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- Genitiv is the fourth case after Nominativ, Akkusativ and Dativ. There are
in total 4 cases in German. Just like Nominativ, Akkusativ and Dativ,
Genitiv is also applicable to the articles and possessive pronouns in
German. That means, the four cases Nominativ, Akkusativ and Dativ
affect the articles and possessive pronouns. Here is a list of articles and
possessive pronouns in the Genitive form :

Mask Fem Neut Plur

des (of the) der (of the) des (of the) der (of the)
eines (of a) einer (of a) eines (of a) ———
dieses (of this) dieser (ofthis) dieses (of this) dieser (of These)
meines (of my) meiner (of my) meines (of my) meiner (of my)
deines (of your) deiner (of your) deines (of your) deiner (of your)
seines (of his) seiner (of his) seines (of his) seiner (of his)
seines (of it) seiner (of it) seines (of it) seiner (of it)
ihres (of her) ihrer (of her) ihres (of her) ihrer (of her)
Ihres (of your) Ihrer (of your) Ihres (of your) Ihrer (of your)
ihres (of their) ihrer (of their) ihres (of their) ihrer (of their)
unseres (of our) unserer (of our) unseres (of our) unserer (of our)
eures (of your) eurer (of your) eures (of your) eurer (of your)

Imp : It is to be noted, that in every Genitiv article, the word “of” is hidden.
Whenever we use a Genitive article, “of” comes as part of it.

Beispiel :
- Die Farbe der Blume ist rot. (The color of the flower is red.)

- Die Schule meiner Tochter ist in Berlin. (The school of my daughter is in


- Der Preis der Lampe ist 30€. (The price of the lamp is 30€.)

Imp : Whenever we use Genitive for a maskuline or a neutral noun, we must

add +s or +es to the noun. If the last letter is a vowel or if the second last letter
is ‘e’, then we add +s, otherwise we add +es.

Beispiel :
- die Größe des Schuhes (the size of the shoe)
- die Marke des Autos (the brand of the car)
- die Gebühren des Arztes (the fee of the doctor)
- die Dauer des Kurses (the duration of the course)

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