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Diet plan

Morning :
Warm water in the morning [can use half lemon for faster metabolism throughout the day
hence faster fat-loss]
After 20-30 min
4 half Walnuts, handful almonds , peanuts and chickpeas
Milk and heavy breakfast with lots of protein, carbs and sugar

Afternoon :
High protein & fat lunch [every alternate day pulses and regular homemade lunch increased
Eat Rice only during lunch.

Dinner :
Heavy-light dinner high protein & carbs [ home made dinner with little to no rice ]
0.5 – 1 ltr water before sleeping

1) No snacking in between meals . You can eat fruits but , eat 1 hour before / after a
2) Cut all beverages except green tea .
3) Increase the amount of every meal (not rice ).
4) Min 3 lit water every day.
5) Given dry fruits in the morning are crucial and hence compulsory .
6) Include butter milk curd in the meals as much as possible .
7) Increase the amount of ginger and onion but not too much .
8) You can include cheat days as well . 1 cheat day every weak . Eat anything you want
but not too much by volume
9) If fatty/sugary products in the meals you can try and include it during the breakfast
and lunch .
10) Eat 2 bananas , 1-2 spoon of honey before 15 min of every workout .
11) Schedule your workout in such a way that after you come home you have a meal full
ready . If in case not ready in the next 45 min of the workout eat as much protein as
possible even the dry fruit stated in the breakfast is okay.
12) If there is an un – avoidable junk food meal eat it but in a decreased volume and
choose a less caloric meal if possible .

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