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Graftless Maxillary Sinus Lift Using

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Lateral Window Approach: A

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Systematic Review
Marcelo Parra, DDS,* Claudia Atala-Acevedo, DDS,† Rodrigo Fariña, DDS, MS,‡
Ziyad S. Haidar, DDS, MSc, MBA, PhD,§ Carlos Zaror, DDS, MS,¶ and Sergio Olate, DDS, MS, PhDk

he maxillary sinus lift, described Purpose: The aim was to deter- Health Practice Project’s Quality

T by Tatum1 and modified by

Boyne et al,2 is a recognized
and versatile surgical technique in the
mine the survival rate of dental
implants installed in the posterior
region of the maxilla after a graft-
Assessment Tool.
Results: The combined search
identified 232 articles. After the
treatment of the posterior region of the less maxillary sinus lift via the selection process, 11 articles were
maxilla. Various accesses have been
lateral window approach and to identified, 9 of which were prospec-
used to perform this procedure, with
crestal approach and the lateral win- identify the factors involved in the tive and 2 were retrospective. In all
dow approach being the most fre- results. of them, the graftless maxillary sinus
quent.3 Materials and Methods: A sys- lift was done with the immediate
A wide variety of materials have tematic search was done on MED- installation of the implant. All the
been used as bone grafts in the maxil- LINE, EMBASE, LILACS, Scopus, studies included presented a low
lary sinus lift, shown similar success and Science Direct up to June methodological quality. The mean
rates, both in the stability of the recon- 2016; additional studies were survival rate of the implants was
struction and in the stability of the identified through an analysis of 97% with an average new intrasinus
implants.4 Current analyses indicate references. Primary studies in bone formation of 6.2 mm.
that the success of the technique also English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Conclusion: This technique has
is associated not only with the French were included; the selec- a high implant survival although it is
*Student, Master in Dental Sciences Program, Department of tion and data extraction process not possible to identify its correct
Dentistry, Dental School, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco,
Chile. was conducted by 2 investigators indication and contraindication.
†Research Assistant, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and
Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de La Frontera, independently, and the methodo- (Implant Dent 2018;27:111–118)
Temuco, Chile; Research Assistant, Center for Research in
Epidemiology, Economics and Oral Public Health (CIEESPO), logical quality was evaluated by Key Words: bone graft, dental
Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
‡Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial means of the Effective Public implants, blood
Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Chile, Santiago,
Chile. Consultant, Department of Oral an Maxillofacial Surgery,
Hospital del Salvador, Santiago, Chile.
§Head, BioMAT’X Research Group, Dental School, Universidad
de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile; Research Professor, Program in
BioMedicine, CIIB-PMI Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de los
Andes, Santiago, Chile.
¶Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and reconstruction material but also with cyst, observed new bone formation in
Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de La Frontera,
Temuco, Chile; Head, Center for Research in Epidemiology, other variables, such as the osteogenic the space left without the installation
Economics and Oral Public Health (CIEESPO), Faculty of
Dentistry, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile; Assistant potential of the sinus membrane5 and of any type of material. Later, Lundgren
Research, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad San Sebastián,
Puerto Montt, Chile. the bone characteristics of the zone.6 et al9 performed maxillary sinus lifts on
kAssociated Professor, Center for Morphological and Surgical
Research (CEMYQ), Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. In this sense, techniques for the imme- 11 patients with no type of bone graft,
diate or delayed implant installation so that the space generated after lifting
Reprint requests and correspondence to: Sergio Olate, have shown that the use of the autoge- the sinus membrane would only be
DDS, MS, PhD, Universidad de La Frontera, Claro
Solar 115, Oficina 414-A, Temuco 4780000, Chile, nous bone graft or the use of biomate- filled with the patient’s blood, immedi-
Phone: +56 45 2325000, Fax: +56 45 2325001, E-mail: rials could be equally as efficient.7 ately installing 19 implants, all
In recent years, reports on new successfully.
ISSN 1056-6163/18/02701-111 intrasinus bone formation without graft Although there are clinical studies
Implant Dentistry
Volume 27  Number 1 installation or bone substitute have that use this technique, there are no
Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
reserved. increased since Lundgren et al,8 subse- analyses that assess the prognostic
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000695 quent to the removal of an intrasinus factors related to their survival. The

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

aim of this systematic review is to (C.Z., S.O.). The reviewers were not pilot test was used to homogenize
determine the survival rate of dental blinded to the authors or journals. criteria between reviewers. Any dis-
implants installed in the posterior The data were collected by 2 au- crepancy was resolved by discussion
region of the maxilla after a graftless thors independently (M.P., C.A.-A.) or in consultation with a third reviewer
maxillary sinus lift using the lateral using a predefined and standardized (C.Z., S.O.). Grey literature was not
window approach and to identify the form of data extraction, including infor- reviewed systematically.
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factors involved in these results. mation on the study design, country

where it was carried out, number of Study Variables
MATERIALS AND METHODS patients, presence or absence of adja- The primary variable was the sur-
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cent teeth, installation time of the im- vival rate of the dental implants loaded in
Protocol and Eligibility Criteria plants, number of implants installed, the posterior region of the maxilla after
A systematic literature review was implant loading time, follow-up time, a graftless maxillary sinus lift, defined as
carried out to respond to the research assessment method, number of success- the functioning presence of the implant 6
question: What is the survival rate of ful implants, and new bone formation as months after loading. As a secondary
dental implants installed in the posterior a result of the maxillary sinus lift. A variable, bone formation as a result of the
region of the maxilla simultaneously or
after a graftless maxillary sinus lift, and
what are the factors associated with
their survival?
The inclusion criteria for the ar-
ticles were: (1) primary studies, (2)
published in English, Spanish, Portu-
guese or French, (3) performed on
humans, and (4) evaluated maxillary
sinus lifts performed with the lateral
window approach. Secondary studies,
case studies or series of cases with
a sample of fewer than 5 individuals,
studies that used autogenous bone or
biomaterials in the sinus lift, and sinus
lifts using other surgical techniques
were excluded. The report was prepared
according to the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-

Sources of Information and

Search Strategy
A systematic search was done on
from January 1995 to June 2016. The
search string used on MEDLINE was:
([{maxillary sinus augmentation} OR
maxillary sinus lift] OR “Sinus Floor
Augmentation”[Mesh]) AND ([blood
clot] OR “Blood”[Mesh] OR graftless).
The search was complemented by
a manual review of the references from
the articles included.

Study Selection and Data Extraction

The title and abstract of the studies
identified in the search were selected
independently by 2 calibrated reviewers
Fig. 1. Flow chart of the systematic review, including 232 articles evaluated initially with their
(M.P. and C.A.-A.). In case of differ- inclusion and exclusion criteria. After exclusion of 50 duplicates articles and evaluations of the
ences between the reviewers, consensus other articles, 11 articles were included in this review, coming from the systematic search (6
was reached by discussion or in articles) and the hand search (6 articles).
consultation with a third reviewer

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Table 1. Characteristics of the 11 Studies Included in This Research, Related to Main Characteristics of the Demographical Situation, Design of the Studies, Anatomical
Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Characteristics and Condition for Implant Surgery and Bone Formation

No. No. No. Adjacent Teeth Immediate
Author Country Study Design Patients Men Women Presence Implant No. of Implants, Brand
Lungdren et al9 Sweden Prospective 11 2 9 Yes Yes 19, TiUnite, Nobel Biocare 10–15
and 3.75 mm of diameter
Hatano et al19 Japan Prospective 6 1 5 No Yes 14, TiUnite, MK III, Nobel Biocare
Thor et al20 Sweden Prospective 20 9 11 No Yes 44, Astra tech 4.5–5 mm of
Chen et al17 Taiwan Retrospective 33 23 10 No Yes 47
Balleri et al21 Italy Prospective 15 11 4 Yes Yes 28, Osseospeed, Astra Tech
Moon et al22 Korea Prospective 14 9 5 No Yes 31, SybronPRO XRT. 13 3 4.1
Cricchio et al23 Sweden and Prospective 84 46 38 No Yes 239, TiUnite (Nobel Biocare AB)
Lin et al16 Taiwan Prospective 44 26 18 Yes Yes 80, ITI, Straumann; SwissPlus.
Bassi et al25 Brazil Prospective 20 d d Yes Yes 25, Neodent 4.3 3 13
Cara-Fuentes et Spain Retrospective 26 11 15 Yes Yes 38, Neodent 4.3 3 13
Falah et al26 Israel Prospective 18 8 10 Yes Yes 72

Average No. Implants per Type of Loading Time, Follow up, Average Bone Survival


Author Patient Graft mo mo Evaluation Method Formation Rate
Lungdren et al9 2 Blood clot 6 18 CBCT Does not measure 100%
Hatano et al19 2 Blood clot 6 12 a 24 Periapical Radiograph 10.0 mm 92%
Thor et al20 2 Blood clot 6 48 Panoramic and Retroalveolar Radiographs 6.51 mm 98%
Chen et al17 1 Blood clot 9 24 Panoramic Radiograph and CBCT 4.5 mm 100%
Balleri et al21 2 Blood clot 6 12 Periapical Radiograph 5.5 mm 100%
Moon et al22 2 Blood clot 6a8 25 Panoramic Radiograph and CBCT and 7.84 mm 93%
Cricchio et al23 3 Blood clot 6 12 a 72 Panoramic Radiograph and CBCT 5.3 mm 99%
Lin et al16 2 Blood clot 9 60 Panoramic Radiograph and CBCT 7.44 mm 100%
Bassi et al25 1 Blood clot 9 3 y 51 CBCT 5.63 mm 96%
Cara-Fuentes et 1 Blood clot 6 30 a 70 Panoramic and Periapical Radiographs 2.7 mm 97%
Falah et al26 4 Blood clot 6 18 Panoramic Radiograph and CBCT 6.14 mm 94%


full text, and 5 potentially relevant articles

were excluded after reading the full
text.12–16 After a manual review of the
articles, 11 articles were ultimately
included. Figure 1 shows the flow chart
of the selection of the studies (Fig. 1).
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Characteristics of the Studies

Table 1 summarizes the character-
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istics of the studies included. Two were

retrospective17,18 and 9 were prospec-
tive.9,19–26 The dental implants were
installed simultaneously with the sinus
lift in all the studies included. The mean
Fig. 2. Risk of bias in the 11 articles included in this research, showing weak, moderate and
size of the study samples was 58 im-
strong power in different areas of the analysis in each article. The weak power was detected in plants and ranged from 14 to 239 im-
4 areas and the strong power was detected in only an area. All the studies obtained at least 2 plants. In 6 studies, there were teeth
domains rated as weak, being considered as weak due to the high risk of bias they present. adjacent to the zone of the maxillary
sinus lift and implant installation; in
other 5 studies, the procedure was per-
maxillary sinus lift was established from blinding, data collection methods, and formed in completely edentulous zones.
the study of images captured with x-ray withdrawals and dropouts. The overall The waiting time before loading the
or computed tomography. grading for each study was identified as installed implants was 6 months in 7
The prognostic factors evaluated strong when no component was weak, articles6,18–21,23,26 and 9 months in 4
were: (a) Integrity of the sinus membrane moderate when only one component studies.17,22,24,25 With respect to the
at the time of its lifting, (b) Presence or was weak, and weak when 2 or more assessment method, 2 studies only used
absence of adjacent teeth, (c) Minimum components were described as weak. tomographies, 5 tomographies and pan-
alveolar rim before the surgery, and (d) oramic x-rays, 1 only with retroalveolar
Installation time of the implants. x-rays, and 4 with panoramic and retro-
RESULTS alveolar x-rays. Two studies performed
Risk of Bias in the Individual Studies a histological analysis on part of the
To assess the risk of bias in the Study Selection study sample.
studies, the Effective Public Health Prac- The combined search identified 232
tice Project’s Quality Assessment Tool11 references. After excluding 50 duplicates, Risk of Bias in the Studies
was used, which contains 6 domains: and based on a review of titles and The evaluation of the risk of bias in
selection bias, study design, confounders, abstracts, 11 articles were evaluated in the studies included is reported in

Table 2. Characteristics of the Dental Implants Used in the 11 Studies Included in This Research, Showing the Company, Implant
Design, and Surface Treatment
Author Brand Implant Design Surface Treatment
Lungdren Branemark System, TiUnite, Conical Titanium Oxide Layer
et al9 Nobel Biocare AB
Hatano Branemark System, TiUnite, Conical, external hexagon Titanium Oxide Layer
et al19 Nobel Biocare AB connection
Thor et al21 Astra Tech AB Conical Titanium Dioxide
Chen et al22 ITI; Straumann Cylindrical Titanium Sandblast (SLA)
Balleri et al21 Osseospeed, Astra Tech Conical, internal hexagon Fluoride ions
Moon et al22 SybronPRO XRT Conical Hydroxyapatite Particles
Cricchio Branemark System, TiUnite, Conical Titanium Oxide Layer
et al23 Nobel Biocare AB
Lin et al16 Frialit-2 Friadent Conical Sandblast and Acid Etching
Bassi et al25 Alvim; Neodent Conical, double thread, morse Neopores between 2.5 and 5.0 mm over the
cone connection entire surface of the implant
Cara-Fuentes Zimmer SPB, SPWB y TSV Conical Microtexturized
et al18
Falah et al26 MIS Implants Technologies Conical Sandblast and Acid Etching

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Figure 2. In relation to selection bias, all floor lift, Cricchio et al23 indicated mill- were conducted, being consistent in the
the studies were classified as weak for ing depending on the residual height of results that indicated the presence of
including nonprobability sampling of the alveolar rim using the final drill abundant new bone formation, osteoid
consecutive cases or for convenience 2.85 mm in diameter to prepare the bone tissue, without presence of inflamma-
sampling, which is not adequately rep- bed. Lundgren et al,6 to place implants tory tissue, formation of trabecular
resentative of the participants. This can 3.75 mm in diameter, also used the bone, and the presence of active
2.85 mm diameter drill as the final drill.
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cause an imbalance in some character- osteoblasts.

istics relevant to the participants like Thor et al20 and Falah et al26 used a sim-
age, type of bone atrophy or nutritional ilar protocol.
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and general health status, which can With respect to the causes of
influence the results. The study design implant failure reported in the studies, Traditionally, indications for the
was rated mainly moderate for being Moon et al22 indicated that the reason immediate installation of implants
mostly descriptive cohorts without for failure in their implants was an inad- with a maxillary sinus lift have sug-
a control group. No study was rated as equate primary stability and appeared in gested a minimum height of 5 mm3,
strong because no controlled clinical sites with a bone height lower than the considering the use of some material
trials were identified. With respect to sample, which was also reported by Fa- to fill the lifted area with the implant.
the control of confounders, only 2 stud- lah et al,26 where of the 4 implants lost, With these conditions, Lundgren et al8
ies controlled the confounding factors 3 were associated with an inadequate installed 93 dental implants in atrophic
in the statistical analysis; however, they primary stability, and one with deficien- maxillae, previously performing max-
did not include all the relevant varia- cies in osseointegration after loading. illary sinus lifts with autografts in one
bles. In terms of blinding, as it is not Cricchio et al23 report the loss of two group and with biomaterials in
possible to blind the treating profes- implants, after loading, attributing the another, finding a survival rate of
sional, it was considered that the pa- loss to an incomplete osseointegration 98%. Likewise, Beretta et al27 installed
tients and the evaluators did not know of the implants, without providing 589 implants in 246 sinus lifts with
the research question; however, no detailed reasons. In the studies where bone graft, reporting a survival rate of
study is reported to have done this, no reason was given for the failure, 98.3%.
and in some cases, the same profes- direct communication with the authors The findings of this review indi-
sional even evaluated the results. Half made it possible to define the condition, cate that the survival rate of the im-
of the studies reported using validated where Hatano et al19 indicated failure plants installed after a graftless
methods to evaluate the primary result associated with a short healing period maxillary sinus lift is close to 97%,
although not all showed evidence that in the phase before loading (4 months), with 100% survival being observed in
they were reliable. Finally, withdrawals whereas Falah et al26 described the fail- 4 studies.6,17,21,24 However, the ar-
and dropouts were the best evaluated ure as being related to deficiencies in ticles were classified mainly as weak,
domains, as the dropouts did not exceed primary stability. which implies doubts about the fac-
20% of the sample. In the case of the tors associated with the survival of
retrospective studies, this domain was Vertical Bone Gain the treatment. In terms of patient
not included for the overall assessment. The average new bone formation selection, clinical aspects used in the
All the studies obtained at least 2 do- associated with the graftless maxillary inclusion of subjects were not re-
mains rated as weak, so they were rated sinus lift was 6.2 mm, where 1 study18 ported or not included; therefore,
as weak due to the high risk of bias they presented 2.7 mm, 3 studies17,21,23 despite the success of the treatment,
present (Fig. 2). between 4.5 and 5.5 mm, 3 stud- the criteria for the indication of the
ies20,25,26 between 5.6 and 6.5 mm, 2 technique cannot be identified. Simi-
Implant Survival Rate studies22,24 between 6.6 and 8.0 mm, larly, in the case of implants that
The survival rate fluctuated and one study19 10 mm of new bone failed, it was not possible to identify
between 92% and 100%. Only 3 articles formation. the reasons why it happened, so future
reported a survival below 95% and in 4 With respect to the presence of investigations must consider these
studies a survival of 100% was ob- teeth adjacent to the sinus lift area, the issues.
tained.6,17,21,24 The average among the data are not clear in cases where there When analyzing the implant instal-
studies was 97% (Table 1). In relation to are teeth adjacent18,21,24–26 to the max- lation protocols, we can see that there
the type of implants used in the studies, illary sinus. An average bone gain of was mainly a preparation with the final
10 used conical implants, 1 study used 5.48 mm was observed, and in the sites perforation of lower caliber than the
cylindrical implants,17 and all reported where there were no adjacent conventionally used protocol. This
some type of surface treatment teeth,17,19,20,22,23 an average bone gain option has been described in other
(Table 2). of 6.83 mm was observed. investigations28 as a strategy for the
With respect to the installation Among the analyzed studies, there sites where the bone quality is mainly
protocol for the implants, the descrip- were 222,26 in which, in addition to eval- type III or IV. This option has demon-
tion of the protocols was limited in the uating the survival rate and amount of strated success in terms of improving
publications analyzed. After the sinus newly formed bone, histological studies the contact between implant and bone

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

and to ensure an adequate primary sta- The value of the quality of the clot the studies available were identified
bility of the implant installed, contrib- formed directly influences the new given that not all the existing databases
uting to osseointegration.29 bone formation. Gurtner et al18 indi- were explored; however, we believe
In relation to the type of implant cated that stem cells, anchor elements, that the systematic nature of the review
used, we can see that in all the studies and growth factors are essential in the and the sensitive search strategies used
included in this investigation, conical bone regeneration process, so the oste- likely identified the great majority of
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implants were used with surface treat- ogenic potential of the sinus mem- the studies available. The quality of the
ment. Apparently, the surface type is brane and the bone next to the review is based on the published
important in this technique because it implant as an anchor element would literature and therefore it is limited by
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has been indicated that the surface seem to be key elements in the success the amount and quality of the pub-
could have chemotactic effects,30 per- of the technique. In this sense, previ- lished information available. Because
mitting the establishment of relevant ous studies where the maxillary sinus the technique is recent, all the identi-
cell structures at the secondary stabil- lift technique was done without a bone fied studies were included that pre-
ity or biological stability stage, thus graft in highly atrophic sinuses and sented a low methodological quality
having a positive effect on the os- without the installation of implants with inadequate designs to evaluate the
seointegration process.29 The surface, demonstrated limitations in new bone success of an intervention. On the other
in contact with blood, could affect the formation, reaching on average only hand, it was not possible to meta-
new bone formation30 such that the 1.5 mm6. analyze the main study variables due
surface treatment could be one of Although all the articles reviewed to the absence of available data and/or
the most important elements in the measured the new bone conditions by the existing clinical heterogeneity ex-
development of this technique. analyzing vertical bone gain, not all isting between studies included in this
Biological factors such as the did so with validated or standardized review.
presence of adjacent teeth,31 quality instruments, which is considered
of surrounding bone,32 quality of the a shortcoming from the methodolog-
sinus membrane,33 and space available ical point of view. Similarly, success CONCLUSION
for filling34 can be relevant at the time factors that include esthetic results Based on our results, the value of
of the indication and the studies con- cannot be identified in the studies the variables associated with implant
ducted reveal limitations in such de- included. survival and new bone formation in this
scriptions, so it is not possible to One recent systematic review pub- treatment have not been identified, so
confirm the correct indication of the lished by Duan et al35 indicated that that new studies should be oriented to
technique on the basis of our results. maxillary sinuses subjected to a lift these topics. Despite the high survival
Thus, previous studies that have shown via a transcrestal approach and via a lat- observed, it is not possible to identify
failures in the graftless maxillary sinus eral window approach presented a high the correct indication for the technique,
lift6 have reported that a large sinus implant survival with an average bone although the new bone formation
volume could be characterized as a crit- gain of 3.8 mm. The 2 techniques are observed opens new possibilities for
ical defect and the type of implant completely different, where the lateral future analyses in intrasinus bone
could be important in the results of window presents a greater biological regeneration.
the technique; however, based on the demand compared to the transcrestal
existing information, it is not possible access, which in the opinion of the
to identify the impact of these varia- present authors, are not comparable.
bles. Despite these doubts, implant sur- The exclusive approach of maxillary The authors claim to have no
vival is high and similar to results sinus lift via lateral window, as pro- financial interest, either directly or
observed in alveolar rims that have posed in the present study, involves indirectly, in the products or informa-
not been grafted26 and in maxillary a conceptual and biological analysis tion listed in the article.
sinus sites with filling.7 on the variables installed in the new
The vertical bone gain in this intrasinus bone formation, which in
technique was high in most of the the average of the articles in this review
studies, confirming that some intrin- is 6.2 mm, double that reported by Approval was received by the Eth-
sic factors of the maxillary sinus Duan et al35; the transcrestal access is ical Committee in Research, “Universi-
contribute to the stability and integra- designed for smaller requirements of dad de La Frontera,” Chile. (Protocol
tion of the implants.5 The existing a sinus floor lift,36 whereas the access 027/14).
new bone formation was generally via lateral window is designed for
observed at the upper limit of the greater requirements so that they are
implant, which demonstrates that the not comparable in either the bone for-
presence of the implant has influence mation or in the stability of the
on the intrasinus bone formation, with implants. M. Parra, DDS: Formal analysis,
an average bone gain of 6.2 mm being Limitations of this study are asso- investigation, critical analysis, and
observed. ciated with the possibility that not all writing. C. Atala-Acevedo, DDS:

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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