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1.How to analyze your Product Development Journey

 Step 1: Ideation. Ideation is the first stage of the product

development life cycle. ...
 Step 2: Validation. ...
 Step 3: Prototyping. ...
 Step 4: Marketing. ...
 Step 5: Development. ...
 Step 6: Launch. ...
 Step 7: Improvement.

2.Enumerate New Product Functions,

 Idea generation. Idea generation involves brainstorming for new

product ideas or ways to improve an existing product. ...
 Idea screening. ...
 Concept development and testing. ...
 Marketing strategy and business analysis. ...
 Product development. ...
 Test marketing. ...
 Product launch.

3 & 11 List out the Product development Process Tools

Five main tools are used during this development

process: sketches, technical drawings, prototypes, mockups, and
models. Each one has specific purposes within the sequence that
leads to success.

4 & 12.How to understand the customer needs?

1. Who they are. If you sell directly to individuals, find out your
customers' gender, age, marital status and occupation. ...
2. What they do. ...
3. Why they buy. ...
4. When they buy. ...
5. How they buy. ...
6. How much money they have. ...
7. What makes them feel good about buying. ...
8. What they expect of you.

5.Describe Product architecture

Product architecture is the organization (or chunking) of a product's

functional elements. It's the ways these elements, or chunks, interact. It
plays a significant role in how to design, make, sell, use, and repair a
new product offering

6.Write short notes Modular architecture

A Modular Product Architecture is a product design practice, using

principles of modularity. In short, a Modular Product Architecture can be
defined as a collection of modules with unique functions and strategies,
protected by interfaces to deliver an evolving family of market-driven

7.How to create geometric layout of HP Printer?

8.Write short notes on Incidental interaction

incidental interaction. where actions performed for some other purpose

or unconscious signs. are interpreted in order to
influence/improve/facilitate. the actors' future interaction or day-to-day

9.List Role of Architecture in Product Developmen

Product architecture is the organization (or chunking) of a product's

functional elements. It's the ways these elements, or chunks, interact. It
plays a significant role in how to design, make, sell, use, and repair a
new product offering. Linking to system-level design and the principles of
system engineering.
10 & 19. Describe Clustering

Clustering is the task of dividing the unlabeled data or data points into
different clusters such that similar data points fall in the same cluster
than those which differ from the others. In simple words, the aim of the
clustering process is to segregate groups with similar traits and assign
them into clusters.

13.Describe the Process improvement of New Product Development

Process improvements include best practice recommendations,

technology training in the context of new/improved processes,
technology transfer, workflow automation, outsourcing, and software
delivery and implementation.

14. Differentiate Modular and Integrated architecture

To put it succinctly, in an integral architecture, functions are shared by

physical elements while in a modular architecture, each function is
delegated to a separate element. It is vital to define product architecture
before starting product development.

15.How to create detailed interface specifications

1. Summary of the product. The product summary is where you

include the general or most important details. ...
2. Description of business aspects. ...
3. User persona. ...
4. User stories. ...
5. Functional specifications. ...
6. Design specifications. ...
7. Define the problem. ...
8. Gather customer feedback.

16.Explain secondary system in Product architecture

A scheme by which the functional elements of the product are arranged (or
assigned) into physical building blocks (chunks) and by which the blocks
17.How to Involve the Customers in Product Development?

1. It all starts with the buyer's persona. ...

2. Leveraging your CRM. ...
3. Optimizing your strategy for local markets. ...
4. Engaging with your customers on their terms. ...
5. Create surveys and capitalize on user research. ...
6. Incentivizing your customers to participate.
7. Collating the data and creating a development roadmap

18.Write short notes on Establishing Product Function

19. List out the Technical And Business Concerns for New Product

 Ideation. ...
 Market viability. ...
 Product roadmap problems. ...
 Workflow management. ...
 Product engineering issues. ...
 Pricing policy. ...
 The pace of innovation. ...
 Time-to-market.

20.Differentiate fundamental and incidental interactions

Fundamental Interactions are: those interactions corresponding to the

lines on the schematic that connect the chunks to one another.
Incidental Interactions are: interactions that arise because of the
particular physical implementation of functional elements or because of
the geometric arrangement of the chunks.

21.How to Establish the Product architecture

1. Create a schematic of the product.

2. Cluster the elements of the schematic.
3. Draft a geometric layout.
4. Identify fundamental and incidental interactions.

1. Explain how you will Plan and establish product specifications in

new product development

1. Understand Customer Needs and Market Requirements:

- Begin by conducting market research to understand customer needs
and preferences. Gather data on the target market, customer
demographics, and any existing pain points or unmet needs.

2. Define the Purpose and Goals:

- Clearly define the purpose of the new product and set specific,
measurable goals. What problem will the product solve, and what are
the expected outcomes? These goals will guide the specification

3. Cross-functional Team Formation:

- Assemble a cross-functional team with members from various
departments, including product management, engineering, marketing,
and quality control. This team should work collaboratively to establish

4. Prioritize Features and Requirements:

- Create a list of all potential features and requirements based on
customer needs and market research. Prioritize these based on
importance, feasibility, and impact on the product's success.

5. Develop Quantifiable Metrics:

- Create specific, quantifiable metrics to measure each feature or
requirement. These metrics will help ensure that the product meets its
goals and specifications.

6. Regulatory and Compliance Considerations:

- Identify any regulatory or compliance requirements that the product
must meet, such as safety standards, environmental regulations, or
industry-specific certifications.

7. Competitive Analysis:
- Analyze competitors' products to understand the current market
landscape and identify areas where your product can differentiate itself.
8. Technical Feasibility:
- Assess the technical feasibility of implementing the desired features
and requirements. Determine whether your team has the necessary
expertise and resources to meet the specifications.

9. Cost Constraints:
- Consider cost constraints and budget limitations. Define the
acceptable cost range for developing and manufacturing the product,
ensuring it aligns with expected pricing and profitability.

10. Prototype and Testing:

- Create prototypes or mockups to test key features and ensure they
meet the desired specifications. Gather feedback from potential users
and stakeholders.

11. Iterative Refinement:

- Be prepared for iterative refinement as the product specifications
evolve. It's common for the specifications to change as the team gains
more insights and feedback.

12. Document the Specifications:

- Create a detailed document that outlines the final product
specifications. This document should include clear descriptions,
acceptance criteria, and any relevant metrics.

13. Review and Approval:

- Ensure that the product specifications are reviewed and approved by
all relevant stakeholders, including senior management, legal, and
quality control teams.

14. Continuous Monitoring:

- Throughout the product development process, continuously monitor
progress against the established specifications. Any deviations should
be addressed promptly.

15. Communication:
- Effective communication is essential to ensure that all team
members are aligned with the product specifications. Regular meetings
and updates are crucial.
2.Explain the different ways of involving customers in development

1. Surveys and Questionnaires:

- Surveys and questionnaires are a simple and cost-effective way to
gather feedback from a large number of customers. You can design
structured questions to collect quantitative data and open-ended
questions to gather qualitative insights.

2. Interviews:
- Conduct one-on-one interviews with customers to gain a deeper
understanding of their needs, preferences, and pain points. This
qualitative approach allows for in-depth exploration of customer

3. Focus Groups:
- Focus groups bring together a small group of customers to discuss
specific topics or product concepts. It's a great way to generate insights
and ideas, observe group dynamics, and uncover common themes.

4. User Testing:
- Invite customers to test prototypes or early versions of your product
to identify usability issues, uncover bugs, and understand how they
interact with the product in real-world scenarios.

5. Customer Feedback Portals:

- Create online portals or feedback channels where customers can
submit suggestions, report issues, and provide feedback on their
experiences with your product. This ongoing feedback loop can help
identify issues and areas for improvement.

6. Co-Creation Workshops:
- Organize workshops or ideation sessions with customers to
collaboratively develop new product ideas, features, or solutions. This
co-creation process fosters innovation and ensures that customer
perspectives are integrated into the development process.

7. Customer Advisory Boards:

- Form a group of loyal and engaged customers to serve on a
customer advisory board. These individuals can provide ongoing insights
and advice throughout the development cycle, helping to shape the
product's direction.
8. Beta Testing:
- Launch a beta version of your product to a select group of customers
who are willing to test it in real-world conditions. Collect their feedback
and make iterative improvements based on their experiences.

9. Social Media and Online Communities:

- Engage with customers through social media platforms, forums, or
online communities to gather insights, answer questions, and address
concerns. This ongoing interaction helps build strong customer

10. Crowdsourcing:
- Use crowdsourcing platforms or challenges to invite customers to
submit ideas, designs, or solutions. This approach can help tap into a
diverse range of ideas and expertise.

11. Feedback Loops:

- Implement feedback loops within your product or service, allowing
customers to provide feedback directly from the interface. Make it easy
for customers to report issues, suggest improvements, and rate their

12. A/B Testing:

- Test different versions of your product with two or more user groups
to determine which features or design elements are more effective. This
data-driven approach helps optimize the product based on user

13. Journey Mapping:

- Create customer journey maps to visualize the customer experience
at various touchpoints. This helps identify pain points and areas where
improvements can be made.

14. Continuous Communication:

- Maintain open lines of communication with customers throughout the
development process. Share progress updates, seek input, and show
that you value their opinions.
3 & 7 . Explain with example Modular and Integral architecture and give
a comparison between them.

Modular and Integral architectures are two different approaches to

designing systems, whether it be software, hardware, or even
organizations. Each approach has its own set of principles and
characteristics that define how components are organized and interact
with each other. Let's explore each of them with examples and then
provide a comparison between the two.

1. Modular Architecture:

Modular architecture is characterized by dividing a system into smaller,

self-contained modules or components. These modules are designed to
perform specific functions and can be developed and tested
independently. They often communicate with each other through well-
defined interfaces. The primary advantages of modular architecture are
reusability, maintainability, and ease of development.

Consider a content management system (CMS) for a website. In a
modular architecture, you could have separate modules for user
authentication, content management, and search functionality. Each
module has its own codebase and can be developed and updated
independently. When you need to make changes to the user
authentication module, it won't affect the other parts of the system.

2. Integral Architecture:

Integral architecture, on the other hand, integrates all the components

into a single, cohesive unit. In this approach, there is less separation
between different parts of the system, and they may share a common
codebase and data structure. Integral architecture can simplify system
architecture but may make it less flexible and more challenging to
maintain in the long run.

A simple calculator application on a smartphone is an example of
integral architecture. All the functions, such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division, are tightly integrated into a single application.
The user interacts with one unified interface that provides access to all
these functions. The calculator app's codebase likely handles all these
operations together.

1. Flexibility:
- Modular: Modular architecture is more flexible as it allows you to add,
remove, or replace individual modules without affecting the entire
system. It supports easier updates and maintenance.
- Integral: Integral architecture is less flexible because changes in one
part of the system can have ripple effects across the whole system,
making updates and maintenance more challenging.

2. Reusability:
- Modular: Modular architecture promotes reusability of components.
You can use the same modules in different systems or projects.
- Integral: Integral architecture may have limited reusability because
components are tightly integrated and designed for a specific purpose.

3. Complexity:
- Modular: Modular architecture can be more complex due to the need
to manage and coordinate interactions between modules.
- Integral: Integral architecture can be simpler in terms of structure but
may become monolithic and hard to manage as the system grows.

4. Scalability:
- Modular: Modular architectures can be more scalable as you can
scale specific components independently, making it easier to adapt to
changing requirements.
- Integral: Integral architectures may face challenges in scaling, as all
components are closely linked.

In summary, the choice between modular and integral architectures

depends on the specific requirements of the system. Modular
architectures are often preferred for complex and evolving systems,
while integral architectures might be more suitable for simpler, tightly
integrated systems where flexibility and reusability are not as critical.
4.Explain the steps involved in establishing product architecture

Establishing product architecture is a crucial step in the development of

a new product. It involves defining the structure and design of the
product to ensure it meets the desired functionality, performance, and
quality standards. Here are the steps involved in establishing product

1. Define Requirements:
- Begin by gathering and documenting the product requirements.
These can include functional, performance, and quality requirements, as
well as any regulatory or safety standards that need to be met.

2. Conceptual Design:
- Create a high-level conceptual design of the product. This involves
defining the overall structure and key components of the product.
Consider various design options and alternatives.

3. System Decomposition:
- Break down the high-level design into subsystems or modules. Each
subsystem should have a well-defined purpose and interface with other

4. Identify Interfaces:
- Define the interfaces and interactions between subsystems or
modules. This includes specifying data, control, and communication
interfaces. Clearly document how these components will work together.

5. Component Selection:
- Select the components or technologies for each subsystem. Consider
factors such as cost, availability, performance, and compatibility. Make
decisions regarding make-or-buy options for components.

6. Design Verification:
- Conduct a design verification process to ensure that the selected
components and subsystems align with the product requirements. This
may involve simulations, modeling, or prototypes.

7. Architectural Trade-offs:
- Assess trade-offs and make decisions regarding performance, cost,
and other factors. For example, you may need to decide between using
off-the-shelf components or custom-designed ones.
8. Risk Assessment:
- Identify potential risks associated with the chosen architecture, such
as technical, schedule, or cost risks. Develop mitigation plans to address
these risks.

9. Documentation:
- Create detailed architectural documentation that describes the
product architecture, including diagrams, specifications, and design
rationale. This documentation will serve as a reference for the
development team.

10. Review and Validation:

- Conduct a design review to get feedback from stakeholders and
ensure that the architecture meets the requirements. Make any
necessary adjustments based on the feedback.

11. Prototyping and Testing:

- Develop prototypes or proof-of-concept models to validate the
architecture. Testing can help uncover any issues or design flaws early
in the development process.

12. Finalize Architecture:

- Once the architecture has been validated, finalize the design. Make
any necessary refinements based on the feedback and testing results.

13. Detailed Design:

- With the architecture in place, proceed with detailed design for each
subsystem or module. Create detailed drawings, specifications, and
plans for manufacturing or software development.

14. Implementation:
- Start building the product based on the established architecture and
detailed designs. Ensure that the development team follows the
architectural guidelines.

15. Continuous Monitoring and Iteration:

- Throughout the product development process, continuously monitor
the progress and make adjustments as necessary. Be prepared to
iterate on the architecture to address unforeseen issues.

Establishing a solid product architecture is essential for the successful

development of a product. It provides a structured framework for the
development team to follow and helps ensure that the final product
meets the desired specifications and quality standards.

5.Explain the various steps involved in scoping product development

Scoping product development is a crucial phase that helps define the

objectives, constraints, and requirements of a new product or feature. It
lays the foundation for a successful development process by ensuring
that the team understands what needs to be built and why. Here are the
various steps involved in scoping product development:

1. Define the Problem:

- Start by clearly identifying and articulating the problem you want to
solve or the opportunity you want to seize. Understand the pain points or
needs of your target audience.

2. Set Objectives and Goals:

- Define the high-level objectives and goals you aim to achieve with
the product. These should align with your business strategy and address
the problem you've identified.

3. Conduct Market Research:

- Research your target market and competitors to gain insights into
customer preferences, industry trends, and potential opportunities.
Understand the competitive landscape and customer expectations.

4. Create a Product Vision:

- Develop a clear and compelling vision for the product. This vision
statement should describe what the product will look like, who it's for,
and why it matters.

5. Define Scope Boundaries:

- Establish the boundaries of the project by specifying what's in scope
and what's out of scope. This helps prevent scope creep and ensures
focus on the most critical features.

6. Prioritize Features and Requirements:

- Identify and prioritize the key features and requirements that must be
included in the product. Use techniques like MoSCoW (Must have,
Should have, Could have, Won't have) to categorize them.

7. Develop User Personas:

- Create detailed user personas to understand the needs, behaviors,
and motivations of your target users. This helps guide feature
development and design decisions.

8. Gather Stakeholder Input:

- Involve key stakeholders, such as executives, product managers,
designers, and developers, in scoping discussions to ensure alignment
and collaboration.

9. Consider Technical Feasibility:

- Evaluate the technical feasibility of the project. Assess whether the
required technology is available and the development team has the
necessary skills.

10. Set a Budget and Timeline:

- Establish a budget for the project and define the timeline for
development. Consider resource constraints, funding, and time-to-
market goals.

11. Risk Assessment:

- Identify potential risks and challenges that could impact the project's
success. Develop risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans.

12. Create a Scope Document:

- Document all the scoping decisions, objectives, goals, feature
priorities, user personas, and constraints in a formal scope document.
This document serves as a reference point throughout the development

13. Review and Validate:

- Conduct a review with key stakeholders to ensure that the scope is
well-defined and agreed upon. Make any necessary adjustments based
on feedback.

14. Communicate the Scope:

- Share the scope document with the development team and other
relevant parties. Ensure everyone understands the project's scope and

15. Refine as Needed:

- Keep the scope document flexible, allowing for necessary changes
as the project progresses. However, changes should be carefully
managed to avoid scope creep.
16. Create a Project Plan:
- Develop a detailed project plan that outlines the specific tasks,
responsibilities, and timelines for each phase of development.

17. Kick-off the Development:

- With a well-defined scope and project plan in place, start the
development process with a clear understanding of what needs to be

18. Monitor and Adjust:

- Continuously monitor the project's progress, making adjustments as
needed to ensure the scope remains aligned with the project's objectives
and goals.

6.Explain how you will Plan and establish product specifications in new
product development

Planning and establishing product specifications is a crucial step in the

new product development process. Product specifications outline the
detailed requirements, features, and characteristics of a product, and
they serve as a reference for product design, development, and testing.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to plan and establish product
specifications in a new product development process:

1. Define the Purpose and Objectives:

Start by clearly defining the purpose and objectives of the new
product. What problem does it solve? What customer needs does it
address? Understanding the product's purpose will guide the
specification process.

2. Identify Stakeholders:
Identify all the relevant stakeholders, including product managers,
designers, engineers, marketing teams, and end-users. Ensure that
everyone involved in the project has a say in defining product

3. Market Research:
Conduct market research to understand the competitive landscape,
customer preferences, and industry standards. This research will help
you set realistic specifications that align with market demands.

4. Regulatory and Compliance Requirements:

Research and identify any regulatory or industry-specific standards
and compliance requirements that the product must meet. Ensure that
the product specifications include these necessary elements to avoid
legal and safety issues.

5. Product Features and Functions:

List the features and functions that the product must have to meet the
identified objectives. Prioritize these features based on their importance
and relevance to the target market.

6. Performance Requirements:
Specify the performance parameters of the product. This may include
speed, efficiency, capacity, and any other quantitative measures of

7. Materials and Components:

Detail the materials, components, and manufacturing processes
required for the product. Ensure that these materials and components
are readily available and cost-effective.

8. Design and Aesthetics:

Define the design and aesthetic requirements for the product. This
includes aspects such as size, shape, color, and user interface design.

9. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI):

Specify the user experience and user interface requirements to ensure
that the product is user-friendly and meets the expectations of your
target audience.

10. Testing and Quality Assurance:

Outline the testing procedures and quality assurance standards the
product must meet. This includes testing criteria, reliability, durability,
and safety measures.

11. Cost Constraints:

Set budgetary constraints for the product development process.
Specify the acceptable range of manufacturing and development costs.
12. Timeline and Milestones:
Establish a timeline with milestones for product development,
including key dates for design, prototyping, testing, and production.

13. Document and Communicate:

Document all the product specifications in a clear and organized
manner. Ensure that all stakeholders have access to these
specifications and can provide input or feedback.

14. Iterative Process:

Understand that product specifications may evolve throughout the
development process as new information and insights emerge. Maintain
open communication among team members and be prepared to make
adjustments when necessary.

15. Review and Approval:

Have a formal review process for the product specifications, involving
key stakeholders and experts, to ensure that everyone is aligned with
the requirements. Obtain approvals as needed.

16. Continuous Monitoring:

Continuously monitor the development process to ensure that the
product is being built according to the established specifications. Make
adjustments as necessary to stay on track.

8.Explain the related system level design issues while developing

product architecture

1. System Requirements:
- Clearly define and understand the requirements of the product. This
includes functional requirements (what the system should do) and non-
functional requirements (how it should perform in terms of reliability,
performance, scalability, etc.).
2. Stakeholder Input:
- Gather input from all relevant stakeholders, including customers,
end-users, and internal teams, to ensure that the product architecture
aligns with their needs and expectations.
3. Functional Decomposition:
- Break down the system into its functional components and modules.
Define the relationships and dependencies between these components.
4. Trade-offs and Constraints:
- Identify trade-offs and constraints that may affect the product
architecture, such as cost constraints, time-to-market pressures, and
resource limitations.
5. Technology Selection:
- Choose the appropriate technologies, tools, and platforms for
implementing the product. Consider factors like compatibility, scalability,
and long-term support.
6. Scalability and Extensibility:
- Design the architecture with scalability and extensibility in mind, so
the system can grow and adapt to changing requirements over time.
7. Interoperability:
- Consider how the product will interact with other systems, both
internal and external. Ensure that the architecture supports necessary
interfaces and data exchange protocols.
8. Performance and Reliability:
- Address performance and reliability requirements. Determine how to
handle error recovery, fault tolerance, and system redundancy if needed.
9. Security:
- Identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities in the product
architecture. Implement appropriate security measures to protect data
and ensure the system's integrity.
10. User Experience (UX) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI):
- Design the system with user experience in mind. Consider usability,
accessibility, and the overall interaction between users and the product.
11. Compliance and Standards:
- Ensure that the product architecture complies with relevant industry
standards, regulations, and best practices.
12. Prototyping and Testing:
- Consider the need for prototyping and testing at the system level to
validate design decisions and identify potential issues early in the
development process.
13. Data Management:
- Define data storage, retrieval, and processing mechanisms. Address
data synchronization and management requirements.
14. Software and Hardware Integration:
- If the product involves both software and hardware components,
design how these elements will interact and communicate effectively.
15. Documentation and Communication:
- Establish a clear documentation strategy and communication plan to
ensure that all stakeholders have access to the necessary information
about the product architecture.
16. Change Management:
- Plan for how changes to the architecture will be handled as the
project progresses. Establish a change control process to manage
updates and modifications.
17. Risk Assessment:
- Identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies to address

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