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Early Steroid Withdrawal in Deceased-Donor Kidney

Transplant Recipients with Delayed Graft Function
Sunjae Bae,1,2,3 Jacqueline M. Garonzik Wang,2 Allan B. Massie,1,2 Kyle R. Jackson ,2
Mara A. McAdams-DeMarco ,1,2 Daniel C. Brennan,4 Krista L. Lentine,5
Josef Coresh ,1,3,4 and Dorry L. Segev 1,2
Departments of 1Epidemiology and 3Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland;
Departments of 2Surgery and 4Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; and
Center for Abdominal Transplantation, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri

Background Early steroid withdrawal (ESW) is associated with acceptable outcomes in kidney transplant
(KT) recipients. Recipients with delayed graft function (DGF), however, often have a suboptimal allograft
milieu, which may alter the risk/benefit equation for ESW. This may contribute to varying practices across
transplant centers.
Methods Using the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients, we studied 110,019 adult deceased-donor KT
recipients between 2005 and 2017. We characterized the association of DGF with the use of ESW versus con-
tinued steroid maintenance across KT centers, and quantified the association of ESW with acute rejection,
graft failure, and mortality using multivariable logistic and Cox regression with DGF-ESW interaction terms.
Results Overall 29.2% of KT recipients underwent ESW. Recipients with DGF had lower odds of
ESW (aOR=0.600.670.75). The strength of this association varied across 261 KT centers, with center-
specific aOR of ,0.5 at 31 (11.9%) and .1.0 at 22 (8.4%) centers. ESW was associated with benefits and harms
among recipients with immediate graft function (IGF), but only with harms among recipients with DGF. ESW
was associated with increased acute rejection (aOR=1.09 1.161.23), slightly increased graft failure
(aHR=, but decreased mortality (aHR=0.860.890.93) among recipients with IGF. Among recipients
with DGF, ESW was associated with a similar increase in rejection (aOR51.12; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.23), a more
pronounced increase in graft failure (aHR51.16; 95% CI, 1.08 to 1.26), and no improvement in mortality
(aHR51.00; 95% CI, 0.94 to 1.07). DGF-ESW interaction was statistically significant for graft failure
(P50.04) and mortality (P50.003), but not for rejection (P50.6).
Conclusions KT centers in the United States use ESW inconsistently in recipients with DGF. Our findings
suggest ESW may lead to worse KT outcomes in recipients with DGF.

JASN 31: 175–185, 2020. doi:

Approximately 30% of deceased-donor kidney characteristics of individual KT recipients. In

transplant (KT) recipients in the United States un- particular, ESW may not achieve sufficient
dergo early steroid withdrawal (ESW), a mainte-
nance immunosuppression protocol that aims to
reduce the adverse effects from long-term steroid Received April 24, 2019. Accepted September 10, 2019.

use.1 Previous studies have suggested ESW leads to Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at
no or minimal increases in acute rejection and graft
failure, 2–10 while reducing steroid-related side Correspondence: Dr. Dorry L. Segev, Department of Surgery,
effects such as new-onset diabetes, dyslipidemia, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 2000 E Monument Street,
Baltimore, MD 21205. Email:
and fracture.11–14 However, this risk/benefit equa-
tion of ESW can be altered by the clinical Copyright © 2020 by the American Society of Nephrology

JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 ISSN : 1046-6673/3101-175 175


immunosuppression in certain subgroups, especially those

Significance Statement
with higher immunologic risk.15
One subgroup that might be unsuitable for ESWis recipients Early steroid withdrawal (ESW) is a maintenance immunosuppres-
who develop delayed graft function (DGF). DGF is often a con- sion strategy to avoid the sequelae of long-term steroid use in kidney
transplant (KT) recipients. Recipients with delayed graft function
sequence of a suboptimal allograft milieu, which subsequently
(DGF) may have a suboptimal allograft milieu, which may alter the
increases the risk of acute rejection and graft failure.16–19 This risk/benefit equation of ESW. In this nationwide study, the authors
milieu may necessitate potent immunosuppression regimens found use of ESW in recipients with DGF varied at United States
that could also counterbalance the increased risks of acute re- transplant centers. The authors also identified differences in out-
jection and graft failure,20 lending support to the use of con- comes after ESW in patients with and without DGF. Among recip-
ients with immediate graft function, ESW was associated with
tinued steroid maintenance (CSM) over ESW in recipients
possible harms such as increased rejection and benefits such as
with DGF. Alternatively, given that DGF is often attributable decreased mortality. However, among recipients with DGF, ESW
to ischemia-reperfusion injury rather than immune re- was associated only with possible harms, including increased acute
sponse,16,20,21 the pathophysiology of DGF may have little rejection and graft failure. Recipients with DGF also saw no change
interaction with the pathway through which immunosuppres- mortality with ESW. Our findings suggest ESW is harmful in KT re-
cipients with DGF.
sion influences KT outcomes. In other words, DGF may not
indicate high “immunologic” risk in the context of individ-
ualizing steroid use, despite being a risk factor for rejection and mycophenolate (n=16,188, 12.8%) were excluded.
and graft failure. There is no clinical evidence to support DGF was defined as the need for dialysis within the first
either ESW or CSM in the context of DGF. This knowledge week after transplant, as per the United Network for Organ
gap may have negative implications for post-KT manage- Sharing/OPTN Kidney Transplant Recipient Registration
ment, given that DGF is a common condition with an in- form.23 For this reason, we excluded recipients who died or
cidence of 25%–36% among recipients of deceased-donor developed graft failure within 7 days post-KT or discharge
KTs.17,22 (n=1154, 1.0%). Absence of DGF was termed immediate graft
In this nationwide study, we sought to understand whether function (IGF). ESW was defined as withdrawal of mainte-
DGF manifests a suboptimal allograft milieu in which ESW is nance steroid by the time of discharge from the KT admission;
not desirable for maintenance immunosuppression after KT. all other recipients were considered CSM. As the exact date of
We first described the current practice by quantifying the steroid withdrawal was not included in our data, we excluded
association between DGF and the use of ESW (versus the recipients who were not discharged within 30 days post-KT
CSM) at each KT center across the country. We then inves- (n=1221, 1.1%) to exclude “late” steroid withdrawal cases
tigated whether the association between ESW and post-KT (i.e., beyond the first few weeks post-KT) and their CSM coun-
outcomes varies by DGF status using interaction term terparts. Our final study population included 110,019 recipients.
Use of ESW
To study nationwide temporal trends in ESWuse, we quantified
METHODS the proportion of recipients who underwent ESW by calendar
year of transplant. To study center-level variation in ESW use,
Data Source we quantified the proportion of recipients who underwent
This study used data from the Scientific Registry of Trans- ESW at each center. To determine if DGF was associated
plant Recipients (SRTR). The SRTR data system includes with center-level decisions to use ESW, adjusting for recipient
data on all donors, wait-listed candidates, and transplant and donor characteristics, we used a multilevel logistic model
recipients in the United States, which are submitted by the that included a random slope term that estimates the associ-
members of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation ation between DGF and ESW use at each transplant center.
Network (OPTN). The Health Resources and Services A large variance in this term indicates a large center-level var-
Administration, US Department of Health and Human iation in practice. We fitted this model using a Gibbs sam-
Services, provides oversight to the activities of the OPTN pler with uninformative diffuse priors under the Bayesian
and SRTR contractors. framework.24

Study Population ESW and Inverse Probability of Treatment Weights

Using the SRTR data, we studied adult (.18 years) recipients of For KT outcomes analyses (acute rejection, graft survival, and
deceased-donor kidney-alone transplants from January 1, 2005 patient survival), our primary exposure was ESW, as the initial
to December 31, 2017 who received post-transplant mainte- maintenance immunosuppression regimen, which was treated
nance immunosuppression using tacrolimus and mycopheno- as a time-fixed exposure. The time-fixed-exposure approach
late. Recipients whose immunosuppression records (n=2285, aims to estimate the effect of ESW, i.e., that of withdrawing
2.0%) or DGF status (n=13, 0.01%) could not be retrieved, and steroid from the initial maintenance regimen, and does not
those who received maintenance agents other than tacrolimus require additional assumptions. This design is analogous to

176 JASN JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 CLINICAL RESEARCH

the intention-to-treat approach in clinical trials.25 In addition, Services ESRD Death Notification Form (CMS 2746), and the
reinitiations or late steroid withdrawals are often related to Social Security Death Master File. For both outcomes, all re-
rejection or steroid-associated side effects, which can be re- cipients were censored at the end of study on December 31,
garded as mediators between the initial treatment assign- 2017. Unlike acute rejection, we had the exact dates of graft
ment and the outcomes of interest under our conceptual failure and patient death for all recipients until the end of the
framework. study. The median length of follow-up was 4.2 years for graft
When studying KT outcomes, we used the inverse proba- failure and 4.7 years for death. We conducted Cox proportional
bility of treatment weights (IPTW) to control for confounders, hazard regression to compare the hazards of graft failure
and confounding by indication (differences between the recip- and death between the ESW and CSM groups. As with the
ients that might have influenced the decision for ESW). The rejection analysis, we weighted the recipients using the IPTW
propensity score for undergoing ESW (psESW) was estimated described above to account for differences in recipient,
using a generalized estimating equation with logistic link donor, and transplant factors, and we included an interaction
to account for clustering at transplant centers (Supplemental term for DGF and ESW to test whether the association of
Table 1). Based on the SRTR Risk Adjustment Model, we ad- ESW (versus CSM) with graft loss and death varied in recip-
justed for recipient factors (age, race, sex, panel-reactive anti- ients with DGF versus IGF.
gen [PRA], previous transplants, body mass index, diabetes,
hypertension, cause of ESKD, pre-emptive transplant, time on Cause-Specific Mortality and Stratified Analyses
dialysis, serum albumin, symptomatic peripheral vascular dis- We conducted additional analyses to explore the potential
eases, previous malignancy, hepatitis B and C infection, edu- mechanisms of the DGF-ESW interaction. First, we compared
cation level, and primary payer), donor factors (age, race, sex, the cause-specific hazards of death between ESW and CSM
body mass index, hepatitis C infection, donation after cardiac groups to examine if the DGF-ESW interaction is primarily
death, diabetes, hypertension, stroke as the cause of death, driven by any specific pathophysiology. We conducted Cox
donor pulsatile perfusion, and terminal serum creatinine), proportional hazard regression with IPTW weighting, treating
and transplant factors (HLA-A/-B/-DR mismatches, cold is- death due to other causes as censoring events.28 We separately
chemic time, and induction immunosuppression agent). analyzed death due to cardiovascular diseases (including
1 1
IPTW was derived as psESW for the ESW group and 1 2 psESW stroke), infection, malignancy, and all other causes. Second,
for the CSM group. We examined the distribution of the IPTW we conducted stratified analysis by recipient age (19–64 versus
values to detect any observations with extremely large weights $65 years), year of transplant (2005–2011 versus 2012–2017),
and found none. induction immunosuppression agent (anti-thymocyte globu-
lin, IL-2 receptor antagonists, alemtuzumab, none, and others),29
Acute Rejection immune sensitivity as measured in peak PRA (0–9, 10–79, and
The OPTN queries centers for information on acute rejec- 80–100), donation after cardiac death, and the number of
tion according to periods covered by specific reporting forms HLA-A/-B/-DR mismatches.
(0–6 and 7–12 months, then annual periods), but exact dates
of acute rejection within reporting periods are not collected. Statistical Analysis
We defined acute rejection from SRTR records according to All analyses were performed using Stata 15.1/MP for Linux
center reports of an acute rejection event occurring in a re- (College Station, TX) and R version 3.4. Confidence intervals
porting period, as per prior methods for identifying acute re- are reported as per the method of Louis and Zeger.
jection from United States registry data.26,27 For this reason,
we studied acute rejection during the first year post-KT as a
binary outcome. We conducted logistic regression to com- RESULTS
pare the odds of acute rejection between the ESW and CSM
groups. We weighted the recipients using the IPTW de- Study Population
scribed above to account for differences in recipient, donor, Among the 110,019 recipients included in the study sample,
and transplant factors. We included an interaction term for 27,608 (25.1%) developed DGF, of whom 7083 underwent
DGF and ESW to test whether the association of ESW (versus ESWand 20,525 underwent CSM. Among the 82,411 recipients
CSM) with acute rejection varied in recipients with DGF with IGF, 25,032 underwent ESWand 57,379 underwent CSM.
versus IGF. Compared with those with CSM, recipients who underwent
ESW were more likely to be white (48.5% versus 42.3% in IGF;
Graft and Patient Survival 37.2% versus 32.8% in DGF), have diabetes as the cause of
Graft survival was defined as the time from transplant to graft ESKD (26.8% versus 24.3% in IGF; 35.7% versus 32.1% in
failure, censoring for death. Patient survival was defined as the DGF), have lower (less than ten) peak PRA (62.7% versus
time from transplant to death. The date and cause of death were 52.9% in IGF; 62.9% versus 55.7% in DGF), and were less
ascertained from multiple sources, including follow-up reports likely to have had a previous transplant (8.7% versus 15.0%
from transplant centers, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid in IGF; 9.0% versus 14.3% in DGF) (Table 1).

JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 Steroid and Delayed Graft Function 177

Table 1. Population characteristics

Characteristics ESW; IGF (n=25,032) CSM; IGF (n=57,379) ESW; DGF (n=7083) CSM; DGF (n=20,525)
Recipient factors
Age (yr) 55 (45, 63) 53 (43, 62) 56 (46, 63) 55 (45, 63)
Female 39.3% 43.8% 29.3% 33.7%
White 48.5% 42.3% 37.2% 32.8%
Black 28.6% 32.3% 35.9% 41.2%
Hispanic/Latino 14.4% 16.6% 17.0% 17.6%
Other/multiracial 8.5% 8.8% 9.9% 8.4%
Preemptive transplant 12.5% 12.1% 2.6% 3.1%
Years on dialysis 3.1 (1.3, 5.3) 3.3 (1.4, 5.5) 4.3 (2.6, 6.3) 4.5 (2.7, 6.8)
Cause of ESKD
GN 20.7% 24.1% 16.7% 19.6%
DM 26.8% 24.3% 35.7% 32.1%
HTN 23.6% 23.3% 23.9% 24.6%
Others 29.0% 28.3% 23.7% 23.7%
Peak PRA
0–9 62.7% 52.9% 62.9% 55.7%
10–79 24.7% 26.2% 25.7% 25.5%
80–100 12.6% 20.9% 11.4% 18.8%
BMI (kg/m2) 27.5 (24.1, 31.6) 27.3 (23.8, 31.2) 28.9 (25.2, 33.0) 28.6 (25.0, 32.7)
Previous transplants 8.7% 15.0% 9.0% 14.3%
HLA mismatches
0 9.8% 10.0% 5.9% 6.9%
1 18.9% 19.2% 17.3% 18.3%
2+ 71.4% 70.8% 76.8% 74.8%
Cold ischemic time (hr) 16.5 (11.2, 23.0) 16.0 (11.0, 21.9) 19.0 (13.0, 25.3) 18.0 (13.0, 24.0)
Donor factors
Age (yr) 39 (25, 51) 38 (24, 50) 44 (31, 53) 44 (30, 53)
Female 40.9% 40.3% 36.6% 37.2%
White 70.8% 66.9% 70.5% 69.1%
Black 14.0% 14.7% 14.0% 13.7%
Hispanic/Latino 12.4% 14.9% 12.4% 13.5%
Other/multiracial 2.8% 3.5% 3.0% 3.7%
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) 0.9 (0.7, 1.3) 0.9 (0.7, 1.2) 1.1 (0.8, 1.6) 1.0 (0.7, 1.5)
DCD 13.0% 12.6% 25.8% 25.6%
ECD 16.4% 14.3% 20.5% 18.3%
Numbers are percentages for categorical variables and median (interquartile range) for continuous variables. DM, diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension; BMI, body
mass index; DCD, donation after cardiac death; ECD, expanded criteria donor.

Use of ESW characteristics, recipients with DGF had half the odds of
Overall 29.2% of the recipients underwent ESW. When strat- ESW compared with recipients with IGF (aOR,0.5) at
ified by DGF status, 25.7% of the recipients with DGF and 31 (11.9%) centers, but had higher odds of ESW compared
30.4% of the recipients with IGF underwent ESW. These pro- with recipients with IGF (aOR.1.0) at 22 (8.4%) centers.
portions, overall (Figure 1A) as well as stratified by DGF status Finally, the overall tendency to use ESW (the random inter-
(Figure 1B), remained relatively stable over the study period. cept term) was not correlated (r=0.07) with the association
After adjusting for clinical factors and the variation among between DGF and ESW use (the random slope term): in
transplant centers, DGF was associated with significantly lower other words, how often a center uses ESW did not seem to
odds of ESW use (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]=0.600.670.75). be correlated with how strongly DGF was associated with
We found a substantial center-level variation in ESW use. ESW use at the center.
First, the overall tendency to use ESW varied among centers
(Figure 2A). For example, among 261 centers included in Acute Rejection, Graft Failure, and Patient Death
this analysis, 102 (39.1%) centers used ESW in ,5% of their The association between ESW and transplant outcomes was
recipients, whereas 36 (13.8%) used ESW in .75%. Second, modified by DGF status. Among recipients with IGF, ESW was
the association between DGF and ESW use also varied significantly associated with increased odds of acute rejection
among centers (Figure 2B). After adjusting for clinical (aOR=, a slightly increased hazard of graft failure

178 JASN JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 CLINICAL RESEARCH

40 40
Recipients with ESW (%)

Recipients with ESW (%)

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0 DGF

2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017
Year of Transplant Year of Transplant

Figure 1. Stable temporal trends in the use of ESW. (A) Entire population. (B) IGF versus DGF. After adjusting for recipient, donor, and
transplant factors, DGF was associated with significantly lower odds of using ESW (aOR=0.600.670.75).

(adjusted hazard ratio [aHR]=, and a decreased among recipients with DGF than they were among those
hazard of death (aHR=0.860.890.93). In contrast, there was no with IGF.
beneficial association between ESW and KT outcomes among
recipients with DGF. ESW was associated with increased odds Cause-Specific Mortality
of acute rejection (aOR=, an increased hazard of In our analyses on cause-specific mortality, DGF modified the
graft failure (aHR=, and no difference in the haz- association of ESW with cardiovascular disease–related death,
ard of death (aHR=0.941.001.07) in this subgroup (Table 2) but not those with infection- or malignancy-related death.
(Supplemental Figure 1). Among the 20,257 deaths included in our study, 3003
Although no interaction was found in the acute rejection (14.8%) were related to cardiovascular disease, 1970 (9.7%)
analysis (P=0.6), there was statistically significant interactions were related to infection, 1508 (7.4%) were related to malig-
between ESW and DGF in the graft failure (P=0.04) and death nancy, and 3647 (18.0%) were due to other causes. The re-
(P=0.003) analyses. In other words, the association of ESW maining 10,129 (50.0%) did not have cause of death data in
with acute rejection did not differ by DGF status, whereas our records. DGF modified the association between ESW and
those with graft failure and with death were more adverse cardiovascular disease–related death, with a decreased hazard

Adjusted Odds Ratio (log scale)

Recipients with ESW (%)


50 0.5



Transplant Centers Transplant Centers

Figure 2. Large variation in the use of ESW across transplant centers. (A) Center-specific prevalence of ESW use. (B) Center-specific
aORs for ESW use in recipients with DGF, compared with those with IGF. Each marker indicates a single transplant center. Markers are
sorted along the x axis. (A) The y axis indicates the proportion of the recipients with ESW at the corresponding center. (B) The y axis
indicates the adjusted odds ratio for ESW use in recipients with DGF compared with those with IGF at the corresponding center. The
solid horizontal line indicates the adjusted odds ratio over the entire population (aOR=0.67). The dashed horizontal line indicates no
association (aOR=1.00).

JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 Steroid and Delayed Graft Function 179

Table 2. Association between ESW and KT outcomes in pronounced among recipients with zero HLA-DR mis-
recipients with IGF and with DGF match (aOR=0.891.031.20 in IGF versus 1.231.561.98 in DGF;
Outcomes IGF DGF Interaction interaction P=0.004) (Figure 3A). Similarly, the DGF-ESW
(ESW versus CSM) (n=82,411) (n=27,608) P Value interaction on graft failure was also slightly more pro-
Acute rejection (1-yr) 0.6 nounced among those with zero HLA-B mismatch
Death-censored graft 0.04 (aHR=0.800.951.12 in IGF versus 1.021.351.79 in DGF; interac-
failure tion P=0.03), and among those with zero HLA-DR mismatch
Death (all cause) 0.860.890.93 0.941.001.07 0.003 (aHR= 0.86 0.97 1.09 in IGF versus 1.02 1.25 1.54 ; interaction
Death (cause specific) P=0.03) (Figure 3B).
Cardiovascular 0.740.820.92 0.921.081.26 0.004
Infection 0.650.750.86 0.670.821.00 0.5
Malignancy 0.860.991.13 0.771.011.31 0.9
Others 0.921.011.11 0.911.061.23 0.5
Acute rejection was treated as a binary variable at 1 yr post-KT. Other out-
In this nationwide registry analysis, we found that the asso-
comes were treated as time-to-event variables. The median length of follow-up ciations between ESW and KToutcomes vary by DGF status.
was 4.2 yr for graft failure and 4.7 for death. Estimates are aORs for acute re- Among recipients with IGF, ESW was associated with a 6%
jection and aHRs for other outcomes, with 95% CIs in subscripts. A low (,0.05)
interaction P value indicates the association between ESW and the transplant
increase in the hazard of graft failure, offset by an 11% de-
outcome was significantly different between the IGF and DGF populations. crease in the hazard of death. However, among recipients
with DGF, ESW was associated with a 16% increase in the
among recipients with IGF (aHR=0.740.820.92) but not among hazard of graft failure and no difference in the hazard of
those with DGF (aHR=0.921.081.26; interaction P=0.004). death. These interactions between ESW and DGF were sta-
However, the association between ESW and death due to in- tistically significant. Our findings suggest DGF alters the
fection, malignancy, or other causes did not vary significantly risk/benefit equation of ESW, such that ESW might possibly
between the IGF and DGF recipients (interaction P=0.5, confer a mixture of beneficial and harmful effects among
0.9, and 0.5, respectively) (Table 2). recipients of KT with IGF, but overall harmful effects among
those with DGF.
Stratified Analyses Practice patterns regarding ESW among recipients with
When stratified by recipient age, we observed the ESW-DGF DGF were substantially different among transplant centers.
interaction in the younger (19–64 years; n=88,248) as well as in Although DGF was associated with lower odds of ESW use
the older ($65 years; n=21,770) recipients. In both sub- (aOR= 0.60 0.67 0.75 ) over the entire study population, the
groups, the association of ESW with increased acute rejection strength of this association varied among transplant centers.
did not vary by DGF status, that with increased graft failure At some centers, recipients with DGF were at lower than half
was more pronounced among recipients with DGF, and the odds of undergoing ESW compared with recipients with
that with decreased death was only observed among recipients IGF, whereas recipients at other centers were treated similarly
with IGF (Figure 3). Likewise, the ESW-DGF interaction was regardless of their DGF status. This variation underscores the
similar across the calendar year strata (2005–2011 versus lack of consensus in whether DGF should be regarded as a
2012–2017) (Figure 3). contraindication to ESW. Resembling the inconsistent prac-
Overall 55,884 (50.8%) recipients received anti-thymocyte tice pattern observed in our study, previous clinical trials of
globulin, 18,785 (17.1%) received IL-2 receptor antagonists, ESW have used mixed approaches on DGF. Some investiga-
14,375 (13.1%) received alemtuzumab, 14,192 (12.9%) recip- tors viewed DGF as a contraindication for ESW. Woodle et al.2
ients received no induction agent, and 6782 (6.2%) received excluded recipients with DGF at enrollment, stating it is a
others. Our findings on the DGF-ESW interaction were gen- known risk factor for acute rejection. The FREEDOM trial3
erally consistent over induction agent strata (Figure 3). How- also excluded those with DGF from their per-protocol anal-
ever, the ESW-DGF interaction was slightly different among yses. In contrast, other trials did not restrict the study partic-
those who received IL-2 receptor antagonists for induction. In ipants by their DGF status. The ATLAS trial4 and a trial by
this subpopulation, the ESW-DGF interaction on death was Laftavi et al.5 included those with DGF, who constituted about
more pronounced (aHR=0.810.911.01 in IGF versus 30% of their study populations. Montagnino et al.6 included
in DGF; interaction P=0.004) and the interaction on acute those with DGF, using a more flexible protocol in which
rejection, although not statistically significant, appeared the withdrawal of steroid could be delayed (beyond 7 days
to be in the opposite direction (aOR= 1.07 1.28 1.54 in IGF post-KT) or cancelled based on the rate of graft function re-
versus 0.740.971.28 in DGF; interaction P=0.1). covery. These variations, found both in practice and research,
When stratified by PRA, donation after cardiac death, demonstrates the knowledge gap in the interaction between
and HLA mismatches, the DGF-ESW interactions were overall DGF and ESW.
consistent over the strata (Figure 3). Nonetheless, the DGF- The effect modification observed in our study supports that
ESW interaction on acute rejection was slightly more DGF could be a reason to consider CSM over ESW for initial

180 JASN JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 CLINICAL RESEARCH

A Acute rejection, 1-year

Subgroup N IGF DGF Interaction P

Overall 110018 1.16 (1.09−1.23) 1.12 (1.02−1.23) 0.6

Recipient age 19−64 88248 1.18 (1.10−1.27) 1.15 (1.03−1.27) 0.6

65+ 21770 1.04 (0.90−1.20) 1.04 (0.84−1.30) 1

Year of transplant 2005−2011 52626 1.12 (1.03−1.22) 1.08 (0.95−1.22) 0.6

2012−2017 57392 1.19 (1.08−1.30) 1.17 (1.02−1.35) 0.9

Induction agent ATG 55884 1.30 (1.20−1.42) 1.41 (1.24−1.61) 0.3

IL2RA 18785 1.28 (1.07−1.54) 0.97 (0.74−1.28) 0.1

Alem 14375 0.95 (0.82−1.11) 0.85 (0.68−1.05) 0.4

None 14192 1.01 (0.85−1.20) 0.89 (0.68−1.17) 0.5

Others 6782 0.70 (0.56−0.89) 1.03 (0.76−1.38) 0.04

Panel reactive antibody 0−9 58388 1.12 (1.03−1.22) 1.07 (0.95−1.21) 0.5

10−79 26661 1.00 (0.88−1.13) 1.03 (0.86−1.24) 0.7

80−100 18663 1.43 (1.24−1.64) 1.39 (1.11−1.75) 0.9

Donation after cardiac death No 92470 1.14 (1.07−1.22) 1.14 (1.03−1.27) 1

Yes 17548 1.26 (1.06−1.50) 1.07 (0.88−1.30) 0.2

HLA−A mismatches 0 17033 1.10 (0.92−1.31) 1.39 (1.05−1.84) 0.2

1 40840 1.22 (1.11−1.35) 1.22 (1.05−1.41) 0.9

2 52145 1.13 (1.03−1.23) 1.00 (0.88−1.14) 0.1

HLA−B mismatches 0 12575 1.32 (1.08−1.61) 1.39 (0.97−1.99) 0.8

1 26609 1.13 (0.99−1.28) 1.12 (0.92−1.36) 0.9

2 70834 1.15 (1.06−1.24) 1.12 (1.00−1.25) 0.7

HLA−DR mismatches 0 22938 1.03 (0.89−1.20) 1.56 (1.23−1.98) 0.004

1 49836 1.23 (1.13−1.35) 0.92 (0.80−1.06) <0.001

2 37244 1.14 (1.03−1.27) 1.23 (1.07−1.42) 0.4

0.70 0.80 1.0 1.25 1.5

Adjusted Odds Ratio for Acute Rejection

Figure 3. DGF-ESW interaction was generally homogeneous across subgroups and across KT outcomes. (A) Acute rejection, 1-year.
(B) Death-censored graft failure. (C) Death. Estimates are aORs for acute rejection and aHRs for other outcomes, followed by 95% CIs.
A low (,0.05) interaction P value indicates the association between ESW and the transplant outcome was significantly different be-
tween the IGF and DGF populations. Alem, alemtuzumab; ATG, anti-thymocyte globulin; IL2RA, IL-2 receptor antagonists.

maintenance immunosuppression. ESW has been deemed maintenance immunosuppression strategy. The withdrawal
viable because previous studies showed only marginal increases of steroid can be postponed or cancelled according to the rate
in the risk of graft failure, accompanied by decreases in ad- of graft function recovery. A similar protocol was used by
verse events.3,4,11–13,31–33 However, we found the increase in Montagnino et al.6
the hazard of graft failure associated with ESW was more Although the exact mechanism through which DGF mod-
pronounced (16% versus 6%) among recipients with DGF ifies the association between ESW and KT outcomes remains
than among those with IGF, and that the decrease in the unclear, the findings from our cause-specific mortality anal-
hazard of death associated with ESW was observed only yses and stratified analyses provide some implications. First,
among recipients with IGF. Although the choice of ESW the effect modification of DGF on the association between
versus CSM should be individualized according to the recip- ESW and patient death seems to have been primarily driven
ient’s overall risk profile rather than a single risk fac- by death due to cardiovascular disease. ESW was associated
tor,15,34,35 DGF appears to be an element of the risk profile with a decreased hazard of cardiovascular disease–related
that suggests CSM over ESW. In addition, DGF is unique in death among those with IGF but not among those with
that it is a post-KT outcome that can still inform the initial DGF. In contrast, the association of ESW with death due to

JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 Steroid and Delayed Graft Function 181

B Death-censored graft failure

Subgroup N IGF DGF Interaction P

Overall 110018 1.06 (1.01−1.12) 1.16 (1.08−1.26) 0.04

Recipient age 19−64 88248 1.07 (1.01−1.13) 1.16 (1.06−1.26) 0.1

65+ 21770 1.04 (0.91−1.19) 1.19 (1.00−1.42) 0.2

Year of transplant 2005−2011 52626 1.07 (1.01−1.14) 1.20 (1.10−1.32) 0.03

2012−2017 57392 1.02 (0.90−1.14) 1.07 (0.92−1.24) 0.6

Induction agent ATG 55884 1.01 (0.94−1.09) 1.11 (0.99−1.24) 0.2

IL2RA 18785 1.18 (1.01−1.38) 1.29 (1.00−1.67) 0.5

Alem 14375 1.04 (0.92−1.19) 0.96 (0.80−1.14) 0.4

None 14192 1.24 (1.08−1.42) 1.46 (1.20−1.78) 0.2

Others 6782 0.91 (0.74−1.11) 1.26 (0.98−1.61) 0.04

Panel reactive antibody 0−9 58388 1.05 (0.98−1.12) 1.14 (1.03−1.26) 0.1

10−79 26661 1.03 (0.93−1.14) 1.23 (1.06−1.42) 0.04

80−100 18663 1.14 (1.00−1.30) 1.22 (0.99−1.51) 0.6

Donation after cardiac death No 92470 1.08 (1.02−1.14) 1.15 (1.05−1.25) 0.2

Yes 17548 0.90 (0.76−1.07) 1.21 (1.03−1.42) 0.01

HLA−A mismatches 0 17033 1.02 (0.88−1.17) 1.13 (0.89−1.43) 0.4

1 40840 1.09 (1.00−1.19) 1.23 (1.09−1.39) 0.1

2 52145 1.06 (0.98−1.14) 1.13 (1.01−1.26) 0.3

HLA−B mismatches 0 12575 0.95 (0.80−1.12) 1.35 (1.02−1.79) 0.03

1 26609 0.97 (0.87−1.09) 1.16 (0.98−1.37) 0.1

2 70834 1.12 (1.05−1.19) 1.15 (1.05−1.26) 0.6

HLA−DR mismatches 0 22938 0.97 (0.86−1.09) 1.25 (1.02−1.54) 0.03

1 49836 1.08 (1.00−1.17) 1.12 (1.00−1.26) 0.6

2 37244 1.10 (1.01−1.20) 1.19 (1.06−1.34) 0.3

0.70 0.80 1.0 1.25 1.5

Adjusted Hazard Ratio for Graft Failure

Figure 3. Continued.

infection, malignancy, or other causes did not significantly indication, and unmeasured confounders. We attempted
vary by DGF status. However, this finding should be interpre- to minimize this limitation by using IPTW and controlling
ted with caution given that cause of death was unavailable in for an extensive set of potential confounders. Second, we
our data set for 50% of the deaths. Second, our various strat- treated acute rejection as a binary outcome and thus were
ified analyses mostly showed a consistent DGF-ESW interac- not able to capture any differences in timing, severity, or
tion across the strata. For instance, despite being a possible recurrences of acute rejection. Additionally, we did not
risk factor for DGF36 and arguably an indication for ESW,37 have data on other relevant clinical information, such as
older recipient age does not seem to influence the DGF-ESW steroid dose or the duration or severity of DGF. Lastly, our
interaction observed in our study. On the other hand, the study population was restricted to those who received tacro-
DGF-ESW interaction appeared slightly heterogeneous limus and mycophenolate. Our finding might not be gener-
when stratified by induction agent and by the number of alizable to those who receive other agents for maintenance
HLA mismatches. immunosuppression.
Our study has several limitations. First, the findings from In conclusion, ESW was associated with a minimal increase
this observational study do not directly signify causal effects. in graft failure and a decrease in mortality among recipients of
Our findings are hypothesis generating but not confirmatory KT with IGF, but with a more pronounced increase in graft
because they are at risk of selection bias, confounding by failure and no difference in mortality among those with DGF.

182 JASN JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 CLINICAL RESEARCH

C Death
Subgroup N IGF DGF Interaction P

Overall 110018 0.89 (0.86−0.93) 1.00 (0.94−1.07) 0.003

Recipient age 19−64 88248 0.92 (0.87−0.97) 1.00 (0.93−1.09) 0.1

65+ 21770 0.86 (0.80−0.92) 1.00 (0.90−1.11) 0.02

Year of transplant 2005−2011 52626 0.90 (0.86−0.95) 0.99 (0.93−1.07) 0.02

2012−2017 57392 0.85 (0.77−0.94) 1.00 (0.87−1.14) 0.1

Induction agent ATG 55884 0.89 (0.84−0.94) 0.94 (0.86−1.03) 0.3

IL2RA 18785 0.91 (0.81−1.01) 1.23 (1.03−1.46) 0.004

Alem 14375 0.87 (0.78−0.97) 1.00 (0.85−1.18) 0.1

None 14192 0.95 (0.85−1.06) 0.99 (0.84−1.17) 0.7

Others 6782 0.84 (0.71−1.00) 1.07 (0.85−1.35) 0.1

Panel reactive antibody 0−9 58388 0.90 (0.86−0.95) 0.99 (0.91−1.07) 0.04

10−79 26661 0.89 (0.82−0.96) 1.05 (0.92−1.19) 0.02

80−100 18663 0.93 (0.82−1.05) 1.04 (0.85−1.26) 0.3

Donation after cardiac death No 92470 0.89 (0.86−0.93) 1.03 (0.96−1.10) <0.001

Yes 17548 0.92 (0.80−1.06) 0.91 (0.79−1.05) 0.9

HLA−A mismatches 0 17033 0.86 (0.77−0.95) 0.96 (0.81−1.14) 0.2

1 40840 0.93 (0.87−0.99) 1.02 (0.92−1.13) 0.1

2 52145 0.89 (0.84−0.94) 1.02 (0.93−1.12) 0.01

HLA−B mismatches 0 12575 0.86 (0.77−0.97) 0.95 (0.77−1.16) 0.4

1 26609 0.92 (0.85−1.00) 0.90 (0.79−1.03) 0.8

2 70834 0.90 (0.85−0.94) 1.06 (0.98−1.14) <0.001

HLA−DR mismatches 0 22938 0.83 (0.76−0.91) 0.96 (0.82−1.12) 0.1

1 49836 0.93 (0.87−0.99) 1.01 (0.92−1.11) 0.1

2 37244 0.90 (0.84−0.97) 1.03 (0.93−1.14) 0.03

0.70 0.80 1.0 1.25 1.5

Adjusted Hazard Ratio for Death

Figure 3. Continued.

KT centers appear to have inconsistent practices regarding seen as an official policy of or interpretation by the SRTR or the US
the use of ESW in recipients with DGF. Our findings suggest Government.
that DGF is a reason to consider CSM over ESW for initial
maintenance immunosuppression after KT.

Dr. McAdams-DeMarco reports grants from the National Institutes of

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Health (NIH), during the conduct of the study. Dr. Coresh reports grants
from the NIH and grants from the National Kidney Foundation, during the
The analyses described here are the responsibility of the authors conduct of the study. Dr. Segev reports honoraria from Sanofi, honoraria from
Novartis, and honoraria from CSL Behring, outside the submitted work.
alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the
Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of
trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply en-
dorsement by the US Government. The data reported here have been
supplied by the Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation as the This work was supported by the American Society of Nephrology and Mogam
contractor for the SRTR. The interpretation and reporting of these Science Scholarship Foundation (Dr. Bae), and the National Institute of Diabetes
data are the responsibility of the author(s) and in no way should be and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (K23DK115908 to Dr. Garonzik Wang,

JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 Steroid and Delayed Graft Function 183

F32DK113719 to Dr. Jackson, R01DK120518 to Dr. McAdams-DeMarco, cardiovascular risk. A meta-analysis. Transplantation 89: 1–14,
R01DK102981 to Dr. Brennan, Dr. Lentine, and Dr. Segev, and K24DK101828 2010
to Dr. Segev). 12. Rike AH, Mogilishetty G, Alloway RR, Succop P, Roy-Chaudhury P,
Cardi M, et al.: Cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular events, and
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ASN.2019040416/-/DCSupplemental. 14. Dharnidharka VR, Schnitzler MA, Chen J, Brennan DC, Axelrod D,
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JASN 31: 175–185, 2020 Steroid and Delayed Graft Function 185
Supplemental material to:
Bae S, et al. Early Steroid Withdrawal in Deceased-Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients with Delayed
Graft Function.

Table of Contents
Supplemental Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier cumulative incidence plot for death-censored graft failure and
death. .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Supplemental Table 1. Coefficients from the inverse probability of treatment weights model. .............. 2
Supplemental Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier cumulative incidence plot for death-censored graft
failure and death.

(a) Death-censored graft failure

(b) Death

ESW, early steroid withdrawal; CSM, conventional steroid maintenance; DGF, delayed graft function;
and IGF, immediate graft function.

Supplemental Table 1. Coefficients from the inverse probability of treatment weights model.

Factor Log(OR) 95% CI

Constant -0.892 (-1.300, -0.483)
Recipient factors
Age (<40) -0.003 (-0.007, 0.001)
Age (≥40) 0.003 (0.001, 0.004)
Race (Ref: White)
Black -0.187 (-0.223, -0.151)
Hispanic -0.080 (-0.123, -0.037)
Other -0.027 (-0.078, 0.024)
Female -0.046 (-0.073, -0.019)
Panel reactive antibody (Ref: 0-9)
10-79 -0.230 (-0.264, -0.196)
80-100 -0.667 (-0.729, -0.604)
Missing -0.157 (-0.222, -0.091)
Previous transplant -0.547 (-0.611, -0.483)
BMI, kg/m2 (Ref: 18.5-25)
<18.5 -0.006 (-0.121, 0.109)
25-30 -0.010 (-0.042, 0.022)
≥30 0.010 (-0.023, 0.043)
Missing 0.076 (-0.058, 0.209)
Diabetes (Ref: No)
Yes -0.004 (-0.053, 0.046)
Missing -0.090 (-0.259, 0.078)
Hypertension (Ref: No)
Yes -0.003 (-0.049, 0.043)
Missing -0.138 (-0.195, -0.081)
Cause of ESRD (Ref: Diabetes)
Glomerulonephritis -0.150 (-0.209, -0.091)
Hypertension 0.010 (-0.045, 0.066)
Others -0.054 (-0.111, 0.002)
Preemptive transplant 0.010 (-0.054, 0.074)
Years on dialysis (<2) 0.030 (-0.001, 0.061)
Years on dialysis (≥2) 0.000 (-0.006, 0.005)
Years on dialysis, missing -0.014 (-0.164, 0.136)
Serum albumin, g/dl (<3) -0.053 (-0.167, 0.061)
Serum albumin, g/dl (≥3) 0.030 (0.001, 0.060)
Serum albumin, missing -0.077 (-0.153, -0.002)
Periphreral artery disease (Ref: No)
Yes 0.062 (0.009, 0.116)
Unknown/missing 0.156 (0.058, 0.254)
Malignancy (Ref: No)
Yes -0.033 (-0.089, 0.022)
Unknown/missing 0.078 (-0.037, 0.192)

HCV(+) 0.067 (-0.002, 0.136)
HBV(+) -0.016 (-0.065, 0.033)
HBV, missing 0.102 (0.056, 0.148)
Education level (Ref: Below high school)
Above high school -0.002 (-0.029, 0.025)
Missing 0.082 (0.027, 0.136)
Medicare as primary payer -0.050 (-0.078, -0.021)
Donor factors
Age (<25) 0.002 (-0.002, 0.006)
Age (≥25) -0.001 (-0.002, 0.000)
Female 0.007 (-0.020, 0.034)
Race (Ref: White)
Black 0.017 (-0.021, 0.055)
Hispanic -0.049 (-0.089, -0.009)
Other -0.035 (-0.109, 0.038)
BMI, kg/m2 (Ref: 18.5-25)
<18.5 -0.005 (-0.070, 0.061)
25-30 -0.011 (-0.042, 0.020)
≥30 -0.026 (-0.059, 0.008)
Missing -0.142 (-0.241, -0.043)
HLA-A mismatches (Ref: 0)
1 0.001 (-0.049, 0.050)
2 -0.011 (-0.060, 0.039)
HLA-B mismatches (Ref: 0)
1 -0.088 (-0.148, -0.028)
2 -0.087 (-0.145, -0.028)
HLA-DR mismatches (Ref: 0)
1 -0.028 (-0.067, 0.011)
2 -0.060 (-0.102, -0.019)
Induction agent (Ref: ATG)
None 0.006 (-0.039, 0.052)
IL2RA -0.551 (-0.609, -0.493)
Alem 0.973 (0.915, 1.031)
Others 0.217 (0.119, 0.315)
HCV(+) 0.117 (0.024, 0.211)
Donation after cardiac death -0.088 (-0.130, -0.045)
Diabetes (Ref: No)
Yes 0.035 (-0.016, 0.086)
Missing -0.056 (-0.272, 0.161)
Hypertension (Ref: No)
Yes 0.002 (-0.031, 0.036)
Missing 0.007 (-0.185, 0.199)
Stroke as the cause of donor death -0.016 (-0.047, 0.016)
Machine perfusion (Ref: No)
Yes -0.037 (-0.070, -0.004)
Missing -0.034 (-0.115, 0.048)
Terminal serum creatinine, mg/dl (<0.8) 0.016 (-0.096, 0.129)
Terminal serum creatinine, mg/dl (≥0.8) -0.012 (-0.029, 0.006)
Terminal serum creatinine, missing 1.118 (0.434, 1.801)
Cold ischemic time, Hr -0.002 (-0.004, -0.001)
Cold ischemic time, missing 0.307 (0.155, 0.460)
Delayed graft function -0.474 (-1.282, 0.335)
Among those with delayed graft function, add the terms below
Age (<40) 0.010 (0.000, 0.019)
Age (≥40) -0.002 (-0.005, 0.001)
Race (Ref: White)
Black 0.005 (-0.064, 0.073)
Hispanic 0.033 (-0.050, 0.116)
Other 0.083 (-0.019, 0.185)
Female -0.042 (-0.102, 0.018)
Panel reactive antibody (Ref: 0-9)
10-79 0.071 (0.006, 0.136)
80-100 0.114 (0.013, 0.215)
Missing 0.055 (-0.077, 0.187)
Previous transplant 0.114 (0.005, 0.223)
BMI, kg/m (Ref: 18.5-25)
<18.5 0.009 (-0.285, 0.303)
25-30 0.030 (-0.041, 0.101)
≥30 0.016 (-0.055, 0.087)
Missing -0.042 (-0.322, 0.239)
Diabetes (Ref: No)
Yes 0.013 (-0.087, 0.112)
Missing 0.111 (-0.238, 0.461)
Hypertension (Ref: No)
Yes 0.025 (-0.072, 0.121)
Missing 0.060 (-0.055, 0.175)
Cause of ESRD (Ref: Diabetes)
Glomerulonephritis -0.015 (-0.135, 0.105)
Hypertension -0.028 (-0.136, 0.080)
Others -0.029 (-0.142, 0.083)
Preemptive transplant -0.060 (-0.254, 0.134)
Years on dialysis (<2) -0.046 (-0.121, 0.029)
Years on dialysis (≥2) -0.003 (-0.013, 0.007)
Years on dialysis, missing -0.311 (-0.683, 0.061)
Serum albumin, g/dl (<3) -0.037 (-0.267, 0.193)
Serum albumin, g/dl (≥3) 0.052 (-0.008, 0.111)
Serum albumin, missing -0.006 (-0.153, 0.142)
Peripheral artery disease (Ref: No)
Yes -0.064 (-0.166, 0.039)
Unknown/missing -0.230 (-0.449, -0.012)
Malignancy (Ref: No)
Yes 0.068 (-0.046, 0.182)
Unknown/missing 0.305 (0.058, 0.551)
HCV(+) -0.107 (-0.245, 0.031)
HBV(+) -0.043 (-0.138, 0.052)
HBV, missing -0.154 (-0.241, -0.066)
Education level (Ref: Below high school)
Above high school -0.018 (-0.074, 0.038)
Missing -0.155 (-0.268, -0.043)
Medicare as primary payer 0.038 (-0.016, 0.093)
Age (<25) 0.000 (-0.009, 0.009)
Age (≥25) 0.000 (-0.003, 0.003)
Female 0.010 (-0.046, 0.067)
Race (Ref: White)
Black 0.011 (-0.069, 0.090)
Hispanic 0.058 (-0.024, 0.139)
Other 0.030 (-0.118, 0.178)
BMI, kg/m2 (Ref: 18.5-25)
<18.5 -0.029 (-0.190, 0.132)
25-30 0.013 (-0.055, 0.081)
≥30 0.038 (-0.032, 0.107)
Missing 0.203 (0.006, 0.401)
HLA-A mismatches (Ref: 0)
1 -0.021 (-0.126, 0.084)
2 0.013 (-0.092, 0.117)
HLA-B mismatches (Ref: 0)
1 0.050 (-0.083, 0.183)
2 0.063 (-0.066, 0.192)
HLA-DR mismatches (Ref: 0)
1 0.013 (-0.072, 0.098)
2 0.026 (-0.063, 0.115)
Induction agent (Ref: ATG)
None 0.173 (0.085, 0.260)
IL2RA -0.145 (-0.241, -0.049)
Alem 0.018 (-0.053, 0.088)
Others 0.140 (-0.025, 0.304)
HCV(+) -0.003 (-0.199, 0.192)
Donation after cardiac death -0.035 (-0.112, 0.041)
Diabetes (Ref: No)
Yes -0.031 (-0.132, 0.069)
Missing -0.048 (-0.476, 0.379)
Hypertension (Ref: No)
Yes -0.049 (-0.115, 0.017)
Missing 0.112 (-0.268, 0.491)
Stroke as the cause of donor death 0.023 (-0.041, 0.087)
Machine perfusion (Ref: No)
Yes 0.034 (-0.029, 0.097)
Missing -0.129 (-0.321, 0.063)
Terminal serum creatinine, mg/dl (<0.8) -0.170 (-0.416, 0.075)
Terminal serum creatinine, mg/dl (≥0.8) 0.033 (0.007, 0.059)
Terminal serum creatinine, missing -0.608 (-2.004, 0.788)
Cold ischemic time, Hr 0.001 (-0.002, 0.004)
Cold ischemic time, missing -0.242 (-0.561, 0.076)

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