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(Submitted in partial fulfilment of Summer Training Project for the MBA Program)



Submitted To: Submitted By:

Faculty Mentor: Prachi Singh
Mr. Pawan Omer MBA Batch 2021-23
(Assistant Professor) Roll no.-2104340700034
An Autonomous institute approved by AICIE. Ministry cf HAD, Govt. of Incfia & Jagran
JAG R A 'Q Affiliated to DI kPJ Abdul Kalam Technical University. lucknow, (College Code : 434)

Sununer Training Project Report is the one of the important part of MBA program, which has

helped me to gain a lot of experience, which will be beneficial succeeding career.

For this with an ineffable sense of gratitude I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of

indebtedness and gratitude to our Director Dr Divya Choudhry, Jagran Institue Of Management

for their encouragement, support and guidance in carrying out the project.

I am very much thankful to, my project guide Mr Pawan Omer , Assistant Professor for his

interest, constructive criticism, persistent encouragement and untiring Guidance throughout the

development of the project. It has been my great privilege to work under his inspiring guidance.

Signature: Prachi Singh

Roll no: 2103430700034

14 xceutive Surnmary
project is based on the E RES"

The project took S for con)plct ion. "I lic main motive of project report was to enhance my

expcflise and extensive knowledge I gained through my course, by applying it practically to the

HR Department. The projcct has been completed by collecting the primary data by interviewing

the various department of AIM INDIA PM. ltd. Secondary data was also used as per the

availability from different sources. In all the study was to find out at which geographical area

the potential customer may


During the project, I learnt the procedures and various other aspects of "HR

FUNCTION & OPERATIONS" by applying theoretical knowledge and concepts to the


Needless to say, errors and omissions are bound to occur.

Last but not least, I am grateful to all those who happened to be a part of successful

completion of this project and my mind and heart for going hand in hand.
Table of Contents
Seno. Title Pa e no. Remarks
1 Chapter-I Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction of the 2-16

2 Chapter-2 17
2.1 Industry overview finance 18-25
2.2 Asset management industry 26-34
2.3 Organisation overview 35-38
2.4 Organisation brief 39-46
2.5 Category of products 47-48

3 Chapter-3 49
3.1 Literature review 50-57
4 Chapter-4 58
4.1 Problem statement 59
4.2 Objectives 59
5 Chapter-5 63
5.1 Research objectives 64
Research methodology 65
6 Chapter-6 67
6.1 Analysis and data 68-96
inte retation
Chapter-7 97
7.1 Findings 98

7.2 Suggestions 99

8 Recommendations 100-102

9 Future and limitation of the 103-

study 107
10 Conclusions 108

11 Bibliography 109-110

12 Questionnaire 111-117
Table of figures
Figure no. Page no. Remarks

1 Fig no. I
2 Fig no.2 29

3 Fig no.3

4 Fig no.4 37

5 Fig no.5 100

6 Fig no.6 103

1.1 Introduction

The study was conducted in Aim India Limited, New Delhi to find the efTect of HSW

measures of etnployees at orkplace.

The research was conducted in order to check satisfaction level of the employees on the

measures taken by the company and how they boost the employee's morale,

This study indicates the satisfaction among the employees with regard to HSW measures.


Employees Health implies "the arrangements guaranteeing the health of laborers in the in

the conditions under which work is carried on the mechanical offices."

Employees Safety implies "the exercises that look to limit or to take out risky conditions

that can cause real damage". Word related safety is wotTied about dangers in zones where

individuals work; workplaces, producing plants, ranches, development locales, and

business and retail offices, open safety is worried about perils in the home, in movement

and amusement and in different circumstances that don't fall inside the extent of word

related safety.

Employees Welfare implies "the push to make life worth living for laborers", At the point

when every single fundamental office are given and employees get fulfillment then the

profitability can be expanded and advancement of the association will be conceivable.

Elnployee welfare and safety at the workplace is one of the important measure of life at

work place. Organizations ensure that employees are exposed to a risk level which do not
ional and ntentnl hen It h, Also the tons (10 not entertain any

that ill (he lilV' ol' the ctnployees.

tixse it!iuttes and accidents attracts ennployecs. l' mployees are

in such an lt•ontnent. A sale work environment is essential tot t»th

alike. It is the right ol' all employees to have safety in the

health encompasses the physical and ntental status of your employees. It can

covet illness and ss•llness in the satue breath. When we talk about health, physical health

comes into mind titst& but mental health is just as important.

I m poriancc
A safe and 'healthy workplace protects wor+,crs from injury and illness. It can also lower
injury/illness costs, reduce absenteeism and turnover, Increase productivity and quality, and raise
employcc morale, In other words, safety is good fi»r business.
By protecting your workers, you reduce absences, ensuring that your workplace is more efficient
and productive, Research shows that workers are more productive in workplaces committed to
health and safety. Reducing downtime caused by illness and accidents means less disruption —
and saves your business money.

Safety of workers (also known as occupational health and safety) refers to the provision of a safe
working environment, equipment, policies, and procedures to ensure workers' health and safety.
Off late, workplace safety has become one of the main concerns for many employers.

Every team and organization is different, but some general steps can be taken in any industry to
benefit all employees. 'The critical first step is to implement a framework that supports and
promotes safety in the workplace.

Physical and Psychological Safety

When it comes to workplace safety, importance is given to physical safety hazards and how to
mitigate them. But due to the widespread isolation and loneliness of the pandemic, it is equally
important to talk more about how to support workers' mental and emotional wellbeing, which
impacts their physical safety and the productivity and calibre of their work.

Three E's in Safety - Education, Enforcement, and Evaluation

Education is a significant part of' your strategy that will ensure you promote a sate environment
and workplace. It involves teaching about safety rules and creates awareness oi the benefits and
goals of safety in your comnjunity and workplace.
Enforcement is a crucial con)poncnt of work and cnoronmcntal safety as it reinforce q the safety
rules that sewe to protect you. prinnry role of enforcement i« to reduce incidents.
liN es. and facilitate a hazard-five and efficient work environment.

IA aluation

The evaluation benefits include setting reasonable expectations about what your EHS program
can do, determining if the safety program is creating the desired results, and identifying changes
that improve your EHS program.

Benefits of €afety:

Improved health and wellbeing.

Greater productivity,

Higher performance.

Increased job sat isfaction.

Greater work participation and increased social inclusions

Increased individual, team, and organisational resilience.

Lower absenteeism rates.

Less workplace injury and workers' compensation claims.

orkplace ,Safety Tips:

Reduce Workplace Q tress.

Use 'I ools and Machines Properly.

Use Mechanical Aids Possible.

uQar Prolectj\ e IAllil)lnent.

Be Ass arc 01 Your Surroundings.

( orrecl Poslurc• Plolecls our Back

Be Alert and Awake

Use labels and signs.

Encourage stretch breaks.

Major Initiatives For Asset Management And Health Ads ison


V Bl has released the Circular afier the atncndrnent of the definition of "associate" In the
mutual fimd rules. The reosed definition of the "associate" includes a person-

directly or indirectly, by hitnself or in combination with relatives. exercises

control over the AMC the trustee/the sponsors, or in respect of the AMC (or trustee or
sponsor) exercises control directly or indirectly, by itself, or in the combination of other
persons, or
3. "hose director (except an independent is A VC's
director/officer employee.

The above definition of associate not apply to such sponsors, 'v01ich invest in 'various
companies on behalf of the beneficiaries of the insurance policies or such other specified

The market regulator requires the AMCs to ensure scheme-wise disclosure of investments on
the last day of each quarter. The disclosure must be for the imestments made in securities of
such entities excluded from the definition of "associate"

Further, disclosure of investment will include ISIN-ys ise •ualue of imcstment and salue as a
percentage of assets under management (AUM) ofthe scheme. Such disclosure should on the
vvebsites of respective AMCs and the Association of Mutual Funds in India (A.\IFI) within one
month from the close of each quarter.

Insurance Inms (Amendment) Act. 2015

The Insurance Laws (Amendrnent) Bill, 2015 was passed by the I-ok Sabha on 4th arch, 2015
and by the Rajya Sabha on 12th March, 2015, thus pas ing the ssay tor major retorm related
amendments in the Insurance Act, 1938, the General Insurance Bustncws (Nationalization) Act,
1972 and the Insurance Regulatory and Deselopntent Authorit>
(IRI)A) Act, 1999 'Ilie Insurance (Alnendnjent) Act 201S enacted on 23rd \tarclu 201S has
sealillessly replaced the Insurance Ordinance, -'014, xsh1Ch cajne into force
on 26tlil)eceJ11ber
I he anjendlnent ACI archaic and redundant pros In the lee islat and incorporated pros i<ions to ide

Insurance and elopjnellt ,Au1hority

(IRI).AI ) the flexibility to disciKilye its junctions Inore and ellicieJilj}, It also
pros ided for enhancelnent ot the foreign Inx estinent cap in an Indian
Insurance Company from 26% to an explicitly composite limit of 49% with the safeguard of
Indian ownership and control.

Rules and Regulation related to Foreign Investments

Government made the Indian Insurance Companies (Foreign Investment) Rules, 2015 regarding
manner of holding of equity shares by foreign investors. These Rules incorporated the standing /
prevalent Regulations and practices being followed with respect to the treatment of foreign
investment in Indian Insurance companies by IRDA and as per the existing FDI policy of
Government of India. The said Rules were notified in the Gazette on 19th February, 2015.
Subsequently, Government issued a clarification in respect of rule 2(1) of the Indian Insurance
Companies (Foreign Investment) Rules, 2015, defining "Indian Ownership" vide the notified on 3rd
July, 2015.

Further, the Indian Insurance Companies (Foreign Investment) Rules, 2015 were amended vide the
Indian Insurance Companies (Foreign Investment) Amendment Rules, 2016 notified on the 16th
March, 2016 to enable foreign investment up to 49% in Insurance sector through automatic route
instead of going through the Government route for foreign investment beyond 26% and up to 49%,
The manner of computation of Foreign Investments is governed by Regulation 11 of the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority (Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) (Seventh
Amendment) Regulations, 2016 and the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) (Eighth Amendment) Regulations, 2016.

Gandhi Nagar International Financial Tech-city (GIFT) as an

International Financial Services Centre (IFSC)

International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) is set up in terms of section 18 of the SEZ Act, 2005.
Only one IFSC can be set up in a SEZ. Gandhi nagar International Financial Techcity (GIFT) is a
global Financial and IT Services hub, a first of its kind in India, designed to be at or above par with
globally benchmarked financial centres. GIFT facilitates Multi Services Special Economic Zone with
IFSC (International Financial Services Centre) status, Domestic Finance Centre and associated
Social infrastructure at Gandhi nagar with the prime focus on development of IFSC and allied
activities in SEZ. Primary focus of the Multi Services SEZ is on financial services. GIC-Re, the
Public Sector Re-insurer and New India Assurance Company Limited (NIACL) have set up their
offices in IFSC in GIFT City. Related Notifications /guidelines are as under:

Act, 198k for

notified Il of India, IRDA' (Il ) (åjidclincq. 201 f were

(110) to transact Reinsurance and or

peeified dtveet

Promoting Rcinsurancc Blßincss in India:

Insurance Las" (Atnendment) Act, 2015 enabled foreign rcinsurcrs to s.ctup brancbcs tn
Indw and also enabled I loyds and its members to opcratc in India 'through •ctting up of
for the purpose of reinsurance business or as Insestors tn an Indian Insurance
Company ithtn the cap

Redre«sal of Public Grievances ( Rules,

Notification of Insurance Ombudsman

In exercise 01 the powers conferred by us

ctjon 24 of the Insurance Regulatory and and
Development Authority Act, 1999 (4 1 of 1999)
tn supersessjon of the Redressal of Publte has
(ånevances Rules, 1998 the Cent%ll enunent
notified Insurance ()mbudsman Rules, to all
2017 on objects of these Rules
complaints of all personal pollenes issued to sole
lines of Insurance. group Insurance policies,
proprxtorship and rntcro and their agent' and
enterprtses on the part of Insurance cotnpames
interrnedrarl€s jn a
etiect Ive and linpartiÅl manner

Convergence of life and accident scljejnes to P.MJJlBh and



91ij 201? all
and Employment (for am .Aadmi Bima Yojana (AABY)) converged their life and
accident insurance schemes to P.MJJBY and P.MSBY as on 1st June, 2017.

Listing of Public Sector General Insurance Companies

To promote the objecti'se of achie•sing hieher of transparency and accountability, the

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra
Modi has on ISth Januarv. 2017 given its •in principle* appro t,zl for listing the five
Government General Insurance Companies namely General Insurance Corporation
of India, The India Assurance Company Ltd., United India Insurance Company Ltd..
Oriental Insurance Company and National Insurance Company Ltd. in the stock exchanges.
The shareholding of these Public Sector General Insurance Companies (PSGICs) '*ill be
divested from 100 per cent to per cent in one or more tranches over a period of time. During
the process of disinvestment, existing rules and regulations of Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) and Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(IRDAI) '.vill be followed.

ImQstments of the Insurance sector:

As on 31st March- 2016 the accumulated total investments held by the insurance sector was
Rs26.90 lakh crore. Durinz 2015-16, Assets under Management (ACM) had grm,vn by I
I .71 per cent- Public sector insurers continue to contribute a major share of 7924 per cent in
total imestments, though investments by private sector insurers are grc».Aing at a fast pace
in recent years.

Rural and Social Sector Business:

The life insurers underwrote 68.99 lakh policies in the rural sector, viz., 25.8 per cent of the
new indiGdual policies undervATitten (267.08 lakh policies) by them in 2015-16. LIC
undensrote 25.70 per cent of the new indisidual policies and private insurers undervST0te
26.3 per cent ofthe new indisidual policies in the rural sector. LIC covered 226.04 lakh lives
and pris ate insurers coxered I I I .13 lakh lives in the social sector. The non-life insurers
excluding standalone and specialised insurers underv.T0te gross direct premium of Rs.
10950.9 crore in the rural sector, viz., 12.51 per cent of the gross direct premium undensritten
(Rs.S7522.91 crore) by them in 2015-16. Public sector insurers underarote 12.88 per cent of
their gross direct premium and prisate insurers unden x,rote 12.07 per cent in the rural sector.
In the social sector 1897.46 lakh li',es v.ere covered during the year 2015-16. The
contribution of prisate sector 150.89 lakh lises and public sector accounted for 1746.56 lakh
lives. All the public and prF,zte sector non-life insurance companies including standalone

insurance companies have fillfilled the obligations in the rural and social sector for the year 2015-16.

Micro insurance

In order to facilitate penetration of micro insurance to the lower income segments of population, IRDAI
has formulated the micro insurance regulations. Micro Insurance Regulations, 2005 provide a platform to
distribute insurance products, which are affordable to the rural and urban poor and to enable micro
insurance to be an integral part of the country's wider insurance system. There were 27041 micro
Insurance agents operating in the micro insurance sector at the end of 2015-16 (as against 22761 agents in
2014-15). In microinsurance-life, the individual new business premium in the year was Rs.3 1.71 crore
through 9.10 lakh policies (as against Rs.28.89 crore under 8.16 lakh policies in 2014-15 ) and the group
business amounted to Rs.302.43 crore premium for 292.54 lakh lives (as against Rs.315.60 crore for
231.28 lakh lives in 2014-15 ). Individual death claims paid under micro insurance portfolio for the year
2015-16 amounted to Rs.20,47 crore on 14059 policies (as against Rs.21.57 crore on 13138 policies in
2014-15 ) and in the group category Rs. 414.02 crore was paid as death claims on 132256 lives (as against
Rs.426.62 crore on 133268 lives in 2014-15

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating the Financing of Terrorism


The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CET) (AML/CFT)
guidelines for the insurance sector were issued in March 2006. The sector entered into the ninth year of an
effective AML/CFT regime in 2015-16. IRDAI works closely with various departments of the
Ministry/agencies in the implementation of AML/CFT guidelines and has initiated various measures
towards effective accomplishment of the AML/CFT guidelines in the insurance sector.

Recent Initiatives Taken by IRDAI

a) Insurance Marketing firms: IRDAI had recently brought in the new concept of intermediaries in the
insurance distribution known as Insurance Marketing Firm (IMF). The regulations came into effect
from 21-01-2015 which cover Insurance soliciting and servicing activities of the Insurance Marketing
Firm, and its fünctionaries including Insurance Sales Person (ISP). It is expected that the


standalone marketing firms will be established with the objective of distributing the insurance
products which will pave the way for penetration of insurance. In order to encourage more firms to
pioneer as IMFs, they are also permitted to simultaneously, market other financial products such as
mutual funds of mutual fund companies; pension products of PFRDA; and other financial products
marketed by Investment advisors of SEBI etc. IMFs are expected to help in increasing insurance

b) Common Service Centres : The Authority permitted use of Common Service Centres (CSC) as a distribution
channel for selling and servicing insurance products. Guidelines are issued to permit both Life and General
Insurers in India to market certain categories of Retail Insurance Policies and Services through M/S CSC
eGovernance Services India Limited (CSC-SPV) and its Common Service Centres Network. The Authority
approved products suitable for sale in rural areas through this channel, which would help in rural penetration of
insurance in a big way. At present more than 1,00,000 CSC are operating in the rural areas in India with one
each for a cluster of six villages. The number of CSC is likely to increase to 2.5 Lac in the near future.
c) Web Aggregators: -

Web aggregator maintains/owns a website anci provides information pertaining to insurance products and
comparisons of price of different Insurers and offers leads to

The Authority had issued Regulations for Web-Aggregators on 3-12-2013
d) Insurance Repositories: -

• Insurance Repository (IR) is to provide and empower the policyholders with a facility to keep insurance

policies in electronic form at one place and to undertake changes, modifications and revisions in the insurance

policy with speed and accuracy in order to bring about efficiency, transparency and cost reduction in the

issuance and maintenance of insurance policies.

• Based on the above, the Authority issued licenses to 5 IRS. There are nearly 4 lakhs accounts opened and out

of this nearly 2 lakhs policies were converted in to electronic form.

Issuance of electronic Insurance Policy Consequent upon
pronnulgation of Insurance luaws (Amendment) Act 2015, IRDAI has come out Mith IRD Al
(Issuance of e-lnsurance Policies) Regulations, 2016 in respect of Issuance of electronic policy

'A and submission of electronic proposal form of insurance policies

t) Specific measures under Health Insurance:

Recognising Health Insurance As A Separate Class Of Business:

Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act 2015 recognized Health Insurance as a separate class of
business. Section 2 (6c) of the Act defines Health Insurance Business as; "health insurance
business" means the effecting of contracts which provide for sickness benefits or medical,
surgical or hospital expense benefits, whether in-patient or out-patient travel cover and
personal accident cover. It is one of important milestones for the Indian Insurance Business.
Recognition of health insurance as a standalone class of business is expected to usher in an
era of improving access to health services to all segments of population, thereby reducing the
share of 'out of pocket' expenses in the overall medical expenses. Recognizing health
insurance as a class also encourages new players to enter this field as standalone health

Notification Of Irdai (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016:

To bring in efficiency, a pro-policyholder framework of Health Insurance Regulations was

brought in the year 2013. Based on the experience gained and feedback from stakeholders, it
was felt that there is a need for revisiting the regulatory framework concerning the Health
Insurance for reasons like enhancing the scope for product innovations, making provisions to
reward healthy behaviour of policyholders etc. Accordingly, Authority constituted a
Committee of Experts on 29th December, 2014, to visit re-visit the regulatory framework on
Health Insurance and the committee submitted its report to the Authority on 24th April, 2015.
Taking into consideration the recommendations of the Committee of Experts as also the
feedback of the stakeholders, the Authority revisited the existing Regulatory framework and
notified IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2()16 on 18th July 2016. These IRDAI
(Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 inter alia covered addressed the ik)lloss ing areas:

l. Permission to launch Pilot Products

2. Wellness and Preventive Features

To I)ßise Planning for Safety — Need for safety paves the way for devising an effective
planning for all-round safety of employees in an organization.


2.1 Indust Profile:-

Finance Industry

The financial sector refers to businesses, firrns, banks, and institutions providing financial services and
supporting the economy. It several industries, including banking and investnrnt,
consunner finance, Inortgagc, money markets, real estate, insurance, retail,

This sector is often equated to the financial markets, which is not true. It reflects the state of the
economy, and a substantial part of it influences it. It generates revenue through interest rates,
jnortgages, loans, debt finance, capital funds, thus spurring economic growth.

The finance sector or industry is cornposed ol' institutions and firms that offer financial services to
retail and commercial customers. The finance industry involves various industries such as investinent
coinpanies, banks, real estate firms, and insurance companies.

A large portion of the finance sector generates jnoney from loans and mortgages, which gain value as
soon as the interest rates drop. And at (his tune, the economic conditions open the door for more capital
investments and projects. This eventually leads to the benefits of the finance sector,

The finance industry provides loans to the business industry [Or expansion. They offer mortgages to
house owners and provide insurance policies Ibr protecting connpanies, people, and their assets.

The finance sector is also considered to be a sub-sector of the business sector. The finance sector

cojnprises several industries, including banks, insurance cornpanies, invest Inent

houses, real estate brokers, Inortgape lenders, real estate invest ment trusts, and constilner finance



Big Tech firms Alphabet, Apple, Meta, Amazon, and Microsoft — are preparing to continue
their efforts to penetrate the financial sector of India. However, the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) expressed concerns over its threats to traditional banks and technology companies in the
nation. As per RBI, issues like antitrust laws, TBTF, cyber security, and data can create
problems for regulators. Nevertheless, the RBI acknowledges that it will an important step
toward improving efficiency and financial services access.

t nderstanding Financial Sector

The financial sector plays a significantly important role in the economy by providing
intermediary financial services, managing, allocating, and transferring financial capital. As a
result, the government offers instant support to the sector in a recession or financial crisis. In
addition, it "*vrks as a bridge between savers and borrowers. In other words, it takes funds
from savers (via bank deposits and investments) and lends them to borrowers (individuals,
households, businesses, or governments).
The sector covers various industries which ultimately contribute to the business and the
economy of a country. It represents people's income, revenue, and expenditure of firms and
retail businesses. The stock market or stock exchanges worldwide can be thought of as a mirror
that reflects the sector's groMh or decline in part.
Banking and insurance are the two major cornerstones of the sector. Banks are not only
important in people's lives, but they are also an important aspect of any country's economy. As
a result, every government implements financial sector reforms to regulate, stabilize, and build
the economy. Likewise, the insurance industry protects people's health, lives, and businesses. In
a nutshell, the sector issues loans, mortgages, and insurance policies.

What Is FinancialSector?

Source: Google. wall street (fig no. 1)

Factors Affecting Financial Sector

A multitude of positive and negative factors can have a substantial impact on the sector,

Increased interest rates

Lack or excess of government regulation
Reduced consumer debt

Reduced increased cons urner debt

interest rates

Source: google. Wall street (figure no.2)


The financial sector benefits an econorny and its stakeholders in a variety of ways, such as:

It uses the funds accumulated by the people and businesses [Or the people and businesses and
ually contributes to a healthy econojny.

Every product manufactured, every service rendered, every good sold mark some profit for
the concerning industry, thus stabilizing the economy.

The sector thrives on loans, interests, mortgages, debt finance, insurance premiums, and
credit lines, essential for businesses, houses, education, healthcare, etc.

Financial sector jobs and stability are directly proportional to the income of citizens and

When people invest in mutual funds or buy shares of a company, they support a business. As
the business grows, the investor earns, and the sector grows.

If all industries perform well in a country, generate revenues, make profits, it creates
employment opportunities. Thus, it improves the stock market, foreign market, and the

The sector generates funds for businesses and the economy to function efficiently.

Economists and business experts link the sector to a nation's economy. Therefore, the
government always supports the sector by implementing new laws and reforms.

If any crisis comes to financial sector companies, such as private or government banks,
insurance companies, real estate firms, it can heavily impact the sector and economy.

Types of Financial Services and Institutions

The ternn "financial services" comprises many different things. There are a plethora of

opportunities in the financial sector for candidates to find the right fit. From banking to

investments and beyond, the options are vast and varied.

So if you are considering a career in financial services, you first need to get an idea of the

industry's scope in order to decide which path best suits you and your skills,

Here are the main types of financial services for you to consider:


Professional Advisory.

Wealth Management.

Mutual Funds.


Stock Market.

Treasury/Debt Instruments.

Tax/Audit Consulting.

I .Banking

The banking industry is the backbone of India's financial services Industry. The country has
several public sector (27), private sector (21), foreign (49), regional rural (56) and urban/rural
cooperative (95,0()()+) banks. The financial services offered in this segment include:

Individual Banking (checking accounts, savings accounts, debit/credit cards, etc.)

Business Banking (merchant services, checking accounts and savings accounts for businesses,
treasury services, etc.)
loans (tsusines..s loans. personal loans. home loans. autotnebite loans. loans.

The banking sector regulated by the Rescrx• Bank of India (RBI). hich monitors and maintains
the segment •s liquidity. capitalization, and financial health.

2. Professional ison
India has a strong presence financial ad\isory serOee providers, which offer
individuals and businesses syide porttölio of services. including investment due
diligence, ad\åsorys saluation, real-estate consulting, risk consulting, taxation consulting.
These oftérings are made by a range ofpt0Niders. including individual domestic
consultants to large multi-national organizations.

4. ealth Management
Financial seniees offered within this seement include manacing and investing customers'
across \arious financial instruments- including debt, equity, mutual fixnds, insurance
products, structured products, commodities, and real estate, based on the
clients' financial goals, risk profile and time horizons.

5. Mutual Funds
Mutual fund seroee proOders offer professional Investment services across tunds that are
composed of different asset classes, primarily debt and equity-linked assets. The buy-in for
mutual fund solutions is generally er compared to the stock market and debt products.
These products are sery popular in India as they generally have lower risks, tax benefits,
stable returns and properties of diversification. The mutual funds segment has witnessed
double-digit grossth in assets under management over the last five years, owing to its
popularity as a low-risk wealth multiplier.

6. Insurance
Financial services offerings in this segrnent are pritnarily oilZsred across two categories:
General Insurance (automotixe, home, medical, fire, tra\ el, etc.) l ife
Insurance (terrn-liie, money-back, unit-linked, pension plans, etc,)
Insurance solutions enable individuals and organizations to safeguard against unforeseen
circumstances and accidents. Pay outs for these products vary across the nature of the
product, time horizons, customer risk assessment, premiums, and several other key
qualitative and quantitative aspects. In India, there is a strong presence of insurance
providers across life insurance (24) and general insurance (39) categories. The insurance
market is regulated by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India

7. Stock Market

The stock market segment includes investment solutions for customers in Indian stock
markets (National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange), across various
equitylinked products. The returns for customers are based on capital appreciation —
growth in the value of the equity solution and/or dividends — and pay outs made by
companies to its investors.

8. Treasury/Debt Instruments

Services offered in this segment include investments into government and private
organization bonds (debt). The issuer ofthe bonds (borrower) offers fixed payments
(interest) and principal repayment to the investor at the end of the investment period. The
types of instruments in this segment include listed bonds, non-convertible debentures,
capital-gain bonds, Gol savings bonds, tax-free bonds, etc.

9. Tax/Audit Consulting

This segment includes a large portfolio of financial services within the tax and auditing
domain This services domain can be segmented based on individual and business clients.
They include:
Tax — Individual (determining tax liability, filing tax-returns, tax-savings advisory, etc.) Tax —
Business (determining tax liability, transfer pricing analysis and structuring, GST registrations,
tax compliance advisory, etc.)
In the auditing segment, service providers offer solutions including statutory audits, internal
audits, service tax audits, tax audits, process/transaction audits, risk audits, stock audits, etc.
These services are essential to ensure the smooth operation of business entities from a qualitative

and quantitative perspective, as well as to mitigate risk. You can read more about taxation in

10. Capital Restructuring

These seroccs are offered prinjarily to organizat ions and involve the restructuring of capital
structure (debt and equity) to bolster profitability or respond to crises such as bankruptcy,
Nolatile markets, liquidity crunch or hostile takeovers. "l he types Of financial solutions in
this segtnent typcally include structured transact ions, lender negotiations, accelcratcd
M&A and capital raising.

11. Portfolio Management

This segment includes a highly specialized and customized range of solutions that enables
clients to reach thew financial goals through portfolio managers who analyse and optimize
investments for clients across a wide range of assets (debt, equity, insurance, real estate,
etc.). These services are broadly targeted at HNIs and are discretionary (investment only at
the discretion of fimd manager with no client intervention) and non-discretionary (decisions
made with client intervention).

Financial Services Institutions

If you want to work in this industry, you need to research and understand not only the
different kinds of financial services, but also the different kinds of financial services
institutions. Below are just a few kinds of institutions that offer the aforementioned services.

Commercial Banks (Banking)

Investment Banks (Wealth management)
Insurance Companies (Insurance)
Brokerage Iårnos (Advisory)
Planning Firms (Wealth managenjent, Advisory)

CPA irms (Wealth Inanagement, Advisory)
2.2 The Asset Management Industry

Asset management refers to the process of developing, operating, maintaining, and selling assets

in a cost-effective manner. Most commonly used in finance, the term is used in reference to

individuals or firms that manage assets on behalf of individuals or other entities.

Every company needs to keep track of its assets. That way, its stakeholders will know which assets

are available to be employed to provide optimal returns, The assets owned by any business fall

into two main categories: fixed and current assets. Fixed or non-current assets refer to assets

acquired for long-term use, while current assets are those that can be converted into cash within a

short amount of time.

The asset management industry has a unique and different structure from the rest of the financial

industry. It's important to note the key characteristics of asset managers when considering their

impact on financial stability.

Investment banking and asset management are both potentially lucrative financial careers.

Investment bankers work with companies to raise capital or acquire companies through M&A.

Asset managers build and maintain investment portfolios for individuals and organizations.

Asset management for manufacturing companies concerns the entire lifecycle of plant assets, such

as equipment, parts, production lines, and the plant buildings themselves. It includes making

decisions about asset use, asset investment and disinvestment policies, and managing the asset


Asset management is a systematic approach to the governance and realization of value from the
things that a group or entity is responsible for, over their whole life cycles. It may apply both to
tangible assets (physical objects such as buildings or equipment) and to intangible assets (such as
human capital, intellectual property, goodwill or financial assets). Asset management is a

systematic process of developing, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets in the
most cost-efTective manner (including all costs, risks, and performance attributes).

The term is commonly used in the financial sector to describe people and companies who manage
investments on behalf of others. Those include, for example, investment managers that manage
the assets of a pension fund.

It is also increasmgly used in both the business world and public infrastructure sectors to ensure a
coordinated approach to the optimization of costs, risks, service/performance, and sustainability.

ISO 55000, being developed by ISO TC 251, provides an introduction and requirements
specification for a management system for asset management.

An asset management company (AMC) is an asset management / investment

management company firm that invests the pooled funds of retail investors in securities in line

with the stated investment objectives. For a fee, the company/firm provides more diversification,

liquidity, and professional management consulting service than is normally available to individual

investors. The diversification of portfolio is done by investing in such securities which are

inversely correlated to each other. Money is collected from investors by way of floating various

collective investment schemes, e.g. mutual fund schemes. In general, an AMC is a company that

is engaged primarily in the busmess of investing in, and managing, portfolios of securities. A

study by consulting firm Casey Quirk, which is owned by Deloitte, found that asset management

firms ended 2020 with record highs in both revenue and assets under management.

An asset tuanagenu•nt cotnpany (AMC ) is a t hat invests pooled funds clients, putting the capital to
work through clilfrrent investtnents including stocks, bonds. real estate, master linnited partnerships.
and tnore. Along with high-net-worth individual (I IN WI) pottfolios. AMC s nnanage hedge fitnds and
pension plans, and— to better serve smaller pooled structures such as n)tltual fimds,
index Cunds, or exchange-traded tunds (13TFs)s hich they can tnanage in a single centralized

AMCs are colloquially refetTed to as tnoney Inanagers or money management firms. Those that offer
public nultual fitnds or ETES are also known as investment companies or mutual find cornpanies. Such
businesses include Vanguard Group, Fidelity Investments, T, Rowe Price, and many others.

ASICs are generally distinguished by their assets under management (AUM)—the amount of assets that
they manage.

Key takeaways

An asset management company (AMC) invests pooled funds clients into a variety of securities and
ANICs vary in terms of their size and operations, from personal money managers that handle high-
net-worth (HNW) individual accounts and have a few hundred million dollars in AUM, to giant
investment companies that offer ETFS and mutual funds and have trillions in AUM.
AMC managers are compensated via fees, usually a percentage of a client's assets under
Most AMCs are held to a fiduciary standard.

Understanding Asset Management Companies (AMCs)

Because they have a larger pool of resources than the individual investor could access on their own,
AMCs provide investors with Inore diversification and investing options. Buying for so many clients
allows AMC's to practice econonues of scale, often getting a price discount on their purchases.

Pooling assets and paying out proponional returns also allows Investors to avoid the noininjum
investnoent requirejnents often required when purchasing securities on their own, as well as the ability
to invest in a larger assortinent oi securities With a snutller amount of invest Inent f'unds.

Professional. legally liable nnanagenment
Portfolio dix ersification
Greater im estment options Economies of scale

Sizeable management fees

High account minimums
Risk of underperforming the market


Provide Capital

Source: (figure no.3)

Different Tvpes of Asset Management Companies

Asset manaoement companies come in many different forms and structures, such as:

Hedge funds
utual funds
Index fiands
Exchange-traded funds
Pris ate equity funds
Other funds
In addition, they ins est on behalfofsarious ty»es ofelients, such as:

Retail inscstors
Institutional ins estors
Public sector (governnnent organizal Ions)
Private sector
I -worth clients

Asset Managernent Cotupanics Explained

Individual investors usually lack the expertise and resources to consistently procluce strong
investnw•nt returns over tune. Therefore, nnany Investors rely on asset managetnent companies to
invest capital on their behalf.

Asset management conipanies are usually a group of investnwnt professionals with broad market
expertise. ith a large amount of pooled capital, they are able to utilize diversification and coinplex
investnnent strategies to generate returns li»r investors.

AMCs generally charge a fee to their clients that is equal to a percentage of total assets under
management (AUM). AUM is simply the total amount of capital provided by investors.

An asset management fund may charge a 2% lee on AtJM. Consider as an example an asset
manager who oversees a $100 million fund. The fees for one year or another tinie period will be
$2 million ($100 million x 2.0%).

Hedge funds are notorious for charging much higher fees, sornetinnes upwards of 20%. However,
hedge funds utilize more unorthodox and aggressive investment strategies to generate returns.

Buy-Side vs. Sell-side

Asset management companies are referred to as "buy-side" firms. It means that they help clients to
buy investments. They make decisions based on which investments to purchase.

In contrast, "sell-side" firms, such as investment banks and stockbrokers, will sell investment
services to buy-side companies and other investors. Sell-side companies provide market research
and help to inform buy-side firms with valuable information to entice the buy-side firms to
execute transactions with them.

Benefits to Asset Management Companies

There are various benefits to pooling capital together, including:

J. Economies of scale

Economies of scale are the cost advantages that a cojnpany can gain jiom Ilicreaslllg the scale of
l•or exatnplc, asset Inanagement companies can purchase securities in larger quantities and can
negotiate more favourable trading commission prices, Also, they can invest a lot of capital in a
single office, which reduces overhead costs.

2. Access to broad asset classes

Access to broad asset classes means that asset management companies can invest in asset classes
that an individual investor will not be able to. For example, an AMC can invest in multi-billion-
dollar infrastructure projects, such as a power plant or a bridge, The investments are so large that
an indiN idual investor will not usually be able to access them.

3. Specialized expertise

Specialized expertise refers to asset management companies hiring finance professionals with
extensive experience in managing investments that most individual investors lack. For example,
an AMC can hire various professionals who specialize in certain asset classes, such as real estate,
fixed income, sector-specific equities, etc.

Downsides to Asset Management Companies

Asset management companies come with a few downsides as well, such as:

1. Management fees

Most asset managers charge flat fees that are collected no matter what their performance was. As
a result, over time, the fees can become very expensive for investors. Because of the costs for the
resources and expertise required to run an AMC, the fees are high to compensate for such costs
and to provide asset managers with a profit as well.

2. Inflexible

Asset managers can become too large to a point where they are cumbersome and unresponsive to
the dynamic market. Managmg too large of an amount of capital creates operational problems at

3. Risk of underperforming

"l ypically, the perförmance of AMCs are evaluated in comparison to a benchmark. A benchrnark
is a standard to compare performance against, usually in the form of a broad market Index. There

is the risk that asset managers underperform the markets, and if including the luanagement fees
mentioned earlier, it can become very costly for investors.
Indian Mutual Fund Industry's Average Assets Under Management (AAUM) stood at
39.88 Lakh Crore (INR 39.88 Trillion)

Average Assets Under Management (AAUM) of Indian Mutual Fund Industry for the month of
September 2022 stood at 39,87,990 crore.

Assets Under Management (AUM) of Indian Mutual Fund Industry as on September 30, 2022
stood at crore.

The AUM of the Indian MF Industry has grown from 7.20 trillion as on September 30, 2012 to
{38.42 trillion as on September 30, 2022 more than 5 fold increase in a span of 10 years.

The MF Industry's AUM has grown from 20.40 trillion as on September 30, 2017 to 08.42 trillion
as on September 30, 2022, around 2 fold increase in a span of 5 years.

The Industry's AUM had crossed the milestone of 00 Trillion 0 Lakh Crore) for the first time in
May 2014 and in a short span of about three years, the AUM size had increased more than two
folds and crossed 20 trillion (00 Lakh Crore) for the first time in August 2017.
The AUM size crossed 30 trillion (00 Lakh Crore) for the first time in November 2020.
The Industry AUM stood at 08.42 Trillion 38.42 Lakh crore) as on September 30, 2022.
The mutual fund industry has crossed a milestone of 10 crore folios during the month of
May 2021.

The total number of accounts (or folios as per mutual fund parlance) as on September 30, 2022
stood at 13.81 crore (138.1 million), while the number of folios under Equity, Hybrid and
Solution Oriented Schemes, wherein the maximum investment is from retail segment stood at
about 11.03 erore (110.3 million).

Importance of Asset Management

There are several reasons why businesses should be concerned about asset management,

1. Enables a firm to account for all of its assets

The process makes it easy for organizations to keep track of their assets, whether liquid or fixed.
Firm owners will know where assets are located, how they are being put to use, and whether there
have been changes made to them, Consequently, the recovery of assets can be done more
efficiently, hence, leading to higher returns.

2. Helps guarantee the accuracy of' amortization rates

Since assets are checked on a regular basis, the process of asset managernent ensures that the
financial statements record them properly.

3. Ilelps identify and manage risks

Asset management encompasses the identification and management of risks that arise from the
utilization and ownership of certain assets. It means that a firm will always be prepared to manage
any risk that comes its way.

4. Removes ghost assets in the company's inventory

Instances exist where lost, damaged, or stolen assets are erroneously recorded on the
books. With a strategic asset management plan, the firm's owners will be aware of the
assets that have been lost and will eliminate them in the books.

Developing a Strategic Asset Management Plan

Asset is part of any public or private enterprise. To manage the assets

effectively, a firm owner needs to develop a strategic plan.

1. Complete an asset inventory

Before anything else, an owner needs to take count of all the assets that he owns. If he is
not aware of the exact number of assets in his inventory, then he won't manage them
effectively. When preparing an inventory of company assets, the following should be

Total count of assets

Where the assets are
The value ofeach asset
When the assets were acquired
The expected life cycles ofthe assets
2. Compute life-cycle costs

If a business owner wants his asset management plan to be precise, then he should calculate
the entire life-cycle costs of each asset. Many company owners make the mistake of
calculating only the initial purchase costs.

During the asset's life cycle, additional costs are likely to come up such as maintenance
expenses, condition and performance modeling, as well as disposal costs.

3. Set levels of service

After computing the life-cycle costs, the next step is to set levels of service. Put simply, it
means outlining the overall quality, capacity, and role of the different services that the assets

provide. Jn doing so, a firm's owner can then determine the operating, maintenance, and
renewal activities needed to keep the assets in good condition.

4. Exercise long-term financial planning

Ideally, the asset management process that a tit•tü net should long-
term financial plans. With a good tinancial plan in place. the then
ohiecti\es are feasible, and hich ones need to be prioritized

List of top asset management companies in India in 2022


(Aa ot the ot
lets t



295800 CO (figure no.4)

Oroanization Overview

This company started in 2017 as a wealth advisory company. There team offers an ongoing

suppoit and advice hen your investment is successfully done. We will keep you informed of

changes in regulations that directly affect you and leaving you to focus on strategies that

maximize profitability and productivity in investment.

There identity as the leading provider of professional wealth advisory in India and Abroad,

AIM India delivers a one stop solution/ service to achieve financial independence. Our

principle is to deliver high returns to our clients through our network of government sector

banks in India. Our comprehensive wealth management is a high level professional service

that combines financial and investment advice in accounting, taxation services and retirement

planning. Our wealth management is much more than just investment advice as we

encompass all parts of an individual's financial life. We coordinate all the services needed to

manage client's money and plan for their own and family's current and future needs. We

maintain and increase their wealth based on individual's financial situation goals and comfort

level with risk.

1,500 Clients
As the leading one stop solution provider for all the financial and investment services, we
serve over I , 500 clients all over the world.

1,350 Interns
Being the only Company of its own kind, we have provided training to more than 1,350
interns who got International Exposure as well.

100% Compliance
We handle almost 7,000 conjpliance issues per annunl, needless to say, we stay updated.

PAN India Associates

Having more than 50 associates all over India, we provide quality in all the services.

Perfect nnatch Inaker fV»r talent and job roles. Also, providing job opportunities in abroad.

To become an organization that is knowledge centric and offers expert advice to our clients.

Our ision .

Our vision is to deliver high rate of returns to our clients and to move towards financial

Sen ices :-

l. Internship services

2. Compliances services

3. Taxation services

4. Training and development service

5. Recruitment services

6. Consulting services

7, Insurance services

8. Mutual funds

9. Retirement planning

10. International expansion services

I I . Wealth advisory servjces

Aim India Pvt Ltd:- Mr Himalaya Singh (Director)

Name Of The Industry:- Aim India Pvt. Ltd



Internship mentor :- Mr Shashank Rao (Manager)

Facultv Mentor :- Mr Pawan Omer (Assistant Professor)

Nature Of The Industry

AIM India pvt ltd is a financial wealth advisory based company Based in India
Wealth Management Advisors
Corporate Service Provider

at AIM India believes in Dynamic Culture and it is our goal to help the Individual in
dealing ith the dynamism of environment whether it is related to their wealth or expansion of
business. Aim India Group is the leading Advisory in India and Abroad. We at AIM India

provide Training Development programs in India and Abroad .we are having a team of
exclusive Corporate trainers .0ur Principle is to deliver high rate of returns to our clients
through our network of government sector banks in India.
Keeping in mind the most critical needs in today's context, we came up with wealth Advisory
firm to provide a customer expertise advice to achieve financial Independence.

Life At AIM

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. AIM India Pvt. Ltd. is the dynamic
organization which thrives on smart working and also seeks to provide adequate
opportunities for AIM people to relish while working. The company involves the activities
like trips m India & Abroad, fun activities at work place and various social events and this is
perceptible when you will join AIM India Group.

All through the year, various events are arranged which includes awarding ceremony for
best interns and employees. These events work as a motivation factor for the employees to
work more enthusiastically. It also provides an opportunity to interact and socialize with the
associates and other colleagues across India.
AIM India PqÄ. Ltd. provides an employee friendly work culture by giving them
opportunity to discuss new ideas, reward and recognitions for their performance, trainin o in
ease of discrepancy. The support of Senior Managers is quite encouraging that they respect
every individual's idea and value their work by meeting them time to time. There is
definitely a healthy work environment in terms of mental and physical heath. There are good
practices and initiatives that provides the employees with no stress at work and no
overburdening of work,
It is our ambition to make the work culture adaptable for our employees so that they can give us
the maximum output while maintaining their work life balance.

Aim India Group is the leading Advisory in India and Abroad. We at AIM India provide Training

Development progranns in India and Abroad.

AIM India Ltd. in Delhi is one of the leading businesses in the Wealth Management Services. Also

known for Corporate Companies, Wealth Management Services and much more.

Our comprehensive wealth management is a high level professional service that combines financial

and investment advice in accounting, taxation services and retirement planning

Location and Overview:

Established in the year 2017, AIM India Pvt. Ltd. in Pitampura, Delhi is a top player in the category
Wealth Management Services in the Delhi. This well-known establishment acts as a one-stop
destination servicing customers both local and from other parts of Delhi. Over the course of its
journey, this business has established a firm foothold in it's industry. The belief that customer
satisfaction is as important as their products and services, have helped this establishment garner a
vast base of customers, which continues to grow by the day. This business employs individuals that
are dedicated towards their respective roles and put in a lot of effort to achieve the common vision
and larger goals of the company. In the near future, this business aims to expand its line of products
and services and cater to a larger client base. In Delhi, this establishment occupies a prominent
location in Pitampura. It is an effortless task in commuting to this establishment as there are various
modes of transport readily available. It is at Netaji Subhash Place, RG Trade Tower, which makes it
easy for first-time visitors in locating this establishment. It is known to provide top service in the
following categories: Corporate Companies, Wealth Management Services.

Products and Services offered:

AIM India Pvt. Ltd. in Pitampura has a wide range of products and / or services to cater to the
varied requirements of their customers. The staff at this establishment are courteous and prompt at
providing any assistance. They readily answer any queries or questions that you may have. This
establishment is functional from 1 ():()() - 19:00.

pe Of Business

Aim India expertise ads ice Managetncnt/lnternship.

Based in India
Wealth Management AdOsors
Corporate ice ProOdcr

at AIRI India in Dynamic Culture and it is our goal to help the Individual in dealing the

dynamism of environment it is related to their wealth or expansion of business. Aim India

Group is the leading Advisory in India and Abroad. We at AIM India provde Training
programs in India and Abroad . We are having a team of exclusfic• Corporate
trainers .0ur Principle is to deliver high rate of returns to our clients through our network
ofgm ernment sector banks in India.
Keeping in mind the most critical needs in today's context, we came up with wealth
Advisory firm to proOde a customer expertise advice to financial Independence.

Services Provided. By Company:

Internship services
We provide domestic & international level internship. AIM India have a team of experienced
educational and training professionals who can provide training solutions for clients to ensure
that RPAS operations are effectively and seamlessly integrated into their existing business
systems. Our training specialists include technical training specialists, formed high school
teachers, university lectures and regulatory training specialists. We have developed training
manuals, conducted traimng needs analysis, provided in-house training and produced online
and e-training resources.

Compliance Services

Our Compliance experts have the complete knowledge of the corporate compliance needs
across jurisdictions in the territory. Non-Compliance can result in fines and imprisonment if one
has no updates regarding important information. The compliance horizon in the Asian
jurisdictions is highly dynamic as most of the economies are on verge of transition. AIM India
will be a valuable partner for the companies having intra-regional operations offering them
compliance services/solutions for all of their Regional Subsidiaries. We will leave you to
concentrate on your core activities as we will be providing you the following services:

Company Constitution
Meetings & Company Officers
Maintaining Statutory Books & Registers
Annual Filings with The Company Registration
Statutory Reporting

Accounting services

elementarv to achieQ control and transparency in accounting through

standardization of acenda. We a leading edge of experienced professionals and
IT System to render smooth, co-related and comprehensive reinforcement
regionally. We are dynamic towards
*stems and solutions to stay releuint to the changes in the region. Our

proficiency syill the enterprises to expand by beholding the measured
decisions. Our Accounting Services are:

Accounting and Bookkeeping

Statutory Reporting
Payoll and Expense Claim Management Services
Bank Account Reconciliation
Corporate Tax Compliance

Taxation Senices

Tax arrangement is dynamic and complex as it changes with the change of

authority. Its complexity increases in the nation there is tax at every level.
Companies having cross border transactions need effective planning to
minimize tax costs. Tax liabilities can be optimized by making effective
structuring of business entities and revenue models. A new enterprise need a
guidance to learn about the tax incentives, withholding tax and transfer pricing
formalities which is provided by the Tax professionals of AIM India Group. Our
Professionals are well possessed with the analytical understanding of taxation
which will help the client in managing the Taxation regime of his business. Our
main services are:

Corporate Income Tax Returns

Vat Returns
Indirect Tax
Withholding Tax
Tax Optimintions
Transfer Pricing
Tax Advisory in M&A, Cross Border Investment, Tax Disputes.

As the companies expand their business, accounting transactions gets bulky and complex and
accounting converts into a strategie function from primary function. At AIM India, we will
provide you customized accounting solutions as our accounting experts possess regional
exposure and extensive technical knowledge. Trusting a regional expert with accounting is -3

Training and development services
Effective training and development begins with the overall strategy and objectives of the
small business. The entire training process should be planned in advance with specific
connpany goals in mind. AIM India helps in developing a training strategy, which will be
helpful to assess the company's customers and competitors, strengths and weaknesses, and
any relevant industry or societal trends. The next step is to use this information to identify
where training is needed by the organization as a whole or by individual employees. It will
help in conducting an internal audit to find general areas that might benefit from training, or
to complete a skills inventory to determine the types of skills employees possess and the t»es
they may need in the future. Each job within the company should be delegated on a task-by-
task basis in order to help determine the content of the training program.

Recruitment Services

Customized strategies are developed from a deep understanding and observation of

organization's culture and its business objectives. Expansion in new markets or recruitment
for that market can only be done after having the full-fledged knowledge of recruitment,
remuneration and retention strategies besides the understanding of regional work culture. At
AIM India, you will find a network of efficient regional consultants who will provide you
the pathway towards seamless recruitment services starting from identifying your potential
clients to handling the immigration process, if required. Our experts have the complete
knowledge to provide valuable advisory in the following matters:

Candidate Search
Interview Coordination
Employment Contract

Advisory Service

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Mutual 'funds tund i€ a investtnent •cheme, usually run hy an
asset eoinpany that bringe together a group of people and inveqts their money in stocks
and other A• an inse<tot. you can buy mutual fund 'units'. which basically tvptv•ent
•hare of holding• in n particular •cheme. The«e units can pureh.+ed or tvdeenwd needed at the
tijnd's current net asset value (NAVY These NAVs keep fluctuating, according to the filnd's
holdings. So. each investor participates proportionally in the gain or loss of the fitnd.

Atl the mutual funds are registered with SEBI. nmey function within the provisions of strict
regulation created to pmtect the interests of the investor. The biggest ad',antage of investing
through a mutual fund is that it gives small inu•stors access to professionally-managed,
diy.rsified portfOlios of equities, bonds and other securities, which would be quite difficult to
create V\ith a small amount of capital. AIM India SOII proOde you all the updates and services
regarding mutual fands so that you can choose from the best available option.

Retirement Planning

There are two components to retirement income planning: Personal Planning and Financial
Planning. Personal planning is important because it is the determining factor of your satisfaction
with your retirement lifestyle. Financial planning is crucial because it kk•ntities your sources of
income and expenses and establishes your retirement budget, based on your personal plan.

Personal Planning All too often people entering retirement do not place enough emphasis on
personal planning to ensure they maximize their oppoltunities. So. AISI India helps you at an
early stage in your planning process and gises you time to think about the chotces _sou have,
amut how you would like to spend your time during retirement.

Einancial Planning Will you adequate iiands to pros ide the kind of retiretnent litesty le you eni
ision? AIM India pros ides all the to the questions you are has ing and help you in recalling that
your tncojne +,ill likely collie three general sources: eosernment pensions, elliploy Inent-related
sources and your n personal ins esunents.
International expansion €enices

to ZAFcand in the markets v.orldwide and also

helps to sources of re•.enue. access to new talent,
It krjov,n that internationalisation a complex
the spe,czalists v.%o can provide the country level
ser.ices. payroll aru corporal secretarial
abroad for the expansion We will help you in
and Dubai for z staff

discipline v.hich incorporates financial
a rumba of aggregated financial services.
and families '*ho desire the
s.æciz!is.t cal] upon v.%hh managers to
professionals and investment
rrzrzgers backgrounds as
Cze.Z5e-d Financial Planners, Chartered
any credentialed (such as
you to enhance the income, and

We will also guxie you

2.5Cate•on Of Products

F•st Pkrs
+ Bank Of Baroda F+st Life Gut-anteed Benefit Product)
I) Child Categon 2)

Youngster Categon

3) Retirement Cate•eon

Expectations:- Children's Education, Graduation. Post Graduation, Health A nd Safen

SecuriQ , Business Plan, Marriage Plan.

• Investment Bond ( Life eri

(It Is Not A Life Insurance Plan)

Brand Name: Bank OfBaroda

Durationnenure: A) Maturity Tenure= IS Years

B)Ppt =12 Years

Return =8% Fixed Compound Interest Per Annum

Extra Return / Bonus= Revisionary Bonus (At The Time Of Maturity)

Minimum 2% Simple Interest Rate

Categorv Of Life Insurance Sector:-

l) Term Plan •

-No Return -

No Bonuses

-H uge Life Cover

-Tax Benefits Provided

2) Traditional Category:

-Fixed Return -

Bonuses Are Given -

Fixed Life Cover

-Tax Benefits

3) Ulip (Unit Linked Insurance Plan):

-Fluctuating Return -

No Bonuses

-Fixed Life Cover

-Tax Benefits

Income Taxation Act 1961:

1)80c 2)80d

A)Life Insurance It Has Two Categories: A) When We Get Maturity

Amount, It Also Taxable.
Ex- Life Insurance Etc
B)Provident Fund A)Age Below 60 Years B) Amount Upto 50 Lakhs Is
Tax Free

C)Fixed Deposits And B)Age Above 60 Years C)Medical Premiums Are Tax
Recurring Deposits Free

D)House Loan Principle

E)Tuition Fee's (Upto 2


F)National Saving Certificate

G) Sukanya Schemes
H)Elss( Equity Link Saving




ACT or
of April in the ycgt

of the roctory Act 1948:-

industrial Hazards. i {caith and Safety,

idcn!afy tug irrith, safegy a?ü.i of tik lak»rers.

or supers isors cert.ut obhgalons,

slijcid workers and

secure tor en+b)iiiena,


Todd (19.331 -'society wc}farc• broke down that the work wcJfarc is the voluntary

effort% of the cmpjoycrq to build up, inside the current industrial framcwork,

working and at times living and cultural conditions ofthc rcprcscntativc; past what

is required by law, the custom ofthc industry and thc conditions ofthc market.

Alexander and Michael 119981- 'Employments safety' audit concentrated vigorously

on distributed reports, fundamentally drawn from the period J 980 through 1996,

wherein training was utilized as an intercession push to lessen danger of business

related damage and malady. Eighty (80) such reports were found and gave

overpowering proof to demonstrate the benefit€. of preparing in expanding

specialist learning of employment dangers, and in affecting more secure work

rehearses and other positive activities in a wide exhibit of worksites. Reports from

select overviews and examinations of laborer wounds and work environment

fatalities were likewise gotten to with numerous involving absence of preparing as

a contributing variable to the disasters.

Jane - 'Employment health and safety after privatization' the paper states that

whether work status after employment misfortune because of privatization impacts health

and utijintion of health administrations and whether money related strain, psychosocial

measures, or health related practices can clarify any discoveries. 'I he finish of the

examination is Insecure re-business and joblessness after privatization resujj in increments

in minor mental horribleness and inters iews with a general specialist, which are

conceivably because of' the expanded Illinor tnental drearjrjcss.

Sabari rajan, Meharajan.t 120011- 'Employee Morale' analyzed the investigation on

specialist welfare in Textile Industry. The investigation shows that 15% of the

laborers are representatives are content with their welfare measures.39 % of the

representatives is ordinary with their welfare measures. 16% of them are in

significantly disappointed level. This examination hurls light on the impact of

welfare measures on QWL among the specialists of material production lines in

Salam region." portraying the Welfare in Indian INDUSTRIAL SECTOR.

Ken.w 120071 - 'Uncertainty-Welfare Economics of/ Medical Care' the objective of

this research project was to develop a formal safety program that addresses these

problems, then to develop a method to promote the new program. The development

of the new program was to be accomplished by analyzing the current safety program

and comparing this program to others that the consultant had developed, and similar

industries. As a result of the review of the current program, it is recommended by the

consultant that the current program not be scrapped in favor or a new program. It

would be more beneficial to modify the current program rather than to attempt to start

over with a new safety program.

Abdullah, Spickett, Rumchev & Dhaliwal [20071- 'labor safety & and measures'

study on organizational factors on safety in Taiwan and Japan reported that the

impact of organizational factors in the two nations were diverse because of disparate

culture. For instance, they discovered that Taiwanese leadership style was "Top-

Dossn Directive" where top management conveyed safety strategies and associated

with safety exercises while Japanese safety leadership was more focused on

"Bottom-Up Participative" where top management promoted representatives'

investment in any safety exercises.

Rogin 120071- 'Employee health & safety' health and safety is a widespread

component that should be contemplated particularly in little and medium

enterprises as it is turning into a noteworthy issue for employers on the planet.

Tailor (1998) continues including that health and safety of specialists in little and

medium endeavors has Jong being dismissed in Africa and thusly there are

growing occasions of disasters occurring in close to nothing and medium

endeavors. There is for the most part nonattendance of organization reinforce in

pretty much nothing and medium cndcavors as the dominant part of them look at

opening up of advantages rather than upgrading the working conditions therefore

the results are shortcoming and safety of the delegates.

Joseph, 120091- 'Privatization and employee Relations' examined in the article

calls attention to that the structure of a welfåre state lays on its government

managcd savings texture, Government, employers and trade unions have completed

a considerable measure to promote the betterment of worker's conditions.

Jo«ephine -M Rudolph L, 120111- 'Safety practices small enterprise' The purpose

of this research is to understand the views of different employees in small and

mcdium enterprises about what can be done to improve the health and safety in

work places. From the findings, it shows that when good health and safety practices

are not put in place, accidents ,major and minor injuries can happen, and it is what

most of the employees in other companies have so far experienced. This implies
that if health and fcfy is not managed effectively, both the two parties being

employees and the organi/htion would suffcr because for the organization to

function effectively, it needs and for the people to survive, they need to

Zanko, M. Dawson, P. 120121.9 assessing occupational training and health & safety' In

exaniining the research literature on word related health and safety (OHS), this paper

contends that the developnwnt in the quantity of specialists in OHS has brought about an

accentuation on approach and practice a long way from more educational concerns

effectively tended to by scholastics in the controls of brain research and human science. A

rest has happened, and this is demonstrate by the general nonattendance of moves in

administration, despite the way that OHS is continuously observed as a key operational

and key stress of busmess associations.

Sindhu 120121- 'Employee Welfare' expressed the employee welfare measures increment

the profitability of association and advance healthy mechanical relations there by keeping

up present day peace. Business houses give various such statutory and non statutory things

systems to keep up satisfactory level of their employee. When they hint at improvement

bottle workplaces, incredible water to drink, clean restrooms, clean and cleanliness wash

rooms and latrines, standard therapeutic checkups, health protections, Employee help

program, grievance taking eare of division, better workplaces to sit or awesome work put

gives employee an anomalous condition of satisfactory level. This gives an association to

develop considerably quicker.

Nanda and Panda 120131 'Welfare and Impact' communicated the Rourkela Steel Plant

has embraced a superior sort of welfare exercises which make a viable workplace and in

this way better profitability. There is diverse sort of welfare schemes like Inedical

allowance; demise relief fillid, insurance, lodging and

transportation offices entertainment club et cetera are given by the association to

the representatives to keep up the industrial relation better one .The premises and

the divisions are cared for sound. Furthernnore legitimate wellbeing measures

have been gotten in the affiliation. All issues relating to security, wellbeing and

welfare of representatives are legitimately executed,

Srinivas [20131'welfare measures' recognized welfare facilities and worker's

satisfaction level about welfare facilities embraced at Bosch limited, Bangalore. It

is found that the greater part of the, welfare facilities like helpful, bottle, working

condition, security measures et cetera. , are given by the association and the

greater part of the employees are happy with the welfare facilities embraced by the

association towards the worker's welfare.

Sulaiman .J ,Alaguthankamani[20131-' a study on employee health and

satisfaction' The examination is to know the general welfare of a worker with

unique inclination to Safety and Health programs, at bike save parts fabricating

industry in Chennai. Studies are directed to know how the Safety, Health and

Environmental Improvements measures are taken by the business. The aftereffect

of this investigation demonstrates that majority of the employees perceive the

present efforts taken by the two wheeler spare parts manufacturing industry in

Chennai, on safety measures and work environment is satisfactory.

TiwarietJ 120141-' a study on employee welfare facilities and its impact' the essential

propose of representative welfare is to advance the life of workers and to keep them

upbeat and directed. Welfare measures might be both statutory and non-statutory; laws

require the busmess to stretch out specific advantages to employees in addition wages or

pay rates,

Pedalina and Gamboa (1987) made a study on the effectiveness of the safety and welfare

measures in BHEL in the analysis the author traces that, providing proper safety and

welfare measures to the employees will increase the efficiency in their working

environment and also helps in betterment of the organizations in terms of profit gaining

and increase in productivity.

Ritiesh (1995) analyzed the safety and welfare measures in a large manufacturing plant in

India form the leading college in Coimbatore city. The organization provides various

safety and welfare measures to the employees. The study was conducted to identify the

satisfaction level of the employees were not fully satisfied with the facilitiesprovided.

Singh and Singh (1998) conducted a study on the satisfaction of the employees towards the

safety and welfare measures in correlation with absenteeism of the employees and they

conducted that there is a less frequency of absenteeism with the employees who feel

satisfied with the facilities provided and vice versa.

Pratik (2001) conducted a survey on the expectations of the employees towards the

welfare facilities provided to them with reference to PKM constructions. From the

research it is defined that the welfare facilities provided has a high impact on the

productivity of the organization.

University of Nebraska Medical Center (2002) The survey was made on the employees

satisfaction towards the safety and welfare measures and it was made as a comparison

between the minority and minority, male and female, managerial professionals, office

service employees service employees and the other respondents and the data was collected

and as a result the focus group, mentoring should have to be developed a lot and the

management communication also to be improved to identify the employees perception

and satisfaction towards facilities that provided.

Problem statement and

objective of the study

4.1 Problem Statement .
The tx•seareh pt•t'lem of the study is €to measure the HSNV ( Health measures safety measures

and measures) of the employ•es of AIM India Pri',ate l.imited¯

4.2 e of the study:

Primary es

Understanding measures follom•d by AIM India Ltd mth respect to Health. Safety and


To evaluate the employee satisfaction with regards to HSW (health, safety. and


To analyze ifHSW (health, safety, and welfare) affects efficiency positÄely.

Helps in ensuring Job placement. And Satety training.

Secondary objectives:

To ensures Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Package.

The services must be effective and meet certain established standards of quality.

Organisations also takes care of various issues legarding employee satz•ty and Protect

against environmental hazards and threats. Promote good health behaviors and prevention


protecting workers and other persons from harm by requiring duty holders to eliminate

or minimize risk providing jor fair and effective representation, consultation and


encouraging unions and etnployer organizations to take a constructi\c role in

promoting improvejnents in WIIS (S\ork, health and safety) practices.

Scope of the study:-

This study is on measures followed at AIM India Private Limited, New Delhi plant for

employees, with regards to Health, Safety and Welfare.

There are 200 employees at the new Delhi of which the researcher interviewed 50

employees across designations from Manager to Employees to Supervisor.

Research Design:-

Two methods of data collection are:

Primary Data: Questionnaire is used as a prtmary data collection tool and the

respondents were chosen on convenient basis. the questionnaire was design

according to the objectives of my study.

Secondary Data: It is the data which is already collected or exists in the

organization in the form of past records, websites and related journals, and the

data was collected from the books, company website, Google and other related


Limitations to the :
The studv limited to AIS' India Ltd, New Delhi only and the survey

'özs done in a S weeks of limited time period-

Sample size taken 50 samples and it may not represent the whole population, as

sample size 4% of the overall population at AIM India PM

Ltd due to time constraints

3. ALM India Priufie Limited is locally operated in many states and this study

is limited to New Delhi office only.

4. Sample size is limited to SO employees from süole 100 employees in the AIM

India Office.

5. Employees may not have given the right answers for the questionnaire because he
does not want be unfavorable to the organization

6. The employees may have got influenced from their peers and may have

answered as same as them.

7. 'Secondary sources information may not be accurate as it may not be


Safety guidelines and practices established in a work environment are practical only when the

employees are equally invested. Creating a safe work environment includes participation from

employees at all levels working together to be aware of and follow these standards. To nwtivate

the employees to create a safe culture, follow these steps.

Prioritise safety in the organisation's culture.

Leadership teams should play an integral role in implementing safety policies.

Adopt positive reinforcements to remind employees of their contribution.

Allow employees to take ownership of the safety process.

Consider employee feedback to evaluate the safety program.

A safe environment has several impactfill benefits, including increased work capacity and quality

and improved well-being and corporate culture. Workers will be more engaged with their job and

their co-workers. By focusing on the safety programs, you can constantly empower and engage

employees to improve workplace safety and productivity.



5.1 Research objectives:

Adequately maintaining equipment and other systems to ensure their safety.

Provide training and information on how to carry out work processes safely.
Provide a safe place to work and working environment.
Develop a health and safety policy.
Undertake risk assessments.

5.2 Research methodology:

Research comprises "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the
stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society and the use of this
stock of knowledge to devise new applications. It is used to establish and confirm facts,
reaffirm the results of the previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems or
develop new theories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the field.
The primary purposes of basic research are documentation, discovery, interpretation or the
research and development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge.

According to Waltz and Bausell, "Research is a systematic, formal, rigorous and precise
process employed to gain solutions to problems or to discover and interpret new facts and

Procedure in research:

Understanding the recruitment & selection process and their procedure followed in
the organization.

Attempting to have a formal communication with different employees of the

organization so as to know their views.
Obtaining the recommendations of the employees.
Seeking guidance from mentor.

Preparing questionnaire on the basis of information collected.

Preparing the report with the help of responses.

Research design:

The procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and
predicting phenomena are called methodology. Methods comprise the procedures used for
generating, collecting and evaluating data. Methods are ways of obtaining information useful
for assessing explanations.

Geographical Area covered:

The survey was conducted in AIM INDIA PVT LTD.

Research Design
In this research project, the research design adopted was vDESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH." The
major focus was to understand what the policies are and how effectively do they function.

Sample size
The sample size for the study is 50 respondents.

Sampling techniques
Research instrument

The instrument used by the researcher to collect the information is through the
questionnaire method.

Questionnaire method

The form of the question is closed (either in Yes/No or MULTIPLE CHOICE type) but
should be stated in advance and not constructed during questioning.

I have prepared a questionnaire with both closed and LIKERT structure.

Data collection (Primary & Secondary)
Method of Data collection

Sources used for collecting the data are:

Primary Data

The type of data collected in this project is PRIMARY DATA. Primary data is a first-hand
data which is collected specifically for the purpose of the particular project in consideration.
Hence, the data collected is fresh from the current employees of the organization

Secondary Data

Secondary data was collected with the help of company records.



QI FS 2: IC(I oention qualification


Post graduate
Pursuing graduation
Pursuing post-graduation

Table :
Graduate 19
Post graduate 14 28%
Pursuing graduation 7
Pursuing 10 20%


8 Serie
6 sl

graduate pursujg
pursuing graduatio
grad u ate graduate n


This graph shows percentage of people have different education qualification.


In this we have found people with dif jerent qualification with level of' practical knowledge.

t*titw on

RRtinc (orm




Analysis shows that what employees experienced in the organization and they rated the
organization as per their perspective.

Qt ES 4: Ilow do you rate (he working environment of the organization?

1 2 3

Table: rate the working environment of the organization

Rating Responses In percentage form
1 0%
2 0%
3 18 36%
4 18 36%
5 14 28%


The above table shows the rating of the particular organization,


This analysis shows that what employees are thinking about this organization and how they
have perceived its environment.


QC VS S: 110"' do rate health antagcss gisen by the organization to the workers and their
Table rating of health acfi antage€ pro', ided by the organization to
Rate Responses In percentage form




The rating done by employees in against the ads anlages given by the organization 10 ssorkers
and their families.

Qt ES 6: 110" do soo "0tking hours of the organipation 0

Table: rating giyx•n by the ctnployccs



• number of responses pe rce


*'ves S
ewes I ewe s 2 ewes 3
rat rat jne ret eng rat Ing

I he abosæ table shoe. s the rating by the einployees.


Qt ES 110" do you rate the conveyance allowances offered by the organization?


Rate Responses In percentage form
0 0%
2 0%
3 0 0%
4 30 60%
5 20 400 0



num ber of responses

pe rce e

gives 3 grve 4 rat ing

rat ine rat 'tag
grves grves2
rat ing r dt jr•e


The above table shows how employees rated the conveyance a110\N ances oilered by the
conjpany .


QUES limy do you rate Icave approach of the organization?

Table: rating given by the employees

Rate Responses In percentage form



28 56%

22 44%
30 ber of

rat gives
ing 2 r at gives 4 grves S responses
ing gives 3 rating rat ing cat ing percenatge

The above table shows how employees rate the leave approach oi the organization.


percentage il»rm.
QUES Do you get customary additions?


Yes 17 34%
33 66%

no. of respondents

no. of responde


The above table show that there are only 34% of the employees getting customary additions
and 660 0 of the employees don't.


In the above table and graph shows how many employees get customary additions in both
forms number and percentage form.

QtJES Rate the restroom and lounge facilities in office to the representatives?


Representatives No, of respondents In Percentage form
Satisfactory employees 18 36%
Dissatisfactory employees 32 66%


sat—actorv d satisfactory resp onses

The above table shows the responses given by the respondents as per their concern.


People are dissatisfied from restroolll and lounge services offered by the organization.


QUES Does working in the association give you a sentiment security?


Response No. of responses In percentage form
Yes 22 50%
No 28 56%



Ln percent no

The above table shows that what employees feel while working in the organization.

Employees feel insecure in the organization therefore it creates a negative sentiment among the

QUES 13: Does the organization take well-being measures for representative security?

Response No. of responses In percentage form
Yes 28 56%
No 22 44%

no. of response

ves no
no. of response

The above table shows the responses given by the employees as per their concern.


Yes employees are satisfied as the organization take well-being measures for representative

QUES 14: Do you think worker welfare exercises of the organization give a
sentiment security and enhance your execution?

No Table:
Response No. of responses In percentage form
Yes 20 40%
No 30 60%

no. of response

no. of response
yes no

The above table shows that the responses given by the employees according to their
perspective level.


This shows that the organization is not conducting Worker welfare exercises of the
organization which give a sentiment security and enhance your execution


QC ES 15: Rate the general fulfillment "ith representative "elfare exercises of the


Responses No. of respondents In percentage form
Rate as 1 5

Rate as 2 8

Rate as 3 13 26%
Rate as 4 13 26%
Rate as 5 22%



The above table shows that how employees experience the safety given by the organization.


Employees are satisfied from the organization and they are ready to recommend their friends and

colleagues to work in this organization

Plea«e €elect our

17. years of expericncc with this organization

Less than 6 months

6months - 1 year lyear- 2 year

2year— 4 year

Experience No. of respondents In percentage form
Less than 6 months 20 40%

6 months — I year 13 26%

1 year- 2year 8 16%

2 year -4year 9 18%






Le ss than
6 months - 1 year
year ondents
The above table shows the number of respondents and their working experience in same as well
as in another organization.
18. " job title

Plea«e €elect our

l can) leader

Junior etnployccs

Senior employees

Job title No. of cmployccs in cach In percentage form
'0b title
Mana.ger 5
Team leader 5
Junior employees 30 60%
Senior employees 10 20%

no. of employees in each job title


no. of empiovees an each job title

m an•eer employees senior

junior employees


Plea«e €elect our

the above table shov€s the nuJnber of canpjoyees in each job title ssith ditterent roles and also

represents in percentage form.

Plea«e €elect our
19. department

IT (Hard" are)

IT (Sofmare)




Research and development

Health and Safety



Departments No. of respondents In percentage form
Administration 2 4%

Health and safety 20 400 0

Maintenance 10 20%
Others 18

LI N o of respondents
Jr-I rce ntaee form jn percentage form
No. of respondents

The above table shows the responses given by the employees working in different departments
and share their views on different questions asked during the surveys.

Do you
20. To hat extent can injuries be prevented?

Check the answer that reprc«cnts your personal belief.

All can bc prevented

Almost all can be prevented
Many can be
prevented Some can
be prevcntcd can be

Injuries prevention systems Employees responses In percentage form
All can be prevented 5 10%
Almost all can be prevented 5 10%
Many can be prevented 10 20%
Some can be prevented 20 40%
Few can be prevented 10 20%

Chart Title

All can be
Almost an
preve nte d Many can be can be Some can be preve nte d Few can
be preve rite d preve nte d preve nte ci

• e mpLovees responses percentage fo rm


The above table shows couployees responses given on the organization's injuries prevention

strategies and policy.


Do you
21. enjoy our company's culture?


Company's culture Respondents In percentage form
Yes 22 44%
28 56%






resp ondents


The above table shows that employees like the company's culture or not as per their concern.

Do you
22. feel connected to your co-workers?


Co-M orkers feel connected Respondents In percentage form

Yes 20

No 30 60%



yes no respondents


The above table shows that how employees responses on this that they feel connected with
their co-workers in the work place.

Do you

23. managers value your feedback?


Managers value feedback Respondents In percentage form
Yes 10 20%

40 80%



The above table shows that manager's value the feedback or responses given by the employees.
24. feel valued for your contribution«?

Do you

Feel alued for contributions Rcspondcnt« In percentage form

Yes 15 30%
35 70%


resp ondents •n percentage form

In terpretation:

The above table shows how employees feel while share their responses in organization and how much
organization value their contributions in major decision making.




7.1 Findings:

Frorn the data analysis it can be interpreted that 81% employees arc male and 19%

ernployees are female.

In this factor it can be concluded that training before handling difficult machine is

highly satisfied factor among all and transport facility is highly dissatisfied factors.

From the data collection and analysis it can be conclude that organization is doing

well for the employees and providing most of HSW related atmosphere for the

employees which helps in the betterment of themselves and also the organization.

From the study it can be concluded that company is using factory act legislation and it

also implement this same in organization. Most of the factors are provided by the

company like safety and welfare policy, first aid treatment etc.

From the study it concludes that training provided before handling difficult machine

is more satisfied factors. And the transportation facility is dissatisfied factor for the

employees. Company has to provide transport fhcility for the betterment of


7.2 Suggee tion«:

SONIC ctnployccs suggested lhc adli)in department to provide cab facility even

for apprcnt ice

Suggestions about food quality were given that, that quality can he better.

Not all departnw•nts have Washroom facilities. Departments quch as Stores.

Purchases must be provided with the Washroom Facility

There are many women employees. But when compared to male employees,

female employees are very less. To create a comfortable working environment,

more number ofwomen employees must be lured.

Track leading indicators

Leading indicators are

things likeNear misses

Action completion rates/times

Training up to date
Training retention rate

Improve safety culture. My number one tip is to improve your workplace

safety culture.

Avoid worker fatigue And Hazard communication.

Take breaks to move and Keep good posture. And Ensure everyone is ssearing

Use tools and machines properly. And Always be aware ofemergency exits
and plans,

Responsible en1ploycrs know that the Inain goal of a safety and health program is to prevent

mM•kplace injuries, illncsscs, and deaths, as well the QtlfTcring and financial hardship these

events can cause for workers, their fanlilics, and their employers. Employeß may find that

implementing these recommcndcd practices brings othcr benefits as well. The renewed or

enhanced conmitment to safety and health and the cooperative atmo<phere between employers

and orkers have been linked to:

Improvements in product, process, and service quality.

Better workplace morale.

Improved employee recruiting and retention.

A more favorable image and reputation (among customers, suppliers, and the

a safety & health program

can help employers avoid the

such as

Source: management (figure no.5)

If these reconltnended practices appear challenging, here arc some simple steps you can take to get

started. Conlpleting these steps will give you a solid base from which to take on some of the more

structured actions presented in the recommended practices.

1. Set safety and health as a top priority:- Always set safety and health as the top priority.

Tell your workers that making sure they finish the day and go home safely is the way you do

business. Assure them that you will work with them to find and fix any hazards that could injure

them or make them sick.

2. Lead by example:-Practice safe behaviors yourself and make safety part of your daily

conversations with workers.

3. Implement a reporting system:- Develop and communicate a simple procedure for

workers to report any injuries, illnesses, incidents (including near misses/close calls), hazards,

or safety and health concerns without fear of retaliation. Include an option for reporting hazards

or concerns anonymously.

4. Pro't ide training

Train workers on how to identify and control hazards.

5. Conduct inspections

Inspect the workplace with workers and ask them to identify any activity, piece of equipment,

or material that concerns them.

6. Collect hazard control ideas

Ask workers for ideas on improvements and follow up on their suggestions. Provide them time

during work hours, if necessary, to research solutions.


7.1mpleunent hazard controls

Assign workers the task of choosing, ilnplcmcnting, and evaluating the solutions they come up


8. Address emergencies:-

IdentifS foreseeable enlergency scenarios and develop instructions on what to do in each case,

Meet to discuss these procedures and post them in a visible location in the workplace. input on workplace changes:-

Before making significant changes to the workplace, work organization, equipment, or

materials, consult with workers to identify potential safety or health issues.

10.make improvements

Set aside a regular time to discuss safety and health issues, with the goal of identifying ways to

improve the program

8 Future Of The Safety And Welfarc Meas;urcs

Working conditions are significant social determinants of health and wellbeing.

A conceptual nnodel anticipates research needs responsive to changes in work.

Future changes in work and increased work insecurity need research to mitigate risk.

Social, political and econornic forces and trends in employment shape work


Systems framework sets priorities for research and workplace policies and practices.
Enterprise Conditio Worker Outcomes
ns of . Injury
. Illness
work • Wellbeing
• Physical
• Organizatio
n of Work
• Psychosoc
ial Factors
• Job Tasks

• Health &
• Engageme
nt in Enterprise
Programs Outcomes
• Beiiefs • Productivity & Quality
• Know;edge • Turnover & Absence
• Skills • Health Care Costs (figure no.6)

To understand what types of safety and health risks may lie ahead, we need first to

understand the major transformations that are changing the world of work. The ILO

report identifies four major changes:

Sustainable development and OSH (organizational safety and health wellness)
Changes in work organization

Based on these major changes, the report highlights safety and health risks that may surface or become

more prominent. Here's a summary of these risks for each of the four categories.

I) Technology

Digitalization, ICT (Information and Communications Technology), artificial intelligence, advanced

analytics, robotics, autonomous vehicles, drones, smart devices, the Internet of Things (IOT), big data,
cyber-physical systems, sensors, etc. are all becoming increasingly common.
A positive consequence of these technologies is to prevent humans from performing dangerous tasks.
Think about drone inspections at heights or in hazardous environments, or robots that take over dangerous
manual tasks in hazardous situations (e.g. handling chemicals). Also, robots and exoskeletons can reduce
ergonomic risks by performing (or helping to perform) dangerous or routine tasks that can cause MSDs.

However, technology can also increase psychosocial risks. Think about smart devices and
wearables that track and monitor what workers do, creating stress associated with the perceived
loss of autonomy or privacy. As technology increasingly permeates the workplace, its impact on
work-related stress and psychological health must also be assessed. Moreover, regarding robotics,
there have been cases of injuries and fatalities as a result of contact or interaction between
workers and robots or robotic machines. It is therefore
1 important to properly assess new safety hazards and risks that could be introduced with robotics.

2) Demographic changes

The global workforce is constantly changing. In some parts of the world, young populations are
expanding, while in others, populations are ageing. It's important to know what these demographic
changes mean for occupational safety and health.

Some parts of the world, like Africa and South Asia, have very large young populations entering the
workforce. Companies with operations or factories in such areas, or that employ young workers in
general, must be conscious that young workers experience much higher rates of injury than older

Accord ing to VI ' uropean data. non-fatal injury at was; tnorc than higher among ot•kers
ages IS to 24 than atnong older wol\ers (l IA, 2007), In the the risk that vN011ng below
24 years old NOII a nonTatal occupational injury is approxilnately ice as high as that
workelA 2 6 or above ((4 I C)).

On the other hand, an ageing populat ion Incans an ageing workforce. According to the ILO
report. as population slosss the overall effect will bc an ageing global orkforce. Many of
today's morkers can expect to work much later in life, while employers are expecting
increasingly older workförces.

Some physical and cogniti\Q capacities may start to decline in older age, as a result of natural
aging processes, leading to greater risks. For example, slips, trips and falls are more common
among older and the resulting injuries are more likely to result in hospitalization, fatalities and
fractures, the report says. This means that specific safety and health risks may require extra

3) Climate change

Unless things change dramatically, the future will be characterized by rising temperatures,
changing precipitation patterns and more extreme weather events. diseases and health risks väll
also emerge. Climate change and environmental deterioration will shape safety and health at
work and the actions that are needed to protect workers.

It's estimated that a projected increase in the global temperature of I S OC by the end of this

century will render 2% of all work hours as too hot to work by 2()30, the report says. Workers

engaged in outdoor activities and exposed to the sun and/or engaged in physical activities face

the highest risk, especially those in agriculture, construction, fishing and forestry. Construction

workers will account for 19% of working hours lost due to heat stress in 2030, according to the


Higher temperatures lead to an increase in related health effects, including: heat stroke, heat

exhaustion, weaker chemical tolerance, fatigue, weaker cognitive function, increased risk of

injury or safety lapses, changed responses to exposure to chemical and biological hazards,
dehydration, increased burden of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and a weakened

immune function.

Heat-related safety risks will be worse in workplaces with poor ventilation or a lack of cooling
systems. They will also be worse regarding work that involves heat-generation processes or
work that requires PPE (i.e. there's a risk that workers may be less likely to wear
P PE properly to avoid getting too hot).

4) Changes in work organization

Today, many employees are working longer hours because of changing work arrangements or
low wages. Long hours are associated with fatigue, which can lead to an increased risk of
incidents, health problems such as cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression, and sleeping

Also, a growing number of people are now involved in temporary, part-time, contract,
independent, or irregular work, such as workers in the gig economy. These types of work,
sometimes called "non-standard forms of employment" (NSE), offer flexibility and autonomy,
but also result in insecurity, ranging from job and income insecurity to a lack of employment,
social and OSH protections, according to the ILO report.

Moreover, injury rates among temporary and temporary agency workers can be considerably
higher because workers are hired 10 do hazardous tasks that permanent workers don't want to
do, and/or because they are young and inexperienced, the report says. Also, non-standard
workers usually have less access to training, which is key to prevent accidents.
In addition to injury and accident risks, NSE are also associated with psychosocial risks.
Having an involuntarily temporary or part-time job may lead to stress arising from perceptions
of job insecurity. The ILO report says that NSE are also associated with higher levels of
fatigue, thus increasing risks for fatigue-related incidents.

9 Lirnitations to the Study:-

l. The study mqs linnited to AIM India Pvt Ltd, New I)clhi only and the survey was done in a 8

weeks of liniited tilne period.

2. Saniple size taken was 50 samples and it nnay not represent the whole population, as

sample size was 4% of the overall population at AIM India Pvt Ltd due to time constraints

3. AIM India Private Limited is locally operated in many states and this study is limited to

New Delhi omce only.

4. Sample size is limited to 50 employees from whole 100 employees in the AIM

India Office.

5. Employees may not have given the right answers for the questionnaire because

he does not want be unfavorable to the organization

6. The employees may have got influenced from their peers and may have answered

as same as them.

7. Secondary sources information may not be accurate as it may not be updated

Safety guidelines and practices established in a work environment are practical only
when the employees are equally invested. Creating a safe work environment includes
participation from employees at all levels working together to be aware of and follow
these standards. To motivate the employees to create a safe culture, follow these steps.

Prioritise safety in the organisation's culture.

Leadership teams should play an integral role in implementing safety policies.
Adopt positive reinforcements to remind employees of their contribution.
Allow employees to take ownership of the safety process.
Consider employee feedback to evaluate the safety program.

A safe work environment has several impactful benefits, including increased work capacity and
quality and improved well-being and corporate culture. Workers will be more engaged with
their job and their co-workers. By focusing on the safety programs, you can constantly
empower and engage employees to improve workplace safety and productivity.

According to Analysis (Correlation) between satisfaction of employees regarding Health,

Safety and welfare measures followed at AIM INDIA PVT LTD and This implies that

according to respondents more the satisfaction with regards to measures followed at AIM

INDIA PVT LTD more the efficiency of employees towards the work

safety and health should not be sidelined as a service delivery issue, Health worker health

and well-being is an important aspect of workers' motivation and job satisfaction, which

influence productivity as well as retention.



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3. KUMAR, ANIL, Book 'Labor Welfare and Social Security', Publishers: Deep &

Publication, New Delhi, Year: 2003.


l. Alexander Cohen, PhD Michael J. Colligan(1998),' 'assessing occupational safety &

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MBA Rc«carch Project Questionnaire

Topic - A ON Ill Al "I ll, I Y AND ARE


Hello, I an) Prachi Singh pursuing MBA in Jagran In«litute of Management, am conducting a

survey on the above tncntioned Topic. This survey is lcd as my examination venture. which

should be submitted as a major aspect of satisfaction of the Master of Bustness dministration


If it's not too much trouble attempt to answer the greater part of the inquiries as genuinely and

precisely as could be expected under the circumstances. The discoveries from this survey is

only for scholarly reason

The survey will take less than 15 minutes. Your participation is very much appreciated





3.Education qualification:

Pursuing graduation

Pursuing post-graduation


Post graduate

4.Rate the organization:

5.How do you rate the working environment of the organization?

6.How do you rate the working hours of the organization?

7.How do you rate the conveyance allowance offered by the

8.Rate the overtime stipend offered by the organization?

9.How do you rate leave approach of the organization?

10.1)o you get customary additions?



11.Rate the restroom and lounge oflicc to the representatives?



12.Does " or-king in the association give you a sentiment security?


13.Does the organization take well-being measures for representative security?

• Yes

14. Do you think worker welfare exercises of the organization give a sentiment

security and enhance your execution?



15. Rate the general fulfillment the representative welfare exercises of the



16. Based on your cxpcricncc regarding employee «afcty, how likely are you to

recommend your friends and colleaguc« to work in thi c organization 9


17. Please select your years of experience vvith this organization

Less than 6 months 6months - I year

lyear - 2 year

2year — 4 year

18. Please select your job title


Team leader

Junior employees

Senior employees

19. Please select your department

I (llardware)
IT (Software)


Research and development

Health and safety

Maintenance Security


20. To what extent can injuries be prevented?

Check the answer that represents your personal


All can be prevented

Almost all can be prevented
Many can be prevented
Some can be prevented Few can be prevented

21. Do you enjoy our company's culture?

e Yes
• NO

22. Do you feel connected to your co-workers?


23. Do your managers value your feedback?


24. Do you feel valued for your contributions?


25. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to improve employee

Everything is good in organization

If any


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