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 Demography is the branch of social science in which study of human population

 The demographic word taken from Greek words-

Demo- peoples
Grapho- records

 Demography is the study of human population size, structure and distribution

 India ranks second in the world on demographics China take first position population
 Based on the 2011 census India's population is 121 crores
 Demography focus on observable human phenomena-

 Composition of population
 Size of population
 Distribution of population

Demography stages

 High stationary stages (high birth and high death rate)

 Early expansion stage (unchanged birth rate and death rate is decline)

 Late expanding stage (death rate decline and birth rate decrease)

 Low Stationary stage (low birth rate and death rate)

 Decline stage (birth rate lower than death rate)

 The difference between the birth rate and death rate is called demographic gap.

Demographic process - five demographic process are

1. Fertility
2. Mortality
3. Migration
4. Marriage
5. Social mobility

Types of demography

1. Static demography - the structure anatomy and environment of population is

traced inside the static demography
2. Dynamic demography- dynamic demography is a study of the population of
function of the communities to know about out changing pattern of mortality
fertility and migration.

Factors influencing the population size

 Birth date
 Death rate
 Health
 Environment sanitation
 Medical care facilities
 Nutrition
 Occupation
 Economic condition
 Immunization
 Lifestyle

Demographic measurement tools

 Age dependency rate

 Age dependency ratio
 Socio economic condition
 Age group
 Family size Click

 Density
 Population size and population pyramid
 Population distribution
 Life expectancy
 Literacy and education
 Urbanisation

Data collection methods

1. Primary data collection- demographic data collected by the individual by

using method are-

 Observation
 Interview
 Questionnaires
 Diaries

1. Observation methods- in this way data should be collected by observation

 Observation data collection method can structure or unstructured.

1. Structured observation- also known systematic observation
 Specific data should be collected according to decided schedule
 There is a pre planning Data Collection method

2. Unstructured observation- nothing is already design within unstructured Data

Collection method, in which data is collected based on the situation.

 There is no planning before data collect

 these methods required good interpersonal skill or brilliant memory observer.

2. Interview- interview used to collect data from small group of population on a

range of topics.

1. Structured interview- it is a pre-planned interview in this the question asked

in the interview are arranged in an order. Download more Nursing Notes Page 3

2. Semi structured interview- describe interviews open ended and closed ended
question for data collection.
3. Unstructured interview- interviews ask the question according to situation
and use the open-ended question.

4. Questionnaires- these methods consist a series of questions for gathering

information from respondents.

 Commonly questionnaires use the open ended and closed ended question
 Questionnaires is the main instrument to collect the information from population.

5. Diary- in many surveys, diary method also useful, where a person records the
entries into a diary.

2. Secondary data collection

 Census
 National surveys
 Registration of vital events
 Records
 Demographic studies

Concept of demography

 Demography is both qualitative and quantitative study of human population.

 due to studying population, it helps to understand the problem and disease occurring
in the society
 Demography is helpful of of analysis of population with data.
 Quantitative data include- population size, growth, structure, composition and
 Qualitative data include- education, crime, economic condition, social class, nutrition
pattern of the population.
 Demography also determine the sex ratio, birth rate, death rate, fertility etc.
 Demography explain the vital statics. Click

Scope of demography

 The scope of demography is very wide.

 Scope of demography divided into two section-

1. Macro demography- macro demography includes the interpersonal

relationship between populations, culture, society, economy on a large scale.
2. Micro demography- micro demography is a narrow view of population

 Include the family as a unit of large society

 Fertility and migration are very helpful for population study.
 Social welfare department also use the population study.

Demography rate and ratio

 Rate- rate is the frequency of measurement with event coma which is occur in a
particular population over specific time period.
 Ratio- ratio is a compansion of two measurement or two numbers.
 Proportion- two equal rates or ratios.

 Number of live births per 1000 population.

 Crude birth rate = number of live births per 1000 population on mid-year
population in a particular area.

 Crude birth rate = number of live births in a year/midyear population during same

 Fertility rate = measure the average number of children per women Download more Nursing Notes Page 5

 General fertility rate = number of live births per 1000 women (age under 15- 45 in
a year)

 General fertility rate = number of live births in a year/number of females×1000

 General marital fertility rate = number of live births per 1000 married women (age
under 15 to 45 in a year)

 Total fertility rate = number of children born per woman (per 1000 women), if she
suffered childbearing years

 Death rate = number of deaths per 1000 population

 Crude death rate = number of death 1000 mid-year population in a year.

 Crude death rate = number of death in a year/mid-year population during same


 infant mortality rate = number of deaths per 1000 live birth in a one year

 maternal mortality rate = number of deaths of pregnant woman due to any

pregnancy disorder within 42 days per 1000 live birth

 Marriage rate = number of marriages in the 1 year per 1000 population Click

 Sex ratio = number of females per 1000 males.

 Birth death ratio = number of live births in a one year/number of deaths in a one


 Scientific study of human population- Demography

 According to demography study, India's rank in term of population- Second

 In India according to 2011 census, population rate is - 121 crore

 Which demographic stage include birth rate lower than death rate - Decline

 Comparison between two measurement- Ratio

 Pre-planned observational Data Collection method is- Structured observation Download more Nursing Notes Page 7

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