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1) A driverless train AGVS (dạng xe kéo tự hành) is being planned for a warehouse.

train AGV includes a towing vehicle (đầu kéo) and four carts (4 toa). Speed of the trains (tốc độ
di chuyển của tàu tự hành) = 160 ft/min. Only the pulled carts carry loads (chỉ có các toa tàu mới
chở hàng). Average loaded travel distance (khoảng cách di chuyển khi có hàng trên toa) per
delivery cycle is 2,000 ft and empty travel distance (khoảng cách di chuyển khi không có hàng)
is the same (giống nhau). Assume the travel factor = 0.95, worker efficiency Ew=1, and
availability = 1.0. The load handling time (thời gian đưa hàng lên toa) per train per delivery is
expected to be 10 min and the unload handling time (thời gian lấy hàng khỏi toa tàu) per train is
equal to load handling time. If the requirements on the AGVS are 25 cart loads/hr, (Nếu yêu cầu
AGVS vận chuyển 25 toa hàng/giờ).

Determine (tính):
a) Ideal Cycle time per delivery (Thời gian cần thiết cho 1 lần vận chuyển)
b) Availability time per vehicle (Thời gian sẵn sàng hoạt động)
c) Workload (Tổng thời gian cần thiết để vận chuyển)
d) Number of required train AGVS (Số lượng xe AGV yêu cầu)

2) An AGVS will be installed to deliver loads between four workstations: A, B, C, and D.

Hourly flow rates (loads/hr, above the slash) and distances (m, below the slash) within the
system are given in the table below (travel loaded denoted by “L” and travel empty denoted by
“E”). Load and unload times are each 0.45 min, and travel speed of each vehicle is 1.4 m/sec. A
total of 43 loads enter the system at station A, and 30 loads exit the system at station A. In
addition, during each hour, six loads exit the system from station B and seven loads exit the
system from station D. This is why there are a total of 13 empty trips made by the vehicles
within the AGVS. How many vehicles are required to satisfy these delivery requirements,
assuming the traffic factor = 0.85 and availability = 95%?

3) A recirculating conveyor has a total length of 200 m and a speed of 50 m/min. Spacing of
part carriers = 5 m. Each carrier holds two parts. Time needed to load a part carrier = 0.15 min.
Unloading time is the same. The required loading and unloading rates are 6 parts per min.
Evaluate the conveyor system design with respect to the three Kwo principles.
4) Câu 4
Suppose that the vehicles operate according to the following scheduling rules: (1) vehicles
delivering raw work parts from station 1 to stations 2, 3, and 4 must return empty to station 5;
and (2) vehicles picking up finished parts at stations 2, 3, and 4 for delivery to station 5 must
travel empty from station 1. Besides, there are two deliveries with fished parts from station 3 to
station 4. (a) Determine the empty travel distances associated with each delivery and develop a
from-to chart in the format of Table 10.5. (b) The AGVs travel at a speed of 50 m/min and the
traffic factor = 0.90. Assume reliability = 100%. From Example 10.2, the delivery distance Ld =
103.8 m. Determine the value of L_e. (c) How many automated guided vehicles will be required
to operate the system?

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