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Part 1.You will listen to a short conversation about a lost property. For questions 1-5, complete the form
below by writing NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (10 points)
Incident report
Type of incident : theft
Items(s) missing : laptop, ______________ (1) and contents.
Type or make of missing item(s) : Sonic 2500
Colour : _____________ (2)
Where incident occurred : In the _________(3) at Bigton _____________(4)
Time of incident : (5)_______________
Your answers:

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a talk about how to keep calm under pressure and decide whether
these statements are True (T), False (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
provided. (10 points)
6. A repeated breathing exercise will help you feel calmer.
7. If you are going to speak in public, it’s helpful to breathe quickly.
8. When you feel panic, a deep breathing through your nose will do you good.
9. Researches have shown that humming cannot stimulate heart rate.
10. Sport trainers always use “ process thinking” to help athletes focus.
Your answers:
Part 3. You will hear part of an interview with Fergus Reilly, a marine scientist, about the non-
profit organisation he works for: Sustainable Fishing. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (A, B,
C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the space provided.
11. Fergus Reilly says he is mainly concerned about _______
A. the size of the industries involved in processing the fish.
B. the number of stages the fish pass through before being sold.
C. the methods used by the fishing industry to maximise their catches.
D. the financial motivation for the industry to continue over-fishing.
12. According to Reilly, how is Sustainable Fishing going about its campaign?
A. It is increasing the amount of publicity in the media for the work it does.
B. It is improving consumers' knowledge about the fish they are buying.
C. It is persuading supermarkets to offer less endangered species for sale.
D. It is encouraging suppliers to research into the sustainability of fish stocks.
13. What does Reilly say about the situation for the more popular fish species?
A. It has proved impossible to convince people of the rate of their depletion.
B. Scientists are under increasing pressure to rescue them from final collapse.
C. The growing number of people in the world is adding to their vulnerability.
D. Their survival depends on the fishing industry agreeing to unpopular controls.
14 How does Sustainable Fishing find out what happens to fish after they are caught?
A. It puts pressure on fishing companies to supply the information.
B. It funds retailers to trace the supply chain and send back reports.
C. It receives updates from environmental groups around the world.
D. It makes use of technology to follow the fish's progress at all stages.
16. In order to motivate consumers to buy sustainably caught fish, retailers can _________
A. display advertisements about the need to maintain healthy oceans.
B. go into schools to give talks about the serious threat to fish stocks.
C. bring down the price by preparing fish for sale without waste.
D. employ chefs to create affordable dishes that are easy to cook.
Your answers:

Part 4. You will listen to a recording about Koalas. For questions 16-25, complete the summary by
writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in each gap. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided. (20 points)
Koalas are being particularly (16).________________ in New South Wales as their habitats are being
Koala seems to be (17). ________________ and probably quite hungry.
It is estimated that hundreds of koalas have died in (18).________________ raging in Eastern Australia
since September.
Over (19) _____________ koalas have been admitted by the region's Port Macquarie Koala Hospital so
far this year.
While the disaster has inflicted serious damage on the animal, the support from the public has been
The number of visitors coming to the Koala Hospital over the last 5-6 weeks has been (21)
A large amount of money has been set aside to help (22).________________ koalas.
There are concerns that a new heat wave could further intensify the raging (23) .________________.
Very little would actually survive in there (24) ______________
Rising temperatures, which dry out their habitats, deforestation and disease are (25).________________.

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