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Preventing the Negative Effects of the Cactus


Table of Contents
Executive Summary..................................................................................3

Negative Impacts of the Cactus Moth......................................................3

Solutions to Defend Against the Cactus Moth.........................................4

Removal of the Eggs and Larvae Will Prevent Further Loss.....................5

Conclusion............................................................................................... 6


Table of Figures
Figure 1………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

Figure 2………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Figure 3………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Executive Summary
In this document it will cover some of the issues we are currently facing concerning the negative
impacts that cactus moth as on the different cacti species here in America. Looking more into
those dangerous impacts, there is an increase notice of more and more cacti species becoming
endangered because of the steady increase in the population size of the cactus moth due to the
lack of natural predators and milder winters. The main issue being faced because of the cactus
moth is that since it is an invasive species, it is damaging the prickly pear cactus here in
American from it laying and feeding its larva. One solution that has been found is to counteract
against this invasive species is through the use of biological control agents such as: fungi,
bacterial, and parasitoid (Marie, 2022). Another solution that is suggested is removing the larva
eggs before they begin to hatch. Through the use of these practices they can help decrease the
chances of more cacti becoming endangered from the cactus moth. It is important to help
protect these species for the sake of human use and the ecosystem around them.

Negative Impacts of the Cactus Moth

Cacti play such an important role in our ecosystem and for the wildlife around them. Some of
those roles include being a water source, providing shelter, and for us humans, it provides
medicinal uses (Brusowankin, Aryeh, 2022). If the different cacti that provide those helpful roles
are damaged, then the whole ecosystem can become disrupted. The main problem being
discussed here is the ongoing issue the cactus moth is causing on different cacti species here in
America and even in other parts of the world. The cactus moth was first introduced years back
and since then it has become an invasive species causing havoc specifically on the prickly pear
cactus and the farmers growing them. Their population also hasn’t gone down due to the lack of
natural predators and also because of an increase in non-native species causing their food to
increase. It has been a struggle trying to defend against the cactus moth because studies have
shown that they have “built-in chemical and physical defenses”, (Marie, 2022). This is a big issue
when it comes to getting rid of them because their bodies are naturally prepared for any attack
on them.
These moths are so dangerous to cacti here in America, they are a destructive species that feed
on the prickly pear cactus until it is on the verge of dying and even till it is completely dead.
What the whole process looks like is first they lay their eggs all over the cactus leaves until they
are covered, then once they hatch the larvae eat away the leaves, fruit and eventually the entire
plant (Valdez, Normandi, 2023). The reason this process happens so much to the cacti here is
because they are susceptible to cactus moths, because of this there are about seventy-nine
prickly pear species at risk of exposure (Zimmerman et al, 2008).

Figure 1: The image above shows the larvae feeding on the pricky pear cactus. (Habeck et al.,

Solutions to Defend Against the Cactus Moth

There have been other attempts to get rid of this invasive species that is damaging our wildlife.
One attempt being the introduction of natural predators that feed on the cactus moth as part of
a biological control agent. The use of this method would be of major help, but the only setback
would be that there is already an abundance of cactus moths here. There are also other forms
of biological control agents that have been practiced decreasing the havoc of these moths,
other forms include: fungal, bacterial, and parasitoid. The main solution I want to bring
attention to is the removal of the laid eggs before the hatching begins. By removing the eggs
before they hatch it gets rid of the larvae feeding issue as discussed above. This solution alone
can save many different cacti species here, especially the prickly pear cacti.
It is clear that this measure needs to take place for the safety and security of the prickly pear
cactus and even for the ecosystem that surrounds them. This solution is important and also

difficult to complete just because the eggs of the cactus moth are very small to see without
getting a closer look (Orkin, 2023). An easy way to aid in the process of by applying a light
towards the infected cactus leaves to view the eggs and the feeding larvae. Without this solid
action against the cactus moth we will continue to see more and more species die off until there
are no more.

Figure 2: The figure above illustrates the damage that the cactus moth has caused on two
different cacti species; the left chart shows that the prickly pear cactus is affected more. (Sauby,
Kristen, 2014).

Removal of the Eggs and Larvae Will Prevent Further


In order for this solution to be successful, our company has to be more educated about the
hatching seasons of these eggs, as well as be informed about what the eggs look like. This can
be a very impactful way of eliminating the harmful effects the cactus moth has on the different
species here, especially the prickly pear cactus. When it comes to the removal of the unhatched
eggs and larvae, it is important that you use an “insecticidal soap or insecticide to kill any adults
and larvae”, (Valdez, Normandi, 2023). Through the use of those you can successfully kill off the
invasive species from the plant. The solution solves the ongoing issue of the cactus moth

because it prevents the damage from occurring by removing the eggs before they can begin
feeding on the cactus. We also recommend this form of treatment because it also aids in
controlling the population of the cactus moth.

Figure 3: The
figure above shows an example of an insecticidal soap that can be used to treat cactus moth
eggs and larvae. (Art's Nursery, 2023).


The ongoing issue of the cactus moth destroying multiple different cacti species needs to be
addressed and stopped before we lose an abundance of cacti species. The prickly pear cacti are
the main kind of cacti that are being negatively affected by this invasive species that feeds on
them. Since the prickly pear offers easy access to the cactus moth to damage the entire plant,
we have to take it upon ourselves to physically remove these dangerous insects. They are a big

reason today that we are noticing more and more cacti species close to dying off. As part of the
ecosystem we need to actively part take in the solution proposed above so we can save not only
the prickly pear cacti but the surrounding wildlife that thrive off of these plants. This solution
needs to be implemented so we can protect all of the other cacti species because they can
necessarily defend themselves against the cactus moth.

N/A (2023) Cactus Moth Control: How to Prevent Cactus Moth Damage Cactus Moth Control:
How to Prevent Cactus Moth Damage | Orkin

Brusowankin, Aryeh (2022) The secrets of the cacti (no date) PBS. Available at:
https://www.pbs.org/articles/the-secrets-of-the-cacti (Accessed: 08 November 2023).

Zimmermann, H. G., Moran, V. C., & Hoffmann, J. H. (2000). The renowned cactus
moth, Cactoblastis cactorum: its natural history and threat to native Opuntia floras in Mexico and
the United States of America. Diversity and Distributions, 6(5), 259-269.

Marie (2022) The Cactus Moth: A Serious Problem For Farmers In The American Southwest
The Cactus Moth: A Serious Problem For Farmers In The American Southwest | Adopt And Shop

Valdez, Normandi (2023) Containing The Cactus Moth: Is It Possible Or Is It Too Late? – Necps
The Cactus Moth: A Serious Problem For Farmers In The American Southwest | Adopt And Shop

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