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Present Simple A Write the verbs in the correct column. teach ride cry pay do worry wash buy touch _— study (talk fix marry clean carry J 3 78s ies teaches B Circle the correct verb. 1 Babies €ry)/ cries a lot. 2. | eat / eats ice cream in the summer. 3 Jane study / studies every afternoon 4 She do / does her homework in the evening. 5 My friend wateh / watches television twice a week, € Fill in the blanks with the Present Simple form of the verb in brackets. 1. She .......9928....... (go) to the beach in summer. 2 We (bake) biscuits every Friday. 3. My parents (work! in the garden on Saturdays. 4 Susie the time. (try) her best at school all D Fill in the blanks with doesn’t or don't. Vo Fish nO... live in houses. 2. The sun shine at night. 3 Acat bork 4 Dod ride a bike to work. 5. Policemen .. . catch every criminal 6 Students always remember answers. E Write questions with Do or Does. Then write short answers. Do... you watch TV every day? Yes, do. / No. ! don't. 2 your parents go to the theatre? 3 your teacher drink coffee? 4 doctors work in shops? 5 csssnssnnnenen the School year start in January? F Write questions using the Present Simple. Then answer the questions according to the pictures. 1 a (cheese) (draw pictures) (ice cream) mice / usually / eat / bananas Do mice usually eat bananos? No, they don't They usually eat cheese 2. Tina / run / to school / every day 3. Sally / often / write / stories 4 the twins / like / chocolate Phoiosopiable © Aviansie 1 Present Simple A Add_-s, -es or -ies to the verbs below to form the Present Simple for he, she or it. 1. stop steps 5 mix 9 go 2 watch 6 tie 10 catch 3. study 7 dress 11. enjoy 4 do 8 ty 12 lose B_ Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verb in brackets. 1 Mum......Wwashes.... (wash) the car once a week. 5 Every year Helen (go) 2 Children usually (like) ice cream to France. 3 you (know) the way 6 He (not visit) his friends every to the lake? day. 4 Bob (study) French on Saturdays. € Write each sentence in the negative. Then write an affirmative sentence using the words in brackets. 1 You need more spelling practice. (reading) 4 Mark goes to karate lessons. (piano) a You don't need more spelling practice a b You.need.more.reading practice. b 2. My dad reads the newspaper every day. (a book) 5 He likes chocolate. (biscuits) a a b b 3. | study on Saturdays. (Sundays) 6 Sally rides a bike to school. (motorbike) a a b b D Write questions and answer them about yourself. 1 your grandma / often / visit you / ? 4 your friends / like / computer games / ? Does your grandma often visit you? Yes, she does / No, she doesn't 2 you / watch / TV / in the evening / ? 5 you/ study / French / at school / ? 3. your dad / play / the guitar / ? 6 your mum / work / at a bank /? Present Simple ‘A Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Bob .....washes.... (wash) his dog once a week. 4 you (enjoy) sport? 2. The sun always (ary) the rain 51 (not do) enough exercise. 3. My brother (not study) at my 6 My friend (come) to school school by bus. B_ Write each sentence in the negative form. Then write new affirmative sentences using the words in brackets. Pay attention to the underlined words. 1 We watch the news every night. (a film) 4 | study on Saturdays. (Sundays) a We.don't watch the news every, night a b We.wateh.a film every night b 2 You need more grammar practice. (reading) 5 Mark goes to karate lessons. (piano) a a b b 3. My teacher reads the newspaper every day. 6 My sister plays with our dog. (cat) (a book) a a b b € Write questions using the words below. Then answer the questions. Make the answers true for you. your father / play / the guitar / ? 3 your grandma / often / bake cakes / ? Does your father play the guitar? 2. you/ have / breakfast / before school / ? D Tick (V) the chart. Then write six sentences about yourself. 1_make my bed clean my room do my homework wash my clothes cook dinner oan wn alalalolr walk to school Phaioey A Look at the flight timetable below. Then tick (/) the sentences below T (True) or F (False). ey anRon ewvd8HA ARAN Present Simple with future meaning Arrivals Time Barcelona 10.00 New York 13.00 Paris 13.30 Brussels 16.30 Departures | Time Stockholm 10.30 London: 12.30 Moscow 14.00 Rome 19.00 ‘The flight from New York arrives at 10 o'clock. The plane to London leaves at 12 o'clock. The flight from Paris lands at 13.30. The flight to Stockholm takes off at 10.30. The plane from Barcelona arrives at one o'clock, The flight to Rome leaves at 19.00. The plane from Brussels lands at 16.30. The flight to Moscow takes off at 12.30. Look at the When does the flight from Barcelona arrive? When does the flig ‘0 Stockholm leave? When does the plane from New York land? When does the flight ‘0 Moscow take off? Does the flight from Paris arrive at one o'clock? Does the flight to London take off at 12.30? When does the flig 0 Rome leave? Does the ‘light from Brussels arrive before or after the flight from Paris? ht timetable in Exercise 1 and answer the questions. Use the Present It.orrives. at. 1000 Present Continuous A. Write the -ing form of each verb. 1 meet meeting. 6 eat 11 wear 2 study 7 smile 12. visit 3 drive 8 run 13. drink 4 wash 9 lie 14. swim 5 sit 10 pour 15. think B_ Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets. 11 .gm. studying.. (study) right now. 51 (lie} on my bed right now. 2. The teacher (write) on the 6 Today we (learn) new words blackboard at the moment in English 3. They (wean) blue Tshirts 7. Billy and his dog (play) with today. the ball in the garden, 4 Sally (sit) in the room now. 8 Mum (fix) my bike. C Write questions. Then answer the questions. 1 3 play / piano a eat / apple 3 6} Is he playing the piano? $2 2 sf. Le Yes, he Is — v1 play / basketball ride / bicycles oe sy, ¢ J 2 D Put the words in the correct order to make sentences 1 her desk / sitting / teacher / at / the /is /? 4 studying / at the moment / Peter / is / ? Is the teacher sitting at her desk? 2 TV/ they / film /a/ watching / are / on / 5 letter / Jane / you / are / to / writing /a/? 3 studying / now / students / are / the / 6 sleeping / now / boys / aren't / the / aaa 1 Present Continuous A Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1 My parents ..ere. having. (have) lunch now. 4 you (study) right now? 2 Lauren (learn) French today. 51 (sit) next to him at the moment. 3. The boys (not swim) today. 6 Mydog (not sleep) now. B_ Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets. eee eee ee eee (‘sit “not wash watch not play drive write) 1 My sister .is..watching. TV right now. 4 The women in the park now. 2 The boys tennis today 5 Dad his car today BL cent N my notebook at the moment. 6 They .snnncansnsnn to. work right now. Describe what is happening in the picture with the words below. Use the Present Continuous. befp play read sleep write _ talk ) 1 The.teacher.1s. helping. Sem. oanan D Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 making / breakfast / is / this moming / Dad /? ./3.Dad making breakfast, this morning? aren't / tonight / costumes / the actors / wearing / to New York / at the moment / flying / fam / listening to / you / music / are / ? aR ON a picture / isn’t / the artist / now / painting / aaa 1 Present Simple / Present Continuous A Underline the verb in each sentence. Then circle the correct time expression. 1 Children G@sually / at present enjoy films, 2. The police officers are talking to the stranger once a day / at the moment. 3. The gardener comes to our house now / once a week. Jack is helping Jill in the evening / right now. Dad washes the car at the moment / on Saturdays, B Circle the correct answer. 1 We learn /(@re learning)grammar at the moment. 2 Helen is wearing / wears blue jeans and a T-shirt today. 3. | always stop / am stopping the car at a red light. n summer we are going / go to the beach Tom and | wateh / are watching o good film at the moment. © Fillin the blanks with Do, Does, Am, Is or Are. 1 ceee2088..... the film star want to be in a play? 2 the twins wearing different clothes? Mum making breakfast? | disturbing you? monkeys eat a ot of bananas? onan Fill in the blanks with don’t, doesn’t, am not, isn't or aren't We w...don't go to the beach in winter. \ watching TV right now. Sally buying fruit today. Debbie and Paul Dad eating pizza work at the weekend. Complete the sentences with the Present iple or Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets. We usually have (have) lunch two o'clock, isten! the phone (ring)? \ (sit) in the park today. people in their houses at Christmas? (out) trees My brother always ... (watch} tennis on TV. My friend (not visit) me every doy, The boys (study) at the moment so please don’t talk to them Bill {not play) outside now. Answer the questions. Is your friend helping you with this exercise? Do you play football? Are you eating anything right now? Is it raining at the moment? Phoiosopiable © Aviansie 1 Present Simple / Present Continuous A. Choose the correct time expression. 1 Christmas is in December @very yea / now. am playing soccer every Thursday / tonight Does Mike visit his grandmother every week / this week? always walk to schoo! today / on Tuesdays. We are learning about the Internet every day / today. aon on That band is playing my favourite song at the moment / on Sundays. B_ Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Jane and her team want, (want) to win the gym competition today. 2 you usually (work) on Saturdays? 3 Bill (write) a book report at the moment 4 Robert often (study) in the evening. 5 you (look) for information on the Intemet now? 6 {not know) anything about the theatre. 7. My mum and dad always ....:s:sosnnnnnnenne (Make) delicious food, 8. Listen! Li8d eon ..». (sing) a beautiful song. 9. | con't leave NOW. We vavnssnnneasnnen (have) dinner. 0. Tony always (finish) schoo! at 4.30. C Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Be careful with stative verbs. 1 Tom usually «uf !42S...... (ride) his bike to school, but he ......!$.99IM4...... (go) by car today. 2 JONG sosersnsennsennennns (MOL HKG) 100, BUE SHE vance .». (drink) it today because she's ill 3 Mark and Vill .cnssnnssnnnsnne (try) to improve their French. They ose (StUCY) together every afternoon, 4 Mylittle sister (not understand) her homework, so my mum (help) her nowy. 5 My friend is on holiday now and | (want) to talk to her. 6 (think) he is telling the truth now. Phoiosopiable © Aviansie

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