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Name : Haidar Maulidi / 210210401145


Maxims can be defined as fundamental principles or rules that serve as guiding

norms for effective communication. Originating from philosopher H.P. Grice's Cooperative
Principle, maxims outline key aspects individuals should consider when interacting to ensure
clarity, honesty, and relevance in communication. These principles include the Maxim of
Quantity (providing adequate information), the Maxim of Quality (avoiding falsehoods), the
Maxim of Relation (maintaining relevance), and the Maxim of Manner (expressing ideas
clearly and concisely). By adhering to these maxims, communicators aim to create an
environment of shared understanding, contributing to the overall effectiveness of their
messages and fostering cooperative and meaningful interactions.
In maxim of quantity, Communicators should aim to offer an appropriate amount of
information without being overly verbose or insufficiently informative. This principle ensures
that contributions to a conversation are neither excessive nor lacking, promoting a balanced
and effective exchange of information.
In maxim of quality, Uphold truthfulness and accuracy in communication. This
principle encourages speakers to convey information that is honest, reliable, and free from
deliberate deception, fostering trust and credibility in interactions.
In maxim of relation, Ensure that the information shared is pertinent to the topic at
hand. This principle discourages introducing irrelevant or extraneous details, emphasizing
the importance of staying on topic to maintain the coherence and effectiveness of the
In maxim of manner, Strive for clarity and precision in communication, steering clear
of unnecessary complexity or ambiguity. This principle encourages speakers to express their
ideas in a straightforward and concise manner, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings
and promoting a more efficient exchange of information.
In essence, these maxims provide a framework for effective communication by
guiding individuals to share information that is appropriately detailed, truthful, relevant, and
clear. Adhering to these principles contributes to cooperative and successful interactions,
where participants can confidently exchange ideas while minimizing the risk of
miscommunication or confusion.

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