Activity 1

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Name: Allyza G.

Ibarra Date: 09/20/2023

Section: BSED Filipino 3B
Subject: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
Instructor: Rubilinda A. Paglinawan

Some collection of metacognitive strategies to make teaching much more effective:

1. Teaching others
2. Role-playing
3. Making a jingle out of the assigned topic
4. Parlor games
5. Oral recitation
6. (If the topic is studying about a movie) allow students to watch the actual movie
instead of dictating it
7. Provide resource materials before class and ask students what they understood
to the materials you provided.
8. Entrance and exit tickets.
9. Recalls of the previous topics and allow them to predict the proceeding topic as
you introduce them bit by bit (allowing the students to figure out the main points
and all that’s left for the teacher is to clarify their predictions and introduce new
points along the way)
10. Show and Tell

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