Nationalism-More Q's

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Following Questions carry 1 Mark each

(Answers should not exceed 20 Words each)
1. (a) What is the significance of 'defined territory' in the formation of a nation2
Ans. The territory is usually referre to as Motherland' or Fatherland' of the
(b) What is that 'Sense of Oneness' that makes people feel that "they are allpart
of the same nation"?
Ans. The sense of Oneness comprises similar beliefs. At the time of international
sports events people of different nations would cheer their respective teams.
B. Following Questions carry 2 Marks each
(Answers should not exceed 40 Words each)
2. (a) What are the two main manifestations of Liberal Nationalism?
Ans. (i) Economic Freedom, ie., the government should not interfere with
business, finance and trade. (ii) Constitutional Government that respects
people's freedom, rights and liberties, especially civil liberties.
RadicalNationalism after
emerged as the twO main propagandists of
(0) Who
World War? Mention any two of their beliefs or prechings.
the First Germany emerged as the two main
Italy and Hitler in
Ans. Mussolini in opposed the principles of
propagandis of radical nationalism. They both
they both followed an Imperialist policy
liberalism and demnocracy-secondly,
and committed acts of aggression.
(c) What is meant by suggested that all racial groups in a country have equal
Ans. Multiculturalism
opportunities. Their race, language, religion and culture should not
rights and Multiculturalism was based on two principles:
be regarded as unimportant.
dissimilaries between different races and a 'deep reverence
'acceptance' of
for the same.

C. Multiple Choice the key exponent of Conservative Nationalism?
following was
3. (a) Who among the (ii) Edmund Burke
(i) John Stuart Mill (iv) Karl Marx
(iii) Jeremy Bentham
Ans. (ii) Edmund Burke Italian
following is referred to as the spiritual father of
(b) Who among the
(ii) Mussolini
(i) Karl Marx
(iv) Adolf Hitler
(ii) Mazzini
Ans. (iii) Mazzini the
thinkers lived and worked for the realisation of
(c) Who among the Indian
ideal of Universal Man? (ii) Jawaharlal Nehru
(i) B.R. Ambedkar
(iii) Rammanohar Lohia (iv) Rabindranath Tagore
Ans. (iv) Rabindranath Tagore
Chapter 7: Nationalism
Sub-Topics: 'Multiculturalism'
Multiculturalism inthe general sense is the coexistence of people of different religions, cultural groups and communities in all
countries of the globe. Originated in the 1970swith a counter-culturalism and human rights movement in opposition to the
homogenization of other cultures in favor of the white culture of America and Europe, multiculturalism broadly comprises the
principles of both 'acceptance' and 'reverence'. It expects all countries of the globe to give equal acceptance and reverence
to the cultural groups. In the India context, the concept of multiculturalism is identified with the notion of "Salad Bow".
advocated by social scientist, Ashish Nandy. It shows that different cultural groups within a nation maintain their identiy with
their respective distinct forms.

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