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Kaitlyn Adams

Sam Gonzalez

ENC 1101

November 28, 2023

Response Letter

Dear Editor,

I wanted to take the chance to thank you for reviewing and reconsidering my submission

of Major Assignment 2. Utilizing the feedback I have received from my professor, I have gone

back through my paper and revised the corrections I received in order to submit an improved

version. Throughout this editing process, my knowledge on this assignment and the topic in

general, I have been able to strengthen my paper.

A large majority of the feedback I received was in regards to my in text citations, works

cited, and citations overall. An example of this was that my in text citations were completely

incorrect. In an effort to correct this, I used student examples posted by my instructor as a model

for my own work to better resemble. This encouraged me to add a header and page numbers,

which I did not have prior. This also helped me to see how in text citations should correctly be

done. Another citation correction I received was that one of my paragraphs was completely in the

wrong font. For example, in my original submission, I had these citations listed as “(Melzer

2020)” when they should have been the authors last name and the page number which I later

fixed to be “(Melzer 102)”. As you can see Editor, this was a silly mistake on my end, which I

quickly fixed. These mistakes were frustrating for me, because they seemed small but ended up

deducting many points from my grade. I am now aware how to use in text citations for future


Some other MLA related critiques I got were how I captioned my picture artifacts. I did

not do these correctly and upon research, I have learned that the correct way to caption these is

beginning with the figure number. For example, “Figures 1 and 2 display locations in the Kappa

Kappa Gamma sorority house that are seen when first walking into the house and when entering

the chapter/dining room.” I kept the rest of the describing information the same, however

changed the beginning so it read “Figures 1 and 2”.

In addition to these citing critiques, another key critique was that I was missing a thesis

statement. Though I had thought that “Though an English assignment and sorority life are

usually seen as two very different things with no similarities or correlation, my purpose of this

essay is to spark the idea that discourse communities are all around us in our daily life.” was my

thesis, I now see that it does not really display what a thesis statement should. As you can see

Editor, I decided to create an overall new thesis, “My sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma is a

discourse community because it accurately represents this definition and the six characterizing

points that are stated in Melzers article.” I feel that this is a much better thesis statement

because it introduces the discourse community as well as the six key points that I focus on

throughout the paper. I understand why this comment was made and I feel it encouraged me to

create this addition greatly benefits my paper.

By reading my resubmissions for my Major Assignment 2, that you can see that I fixed

both my MLA and citing errors as well as my writing ones. I was able to use this feedback and

student examples to assist me in correcting citations that I was unaware were incorrect in the

first place. I was also able to create a thesis that better encompasses my writing on this prompt

I hope you can clearly see that I put effort into using your feedback, Editor on my revisions. All

of my peer feedback was positive, so I was unable to add those corrections, but I did want to

note that I did receive and view my peer feedback as well.

Thank you,

Kaitlyn Adams

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