menu 4.5 = 1. Duration according menu 4-3, after elapsing go to line 21,
Y30 on according menu 4.10/4.11/4.12. Leakage monitoring on, Conductivity monitoring off.
inactive 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 See 6.9.2 after elapsing, back to line 17
inactive 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Only EcoRO Dia and menu 4.6 = on, then swell according menu 2.4, after exceeding go to line 17.
inactive 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Start if menu 4.4 = on and start valuation XX° C has been reached.
Stop temperature discharge if stop valuation XX°C has been reached. If DI 06 = 0 program termination intermediate
rinsing and switch into break. If Y9 = 1 and LSHL2 > 5 sec. = 0, close Y9 until LSHL2 = 1 and then open Y9 again.
inactive 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Time-controlled: 6.10.4: 4.1 + 4.2
inactive 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Menu 4.2 + 4.3 = 0 minutes of leakage monitoring
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Until LS1 is exceeded, after this line 24
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Continue via keyboard
inactive Until LS2 is exceeded
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Conductivity control permeate, Display remaining time, When conductivity > 98µS/cm after 20 min go to line 31.
Duration according chater 6.10.5, after this line 31
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 During circulation operation + 1 minute, after this go to line 28
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 After finishing + 30 seconds go to line 29
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 After this line 30
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 After this go back to line 26
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Display remaining time, Duration: 6.10.5: Menu 5.3 After this go to line 32.
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Until LS2 is exceeded
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 When LS1 drops below back to filling tank
15 minutes before the end: Message: check disinfectant residue. If conductivity > +25% after disinfection, back to start
line 32. Keyboard back to rinsing operation or end of disinfection. End = back to basic state standby operation or off.
If LS2 exceeds IRS1 or IRS2 alternately.
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 After completion menu 2.7, continue with “empty tank” line 33
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 After completion menu 2.4, continue with “empty tank” line 33
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Until LS1 is exceeded, then line 37
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Continue via keyboard
inactive 0 Until LS2 is exceeded
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Display remaining time, Duration according chapter 6.10.6 menu 6.2; then line 44
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 During circulation operation +1 min, continue with line 41
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 After completion + 30 sec: then line 42
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Then line 43
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Then back to line 39
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Display remaining time: 6.10.6 menu 6.3. Continue with line 45
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Until LS2 is exceeded
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 If level drops below LS1 back to filling tank.
15min. before end: Message: check cleaning residue. With keyboard back to rinsing operation or end cleaning.
End = back to basic state standby operation or off. If LS2 is exceeded IRS1 or IRS2 alternating.
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 After completion menu 2.7, continue with “empty tank” line 46
inactive 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 After completion menu 2.4, continue with “empty tank” line 46
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • Heat up until temp. in menu 12.2 has been reached
• #3 = close Y90 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #3 = close Y90 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• Duration according to menu 12.4 or menu 12.5
• After end of period change to cool down phase
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #14 = close Y8 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #15 = if temperatur menu 12.2 has been reached, close Y5, Y5.1 and Y8
• if temperature menu 12.2 has been reached, back to line 21 “Standby operation break”
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #14 = close Y8 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #15 = if temperature menu 12.2 has been reached, close Y5, Y5.1 and Y8
active #10 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 • #10 = As long as signal HWD1 is pending, Y5.1.1 off and K1106 disinfection on, when signal HWD1 is no longer
pending, Y5.1.1 on and K1106 disinfection off.
• #14 = close Y8 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #15 = If temperature menu 12.2 has been reached, close Y5, Y5.1 and Y8
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • Heat up until temp. in menu 12.3 has been reached
• #2 = close Y5.1.1 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min.,open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #4 = open Y30 for 1 sec. every 120 seconds, open Y3 for 2 sec. when Y30 is closed again, open Y6 for 2 sec. when
Y3 is closed again, open Y7 for 2 sec. and at the same time M3 on when Y6 is closed again and when Y7 is open
close Y8
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #2 = close Y5.1.1 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #4 = open Y30 for 1 sec. every 120 seconds, when Y30 is closed again open Y3 for 2 sec., when Y3 is closed again
open Y6 for 2 sec., when Y6 is closed again open Y7 for 2 sec. and at the same time M3 on, when Y7 is open close Y8
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #14 = close Y8 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #11 = close Y9 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• If temperature menu 12.3has been reached, back to line 21 “Standby operation break”
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #14 = close Y8 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #11 = close Y9 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
active #10 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 • #10 = As long as signal HWD1 is pending, Y5.1.1 off and K1106 disinfection on, when signal HWD1 is no longer
pending Y5.1.1 on and K1106 disinfection off.
• #11 =close Y9 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #14 = close Y8 if Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open if Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • Heat up until temp. menu 12.4 is reached
• #2 = close Y5.1.1 when Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open when Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #16 = open Y30 every 120 seconds for 1 sec, when Y30 closed again, open Y3 for 2 sec, when Y3 closed again,
open Y6 for 2 sec.
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #2 = close Y5.1.1 when Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open when Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• #16 = open Y30 every 120 seconds for 1 sec, when Y30 closed again, open Y3 for 2 sec, when Y3 closed again,
open Y6 for 2 sec.
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #11 = close Y9 when Δ T ≥ 2°K/min., open when Δ T ≤ +2°K/min.
• Actual temperature menu 12.4 reached, back to line 21 “Standby mode break”
active 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 • #11 = close 9 if ΔT ≥ 2°K/min., open if ΔT ≤ +2°K/min.
active #10 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 • #10 = as long as signal HWD1 is pending, Y5.1.1 off and K1106 disinfection on, when signal HWD1 is no longer
pending, Y5.1.1 off and K1106 disinfection off.

Rev. 4.00 December 2014 Technical data Part 2 • Page 7-13

Software version 1.04
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

7.14 EMC guidelines

Part 2 • Chapter 7

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic emission

The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the
user of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment – guidance
RF emissions Group 1 The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) uses RF energy only for
CISPR 11 its internal function. Therefore, its RF emissions
are very low and are not likely to cause any inter-
ference in nearby electronic equipment.
RF emissions Class B The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is suitable for use in all
CISPR 11 establishments, including domestic establish-
ments and those directly connected to the public
Harmonic emissions (Eco)RO Dia I: Class A
low-voltage power supply network that supplies
IEC 61000-3-2 (Eco)RO Dia II (HT): Not applicable
buildings used for domestic purposes.
(I >16 A per phase)
Voltage fluctuations / (Eco)RO Dia I: Conforms
flicker emissions (Eco)RO Dia II (HT): Not applicable
IEC 61000-3-3 (I >16 A per phase)

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic immunity

The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the
user of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment –
Electrostatic ± 6 kV contact ± 6 kV contact Floors should be wood, concrete or
discharge (ESD) ceramic tile. If floors are covered with
± 8 kV air ± 8 kV air
synthetic material, the relative humidity
IEC 61000-4-2
should be at least 30%.
Electrical fast ± 2 kV for power supply ± 2 kV for power supply Mains power quality should be that of typ-
transient/burst lines lines ical commercial or hospital environment.
IEC 610004-4 ± 1 kV for input/output ± 1 kV for input/output
lines lines
Surge ± 1 kV differential mode ± 1 kV differential mode Mains power quality should be that of typ-
ical commercial or hospital environment.
IEC 61000-4-5 ± 2 kV common mode ± 2 kV common mode
Voltage dips, short <5 % UT <5 % UT Mains power quality should be that of typ-
interruptions and volt- (>95 % dip in UT) (>95 % dip in UT) ical commercial or hospital environment.
age variations on power for 0.5 cycle for 0.5 cycle If the user of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
supply input lines requires continued operation during
40 % UT 40 % UT
power mains interruptions, it is recom-
IEC 61000-4-11 (60 % dip on UT) (60 % dip on UT)
mended that the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) be
for 5 cycles for 5 cycles
powered from an uninterruptible power
70 % UT 70 % UT supply or battery.
(30 % dip in UT) (30 % dip in UT)
for 25 cycles for 25 cycles
<5 % UT <5 % UT
(>95 % dip in UT) (>95 % dip in UT)
for 5 sec for 5 sec
Power frequency 3 A/m 30 A/m Power frequency magnetic fields should
(50/60 Hz) be at levels characteristic of a typical
magnetic field location in a typical commercial or hospi-
tal environment.
IEC 61000-4-8
NOTE: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic immunity

Part 2 • Chapter 7
The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the
user of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment –
Portable and mobile RF communications
equipment should not be used no closer
to any part of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT),
including cables, than the recommended
separation distance caculated from the
equation applicable to the frequency of
the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance
Conducted RF 3 Vrms 3V d = 0.35 √P
IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 MHz
Radiated RF 3 V/m 10 V/m d = 0.35 √P 80 MHz to 800 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz
d = 0.70 √P 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
where P is the maximum output power
rating of the transmitter in watts (W)
according to the transmitter manufacturer
and d is the recommended separation
distance in meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters,
as determined by an electromagnetic
site survey,a should be less than the com-
pliance level in each frequency range.b
Interference may occur in the
vicinity of equipment marked
with the following symbol:

NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption
and reflection from structures, objects and people.
a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land
mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with
accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey
should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is used exceeds
the applicable RF compliance level above, the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) should be observed to verify normal operation.
If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT).
b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strength should be less than 10 V/m.

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment

Part 2 • Chapter 7

and the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are
controlled. The customer or the user of the EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) can help prevent electromagnetic interference by
maintaining a miminum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communication equip-
Rated maximum output Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter
power of transmitter m
W 150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
d = 0.4 √ P d = 0.4 √ P d = 0.7 √ P
0.01 0.04 0.04 0.07
0.1 0.13 0.13 0.22
1 0.40 0.40 0.70
10 1.3 1.3 2.2
100 4.0 4.0 7.0
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in
metres (m) can be determined using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the
maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 4 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption
and reflection from structures, objects and people.

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8. Maintenance and operating logs

Part 2 • Chapter 8
The functional safety of the reverse osmosis system can only be maintained if the medical device log is
maintained properly and made accessible to technicians during the technical safety check / maintenance
The EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) is a low-maintenance system:
• If the system is operated with an upstream softening plant, care must be taken that soft water is
always available. Check the soft water regularly.
• Comparison / adjustment of the conductivity values must be carried out once a month by means of
a hand-held measuring instrument.
• LMW recommends a weekly check of the Hydrowatch on the installed membrane pressure vessel
(DG). If the red ball is visible in the viewing glass, please contact your Lauer Membran Wassertechnik
GmbH service technician immediately.

WARNING Follow the instructions on specific checks for your system.

→ part 2, chapter 8.1 “Specific checks for your system”

WARNING Keep the medical device log.

→ part 2, chapter 8.3 “Medical device log EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)”

WARNING Observe instructions for maintenance and the technical safety check.
→ part 2, chapter 8.7 “Maintenance plan and technical safety check EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)”

WARNING If after installation and subsequent use, any component of the water treatment system is
changed or replaced, the operator should conduct appropriate tests to assure the revised
system meets the initial design criteria.

WARNING “It is the responsibility of the Dialsysis Physician to ensure that the system is operated,
monitored, and maintained in such a manner so as to satisfy all applicable standards for
which the water may be used.”

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8.1 Specific checks for your system

Part 2 • Chapter 8

On this form, you will find the stipulations entered by LMW for specific checks which have been laid down
especially for your system. The specific checks must be carried out at the intervals given here.
Independently of this, the medical device log (→ part 2, chapter 8.3 “Medical device log EcoRO Dia I/II
(HT)”) must be kept and the maintenance and technical safety check measures (→ part 2, chapter 8.7
“Maintenance plan and technical safety check EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)”) must be carried out and logged.

Specific checks to be carried out Description Interval Instructions

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8.2 Medical device log and maintenance / technical safety check log

Part 2 • Chapter 8
The functional safety of the reverse osmosis system can only be maintained if the medical device log is
maintained properly and made accessible to technicians during the technical safety check / maintenance
Completely and correctly kept log books are absolutely essential to determine the type of maintenance and
checks to be carried out periodically.
The type of activity, the date carried out and the person doing the work must be entered in the respective
log book every time a check is made.
Sample pages for the medical device log and the maintenance and technical service check log are pro-
vided in these operating instructions. You can copy these pages as often as required.
Please always keep the completed pages near the system.
Medical device log → part 2, chapter 8.3
Maintenance and technical safety check log → part 2, chapter 8.7
Maintenance plan and technical safety check → part 2, chapter 8.7

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8.3 Medical device log EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 2 • Chapter 8

The plant performance must be recorded daily in the medical device log including details of all operation
Serial no.: ......................................................................................
Month / year: ..................................................................................

Date Free chlorine Hardness Hydrowatch Conductivity Permeate Water temperature RO flow rate
[ppm] [°dH; °fH] [ppm] green / OK CISAHH1 TISHAH1 FISCAL1
red / not OK (µS/cm)1) [°C] [l/h]


1) Salt passage rate does not exceed twice the salt passage rate of the installation at the time of its verification.

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Part 2 • Chapter 8
RO flow rate Yield Remarks Visa
FISCAL2 WCF (maintenance, filter replacement, disinfection, cleaning, …)
[l/h] [%]

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8.4 DISINFECTION LOG (reference to document E07FB02)

Part 2 • Chapter 8

Postal code and city

Disinfection ordered by on
Disinfection initiated by on
1. Instruct the person responsible about disinfection
2. Disconnect the dialysis machine
3. Clearly mark that the system is being disinfected
4. Check Hydrowatch: red indicator is not visible
5. Carry out cleaning using program mode “C” and the cleaning log
6. Carry out disinfection using program mode “DI” or “D”

IMPORTANT The warning and safety instructions of the operating manual must always be followed!

Disinfection carried out on the following:

Reverse osmosis system No.:

Tapping points permeate/sampling

Disinfectant used:

Expiry date Quantity

Concentration Circulating time
Reaction time Flushing time

1. After disinfection (DI), the reverse osmosis system (RO) and the loop must be flushed out with permeate
2. Specific check for residual disinfectant for:
• H2O2 (peroxide test – Merck item no. 10011) or
• Peroxyacetic acid (peroxyacetic acid test – Merck item no. 110084) or
• Chlorine (chlorine test – Merck item no. 117925)
1. Separate check on all permeate tapping points to make sure there is no disinfectant left in the system
2. Repeated check to ensure there is no disinfectant left in the system after the disinfected and rinsed RO has stood still for 30 min.
I have made sure that the check for residual disinfectant is negative at all tapping points

NOTICE It is guaranteed that a test to prove there is no residual disinfectant in the system will be car-
ried out at all tapping points before the next dialysis begins.

NOTICE To prove effective disinfection, a determination of bacterial count in the permeate is recom-
mended within 5–7 days of disinfection

Overall germ count according to Ph. Eur issue 5, chap. 1167 resp. EDTNA Guidelines issue 4: setpoint < 100/ml endotoxin using LAL test: setpoint < 0.25
• Use sterile disposable gloves
• Clean sampling cock (at least loop feed and return) with alcohol
• Open the sampling cock and rinse constantly for about 3–5 min.
• Fill permeate sample into a sterile sampling vessel (at least 200 ml), close it immediately or filtrate it using a sampling filter (item no. 50346) with
sampling nipple (item no. 50327) (note the water quantity!).
• Store the sample in a cool place and pass it on to an accredited research lab within 6 hours

End of disinfection: ......................... Signature customer: ...............................................

Place/date ......................... Signature technician:..............................................

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8.5 CLEANING LOG (reference to document E07FB18)

Part 2 • Chapter 8
Postal code and city

Cleaning ordered by on
Cleaning initiated by: on
1. Instruct the person responsible about cleaning
2. Disconnect the dialysis machine
3. Clearly mark that the system is being cleaned
4. Check Hydrowatch: red indicator is not visible
5. Carry out cleaning using program mode “C”
6. Note times

IMPORTANT The warning and safety instructions of the operating manual must always be followed!

The following reverse osmosis system was cleaned SN.:

Before cleaning After cleaning Unit

Permeate conductivity v µS/cm (25°C nLF)
pH value in the concentrate --
Permeate hourly throughput l/h
Permeate temperature °C

Cleaning agent used:

Expiry date Quantity

Concentration Circulating time
Reaction time Flushing time
• I have made sure that the permeate conductivity determined after cleaning is less than or equal to the permeate conductivity determined before
• The pH value in the concentrate has the same value before and after cleaning (±0.1 pH)

NOTICE It has been ensured that disinfection will be carried out after cleaning of the reverse osmosis

End of cleaning: ......................... Signature customer: ...............................................

Place/date ......................... Signature technician:..............................................

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8.6 Maintenance and technical safety check log EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 2 • Chapter 8

All the maintenance, technical safety checks, disinfection and cleaning carried out on the system must be
recorded in the maintenance and technical safety check log.
The technical safety checks are to be carried out annually.

Serial no.: .........................................................

Maintenance work carried out Date: Running time in h: Description of maintenance work, remarks: Visa:

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

8.7 Maintenance plan and technical safety check EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 2 • Chapter 8
Dialysis centre ........................................................... Serial number (SN) ...............................
Contact person ........................................................... System type (Eco)RO Dia I
RO Dia I
(Eco)RO Dia II
HT version (optional)
........................................................... Number of modules, 1st stage ..............................
Postal code / city ........................................................... Number of modules, 2nd stage ..............................
Inventory number ......................... Pump type M1 ..............................
Order number ......................... M2 ..............................
Date of manufacture ............./........... M3 ..............................

Maintenance Full maintenance Technical safety check Date: ..............................


1. Pretreatment Carried out / Last Values / Data / Remarks M FM

Replaced OK replacement
month / year
1.1 Overall visual assessment, inc. seals; complete X X
1.2 Water filter, rinsing type (optional) Type
1.2.1 Check degree of contamination (visual inspection) X X
1.2.2 Carry out rinsing operation (once per week) X X
1.3 Water monitor Type
1.3.1 Function check X
1.4 Pipe disconnector Type
1.4.1 Function test, disconnection and flow setting X

2. Sand/iron filter (optional) Carried out / Last Values / Data / Remarks M FM

Replaced OK replacement
Type: ......................, SN: .................... month / year
2.1 Overall visual assessment inc. seals X X
2.2 Check control head for functioning X X

3. Softener / Ion exchanger Carried out / Last Values / Data / Remarks M FM

Replaced OK replacement
Type: ......................, SN: .................... month / year
3.1 Overall visual assessment inc. seals
3.2 Start manual regeneration X X
3.3 Resin replacement every 10 years (X)
3.4 Clean injector if required X X
3.5 Replace brine valve if required X X
3.6 Clean salt tank (annually) X X
3.7 Salt filling level cm X X
3.8 Set brine filling level cm X X
3.9 Raw water hardness °dH X X
3.10 Soft water hardness < 1°dH / <17.8 ppm CaCO3 °dH X X
3.11 Set capacity m3 X X

3.12 Bypass valve setting (check) X X

3.13 Check control head for functioning X X

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

4. Active charcoal filter Carried out / Last Values / Data / Remarks M FM

Replaced OK replacement
Part 2 • Chapter 8

Type: ......................, SN: .................... month / year

4.1 Overall visual assessment X X

4.2 Check control head for functioning X X

5. Reverse osmosis system Carried out / Last Values / Data / Remarks M FM

Replaced OK replacement
month / year
5.1 Total running time of system h X X

5.2 Running time, pumps M1 / M2 / M3 h h h X X

5.3 Overall visual assessment inc. seals X X

5.4 Replace fine filter cartridge at least every X X

6 weeks
5.5 Milk tube screw connections checked and X X
5.6 Module lid screw connections OK X X

5.7 Butterfly valve setting of SW bypass X X

(K1, K3) normal setting closed
5.8 Butterfly valve setting K4: closed X X
K5 / K6 / K7 open
5.9 Replace tank aerators (annually) X X
+ Check interior walls of tanks for biofilms
(slime formation)
Check if slime layer exists on walls yes no
If so: mechanically clean tank and clean entire
system acc. to chap. 12
5.10 Solenoid valves
5.10.1 Check coils Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5,Y6, Y7, Y8, Y9, X X
Y30, (initiate IRS in stages I + II)
5.10.2 Replace Y10 coil + set of seals, inc. membrane (X)
(every 5 years)
5.10.3 Check manual function of Y10 X X

5.11 Pressure switch PSAH1 6.0 bar + 2.0 bar X X

Check function of switching point PSAL2 0.5 bar ± 0.3 bar X
PSAH3 18.0 bar + 2.0 bar X
PSAL4 0.5 bar ± 0.3 bar X
Check functioning of pressure displays PI1–6
5.12 Pumps and motors
5.12.1 Check sliding ring seal in pump head, M1 Check X X
replace if necessary M1 (X)

M2 Check X X
M2 (X)

M3 Check
5.12.2 Check motor protection switch, M1 (A) (1.0 x the nominal current) X X
replace if necessary
M2 (A) (1.0 x the nominal current) X X

M3 (A) (1.0 x the nominal current)

5.13 Float switch
5.13.1 Check functioning X X

5.13.2 Replace LSHAL1 (every 3 years) (X)

5.13.3 Replace LSHL2 (every 3 years) (X)

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

5. Reverse osmosis system Carried out / Last Values / Data / Remarks M FM

Replaced OK replacement

Part 2 • Chapter 8
month / year
5.14 Water meter FISCAL 1–3
5.14.1 Check functioning X X
FISCAL1: permeate intake in ringline
FISCAL2: permeate return in ringline
5.15 Check membrane pressure vessel / Hydrowatch 30 l 50 l X (X)

5.15.1 Air pressure check / setting at least 1.0 bar bar X X

Green ball visible Yes X

(if no, replace – see 5.15.3) X X

5.15.2 Leak test (visual inspection) with no pressure X X

in ringline
5.15.3 Replace membrane pressure vessel X X
(no later than every 5 years or as necessary)
5.16 System data X X

5.16.1 Update software if necessary old SW vers. (X)

(pay attention to valid operating instructions!)
new SW

5.16.2 Conductivity check Reference Measuring X X

µS/cm µS/cm
Check with calibrated hand device:
Max. deviation ± 2 µS/cm, see help

5.16.3 Check temperature measurements Reference Measuring


5.16.4 Check / read out alarm/limit values Alarm value µS/cm X X
Trigger alarm function: Max.
deviation ± 2 µS/cm, see help Limit value µS/cm X X

Trigger limit value function: Max.
deviation ± 2 µS/cm, see help

5.16.5 Check temperature discharge Reference Measuring X X

°C °C
Trigger temperature discharge:
switching point ± 3°C, see help

5.16.6 Check error history X X

5.16.7 Fill out “Service Report” log X X

5.16.8 Initiate all operating states X

5.16.9 Log system performance l/h X X

at …°C X X

5.17 Inputs / outputs

5.17.1 Check functioning of all outputs X X

5.17.2 Check all inputs on display X X

5.17.3 Trigger alarms manually X

5.18 Electrical installation

5.18.1 Check terminals X X

5.18.2 Check insulation of all cables, X

replace if necessary
5.18.3 Replace CPU battery (every 5 years) (X)

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

6. Cleaning & disinfection Last Values / Data / Remarks

Replaced Carried out replacement
Part 2 • Chapter 8

(only if required or when stipulated by

month / year
operator: ______________ )
6.1 Citric acid rinsing** Yes
6.2 NaOH rinsing** Yes
6.3 Ultrasil rinsing** Yes
6.4 Disinfection carried out ** Yes DI filling opening locked again
** according to separate log

7. Special work Carried out / Last Values / Data / Remarks

(if required) Replaced OK replacement
month / year
7.1 Module replacement
Old serial No. New serial No.
7.2 Pump replacement
Old serial No. New serial No.
7.3 Motor replacement
Old serial No. New serial No.
7.4 Replace coils Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, Y8, Y9,
Y10, Y30 (Y5.1, Y90 when available)
7.5 Replace relay on all relay modules
(if required)
7.6 Butterfly valves K1, K3: replace seals if required
7.7 Other

8. Protective conductor resistor / electr. safety Carried out / Values / Data / Remarks M FM
DIN EN 61010-1 OK
Test equipment number No.

Measured value Limit value

8.1 Measurement between connection cable RSL < 0.1 Ω X
and housing
8.2 Measurement between connection cable RSL < 0.1 Ω X
and mounting plate
8.3 Measurement between connection cable RSL < 0.1 Ω X
and doors/front plate
8.4 Insulation check RISO > 0.5 MΩ X

8.5 Leakage current

Housing leakage current NORMAL CONDITION IGA.NC < 0.5 mA X
Housing leakage current SINGLE FAULT IGA.SF < 3.5 mA X

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

9. Handover M FM

Part 2 • Chapter 8
9.1 Start Dialysis / Standby operating mode Simulate permeate X X
consumption so that all
pumps are running.
9.2 Confirm error-free handover X X

NOTICE It is recommended to have the successful technical safety check /disinfection be verified by
determining the germ count / endotoxin content.

................................................................................................. .................................................................................................
Service technician, block letters City / date, signature

The system has been taken over in perfect working order

................................................................................................. .................................................................................................
System operator, block letters City / date, signature

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Part 2 • Chapter 8

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

9. Spare and wear parts list EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

Part 2 • Chapter 9
A detailed spare parts list is included in the scope of delivery for the system.
TM 080

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Part 2 • Chapter 9

Part 2 • Page 9-2 Spare and wear parts list EcoRO Dia I/II (HT) Rev. 4.00 December 2014
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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)

10. Draft letter for municipal water suppliers

Part 2 • Chapter 10
To the
[municipal water supplier]

[City], [Date]

Dear Sir or Madam,

Artificial kidneys make high demands on the quality of water used. For your information, I have enclosed
a copy showing the present quality standard for water used to dilute concentrated haemodialysis solution.
If this quality standard is not met, it can lead to situations which threaten the lives of patients.
Especially chemicals such as aluminium, fluorides, free chlorine and chloramines, which are generally
used for municipal water treatment, can have a detrimental effect on the health of haemodialysis patients.
In our dialysis centre, we have installed a water treatment system which, under normal conditions, enables
us to achieve the standard of water quality required for diluting concentrated haemodialysis solutions. This
water treatment system has been designed and configured to process the average composition of water
that you supply.
The system consists of a softening plant and a reverse osmosis system. These components are capable of
removing all the water components harmful to patients found in drinking water.
We would like to ask you to inform us immediately if there are any changes in the composition of the water,
particularly about the use of any disinfectants such as chlorine, or dosing of any other chemicals, so that
we can take the necessary steps to protect our patients.
We would like to thank you in advance for your considerate cooperation.

Yours sincerely

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EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 2 • Chapter 10

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Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions

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