Logical Division DELA S A 210210401105 Essay Writing

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NIM : 210210401105
Class : Critical Writing (LOGICAL DIVISION)

Levels in Scouting

Scout is organization non-formal education that organizes education scouting. In

indonesia, the movement scout enough active taught at the elementary, middle and high
school levels. Tiers scout started from level standby, raiser, enforcer until pandega. Term
scout alone is abbreviation from soldier young karana. The indonesian scout movement is
enough active encouraged as activity extracurricular in formal education since age early until
level continued. Activity scout teach things and skills useful special as well as learning in the
environment natural open. Scouts also form appropriate character and character with vision
and goals Indonesian nation . S by general level scout shared to 4 i.e siaga scouts (7-10 years
old) , penggalang scouts (11-15 years old), penegak scouts (16-20 years old) and pandega
scouts (21-25 years old).

Tiers in first scout is siaga. Member scout siaga ranged from 7 to 10 years of age. It
means member scouts always in general is student 1st grade to 3rd grade elementary school
at level elementary school. Unit the smallest in siaga is called as new. Each 1 newng consists
of from 6 to 10 members and led by pimpinanbarng or pinrung. Some newng collected in unit
big ones called missing. Each love is led by a first. New always usually given name with
color for example like new red, new blue, new green and so on. In siaga scouts, there are
condition skills general (SKU) that must be fulfilled for get sign proficiency general (TKU)
which is divided becomes three level. Tiers siaga scouts among them are mula siaga, bantu
siaga and tata siaga. Mula siaga is level first in terms skills general in unit siaga scouts,
before bantu siaga and tata siaga. Bantu siaga is level second in terms skills general in unit
siaga scouts, after siaga and before tata siaga. Tata siaga is level third and last in terms skills
general in unit siaga scouts, after the mula siaga and bantu siaga.

Tiers in second scout is a penggalang. Member of penggalang scouts range in age

from 11 to 15 years . It means member general raiser scouts is student 4th grade to grade 9 or
3rd grade middle school. Unit the smallest in siaga is called as regu. Each 1 regu consists of
of 8 members and led by pimpinan regu or pinru. Several regu are gathered in unit big called
troop. Each troops led by a leader team main or primary. The raising squad is distinguished
become a men 's team and a women's team. For the boys' raising team use what is the name
animal like tiger, eagle, cobra, scorpion and crocodile. Meanwhile , the daughter's raising
team use what is the name flower like rose, orchid, frangipani and jasmine. In scouting
penggalang, there are condition skills general (SKU) that must be fulfilled . For get sign
proficiency general (TKU) which is divided becomes four tan level. Tiers scouts galang
among them are ramu penggalang, raft penggalang, apply penggalang and garuda
penggalang. Ramu is level first in terms skills general in unit scouts penggalang, before the
penggalang rakit, penggalang terap and garuda penggalang. Rakit penggalang is level second
in terms skills general in unit scouts of pengalang, after ramu penggalang as well as before
applying and garuda penggalang. Terap penggalang is level third in terms skills general in
unit scouts, after the ramu penggalang and rakit penggalang and before the garuda
penggalang. Garuda penggalang is level first in terms skills general in unit scouts, after the
ramu penggalang, rakit penggalang and terap penggalang.

Tiers in the third scout is penegak. Member of penegak scouts range in age from 16 to
20 years . It means member penegak scouts generally is student first grade high school to
when enter level college high. Unit the smallest in siaga is called as sangga. Each one sangga
consists of from 6 to 8 members and led by pimpinan sangga or pinsa. Some sangga collected
in unit which is called ambalan. Each ambalan is led by a pradana. Sangga penegak in general
use various names, can in the form of name hero, character puppet, term area, culture local
and others. Tiers penegak scouts are there two namely bantara penegak and laksana penegak
that for penegak scouts who haven't get sign bantara penegak identifier, called with tamu
penegak. Bantara penegak is level first in terms skills general in unit penegak scouts, before
enforcer . Laksana penegak is level second and highest in terms skills general in unit penegak
scouts, after bantara enforcer.

Tiers in the fourth and last scout is pandega. Member pandega scouts range in age
from 21 to 25 years. It means member penegak scouts generally is student college tall level
end. Pandega scouts are gathered in the group front where pandega unit is called as racana.
Racana is managed by the racana board and led by a chairman. Unit smallest in racana is
design. Pandega plan in general use names that describe aspirations each members in
accordance character and character each individual. After level of group, then continue to
where is the kwartir level. Pandega scouts can join in development of work units and work

These are explanation levels in scout from the lowest until highest in Indonesia
complete. Tiers scout started from siaga, penggalang, penegak and pandega as well as already
started since age early until mature.

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